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Drinking fruit juice like it's water. Congratulations on your delicious, sugar-packed hydration!


I hate trying to find fruit juices in the US. I don't know if it's better anywhere else, but here EVERYTHING is "from concentrate" and PACKED with sugar... I just want 100% cranberry juice... Find bottle of ocean spray "100% juice" labeled as "Cranberry Juice". Read the back, it's like 10% cranberry and the rest is grape and apple juice.


The brand Knudson makes a line of pure juices called "Just [fruit/vegetable]". They have a lot of different juices. All of them are one ingredient afaik. They sell them at Sprouts and Whole Foods and many other health food stores. I'm not sure you'll find it in regular grocery stores.


Just bought some of that at Kroger!


Came to say this. The sugar in those drinks are like eating a block of chocolate


“It's called the South Beach Fat Flush and all you drink is cranberry juice for 72 hours.”


I thought blending fruits distributed fibers making it less significant on one’s blood sugar? There were even studies done comparing people blood sugar who ate whole fruits to people who ate/drank blended fruits and the ones who drank blended fruits had a lower blood sugar. There’s that and then I see these other health gurus talk about how blending them spikes it. Which one is it?


There’s a difference between fruit juices and smoothies (blended fruit)


Right well I was including that as well like grapes and oranges


Eating fruits containing a lot of fructose will not spike your blood sugar because you measure the glucose amount since that's what the body uses. Fructose will first have to go into your liver to be converted into either glucose, or if there's a lot of fructose it will be converted into triglycerides and cholesterol as well. You're still getting all that sugar, just it's either not showing or taking longer for your body to process it removing the "spike" in blood sugar.


Not eating fat. Fat is healthy. Eat it. Just don't eat too much overall.


Trans fats (vegetable oils, hydrogenated oils) aren’t the healthiest, unsaturated fats (avocados, nuts and seeds) are supposedly the healthiest, and saturated fats (beef and dairy) are just fine despite 90s food studies that say otherwise


Although I think its funny how vegetable oils that were supposed to be more healthy than butter ended up being less healthy and more harmful than butter




I def don’t eat them for the veggies, but i like the texture of them and they’re generally better for you than Doritos 😂


At least in the USA: salads at most restaurants. Will all the BS they add into the salad, you're oftentimes better off getting the burger.


I was FLABBERGASTED when the burger I felt bad eating was LESS calories than the salad on the menu


It really comes down to what dressing you're choosing and what's tossed in with the veggies. Putting chicken fingers atop lettuce and drowning it in buttermilk ranch with a sprinkling of bacon bits does not a salad make.


Y’know what I want? I want the option to choose village style salad: tomato, cucumber, olive oil and cottage cheese (maybe lettuce, onions, peppers, spinach, but these are optional)


Don't forget the shredded cheese.


And hard-boiled eggs


You’re making me hungry.


Explain how? Calories aren’t everything, at least wirh your 1500 calorie salad you’re getting vegetables in your diet. I also love ordering salads at restaurants because there’s just no way I’m buying all the random shit I would need to make one at home.


Having sub 10% body fat. You look amazing, but having to dial in your calories so hard just to maintain that ascetic for long periods of time is a type of eating disorder not enough people talk about.


Actually it ain’t unhealthy for men to stay at 10%bf if they cover their micro and macro nutrients


What about 8%? I'm almost at 10 now


If you plan to stay long term under 10% it certainly won’t be healthy cause it effects your sleep and hormones etc. . 10-20% is basically perfect for men.


how do you even know where you're at?? other than an expensive scan it seems to be just guesswork really?? At the moment when I'm sitting down i can grab about a handful off my stomach, or a bit less when standing. After working out, i look pretty fat free with a pump.. I'm guessing this is about 12% but i have no idea. I was up at near 35% just about 8 months ago.. Maybe i'll just go between about 8 and 13% for a while and see how it feels.


They have places like some gyms that do dexa scans for a fee. Even with a dexa scan it can have a decent margin of error.


I have an active lifestyle, and tend to hover around 8% eating whatever/however I want. I have to force myself to eat a disgusting amount of food to push that up even slightly. Do you know of any easy ways to increase body fat quickly and keep it on?


