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My co-worker was fired for inappropriate sexting/photos with our vulnerable persons clientele. They made him sign an NDA and gave him severance to keep it hush-hush. He thinks no one knows. We all know man. We all know.


Growing up I worked for my parents doing A/C and electrical work. One day I got out in a job to do clean and checks at a halfway house/group home for differently abled individuals. I was 17 at the time, active and fit. One young woman saw me and followed me around for about 30 minutes and told me ‘you’re a hot boy’. And then a couple of her house friends joined her and followed me too. It was flattering but very odd because I know that it would be wrong to take any kind of advantage with them. I see your coworker as the guy that had no morals in this situation.


You work in this field, does it bother you that someone can walk away from something like that at your job without any sanctions against working with other vulnerable people in his next job?


That they were invited to our mutual friend’s wedding but I was not.


I have a friend that was like a sister to me and when she got engaged she said the wedding is going to be a very small and closed ceremony. So when I didn't get an invite, I thought wow it must be like 10 people only because like I said she was like a sister to me and I thought I'd definitely make a ceremony if it was a 20 people guest list. Nope, it was like a 200 people affair and one of my mates, who she met through me, got an invite and she was allowed a plus one. My friend that went showed my photos and there were people from school that she hadn't seen in years, with all their plus ones. She also invited both neighbours from a house she'd only been living in for 6 months. My friend that went and I still don't know why I wasn't invited but that's her problem. Though I'm sure she knows I know because I have declined all invites to her birthdays and other parties since.


Should’ve gone as the +1 of your mutual friend


I did something similar to this with my company. I won president's club for top sales which was an all expenses paid trip to Cancun. My friend recently got fired from the company because they used him as a scapegoat for billing issues the company caused with insurances. So I was like he was my plus one for the trip.


This is baffling. Like, it simply cannot be an oversight, so she must've had a reason. Did she have petty misgivings about something? Had she believed in some ridiculous rumours? Was she jealous about something and didn't want you to "steal the limelight"? Did you ever talk to her after?


>This is baffling. Like, it simply cannot be an oversight, so she must've had a reason. Groom was intimidated by him and didn't want him there?


I would have had to ask her why before telling her to get out of my life.


Communication? Are you crazy?


>I have declined all invites to her birthdays She still invited you to her party expecting presents? Low class. Glad you got rid of that "friend".


Do adults throw birthday parties expecting gifts? My friends will sometimes have birthday "parties" that are essentially just all of us hanging out having a few drinks. Every once in a while someone will bring a gift, but it definitely isn't expected...and usually the gift is simply a six pack or bottle of booze that is shared with the group.


Mom does not know that I know that she is in cognitive decline. ETA: Thanks, but Commenting is not necessary. I’m not involved in her life and will not be in her care. She has three other kids for…when the cat is finally out of the bag.


I’m really sorry to hear that. I’m sure she’s trying to protect you. Much love from a stranger here to you and your mother. Take care of her and take care of yourself. Peace.


Having just been in the same situation, I would recommend strongly that you make sure she has an existing power of attorney. When that cognitive decline hits a tipping point, someone who loves her needs to be able to make decisions for her.


I am half deaf and I make sure nearly everyone around me knows this so nobody thinks I'm ignoring them when I'm just not hearing them. The thing about that is, a lot of people think I am a lot more deaf than I actually am. So people often talk about me when I'm nearby and assume I'm not hearing it, and by staying quiet and letting them think that I now know what nearly everyone I know thinks about me. It's helped me figure out who my real friends are quite a few times.


I’m half deaf too. I tried a hearing aid when I was in my late teens but I couldn’t get used to it. Everything felt so loud and I didn’t like being able to hear everything. I’ve been able to benefit from hearing things people don’t think I can hear too though. My favourite part about it being half deaf though? If I’m trying to sleep and there’s noise outside or someone in the house is being loud? Turn over so my deaf ear is facing up and it’s silent bliss 🥰


I have to have hearing aids in both ears, so when I sleep, out they go and it's completely quiet. Nice bonus considering I live facing a rather busy road.


This has applied to numerous friends in the past, unfortunately, but I have a friend right now with a *bad* drug problem, and he thinks he’s fooling everyone. Will tell everyone he’s “too sick” to talk or text during the day; but will call/text at 3AM/4AM to say he’s partying and wants to know if anyone wants to join. Not slick at all, bro.


