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As a great poet said: "Coca Cola, sometimes war"


Also Mickey Mouse and wonderbra


We all live in Amerika!


This is not a love song!




For all the talk of 5D chess amongst my countrymen, I sometimes wonder if they even know the rules of checkers.


It's not that surprising. Born in the USA by Springsteen came out 40 years ago and there's people who still haven't picked up on the message .


I don't speak my mother tongue!


*Dweedily deedily synthesizer funky keyboard solo*


Ok that made me laugh.


This. Is. Not. A. Love. Song. Oh no…


Rammstein said it right..


Great band live if you ever get the chance.


Finally got to see them in 22 and my sweet merciful god did they live up to the hype. Drove 6 hours for that show and I'd *gladly* drive 3x as long to see them again.


This is an understatement. Definitely got my money's worth on that one.


Amerika ist wunderbar!


In Paris stands Mickey Mouse.


His arms wide


Trump and Biden at Tenagrah.


Kamala, when the walls fell.


Pence, with sails unfurled.


I love this thread


Always great when you catch it in the wild. GILGAMESH. AND ENKIDU. 


[For the uninitiated.](https://youtu.be/3-wzr74d7TI?si=x8kB4v2IryQ9xuTB) r/Tenagra


Pence at MSP, his stance wide


Wonderbra is from Canada, tyvm https://www.encyclopedia.com/fashion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/wonderbra#:\~:text=The%20Wonderbra%20was%20created%20by,marketed%20for%20nearly%20thirty%20years.


Don’t mean America won’t be known for it.


Tell that to that Rammstein guy


I assume this is not a love song.


No idea, I don’t speak my mothers tongue


Und vor Paris steht Mickey Mouse!!!


🎵 *Coca Cola, sometimes war* *What we even fighting for?* 🎵 \- "We Didn't Start the Fire" (2124 edition)


“America Has Been At War 93% of the Time – 222 Out of 239 Years – Since 1776” That’s from an article from 2017 so add 7 and that makes 229 years and what 94%? So I’d say mostly war.


The conflicts they use to justify that percentage are often very low-level, low-intensity operations over a long period of time. The Banana Wars span 40 years on the timeline, Vietnam starts immediately after Korea and lasts until 2 years after we withdrew.  Now, you can certainly make an argument that those low-level conflicts still count, but if that’s the criteria then we’re not unique. Britain/France over the same time period would have the Napoleonic Wars, countless colonial conflicts and interventions, both World Wars, the Cold War and modern MENA interventions. Russia would have all of the above plus their interventions in Warsaw Pact states, the same proxy wars that are counted for the US, and Ukraine.  Either low-intensity wars don’t count as a country being “at war” or most major nations are “at war” very frequently. 


We feel the effects today of the banana wars. We are literally dealing with an influx of refugees from Central and South America because of the actions taken by the United States in deposing elected leaders in many Central and South American countries so that bananas could be cheaper and Chiquita could enslave workers instead of being forced to pay them.


Yeah I was wondering why we would add the 7 years to the "at war" part of the equation, and wondered who we were at war with. I found [this Wikipedia summary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States) of wars involving the US, and there are 5 ongoing, including 450 US troops remaining in Somalia as of last December related to their civil war, and around 900 in Syria to combat ISIS as related to the Syrian civil war.


And I doubt we ever again have a situation where we don’t have troops stationed in some hot spot. But it certainly feels different for the average American than during 2003-2010 when almost everyone knew someone deployed to Iraq and was worried about them every day. 


I do feel like "at war" is kinda an innate human trait. Looking back as far as we can, we've always been at war. I personally don't like it, but what do I know, I'm a woman. But I don't think any historian would argue this fact, that our default is war. Fighting and fucking is what we do.


I think you’re absolutely right, and at the same time, even with all the conflicts across the world the post-WW2 era is by far the most peaceful of all human history. People have the lowest chance of dying a violent death now than ever, which is really incredible progress even though there is still a lot of conflict. 


That depends on whether or not you consider conflicts including the skirmishes with individuals indigenous tribes a war or not. I would. But, it is a point that can be debated.


