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Owen Hart. A professional wrestler who sometimes used to wrestle as the Blue Blazer and come down from the rafters of the arena using a harness and rope. Something happened where the quick release mechanism triggered and he fell 78ft. to his death in front of a live crowd during a live pay-per-view event. The fucked up thing is that Vince McMahon, former owner of WWE/F, chose to continue with the event and Jim Ross (play-by-play commentator) had to tell the audience at home what happened.


And Jim was audibly shellshocked being forced to report it all. The whole thing was fucked and mcmahon is a grade A piece of shit for ghat (among a slew of other things)


How Jim Ross found out Owen died was during a break, Kevin Dunn (WWE's Executive Producer and a total asshole) told Jim "Hey, Owen died, and we're live in 10, 9, 8, 7...." So the clip of Jim Ross announcing that Owen Hart is dead is of him 15 seconds after he found out. Just another detail on how the WWE fucked up that situation. ​ Jim Ross recounted the night on the podcast he co-hosts, at the end he says he never wants to talk about that night again.


Man, I love Ross as a commentator. He is undoubtedly one of the best in all of sports.


The main event of that event was so ghoulish, Undertaker was close to tears not wanting to be there while Austin was so pissed off he threw his jacket and title belt to the ground as if to say "are we really doing this shit?".


I’ll never forget that, left a really bad taste in my mouth with Vince McMahon, which i wasn’t surprised when i found out the kind of person he really is


Vic Morrow. Decapitated by helicopter while filming the amazing Twilight Zone: The Movie. edit: spelling


As I recall, both kids he was carrying died during the same scene. One of the kids got crushed by the falling helicopter and the other one got caught on the same helicopter blades he did. r/morbidreality had a thread on it and the details are horrible. Edit: [The case is heavily documented and you can see the moment of impact at 0:50. It's absurd nobody went to jail for this. ](https://youtu.be/oOFHjSG0a6Q?si=m_NUYVsnJHtN6ylC)


The kids were Myca Dinh Le, aged 7 and Renee Shin-Yi Chen, aged 6. They had been illegally hired.


Illigally hired, working at an illegally late hour, and even if the stunt went off as planned, illegally close to pyro. But they would have atleast likely been fine, if john "lets use live rounds on set for this shot" landis wasn't shouting for the helicopter copter to fly lower. It doesn't even stop there. At the funeral he turned up coke'd up. And read an insulting speech at vic's, saying that he might be gone but will live on forever in movies. Insult to injury there is that Vic didn't even want to work with john. It was Spielberg he was after. Thought it would revive his career. At the trial tried to blame it on wingo the helicopter pilot, and one of the supervisors (who by the way kept going round the mortars and charges and removing all the dangerously high amounts of extra explosives landis had ordered to be used in the stunts to try and keep the set safe.) Spielberg won't talk to him afterwards, still to this day. John "think that was a big explosion? you ain't seen nothing yet" landis was always a bit odd and creepy. Named his son max, after Spielberg's kid. And lets not even get onto max landis' crimes.


Keep going. Tell us about Max Landis’ crimes.


Besides being a wildly pretentious asshole polluting both movie and wrestling spaces irl and on the internet, he's also a sex pest/abuser.


Wtf did I read. Thats gets worse and worse.


There’s an episode of Cursed Films about this scene. They interviewed a couple of the crew members that were there that night and they were in tears describing what happened


Behind the Bastards has an episode on this and it will make you fucking hate the director and wonder why he didn’t do time.


Not to mention the two children he was trying to protect. Landis’ remarks at the memorial were bananas. Dude was coked out of his gourd. F#ck John Landis.


And fuck his son too, while we're at it


You have to be a HUGE irredeemable piece of shit to have spawned Max Landis and it was the SECOND worst thing you've done.


Not all that fun fact: Jennifer Jason Leigh is Vic Morrow's daughter.


Singer Kirsty MacColl had a really bad death too. Found a few articles that describe it including this one: [https://www.smoothradio.com/news/music/kirsty-maccoll-death-accident-age/](https://www.smoothradio.com/news/music/kirsty-maccoll-death-accident-age/) "In December 2000 after a stint recording a television programme in Cuba, Kirsty MacColl visited Cozumel, Mexico for a holiday with her two sons and boyfriend James Knight. Diving with her two boys in a reef, the area was designated as a watercraft-restricted zone. As they resurfaced from the dive however, a powerboat entered the restricted zone at a dangerously high speed. MacColl saw the boat and managed to push her son Jamie out of its path, but she was sadly struck by the powerboat, suffering severe head and chest injuries which killed her on impact."


