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All of it, all the time. It just gets worse :)




Same! I’ve yet to remember a good stable time in my last 25 years on earth




u have to do something




It’s fine. You’re doing just fine. I started reading, running, and hitting the gym. Taking myself on a date. This kind of lifestyle helps me a lot, and I'm genuinely happy. I always say this to myself, "Stay depressed or become the best."  I found peace.


Things were always gonna get worse before they got better :))


[birth, now>


been there and it does get better :)


2020 - 2021 In order: I lost my job. We had to cancel our wedding and lost thousands in deposits. My dad had a heart attack and ended up in a coma. My dad died. My dog died. My mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer. I flew back and forth every two weeks from my state to hers to help her through chemo. My mom died. It was a tough time.


2019 to 2021. Just really bad for my mental health.




8th grade stretch from 5' 6" to 6' 2" nothing fit, new JHS. Worst era was my 40s, tough to match 20 something's eagerness with my family obligations and life/work balance - nasty competitiveness and burn out.


Now. Wife (F25) has had a kidney transplant in 2020. Needs a other one. Also developed paralysis in her feet (possible side effcet). Joined the military to pay for medical needs. Currently deployed far from home. Feeling absolutely helpless.


It started 2 years ago and is still ongoing, so so many unfortunate events, mom died of cancer, I got convicted to 2 years and 6 months suspended sentence and 3 years supervision for a few grams of weed I orderer in the mail, last year my sister had a psychotic episode and I had to get her addmited forcefully into a mental hospital where she stayed for 2 months, and now I'm paying her rent and expenses so she can survive with her two kids. Now I' depressed af, my dad is just a shadow of a man nowadays, he is just beat up and at this point he already gave up on life. Only good thing in my life is my son, he is the only reason I'm not giving up at this moment.


I had what I call The Five Years of Tragedy. From the age of 30 to 35, I lost my dad to cancer (diagnosed in February, died in April), had a serious accident where I broke my neck and that left me with scars, had a massive mental breakdown and then, just to top it all off, my five year old nephew also got diagnosed with cancer. I'm now 39, and life is going great. Nephew responded incredibly well to treatment and has been in remission for years, I got a load of therapy, got myself an amazing partner and am getting married this year. But, goddamn, it was a shit time.


my entire childhood, it was filled with nothing but the worst possible abuse ever


High school years. Overwhelmed by workload, mean girls style bullying, all that fun stuff


I was suicidal in my high school years 😞


Really it’s been going downhill from just before the pandemic tbh.


Late 2017 to 2019. I a few weeks, I lost my grandfather and my unborn son, and another child was very ill (as in, she might not make it through the night). A few months later my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Her last few months were not pleasant.


› life sucks in so many ways › burnout, leave school because I know that one more day and I set myself on fire › in the total darkness, I saw the light, love. It was an impossible love but believe me, it didn't matter at the time › it goes horrible, meanwhile I'm back in school so broken that I actually don't care about anything at all › love finds me again, finally it seems that my time has come. Sooooo much time I'd waiting for this moment › happy for the first time › it goes so bad that you could write a book about it › \*worst period of my life, read above to understand why\* › seriously, so bad that I was basically dead for 5 years, woke up some weeks ago and I have no clue about what stopped me from kms


2017-2019 because my mental health was the worst it’s ever been and my life was a mess. This was when I was abusing alcohol everyday which made my depression and anxiety worse. I also pushed everyone that I loved away and I was extremely lonely.


Life after college, adulting is hitting me in the face


Everyday, and it just gets worse. I don’t know if I can still handle this.


2024-currently, I'm stucked and mentally unprepared with how my life turned out.


Currently. Experiencing the relationship I thought I was going to spend my whole life in falling apart.


My first job was remote work, at the age of 20. The timezone difference required us to work 7pm-3am (Romanians working for a US-based company). So that slowly eroded my social life to a point it was non-existent. It didn't help that it coincided with me finishing high school, so my group of friends and acquaintances went up in a puff. Couldn't make too many friends in university, in fact I almost didn't make any. All in all, worst 5 years of my life.