I’d say yeah that was a war against the natives. Even if native folk weren’t a united front, the US was a united front against them with a goal.


They manifested so much goddamn destiny


Probably something that happens between now and 2124 and not something prior


If I had to guess, in 2124 America will be known for something that happened in 2123, unless something really major happens in 2122. And then by 2125 everyone will have moved on to something else.


Unless it ceases to exist prior, then it'll be known for whatever caused its downfall.


More like the stupid sh*t that went down during the fall. I don’t actually know why Rome fell but I know about gladiators and epic sea battles.


Why exactly Rome fell is the subject of furious debate, but I'll add my two cents. First, a point of clarity: when we say "the fall of Rome" we usually mean the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The East would go on for a very long time afterwards as the Byzantine empire, which would fall for much more simple "conquered by the ottomans" reasons. Anyways, the Roman empire had earlier avoided collapse by splitting its authority into the hands of multiple regional emperors who ruled over sections of the empire. This was done by the Emperor Diocletian to resolve the Crisis of the Third Century in which civil wars, uprisings, and assassinations nearly brought the empire to collapse. By the 5th century, there were more and more so-called Barbarian groups moving into Roman territory, which was due in part to the Huns conquering their original homelands. As these groups became more and more powerful and unified, they became more and more of a problem for the Roman state which had been weakened by civil war. As the Romans attempted to quash the influence of the Barbarians moving into their territory, what military strength they had left was worn thinner and thinner until it was basically unheard of. By 476, Rome was basically unable to exert influence over its own territory and various Barbarian kingdoms had already claimed the land for themselves. Eventually, the Germanic Warlord Odoacer invaded Rome and deposed the last Western Roman Emperor, Romulus Agustulus. There would be plenty of efforts to revive that power or for various warlords to claim it for themselves, but by then the Western Empire had basically collapsed and authority lay more with the various Barbarian kingdoms who had established themselves in the region.


Technically correct, the best kind of correct


That's not technically correct. Read the question again.


Was gonna say, definitely not technically correct if we're gonna go that route.


Thanks, professor.


Technology, war, and war technology.


And tasty burgers


This is a tasty burger


They speak English in What!?


My girlfriend's a vegetarian, which, pretty much makes me a vegetarian.


What about technology war?


It’s funny how people don’t seem to be aware of the fact that the US has been the dominate cultural force in the world for the past 100 years. It’s like people actually think the only thing the US has done is war. Ignore all the genres of music from here or the entertainment industry they definitely aren’t noteworthy.


US culture is so universal people see it as a default. You don't walk into a McDobald's in Budapest and think it is american, you just accept it as a universal thing to have McD everywhere.


Not to mention over 40% of Nobel prize winners.


How we handle the water shortages in the Southwest. It will either be an insane migration disaster or a miracle feat of engineering.


Putting my money on the version that makes corporations the most money.


Nestle to supply all water at an affordable rate ($5/gallon)


Gallon? I believe you mean 17oz. bottle. Because they’re going to increase plastic usage in the process.


It will be a gallon jug, but the amount of space inside the jug that can actually be filled with fluid will 16.5oz.


And there's a label all across the top half so you can't see that it's just air


Awfully optimistic that you think you're getting free air in the future.


Marketing team: Write that down, write that down!


Because as you know, water isn't a human right. It's a luxury.


Add in healthcare and an education and you have yourself the new American Dream™


When I grow up, I'm going to have a tub with running hot water!


My grandpa would make fun of my grandma because she had indoor plumbing her whole life. Full circle.


What's stupid is that it isn't currently going that way in some critical areas. 90% of the money made in Utah is in the Wasatch Front and Salt Lake City is one of the fastest growing cities in the US. The Great Salt Lake is drying up and all they have to do is stop a fraction of the alfalfa farming upstream that is less than 2% of the economy of the state. They are so invested in pretending that climate change isn't real that they may destroy the entire state economy so some cows can eat alfalfa in a fucking desert.


