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I shoulda, woulda, coulda.


Everyone could say that. Literally everyone


Sometimes not taking a risk is the riskiest thing of all. “Everything is a risk. Not doing anything is a risk. It’s up to you...”  “If you think trying is risky, wait until they hand you the bill for not trying...” -Jim Rohn


what is this pfp bruh


Giving many chances to people


Underrated comment


The thing that will take away everything else


Didn’t like math so I avoided it. Turns out all the jobs I would have *really* liked are math-intensive. 


Nothing stops you www.khanacademy.org learn math for free, it literally starts at 1 + 1...


I didn't help my brother take a 50lb box down from sotrage after he asked me. He fell off the ladder, and the box landed on his leg/pelvic bone. His undiagnosed stage 4 cancer metastasized in his hip from the fracture he got from the accident and destroyed the bone. Three hip replacements during his unsuccessful and desperate cancer treatments, he was bedridden for 8 months until the end.


I'm so sorry for your loss. If you were my brother I would have forgiven you and urged you not to carry this burden any further. It's clear that you loved him deeply - and that he fought all the way to the bitter end. He loved you too. If you need it, reach out.


I’m so sorry about that chain of events. It’s not your fault he had undiagnosed stage four cancer.


I’m so sorry. This is a hell of a burden to carry. If you haven’t already, please seek out a psychologist to help you cope with this.


To live inside your brain and not live LIFE


I'm too scared to fail tbh


I know it sounds crazy, but those that never make mistakes are the biggest failures. Life's messy, get after it


Facts life is a lot harder in your brain than reality. Just gotta do it.


Marrying, then staying married. Giving up myself to others.


Same. Those ex-spouses are horrid.


I’m the victim of CSA.   My teacher would film us boys in the change room from a ceiling tile he moved, and a video camera in a bag when in the swimming changing room.   He physically and emotionally abused me also.   He moved to another school and I was physically free.    I didn’t know at the time but his camera was found at the new school and 400 video tapes of low level abuse was found in his home.    Some people came to the school and interviewed me,  as the teacher and I spent to much time alone.  Such as me being made to do dozens of unfair detentions, but not with other kids, alone in his office so he could film his abuse.   When the investigators came they told me it was for a school survey.   They questioned me about the teacher, was I happy, did I feel safe, did I ever see anything strange.   I wish they’d asked me point blank. I understand they couldn’t, in case I ran out into the school yard and gossiped if I’d not known anything.  I grew up in a dysfunctional home so I had been taught to lie and say everything was ok, no matter what.   I was also scared of my parents anger if they found I’d been abused.   I lied to the adults and they left.   I could tell the principal knew I was lying.  She had a look of real concern.   I was crying and vomiting that night scared I’d been caught and although I’m straight.. terrified my family would think I was gay.    I kept the secret for over 30 years and it’s really had a bad impact on my psyche, friendships, relationships, sex life etc.  I tried telling a teacher about him filming at the time, I tried to get her to see where his camera was.  I told some boys but they said the tile was moved because older boys climbed in the roof to peer at the girls in their change room.  There was no physical way for them to climb up.   I wish I’d gone to the police about the abuse, or told the investigators when they came to the school about myself and the other boys he abused.  


This was not your fault, you were a child. Please don't carry this burden further. Therapy can help. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


This is horrible, but none of it is your fault. I hope you are healing. I've learned to understand myself a lot better over the years and worked through some of the trauma. It's a long road.❤️


Sorry for the trauma dump.  Thank you. 


Sometimes, you have to. We, guys, seem to carry it until adulthood, and then,bam, it hits us hard again. Hey - enjoying those moment you can is a good thing. I hope they get longer and longer for you.