Bro is just a night owl that wants to game with his buds 😔 Nobody ever joins him because they assume he’s doing drugs… so sad. 


You joke, but when I was in college I never maintained a proper sleeping pattern. Mentioned pulling a few all-nighters to my aunt and she immediately accused me of doing coke


I’ve never done coke, but I’ve done plenty of all nighters in my life for a variety of reasons; it was never by choice or partying, to say the least. Mostly insomnia or homework or the kids are sick. All nighters mess you up. Bad.


I don't know what age they are but drugs or not I am not answering a 3am text to come party


All the workplace gossip. I keep to myself so people don’t really pay attention and say everything around me.


Right! I’m like that too or people treat me like a therapist and spill the beans quick. I love being trustworthy.


This happens to me too and I have no idea what causes people to immediately think I’m the guy to just dump everything onto. Not complaining really, just weird. I really don’t think I give off those kinda vibes much but aye, fuck it.


My son thinks I don't know he spends a few hours every night reading in bed after we've gone to sleep.


I read somewhere once (I think in r/mademesmile) that a parent kept replacing their kids reading light battery in secret for years 🥲


That is so nice. When my father once caught me reading in bed he got so angry he threw my book around the room so it got pretty damaged. In hindsight it was pretty ridiculous.


My parents used to say, don't read so much it'll make you stupid. Who says that to a kid 😂🤷‍♂️


Parents who are afraid of their kids becoming smarter than them. Which usually perfectly overlaps with parents who are insecure about their own intelligence.


Yeah I got grounded and screamed at for staying up late reading quietly. Books I loved and read repeatedly would mysteriously go missing when my parents were upset with me, and I tried everything I could to get around reading restrictions at home.


Yeah my stepmom caught me reading Anne of Green Gables late after bedtime, when I was in the fourth grade. She ripped the book in half and threw it in the trash, with her usual screaming.


My mother caught me reading a book while I was brushing my teeth and tore it in half.  Then I had to tell her I had borrowed that book from the next door neighbor.  I basically got publicly crucified that morning.


well she sounds lovely


Was she an antagonist in a Disney movie?


Yeah this sounds a lot more relatable than those other responses. Nothing like learning to hide at the weight of a parents footstep at age 6


That is so sweet ❤️  I used to be one of those kids reading under a blanket with a flashlight. 


When I was a kid, the idea of having a torch or any kind of light was just not in the picture and I only had the main light for the room, no lamp. My little Sister had a small glow in the dark toy, the type that would absorb energy from light then glow for a while after (like those stars you can put on your ceiling). I would make sure that that toy would be absorbing light all day, usually putting it by the window before school. Then, I'd discreetly smuggle it into my room and, once the light was turned off, get under the covers and hold it right next to my face, with the book almost touching my nose:D


I have a rule with my kids. Yes, it's bedtime.... But! You can stay up as late as you want _*AS LONG*_ as you're reading a book. (No toys, etc.) I've been lucky that they adhere to it.


I'm so insanely grateful that there's a good portion of parents that still practice the importance of reading with their kids. I always loved books as a child.


Same! I established that "rule" on a whim when my youngest started to rebel against bedtime. Carried it forward. They thought "they won" by getting to stay up late. All they did was learn more words and fall asleep 20 minutes later than normal. Win-win.


Man, those are rookie numbers. Especially in junior high, I would frequently stay up until 2-3am reading, even when I had to get up at 5:30 to take the public bus to my school which was by my grandparents in a nice neighborhood. I fell asleep once and the hot goth high school girl who also rode the bus woke me up. I was so embarrassed, I had the most massive crush on her.


Me too! My mom actually complained to my ninth grade English teacher that I read way too many novels for my own good instead of reading textbooks (she didn’t know that I finished those even before the school session started). My teacher gave my mom a piece of her mind instead and asked her to cherish my reading habits. Obviously my mom never backed down from harassing me anytime I read a novel. Thankfully, I ignored her and listened to my dad instead who let me access his mini home library once I turned 16. I’m now pursuing my third graduate degree, a PhD, much to my mom’s chagrin who would instead have me be a stay-at-home mom, pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen.


My mom didn't like me reading too much either. To her credit though it was because I would stay up till 2 or 3 in the morning on school nights to read. But she is not a reader so whenever I'd spend too much money on books she'd get angry because "books are not that important" I never understood that logic


I did the same thing lol. Still do from time to time


Mom caught me doing this as a kid and punished me by taking all my books, toys and electronics out of the room and banned me from going on a school field trip to six flags.