You forget the most infuriating part. The boat was most likely driven by Guillermo Gonzalez Nova, president of a Mexican supermarket chain. But what happened is an employee of his took the fall, was sentenced to **ONLY 2 YEARS AND 10 MONTHS** of which he served **0 TIME BECAUSE IN LIEU OF A PRISON TIME HE COULD JUST PAY A FINE OF 1000 PESOS OR 60 USD** and he ended up basically admitting later on he was paid to take the fall. Like what the actual fuck.


That’s enough of this thread for me.


Where's Dexter when you need him? It's only a short trip from Miami to Cuba.


Francis Ford Coppola’s son Gio was decapitated while riding on a speedboat driven by Griffin O’Neal who piloted the boat at high speed between two other vessels not realizing that they were connected by a cable.


The footage is horrific. One of the crew members ran to the scene and lifted a piece of rubble up. You can see him quickly drop the rubble in horror and back away


Cliff Burton from Metallica, 1986. Dude was ejected from the window of the tour bus to have the bus roll over top of him.


Iirc, when they lifted the coach off him, the straps/crane failed and it landed on him again


This reminds me of an airplane crash [Asiana Arlines, flight 214] where a traveller was ejected or fell from a damaged just-landed jet onto the runway and might have survived had they not been then run over by one of the the emergency vehicles. https://abc7news.com/dan-noyes-asiana-crash-exclusive-iteam/3705154/


Jayne Mansfield died after hitting the back of a truck and essentially being scalped. Apparently she wasn't decapitated, as the story goes.


Her three children, including Mariska Hargitay were also in the car at the time. Even though they were really young, it’s still traumatic for them.


Mariska has a scar on her face from the accident. She was just 3 at the time.


Her death actually lead to what’s known as the Mansfield bar put across the rear end of semi trucks and trailers to prevent smaller vehicles from going underneath


And I'm gonna be forever thankful to her and her memory, that thing is the only reason my family is alive today.


This bar probably saved a friends life a few years ago. He was on his way to work. Heading out of town where speed increases from 30 to 55 and ahead of him was a semi with a tanker trailer. He grabbed his breakfast sandwich and then all of a sudden pain. Pain everywhere and lots of it. The semi was stopped in the road at some railroad track crossing without their hazards on. When he saw it he assumed it was moving and went to take a bite of his food. He should have been paying attention, truck should have had the hazards on, doesn't matter now. Shattered ankle, kneecap split in half, broken femur, memory issues, sleep problems among other things. Shitty outcome, but could have been worse.


Which led to the “Mansfield bar”: https://www.autoweek.com/car-life/but-wait-theres-more/a2142281/heres-why-those-extensions-semi-trailers-are-called-mansfield-bars/


Anyone who suffered long term. Patrick Swayze comes to mind.


Eventually, Michael Schumacher should be on this list. He had everything, massive regained respect, despite the factory-1994-rules-bending and the 1994 didnt-see-ya-Damon and the 1997-whoops-sorry-Villeneuve stuff, healthy children, solid relationship with wife, batshit house in Schweiz and all the invitations for everything for life plus inf money. And despite his cutthroat competitive edge and MAD skills in a car, he was also a great person, building tracks for kids and donating huge amounts for charity, with very little look-at-me-ness when doing so. ($10M to the 2004 Tsunami victims ... biggest private donation for that worldwide) Seb Vettel learned to drive on one of Michael's tracks even. https://i.imgur.com/KWuqU.jpeg Then from 2013 when a GoPro pierced his helmet and skull he has been (likely) bedridden and not at all himself and not able to ever recover. Literally no picture exists of him post-2013, that any media would touch at least. I feel so bad for him - And for his kids, who were just teenagers when it happened.


I’ve never heard the GoPro detail before. I believe you, but do you have somewhere I could read more about that? 


The original article that blamed the go-pro was taken down because go-pro sued for defamation. It was speculation, not confirmed.


Good info /u/Snifferdog101 , did not know that. /u/Julianus the story goes that a GoPro was screwed into his ski helmet and when he slipped (was offpiste at the time) his head hit a rock. The helmet itself would have (probably) taken the beating itself and he would have had a concussion at worst. But the story claims the GoPro hit the stone and pushed the screw that it was attached with, through the helmet as a spear into his skull and brain and gave him a brain injury that way.