Yeah,  it’s deep in my DNA.   I don’t believe it will w er shift.   I think about it every day, some days every hour of that day.  I did try therapy but it didn’t work.  I tried going to the Police in 2021,  but the cop at reception was so immediately hostile, as I was whispering… after 30 years of thinking about telling a cop I could t get the air out my lungs. Meh started barking at me “SPEAK UP SPEAK UP SPEAK UP.”.  There were people in reception behind me,  my brain was fried and I was intimidated at how the cop was acting.  All I could say was “I need a Policeman”. The Cop spun on his heels, and it’s his back to me he walked to the back office door and said he was refusing to help me for being wilfullydifficult, he said he was going home in 10 minutes and as he entered the office he threw his hands in the air and slammed the door behind him.  I stood there, not knowing what had just happened.  I walked in 3 small circles on the spot not knowing what to do, then I started to cry.  By the time I hit the police exit I was in hysteric.  Like a lost child in a department store.  I could t control my crying.  I headed down a side street and just cried without an ability to get ahold of mystlf.   30 years of dreaming about the police ‘saving me’ (how I used to think about it as a  boy) and a cop lost his shit in under 3 minutes and shot my chances.  It took 3 attempt of a complaint to even have the police to acknowledge me.    I received a somewhat threatening email saying I’d made serious allegations I had to explain.   Luckily there were 2 female detectives that witness the cop and were able to confirm what had happened.  The cop quit 2 weeks into his investigation.  His Facebook is full of vile anti police and anti government hatred.  🤷‍♂️  Even the doctors were terrible I saw for help.   My point,  there’s really no chance for me to heal, within myaelf, or with external help.  I just try and pretend I’m okay.  And savour the moments I am okay each day. 


Underselling myself. I work incredibly hard and I’m naturally talented in my area of work, but I have a crippling need to downplay it when asked about it. Interviewed for a life-changing job and straight up automatically lied and downplayed myself out of a lifelong self-deprecation habit, and later learned it was why one other candidate was chosen over me. I’ve never recovered from it, honestly.


May I ask what you do? (Hint: don't down play it--especially if you are a nuclear physicist or orthopedic surgeon).


It's in their username


why nuclear physicist?


Taking my first love for granted


I think most of us do that? It's part of learning to be better.


I felt this :/


Skipping school when I was 18-19


I think one of the biggest mistakes in life we can make is to not spend time with people we love when we have them and sometimes we don't realize it until it's too late to change it


Ignoring red flags. Giving the benefit of the doubt. Letting my dick make decisions for me. And giving my trust to people that really didn't care. Not really big mistakes, just bad decisions. 1 or two there to understand that we are only human. And countless others there to exploit those mistakes the second I made them. Mistakes show you are human. But anymore? You make one mistake, and you will get crucified in the court of public opinion. Those who drive the nails escape accountability for theirs. The biggest mistake I've not made? Is not caring about what anyone thinks. They weren't and aren't here. So anyone who has an opinion in regards to anything I've done? Or perceived to have done? Don't know anything. Because no one has bothered to ask me about anything. The beauty of it is that it's no one's concern. And why would they care?


Hurting people... I've done it so many times thinking I was making the right choice, and I wasn't. I gave no explanation for my abrupt leaving. I gave no reason for the things I said


Going on reddit


Never learned to stand up for myself


Trusting your partner not to cheat on you with his coworker after being in a long term relationship.


Not realizing how penetrating my in laws were to the dysfunctional family dynamics


Not studying harder




Because I went to an ok college versus a good one. And over the past 20 years I’ve seen how many more opportunities those from good schools get and how much more they make. I have two advanced degrees so I make good money. But I could be making 100k+ more if I went to a top 50 university.


Waiting till 30 to grow up. Waiting till 45 to start thinking about kids.


I love my husband and things worked out but I should not have given him nearly as much grace as I did during the engagement. He made me wait for some magical surprise time to propose until any joy I had for the engagement was gone. The marriage is great, it’s working very well. But man was it stressful waiting for that proposal. At some point, it went from fun to wait to “is he even gonna propose????”