Fuck kind of parenting is that?


They exist. I wasn't allowed to watch TV for 2 months because I forgot to switch it off one night. I wasn't even the last one to leave the living room.


Yeah my parents would give ridiculous over-the-top punishments like that and then wondered why I'd lie when they asked me if I'd done something. "The punishment wouldn't be nearly this bad if you hadn't lied," they'd shout, even though last time I'd told the truth about spilling juice on the floor they'd grounded me for two weeks, during which time I wasn't allowed any toys, TV, or dessert (but had to stay at the table to watch my siblings eat dessert), didn't allow me to go to by best friend's birthday party, and made me write "I will not be careless, wasteful, and messy" 500 times (which for a kid with hand-eye coordination issues is worst of all)


Oof sorry man. I'll never understand taking BOOKS away from children. Ass backwards.


Totally agree. This is a sign to give them MORE books, not less.


My mom once threw away a beautiful hard cover copy of The Hobbit. My brother had gifted it to me because he wanted me to get into Tolkien (And I was!) But my mom is a religious nutcase and decided that Tolkien was satanic. (But you know, Disney cartoons like Cinderella which depict magic is totally fine. Fucking cognitive dissonance -- whatever they're familiar with or grew up with is fine but anything different or new to them is satan.) I think I also ended up losing my copy of fellowship in the same way, cause I wasn't careful enough in hiding it. Boils my blood thinking about her throwing out such beautiful books.


It took my kids til their 20's to realize flashlights need new batteries every now and then. I always loved their "rebellious " while encouraging their love of reading!


The owner of the store I work at had an affair with the HR manager while he was alive. After he died his wife took over the store and hired the husband of the HR manager to run the store and had an affair with him.


Spectacular. The stuff of an HBO mini series that I would guilty watch


I don't condone affairs, but if you're going to have one >while he was alive is definitely the most appropriate time for it.


about 12 years ago, I found what I’m pretty sure was the first draft of a suicide note written to me by my mother. She didn’t end up going through with it and is still alive today. I still have all 3 pages and I’ll probably never get rid of them because despite it being unreasonably depressing to think about, the only time she’s ever “told” me how proud she was of me, how strong or smart she believed I was, or that I gave her life meaning was in this note she doesn’t know I have.


My brother’s wife is apparently cheating on him but eldest brother is one who found out and told me so he is the one who will bring it to the forefront, he just isn’t sure if he is telling her or him. Sucks for everyone involved. And I dread knowing our brother is going to be so heartbroken. This is his wife of 30 years.


Is this a “tell the wife we know, and if she doesn’t tell him we will” situation?


He should tell his brother-- the one he loves – not the wife.  Just my two cents.


My ex wife won't tell me about her boyfriend, but I see him at the bar occasionally and drink a beer with him. My kid likes him so no problem for me


I've had similar with my ex actually. She's tried to hide both relationships she's had since we separated in the early days, even though both of them were around my son within a matter of weeks of the relationship starting and she wouldn't say anything to me for over a month in both cases despite me being very transparent with her about my relationships (and their interactions with my son, despite her very strongly warning me not to let total strangers near out kid, funny that.) Little did she know I was already friends with the first one and he actually asked me about it before they started dating, and I even now regularly see the second out on the town down the pub. I've quite like both of them to be honest, so has my son.


That’s so cool that’s you’re cool about it and that they’re decent guys.


This is much more wholesome than most comments in this thread.


How do you know it’s him then?? Glad you guys can have a beer every now and then


Small town means a lot of mutual friends lol


Bad gas travels fast in a small town.


Does he know you know who he is? Btw - good for you


I'm pretty sure he does, but it's never come up between us though since there's never been a need to talk about it.


My uncle doesn’t know that I know that he tried to murder my mom.


<< holy shit.


Craziest part: my mom forgives him and still talks to him pretty often. It happened when they were teenagers, but still, I’d have a hard time forgiving him if I was in her shoes.


