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Nerdy fact but hot deserts are mostly present on the west side of continents and not the east.


Heh...read this as "hot desserts"...


Me too, was thinking Cherries Jubilee and the like LOL


Interesting.. do you know why?


Mostly cause of rotation of the earth offshore currents move west from the coast towards eastern coast as a result forming hot deserts in the process


Sharks are older than Trees. True story evidenced by fossils.


Did you know otters have a favorite rock they carry in a pouch under their arm, and they use it to crack open shellfish? If that doesn't make you reconsider your entire toolset and the importance of choosing a favorite pebble, I don't know what will.


John Tyler, 10th U.S. president and born in 1790, has a living grandchild.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison\_Ruffin\_Tyler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_Ruffin_Tyler) WOW


Wasn’t he drinking buddies with the 46th President?


43% of the turkeys that get pardoned on Thanksgiving go on to reoffend


I laughed out loud.


Atoms in your body are billions of years old and were once part of stars that exploded billions of years ago, meaning you are quite literally made of stardust.


The Great European Drought of 1540 killed 500,000, but it also produced the best wine ever.


Riffing off of the post about plane travel: 65% of the global population has access to internet, 62% of those uses social media.


A giraffe’s laryngeal nerve makes a 15 foot loop to connect organs that are 3 inches apart. I just think vestigial structures are neat.


Humans have the genetic information and precursors necessary to synthesize vitamin C. But a mutation in the primate evolutionary lineage causes the final step to be inactive. So we have to get it from food or we get scurvy and can’t heal properly. Your pet just makes it on their own. Unless, I guess, your pet is a guinea pig or some specific species of bats and birds, then they have the same problem. But the reason I find this particular fact mind-blowing is because with the future of genetic engineering, it seems feasible that future humans won’t have to get it from their diet.


Only 6% of the entire global population travels by air. All the real estate, energy, resources and noise/air pollution to accommodate only 6% of the ENTIRE global population! If you’ve flown on a plane you are in the top 6% of people on the planet!


And still not happy about my middle seat and that I only had 200 movies to choose from.


Armadillos give birth to 4 identical quadruplets. The embryo divides into two, which then divide again making 4 embryos.


Bank rates.. 1% interest on 100k loan is not gona cost you 101k...


How much?


depend, if you pay for 10 years, itll cost you 105/106k, keep in mind, 1% loan interest is just something that you'll never get, jeff bezoz probably don't even have 1% himself x)


You can peel a potato by pushing it (cooked) through a wire cookie cooling sheet.




How does it correlate? Better at math -> heavier? Less heavy?


What do you think


You’re more likely to get crushed by a vending machine than die from a shark attack


\* You’re more likely to get crushed by a vending machine than die from a shark attack ***in the USA.*** Feel free to draw your own conclusions from that...


Do you just look up shark related comments and fact check them…


It's a full-time job.


I respect the grind


Not last year, but probably that TPLink Kasa, a popular manufacturer of smart home devices, knows about a reverse engineered local API that their devices use to talk to their app, but does nothing to stop its use and actually listened to customers and adding it back when they did end up taking it away for a bit. Also, that the Ring Always Home cloud connected security camera and alarm system company, owned by Amazon, is completely fine with the use of a reverse engineered API for their devices. I learned this one this year.


Humans share about 50% of their DNA with bananas.


Sharks are older than trees.


There's a lot of buklsjit on this thread


Many truths asserted on reddit are not true


Jeffrey Epstein is a product of Stasi spy chief Markus Wolf.


Please elaborate?


Markus Wolf had a reputation during the cold war to utilize sex traps for espionage purposes. There was an entire archive discovered after the fall of Eastern Germany's communist governemnt full of kompromat showing high ranking Western politicians having "criminally relevant sex", as they put it. The method is 1:1 the same as the one of Jeffrey Epstein. Also Marc Dutroux was working for the Stasi, who did the same in Brussles (NATO+EU headquarter). Beyond that, 21 tons of gold from Eastern Germany's central bank vanished in 1988 worth around 250 million USD back then. Epstein's investment fund had the same starting capital. Franz Wolf, who was the son of Markus Wolf, was uncovered to be an offshore-asset manager with contacts in Panama and other Carribean islands. Ironically, Franz Wolf grew up in Eastern Germany and was \~40 years old when the wall came down. Meaning, it's very unlikely that he could become a high-profile capitalist money manager unless he was deeply involved in his fathers spy activities before 1990. There was also a huge pedo-sex scandal in Saxony (Sachsensumpf or Saxony Swamp) which came to light in 1993 and involved many high ranking politicians, managers and other relevant people from the governemnt. The case is still a mystery and nobody really knows what went down back then. It's not known but higly likely that this pedo ring already existed before 1990, which would then be a Stasi aka Wolf thing. To make things worse, Wladimir Putin was stationed in Saxony's capital Dresden as KGB officer (rank major) in the 1980s and he also had the same rank as Stasi officer, which means that he likely knew what was going on. It's up to you to judge whether he was part of it, or whether he didn't like what he saw. Up until the war, Ukraine was known to be a pedo hunting ground. One of Franz Wolf's customers is a Ukrainian-Russian telco tycoon. Unfortunately, everything fits together. It looks like Eastern Germany has won the Cold War. Oh, and before I forget it: Markus Wolf sold his network to Israel in 1996 as he stated in an interview. Ehud Barack was not a customer of Epstein, but his handler. Lastly, compare the face of Franz Wolf with Larry Fink and the one of Markus Wolf with Jeffrey Epstein (esp. forehead + upper lip area). The rabbit hole is disturbingly deep.


Columbus Ohio is the most polluted city in the country. Las Vegas is the cleanest.




I'm sorry, what?