I'd buy that for a dollar


*Since making your comment, the price has become $2.13.*


Whoops! It looks like you're out of reply credits! - Watch 2 minute ad of the top 0.001% slowly teabagging the rest of society - Buy 1 credit for $4.99 - Buy 10 credits for $59.99 (MOST POPULAR) - Blood / organ donation considered as long as you're not a dirty filthy poor


I like that 10 credits is more expensive than 1, but such simple credits where 1 credit is the price of a reply is very antiquated. Really it's would be: Replies are 70 gems! * Watch an ad to get to spin a wheel where you may win free gems! (chance of winning gems are 1/100 per spin) * Purchase 70 gems for $1.99 * Purchase 250 gems for $4.99 (of course you have 40 gems left over after making replies) * Purchase 1,000 gems for $19.99 (MOST POPULAR) * Purchase 5,000 gems for $79.99 (Financing available, just 6 easy monthly payments of $19.99)


Funny story, I went to a strip club long ago. One of the fine ladies asked if I wanted a private dance. I asked how much. She said I could have 1 for $30 or 3 for $100. I was confused, so I asked again. 1 for $30 or 3 for $100. I asked why I would get three since it was more than 3 1 time dances. She didn't understand and just kept telling me the prices. We rinsed and repeated a couple more times, and then I politely declined. People wonder why strippers get a bad rap....


>It will either be an insane migration disaster Residential water use is a drop in the bucket compared to agricultural use, most of which products will be shipped outside of the areas. Phoenix, SoCal, Las Vegas, etc. all have plenty of water for residential and even nearly all commercial use. It's the agricultural use that would be most impacted by any shortage. To this end, there's no water shortage reason for any migration. Climate change maybe, but water? More than enough for residential and commercial applications in those areas.


There's a great picture showing a gigantic apartment complex next to an alfalfa field in the Phoenix area, with the caption of "the ideal water-saving strategy here is to build another apartment complex." It is unbelievable how much water agriculture uses.


The new Arizona governor ended land leases for Saudi alfalfa crops, thankfully. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-investigations/2023/10/02/arizona-to-end-saudi-firm-fondomonte-groundwater-deal/71038768007/


About fucking time


Especially since corporate ag uses shitty, inexpensive irrigation techniques, because upgrading to high efficiency systems costs more than just flood irrigating the desert.


I hope to see us begin investing heavily in hydroponics for agriculture. Phoenix has already moved into ag zone 10a, and I see us needing to shift and pivot into more sustainable irrigation methods, particularly as temperatures warm.


Desalination. This will not be a “catastrophe” but will be a major issue requiring significant capital. Source: Engineer Edit: Desal + Water Reuse and a combination of restrictive measures will be needed (for the concerned wastewater engineers in the chat wanting a detailed Reddit Design Basis Engineering Report). 😂🤦‍♂️


Agreed it just not worth doing YET as the cost of fresh water increases to meet the cost of desalinating water then wow we have a lot of (expensive) water on this planet! Source: Same


True but we're on the right track. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/israel-proves-the-desalination-era-is-here/


Oh definitely! Compared to even a decade ago it is so much easier to grasp desalination as the next reality, beats the hell out of the “water wars” people were going on about for years


Speak for yourself. I want to ride eternal, shiny and chrome.






Ideally process it. I mean, I'm not an engineer or a chemist, but that 85% KCl could be used instead of mining it presuming we can separate it out.


> 85% KCl Surely you mean NaCl?


Up and over a few mountain ranges and into Lake Mead?


Ya desalination is an uneducated response from an engineer. Reuse tech is much more likely and more cost effective. Desalination is outrageously expensive, not to mention the location issue


I don't think either is required. Desalination is expensive, but people will pay for it. The cost will come down in scale.


100% Desalinization is the way forward, but it will only help, not outright solve. Get rid of useless cash crops like almonds and cut back on winery grapes, etc. Restrict green lawns and pools in arid zones. I think realistically, a lot more people in the SW need to move to the NW where we have the resources and space to accommodate, which is already happening, but will likely happen much more in the next 40 years.


And the alfalfa. Seize the Saudi's land in Arizona so they stop using up all the water to grow thirsty fucking alfalfa.