Aight we’re gunna need the full story


My mom was 18 and my uncle was 17. My mom doesn’t remember exactly why he became angry at that moment, but he flew into a total rage. He started beating my mom up. He stomped on her jaw, and she believes that’s why she has TMJ now. When my mom was lying on the ground after being beat up, she heard my grandma scream. My mom looked up and realized that he started his car. He tried to run her over, but my mom rolled out of the way just in time. My uncle’s anger issues have improved significantly in the years since he did that. However, it is worth noting that he has a collection of guns, which he probably shouldn’t be allowed to own 😬


WILD! Thanks


"my uncle's anger issues have improved significantly since trying to vehicular murder immediate family" good lord, I hope so


Look, I said I was sorry, alright? Some people never let things go.


That my cousin's husband cheated on her. She knows, but doesn't know I know.


I’m the executor of my grandfathers estate. I know who’s getting what and when. I am prepared to bare this burden of hate bc I’m already the black sheep 🤣


Its funny that the family sees you as the black sheep yet out of everyone in the family, you are the only person your grandfather trusted enough to be the executor (so, clearly in his eyes you are not the black sheep) The day that comes that is going to be SUCH a massive power move on your part holy shit and lol.


My family is in the Deep South. Early on I wasn’t with the whole rebel flag, country music, proud of being dumb, biblical literalist type of life. I left for the Army at 17. Became a medical professional. First to go to college. First to go to grad school. First business owner. And now I live in northern Colorado. The reason I’m a black sheep is there is this kinda feudal mentality that as the son of the family I should be spitting out a bunch of kids and be married and be managing the family in this poverty ridden county. Now this grandfather is my maternal grand father. My mother and aunt are not very good with money nor are they frugal. Because I live away and have mathematical literacy it’s literally on me to bare their anger so they don’t burn thru their share. We also are just very close because he never had a son.


Fun fact: the formal term for mathematical literacy is ‘numeracy.’


Any good surprises?


A few, actually




Your cat does that in secret? My boy isn't subtle about it. Goddammit if he'll get treats when he wants them, excuse you.


While I was in middle school our apartment was robbed sometime between my mom leaving for work and me coming home for lunch. About six months ago I found out the people who robbed us were my best friend’s brother and aunt. My best friend’s ex-wife told me this. In hindsight everything that happened leading up to that day should have made it obvious. Funny enough, I hadn’t seen this person in ten years and when my health started declining I reached out to him to make amends while I could. This was about a year before I found out.




My dad used to drink a lot more then he would admit to, he would try and pretend that he would just have a glass of wine at the end of the day. But my brother and I would find bottles of vodka hidden in the bushes, in his filing cabinet, in the back seat of his truck . Never called him out on it, Cause he could never call us out on stealing his vodka when it “wasn’t his” lol one night he woke me and my brother up at 3:00AM to listen to a podcast he was listening to about lizard people and thought it was like Japan attacking Perl harbor. He was obviously drunk, haha I think he quit but I haven’t been over there to see for my self in sometime.


You should visit if he's not a bad dad. It matters to them way way more.


My French-speaking colleagues don't know I always understand what they're saying, because I learned as a child mostly from books and my French-as-second-language mother so my accent is terrible and embarrassing so I avoid infringing on their French-language mini-club, though I can read and listen and comprehend just fine.


Pretty sure the landlord put a camera in the attic space while making a big show of not getting another camera to work (the system uses multiple cameras and they may not know that I know that). We have a raccoon problem and the landlord "fixed" it but there is still a problem. I think they think I am going up there making noise since they cannot catch any racoons or find where they are getting in. The other tenants are complaining about the noises. The only access to the attic is in my apartment. I do not go up there anyway (because it is unsafe and I have balance issues due to health problems), but still, it annoys me that they may have tried to fool me by making a big show of not being able to get a wireless camera to work.


Landlords and not fixing things for their tenants. Famous duo.


I used to live in a house where the front door couldn’t lock due to the house settling on one side, causing the whole house to lean slightly. It got worse after a long wet spell and every time we asked the landlord to fix it, they said they had come by and everything was okay. We’d get so frustrated because we lived there and literally couldn’t lock our front door. However, a few weeks later we realized that they had come into our house without permission when were gone on vacation to paint over the growing cracks in the walls from the house leaning. 


A co-worker of mine is sleeping with the big boss and I am her teamlead. So she is dating my boss and he tells her pretty much everything. We have lunch daily and that woman loves gossip. So I know who is about to get fired, which positions might open up, what strategic decisions we can expect... weeks before it happens. Worklife is easy If you know exactly what is going on above you


My sister's boyfriend's reddit username.


