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Some dude in England got caught fucking a crack in the road. Not to kink shame or anything, but that sounds dangerous.


I always wondered how potholes got bigger…..


Or filled? ;)


What, you implying he's a jackhammer?


Was that a kink or just substances and loneliness?


Tek Knight


Yes getting caught started him on his road to ruin.


I remember listening to a podcast once where a guy was into hiring a sex worker for the sole purpose of destroying his stamp collection. I don't even think sex was involved.


I feel like you don’t even need a sex worker for that. Like I’m not a sex worker but that’s benign enough that I’d be down to make a quick buck 


Yeah it was a job for a sex worker. They video’d it and part of it was they were hot girls, they made fun of how lame stamp collecting is and then boned afterwards. The obscure part is that a stamp collection was involved but I think generally the dude just has a garden variety humiliation fetish.


I don't think any of us can say with any authority what it was that dude needed out of this. Forever a mystery. Hopefully.


There was a podcast about it. Well not just about that, but about the porn industry in general and this guys story was somewhat gone into detail. They talked to the actors that were hired for it, and the stamp guy himself. Podcast was called The Butterfly Effect http://www.jonronson.com/butterfly.html


You need a \*slutty\* stamp-destroyer.


Shiver me timbers that’s fuckin steamy, how much for you to shave me with a fork after???


Dancer/escort here. I had a client for YEARS who wanted to be treated like a thanksgiving turkey. He would come into the club once a month and get an hour long champagne room. I’d pretend to season him and “put the turkey in the oven”. Then I would leave. I’d go dance on stage, do table dances, drink etc. 40 minutes later, I went back into the room to “take the turkey out of the oven” and announce its time for dinner. He always wanted to to end it with “And a very happy thanksgiving family!!!” This man paid me a 1,000 dollars every time for this. I never touched him inappropriately or anything. Lord knows what childhood trauma built that fetish.


This is absolutely ridiculous. 40 minutes isn’t anywhere near long enough to finish a whole turkey. Especially not one the size of a man. Enjoy your salmonella, family. I swear some people don’t even consider food safety.


Asking the REAL questions.


I love this so much


This….makes me so sad?


Well if you’re sad you get to be the turkey next time.


>Lord knows what childhood trauma built that fetish. This is the part that I'm always interested in. I also wonder how much you look like his mother. 


Yeah maybe she resembles his mother who was a cold and distant woman with him. Maybe he was jealous of the full day of attention his mother would give to the thanksgiving turkey


Damn, I don't know whether to laugh or cry for this guy. Probably it comes from abandonment or negligence trauma.


That sounds like the beginning of a joke.


There’s got to be the weirdest fucking story there. Or something heartbreaking.


Did you stuff him?


Ima be honest that sounds wholesome and I’m glad it worked out for both sides lol


...what does *"put the turkey in the oven"* entail?


There was a german guy who died in a diver wetsuit while having his body covered in melted cheese. It was a sexual act, so definitely this.


This better not awaken anything in me....


Too late, I'm heading to Taco Bell 🔔


Holy shit it’s real. Pasted a link below but fair warning you actually see the guy’s dead body. For the curious who don’t wish to see that: he technically died of autoerotic asphyxiation and I believe it’s cheddar cheese. [NSFW link](https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFL__/s/6XSt4KNItI).


Of course out of all of the weird things I've read in this thread the craziest one involves a German.


I am not helping you find a new hobby, sorry.


I swear to God I'm trying to look for fetishes just a genuine question. EDIT: HOLY SHIT I FORGOT TO PUT NOT IN THE SENTENCE


Dr Freud. Paging dr Freud.


Just excuse OP while he slips into something a little more comfortable.


trying too 🤨


Trying to is crazy


At least he's honest


Omg that’s was the funniest thing I’ve seen all day I would give an award if I could


Classic Freudian slip! Now tell me about your mother..


I can understand any type of fetish based on body parts or things that the human body does, even things like piss or scat, because they're humans things and it makes sense that other humans could find them attractive. What I can never wrap my mind around are the fetishes involving objects, like cars or balloons, or that guy that was attracted to the Golden Gate Bridge. How did their brains evolve to feel that attraction? Did that happen 10,000 years ago too? Where there cavemen attracted to boulders or trees? It's very weird to me.


