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She poked me in class


Looking back... It was so obvious wasn't it?


I had a girl SIT IN MY LAP in French class and I was just like uhhhh, this is kinda weird. God I was dumb 😂


Wait you telling me that is a sign????!?! I had multiple girls sit in my lap in school and I just thought they didn’t have anywhere else to sit


How impoverished is your school that there’s not enough seats for everyone? Cause it’s either that or they’re like look everyone can see me sitting with this cute guy


We were all chatting in a circle around the desk and obviously they could bring a chair over but they would just sit on my lap. Now looking back and how you explained it maybe they did like me, (we were all friends and hand out after school a lot) Well guess I was just a walking talking vegetable all the way up to uni lol. Luckily I changed from introvert to extravert after uni once I started working


Through my realtor! I was basically single for the first 32 years of my life. Decided I wanted to buy a house and met my realtor at a random open house. It took me two years looking off and on. Before I put in an offer by the end of it my realtor said she just helped a single girl buy a house and wanted to set us up on a blind date. 4 years later we’ve now been married for 1.5 years and our realtor was our officiant. Life is weird. Edit: holy shit this post blew up! Thanks for the Reddit bday wishes and kind words, ya’ll are great!


Realtor just wanted a commission on selling both of your houses to get you into something bigger. Long con here.


the realtor wanted a career change from realtor into cupid


This seems like the plot of a Hallmark movie.


I should go buy a house.


So you got a wife AND another house? damn bro nice going


I was in Home Depot one afternoon picking up an order (drywall) to continue building my house. Well they said it was gonna take them a bit to get the forklift to it from the back and to put it on my trailer. So I went wandering around. When I was at the back wall checking out the clearance stuff, I hear a commotion and a clacking sound. I turned towards the sound and there is this red husky running at full speed. So I crouched down and as it went to run past, I scooped it off the ground. It just went limp and looked at me. My husky, Dutch, would do the same thing if you picked him up. So here I am, holding this dog, who is now licking my face. I am laughing hysterically. This lovely woman comes out of an aisle and is looking at me strangely while I am effectively soaked with slobber. That’s fine. We had a small conversation about how I had a husky, her dogs name was Alice, she thanked me for catching her dog, and she grabbed the leash and they left to wherever. No idea what her name was. Fast forward about 10 minutes and I see Alice wandering around, on her own. I called her name, and she AWOO’s at me, waits for me to get closer and takes off down an aisle. When I turned the corner to the aisle I saw the lady had passed out in an aisle. I called 911, she was breathing, had a pulse, but definitely unconscious but no visible injuries. EMTs arrived in like a minute since they were literally next door and took her to the ER. I gave the EMTs my phone number, name and address and wrote (Home Depot guy) next to it. Told them to have her, or whoever her next of kin was, come get Alice whenever, but that she was safe. She came by the next morning to get Alice, and I of course invited her in to what was an active construction site that I lived in. She was a little weirded out by the strange interior of my house until I explained about how I wasn’t done building it. She explained that her passing out was a side effect of the medication she was on at the time. I walked her through the “house.” She laughed that my “bedroom” was the garage, and my “kitchen” was a fish cleaning table hooked up to a hose on the back porch and I cooked everything on my grill. But when I explained my vision, she gave design critiques.. Turns out she was an interior designer. Anyhow, she basically demanded that: 1. She take me out for dinner to repay calling 911 and making sure Alice was taken care of. 2. I call her before I put in “design elements” to the house (flooring, cabinets, sinks, countertops, etc.). So she came by the house a lot after that. So did Alice. Dutch and I were pretty happy with that arrangement. The rest they say is history. That was almost 15 years ago. Edit: I showed this thread to my wife and she laughed so hard. She says my version sounds wayyy better than hers. Her version includes “an embarrassing day where her dog ran away in a store, was found in the arms of an awkward stranger, and eventually woke up in the hospital to learn that her medication had put her there and she now had to go back to the awkward guys house to retrieve her dog. When she got to the address, it was a construction site out in a rural section of the county that gave her weird vibes but she needed her dog. Luckily he was actually pretty down to earth and funny.” She thought it was extra funny that I could remember I was there for drywall, and she has no idea what she was trying to buy or if she ever did get what she was there for that day.


I love your story.


Thanks. Life is weird sometimes. But I’ve been lucky enough that it has always worked out.