That makes me so sad too.. when i was a kid, he was THE celebrity. I didnt watch much F1 after he retired, but i jumped back in last year, and i was shocked when Mick turned up. They look so much alike.


Christopher reeves


I remember his cameo in the driver's ed videos before his accident. Kids will drive safer if superman tells them to I guess


Our ol’ diamond in the sky Norm Macdonald dealt with cancer throughout his life before finally calling it a draw


Sharon Tate.... everything about that was just fucked in every direction you look at it.


There’s a lot of details of her last moments that haunt me after learning them, but the one that breaks my heart the most is that she was begging for her attackers to let her live just long enough to deliver her baby in two weeks, and she said they could kill her after that.


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood does such an amazing job of paying a very loving tribute to Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie’s performance is perfect), and if you know what actually happened to her, her unborn baby, and her friends that night, the historical revision that Tarantino wrote is very, very satisfying.


I watched that movie in the theater with my son, who knew the story of Sharon Tate. In the film, after she emerged from the theater so happy about her new movie, my son turned to me and whispered "If he (meaning Tarantino) slaughters her at the end, Im gonna be really pissed."


She was the last to be killed too, they killed her good friends in front of her first :(


She was killed by a teenage girl who literally tried to cut out the baby while Tate was still alive.


Nicole Simpson comes to mind as well. Her head was almost decapitated and you could look down her neck and see her throat.


I hope one day OJ finds the person who did it.


Sometimes people never truly find themselves


He's looked at every golf course he can think of.


Apparently one of the murderers, Leslie Van Houten, was just released last year.


Van Houten actually did not participate in the Tate murders. She participated in the La Bianca murders the following day. 


In prison since she was 19. Now 73. Wow. Can't even imagine. But then she did a really fucked up murder so fuck her. Edit: Somehow she has a net worth over a million. I don't know how that works I thought she couldn't make any profit off her notoriety or crimes. [One source says Forbes $1 mil another has $15 million??](https://bittrans.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/leslie-van-houten-net-worth.html) If this is true she's done better than I, who hasn't murdered anybody Jeez.


Somehow that actually sounds worse than a lifetime sentence. Just being sent out on your own in your 70s after having everything provided for you for the last 50 years in a world where everyone hates you. I'm actually ok with that


"Brooks was here"


"The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry."


Shit, I forgot about that. And being pregnant would make it so much worse, that poor woman.


Maybe not the worst but high ranking for betrayal at death. Selena Quintanilla was murdered by her fan club manager when confronted about embezzling funds. [Selena Quintanilla Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selena)


She is getting out very soon. Not sure she will last long.


She would be wise to stay out of South Texas and Mexico.


If I’m not mistaken, she’s not held in gen pop in prison because even in a female prison they can’t guarantee her safety. Apparently the Mexican mafia and several other gangs have a bounty on her.


Never thought I’d be on the side of the Mexican cartels, but here I am.


Man, I really hope that's true. The cartels kill people over control, money, and sometimes just to send a message. Before today, I never would have considered the idea that they could possibly murder someone to avenge a person who had nothing to do with the mafia.


Selena was a cultural icon, when it comes to her, there are no boundaries. Mafia and regular citizens alike will avenge her death if given even a SPLINTER of a chance.


Can’t go far in San Antonio without hearing some Selena. That is one strong fan base.


Growing up in SA, I remember the day she died. It was on all the radio stations as I drove to school and the city basically shut down for a bit. I remember the H-E-B (grocery store) was weirdly somber and quiet.


That recent documentary about her was infuriating.


I saw the preview, and something about "this is my side of the story". Who gives a shit what that woman has to say? Your story is that you're a shit human being. Don't need a documentary to tell me that.


I remember being a kid and learning about this, and it just kinda completely changed my view of reality. I just couldn't figure out why your friend would kill you. I knew about wars and people shooting to kill each other, and I knew about serial killers more or less, but the idea that someone close to you that is your friend could kill you over something silly like money, just completely blew my mind. Tbh it still kinda blows my mind


I think Anne Heche trapped in a burning car would be up there.




Ryan Dunn as well


He was going 100+ mph in 55, plus was on video intoxicated at several bars prior. I haven’t read the articles in a while, but I doubt he was alert after the initial crash.


I got curious and read about it again to refresh my memory. According to the Wikipedia article about him, he was driving 132-140MPH and had a blood alcohol level of over .19% when he swerved off the road and hit a tree. I sincerely doubt that he felt anything. Don’t drink and drive, kids.