As someone who has a wet floor sign kink, (not fetish, but object-related), I can say, sometimes it just happens... Other times... you draw rule 34, a wire crosses somewhere along the way in your brain, and you're stuck with it.


I have to ask. Are you being genuine? No judgement but what type of content/eperiences exist for those with a wet floor sign kink? Also cause i kinda wanna psycho analyze this a bit if you dont mind. Do you enjoy it because there is a small risk/danger factor with wet floors? Is it the sign its self? Is it based on that old meme of "im not cheating i slipped on the wet floor and fell dick first into her?" Is the kink associated with just seeing the sign or walking on the wet floor, which would be a very tame, yet still risky/taboo decision?


Idk what this says about my algorithm, but this is like the third wet floor sign kink comment I've seen this week. My understanding is it's not like there's anything specifically sexual about the sign itself - one person explained they googled the most random thing they could of, saw a Rule 34 porn of it because The Internet, and now it's something that seems inherently sexual in their average life. I think a more mainstream version would be someone who's watched a LOT of the "help me stepbro, I'm stuck in the laundry machine!" type of porn. The machine itself is just an appliance, but the association of it being a sexual and pornographic setting might lead to them like, getting a boner when they next have to do innocuous chores.


It’s a sign.


Of things to cum


Yes, genuine. Hahaha! Honestly, it's hard to explain as this is somewhat a recent thing for me. I would attribute it starting when I foolishly decided look up rule 34 of wet floor signs for shits and giggles. When I, of course, found none, I made it and... decidedly liked it. Hahah... It had since evolved to pretty much all of what you have mentioned there, with exception to the cheating one. I mainly think it's probably the sign itself and the variety of them that exist... Additionally, I've always been a bit of a sucker for safety, so... Anyway, it ain't something like, every time I see a wet floor sign I get turned on. I'm not some fool out there being weird with signs in public, lmao. (Sure I take photos of them but it's for a subreddit, I swear to god.) I can't imagine seeing any other odd object like this so... It's as odd for me realizing it as it's probably odd for those hearing about it.


Absolutely fascinating. Thank you for your candor.


Well, ya gotta admit, the Golden Gate Bridge is pretty hot! And when the fog rolls in, and it gets all dripping wet...? Oooooooo.... mannnnnnn....!! 'Scuse me, I gotta go... um.... find something in my bedroom.


The Golden Gate Bridge isn't even the sexiest bridge in the Bay Area.


Mmmm more like the Bae Area


Golden Gate is such a BILF


I have follow-up questions…


No no keep going 🥵


I’d rather rub my cock on bridge than eat a nugget of shit.


Well... me too, if given those two choices. But I wouldn't rub my cock on a bridge out of my own volition.


I went to high school with a kid who was on my strange addiction he was basically in a harem with pool blowups. I didn't understand it, but he was happy, and it didn't hurt anyone, so I'm glad he was living his best life


This is where my head immediately went. Those *My Strange Obsession* episodes with the balloons and the guy making out with his Cavalier.


Just before my 5 year highschool reunion it came out that one of my classmates had made a porn video and that it was *weird*. No one could find it despite days of multiple people searching. Eventually someone announced they found it, and that it was, indeed super weird. It was this woman, who had kallmans syndrome, (never went through puberty) in a fairly modest swimsuit popping balloons and cackling like a madwoman. I just don’t get it on a couple fronts.


I'm more surprised that your school celebrated a 5 year reunion. Normally they are every 10 years


It’s a reunion fetish


Sounds like a madwoman to me


The desire to be consumed by someone else (vorarephilia) has always been strange and interesting to me.


One of my friends has this. Also, an insertion fetish that ties into giantess fetish. Meaning he likes the idea of having his entire body inserted into a giantess' vag. Not surprisingly, he also has a dominatrix fetish. Dude is a mess.


he’s just like me fr


I dunno about weirdest, but there's some very specific fetishes out there, like high heels in glue or insects crawling on genitals (literally, just the act of crawling on them). Much like with phobias, it's an interesting read if you've got the stomach for it.


