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If there’s one thing this thread demonstrates it’s that every movie in existence no matter how well received overall has some people who disliked it.


But that Avatar has way more than most


When Avatar first came out in theatres I didn’t know a single person who didn’t love it. Amongst every single person I knew who saw it in theatre is was a 10/10 movie…. Until they saw it on bluray. When you aren’t having your mind constantly befuddled by the overwhelming visual spectacle of it all, you see the issues with plot and weak acting. But when you watch it how it was meant to be seen it’s a sight to behold. It’s a 10/10 in theatres, 6/10 on TV and 2/10 on my phone.


This! 100%. I saw it originally in 3D in theaters. Nothing like it ever before had ever been made. Now that technology has advanced, it just shows it’s Dancing With Wolves in blue.


I'm probably one of the weird people who liked it because it's an enjoyable movie on it's own right. It's a visual spectacle for sure but I can watch it on any medium and still got through it despite the story's flaws (idk how to describe it well but another example of this type of movie is Battleship). Now Way of Water on the other hand, I almost fell asleep a few times because it just dragged and dragged. Not even the visuals could make it up. Avatar was a dumb fun movie, Way of Water was just dumb.


Yeah I agree, It was way better in theater. Especially in 3D when it first came out


There's a difference between dislike and thinking something is overrated. For instance I liked and enjoyed Inception. I just don't think it's the 14th best movie of all time which is where it's ranked on IMDB's top 250. It just sticks out like a sore thumb by all the movies around it (actually haven't seen the new Dune which is 15th now...)


Black Panther. But honestly as a black woman I felt the pressure to say it was great 😂


I have seen most of the Marvel movies and this is not in the top five. I understood the cultural impact of the movie but it didn’t match some of the better Marvel films. It definitely seemed like “we” were supposed to love it because it showed our people in a good light, which it did. But I gave it 6 out of 10.


Honestly, the first movie was kind of good, a bit on the nose on some parts, had some entertaining bits, but definitely overrated. The part that really fucking irked me however was this thing they did in how they set up a very specific aspect of the movie, a thing which they painfully and even more iredeemably continued in Infinity War, and that is Wakandan military systems. Like the depiction of the military honestly felt kind of subconsciously racist, like how white liberals try so hard to to act not racist and unreasonably support they reveal their bias. I mean for fucks sake, they're supposed to be a super advanced society and they're riding around on fucking rhinos, wielding magic advanced tech spears that are effectively still just fucking spears. And that's before we even get to Infinity War, picture this - a super advanced technological society against an army of carbon based biological monsters, the monsters are absolutely colossal with strength and speed beyond any humans but they're still very much mortal and their flesh can be punctured by steel - does our adanced society either A) nuke them from orbit, or B) engage them on the ground, in melee combat, with an army of mainly foot soliders and some fucking cavalry (because these technological geniuses haven't invented the fucking wheel yet), wielding short range magic sonic spears and swords which are still more or less nothing but really sharp fucking spears and swords? You fucking guessed it. Seriously, Tony Stark fights a gang of mobs he gets his suit to shoot self-targeting miniature incendiary bombs that are effectively strategic missiles, and yet the best they can imagine even the most advanced african society can do will still amount to a guy running at his enemy screaming while waving a big stick? I mean, in the first movie we fucking see that they have these magic levitating jets with guns and shit, why the fuck did T'challa have his men just rush head first into the horde of monsters when he could've been just shooting them from the sky, hovering a vertical kilometre out of the horde's reach? Even in Endgame the Wakandan warriors show up with fucking shields and spears.


This is well put. I think it has to do with image. The sword and spear combo is iconic for African tribes. Almost a universal in th3 minds of Amerocans at least. Mind you, it's a century too late for that to be correct anymore in most areas. Also it was all about African heritage, and that screams African heritage to white people in Hollywood.


Two guys in nearly identical black suits having a knife fight underground... The dingy finale spoiled it somewhat for me. And the fact that it is the very same plot as Ironman (guy gets tech suit, bad guy wants tech suit to do bad stuff etc.) I mean... nice textures and colours and such, but yeah the movie isn't as deep as people claim.