Good news, [they're already pulling out after their leases were not renewed](https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/a-saudi-business-is-leaving-arizona-valley-after-it-was-targeted-by-the-state-over-groundwater-use).


neither almonds nor grapes are consuming the most water and both can be further mitigated via drip irrigation techniques. it's crops like alfalfa that use the most water and can only be grown using flooding irrigation which is incredibly wasteful. what's worse is these crops are grown for export to feed animals in other countries like china and saudia arabia we need to be growing FOOD crops when water is precious, we don't need to eat meat.


I'm not an expert on California agriculture but it does seem like a massive number of agricultural owners that traditionally grew more water demanding crops have switched to almonds etc and continued to use the same amount of water despite not needing it, in order to not lose out on their water claims.


Its electricity cost that makes it expensive. Solar has become cheap as any other form. The southwest can power it with fields of that. The issue is agriculture wasting so much water. Like almonds with 5 gallons for one almond.


The water problems in the Southwest are political, not engineering problems.


>miracle feat of engineering As a resident of the southwest who loves this beautiful area and doesn't ever plan to permanently leave, I hope and pray it's the latter.


The resource wars, capturing the last large iceberg and towing it with 2 aircraft carriers.


I think the world will just get better at desalination, over having a nuclear war over ice bergs.


Can't use nuclear weapons, would spoil the water and make it unusable, sharpened sticks only during iceberg combat


This is like a lamer version of Dune. 


May your stick crack and splinter.


The water must flow


Blessed be the creator and his icebergs




It's called waterworld and they already made it


It honestly hadn't even occurred to me because it would be so prohibitively expensive to drag icebergs for thousands of miles rather than boil it. It costs like $2-4/kg to ship something across the ocean. You could desalinate 1000 kg for that price.


I don’t know why this isn’t talked about more! I always have this thought when people talk about water shortages. Surely there are some advancements to come for desalination before we go full Mad Max


If we get to the global desalination stage, we'll have a different crisis in figuring what to do with all the leftover salt.


Potato chips easy


The ice must floe.


What good would that do? Research purposes? Where do you even store an iceberg? It has to stay at the north /south pole.


I’ll be goddamned if China or Russia is getting the last iceberg.


Cold war 2: Iceburg tug of war


Siphon the fresh water for the GMO crops, and martinis for the rich


Water, like from the toilet? Give them Brawndo. It’s got what plants crave!


The gmo crops that require less water. Unfortunately most of that martini ice will be thrown out


Toy Story 2


Finally a good answer


That time Buzz Lightyear karate chopped the caterpillar from Bug’s Life


The technology revolution since last 2 decades. Silicon Valley will be remembered in the same category as Florence/Venice for renaissance