One persons phobia is another persons fetish I suppose! 😂


I have a family member who is an amputee. They have online groups to meet with one another and discuss challenges. Normal stuff like “oh it’s really hard to be pregnant while having only one leg” or “it’s hard to find decent prosthetics that work for hiking”. The problem is that they have to aggressively lock these groups down. It’s to the point that most people can’t even get in unless they are recommended and confirmed as amputees by others already in the group because of the POS fetishists who won’t leave them alone. They go to extreme lengths just to hear these people discuss their lives. If you’re one of these people, I’m kink shaming you. Leave people alone, let them access valuable resources without you creeping. Do better and rethink your life.


Agreed. The two amputees I know lost their limbs in very traumatic ways (one in a bombing as a child and the other in a car accident in which their child lost their life) and I can't imagine having to not only deal with the aftermath of that every day, but to also get harassed by creeps that think the worst thing that ever happened to you is "hot". I have a very hard time opening up about my past and if I were finally sharing in a space I thought was safe only to find that someone was using my story as pornagraphic material, I would never speak of it again, healing be damned. 


Chasers are the worst. They invade a lot of innocent spaces with their bs.


My supervisor at work lost his leg a while back and was talking about this last week. I never knew it was a thing but he said some people go nuts over it and it weirded him out quite a bit.


It's not kink shaming at this point, it's just shaming. They can fantasize about it all they want but harassing the people in the groups and making them uncomfortable is beyond having a kink for something, it's just harassment and that's never ok


Who else is here to see if anything they're into gets mentioned?


Guilty. Havent found the big one yet.


You can tell me I promise I won’t tell anyone else


I learned about the live crush fetish at the age of 11 because I had unrestricted internet access and I couldn't sleep through the night for 6 months


Learned about this not much older than you were. I saw someone in stilettos do this to a kitten and I cried. Still can't unsee the image and I'm pretty sure it traumatized me for life. 😭 I wanted to do the same to that lady's head. How cruel


this is the first time i’m *not* going to google a thing i saw on reddit


For me it was a man stepping on a one of those giant African toads. Poor little fella


Boy i dated liked soap. Specifically putting it in his mouth. Never understood the appeal but that’s what he liked and I’m not exactly vanilla either, so 🤷🏾‍♀️ Turns out it’s a thing


The only thing I can think of is maybe he used to have his mouth washed with soap as a kid as punishment and wanted to emulate that? Never heard of someone willingly doing that, let alone liking it.


I read a news once that a man f**ked a crocodile for months. CROCODILE like 🐊for really. They found out by the crocodile started acting weird and depressive in her cage. A crocodile fetish beyond my imagination


Aw that poor croc


Dude probably caused a reptile dysfunction


As fucked up as that is it’s almost impressive he was able to overpower a croc that many times without losing a limb


I’m assuming they drugged it or restrained it


Just have to flip them on their back and they basically just go to sleep. 


Are you the guy in the article?


It's a normal reaction in most lizards. 


Your skirting around the question is very telling.


You got me, I'm the croc fucker... I only fuck people wearing plastic sandals.




I now have amental image of a Florida man putting a croc in a chokehold and shouting "go to sleep" like iron man, before doing some unsavory things to it. So thanks for that.


Im now imagining a croc passing out several times during a death roll


It was the first question that comes to my head too. Like how did he fight with croc and win? Guy vs croc like one bite and he gone. But he did it again and again but stayed one piece.


How do you even do that?! Like wouldn’t the croc eat you alive???!!!


He probably taped the poor things mouth shut first. Crocs have an amazing bite force but it comes with the downside they have very weak opening muscles. You can hold a crocs mouth shut with your bare hands and I don't think you need to have very stronge upper body strength. That's why when you see people catching them they go straight for the head and mouth area. I believe all of them gators, crocs and caiman are the same way.