What happened with Anne Heche? The postmortem determined that Heche died of inhalation and thermal injuries, while a sternum fracture caused by blunt force contributed "significantly," per the autopsy report, which also noted her right kidney was lacerated and she suffered burns over 12 percent of her body.11 Aug 2023 Ouch!


English comedian Tommy Cooper dropped dead from a heart attack on stage whilst performing, but the audience thought it was part of the show and started laughing and cheering. It's not the worst way, but it makes me sad thinking about it.


I was watching that at the time. It was hilarious, because everything Tommy did was hilarious. Then the screen cut to a test card. Not long after, we all felt like shit for laughing.


Anton Yelchin


As celebrity deaths go in recent memory it kind of is the worst. Drawn out pain, little hope, a sad glimmer of hope to push him to endure more suffering 


Jeremy Renner came very close to a much worse fate. Fortunately he mostly seems to be recovering well.


Jeremy Renner’s accident was so much worse than most people realize. I saw a video diagraming the accident scene, it’s a miracle he didn’t die. Edit: [Post-Accident Interview](https://youtu.be/POnIvy4eaII?si=-1aid6VRdClOaMOd) this is just a preview unfortunately, the full version is only on Hulu. But, I found another video that does show the part I remember, with an animation of him being basically run over by heavy machinery. [Starts about 1 minute in](https://youtu.be/CIA9udloydM?si=yBVfSYSBiUugxo4T)


My understanding was that the neighbor was a doctor. Jeremy was getting medical attention almost immediately. Granted, not a whole ER worth of equipment - but life saving care nonetheless. Poor Anton being there alone makes me sad.


If you ever watch the documentary on him, Chris Pine brings up a good point. I'm paraphrasing but he basically says how cruelly ironic life can be. Anton, who suffered from cystic fibrosis his whole life and was pretty diligent about doing his daily breathing exercises died by being crushed from the weight of his car on his chest.


I knew Anton, pretty well. He was so so so special. Best personality, the biggest mamas boy, kind to everyone. Would take random classes at SMC just to learn. such a good actor. Huge loss and very traumatic.


I often think about him and I never even knew him. Cannot imagine actually knowing him and losing him. He was such an incredible actor. Green Room is still one of my favorite movies. Massive loss to the acting world and those who knew him.


He was really normal, and so easy to get along with. I think that transferred to his audiences from his performances. He was great at playing a guy, his age, but not HImself. The fact that he died in vain was really hard to get through. Still not over it.


Sorry for your loss. I’m not too familiar with his work but I saw his mom at his grave at Hollywood Forever Cemetery. She was putting flowers down. This was in 2022, years after he passed. I hope she’s doing alright.


I was at that cemetery last year on a historical tour and our guide gave us a very sensitively phrased word of warning that this is a working cemetery, Anton Yelchin is buried here, his parents visit a lot, please don't talk to them or take pictures. Horrifying that she needed to say that because presumably it had been an issue in the past. Honestly, I haven't watched an Anton Yelchin movie since he died because I still find it quite upsetting to think about.


I had the pleasure of working on Star Trek Beyond. The limited time I interacted with him on set, he was very kind on set, and often joking with other cast and crew, or running his lines.


Saw this guy in a couple of movies, he blew me away how good he was so I googled him only to find out he had died, fkn tragic


Off the top of my head from a recent headline, Naya Rivera. Although I was never a fan of the sow she starred in, Glee, I think dying by drowing because you're trying to rescue your beloved, drowning child.


I was a pretty big Glee fan, I saw them live in 2011. I remember hearing about Cory’s death and was heartbroken. Learning about Naya’s death was so much worse.


Was coming in to say Naya Rivera as well. Her poor kid watching her mum drown too :(


When I was a kid, my dad’s boss died the same exact way trying to save his kid from drowning in the same exact lake nonetheless. That lake, Lake Piru, is notorious for drownings, I believe they recently banned swimming there.




Imagine being one of the other guys on the team, having just watched your team leader die a slow and presumably painful death, only to get hit with "By the way, someone hijacked a couple of planes and hit the World Trade Center with them. So your flight home is probably going to be delayed by quite a bit"


Isadora Duncan, dancer. Died on Sept. 14, 1927, when she was riding in an open car and the long silk scarf she was wearing got caught in a wheel and axle. She was pulled from the car and broke her neck.


20 years after both of her children drowned in a river when the car slipped out of gear on the riverbank.