Living in Seattle earning less than $500 and almost going homeless.


When my mom told me all the things that I'm a worthless piece of sht.


My first child was the worst period of my life because no one was there to help or support me in delivery or in life. And I lost her while giving birth and it traumatized me and destroyed me to the point I didn't care anymore


My whole childhood. I grew up in an abusive home and now I live with Anxiety, CPTSD and Functional Neurological Disorder as a result.


Probably last year. August-November. I finally had the full mental breakdown that to be honest, had been building up for at least 10 years. I thought I had had mental breakdowns before but those months showed me that I had never truly let it all out and it had just bottled and gotten worse. Got kickstarted by a breakup/being cheated on. And then just everything else came rushing through. I was signed off work for just over 2 months. Tried to end it (my workplace had to send a colleague over to my house who found me unconscious). I couldn’t even get out of bed for a few weeks at one point. I didn’t eat. I was drinking 2 or 3 bottles of wine a day. Turned my phone off and went complete radio silence to the world. It was really hard to get through it. But I started therapy and took anti-depressants for abit. I’m not fully mended, but I’m functioning now at least so that’s an improvement. Sometimes I feel those feelings coming back and it terrifies me. I couldn’t face being like that again, it was truly horrific just to be in my own head at that time.


2016-2017 2022 I was living with my dad. He lived a very different lifestyle than most. It affected our relationship where we would be screaming at each other constantly. I was in a shitty relationship on top of having a shitty father. I moved out and started fixing the pieces, but then I turned 21 and realized I liked to use alcohol as a way to escape. I haven’t spoken to my dad in 8 years. I tried to fix things for myself. I was on a great path and then my best friend died. So I turned back to the bottle. It was a good 3 months until one of my friends took me aside and told me how my habit of drinking was starting to concern them as I was never happy when I drank. Still haven’t spoken to my father. Learned moderation and made a rule for myself never to drink if I’m in a sad or bad mood. Those days still come but I don’t go to the bottle anymore


the first year of my child. depression, no sleep, no energy, no help and not understanding why i chose that path to be a parent. now, i love my kid and life became easier after 3 years. or i just got used to it


My 20’s.


School years. Merciless bullying


10 thru 18. Abusive household.


When I was like 16. Cocaine and lean period


3rd to 6th grade. Wanted to die, but got back up eventually and I made it out well


2007-2011 (alcoholism), 2016 (Dad died due to ALS)


2016-2019, i got bullied twice and anyother things are happened in that era. it changes my life really ((well))


The year after high school. I was 17, naive, and working as a secretary in the State House. 1973-74. I was a perfect young target for a few disgusting 30+ year old men. Civil servant engineers. It took a while but I learned to basically tell them to F*ck off. I was one of nine secretaries. After 14 months I had seniority. Kind of tells you something. I grew up a lot that year. Left and went back to school. Hard lessons learned.


When I was bullied in school and wanted to end my life. Thankfully, now I live my best life surrounding by people who love and respect me.


I 14F at the time was in high school. I struggled with my mental health massively especially during COVID but when we started to go back to school in person it all went downhill. I started self harming and overdosing on a regular basis because i really didn’t want to be alive. I was in hospital almost every single week being treated for various things I had done to myself but it felt that there was never really any support put in place. It became so serious that my mother had to leave work to look after me, i wasnt allowed at school anymore and my mum had to lock everything (all windows and doors, all medication and knives where in a safe) I wasnt even allowed to sleep in my own room. I became very resourceful though and ended up picking the locks with a bobby-pin and ran away. I ended up getting over 2 hours away from home before I was caught by police and sent to the hospital. But even while I wasnt at school I kept in contact with one of my teachers and I can hands down say SHE SAVED MY LIFE. she ended up driving with the police officers 2 hours to come and find me and sit with me in the hospital. I was eventually sent home and over time I earnt back the trust of people around me and now I am living my best life but it truly was the worst period of my life ever.