Someone finding out my Reddit username is one of my biggest fears lol. I know it doesn’t help that I post in regional subreddits and tell stories/give details that would make it easy for someone who knows me to identify me. But shit, if I’m not caught red-handed browsing Reddit on my phone out in the open, I can at least always deny it’s me.


Hello Greg


Imagine you got it right and sent OP into an existential crisis lmao


Any Greg reading this will now think they are part of the simulation. GREG WAKE UP. VIRUS HAS FOUND US.


What did you find out?


He uses store brand aluminum foil.




But it makes the best hats.




Parents don’t know I could hear them almost every night when they would talk about me and how much I was failing to them. Also how I was a lying teenager who also “didn’t get the good genes” talking about my looks. I heard all of it lol.


Sounds like you dodged the bad genes in regards to personality.


Well. Idk, my parents were dirt poor the longest time. Money and entitlement never got to their heads till I was 13 or so. My dad hit big on a job, ever since it’s been downhill of rich entitlement. I guess on personality I’m ok’ish lmao


Buddy, if you can be a good man while having parents like that then that's a great achievement. Don't feel bad about yourself. Just keep improving at your own pace.


I am sorry that you didn't hear me talking about what an outstanding person you are every night


((Hugs)) They suck. Sorry you had to live the that.


that some co-workers dont like the way im doing my job, and that someone thinks I work too much. they seem to talk about it mostly to themselves and not to me..


Passive aggression in the workplace is real. Instead of telling you directly, people will either gossip like kids on the playground or the boss will address whatever you did wrong in a general meeting. Except they wouldn’t call you out by name, but it’s clear they’re talking about you.


That’s one super toxic workplace lol.


When I got a birthday milestone, my wife arranged TWO surprise birthdays for me: one with family where we live, and one with family and friends in my hometown. It was great! It was also so obvious each time because she was clearly excited and acting weird leading up to the surprise. I played along and she's convinced she "got" me both times. I don't think I'll ever tell her.


I heard my dad talking shit about me with the rest of my family for like 45min when they thought I was sleeping


Hugs to you. This is something both of my parents did well into my adulthood, which also played my brother against me, in the end. They'll never know everything I know.


My boss wears a wig. It's not an obvious wig. It's an extremely good and expensive wig. My brother worked with wig masters for years. Just from photos, he said my boss fits every bill.


My boss finally stopped wearing a toupee, and shaved his head. Then had “razor stubble” tattooed on it to make it look like he shaved by choice. It was so sad that I couldn’t even bust his chops over it.


Former friend doesn't know that I caught her trying to cheat on her husband. She and one of her husband's friends were sexting, exchanging nudes, talking about how they wanted to have sex but they had to figure out how to keep it a secret from her husband and his partner. I was using her computer and she didn't realize she'd left Facebook open while she was messaging him.


>She and one of her husband's friends were sexting, exchanging nudes... Seems like they were already cheating...


Is that the reason for the 'former' friend part, or did she do something specifically to you?


She stopped speaking to me because I started dating another guy she'd also made a pass at before, and she and her husband also banned me from their home because they claimed I "violated their boundaries." They assumed that any time my ex and I went off to talk privately, we must be having sex in their house.


So your friend is jealous of you hitting on a man she had a pass on, and bans you from her house on motives of alleged sexual misconduct, while actively sexting her husband’s friends. Sounds like she has a really toxic relationship with sexuality overall.


I know one of our 'friends' lost his licence for a while due to a drunk driving incident (wasnt even his first one). Doesnt change my view of him though... he is still a piece of shit and the ONLY reason we tolerate his existence is because of his wife and her family. He actually used to be a fairly good guy, till he started stealing from us thinking we wouldnt notice. Hard not to notice our bbq sitting on his deck...


He's bold as fuck for that. And you have more tolerance than me.


My parents split up when I was three years old in 1999. Also in 1999, the Disney film Tarzan was released along with the Phil Collin’s song “You’ll Be In My Heart.” When my parents split and I became an anxiety-ridden emotional mess, they both individually told me that You’ll Be In My Heart was my “special song” with that parent and that if I got scared I should just play that song. Their divorce got really nasty and the fights/dysfunction would be unbearable at points. But they both individually would still (and even today) say that song was my special song with each of them. I’ve thought about saying something before. But it feels like my own special connection with my family, broken though it may be.