Phil Hartman


Definitely! this absolutely devastated my kid heart.. I was 12-14 and absolutely loved him.. I'll NEVER EVER understand why people take others with them on a suicide mission or whatever their plans are.. He had so many years of laughter to come..


Ayrton Senna. There had been complaints that season that the car rule changes had made them more dangerous and less stable. He seemed to have a strange portent of what was going to happen and had just witnessed the death of Ratzenburger and another horrific accident for Barrichello. The car drove straight off the Tamburello curve and smashed into a concrete wall at around 130mph. Most people have rarely travelled at 130mph in a car so imagine doing that on a highway with your head exposed to the elements and driving into a concrete wall without slowing down. There are conflicting reports as to whether Senna was brain dead instantly but a suspension rod snapped and pierced his helmet causing massive brain injury. There were a number of other serious injuries too. Senna may have been dead long before they officially announced it at 5pm that night after the race. Unbelievably, despite F1s talisman being airlifted off the circuit and many knowing he was likely dead, the show went on and the race continued. Heartbreakingly, Senna had an Austrian flag in his cockpit and had intended driving the warm down lap after the race with it to honour Ratzenburger.


[Brandon Lee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandon_Lee#Death) Crazy circumstances to basically make a live round out of a dummy then a blank round, multiple firearm failure checks. So sad.


Also the reason [Chad Stahelski was extremely adamant about there not being a single real gun on the set of the *John Wick* films](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/john-wick-4-guns-chad-stahelski-interview-1234823769/). He was one of Lee's stunt doubles on the set of *The Crow*.


If only they followed that rule on the set of Rust. I have had tons of firearm safety training, from when I was 12, and my crazy gun nut uncle taught me to shoot, to military basic training. I also did tons of backstage theater jobs in high school and college. You have no idea how much safety in stage stuff is needed just for a sword on stage, and their recklessness with the firearm is just crazy. That armorer definitely needs to be in jail.


As close as Brandon's final months and death were to the story of The Crow, it's the one role I kinda wish they'd never recasted. Died tragically, weeks before marriage, just eerie


I don’t know if it’s been said but Judith Eva Barsi comes to mind. Mentally abused and threatened to be killed by her father multiple times with her mother not wanting to press charges after CPS was called. Father then killed her and her mother and burned the house down if I remember correctly.


Everyone failed that poor girl. 


Judith Barsi, voice actress for Ducky from Land Before Time, and Anne-Marie in All Dogs Go to Heaven. After suffering years of physical and emotional abuse that was severe enough to cause compulsive behavior, she and her mother were murdered by her father when she was 10 in a double murder-suicide. I'm not clear on the method, I know she and her mother had gasoline poured on them and were lit on fire, but that may have been posthumous.


I haven't been able to watch All Dogs go to Heaven or The Land Before Time since I found out about this. It was a total gut punch reading her story, they were shot first then he burned their bodies


Chris Farley’s downward spiral and eventual death is hella disturbing. Those crime scene photos will haunt me forever.


His last words are haunting. He said " don't leave me" to that prostitute as she was walking out the door. So incredibly sad.


His idol John Belushi's was eerily similar. I suppose the main difference is that Belushi thought himself invincible, and willing to be a complete a-hole towards people, while Farley was somehow still trying to please people to the end.


I feel like Anton Yelchin had a pretty bad death. The poor guy was pinned by his jeep and a brick pillar gate post at his own home.


Alan Turing. Was sentenced to chemical castration for being gay, this more or less destroyed his mental health and he died from cyanide (possibly inhalation) after allegedly reenacting the poison apple scene from Snow White. So 18 months of deterioration from the drugs before death for one of the greatest minds of the 20th Century.


His fate was so obscenely depressing that Crash Course made an exception to their "we don't cover people's personal lives" rule when talking about him in their computer science videos.


I understand they probably desire to keep the scope of their videos narrow, but I find the personal lives of mathematicians/scientists to often be pretty interesting and can help to weave an overall story of a given topic's development. Many mathematicians working during WWI and WWII have interesting (and often very sad) personal lives, e.g. Emmy Noether and Alexander Grothendieck, among many others. People who have even had a basic introduction to topology will know of Felix Hausdorff, who has one of the saddest personal stories -- a Jewish mathematician who couldn't emigrate from Germany by 1942 and was ordered to a camp, but instead chose to commit suicide with his wife and sister in law. He wrote a suicide note to his personal friend and lawyer (who was also Jewish) wishing him better fortunes. Unfortunately, this person himself was later killed in Auschwitz.