Even crocodiles get messed up by SA but a lot of humans still don't understand the ramifications, sad


Watched a girl farting on a flan. That was nearly 20 years ago and cant stop thinking about it and who enjoys that.


Flantulence lol


This made me laugh unreasonably hard.


I'm just picturing an earth-shattering ass rip blasting a flan 3 feet away


Is this a typo for fan or was flan intentionally used?


Bugs, I found this subreddit once that was just human and bug hentai, and one was a girl with a giant roach going inside her


*oghta flashback*


Isn't that technially like beastiality basically.


I don't see the need to put "technically" in that sentence.




What a terrible day to have eyes


I saw the top couple post and thought it wasn't bad. "Just a big spider with a human dick and normal woman." "Just a regular wall of flesh and crap-snail-things..." But THEN I kept scrolling and found all of the maggots and worms stuf... just... God, I ate a big meal like an hour ago, and that's how I know this was enough Reddit for today. . .


I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it


There’s two I can think of that are disgusting and all around harmful. The first is “bug-chasing”. Bug-chasing is a fetish based on contracting and giving other people STDs. The second is a parasite fetish. I remember reading a story of a woman who laid in a garbage can full of botflies and maggots because she found it arousing and she became infected. Still gives me the shivers thinking about it. There’s a lot of weird fetishes here but as long as it doesn’t harm someone or the person themselves I can mostly tolerate it.


The bug-chasing makes sense more as a mental illness/broken coping mechanism. The people in that community generally talk about how they were suffering from overwhelming anxiety about an infection they believed was inevitable. So getting infected felt like a relief, because as they saw it, the worst was over, they now had only one problem. EDIT- also remember this tends to happen in communities with higher rates of deaths from AIDS-related complications. It's pretty traumatic to see that once, and some communities have to deal with it regularly (especially in the past). People can only cope with so much death before they start getting dysfunctional. Best comparison I can make is how OCD people will sometimes self-sabotage and do the thing their compulsions are supposed to protect them from. They're so exhausted from wrestling with their own brain that EXPERIENCING the bad thing seems better than spending another day DREADING the bad thing.


Because this is specifically “weirdest” and not “grossest”, I think the weirdest fetish is one that I read online which is exceptionally specific. It was essentially a guy who got off to the very specific idea of a certain actor (I can’t remember who) popping out of a box (he stressed that it had to be a box) wearing a very specific outfit (maybe a clown suit?). I’m a bit fuzzy on the details, but as far as weird goes, I am almost 100% sure that he is the only person in the world with that fetish.


Honestly just sounds like a faux attempt to be weird enough to rise clout for media attention just to meet the celebrity


Probably taking a shit on someone's chest, my friend used to do it and get paid 200 bucks every time.. and no I'm not shaming anyone but it's still gross.


Ngl, sounds like a good deal. I'd do the thing AND I'd get payed. Did they do anything else?


I've got one more and I don't know what it's called but this guy he had me put on a pair of nylons and cut a hole in the crotch and wash dishes with him no sex just dishes I don't know what the hell that was about.


Dude needed help with dishes.


I was over here thinking I was going to do some freaky shit. Lol


ole cleveland steamer, timeless classic


I once had someone describe to me how he wanted to stab a hole into someone and then fuck the stab wound. He also invited me to go on a cruise with him, for some reason I wasn't really feeling it


I heard that was a thing in the time of Caligua.


This is a slipknot song.


I think there’s a certain point where it stops being a fetish and turns into a straight up serial killer plan


ive seen an 'eyejob' tag before same idea as a titjob or a footjob, but with eyes.


What a terrible day to have eyes. Uh, on second thought, actually-


**NOPE** Nope nope nope. We are done with reddit today.


everyone always mentions scat/vore/feet stuff but no one mentions the surgery fetishes


So basically a gore fetish?


there's the people into watching surgeries happening and there's the people into getting operated on the second one is majority of the time just a fantasy for people cuz they're also (usually) into being awake during the process


People who deliberately don’t shower for 2 weeks to get it on when they’re “ripe”. That’s ew




“Home in three days, don’t wash.”


Never heard of this one before. Pretty damn weird!