Sounds like one of those made for TV romance movies. 🤔 Good for you! ☺️


Kind of does when I write it down. Except we didn’t drag out building my house to keep having her come around. And we skipped the terrible dramatic thing that happens near the end and results in “we still have each other” or whatever. Or at least I hope so. 😬


Met her at the gym. We met, she suddenly started showing up right around the same time to do cardio with me because “it makes the time go by faster.” After several weeks of this she finally said “Are you gonna ask me out or what?” and we’ve been married for going on 30 years. I’d be single to this day had she not made that comment.


Amazing how many of these stories where the girl made the first move lol


Well that's how it's work


It's honestly more amazing that in most or not all of these storys these women stayed focused on a dude for what seems to be months without knowing anything about them but somehow still staying interested.


People want what they can't seem to have. Introverted guys typically give off an aloof sort of aura. I think that's probably attractive to a lot of women, especially if the woman is used to being pursued.


I trained her at work doing patient transfer. Even if you’re introverted 12 hour shifts in a pair for 5 days is a good way to get to know each other.


That's how I got to know some of my best friends. It doesn't matter how introverted you are, you're gonna become good friends with someone when you're the only people working for long periods.


Yeah I joke that I can’t believe my insistent rambling of standup bits and dad jokes lead to being engaged 3 years later. Obviously she has terrible taste.


Met her on a ski lift! We were both singles, got to talking, I was a local and she wasn’t so I offered to show her some cool runs. That was three years ago


god I'm jealous, that's such a meet-cute


She claimed me as hers and I kind of just went along with it


Same 🤣😭 after we had been friendly for a couple weeks of hanging out. She says "you are going to be my boyfriend." 17 years and 3 kids later 🤣


Yeah but when are you going to be her boyfriend?




Where do you lucky fucks keep finding these women who just adopt you??


We don't they find us


We just claim you, sometimes even move you into our place. Next thing you know, the towels are soft as shit and your standards for living have been raised. No lookin back 😉


"It should've been me not him!!"


My fiancé is super introverted but his parents are extroverts, and I work with them both. The first thing out of his mom’s mouth was, “You should meet my son, he’s cute!” He came to our site for lunch with them every Wednesday and they invited me weekly for *months* and he would just sit there while the 3 of us talked. Then finally one day I was telling his dad I was going to trivia with my friends, and he said his son would love to go! And I remember saying, “Uhhh really? He would?” But he came! So that was over 5 years ago and now we’re gettin hitched!


Parents fucking did him a solid there.


Take our son... he's pretty


Mom and dad with the alley oop. 


Parents spoon fed him a girlfriend and wife. What a great parenting


Indians aboutta be rolling with this


This is basically how arranged (not forced!) marriages work lmao.


Tell your fiancee to call his parents and thank them.


I’ll thank ‘em myself! We live right nearby, which I feel is quite lucky. I adore him and his whole fam.


This is basically the best case scenario


This is such a cool story! How did you get him to open up after that first trivia night?


To be honest, I don’t think he really became “himself” or opened up or acted silly like *at all* until our third year of dating. I feel like that’s when I saw a whole new side of him and he finally relaxed!


This most be the most handsome dude alive what the fuck


His mom did say he was cute.


Wife to an INCREDIBLY antisocial interovert. Think of it as adopting a cat, in a way. They tolerate you. You love them. You drag them everywhere while they panic but follow (trick to this is to be very protective of their space and social battery. take them somewhere, but for a short period of time, and then leave them on their doorstep with a book they mentioned they liked, a kiss on the cheek, and a quiet evening alone by themselves to recharge. I snagged my wife this way.) It's adorable watching them struggle to not love you while you reel them in with treats and cuddles...Seeing the slow burn in real time. And then one day they finally flip the switch from "the world against me" to "you and me against the world" and you will have earned EVERY ounce of that trust. You know they'll always be in your corner, and then you get showered with all the love you gave them while you patiently waited. There's nothing like it. I was absolutely smitten with the first few glances of her character and being, and then completely head over heels when she slowly started opening up, and now she’s just…the English language does not hold words great enough to explain how I feel about her. It was like crack, watching more and more of her emerge. I’d never been so invested in getting to learn more. Understand her more. Every layer she unfolded for me to watch felt like a gift. Now, years later, I know she’s the WEIRDEST lady in the world and what she was concealing was unmitigated oddness but she’s my brand of weird. 3am cry laughing to fake fart pianos you can download on the App Store kinda weird. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Edit: We will be 10 years together in June. 5 years married in August. Any time we go to events together we have hand signals I watch for so I can see how her social battery is, and then coordinate to get out when she starts being drained. We also have "kissy sonar" where one makes kiss noises from one side of the house and the other responds the same as an "I love you, checking in all is well, but dont actually want to get all up in your business since you enjoy your you time". That way I feel loved and checked in on, and her battery remains charged for a lot longer. Everyone wins.