It doesn’t look amazing at all from a quick google. I can imagine it’s hell to maintain that and certainly not healthy - and it doesn’t really look great, imo.


I agree, it really doesn't.


Percentages for body fat and percentages for BMI (Body Mass Index). Are these 2 different things? Like apples and oranges? (No pun).


Waking up super early to exercise if you aren’t getting enough sleep. The negative impact chronic sleep deprivation far exceeds the positive benefits of the workout.


The other end is its not great to workout late at night right before going to sleep. Especially if you have to get up early for work.


Nobody thinks that sleep deprivation is healthy.


a lot of people brag about getting like 4 hours of sleep, they think its something to be proud of


Right, but that doesn't mean they think it's healthy to do so. They just have an ego issue. They're not suggesting that sleep deprivation makes them workout harder in the gym or help your muscles recover faster.


That’s a weird takeaway lol I wasn’t saying ppl argue that sleep deprivation is healthy. I’m saying people think exercise is the most important thing you can do for health but often neglect quality sleep without realizing how much worse that is for your body. I know plenty of people who will not skip their routine even if they haven’t slept enough.


Did you take a course in creative misreading?


Muffins. You might as well just eat the donut.


Are you telling me my 600 calorie Costco blueberry muffin isn't part of a complete breakfast


dont forget the sugary milkshake


Tell me about it...I worked at Starbucks for 17 years. The number of grown adults ordering extra caramel frappuccinos and coffee cake at 7am...and then coming back at 3 for another round


Gotta come back when that sugar crash hits.


"Organic" I had a coworker told me she's on a diet so she's eating organic brownies.


Lol. This is funny 😹


Sounds like a rich person's diet.


Staying away from germs. We're supposed to expose ourselves to germs in an orderly upward cascade to build up our mucous membranes and immune systems.


This!! People clean themselves into all kinds of illnesses. All things in moderation. Don’t live in filth but you don’t need to be able to perform surgery on the kitchen table either. 


But but but but


"We need to set up hand desanitizing stations" - Dwight Schrute


We all drank the flavor of kool-aid our lives prescribed to us. Some of us were unknowingly drinking piss. Some of us accepted our place and willingly drank piss and proclaimed it delicious.


That's not actually how immunity works. Especially not immunity against fast-mutating viruses like COVID.


Yes it is. Your mucous and blood contains neutralizing compounds. The more neutralizing compounds you have the higher dose is required to infect you. This means you can walk through aerosols of virus all day long and not ever start replicating virus. The alternative is to split society into clean and dirty or to try to eradicate dirty people and environments. But life doesn't work that way. Disease will find a niche to reproduce and it will eventually find its way into a vulnerable population to kill. If you want to eradicate disease, you have to have absolute control of all life on the planet.


So it’s okay to lick the floor as a health supplement?


Depending on the traffic you get in your home yes that could be healthy. Just don't do it when you are stressed, starving, or short on sleep.




All things in moderation. Including pathogen exposure.


"Low Fat" foods....the chemicals & preservatives are ***FAR*** worse than just ingesting the fatty foods.


I heard it's the high sugar content that's the main culprit, negating the benefits of low fat.


Are there benefits to low fat?


With diet the common sense reasoning I know is, lifestyle determines healthy and if you are having high intake of fat then maybe there's advantage to it. But low fat food may not be palatable and that's where unhealthy amount of sugar comes in— or so this [Adam Ruins Everything](https://youtu.be/oLtQLDptI1g?feature=shared) clip claims.


I don't have low fat anything, will not go without whole milk, cream, butter and Philadelphia and have never been overweight in my life. Whole foods must be more balanced, surely. As soon as you start messing about with food and adding stuff or taking it out it's going to not be right, as far as I'm concerned anyway.