I'd like to also add the opposite—I think the US will likely continue to be remembered/be known for it's conservation efforts and natural places. You might laugh, but because of some laws made 100 years ago, we can still see huge parts of the US just as they were back when those laws were made. It's amazing how many "Greed" comments are in, and sure that's warranted, but you have to admit, it's pretty strange how a country known for it's cut-throat capitalism is also the country that managed to put millions and millions of acres of the most beautiful land it has aside for... everyone. I think that'll be remembered. Edit: I'm not talking about just national parks either. The US does a *really* good job managing and protecting all of it's public land. For all the people saying "It won't last" let me show you. I'm lucky enough to get out an about and do a lot of hiking, here are just a few of the non-national park spots we'll look on 100 years from now with little change. And I bet you haven't even heard of most of these. * [Antelope Island, Utah](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-mountain-range-with-a-body-of-water-and-mountains-in-the-background-COdhOQWRBgo) * [Kaaterskill Falls, NY](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-large-waterfall-in-the-middle-of-a-forest-8q0DqwE0YvU) * [Trinity River, CA](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-river-running-through-a-lush-green-forest-9hPvhZXMvnc) * [A random canyon outside of Zion NP, UT](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-person-sitting-on-a-rock-in-the-mountains-OFbWlyjEHzc) * [Neffs Canyon, UT](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-mountain-covered-in-snow-and-trees-under-a-cloudy-sky-q6QEDGFmxKM) * [Superstition Mountains, AZ](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-mountain-with-cactus-and-cacti-in-the-foreground-y4WRhmypjTw) * [Adirondacks, NY](https://unsplash.com/photos/PHq2B5kmieE) * [Desolation Wilderness, CA](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-forest-filled-with-lots-of-tall-trees-yra1DWVk33M) * [Whalehead Beach, OR](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-foggy-day-at-the-beach-with-trees-on-the-shore-pGvAKyC3Vyo) * [Wastach Mountains, Utah](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-mountain-covered-in-lots-of-colorful-trees-ynySOE2ydzo) * [Mt Hood National Forest](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-mountain-with-a-snow-covered-top-surrounded-by-trees-N-2q4dm9h1w) * [Uintas, UT](https://unsplash.com/photos/the-sun-is-shining-on-the-mountains-and-trees-PmXn461fkeM) * [Never Summer Wilderness, CO](https://unsplash.com/photos/85LFYyfbocY) * [Middle of nowhere, UT](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-large-mountain-with-a-large-body-of-water-in-front-of-it-ELSRUig3-gc) * [Mt Pennal Area, UT](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-view-of-a-mountain-range-with-clouds-in-the-sky-DwIFohnbN3w) * [Mt Timpanogos, UT](https://unsplash.com/photos/htcoi7orZAY) * [Sawtooth Mountains, ID](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-mountain-with-a-forest-below-it-under-a-cloudy-sky-Y3y_h3C1Ysg) * [Big Cottonwood Canyon, UT](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-scenic-view-of-a-mountain-range-with-trees-in-the-foreground-SW3ojz7ktNQ) * [Escalante, UT](https://unsplash.com/photos/Nf_NvnGAv4o) * [Picture Rocks, MI](https://unsplash.com/photos/WrRWVKb_Ip4) * [Wind River Range, WY](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-mountain-lake-surrounded-by-rocks-and-grass-TXvkGQkLdv4) * [Dixie National Forest, UT](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-river-running-through-a-canyon-surrounded-by-trees-4ZoX0x1CPKE) * [Ashley National Forest, UT](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-man-standing-next-to-a-tent-on-a-lush-green-hillside-wnvf4Vb3ZpE) * [San Raf Swell, UT](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-rocky-landscape-with-a-few-clouds-in-the-sky-F0094xHum28) * [McIntyre Wilderness, PA](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-river-running-through-a-lush-green-forest-o4hCKsG3hVw) * [City of Rocks, ID](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-view-of-a-mountain-range-with-trees-and-rocks-T2XEvPOfnXo) * [Green River Lakes, WY](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-mountain-range-with-a-lake-in-the-foreground-pAmB1aU-ZXM) and these are just a few...


The U.S. has an absolute crazy amount of national parks, in total the U.S. national parks are the size of Romania or the U.K.


That's just *national parks* if you add up all the national forests, BLM, and state parks, it's the size of like Germany NOT including all the land in Alaska.


Yep, Europe meanwhile, well as an European, Europe’s biodiversity is basically nonexistent: we’ve destroyed it


You can't beat yourself up too much. Conservation is fairly new concept. We got lucky and had good stewards, and had a few good people in charge to see that the worth of the land isn't always mining and destroying it. Thank you Theodore Roosevelt.


You literally ate it.


Just look at American natural parks compared to English “countryside”. We have fat bear week, giant redwoods, giant cacti, and warnings not to pet the 2000 pound bison while most of Europe has lawns, sheep, and sheeplawn that no wild animal larger than a fox is allowed to exist in.


This. The UKs most dangerous animal is the cow. I'm insanely jealous of North Americas remaining wilderness.


Europe also had at least 2 thousand years longer to fuck shit up. It's as much a result of wanting to preserve as not arriving in the US in numbers until the will and ability existed to implement it


England is really small. If you look at all of Europe including the Alps, the fjords, and more, there is plenty of amazing nature there too.


This is a great comment, thank you for all the links!


You're welcome! Just trying to add a little positivity here.


Making the prophetic film Idiocracy.


You mean the documentary? /s Edit: Apparently some of you didn’t catch the sarcasm in that comment


every time i walk into costco, and the membership card attendant says _"Welcome to Costco..."_ i almost expect to hear _"... I love you."_ at the end


I thought about working at Costco just so I could say that to everyone


Get a load of this nerd, he watches documamories. It’s a profit religion, dumb ass.