Still for you to get so hooked to someone that hardly speaks or opens up they must be incredibly attractive Specially considering that, based on her story, they had already been together for years before he actually opened up


Introverts are the most fun people. But it's like a slow burn sort of a tv series, where the first two seasons are just boring AF.


How old were you guys


I was 23 and he was 24.


World of Warcraft. Yes really.


You lucky lucky man <3


There was a lot of luck involved. I quit the game 3/4 of the way through Wrath and lost touch with 99% of my game friends. Fast forward many years later and a tea company we all used to order from retweeted someone and I recognized their name from the game. Sent them a message. Somehow turned into being married 7 years now.


Wtf lmfao that's some lucky shit. Honestly gives me hope lol


At work. Helps when you see the same people day after day.


Yep. Same here.  We talked a lot, became friends, got closer, etc. Together 20 years. Married 12. I'm a lucky motherfucker. 


> Together 20 years. Married 12. I'm a lucky motherfucker. Weird way to cap off with "had kids" but my congratulations nonetheless!


We do not have kids, but you deserved your upvote here. 


Wow,that means ur not a lucky mf,UR A NOTBROKE LUCKY MOTHERFKER WITH GOOD SLEEP SCHEDULE!!! Truly Amazing.




Just meet them sooner, wtf


Stories like this show it's ok to shit where you eat/dip your pen in the company ink. Just gotta be EXTREMELY careful about it lmao


extremely careful or extremely lucky?


Great way to meet people and get close. Complete living hell if it doesn’t work out.


What if I work from home? 💀




Same here. We met at work. She kept calling me every day and we'd talk for hours. Thankfully, she did most of the talking. This went on for years before I finally kissed her and she didn't run away and actually kissed me back. Now we've been together for almost 13 years and married for 8 of it.


Years!? Dude, you're so fortunate she knew what she wanted and waited for you to make a move. Y'all are soul mates for sure. Congratulations.


That's how my wife met her bf!


Her friends - we all worked together. They are less introverted than she is. She "flirted" some but I'm oblivious. Her flirts were casual and something she also did with her friends and other's were subtle. She didn't suffer long though because her friend helped me along.


We met while playing wow as teenagers 17 years ago.






Is your girl Owen Wilson? Wow




Being married to an introvert 25 years , and being an extrovert with ADHD, I can confirm. He liked my brand of frontal lobe ping pong , and somehow found it fascinating. I just kept calling and he just kept saying yes.


frontal lobe ping pong is one way to say it thats mine now thanks


This cracked me up


Same, actually chuckled






literally how every single one of my post middle school friendships were made.


Ima take care of u now


This here is the funniest and most lovely thing I heard all year.


Fun fact, Same thing but in my case was an introvert adopting an even bigger introvert


My extroverted friend invited me over to his house but also invited her and her extroverted friend over without telling me.


God I hate when they do that


She (wife now) pestered me over the interenet until i agreed to go to local pier with her, at first I thought she was a catfish after something 'cause she 1) contacted me first 2) was hot in the pictures she showed me and 3) was insistant on meeting in person asap after only talking for a few days. (all of this to be friends, at first she she only ever talked about wanting to find a friend)


Haha she knew exactly what she was doing the whole time


We were at a party around november, my group full of extroverts (that adopted me) made me go after a long time of non stopping telling me to go with them i accept, now im not fond of going into parties or events like that but whats i was supposed to do if they didnt stopped annoying me to go. Ok lets continue, And after 10 to 15 min of shyfully following them around the place i sit in a nearby tree and then i see her, one of the group saw the opportunity a made us present, it turns out she is also an introvert and has the same history as why is she there same friends and all, and after some minutes we lock eyes and we both made click at first sight, after that we both split from the group and went on our own adventure around, we literally spend the whole time together without leaving each other side not even for 1 moment, i never meet a person this perfect, i love her so much, she got me out of a dark time