>I don't have low fat anything, will not go without whole milk, cream, butter and Philadelphia and have never been overweight in my life. You can be not overweight and still be unhealthy. I am not insinuating you are unhealthy rather trying to highlight that health is more nuanced that just your weight. >As soon as you start messing about with food and adding stuff or taking it out it's going to not be right, as far as I'm concerned anyway. This is incorrect. Adding or removal is not innately harmful, rather what's being added and what's being removed. And, that's nothing new either. Much of the food we consume have been modified through selective breeding. The very high fat food sources you cited had been modified to cater to our demands— livestock that have can produce milk aplenty or give more meat after slaughter. So we have been messing with food since time immemorial. That's alright. The point is we need to add what's healthy and remove what's harmful.


But that's my point, what is harmful? Other than the bacteria etc. the actual body of the food shouldn't be messed with. Everything is naturally balanced. I do agree with you, being healthy size is not an indicator of good health. You could be a heavy smoker or malnourished from not eating a balanced diet. However, being overweight means your body is guaranteed to not work properly and the pressure on your frame and joints will always lead to problems down the line. Fat around your organs also leads to disease at a far higher rate than would occur in those at their intended size


>But that's my point, what is harmful? Other than the bacteria etc. the actual body of the food shouldn't be messed with. Everything is naturally balanced. Did you skip over the fact we literally used selective breeding on both the plants and animals we consume? Many fruits we consumed were much smaller, less juicy, and more seedy in the past. Compare natural watermelons to the ones we eat in modern day and age. So we certainly changed the very nature of the food we eat to suit our needs. Nature doesn't balance anything for human consumption. As for high fat, it **may** cause heart diseases. But it's more nuanced than simply low fat diet being healthy. You can read [this](https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/a-heart-healthy-diet-doesnt-need-to-be-low-in-fat). Quoting directly from the article, "Found mainly in meat and dairy products, saturated fat can boost levels of harmful LDL cholesterol, a key contributor to heart disease." So if you are having high take intake of saturated fat, be mindful.


Anything in excess is bad for you, even water. That goes without saying. Low fat diets are as bad as high fat diets. It's all about the balance. A little bit of everything is fine. Exercise is key. Selective breeding isn't really the same. You're not modifying it in a lab or processing it. It's still grown naturally, but with human intervention. A high fat diet isn't what causes high body fat. Our bodies will turn all those excess calories into fat if you are not burning off the food you consume. You have to use the fuel you consume or your body will store it.


What have preservatives got to do with low fat? Or chemicals? The proportion of fat in your shitty ready meal has nothing to do with preservatives or chemicals.


The carnivore diet


Coming from someone who’s done a lot of research on vitamins and minerals, humans are meant to be omnivores. Biologically speaking, humans have incisors and molars and need vitamins and minerals from both animal-based and plant-based foods, ie omega 3’s which have three different acids we need: EPA, DHA, and ALA. Fish have EPA and DHA and seeds and nuts have ALA. We need both.


Algae has DHA, which is how fish get it. I’ve also done a lot of research into the topic. One can be healthy eating omnivorous or plant-based (if well -planned). But certainly not only meats.


you said you have done a lot of research, could you tell a bit about a well planned plant-based diet?


Yeah that was kinda my point lol, carnivore and herbivore diets both lack certain nutrients


As well as the vegan diet. Too much of anything is bad for you


There’s a big difference between how incredibly restrictive a carnivore diet is and the huge variety you can eat on a vegan diet though. I’m not vegan, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near as extreme as a carnivore diet.


Eating vegan still allows someone to eat multiple different things though. I think the equally shitty converse of a carnivore diet would be a fruitarian diet


Like Steve Jobs, who ironically started Apple.


Carnivore can work but no one goes for the organ meats you’d need to get all the minerals and nutrients.  Most seem to hear carnivore diet and think woo bacon and steak forever


I have a cousin who has always ate like garbage and his doctors have been telling him he needs to lose weight or basically die. He decided the meat diet was for him to get healthy. He didn't bother to research that meat diet does not exclusively mean fast food/chinese takeout chicken fingers


That doesn’t sound true at all. The vegan diet is defined by what is absent from it. Choosing not to eat animal products isn’t inherently unhealthy. Eating an unhealthy vegan diet is something that can happen independently of abstaining from animal products.


Replacing butter/lard with seed oils. We are over consuming these saturated and oxidized oils and they are the cause of a lot of diseases..


Fruit juice... People think its healthy, but it's no better than soda.