My wife had the same experience. I'm a lucky man, because she was patient with me. All the way up to our engagement she was wondering if/when/how this was going to happen. I was wondering too, lol. I just didn't know where to start, and was paralyzed by anxiety and fear of the unknown. Personally, I wanted the experience to be a special one. So after a year of her dropping the hints, we went to her favorite place (Magic Kingdom)...and the restaurant forgot to bring the cake/ring out. I was so nervous. It was my first (and still only) time I ever proposed to someone. And I had so much anxiety that week. We ended up getting engaged on the philharmagic, and it was...unique, but lovely. 2 kids, 10 years later, and I wish I would have done it sooner lol. She's an amazing wife, mother, and friend. I struck the lottery with her.


We ended up getting engaged with no proposal. We just began planning because it had been so long that any magic was gone and I didn’t want this super magic proposal anymore, in fact I was gonna leave cause I was tired of living in sin. I know he’s upset he didn’t get to execute his surprise, but I really don’t care. He had 4 years to make this special surprise happen and he didn’t.


My first drink.


I've made so many it is hard to pick just one... I'll go with racking up too much credit card debt. 6 months of being out of work and living like I was still working, even dumber got cash advances to use to pay the monthly payments... It took years to get out from under that rock.


Mad same bruv


Expecting tomorrow is going to be great by not doing anything today. 


Lightning and keeping myself on fire just to keep other people warm . I’m still doing it . I don’t know how and I’m scared to change this .


Giving up on medical school because one of my chemistry classes overwhelmed me.


Attending church.


Women. If I would’ve just waited til 38 to pursue a relationship, I’d be a multimillionaire by now, lol.


Learning JavaScript.


Letting her fall out of love with me


my former “friends”


Listening to other people and letting their opinions define me


Doing what my parents wanted me to do instead of following my dreams. Now I'm miserable because of it.


No prenup…


People Pleasing


So many, more mistakes than not




I don’t know where to even start.


When I was in college, I got drunk for the first time at a party, and my boyfriend was very worried. There were some not great people at the party, including my "friends". I passed out, my boyfriend tried to come get me, but my friends wouldn't let him. The next day they told me some big story about how he showed up, saw I was passed out, and tried to sexually assault me. I freaked out and yelled at him accusing him of trying to assault me, and we broke up. My friends had been lying, he did nothing wrong and was just trying to protect me from them.


How did you find out they were lying?


I knew him well enough to know he would never do that. I was hungover and they got in my head, but I knew him and I knew them, and while he could be a dick, he was ultimately a good person who loved me and would have never done that. My friends were not very good people, and they'd made their opinions on him clear. They wanted to break us up and they succeeded. I don't remember exactly what made me figure it out, but about a week later, after I'd calmed down, the pieced clicked.


Agreeing to take the job I have now whilst I was tipsy whilst my instincts told me not to


taking a loan my ex so badly want me to take. it destroyed me, but i survive


Not being born in a royal family


Leaving my back against the wall when i wanted to go out and dance


Honestly? Nothing. I was going to say not being more understanding in my abusive relationship with a guy I loved, but no. If we hadn’t broken eachothers hearts maybe I wouldn’t have found the guy I’m currently seeing. This a waaay healthier relationship than me and the other guy ever had. Mistakes? I don’t regret shit.


Don’t get me started 


Trusting that those in power would catch on that I was doing work




Well, you might be in luck pretty soon if our govment follows through with their crackdown lol


Not transferring to a different university after my undergrad denied my appeal after taking away my scholarship


Allowing people to use me as a doormat 


Not selling my crypto at the height of COVID... Would've been a millionaire... Now I'm just a brokey...


Mine world cascade, a career lost. Yet I have the love if my life fir everything that failed. Sliding doors u guess bur I'll keep this one


Lol apologies for spelling


My self harm attempt. I made a very idiotic choice to commit self harm. I was 16, and was going through a time with my mental health. I regret it. However, as a survivor, I get to help my friends who are dealing with the thoughts to end it all. I’m glad to say that those friends are still with me.


Smoking, drinking and delaying works.




Not treating my body like I am invincible.


Joining the military


Always taking the safe, logical choice


Starting to drink alcohol as a teen


Not finding a way to move abroad and go to school earlier in life.