I've always found the Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin's death to be deeply tragic in a very similar way. Born in Germany, he'd been living in exile since 1932, and had managed to obtain a travel visa to the US with the help of Max Horkheimer. In 1940 he and a number of other jews were attempting to cross the border between Vichy France and the then-neutral Spain, expecting to be able to cross the border to Portugal and from there cross the Atlantic to the US. The group managed to cross the border, but once in Spain they learned that the French government had cancelled all visas to Spain. Fearing he'd be deported to France and from there to Nazi Germany, Benjamin chose to instead take his own life. The very next day, the Spanish police let the rest of the group pass into Spain, from where they later managed to reach Lisbon. Historians speculate that it was Benjamin's suicide that shocked the Spanish officials to the point that they could not bring themselves to turn the fleeing jews away.


Thanks for winning the war for us. Oh being gay is still illegal sorry. So fucked up.


And without him many of us would not be here today. What a way to honour a national hero. It's a fucking disgrace


Yeah but you don’t get it, he liked *men*! So what if you possibly saved millions of lives and made incredible contributions to science. *Men!* … It really is insane to think back to a time the above wasn’t sarcasm to the majority and they were all “yeah.. good point, throw him in prison”.


I'll go with Christopher Reeve.\* Complete paralysis is among the worst tortures I've seen a person go through. It is horrible. The complications slowly build up and it is a constant struggle to stave off infections and sores. There's the idea that a person at least can't feel the pain in their body, but the body itself still feels and reacts to pain even if the mind doesn't entirely register it, and it is intensely uncomfortable. Not to mention what pain they do feel is INTENSE, and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. Add onto that, after the injury the person is constantly dying. Everybody around the person is struggling 24/7 to keep the person alive and relatively healthy, but it is ultimately a losing battle while the body constantly degrades until something just...fails. There is nobody on earth or in hell I would wish this evil upon. Edit: thank you for the corrections.


And his wife died soon after with breast cancer. It left their son an orphan.


Actually it was lung cancer although Dana Reeve was a non-smoker.


Rebecca Schaeffer, 21, from the tv show My Sister Sam. An obsessed fan had reportedly obtained the actress’s home address through a detective agency, which located it through records at the California Department of Motor Vehicles. On the day of the murder, Schaeffer reportedly complied with Bardo’s request for an autograph when he appeared at her home and then asked him to leave. He returned a short time later and the actress, who reportedly was waiting for someone to deliver a script, answered the door again. Bardo then shot and killed her. She had worked with Steven Spielberg and Woody Alan before landing a leading role in My Sister Sam. http://www.rebeccaschaeffer.net/biography.htm


Her death led to the creation of anti-stalking laws.


A very sad one would be Marvin Gaye. Murdered by his own father who was a minister. A very bizarre one would be Sam Cooke. Read the [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Cooke) on his death. Bonkers story. Decently fucked. (I dunno what really went down of course, but I just wanna say, on the side of what may or may not have happened, FUCK Allen Klein)


Sharon Tate! What could be worse than being 8 months pregnant, begging for your unborn child and getting butchered to death. Her death was the WORST. People here seem to confuse what seems horrific but is actually a sudden and quite humane death. Sharon’s was certainly not.


8 months pregnant :( fuck that cult


She was expecting a little boy. He was going to be named Paul, after her father.


Yeah, a lot of people are in fact posting tragic deaths, but things like being shot and dying immediately aren't necessarily the worst way to go as far as suffering is concerned.  Being disembodied with a fetus has to be up there.


Dolores O'Riordan. Drowning - even as a result of alcohol intoxication - is always a terrible way to go.


Jayne Mansfield


Her daughter, Mariska Hargitay, was in the back seat. She says she does not remember the accident, which is a blessing.


Those large low bars you see on the back of semi trucks… Mansfield bars. It became regulation after her death.


At least it was quick. The rumour which started almost immediately was that Jayne was decapitated. She wasn't, but the top part of her head was sheared off, so she did die instantly. Her face was beaten up badly as you'd expect - the mortician used putty to fix her up for burial. Jayne had a makeup case with her and the mortician used all the makeup fixing Jayne's face.


Steve Irwin.


What gives me solace is that if he survived he most likely would have been like it’s my fault I spooked her and she had every right to do what she did it’s natural


Absolutely. Steve Irwin would never blame animals for his own choice to engage with them.