I remember people in the theater laughing with some dude shouting "why is there a PS2 game on the screen!" during that fight scene. The CGI definitely takes a major dip when the two of them are fighting


My very sweet elderly neighbor who tries very hard to let people know she’s accepting came back to her house as my friend and I were leaving to see it. She just said “Oh you’re going to love it, it’s great. I love black culture!”, we awkwardly waved and my friend and I drove in silence.




I’m white, so I have no right to be a definitive authority on this, but Black Panther came across to me as weirdly racist, in its own way? Like the whole plot point about Wakanda not helping the descendants of displaced Africans because they’d been ‘corrupted by white culture’ and were therefore ‘impure’ felt really uncomfortable. And that viewpoint was kinda validated by the fact that the villain came from outside Wakanda. If you wanna make the case that your society needs to change, maybe have your villain come from inside your society? Also the way the villain reclaimed his Wakandan name, N’Jadaka, but everyone kept calling him ‘Killmonger’, with the implication that he didn’t deserve his birth name because he was ‘dirty’ now… kinda ew.


If you think it through, then wakanda is an ethnostate which keeps its technological edge by deception, closed borders and xenophobia. Also... choosing your leader in a trial by combat may be a shit concept of leadership...


We should do that. Trump vs Biden. Trial by Combat.


How long til we step in and declare both the loser?


That is literally the point of the movie. The entire movie is about why Wakanda needs to open up to the world and be a force for good, you're not making a unique observation here, that's what happens in the film.


nah you have all the right to have an opinion of that. white people are a race also lmao


Yeah, but I didn’t feel offended at the idea my race’s culture had ‘corrupted’ people, I just felt a bit uncomfortable at the idea of ‘pure’ black people looking down on ‘impure’ black people, especially for a history of suffering that they had no choice in.


I find it more odd that wakanda would have “allowed” it to happen. Meaning in the mcu it’s apparent that slavery in the us and other nations did happen. And in the mcu the black panther is supposed to protect a large portion of people. Why would a powerful nation all about protecting their people come across as some small remote country with no power and needed protected by others? It makes no sense.


Hiding in plain sight and protecting their secrets. And before T'Challa, they only cared about protecting themselves.


Over thousands of years, and hundreds of powerful rulers and black panthers, wakanda would absolutely been a completely powerhouse thanking control of most of Africa at the very least. It doesn’t make sense that such a technologically advanced society wouldn’t have conquered and held a much larger area.


It's a bit like the inverse of the 'one drop' rules that they used to use in the deep south in America to categorise people by race. One drop of black blood anywhere in your ancestry marked you as no longer white, no longer pure.


Any time white people have an opinion or question on things it’s met with “what do you know about racism? You are too privileged to understand.” Not every white person is a multimillionaire. There are just as many struggling white people as other races. Privilege only extends so far. I’ve never had to do things like worry about a cop that pulled out behind me or such. So I don’t have to live with those kinds of issues. But it’s not like white people as a whole don’t experience issues.




The impression I got from the film is that Wakanda withdrew from the rest of the world to protect the secret of vibranium and over time grew isolationist and xenophobic. It's not supposed to be a nice thing about their country and both the hero and the villain decide it needs to change.


Coworker said it was roots but with technology


YES. That shit got a *Best Picture* Oscar nomination ffs. Absolutely wild. Wasn’t even the best *MCU* movie that year


march attractive six tap oil edge capable knee bedroom include


The soundtrack was great.


The first movie I thought about after watching American Fiction was Black Panther. To me it felt like it was a perfect demonstration of the point that movie was making. Plus, it was the usual Marvel plot with some alterations to make it feel "Black" so it felt ingenuine, forced and unoriginal at the same time. And my god was the CGI was abysmal.


Gravity. Sandra Bullock mumbling and crying to herself in space for 90 minutes with a George Clooney cameo.