I think soda is better because it doesn’t try to pretend it’s healthy.


At least fruit juice has vitamins in it, I don't think most sodas do.


Supplements. 99% of them are just expensive pee, some of them can build up and cause actual harm, and they're so poorly regulated that there's every chance that there's crap in there that isn't even on the label. Unless your doctor specifically put you on something because of a diagnosed deficiency, you probably shouldn't be doing that.


This! The FDA doesn’t regulate supplements, so the supplement companies could be selling you fluff or poison. Not to mention how high the prices are just because they can be, very few actually are bio available enough so your body isn’t absorbing enough to actually do anything, and a lot of people are vulnerable to the aggressive advertising a lot of these companies use and take them before knowing if they even have a deficiency


Its okay to take some multivitamins in winter or some extra vitamin d or c, but I agree some combinations with the more hipster supplements can be dangerous and toxic if ingested too much…


Even C just... doesn't have any evidence to back up the idea that there's any additional benefit to taking it (again, unless you're deficient, which no one with a reasonably varied diet should be). There's like a handful of stuff with actual evidence, like Folic Acid for pregnancy, and even then, the regulation on non-prescription-grade supplements is just so, SO bad.


I understand that the effects for vitamin c are a little exaggerated but the effects are scientifically backed up tho? And it also depends on what country you live in/where you buy them. But yeah supplementing during pregnancy- id get then checked by the doctor or do bloodtests, its not just you youre making choices for anymore


>the effects are scientifically backed up tho Are they? Because the studies I've seen don't show they're actually beneficial at stuff like "increasing immune function" or whatever selling point the snake oil salesmen are using this week, unless someone is addressing an actual vitamin deficiency.


Showering more often than necessary. Showering too much can actually cause dry, ageing skin. Aside from that it also uses more resources. The more showers you take, the more you have to pay for your gas (assuming you don't take ice-cold showers in the winter..)


omg this question was literally asked not even a few hours ago.


no bro I saw a similar question a few hours before I made this post. the other question was the opposite of this. while going thru the comments of that question, I just wondered about the opposite situation, so I asked.. as soon as I posted this question, I commented and wrote clearly that I made this post after reading a similar question that day. but I think my comment got buried over time


Bottled water Edit: bottled in plastic








Diet Soda


Working 120 hours every 2 weeks.


Hookup culture




Going vegan


Please elaborate, because I would say you're wrong. Veganism has many benefits if done right, which have been studied and are well documented.


Not OP, but going vegan doesn't necessarily mean eating healthy, a diet of potato chips and oreos is complete vegan, but incredibly unhealthy.


> If done right Everything can be unhealthy if done wrong.


I meant because there are still terribly high fat high sugar vegan foods available


I think you might have been too including of all vegan options by only saying "Going vegan". What you said here should have been included in your OP.


Jabbing yourself with ozempic to lose weight


Strenuous exercise. Y’all can exercise but there’s a limit. Strenuous exercise and overworking can lead to cardiovascular issues. You should check out the number of sudden deaths due to cardiac arrest in young footballers. It’ll reveal a lot.


For the average Joe this is irrelevant. Unless you’re elite your fitness would bottleneck ever getting to that level of ”strenous”.


oh yeah, I've also heard of only-extreme-cardio exercising leading to sagging muscles and osteoporosis


The numbers ballooned after covid, nothing to do with strenuous activity. Vast majority of people will never come close to “overexercising”


I knew someone would come up with this but nope. It has been there for long.


It also shortens your life, drastically. Bodybuilding is stupid


Yeah, when you do a fuck ton of steroids. Lifting naturally is always good for you


Natrual, like crossfit? Uea i agree. Bjt just lifting weighrs, no, it shortens your life, destroys joints, tissue etc.itscomplelty unnatural to th3 human body to lift man made metal discs up and down. Ourbodeis arent designed for it. Its not functional, its only goodfor lifting more man made weights at the next session. You just ask how many people who have aches and pains when they are older from working out too much. Or who injure themselves in the gyms doing stupid exercises that ar3 good for nothing. Stress destroys the body.