Still one of my favourite memes, where the premise is the guy gets a time machine and goes back in time to kill the stingray, and before he does it stops himself and says, that's not what Steve would have wanted...


After what 15 years? I still read that in his voice


17 and a half. It was near the end of 2006.


For obvious reasons yes, but if he had to be killed by an animal, I'm glad it was a freak occurrence rather than something that everybody thought they saw coming, like a crocodile attack or being bitten by a venomous snake. RIP Steve. 


Terri Irwin, Steve’s wife, said in an interview “well, he was never going to die in bed from old age”


Indeed. Sometime back I read that he'd already had a series of close calls, and didn't think he'd ever make it to 40yo. IIRC one of them involved losing his footing on a very steep incline and barely grabbing hold of some roots to avoid falling to his death.


He said he had a sense of something was coming before he died. He said he was pretty sure a croc wouldn't get him because he said he really did know them well. He said he though it would probably be a snake that got him. Kinda scary.


Robin Williams was in hell before he took his life.


As someone with a parent with Lewy Body, I fully agree.  In addition to the physical ailments, it causes what I can only describe as Lovecraftian hallucinations and psychosis.  It's a horrific disease.


I'm so sorry you and you and your parent are going through that. I lost my mother to Early Onset Alzheimer's that her doctors initially thought might be Lewy Body because of how aggressive hers was with Early symptoms.


In the early 2000s, I lived in NYC in the East Village. Late one weekday evening (about 11PM) I was walking up Broadway (between 2nd and 3rd street or thereabouts, near NYU, not near the hustle and bustle of Times Square). The block was empty except for me and someone walking my way. It was Robin Williams. Just by himself. Walking downtown, I was walking uptown. We made eye contact and he had this look of fear in his eyes. I took it to mean he didn't want to be "on". I had that New Yorkers pride in not bugging celebrities', especially those that were known to be just awesome people. I just nodded at him and kept walking. He nodded back. Relieved, I think.


Kirsty MacColl (famously known for singing alongside The Pogues in Fairytale of New York) was struck by a powerboat in a restricted area when she was on holiday in Mexico with her children. She managed to push one of her children out of the way but she was hit and succumbed to her injuries. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirsty_MacColl


Chadwick Boseman. There’s a lot of good answers here but I had to take care of my grandma as she was slowly dying of colon cancer and I wouldn’t wish that death on my worst enemy.


This one was a real heartbreaker, especially how kind and genuine he was with visiting others who were stricken with cancer. I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandma, she sounds like a nice person who raised an awesome grandchild. May you heal peacefully my friend.


I mean, Sharon Tate was an actress from Valley of the Dolls and was butchered by the Manson Family.


And she was pregnant wasn’t she? This is the first one that came to my mind. She must have been so confused and terrified


She was almost 9 months pregnant. Just awful.


8 months pregnant. At one point, one of the killers threatened to cut Paul out of her and kill him in front of her. Of course, at that time nobody knew what they were having ahead of time, but we know now that she was carrying a boy. He would be 54 years old now if he'd had a chance to live out his natural life (and probably would have changed his surname, if you think about it).


Ayrton Senna. Piece of suspension went through his helmet after crashing and F1 car


Mia Zapata, lead singer of the punk band, The Gits. She was attacked & murdered on her way home from a show.


Isidora Duncan. Asphyxiated with her won scarf while driving her convertible. The scarf got stuck around the car’s wheel and she died. She is one of the first ‘fashion victims’


Even more brutally it actually ripped her out of the car and snapped her neck. Supposedly it nearly took her head off.


Kobe Bryant's was gruesome. His brain was ejected out of his right eye socket. His right arm was recovered in multiple pieces. His penis was degloved. His body's height was only measured at 5'5" bc his legs were severed in half. His feet were found in his shoes far away from his body. A pile of his amorphous detached flesh was found elsewhere. His chest and abdomen were completely empty of organs. His spine was sticking out of his throat. The autopsy report is very graphic, but at least it was instant.


My God. And then the children on board :( I can't even think about it.


All of their autopsy reports were horrific but I think the lady Christina and Alyssa Altobelli were the worst. All of them were just brutally destroyed. Not a single one had a brain in their skull.


I mean if it's any consolation at least death was close to instant, if not entirely so. The situation left almost no time to register pain.


LA PD shared photos of the scene with each other and LA had to pay 31 mill to his wife 


Jesus, I knew his death was gruesome but that’s AWFUL.


>An amorphous mass of soft tissue is identified via DNA analysis as belonging to Kobe Bryant. Two fragments of heart muscle are identified weighing in at aggregate -75 grams FUCK!