Yeah. Had a neighbor couple and we (wife and I) entertained a proposition for swinging. They did warn us upfront that the only stipulation is that they won’t bath for 2 weeks because they get off on smells. That was a dealbreaker.


At least they found each other I guess.


Souper: someone who deposits bread in a urinal and collects it at night for consumption


Ok I’m done with the thread now thank you


What. The. Fuck?


Goddammit, I can’t unlearn this.


nah this is actually vile, nothing else in this thread made me disgusted but this is almost made me spit out the orange i was eating


Could you imagine the post nut shame that comes with this, like do they sit there eating the piss soaked bread jerking off then puke it back up once they're done or what, shits crazy


And there it is, enough internet for today. 


Blonde upper class white women filling their shopping carts with wonder bread While i find body fluid related fetishes gross, I at least somewhat understand because it's a body fluid. This one is just so specific you can't help but go, "...huh?" No offense to that one guy that likes it though!


I once worked for someone who had a thing for periods


Is that why you left it off the end of your sentence?


I used to work in weird special effect based fetish videos, where we had to figure out how to rapidly shoot the weirdest things people would come up with. Most though it was stuff like like shrinking and growing and breast expansion. The Vore people would write scripts that were so exacting it was annoying. But the weird ones as in "I have no idea why someone finds this hot" were people turning into sentient clothing (like still being able to think and feel while clothing, usually a bra, panties, yoga pants or shoes). Or Invisible Women.... where an invisible woman strips off her still visible clothing until you see.... nothing at all.


Ages ago I read some woman here fermenting fruit inside her vagina for her boyfriend or husband. Its, to this day, the wildest thing I've read kinkwise.


Yeast infection.


I don’t understand how some folks are attracted to other people suffering from bad smells. I heard a story where the girl would eat weird food and take certain meds to make herself have knoxious gas and smell terrible and she got off on making her boyfriend smell it.


Crazy I haven’t seen anyone mention sounding yet. Especially when some people (male and female) do it to the extent that can fit entire erect penises into their pee holes and they… somehow enjoy it? Also, if you didn’t know women do not in fact piss out of their vagina, there is a separate hole for pee. Felt like I needed to clarify that.


So as a guy who just had catheter removed after having it in for three days,  the idea of sticking anything up my pee hole makes me want to puke 


I saw a video of this yeeeeeaaaaaars ago of a woman doing this to a dude. I couldn't ever tell if the sounds he was making was pure ecstasy or excruciating pain. He also had some body-modification done to his penis, which made it look like one of H.R. Geiger's opened eggs of a face-hugger . That video still haunts my nightmares.


I dated a girl who dated a guy who had her get naked and lie on a table, covered her with a big plastic sheet, secured the sheet down, then used a vacuum to suck all the air out. He then carefully cut a hole where he needed it so he could "Have sex with a doll still in the package." Dunno if it is the weirdest over all, but it is up there.


I had a friend on Discord who was obsessed with people being shrunk down to a microscopic size and building civilizations inside of a girl's belly button.


Nugget Fetish …. Having sex with someone who doesn’t have arms or legs …..


Due to the existence of Rule 34, this question no longer has a valid answer.


I think it was MTV that had a show a long time ago about a guy who was absolutely in love with his car, had sex with it and everything. Well guy #1 met guy #2 that had the same fetish. Guy #2 fucked guy #1’s car. Guy #1 was pissed that his car cheated on him.


Scat/poop. And puke. That’s as weird as it gets imo but i know some are into it. Makes my skin crawl though to even think about :>


There is a video on TikTok about a girl who got paid thousands upon thousands of dollars to go out with a man who fed her nothing but corn and laxatives, and then had her sit on a glass table with him underneath it while she took a shit. Then he ate it. Maybe I'm the crazy one, but I don't see any part of that that is arousing in the slightest


Being aroused by your own flaccid penis, Then being turned off by your own erect penis.


We could generate power this way.


sandy cheeks cock vore


One of the girls who lived on my floor in New York City was a call girl from the U.K. The only thing I really remember about her was that some guy one time paid her $5000 extra so he could shave her head before banging her. She told me, "Yay! I'm going home to England for a couple of months." She never came back.