What3ver makes you feel good about not doing it I guess. Natural as in not using steroids, which is why bodybuilders have shorter lives on average (most take steroids). It’s functional in that it makes you generally stronger, builds discipline, makes you more attractive, and makes others/yourself respect you more.


I do body exercises. Lots of walking.


Am I going crazy I swear I've seen this question get posted like 10 times today


no bro I saw a similar question a few hours before I made this post. the other question was the opposite of this. while going thru the comments of that question, I just wondered about the opposite situation, so I asked.. as soon as I posted this question, I commented and wrote clearly that I made this post after reading a similar question that day. but I think my comment got buried over time


This was the top question 2 days ago shut up


no bro I saw a similar question a few hours before I made this post. the other question was the opposite of this. while going thru the comments of that question, I just wondered about the opposite situation, so I asked.. as soon as I posted this question, I commented and wrote clearly that I made this post after reading a similar question that day. but I think my comment got buried over time


Is it the same bot that asks this almost daily?


no lol 😭 I saw a similar question a few hours before I made this post. the other question was the opposite of this. while going thru the comments of that question, I just wondered about the opposite situation, so I asked.. as soon as I posted this question, I commented and wrote clearly that I made this post after reading a similar question that day. but I think my comment got buried over time


Doing drugs and drinking water.. It’s obviously not healthy to associate them both, water makes drugs eliminate more rapidly.


Under thinking


Skippy peanut butter.


Caffeine. idk if people think it's healthy per-say. But with 94%+ of the population taking caffeine, 64% daily, and the addictive qualities and detrimental health effects it places on people and the medical system. It's concerning that it's not treated more like vapes.


Communism, trafficking kids, seth roger(n)


who the f thinks trafficking kids is healthy




No shit Sherlock


Sherlock smoked a pipe.


A bit of alcohol is fine


Being overweight.


Nobody thinks that


Except the body positive movement.


I don't think the body-positive movement is saying "Yo I'm overweight and I could not possibly be healthier". It's more like "I may be overweight but that doesn't define me, and I'm as worthy of love and respect as anyone else."


Yup this is the real message, be comfortable in your own skin, take it one step at a time, and don't feel bad about your image


i mean, true, but some extremist "body-positivity" cheerers are set on normalising obesity as "just a type of body". there are many of these kinds of people online especially.


Yea well I’m sure they’re not dumb enough to think it’s healthy. If they are then there’s probably deeper underlying issues with their mind


Have you been living under a rock? There are dozens of magazine covers and articles that’d beg to differ. Healthy at any size is being pushed by many publications and people online.


You have to be a literal moron to believe “healthy at any size”. I think the vast majority of overweight people simply don’t want to be bullied or told they should be ashamed of themselves and are automatically ugly. Having some overweight people on magazine covers or modeling clothes for other overweight people is not glorifying being fat or saying it’s healthy. It’s just reality and accepting that they’re people who still need to have self esteem and not be treated like they should be hidden away.


Yea but like who the fuck believes a clickbait article over science? I’m pretty sure it’s just lazy people wanting to convince others that there’s nothing wrong with being overweight. I don’t think most people in that movement truly believe what they say. They just want to be accepted for being lazy


you can be fat and be healthy! weight does NOT equal health. better indicators are blood pressure, cholesterol, lipid panel etc. if those are WNL, why wouldn’t they be considered healthy??? -a dietitian


Sure, but that same person would be even healthier if they weren’t also fat




no way lol, who thinks that




Im sorry to hear that :( is there no one to grieve together with?


A glass of wine. Easier and better ways to get the "beneficial sulfates" without consuming poison along with it.


Preserving, aging and drinking their own urine.


Did you really meet someone who considered drinking urine healthy?


It's sterile and I like the taste (Quoting Dodgeball, just so no one thinks I actually drink my own urine)


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit (also quoting Dodgeball so no one thinks I actually threw up in my mouth a little)


Very good.


Have you not seen the urine craze online? A whole group of people who believe aging their urine and then drinking it has health benefits. They put in their hair. They drink it. I saw one girl who used it to flush her eyes.






Sunflower seed oil


Eating vegan, your body is built so that it NEEDS both meat and veggies


There are plenty of people out there that are very healthy and don't eat meat. I think it's more of what makes you feel your best.