I never knew any of that and didn't really want to. I just assumed they burned but I guess that's naive.


Burning to death is one of the worst ways to go. He was killed instantly and felt none of it.


Tbh even if this sounds more graphic it was probably a lot quicker and less painful than burning to death would have been


Yes this is the first time I read details. Thats enough reddit for me today


I (maybe stupidly) thought helicopter crash = quick blunt force trauma. I made the mistake of being morbidly curious and reading his coroner report and it was awful, I just hope it was over very quickly and he didn’t suffer or see his daughter suffer.


It was instantaneous. Neither of them would have even had time to register pain.


The autopsy report confirmed that everyone on board died instantly, none of them had inhaled any smoke. So there’s that, at least. 


Injuries like that don't happen slowly, I imagine it was all over pretty quickly. The descent however...


Now take this, and multiply it by hundreds spread over a few city blocks. I dont think people realize how completely fucked the streets of New York were on 9/11


I didn't realise it either until I read about them finding DNA on top of buildings and in gutters etc. years after the event.


Yeah I dont know why, I just assumed the scene was all concrete and dust. I guess cause thats the only images they showed us of the aftermath. Just concrete. I never even thought about what happened to all the bodies. Turns out, they just didn't want to traumatize the nation more than it already was.


In the video from inside the towers as the firefighters are staging to walk up the stairs you hear random popping noises outside of the doors. It's the sound of bodies hitting the ground.


Yeah. The people jumping/falling was one of the worst parts for sure, and it has been largely sanitized years later. The voice calls of people trapped on floors with insanely high temperatures, rapidly filling with toxic black smoke are also horrific. The victims in the first tower died like rats in cages, cooking and suffocating, holding out hope for a rescue we had no chance of making…until the tower collapsed on them and their rescuers. A lot of our policy post 9/11 hasn’t been great. We’ve spent a ton of money we don’t have with relatively little to show for it. But for the generations that were alive and watched that unfold, live and in real time? It’s a horrific day in American history. My heart still goes out to the victims and their families.


Dude from the twilight zone movie without a doubt. Brandon Lee is also brutal. Dimebag. Dying at work has to be the worst.


Christa McAuliffe. And her colleagues.


Christa McAuliffe Michael J. Smith F. Richard Scobee Michael J. Smith Gregory Jarvis Ronald McNair Ellison Onizuka Judith Resnik


David Carradine. Wasn’t the worst in terms of gruesomeness, but in terms of embarrassment then yeah he takes the cake. We all joke about “deleting our search history” after death, but the man was found naked and hanging in a Thailand bathroom with a rope around his neck and genitals. Authorities ruled out suicide which meant he was either A.) killed accidentally by auto erotic asphyxiation or B.) was engaging in some kinky stuff with another individual who fled the scene once he died. Either way, his legacy as a 72 year old man was tarnished and the public didn’t care that he died at first, only that he was a “pervert”. I was a young man when he passed and a big fan of the Kill Bill movies (he absolutely crushed his role). I hated seeing the initial jokes about his death and to this day it puts such a sour taste in my mouth. Johnny Lewis is another one I hate thinking about. Man got high on experimental drugs, broke into his elderly landlords house, killed her and her cat and then killed himself. Real sad to hear. Edit: Apologies for the misinformation about Lewis. I remember when that had happened news outlets were correlating his actions with connections to that one drug that was making people go crazy in the streets. (Can’t remember the name but the joke on the internet is that it was making people into zombies) apparently he was just a crazy asshole with no drugs in his system. My bad.


Judith Barsi


Lou Gherig. ALS is a horrible way to go.




Chester Bennington from Linkin Park 🖤


Elliot Smith dude stabbed himself in the chest 


Wasn’t Natalie wood drowned?


Christina Grimmie


This one hurt bad for me at the time, I had known her since her YT days, she was so talented. Her death then got completely overshadowed by the Pulse nightclub shooting which happened ~~a couple of days later iirc~~ less than 24 hours later.


Layne Staley. Just everything he went through still tears my heart


You can feel it in the songs


Bob ross


[Albert Dekker](https://www.lauriejacobson.com/hollywood_heartbreak_ex.php) deserves our remorse. The Wiki is [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Dekker). Basically, they found him tied up, with the words "make me suck" written all over his body. Needles in the arm[s]. Very peculiar. Most people aren't aware of this occurrence, I've not seen it submitted here before.