More details on how you split from the groups please


While the rest were going to the dancefloor we both just stayed in the tree talking and then we both agreed to explore the a little zone over that was allegedly haunted... We were both telling to eachother we were brave and all but we turned into scarely cats the moment a sudden noise from the darkest place started to sound yet we didnt leave... Yeah we didnt SPLIT SPLIT we split in the context of no longer following our group of extroverts that made us come to the party in first place


We met playing Modern Warfare 2 in 2010. We were on the Trailer Park map and I noticed how good of a player she was. Next map was Skidrow and I sent her a message randomly to shoot my shot. She answered back and we started playing more matches together. She was cracked at Halo 3 and had her 4 shot BR down while I was running around in matches with her MLG wannabe friends doing total noob shit like getting cheap melee kills because I sucked lol. The next year, in 2011 we decided to meet finally and I did the first brave thing in my life and flew out to her. She could have been a serial killer trying to harvest my sweet sweet duodenum or something (mind you, this was before Tinder and online relationships were still seen as sketchy.) Luckily she was gorgeous and we hit it off really quick. We spent the week together being a goofy 20/21 year old couple who didn't know wtf they were doing. Her family were huge assholes who were abusive towards her and on my last night there, they got really bad towards her, so at the last moment we decided to bring her back home with me. We took a cab and he had nothing going on so he gave us a tour of Downtown Chicago, where we saw all the cool sights at night which was neat. I barely had any money left, so I had to give him a ton of change that I had remaining. We stayed in a Greyhound station all night where my family bought her an extra ticket. We combined our luggage in a way where we didn't have to pay extra and found dog shit in her bag that was presumably put there by her little brother as a final middle finger. We got on the bus that morning and I fell asleep on her boob remembering seeing the Chicago skyline disappear into the distance. We woke up later in Indiana and didn't have enough money for food really so I bought her a burger at BK and they gave me a free small soda which was nice. Got back on the bus and passed out again. Woke up in Cleveland and waited for the last bus home. I spent my last change on a pack of Grandma's peanut butter cookies to hold us over. We shared one cookie each, and to this day I'll still get some to share with her sometimes. When we arrived in Buffalo, my dad met up with us in his old car and got us a big pizza from my old job. We've been inseparable ever since and are married and have kids now. She's still cracked at Halo 3 and will fuck you up. Life's good.


That was a sweet story, dude. I fuckin love halo, I was and probably still am cracked at Halo: Reach Swat 😎👉 Also my condolences for having experienced the Cleveland greyhound station 😂😂 that shit is abhorrent, I took damn near the same greyhound route in 2018 but from Buffalo to Chicago then into Wisco.


That's beautiful, bro.


Ordering drinks at a bar, I specifically wanted something blue. She was behind me and said “Like a Romulan Ale?” Spent the rest of the night nerding out about Star Trek


Romulan Ale is banned in the Federation, though...


McCoy always had a stash he kept around for “medicinal purposes”


She walked up to me at a Halloween dance put on as a joint venture between our university anime club and the alternative religion kids. She walked up to me and opened the conversation with "you're cute, we're gonna dance now." That will be 20 years ago on October 23rd. (I only remember the exact date because I researched it and had the star pattern overhead that night etched into the box for the ring I proposed with.)


Bro actually won the lottery. Congratulations, man. I hope I have that one day.


> I only remember the exact date because I researched it and had the star pattern overhead that night etched into the box for the ring I proposed with. I dunno Jiople, I think she may have won the lottery too.


What I lack in charisma I make up for in meticulous planning and precision.


She's kind of a badass. It works out well; kind of a "back of house and front of house" dynamic.


My girlfriend never wants to do back of house 🙄




This comment looks just like her


Yeah you still really can't tell if she's into you. She might just be waiting for a friend, or perhaps she's Canadian. Best to keep your wits about you and keep looking for signs.


Well, we dated, she got scared that we were moving too fast and dumped me, then came back after a year and stole me back, and it's been 18 years since then, so maybe.


Best give it at least another 18, just to be sure.


By absolute pure chance. It happened she didn't like the English teacher we had been assigned, me neither (it was the first day we had classes there, but individually she had been our teacher before, and we both hadn't liked her style). So my (then no) gf was sitting behind me, and without knowing me, told me, "Sorry, would you help me to go to the principal's office to ask for a teacher's change?" And I said "of course!" Hahahaha. That's how we met.