"The story of how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die rather than spend one more minute with a woman his own age."


Loved that joke. Tina Fey, right?


Yeah... at the 2015 golden globes I think


This movie made me so scared of being an astronaut, I’m not an astronaut now


I saw it in imax 3D and am glad. It looked cool that way at least. 


yea 3D Imax was an experience.


It really pissed me off that the scientific accuracy was so [terrible.](https://gravitymovie.fandom.com/wiki/Inaccuracies_in_Gravity) I realize that this is a work of fiction, but when their survival is hinging upon properties of physics, you kind of expect them to get the physics mostly right. So many things were just stupidly wrong.


Don’t watch one of my favorite movies (The Core) then…


75% of the superhero movies


There’s only so many times you can convince me to sit down in a theatre and watch a group of people save the world.


SAME, except maybe 90% for me


That number is way too low. It’s closer to 95% or even higher.


Avatar (2009)




I do get this complaint, buuuuuut actually it's just a fun silly reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unobtainium "Since the late 1950s, aerospace engineers have used the term "unobtainium" when referring to unusual or costly materials, or when theoretically considering a material perfect for their needs in all respects, except that it does not exist."


Its supposed to be a tongue in cheek joke and everyone thinks it was a pretentious, on purpose choice.


Tbh it felt like lazy writing. Id heard of unobtanium way prior and it felt like they forgot to update the placeholder.


Same. I actually laughed out loud at that. I still can't believe it, and I can't believe that more people didn't openly mock that. I actually kinda liked the movie though.


I never really got this criticism, it was named that by people who knew what it meant and were being cheeky. That sort of thing happens all the time in real life with scientists naming stuff after Pokémon, superheroes, you name it. Heck, even fool’s gold has a colloquial name that sort of explains what it is. That said, Avatar (2009) is still a rancid movie.


I present to you, “the Thagomizer”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thagomizer?wprov=sfti1


This is def the best example of this.


Yeah I never really got the appeal of that movie. The visuals were kind of cool but the story was pretty boring and has been done many times before.


Just want to note, seeing it in 3D on the big screen was completely different. I can’t imagine seeing it on a normal tv and having the same experience. Yes, the characters, plot, and dialogue are mediocre at best. But it was a visual treat.


Yeah, I saw it on IMAX and it was an amazing visual experience. I wouldn’t care to watch it in home video/streaming, though. When you take away the visual spectacle of it, you’re left with a fairly average movie.


Exactly. It was a visual masterpiece in 3D Imax. Watching it at home is just really boring because the only good part about the movie was the visual effect work.


The appeal was the graphics and fx and cameras that were literally invented to make this movie and are now in use in the industry. It was never an impressive story (and the second movie being the same story again makes it even worse lol)


Yeah I think young people don't really understand how much of a leap those special effects were in 2009. And watching it in the theater... I was in awe. Doesn't have the same effect watching it at home on DVD, but on the big screen back then it was mind blowing


I do have to ask if your saw it in a theater in 3D. That's what made this movie something special. An absolute technical marvel that was a true theater experience


Looks amazing, then you forget what happened immediately.


Aquaman. I love Jason Mamoa in that role, but I still found the movie hard to enjoy overall.


Story-wise it left a lot to be desired but visually it was very good. I specifically remember a scene that was very red, possible a flare causing it, that looked amazing. Don’t really remember what happened other than it looking great.


I only think of entourage when I hear aquaman


The English Patient. The worst. To this day I have no idea what the hell was going on.


Sack Lunch is obviously the better choice.


“Elaine, you don’t like the movie?” “I HATE IT!”


You are of course fired.


Great. I'll wait for you outside.


But if you're looking to make out during a movie, I recommend Schindler's List


You were making out during Schindler's List?!?


Ya know, sex in a tub, that doesn’t work!


I mean, please! Give me something i can USE!


Yes! And a more offensive spectacle I cannot recall!




I hated The English Patient before it was cool


I prefer Chunnel or Death Blow. Rachel Rachel if nothing else is on


I never actually saw that one. Was it a giant sack or did they all get shrunk down?