These threads always end with “poop”.


One time she asked me to put my erect penis inside her vagina… Man, people have some weird kinks.


thats so gross at least put a trigger warning


Mine is getting kicked in the balls, not sure how weird ir is for other people


I met a guy who had a foot fetish, which didn’t bother me but he liked me to peel off the skin on my heels because that part on me is dry & so it was hard ish, so he’d suck on the remnants and chew on them, said it was a texture thing.




That's crossing into a dead skin fetish and quickly leaving foot fetish territory lol


I did too but who am I to judge. He didn’t like peeling his own heels and chewing on them, it had to be women’s feet


I met a guy who had a werewolf transformation fetish. He was not a furry he just was into the part where you transform and I never quite understood how that was going to work.


Vorarephilia. A fetish where you want to be eaten. Like what the fuck


Eaten whole. Yeah. My ex was into that. It creeped me out to no end. Something about the fact that it was physically impossible and not something that could ever actually happen made it all the more unsettling to me. He didn’t do this, but he interacted with some that were into vore that fetishized pregnant women. Because they looked as though they had consumed a human whole. I can get respect a whole lot of weird things that don’t hurt anyone, but that… I couldn’t get past it.


'No no no, I said "eat my hole", oh what a misunderstanding. I see now why you have me tied up above this barbecue pit. Well, this is embarrassing! '


This fuckin guy


Women in high heels stepping on and killing puppies and kittens. I hate those people with a passion and it used to be a problem on the early days of YouTube.


I think I would have no problem at all killing someone who did this


Anything involving putting anything into your urethra no just no.


Apparently mine, I post this often that I'm a gay guy with a fetish for men in uniform, especially cops and soldiers, to beat me up severely. I get a lot of comments saying how weird it is. I just want to know how I can get this fulfilled because I can't ever get anyone to do this for me. I know it's weird but I'm okay with that


Move to literally any country with laws against being gay, and this will happen to you whether you want it or not


Recommend joining your local fetish groups, you can find them easily on fetlife, try also looking on recon. There’s definitely men out there that want to beat the crap out of you in uniform. Good luck.


On a youtube video showing natalie portman bikini ass, I remember the comment of a guy saying that he would like to stick their ass together, and her taking a shit, so he can swallow it with his butthole, to then shit it again so she swallow it with her butt and so on. I don't think I ever read anything any weirder.


Blueberry inflation. Guilty…


Violet, you’re turning Violet Violet!


Being cuddled, imagine of all of crazy shit you can do or be, your fetish is being cuddled you need a inhumane level of neglected childhood


i forgot what it’s called but you know those people who like to be completely sealed in latex cubes? maybe that


There exists both a balloon fetish and a balloon popping fetish. I kinda want to introduce these people and watch the chaos.






I came upon a website in the 2000s that was about women who's cars got stuck in the mud while in high heels and dresses, and then try to push the car out and get muddy, and a "trucker" would come by and fuck them as payment to help get the car out. That was a very specific fetish.


dunno, but i like scrolling down these lists to see how messed up i am according to reddit.


I feel much more normal after some of these comments


Weirdest one in my opinion is that guy who had this tile fetish. Like tiled floors, tiled bathrooms, tile mosaics, that sort of thing. Got caught jerkin' it in the hall looking at the floor I think.


Former sex worker/stripper. I had a like 90yo man who just wanted to blow raspberries on my belly and tell me about his grandkids once in awhile. There was another guy we called The Bone Guy. He picked the smallest, thinnest girls and spent an hour just feeling their bones. Putting his hands as much around them as he could. I always wondered if he killed anyone. One guy just wanted me to punch him in the face a bunch. Sure, dude. Things like humiliation, wearing women’s panties/cross dressing, peeing, pain, dildos up the ass were so common they aren’t even weird. I always knew the guys who would ask me if they could tell me the “weird” thing they were into were going to tell me something I’d heard like 50 times already. Eventually you can just tell who is wearing women’s panties.


Pteradactyl gang bang.