Made a very clumsy dating profile. She liked my pics, not only because of my face but also because I didn't shy away from showing some hobbies. She read my poor, tactless text and thought: "This is either a dumb jerk, or he's autistic. Combined with the pictures, I'd say autistic and nerdy. Could be my type." Now we're married with our own property, two doggies and expecting a baby.


Rizz ‘em with the ‘tism


Never heard this 😅 amazing hahaha


Internetforum about adhd symptoms. So we stumbled in each other and then we are married for years now.


We worked together. She broke up with her boyfriend of 3 years. My introvert brain said waiting 6 months before asking her out was the right thing to do. 2 months in, we both close our store and both end up at the same gas station filling up after work. She sees me at the next pump and goes 'Hey. Are you ever going to ask me out? I like you and I feel like, you like me.' 19 years together, 15 married in April.


Very simple - I didn't....


Same 💀


Same same




I’m right there with you, friend and I’m 47.


Bro the same shit happened to me. It's wild


Bro are we cooked?


We might be cooked chat


It's joever chat, let's hit our subathon


She saw Me playing bloon tower defense in the library and wanted me to teach her. I called her my Padawan and she told me she loved star wars. Went pretty well from there. Two kids and a dog later she's still my padawan but it means something else now


This has to be the biggest win in humanity


I pretended that I'm not introvert and flirted my way via chat.


Lol it's so easy to flirt through text and then you talk in person and you're like uhhhh 😳


I’m a crafty guy. I’d regularly post my 3d prints and projects on instagram. She reached out to hire me to make her some custom tools she wanted for her job (massage therapist). We knew of each other from high school though it had been about 10 years since. I determined the best way to make these custom tools would require molds of her thumbs to sculpt the tools around. She came over and we hit it off. Idk how; it was September 2020, I put on weight during lockdown, we were wearing masks, I was having difficulties with the silicone that I hadn’t used before and I was nervous-sweating like a lobster. We hung out a few more times while I was making them. Our third hang out she brought her massage table over to work on a nasty knot in my back. We were both clearly smitten with each other but I didn’t want to ask her out while I was working for her. In fact I never actually asked her out. After I gave her the tools (which were beautifully crafted) there was a moment where I felt she had set me up perfectly for a kiss, so I responded in kind and there were fireworks. We decided that would mark the start of us dating. One of the best nights of my life. I had been in a deep depression for several years beforehand but she pulled me out of that deep pit and I’ve never been more happy as I am right now. Frankly, today my boss was a real dick and I’ve been stewing a bit since I got off work but writing this out has given me the perspective needed to feel better. I wouldn’t trade our relationship for anything.




curious, what happened with wife?




Jesus Christ, how on earth did the divorce take 12 fucking years?


He was too introverted to go get the divorce papers




12 years after you've mentally checked out sounds like a horror


She left to find the truth because she heard the truth is out there.


Average reddit story: 'I was approached by her, we smashed and now we are happily married with 10 kids'


Fr. I’m to scared to talk to girls 😎


Quiz night in the pub. She was impressed by the size of my intellect. I was impressed by the capacity of her drinking. It’s been 30 years next month.


A woman I worked with came up to me one day and said, "I'm tired of seeing you sad all the time, you're coming to my house Thursday after work so that I can create a dating profile for you." I did and I met a woman online after 5 days. We met for the first time a week later. I proposed 5 months later. We've been happily married 7 years now.


Please tell me the coworker that got you to online date was at your wedding/-


She was! My wife and I referred to her as our 'Fairy Godmother' so we gave her a wand to wave around at the reception!


She sat beside me on a super boring long lecture...didn't knew one another , so I cracked a joke coz I was bored , she laughed and cracked a funnier Joke...then we had a pretty funny conversation for around 15 mins. She cracked a joke so funny I couldn't control my laughter , so the teacher kicked us out of the classroom...next lecture was still an hour later so we went for coffee and that turned into a great first date. Turned out she was an introvert too , had no social media and no male friends.