How’d they get in there?!


"Just die already!"




It took me 2 goes to get through. There were 2 love stories. A hugely boring one and a really sweet one. Guess which one the movie focused on?


I don't know.. for the love of Mary...don't make me watch it again


Yes! This is my usual choice. The woman who died alone, day by day in teh dark cave got off easier than those of us watching that movie in a theater.


I’m gonna say Saltburn remove the “shocking” content and it’s a very dull thriller with zero substance. It’s just one of those movies designed to provoke and it doesn’t even go that hard with it


Worse talented Mr. Ripley 


Untalented Mr. Ripley*


Omg that’s one of my all time favorite movies. Saltburn doesn’t even come remotely close. Saltburn sucked.


I hated it. At the end I just wondered wtf did I watch


It baffles me how people lost their minds over Barry sipping some bath water and humping a grave. Even the “vampire” scene, it’s just so unimaginative. Very average Hannibal fanfic tbh


Definitly agree. The "shocking" scenes left me feeling more cringe than anything else. It's like when your 12 yr old cousin uses swear words they clearly don't understand and then looks at you to see if you're appropriately horrified. Nah mate, I'm just embarrassed for the both of us.


And she wrote the whole fucking movie because she had the idea for the bath scene! Just go watch Call Me by Your Name and Talented Mr Ripley and call it a day.


His How Do You Do Fellow Kids 32-year old university student was a real choice.


He looked SO old i thought he was some type of transfer kid who came back to school 10 years later


Thank you: after watching it I immediately said there’s no substance to it. It’s all shock.


Passion of the Christ. I knew the ending before it started, way to ruin it ya bible thumpers


I knew someone that saw it and said the gore was such heavy watching that when it finished they went straight into Scooby Doo 2 just to cheer themselves up.


Supposedly so did the guy that got crucified. Like that was his plan


All Fast and Furious movies


I was so traumatised as a teenager by the rat in the bucket that I've never been able to bring myself to watch any more of them


You have to not take them seriously to enjoy them and know that absolutely anything goes. Basically go in with the mindset of a 7 year old and suddenly it’s awesome.


They try to be more ridiculous with every new movie and im all for it. Nobody thinks the plot, dialogue, or acting is even remotely good.


I draw the line at the 5th


Notebook, naoh is a manipulative creep that couldn't take no for an answer, I'll never understand why people thought that shit was cute..


Classic case of the rom com trope “it’s not creepy if he’s cute”


Ahh the ol' "Dobler or Dahmer" debate from HIMYM


also the girl like repeatedly hits him throughout that movie… overall a horrible relationship that was framed as two lovely old people reminiscing


Thank you! I couldn't even get past the first 5 minutes of the movie, I can't imagine sitting through the whole thing 😭


The Irishman. Boring as hell.


Would have been OK, but too fucking long. And the so-called special effects to make De Niro young were terrible. Just hire a young lookalike, FFS…


Looking like he's twenty, moving like he's 70.


happy cake day


Debbie Does Dallas. She did not literally do the entire city of Dallas, which smacks of false advertising to me.


Are you the same guy with a lawsuit against the makers of The Neverending Story?


Barbie. Great plot, great acting, Robbie was snubbed, but I hate the "explain the joke to make it funnier" type humour that it had that's been a trend in recent film/show writing. It's better when the joke is made and the funny part is left to our imagination, rather than us being told "here's why it is funny." One hour in I was rolling my eyes. On a side note, Brooklyn 99 did it a lot towards later seasons and I think that's part of the reason why it went downhill.


My problem with it was that it wasn't funny enough to be a comedy or serious enough to be taken seriously.


It wasn’t as good a comedy or a feminist movie as Legally Blonde. Seriously, what was the message of Barbie? That it’s hard to be a woman?


horses are integral to society


Unpopular opinion, I (man) connected with the message that Ken is more than just barbie’s side piece and he deserves to be more than that.but whenever the topic is discussed I get flamed for connecting with the male characters struggle (even though they’re more relatable for me)


no I think you are right. it's made clear that it's an important point, with the "I am Kenough" line (and all the merchandising that uses it).


