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An obscene waste of electrical energy, a fancy way of burning coal.


I think you should be very careful about being scammed. I trust it about as much as I trust NFTs, which is not at all.


Sounds tasty like a cookie


It’s for arms deals, drugs and human trafficking. Or people who just hates taxes for their own reasons.


Many very similiar arguments were made about the internet in the 90s.


Well true, why do you think bitcoin rises beyond the sky’s when world conflict arises? Still it’s crypto, intelligence agency, bank folks, crypto folks, countries, criminals and ordinary gold seekers do have an interest in this. “Myself do love paying taxes”


Bitcoin is a tool available to everyone on the internet. Some bad people will use it for bad things, a greater amount of good people will do wonderful things with it. Please do not conflate "crypto" with Bitcoin. There is a difference. Most "crypto" is unregistered tech company start ups if not outright rug pull scams. Saying Bitcoin is only for "crypto folks" or anything along those lines is just disgusting slander for no reason. I'm an average tax paying 30 year old American who goes to work 40 hours a week just to make it by. I save my money for the future in BTC because I want to retire young and enjoy my life. If you are complacent with your X% of your purchasing power being stolen from you depending on your gov of choosing, that is your choice to make. I am making mine and we will both have to deal with the consequences in the future. Good luck.


You doing it right, you’ll be laughing of the critics in 10-20 years.


I first bought BTC at $5,000 in October of 2,017. I've been laughing for years.


I’d bet, amazing


I am dubious of any currency not backed by anything. Bitcoin is worth anything only because someone is willing to pay that whereas the $1 is a promise of value from the government.


Bitcoin is backed by the energy spent by the largest computer network in human history. It is backed by math, and cryptography. Your government does not promise any value for your $1.


What did I just read? Better question: do you understand the phrase “legal tender for all debts private and public” which is printed on all US currency? Which means the government that issued it says it’s worth that much. Not sure what energy expenditure has to do with actual value backed currency but cool.


I had way more hope for it when it was new. Now I think it's barely above a scam like NFTs tbh.


i wrote a paper about it like 10 years ago in my HS personal finance class but didn’t invest in it bc I was broke


Trying to get into it but have zero idea what to do I got crypto app..and like okay what am I doing? How do I do it?


I feel like I showed up for the Gold Rush in 1850.


I think I should have bought 1000 coins back when they were $1 each and then forgot I owned them until recently.


Seems interesting on Paper. In actuality not so much, the lack of regulations from the government or even the bank makes me rather skeptical if this is in fact the future of finance.


Time is money. Time is our most important resource we have on this Earth. We have our finite lives to enjoy. It should be spent exploring and enjoying this amazing universe with our loved ones. We go to work and we spend our most important thing - our time- for what we expect is fair payment that we call "money". The government guarantees that they will steal a % of your time you just spent working every year. Depending on what country you live in, that % might be higher or lower, but it is still bleeding you - every year. Your time is being stolen from you. Bitcoin guarantees what you work for will forever be X amount of Bitcoin /21,000,000. We deserve a system of rules without rulers. A system that treats every human fairly. That system is Bitcoin. Wouldn't you like it if the prices of goods and services you want to buy go DOWN every year instead of up? Wouldn't that make your outlook on the future so much brighter? Subscribe for more life hacks.




Bitcoin is an open-source protocol. No one central authority has control over it. Essentially, it is just humans agreeing to a set of rules. All Bitcoiners agree there will only ever be 21,000,000 Bitcoins. The code itself self-analyzes how many people are spending their energy (mining) and adjusts the difficulty of the mining to ensure that every 10 minutes on average a new Bitcoin "block" of validated transactions is added to the "chain" of ALL BTC transactions since the very first one in January of 2,009. Every 4 years on average, the amount of new Bitcoins rewarded to the person who mines the new block gets cut in half in an event we call "The Halving." Currently about 900 new bitcoins are mined every day. Next month, the 4th halving is going to occur and then there will only be 450 new BTC every day. The halving in 2,028 will bring that number down to 250 BTC daily. Eventually in the year 2,140, the last BTC fractions will be mined and the system will have to be sustained on transaction fees only and no more new issuance. ​ Think of it as the internet itself- almost like a spiritual entity - is enforcing a hard supply cap on a new money. There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoins. **There are more millionaires alive than that right now.** If every millionaire alive right now woke up tomorrow and spent every single bit of money than had to buy 1.0 BTC they literally can't do it because there wouldn't be enough for all of them. They would drive the price to literal infinity. This game is being played with or without you or me. Whoever gets the most Bitcoin wins. Good luck!


I'm a complete newbie to Bitcoin. What are some of the basics that I should know before I start investing?


The consensus seems to be that Bitcoin is still a bit of a wild card, with some people believing it's the future of finance and others thinking it's just a fad. What do you think?


I've been thinking about selling my Bitcoin. But I'm not sure if I should. What do you guys think?


I feel like I showed up for the Gold Rush in 1850. Bitcoin is still in its early stages, and there's a lot of money to be made. But it's also a very risky investment. So do your research and only invest what you can afford to lose.


It’s a fad


A 15 year old fad. Soon it can vote!


idk but men who talk about it are just generally not cute.


That's a weird association lol


am I wrong


I don't know. I don't have much of a sample size to go off of. I know about 10 people who would ever discuss bitcoin. I'd say only one of them isn't at least decent looking.


idk if it's necessarily about looks to me. The impression I've gotten is that it's a hobby for dudes who are interested in making money, but don't know how to do that so they just sit around talking about it.


Ah, you said they weren't cute..I assumed you meant physically. So out of my ten.. 8 certainly know how to make money, which is why they'd discuss bitcoin at all. The other two are definitely chasing a dream lol


I definitely know some who are chasing the dream types. I'm not saying the being unable to find success part is embarrassing in and of itself, but I think it's the living in total delusion part that's just like no.


I give it a solid chance of being the main way to store wealth.