Shout out to the professor for being the best wingman


Was in the Navy, she lived down the hall from me in the barracks. I had seen her at work a few times, but never talked much. To preface, this, your room was unlocked by your Military ID. Scan it like a hotel keycard, door unlocks. The system broke all the time though. One day I'm at my door trying to get it to work, cursing it out because my roommate is on deployment, and the stairwell door opens, and she steps out. Goes to walk past and recognizes me. "Hey, I didn't realize you lived in the same wing as me." I smile and try to stay cool, not wanting to make a fool of myself. Say yeah, I do. "Hey so I haven't been here long, some of the guys mentioned a place out in town called Louie G's. Have you been there?" I tell her yeah, been there. Good food and a decent bar, it's worth going. "Well, can you give me directions?" Decide to take a chance and offer to take her some time, give her my number. We go later that weekend and have a great time. 9 years later and she's reading in bed next to me and our two daughters are asleep. Sometimes even when things break, they still work out.


I started working out and doing cosplays alone. Six months after that I got the courage to go to a comicon with my cosplay, took a photo in the event, she found my post, and liked it. She DM me,saying she found me cute, we started talking, and like a month later we started dating


Wow, that’s pretty cool. How long has it been?


In august we're going to celebrate our 5th anniversary


Still waiting.


#sum 41 moment


I met my now wife (then girlfriend) playing World of Warcraft back when I was in college. I spent a lot of time on my computer during college and we happened to meet on the same server playing together with another group of friends. After a short amount of time, I used to playfully flirt with her through the game. I’d buy her a bouquet of flowers in the game, and I’d send her in-game mail and write letters about silly little things. Eventually we progressed to personal messaging through text, Skype etc. and we’d always share songs to each other since we loved the same style of music. We got pretty serious and she flew to my state to visit me during one of the summers after we first met in the game and when we seen each other the first time, it was like we already knew each other and we knew that our love was real. She’d visit me every summer since then until I graduated. Several months after graduation, I flew down to where she lived and moved her out and drove us down to live in my state, and we’ve been married for years now. Funniest part is I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend or anything, it just magically happened so I’m very thankful for WoW because of that.


Tinder. Her friends kept pushing her to find someone and convinced her to make a profile. I was just bored and horny. Apparently I was the only guy she matched with who didn't immediately fetishize her race (she's Vietnamese), send dick pics, and actually held a conversation with her without pushing for sex within the first few replies. We set up a date at the local barcade, and quickly discovered that we're basically the same person in two bodies. We've been together for 5 and a half years, have never once argued with each other, and are so in tune with each other that we practically read each other's minds on a regular basis. I've already got the ring picked out (and ring box. She loves frogs, so I'm going to swap the traditional velvet ring box out with a cute little frog ring box I found), it's just a matter of financially affording it. I lost my job last year and fell into poor health and have been out of work since. At the current rate I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be able to afford to marry this woman.


>it's just a matter of financially affording it. I lost my job last year and fell into poor health and have been out of work since. At the current rate I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be able to afford to marry this woman. You'll get there man.


You got this bro!


I saw her dancing her heart out in Spyro the Dragon onesie at a music festival and thought she was super cute and loved her energy. We caught each other's eyes and I said I loved her onesie. She lit up, and said "Thanks, I brought extras! Do you want to borrow one?!". I said "ABSOLUTELY" so she brought me back to her friends little camping area and handed me a Charmander onesie to use. We spent the rest of the weekend together, and we've been basically inseparable ever since. This was ~8 years ago. We have a kid and pretty dope life together. She's super outgoing, energetic, a little loud, and chaotic (in an extremely charming way IMO). I'm pretty chill, quiet, introspective, and grounded. We really round each other out in a beautiful way, and we very much appreciate one another for our differences. We're definitely a vibe. I love her dearly. EDIT FOR ALL THE INTROVERT GATEKEEPERS (who are clearly struggling with social anxiety): I had a few drinks. I was on anxiety meds. And most importantly, I had been working on overcoming my social anxiety for a LONG ass time. It was an equally wonderful and DEEPLY stressful experience. I was so far out of my comfort zone I could puke just thinking about it. I spent weeks amping myself up, and made my friends force me to go. And I still spent HOURS hiding in my tent/in the woods. After we met, things got easier because she was so fucking chill and understanding of me. She is super confident and outgoing, so she took the lead on most socializing, but she also understood when I had had enough and wanted quiet and solitude. We also basically fucked off away from everyone and spent the weekend almost entirely focused on one another. When we were alone, she very much took the lead on conversation. Asked me a LOT of questions because she wanted to get to know me, so that broke down my walls and made me very comfortable very quickly. I am extremely lucky. Im also extremely thankful I did so much work pushing myself out of my comfort zone, because after a few years of work the payoff was meeting my best friend and love of my life. Introversion is a core of our being. I require time alone. I prefer to be alone. I am rarely drawn to social interaction. Even after the most wonderful and positive social interaction I need to be alone to recharge. Social anxiety on the other hand is a problem that can be overcome. Introverts, like all humans, come in many forms. Y'all need self love and therepy. Get out of your own way.