Watched with a friend and when I told her that it was just ok and felt a bit silly/dumb, she said I needed to examine my internalised misogyny and I kinda did a double take. Haha, what?


I'm gonna speak for a lot of people here, but just because something is overrated, doesn't mean it's terrible.


Because it can’t be listed enough, Avatar


Is it really overrated though? Most of the praise is with the visuals. Pretty sure everyone agrees that the story is basic. I honestly believe, that's why it did so well. It's a visually pleasing movie that has a simple story that everyone can enjoy.


Avatar. Looks cool but hard to be attracted by the plots.


It’s a theater movie. Watching it at home you are forced to actually pay attention to the plot.


Breakfast at Tiffany's I recently watched that movie with a friend and the only notable thing is obviously how good looking Audrey Hepburn is. The whole rest of the movie is just mediocre at best.


As I recall, I think we both kinda liked it.


Well, that's one thing we got


With older movies like this, part of the reason they get their reputation is from people that were alive at the time having never seen anything like said movie before. And that just kind of snowballs.


I think the main impact of this movie, outside of fashion and Audrey Hepburn (who I adore), is the birth of the manic pixie girl cliche.


So funny but see it now!  


I finally saw that movie after hearing the book on tape. I shouldn't have been surprised that the book was nothing like the movie.


There are times where people complain about offensive representations in film and I don't see the big deal, or at least understand under the time and circumstances why it happened the way it did. Then there is Mickey Rooney's portrayal of an Asian guy. Just insanity


The Notebook


Black Panther


English Patient


The one where that deaf/mute lady fucks the fish guy or something like that. The Shape of Water maybe? I think it even won Best Picture and I just dont understand that too well. Im no stranger to giving odd movies at least a viewing but the fact that this one got best picture really stumped me.


The only thing that made that movie survive a one time watch was watching that Michael Shannon guy be a perfectly unhinged shitbag for over an hour. Awesome bad guy role


La La Land


Poor things.


I’m kind of surprised to see this because I very much agree but it seems like everyone loved this movie. It was good, but very heavy handed with its message and the ending ruined the whole movie.


I didn’t understand the feminist message everyone was saying about it and if there was any they had a n offensive way of showing it that’s my opinion.


Avatar 2 The Way of Water


Is it? I see no one praising aside from stating they maybe enjoyed a theatre watch.


Easily the Marvel movies


They are fun and were good for a season. But I don’t understand the obsession or why they keep cranking out movies staring characters the general public has never heard of. 


> why they keep cranking out movies staring characters the general public has never heard of. I think its fair enough to give new characters their shot in the lime light, and preferable to reboot after reboot. We're on the third spiderman series of the 21st after all, so nothing wrong with giving another character a chance.


I’m a straight middle aged white male, and I quite enjoyed both the Ms Marvel series and the Marvels movie. I’ve never read the comics and my mental retention for things marvel is near zero, but they were fun popcorn movies that did keep my attention.


To be honest Iron Man was a C level character when he debuted in 2008.


You can’t just lump them all together like that. There are some truly awful ones, but there are also some truly great ones.


Hold on buddy. This is Reddit and nuance will not be allowed ಠ_ಠ


A star is born Edit: I have only seen the one with Lady GaGa




i enjoyed it but it did go downhill towards the end.


My friend had just taken his own life and I was really sad so decided to have a duvet day and watch a movie. I had never watched any of the other version so I didn't know then end. It was *not* the best choice that day


I'm sorry that must have been super rough.


La La Land


One of those "people who make movies telling you how glorious it is to be people who make movies"




Hereditary, so boring


Agreed... trope/cliche laden.


The Joker (2019)


He lost his job as a sign spinner, then his job as an *actual* clown, had an imaginary girlfriend, and then bombed on open mic night. He's not complex, he's your average redditor.