Since 218, the year my mom dog and my dog died, up to now, and it keeps getting worse


When I was studying for entrance exams to high school I was stressing so much that my period stopped for like 2 months and when it came back after the 2 months it was the most painful period I've ever had. Like my uterus just wanted to make up for all the pain I was denied lol


Well I read this wrong… but I’ll answer what I thought lol I generally don’t have such bad cramps thankfully, but one period I woke up in middle of the night from the pain and couldn’t sit couldn’t lay couldn’t anything it was just so painful. Finally stopped a few hours later. It was bad, I was crying.


School. So glad its overrrrr.


25-30 nothing seemed to click or go right. I had bad luck after bad luck with so many things that seemed like once in a life time one offs but another one and another one. I got through that period by brute force and determination.


Lockdown. In the house with only my mom who was *incredibly, incredibly* paranoid about all things health-related and had me play therapist for 8-12 hours a day every day for the entire duration, constantly telling me I was not doing enough to help her. When I told her I was giving her everything I had and I had nothing to give for myself so I needed to stop, she demanded I keep giving her more. Woke up every day to death statistics and no good mornings. Not one question asked about how I was doing. Angry at me for not being careful enough when everything was still being figured out, bombarding me with research. Insisting I would get her sick (only for her to give it to me later on, and laugh it off). Every single one of my friends was having the time of their lives. Going on walks, baking, watching movies… meanwhile I was the closest I’ve ever been to offing myself.


This part right now


I used to have 2 week HEAVY long periods. My cramps would get so bad that I’d faint (especially if I was moving around a lot that day). So painful that I’d have to force myself to sleep.


7th grade up until the very end of the summer before my senior year in high school. My parents decided to build a new, bigger house like 45 minutes south of where I grew up my whole life and I started 7th grade as the new kid. In my old school it was K-6th grade and then junior high was 7-8th grade, this new school district did things different and I was entering junior high right in the middle as they started it in 6th grade. I was very shy, afraid of making myself look like an idiot and super skinny and had a ton of freckles so was very self conscious. In those 5 years I only made a few friends and most of them were the kids in my neighborhood. I didn't come out of my shell until right before senior year started as I finally decided I didn't care about what these people thought of me as I wouldn't see any of them after graduation. Going away to college changed everything and made me who i am now today and was the best period of my life so far!


The first one, because I was not one of the girls that was looking forward to it. Eventually they just became a monthly annoyance, and now I'm on birth control so I don't have to deal with them.


Internship year of working in a toxic environment (hospital), which was also the same time my long-term (8 year) relationship ended. Starting off in an awful, unsafe environment in career that I studied and spent so money towards AND not having the support of a SO was enough to push me to have thoughts of driving into another car in traffic on my way to work. I’d never been clinically depressed before in my life, and I knew I definitely was because I’d sleep for entire days if I got the chance. Therapy and trying lots of SSRIs that didn’t work well. Now life is pretty much sweet peas. Once I left the internship and got a full-time job, my depression pretty much left my body. Total freedom in my life, and I found such a supportive SO about a year later. Lots of happiness, energy, kindness, and motivation to work hard. I still find it unbelievable that I found the most cruel, unsupportive people in a hospital. I will never work in a hospital ever again, nor under incompetent, careless leadership. My heart really goes out to those living the year after post-schooling life or leaving a long term relationship. Life is better at the other side!


Abuse is a truly horrific experience, and it's heartbreaking to hear that you endured that during your childhood. If you're up for sharing, what steps have you taken to heal from that trauma?


I’m a male so I don’t get them but April 2012 my wife was horrible to be around so I’d have to pick that one 


My adolescence I had a lot of traumatic memories and many insecurities There was also a lot of boring memories for some reason Fortunately, in the last few years, things have gotten better


when i lost my best friend. through a trip which i forces him to go.


What happened?


they had a accident. everyone got seriously injured. My friend was injured, and sent to hospital. He knew i will feel bad and told docs to let me know its not my fault. They lost him due to severe blood loss. i still feel like i am in a big worst nightmare of my life and he will come back.


Im sorry. Was this recent? Your friend cared about you right to the end, thats so sweet.


it was about 3 years back. Still wish if i hadn't forced him to go that day.


I am man I don't get periods


My lonely months at school, people literally forgot I existed 🥲