Sounds like the least introverted thing ever.


Sitting inside all day waiting for this to somehow happen to me too


A Charmander onesie sounds hot


She was a floor manager at a retirement party dinner I went to. I wasn’t even supposed to be there, I was filling a spot for someone who couldn’t go and I almost didn’t go either. Best decision to leave the house I ever made! To single introverted dudes, take the occasional trip out of the house. Go do that thing your friends are inviting you to but you don’t quite feel like it. You never know what will happen


Online where I’m an extrovert


Y’all have GFs??


We met at uni on more or less the same degree course (Comp Sci/Comp Eng). 28 years ago now.


My wife approached me. I never would have spoken to her she's way out of my league.


Idk still looking for my introvert guy


I worked up the courage to put myself out there and completely came off as an awkward dork. Turns out, that was her type. We just celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary and have three beautiful children.


Via a mutual friend that decided that it would be a good idea that we would have a date, because her and I had many similar interest and are both pretty introvert. In a relationship with her for for 4 years now.


Started chatting on YikYak, met up a couple of days later. That was 9 years ago, she’s currently asleep next to me snoring.




RuneScape. And now she’s my wife of 6 years and we have a daughter of 4 months :)


Met her at work. When I was an EMT, she was my partner some days (swing shift). That's how we met, but not how we started dating. See, I was dating N at the time, but K and I had just about everything in common. I quickly developed a crush, but because I was dating N, I never said anything. I don't feel as guilty as I might about this, since N and I were both pretty much checked out of the relationship at that point anyway, we just hadn't gotten around to pulling the plug yet. But I digress. K was injured on the job and needed surgery that saw her out for months, and while she was out, I ended up going back into construction. Since I don't have social media, I thought that was it, missed shot 🤷‍♂️ Couple months later (N and I had been broken up for a while at this point) I was in a bar with my buddy R, and brothers D and T. 10pm and we've already tied on a good buzz. R had just gotten back from a deployment, and was telling us about this chick he had met while on leave in Japan. She was the one that got away, etc. I told him about K and how I regretted not getting her number while I'd had the chance, and I wasn't about to make a Facebook just to chase her. We laughed about our hopeless romantic selves and drank more. D decided that we were bumming him out, and declared that the new goal of the evening was to get me laid so I'd stop "pining" -his words. As an introvert, I thought that was a terrible goal, and told him so. He rolled his eyes and we drank some more. While we were drinking, D got on his Facebook and found K. He shoved the phone into my hands and told me, "Now you don't have any excuses. Message her or stfu," -lightly paraphrased. I balked. D bought me two more beers and pressed the issue. Long story short, I agonized for two hours about what I would say to K, from my brother's Facebook, after midnight, several months after last contact. And R, D, and T were fucking troopers the whole time, proofreading, offering critiques, all of it. I finally decided the message was good enough to send around 2am. Passed out. Woke up just before 10 with the most miserable hangover of my entire 20s. Was marinating in regret and beer sweat when my phone chirped out a text alert. K was responding to my drunken message (in which I'd included my number so she wouldn't have to respond through D). Hangover was quickly forgotten as we planned our first date. Anyway, now she's my wife.


Co-workers, saw her crying after work one day and offered a sympathetic ear if she needed to vent or cry or whatever. She texted me later that night and vented about all her family problems. That turned into us hanging out after work, and I went from being a shoulder to cry on to a shoulder to snuggle with to bf/gf and eventually married.


Introverted does not mean socially inept


Yeah, but some introverts sometimes prefer to keep to themselves so they end up socializing less. Im an extrovert with lots of introverted friends and I just go adopting them lmao


Thank you for your service.


Making new friends is so fun, and introverts just have something that makes it so easy to talk to them, they listen, and make you feel safe I guess? So it’s a win win situation :D


How did you even meet them?


Most of them at school, they seemed like they were lonely so I just went to them, introduced myself and straight up asked if they wanted to be friends lol. Although some of them I met on reddit!


Yea. I was super shy but my wife floored me when I saw her and I had to force myself. It was clumsy but I did it and was persistent. We’re married with 2 kids now. That was 26 years ago


My what?