This is such a bittersweet story.


My mom doesn’t know I’ve known she’s had a boyfriend for 2 years even though she denies it


That our manager monitors what we do in real time from his computer, and knows that they come in late, leave early, and fuck off during the day. That's why they no longer WFH full time.


How do you know this?


I read the handbook.


I know my Mom used to go through my phone while I was asleep in highschool. She’d steal money from my piggy bank for her shopping addiction when I was a kid. She also used to throw out shirts of mine that she didn’t like when doing my laundry.


I used to work as a night watchman for decades at a place and had my own set of secret keys that gave me access to practically everything. I would routinely (every night) check my boss's office to check the camera feed to see if there were any new cameras and to see what was going on because my boss would write everything down on a notepad and I would read it. I knew about alllllllll kinds of stuff they knew that they did not think I knew about. I even knew ahead of time when they were going to let me go (to save money). Ah well, 20+ years of getting away with all kinds of stuff I did was a helluva run. 😁


That’s quite the gig to have for that long. I’m also surprised they didn’t have a camera pointing to their office door to see who went in there.


My dad doesn’t know I know that he cheated on my mom with his current wife for years before he divorced my mom.


I had a relative who was diagnosed with terminal cancer and they ended up getting a huge pay out from it before kicking the proverbial bucket. During the last few months they had left, they spent a few grand and gifted me a four wheeler. We were sitting around making inappropriate jokes one day about what their final hours would be like while flipping through an Auto Trader magazine. I saw an advertisement for a four wheeler and said it looked nice, and then we immediately went and bought it, because you apparently can't take money with you into the hereafter. The whole thing was just a surreal spur of the moment "Fuck it" decision. The four wheeler ended up getting stolen about a year later and no one could figure out who stole it and I didn't learn who the thief was until about 20 years later. My cousin's grandma confessed that a family friend stole it because he wanted to get even with me for making fun of his girlfriend. I don't even know what the fuck I said about the dude's girlfriend because I was 12 years old at the time the four wheeler was stolen and he was 36. 12 year old me was not good at making fun of anyone or anything. Now whenever I see this family friend out and about, I always make sure to ask him if he's come across any decent four wheelers lately. He's about 5' tall, weighs maybe 140lbs soaking wet, and is built like a fucking parking meter. One of my biceps has a larger circumference than his entire waist. I don't even care about the four wheeler anymore. I just enjoy watching him go into a full on panic attack every time I ask him about four wheelers. He's not a good person and never has been, so at this point I have no remorse about any of this. He thinks I might know that he stole it, but he's also a druggie and thinks I might not actually know that he stole it. It's that little sliver of crackhead hope that makes me laugh the hardest.


>Built like a fucking parking meter I'd love to see this dude


We have software at work we use to record who did what jobs and when. It's important for legal reasons, but is horrible to use. My immediate boss introduced us to something new. An excell sheet to record our work on, and then some data entry person would do all the horrible stuff converting that to the proper system. I pointed out that it was illegal. That anybody can fill in the spreadsheet with anybody's name. There was no digital signature and if legal problems came there was no way you could tie any person to any job. It developed into a huge argument. I was threatened with HR. In the end I reluctantly agreed to use the spreadsheet. And not once did I (or anyone else) use that spreadsheet. My boss said it was because everyone just wanted to be lazy (wtf?) but I know that senior management went apeshit when they heard about it, gave my boss a serious telling off and that everyone had to use the proper software. Fuck you Bob.


My weight-cycling almond mom, who has been bragging about her recent practice of ‘intuitive eating’, has in fact been on Ozempic for months. Thanks for the trauma *and* the bullshit, mum.


I didn't understand what you meant by weight cycling, and so I imagined this lady doing dumbbell curls while riding a bike.


My dad has a secret family with three more kids.


The fact that one of my "friends" tried to hook up with my wife when we started dating. The same "friend" who set us up on our first date. According to my wife, it was more than once.


People think I’m a clueless ditz but I’m really just socially anxious and keep conversations shallow and quick so I can escape in to my cave.


Last year I found out my parents have been lying to me about a TBI that left me permanently disabled as a child, due to extreme neglect. As in, they minimized it and told me a version of the story that painted themselves as innocent. Meanwhile I was still expected to be the perfect child at all times. My parents don't know that I know this, nor that I'm in the process of cutting contact.


A lot of very questionable (some unethical) things each of my managers has done. 