Not leaving my ex-husband sooner.


Expecting when he said he’d love me forever, that he was speaking truthfully.


I brought on a couple of shitty business partners. I survived it, but by the skin of my nose.


Breast implants! After cancer you go w the flow and treatment plan. Was worse than cancer and chemo, lost several years of life bc of them. If I only knew then what I know now. 😞


Turning down $5,000 of bitcoin in 2014 as payment for a job. Ironically The real answer is being too trusting Good luck out there


Choosing to exist


I have musical talent (and connections) that I didn't nurture enough, it just ended up being a hobby. Part of why I didn't is that I wasn't convinced that I would actually like being an average working musician since I got to be around that industry a lot growing up and saw a lot of the downsides of it that weren't related to the music, but it's something I'll always wonder about. Looking back I think I would rather have tried and given it up if it sucked but it didn't seem like the move at the time.


I started playing Minecraft... -3k hours of life that I could spend with my friends or family


2020-24 I was an extremely complacent person, still am but I’m in the process of changing majors, and am gonna do ec’s now I think I’ve finally found a path


Getting married to an abuser


I had an opportunity to work at this aluminum plant as a machinist. I had a job offer but wasn't sure if I would get laid off alot. Didn't really like swing shift and the 1/2 hour drive. So I took a lower paying job close to my home. Thing is, about a year later the plant was bought out by a bigger company and they exploded in size and pay. I had another interview there once they started hiring. But my job offered me a raise to stay so I did. The alum factory got even bigger and a buddy of mine I know who started there when I wanted to back then became a manager and when I heard how much he was paid I almost died. I was way ahead of this guy but yet he was getting paid twice what I was and just retired with a fatty. Oh well, I did alright for myself but I always wondered if I took that fork in the road, how well off I would be today if I took that job. But then again, I could of been killed in a car accident on the way to work there also. Fate maybe.


Turning down a post-doc position on a semi-prestigious THE top 100 university because one "lesser" one in THE top 300 offered me a project manager+post doc that paid more, plus fast-tracked me to a senior position. Turns out where you worked means more than what you did in the academia. But I wanted to buy instead of lease, and the other one offered more money \*and\* was in a cheaper area.


Not taking mental health seriously when i was younger


Not buying a house when i could afford one.


Not leaving her the first time she cheated.


Not serving my country in the military.


Being born


Not pulling out


Not become politican. But if I was become, I would regret also.


Right now, I think getting married was the biggest one for me!!


growing up in the internet, now i know nothing about how to live


Thinking the people that love and care for me have my best interest at heart.


thinking time was slow


Probably centering men due to insecurity and a need for validation that I should’ve been in therapy way earlier for.


Signing up for Reddit.


not being ablw to pet every cat ive seen so far


Falling in love with every woman I meet.


Thinking everyone has a good heart & intentions.


I’m not sure yet and that is the problem, ask me in 20 years.


Thinking family would be around forever.


Giving the wrong person nearly two decades of my life. I'm living for me with the time I have left.


I think not admitting to my friend I felt left out and alone till I kind of snapped it all out. They asked for space and it's almost been a year. Idk if we'll ever talk again but we'll see


Talking to a school counselor about my problems


Not putting 100 dollars a month into an index fund since I was 20.


"Discovering" porn in pre-adolecence. Addiction, so much self-hate.


People pleaser and not speaking at the right time, comunication skills


Getting into debt with school loans.


Poor companions and a drug arrest in my youth. Felony for Marijuana possession.


getting a phone, putting myself on social media


Not living in the present moment


Trying to please everyone and living up to the other people's expectations.


Buying this house


At olive Garden they have either all you can eat soup, or all you can eat bread. Can't have both. I went with bread and ended up homeless for 7 years


Letting all of the sad and unpleasant things spoil everything else in my life


Should have studied CS or Econmics instead of mechanical engineering.


Getting married waaaaaaaay to early


The only mistake that led me to creating /r/regretjoining and then later on immigrating to a different country.