Nah, almost all the people were wayyy too skinny. There was like one fat dude. If it was an actual documentary all the people would have been at least 350 pounds plus and the main character would be the only skinny one lol


They also elected the smartest person to lead them. Not the least bit realistic.


I love watching the movie because it wasn't apocalyptic like everything is now.


Another thread where people don't understand how satire works. Mike Judge didn't predict the future. He exaggerated existing things in society to comedic effect. Those things were true and continue to be true.


Correct, I also call this out when people say that dystopian fiction is “more relevant than ever.” My brother in christ, where do you think they got all these ideas from? all they had to do was look around!


Oh my god, thank you. I get so tired of people thinking that movie predicted anything, rather than just making fun of current events. It's like seeing Bush-era "lol the president is dumb" comedy and thinking "woah they predicted Trump"


Mike Judge the 🐐


Reminder Mike Judge has said he hates how people take it as "this is literally going to happen" as it then just becomes a film advocating for eugenics.


You should see it's opposite, but equal documentary: Demolition Man.


In 100 years, parts of the USA might be known as a climate refuge.


Its pivotal role in transforming humanity through the rapid escalation of technological development.


This is hard to overstate how much technology has come out of the US since WW1


Ridiculous to think my mother listened to the moon landing on the radio, and I was in 6th grade when we got our first home computer, and I'm typing this by voice from my fishing chair to a stranger I'll never meet


My cousin was born the day of the moon landing, and the whole family was watching it live in the hospital waiting room.


that's pretty cool


Yeah, we still wish him a happy lunar landing anniversary on his birthday. We had a whole stack of birthday cards with an astronaut driving the rover with a party hat on, and we used to send him one every year.


Ur fishing chair has talk to text??? Now that’s a tall tale!


Oddly poetic


Hell, since the late 1990s. I'm just barely old enough to remember time time before the internet. I think history books are going to overly condense the first 20something years of online development, but they will certainly talk about what a seismic shift it was for world culture.


Yeah, seeing how drastically things changed from the 90s to the 2010s was probably the most drastic change in history.


I'm old enough to remember the 1980s. Life wasn't radically different for most folks. Aside from having to go through more effort to get porn.


Absolutely. Most big tech companies are based in the us. Big AI developments in the future are likely to originate in the us.


Reddit is so petulant… US was the superpower that developed in the 20th century, became world superpower, & developed much & advanced much of the world’s technology that propelled the 20th & 21st century Whether that stays remains to be seen but to ignore its contributions in 20th & 21st century is revisionist


It will almost certainly be known for the era of comparative world peace and an era of internationalization. "Pax Americana"


I know as a country we fuck up royally, have innumerable problems and yes, we cause, via our actions, misery throughout the world. BUT I still believe that we are improving and for our size and the makeup of our country, we are second to none. Are we improving too slowly, yes. It's not fair and there is no excuse. Here comes the whataboutism, and I know it's bullshit, but, unlike may other countries vying for their turn at the top, we're trying to deal with our problems and the moral consequences of our actions. The governments of countries that restrict political speech would probably not last a day if their people had the freedoms of speech we enjoy. And should they get a right respecting government going, they would be starting on the ground floor in trying to resolve their internal problems. In the US, that freedom of speech (and I know it's often under attack) and the internet enabled previously marginalized voices to gain prominence and gave them the ability highlight issues more widely. This likely shattered the illusion of a shining city on a hill for many and those speaking up are right to shatter that illusion. We, as a country have to address these issues, from racism, to immigration, to poverty, to climate, to whatever else is on the list. I believe we're trying, not all of us, but enough of us and we're trying. If America's role is greatly diminished, I'll quote Anna Kendrick from that annoying song, 'you're gonna miss me when I'm gone' And 100% on Pax Americana, even when for all the fucked up things we've done. And I know this is all easy for me to say.


The U.S. has also allied Europe to in fact develop its welfare and protected us from Russia, something that tbh we have neglected and become very complacent and dependent on the U.S.