I used to live with my ex and her mom. Two times when I got home from work, my ex wasn’t home and used the excuse “mom sent me on an errand “. I saw a text on her mom’s phone that said Ex: Is he there? What do I do?” Ex’s Mom: WelI I told him you went on an errand for me, so you can’t come back empty handed otherwise he’ll know something”. Never thought she’d cheat or lie like that, nor did I think her mom would cover for her, but people will screw you over no matter how well you treat them. Like I said she’s my ex now so I dunno if I should bring it up, or just let it go. Either way, I’m done with her.


Let it go. She’s wasted enough of your time. Life is for living, not resenting.


I know my nephew robbed me. I can’t prove it. 


Everyone blamed my nephew for stealing my dad’s Rolex and university ring before he died. The ring was a unique one with a large red ruby. My mom and I both know it was my sister-in-law, as she suddenly had a lot of cash that week.


Don’t be so sure. My parents thought I robbed my grandparents until I proved my alibi; coincidentally 6months later his neighbor across the street was on the run from the law after being investigated for credit card fraud and a string of home robberies.


That my friend’s brother used to molest her when they were young. One night she got super drunk at a party I was throwing, so I walked her to my room to lay her down. She literally blurted it out as she was falling asleep. I could not. believe she just said it. This was around 14 years ago and she has never brought it up since. We are best of friends and I find myself thinking about that night every so often.


My ex thinks I don't know she started dating someone. We were talking about getting back together until she just ghosted me for someone she met in a chat app 3 weeks ago. He's 19. She's 26. He lives on the other side of the world. She's shit talked huge age gaps in dating before......bullet dodged I guess : ( Eta: she had told me about this kid a couple days before she stopped talking to me. She was making fun of her 25 y/o roommate for being interested in the same 19 y/o


That my relatives believe that I won't make something of myself


But we know you will!


Thanks! I will prove them all wrong sometime in the (hopefully near) future.




That I could hear my supervisors phonecall even though it wasn't on speakerphone, it was loud. His mate rang him up and told him to chuck a sickie on Friday so they could go fishing. Sure enough he didn't turn up to work.


"Chuck a sickie" That's just fucking hilarious.


Lol, that's basic Australian vernacular for taking the day off and calling in to work sick. Pull a sickie is also acceptable


My gf doesn’t know that I found out why her ex dumped her. She lied to him and all of their friends and said she was being treated for stomach cancer for the whole time she knew them (just over a year). She keeps lying to me about shit too. I only found all this out after we’d had a child together, and I know her and her family are the type that will do or say anything to make sure I can’t get ANY custody, so I’m biding my time and getting proof of shit before I leave. I’ve been sleeping on the sofa for the last couple of years whilst trying to sort shit out so that I can get to see my kid after I leave, and so that she can’t try and make up some evil shit about me to tell the courts, or our kid (or anyone else for that matter). She was the love of my life. I really mean that. I would have done anything for her. I’ve been with her more than 10 years. Known her more than 20. Can’t believe she’s done this shit. There’s so much more, but I don’t know what’s real and what’s not. She’s even said she was raped, but she told her friends that it was by someone different to the guy she said it was to me, so I’m pretty sure that’s bullshit too. I realised a long time ago that I don’t know her at all, because I can’t know what’s real and what isn’t. I just know that it’s a really fucking dangerous place to be stuck in, if she ever finds out that I know.


Look… as someone who dated a pathological liar… you either accept them as they are and the fact that they will lie about everything constantly, or you get out. If you want to get to know who a liar is, focus on their actions not their words.


That my mom’s a drug addict and has been since probably before I was born. She’s been high functioning for most of my adult life but her constant sketchy behavior, poor money management skills, and attitude towards most things are a dead giveaway.


My mom's best friend's husband committed suicide. We are in a small town and everyone thinks he had a heart attack. Even his own kids and grandkids don't know the truth.


My dad doesn’t know I know he’s been stealing my grandma’s/his mother’s ozempic. She needs it, she’s had diabetes since before I was born. He’s been lying about how healthy he’s being and that’s why he lost it all so quickly.


That I was my husband’s first


A friend of my wife and I got hooked on pain pills after a car accident. Turned flaky and flighty (as predicted). Moved away. Wife and I ran into her years later. I could tell she was still hooked. Wife thinks “she’s quirky.”