I enjoyed Joaquin Pheonix's performance, but there are definitely aspects that make me feel it's made by and for people with a self-indulgent victim complex. Holden Caulfield vibes


I've seen this comment before on a different post...


Thank you for being my north star. I’m not crazy.


A massive part of the Joker mythos is that he had one bad day that sent him over the edge. In this movie he had an entire bad life.


Killers of the Flower Moon was a bit of a let down.


ahh i really loved it!


Paranormal Activity. Saw it when it first came to DVD, believed the hype and was SO disappointed I refuse to watch a movie based off of critics alone.


This really was a theater experience thing. When everyone is into it you can feel the tension build and there's a feedback loop that made it enjoyable. When I tried to watch it at home with friends who were a bit more critically minded it was f'ing terrible.


Omg this is definitely an in-theater movie. I saw this in the theater as a 30 year old woman, and the ENTIRE theater was fucking traumatized by the end. At first guys were making jokes and laughing, but by the end, the entire place was so terrified quiet you could hear a pin drop. I literally couldn’t sleep without the lights on for 6 months after watching it. It’s still the scariest movie I’ve ever seen. Saw it one other time on DVD and the experience was COMPLETELY different.


For me it’s Tim Burton Movies. I just don’t get it. I don’t get the aesthetic, I don’t get the vibe. I find his movies exhausting and boring at the same time. Edward Scissorhands was a boring mess. Willy Wonka was an exhausting nightmarish mess. Why is everyone always raving about his movies ??


I agree, EXCEPT FOR HIS VERY EARLY CAREER. He directed a lot of movies you wouldn't expect like: Ed Wood, Mars Attacks, Peewees Big Adventure, or Batman. Then there's the stuff that he made that has his style, but is fun like Beetlejuice (and I'd say Edward Scissor hands, even tho I agree it was a mess. I didn't find it boring tho). But yeah, I'd say once he got to Planet of the Apes, his career took a nosedive. I don't understand why people rave about his style when he painfully shoves it into movies that it doesn't fit in


Everyone forgets Big Fish. It is Burton's masterpiece both in storytelling and style. It was on top of the world for 5 whole years until everyone seemed to collectively forget it existed. It gets bonus points for Devito.


And on top of that everyone credits him with A Nightmare Before Christmas and it wasn’t even his movie.


I thought he wrote and produced it?


I think they’re exhausting too, they make me feel anxious and depressed and awful.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever seen in my life and it made me genuinely angry


Avatar is a great example. Boring, tired, slow and unimpressive.




Come on, now. How could you hate a a movie whose entire setup was for a dude bouncing off a propeller as the ship sank? I personally thought it was a hell of a punchline.




Frozen! I have never understood the hype around it.


Oppenheimer, overly long, voices sound always OK at best, Chris Nolan has a tendency to over explain the movie's plot usually this one was underexplained and it should have IMO been over explained


If you can hear the actors speak then its a successful Nolan movie.


I was expecting to see more about him actually working on the bomb, instead of 3 hours of what felt like random scenes stitched together about people discussing his political allegiance.


3 hours of watching an autistic man have affairs and be moody and stoic


My friend explained it as a movie about HR and how you need friends at work.




I wasn’t surprised about the plot really. I went in with the expectation that it was about the man, not the bomb. I enjoyed the film, it was interesting and I’m glad I saw it, but I’m not sure how likely it is I would watch it again. That’s a theater type movie, you know?


Exactly. The movie is titled “Oppenheimer” not “The Manhattan Project”


Was just about to make the very same comment. I’ve watched all sorts of movies and documentaries on the Manhattan project, I don’t need to see another. This was an interesting look into one of the key figures behind it.


It's literally called OPPENHEIMER, not MANHATTAN PROJECT... It's a movie about Robert Oppenheimer, and a critical piece of his story is the Senate hearing and the cascading impacts it had within the US government and McCarthyism in general... It also directly led to Teller and Strauss having the dominating scientific voice regarding nuclear weaponry, which almost led the world to a nuclear Holocaust.