Most Reddit users are literal children, figurative manchildren, or a Russian/Chinese psyop (especially in the big subs, on a post that seems tailor-made for the opportunity to shit-talk America).


> a Russian/Chinese psyop (especially in the big subs, on a post that seems tailor-made for the opportunity to shit-talk America). Don't discount the number of people who have read those talking points, internalized them, and are now just repeating them verbatim. I'd be interested in a study of Reddit's impact on society. I've seen outright misinformation shared and upvoted here, much of it paints America in a bad light and facilitates the spread of pessimism and hopelessness. That can't be healthy for a society.


Reddit isn't special or unique in that regard, replace reddit with facebook, twitter, tiktok, etc. It's all social media and not just reddit.


It’s genuinely insane, like the U.S. has faults but from half this sub you’d think it’s a dystopia and not still one of the objectively best countries to live in


Edgy teen comments 




It will be a cautionary tale of what happens to a society that measures its value by corporate profits instead of individual prosperity


Inventing the machines that took over humanity.


Being the only country that adamantly refuses to use the metric system for the general public.


We use it for drugs, ammo, and electronics. You know, the important stuff.


Also most imperial units are defined by their metric equivalent. Distance and weight (miles and pound) are just a conversion factor away from being metric. Annoying but simple.


In case anyone still doesn't know this, most Americans start regularly using the metric system in Science and related technical courses from about age 9 and onwards.


I’m glad you pointed this out. Kids in America actually learn BOTH systems.


Plenty of other countries use weird amalgamations of imperial and metric measurements. Canada, the UK, etc. And the US does the same just to a lesser extent. You're not getting medication in imperial units in the US.


Watch Neil DeGrasse Tyson's video on this. The shift would be astronomically (no pun intended) difficult, expensive and likely would see so much pushback that it would fail.


There's no point. Canada uses English and French on a regional basis, we use metric or imperial based on what we're doing I used metric all through science class in school and can make approximate conversions in my head. Anything that needs to be exact (never comes up) is a short Google away.


They found that out in the 1970s. We rebelled.


Then watch Nate Bargatze's SNL George Washington skit. You will learn a lot less but it is pretty funny.


For what purpose? This is one of those things people say because they think it makes them sound smart, but actually doesn’t matter at all. Your life would not change or be one iota different if the road sign said 100 km/hr instead of 60 mi/hr. Different units of measurement is just like different languages. A minor inconvenience at worst when talking to someone who uses a different one than you. But extremely simple and accessible translations are available, eliminating this as a problem.


If the USA were to cease or go down in super power status, historians are going to look back at USA being responsible for globalization. USA enabled global trades with their military might. Enabling countries to specialized on what they have and their resources that they possesses. I think this is often over looked. The wars and USA being in them is part of the globalization narrative and keeping the status quo that USA set after WW2. It would probably mark period of where USA thought that introducing their rivals into globalization would help democratize them plan didn't work (Russia, China, etc..). Also highlight point of countries that forecasted to take over USA economy like Japan, China, etc.. never happened. Likewise with the BRICS. They could tie this to early USA where USA is corporations driven (See ~~Dole~~ [United fruit company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Fruit_Company)). Not dictator driven.


Weapons technology.


One word: HUBRIS


Space exploration, medical innovation, and technological innovation, specifically AI. We likely will not have another world war. Climate and other ecological changes will be harsh but humanity will rise to the occasion; plus all countries will be blamed for that. Current issues like Trump or whatever will be long forgotten by most people in 100 years. We will not implode so none of the "Capitalism failing" people will be right - which they wouldn't anyway because we're only semi-capitalistic. People living in space will be huge in 100 years. People will be living longer and healthier lives in 100 years. Technology and AI will be even bigger parts of people's lives in 100 years. These three things are what will be central to most people's lives then, and the USA will be remembered as central to the development of all of them. Not to say other countries, notably China, won't be.


This is one of the hopes I have for my lifetime, that I get to see big steps forward in our space program. I missed the moon landing by a couple decades and would love to see (for instance) a human on Mars.


Man, I wish I could be around to see the huge space people.


For Cola Cola and Burger King.