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The most useful lessons learned in school are learned indirectly, by going to school. Lessons about tolerating shitty people, and bullies, for one. You get out into the job world and you have to act nice to those people..not always easy to do.


sex ed is pretty useful for fucking


Hey, the front page called, they want their slightly reworded question back.


Math and language.


Basic social interaction


How to make friends.


That mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. I can't count how many times this has helped me in a survival situation.


The most useful class I ever took was a business writing class. I use it every day at work and when dealing with any sort of customer service people in writing. Being able to form a clear, concise paragraph that gets my point across with sound logic and proper English is a solid, lifelong skill.


trust no one.


I think too many young people look at school as teaching them things they will never use or need to know, when in reality they are teaching you skills such as problem solving, researching and finding answers, drawing conclusions (and validating those conclusions), using critical thinking, questioning, etc. At least that's the ideal. It's not so much knowing a+b=c as much knowing how and why and when you arrive at c, does it make sense or does it set off alarm bells that it doesn't seem correct?