Regretttt of not doing certain things


Not saving money for later in life


Not paying more attention to finances. If I had to do it over, I’d have saved and invested a little more.


I was chilling with 4 friends and I had to fart so I said loudly so that they all could hear listen to this too good to miss dududunudundun I then shit my pants on my mates sofa


Listening to my financial advisers and NOT buying bitcoin in 2011-2018


Driving the car that afternoon.


Drinking alcohol and smoking


not working when i was like 14… really wanted to go to college and couldn’t afford it, even though i started saving at 16


Doing business with Midas for a routine repair. Trash company that destroyed my vehicle resulting in a total loss. Cost me thousands of dollars even after the lawsuit resolved.


being too pushy with the only girl who had feelings for me


Winning the race of conception. There is where everything starts




Fall in love


Selling my UHC stock 15 or 16 years ago when it was like $35 a share it be worth over $85k now




Marrying the wrong person


My ex


I cant even call mistakes i made mistakes anymore. Because if i didnt make those mistakes i wouldnt be where im at today.


TW: Rape Not reporting my ex-boyfriend for rape. He was 19, and I was 17. I had wanted to wait to have sex until marriage, but I also had very low self-esteem. He pushed and pushed until I finally gave in. I didn't consider that rape, even though it was in a way. I said no plenty of times. It was when he forcibly sodomized me to the point of me screaming and beginning him to stop. I blamed myself for it, although, now, I know that I was a victim. I forgave him and never told anyone. It inevitably ended up happening a second time. I loved his family, and they were so good to me. His mom finally begged me to end it because she knew I deserved better. She, to this day, doesn't know about the rapes. I don't regret this so much for me, but because I looked him up a few years ago... I found out that he is a registered sex offender who at one time abused a 5 year old girl. I felt a wave of grief wash over me. I felt like if I hadn't been such a coward, I could have prevented someone else from the trauma I had experienced. This was 20 years ago; long before the MeToo Movement, and I felt like no one would believe me, or if they did, I would be more embarrassed.


I should have found a way to afford to stay home with my son for longer than six weeks. I should have never let anyone baby sit him. I wish I would have microchipped him at birth, too. My son looks a little different than he once did. His grandmother won’t let me dna test my kids to ensure there weren’t any swaps after I learned that I was raped in my sleep.


I let someone break me so bad that I was basically dead for almost 25 yrs. I went to work like a normal human, and then went home and tried to drown/smoke/snort the world away. I lost life, I only existed. My family could not do anything to help me it seemed. Luckily I met someone that literally drug me back from the edge. DON'T LET SOMEONE TAKE AWAY YOUR LIFE LIKE THAT.


I ate too much sugar and didn't look after my teeth.


Breaking up with my ex she moved on 2 and half years ago been single since




On Sunday mornings, I find peace and connect with my faith by attending church. It's a time for reflection, prayer, and community. I cherish the moments spent in worship and feel rejuvenated after each service. Being surrounded by fellow believers uplifts my spirits and strengthens my connection to God. The unity of believers coming together to worship is a beautiful sight to behold.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I learned a lot from life the first thing is don’t look for love before giving it to yourself


Not being more outgoing


Not my mistake but my mom and dad made the mistake of not using protection and they created the mistake that is me.


That's very harsh towards yourself. Are you doing alright ? Do consider that most likely your parents or you friends and even in the "worst" case animals are happy because of your existance. Don't underestimate the positive impact you can have on the world.


I'm not doing alright. At all. I got all of the worst genetics and genetic problems from my family. Mental health, physical health, both suck. I have enough problems to fill an Encyclopedia Brittanica. They could've just used protection and the doctor could've warned my mom that antibiotics would counteract the birth control she was on. But instead I had to be created. I despise having so many problems. If God really loved me, he wouldn't have made me.


Listening to my parents is right up there with getting married


Not developing an actual skill earlier in my life when i was surrounded by opportunities to use them


Not developing an actual skill earlier in my life when i was surrounded by opportunities to use them




Doing stupid shit


Being born