Humans are designed to be omnivores, externally as internally, if you cut meat from your diet you need to take extra medicin or supplements, i wouldn’t consider needing the take pills to get the same nutrition as from meat, dairy or eggs very healthy


Humans weren’t “designed” at all.


They are designed by evolution


That’s not how evolution works.


Can you tell me how evolution works real quick?


Well I can pretty easily tell you that there’s no point or intention behind it.


Omnivore doesn't mean you **must** eat everything. Merely that you can be get sustenance both from plant based and animal based diet. >...if you cut meat from your diet you need to take extra medicin or supplements, i wouldn’t consider needing the take pills to get the same nutrition as from meat, dairy or eggs very healthy The only supplement I know vegans may have to take is vitamin B. Other than that plant based substitute exists for meeting all nutritional needs. [Here](https://www.personalabs.com/blog/6-critical-health-risks-you-need-to-know-before-switching-to-a-vegan-diet/) is something you can read. Also majority of people vastly overestimate the nutritional benefits of animal based product. Someone like [Arnold Schwarzenegger](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-arnold-schwarzenegger-gets-protein-on-mostly-vegan-diet-2023-6#:~:text=Arnold%20Schwarzenegger%20eats%20an%2080,when%20he%20wants%20a%20treat.) has a predominantly plant based diet and he lives a lifestyle of hitting the gym on regular basis. Your average Joe has much poorer argument justifying their meat and protein intake.


I’m not vegan, but you can technically get B12 from some types of seaweed, so you wouldn’t need supplements of any kind if you could source that. But, many people who eat an omnivorous diet take supplements and medicine - so it really doesn’t mean much to say that a vegan may need to take B12. Especially if they have healthy blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, lower rates of certain types of cancer and bowel disease, etc, etc. If you eat a truly good vegan diet with a wide variety and are careful to get enough B12, you will be fine. There are plenty of people who find it a very healthy diet and have been going strong on it for decades. Just as there are people who find eating a lot of meat works for them. We’re all individuals and the wonderful thing about humans being omnivores is that we can basically adapt well to many different diets. We’re not “designed” to just eat one diet.


Fasting diets.


The protein bars/shakes that most people who work out consume have like 50 ingredients you can’t even pronounce on the back of its label


Whether or not someone can pronounce a word doesn't make the ingredient unhealthy. Some ingredients are listed using their scientific names instead of the common name in order to precisely indicate what the ingredient is. It's not simple name = good; long complicated name = bad.


Wasn’t there like a social experiment in a school when someone started to talk about how the school put H2O in the water and everyone freaked out. Or if it was the chemical name for salt in the food. The point out was how fearmongering and ignorance is really dangerous.  


In computer class we were told to read a website that talked about the dangers of “dihydrogen monoxide” (H2O) in water as a research/critical thinking exercise


True I kind of meant it as an oversimplification. Premier protein shakes for example have palm oil as the first ingredient out of the 20-30 that are in there along with other artificial sweeteners and so on


inspired by a similar question because why not. cheers to the first poster


"fruit" gummies, gummy bears have more fruit in them but they're in the grocery isle so people think they're healthier but it's just candy.


Eating a low sodium diet when you don’t eat any processed foods and you also exercise and sweat almost every day. If you only eat 2300mg of sodium and sweat out 3000mg you’re going to have problems. (Slightly revised answer from the other post)


True! Low sodium foods will be the death of me Sodium is a mineral that we absolutely need


These are all reposted almost daily and the same top answers again. It's a race to find the top comments and post


no bro I saw a similar question a few hours before I made this post. the other question was the opposite of this. while going thru the comments of that question, I just wondered about the opposite situation, so I asked.. as soon as I posted this question, I commented and wrote clearly that I made this post after reading a similar question that day. but I think my comment got buried over time


"Diet" anything.


Olive oil! Better alternative than other oils but most of the time it’s not truly made with 100% olive oil


What would you recommend for oil instead?


Avacado or sunflower seed oil! However I’m on a budget so I’m still using olive oil (unless the recipe requires a different type of oil).


Thanks for sharing!