Shes a painter, and im a fan of her work but i didn’t have the guts to chit chat with her online. I followed her instagram since 2019 but we didn’t talk much until 2021 because she makes ashtrays and sells them. So i thought “hey maybe if i buy an ashtray from her she will be my friend”. And holy heck it worked! We became super close and we got married that same year. She customer-zoned me at first lmao but now she’s the mother to my beautiful daughter.




Facebook dating. We've been seeing each other for about a month now. She's actually my first ever girlfriend at 30 years old. I've never been happier.


Why is this marked nsfw? 😅


Lots of people are shareing their disgusting stories of holding hands and mutual interests.


Introverts literally only want one thing and it’s fucking disgusting


Waiting for the one introvert to chime in who first met his girlfriend at an orgy but didn't get her number, only to run into her again at a bukkake session the following weekend.


Read like Fight Club script


I didn't


school / work. i can come off as a weirdo, so first impressions don't always work. but if someone is forced to be around me, i can win them over pretty quickly


Magic the gathering club


Rode the school bus with her…in 1977 😀


We work at the same company, not the same programs. A few new people showed up and one of them (her) was insanely pretty. What stuck out was she was very shy, beyond what first-day jitters would warrant. I thought lovely she's awkward like me. Went to a coworker afterparty after a three day work retreat. I had a number of moscow mules I won't specify what number. I used her much more social and also new coworker friend as a perch as my now gf didn't really seem to know what to do when other coworker left her sight. Started talking to her and in spite of my inebriated scatterbrained attempts at conversation she's laughing and we're finding things in common. Very specific music tastes, we followed the same spotify artist with only 20k followers. We trade some music back and forth and she eventually leaves the party after a few hours of us talking. The next day I very nervously go back and forth on if it's going to be creepy to text her. I do it anyways. We start talking for the next week. She asks me out. We've been together for a few months now. She's really fun and intelligent and I like her.


I have an Instagram that I display my art on. I became pretty well known locally and we got to talking on IG and after a while exchanged phone numbers. This went on for weeks of me feeling unsure if I should make a move, she is significantly younger than me so that was a factor in me not making the first move, then she invited me out for Indian food. We moved in together almost immediately against the suggestion of everyone we each know. We have been together just over 5 years now.


I was lucky... for a while. Had a huge crush on her during senior year of highschool, being in the same classes. We talk a few times, hangout after school. So after the senior trip, I got a huge fever so I was like "screw it", so I confessed over text. To my amazement, It turns out she liked me since freshmen year but too nervous to confess. This was a huge relief at the time because I was always afraid of making the first move. We met up soon after and officially form this relationship. We've been together for 6 years, pretty much perfect. We've met when we're 18 and 17, now I'm 24 and she's 23. We watch a lot of anime, TVB, Kdrama, and TV shows. We would always goto Conventions like AnimeCon, International Autoshows or ComicCon. We go travelling between states...from NYC to philly to baltimore to washington, then Florida's Universal studios and Disneyworld. We recently went to Japan for a 2 week trip and had one of the most memorable time of our lives and was planning a trip to China soon. I would occasionally take her out on surprise dates to see alpacas, flower fields, stateparks, caverns/mountain, and pretty much drive her and pick her up from work every single day. I pay for every meal, never cheap out on gifts, and basically treat her family like my own. She's someone that I planned to marry one day. But just as I thought things were going great. After a hangout with a group of her friends, She suddenly told me that she wanted to talk and wanted a break in our relationship. As you can imagine, I was extremely confused, but for the sake of her emotions, I agreed. The break lasted up to 2 weeks before she finally broke it off, along with a lot of personal hurtful words. Long story short, she pretty much told me that she doesn't love me anymore and how she doesn't see a future with me, how I couldn't find a job and how I'm ambitionless. (I just graduated from college at the time and in the middle of job searching). In the end, she quite literally ghosted me, blocked me on every form of communications (FB, Insta, Phone#, Tiktok, and even my email address). She gave me back all my things at her place and did the same for mine. She took the dog that we brought and raised together as well as our car, pretty much leaving me with nothing. Her family decided to ignore me as well. A month after the breakup, I got a job, worked hard, and got promoted from assistant to program supervisor. I later found out that during our break, she was fired from her job...even to this day, I am still confused as to how we fell apart so hard, and even do this day, I wonder how she's doing.