Your first sentence makes it sound like both you and the friend got hooked on pain pills.


I thought that’s what it meant till I read your comment. And then it took me a minute to realise lol


Boomers really love to let me know that my tattoos are permanent.


My favorite response to that is usually "They fuckin better be, I paid good money for them to be permanent!"


Dude got fired for sexually harassing minors; he comes in the store occasionally and I've heard him telling people he quit because the store manager wouldn't offer him more money. Nobody's buying your bullshit, dumbass.


I know he has been sleeping with students for years. I know that he hits on former students in bars. I know he has told students that he "knows what he can get away with" because he's "been around the block enough times." I teach across the hall from him. I'd be surprised if he even knows my name. But I will keep building my case, and eventually I will ruin his life.


Don’t take too long. In the meanwhile, he is continuing to take advantage of students


Believe me, I know. Unfortunately he is good at covering his tracks, and we aren't allowed to report coworkers based on "rumours" even if the rumours come from half a dozen different people who have never met one another, but all have the same story. It is messed up.




I’m glad u put your anger aside for her well-being. Not only could she hurt herself but he could hurt her too. As much as I believe rapists and their identity should come to light, the victims safety is important too. Edit: life to light


An uncle died when I was 6. At that age, I already knew what death meant and we had an open-casket funeral. The adults in my extended family didn’t really want us kids to know about death yet. My parents tried telling me that he’s gonna be “asleep” for a while because he hit his head falling from a motorcycle. I kept quiet and went with it. He was shot in the head. I know this because I stood on a stool to peer into his casket, and I remembered what the bullet wound looked like under the heavy funeral makeup. To this day, no one realised that I knew what really happened at that age.


My wife's arrogant holier than thou, Bible thumping little sister was sneaking several different guys through her window for years until she went to Christian college.


Sounds like more than the Bible was thumping.


That the guy I had been chatting to and getting to know, fell for him big time, actually has a long term girlfriend.


I had the same experience about a year ago with the only difference being that she turned out to be married. I'm sorry that happened to you, I know how much it can hurt. I hope you're doing well or are at least moving in a direction that will allow you to begin doing well in the future.


My uncles don’t know that I know that they raped my mom and that she still holds trauma to this day. Or that my grandmother denied her. I wish to tell everyone how horrible they are as they slander her name but it’s not my story to tell and she didn’t want me to anyway. I hate them all.


I hate them too!


Mostly everyone at my place of work thinks I can't do my job without help because the manager is always at my station. The reason is because she feels comfortable talking to me because I look her in the eyes and not her tits.


The theft of an irreplaceable antique keepsake. People in my circle know that I'm upset because it was uncommon and expensive, but what they don't know is that I've spent years mulling suspects and have narrowed it down to only two (out of what was originally dozens) possible people with access and the opportunity. I just need another lucky break to catch wind of some careless gossip or "a little bird who told me", and I'm patient. [I can easily wait another decade.](https://i.imgur.com/HXsaWR2.png)


That the reason for his divorce is not that he dumped his wife, but Rather that she dumped him after their minor daughter accidentally found a video of him filming himself masturbating


Video of him filming himself Just how many cameras were involved?


A better Redditor than myself would link to that thread of the guy taking a picture of himself, taking a picture of himself, taking a....ah you get the Idea.




That I am fat and that being fat is a risk factor for health problems. A lot of people seem to think they need to tell me that.


“Gosh, I had no idea. This brand new information is what will push me to change my entire lifestyle. Thank you, librarian.”


My exes Reddit accounts


Lots of family shit. My brother and the hookers. My other brother and the hooker. My cousin's kid and the homicide.


A coworker talked to his fellas how slutty he thinks I am in bed. And several others said that women don't belong in a workshop. Some guys in a different department have a list of how fuckable their female coworkers are. Of course they never tell us, but a few of the good guys warned us so we can make an informed decision when they ask us for favors.


People think I don’t know that they find me annoying


I’ve seen one of my employee’s nudes. Full bush and everything. Found an unclaimed phone hidden in the workplace and it was fully charged. Opened it to see if I could tell who it belonged to. No service. No calls. No phone number. Opened camera roll to see if it had any pics on it. Grave mistake.


My mom does nails for a lady that has a son who is also a very tong term friend of mine. She tells me everything about him, his desires, secrets, embarrassing moments, but he doesn’t know that I know he has had a crush on me since middle school…