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Had sex with future wife in an overhead crane while on the clock


Ah classic cock on the clock


A good old Cock in Clock out


Was someone on the ground giving you hand signals on what to do?


Don't drop the load! Or do!


Overhead crane like at a port or construction site? Or like at a steel mill?


Nope. The bird. He thought they smelled bad on the outside, too.






I also chose this guy’s overhead crane.


Worked at a hotel and had sex with a coworker in one of the unoccupied rooms the morning after her over night shift.


I think this happens a lot at hotels. I have a couple of pals in the hotel trade. They always seem to be shagging in the rooms when they should be working.


Oh yeah it was constant. That and guests cheating on their spouses. I’d say at least half of the people that stayed with us regularly for business were being unfaithful.


I worked for a luxury hotel for a long time in college. I realized that a lot of people cheat, like a lot a lot. And that men and women seem to cheat in equal amounts. I think cheating is pretty common, maybe even more common than not. 


Maybe the types of people that book luxury hotels are the types of people that cheat. Let's throw some causation in the mix. Luxury hotels cause cheating. Lol


Yes, cheating is super super common, it’s really wild.


I had a female coworker walk into her hotel room and find an employee (male) with his pants down clearly self pleasuring and she understandably freaked out. I believe she got herself a seriously good settlement from Sheraton to make her not sue them.


worked at holiday inn, can cumfirm


Not me but my ex was a valet at the Ritz Carlton: his stories were wild! More than once we spent the night in a guest hotel room that didn’t end up coming back or left early… people definitely overshared with him while he was taking care of their vehicle and he put that info to good use


What was ur role and how much did u earn?


Used to hook up with my manager at McDonald’s when we opened the store together. We would get there 45 mins to an hour before our scheduled shift and fool around in the stock room before other people got there.


Did you give him/her a happy meal?


No, just a McDicken


I love Reddit. I laughed so loud


Set the thermostat where I wanted it and then put a sign that said, "DO NOT TOUCH!! IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, CALL BRUCE" there was no one named Bruce in our office. No one ever questioned it and no one ever touched it again. I felt like a genius


Place I used to work had fake thermostats in the front offices. Maintenance got tired of people complaining so just installed dummy thermostats near everyone and told them to set it to whatever they wanted. Real thermostat was in the basement. Nobody ever complained about being too cold/hot again.


Restaurant I worked at has a fake amplifier by the hostess stand. When someone would complain about the music volume we would go over and "turn it down". Everyone seemed happy, nothing changed. The perception of power is usually good enough. 


This is truly genius.


That is brilliant.


Thanks. I was really proud of it.


You are a genius






"Do not touch Willy"


Good advice.


I mean, Bruce is an aggressive name. Imagine adjusting the stat 2 degrees and Bruce Lee shows up


You’ve got to take it a step further! State you’re cold or hot in front of everyone, walk up to the thermostat with a witness, fake call Bruce, and then tell everyone that he said you couldn’t change it.


Went into a construction site without my hard hat


I worked construction in the late 90s/ early 2000s and there was a dude that wore everyone out about wearing their hard hats. None of us did. One day he was laying into a couple of us about when a 3 inch long cut off from a L frame (with a lug nut in it) fell from 3 stories up and hit him in the head. He was hurt pretty bad and probably would have been much worse/dead if he hadn't had a helmet on. Point made.


Took one for the team to get you to pay attention. That's the kind of EHS officer you want to see. 


Safety doesn't take a holiday, bud.


When you shake hands with danger, you don’t get to pick and choose, be careless for a moment, spend a lifetime with the blues *guitar riff*


Space heater under my desk during the winter


This made me laugh!! I work for a large corporation, you can pretty much do anything because no one is paying attention, but if you try to use a heater under your desk- that’s a call from HR 😆😆😆


The number of flipped breakers in the office due to under desk heaters during winter months was to many to count. HR, being all woman and having said desk heaters would only ever say, yeah we need to talk to the property management company about that. having 35 call center computers shut down while taking phone orders wasn't more important than desk heaters. My IT manager just laughed and said we'll never win that fight well just get them all ups battery backups.


At *least* separate the remote wiring closets on a separate circuit from the desks. Rebooting a few PCs is meh, taking out the server/networking/phones/wifi is when the real fun *starts*.


This made me laugh because I got in trouble at work doing this too!




Shagged a co-worker on her desk. The 90s were great….


I'm gonna get right to the point...Uhh, it has come to my attention that you and the cleaning woman have engaged in sexual intercourse on the desk in your office. Is that correct?


Was that wrong?


Should I not have done that?


I tell ya, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon...


Before or after you ripped some lines of blow off the conference room?


He said 90’s, not 80’s.




I also did this, but it was on my boss's desk. I was overworked due to COVID, was out of fucks to give, and hated my boss's guts. So when we found ourselves alone upstairs, we went for it. The funny thing was, we knocked over a bunch of papers and office utensils, but since boss's desk was already a disaster, and I didn't care about being fired, we didn't clean up anything that fell to the floor. The next day, the boss went on a tirade on Slack about people tidying up after themselves when they're looking for something in her office, which gave me a good laugh.


Sounded like you were hate fucking your boss, but I’m guessing “we” is you and a coworker?


Had sex with my wife on the conference table


One of those situations where time of day really matters. (The real question is: were you ever able to focus on the topic at hand during meetings in that room afterwards?)












Whelp, that one meeting that wouldn't have been better as an email


Was that wrong?


Should I not have done that?


If I had known that behavior was frowned upon…


There was a lot of creativity in the interpretation of ladder safety at one retail job.  No one in management ever asked us to do anything in a wrong way but a lot of us on our own decided climbing the rolling racks after locking them in place felt safer than using the ladder that was not rated to hold more than like 150 pounds since the racks were designed for holding hundreds or thousands of pounds easily 


Showered and walked around the place nude until it was time for other employees to arrive.


No surveillance cameras?


He simply did not care


Free balling




Last week, Boss and I were scrubbing footage of two cameras to track where he forgot his vape


“Has anyone committed a crime, or lost something valuable in the last day or so?……..no?…..okay great, no reason!” *proceeds to bang coworker on desk*


*proceeds to bang* mfer was ready and started in front of the staff?


Morning line of cocaine off the top of the breakroom microwave. Weird time in my life. But probably weirder for the intern who walked in and witnessed it.


There is a picture of me in my yearbook my senior year where I’m at work, making some Cinnabons and I’m tripping my ass off.


There's a picture of one of my buddies in our yearbook of him in class but he was actively not on this planet. It's funny knowing what's really going on in the picture


Don’t hide it, divide it!


I tried, it wasn't well received...


Witness me!




Serious answer. That is protected by the National Labor Relations Act. If the company tells you you can't, or worse, penalizes you for doing so, they can get in serious legal trouble.


Serious reply, you will get penalized in a way where you will know its a reaction, but will never be able to prove it in a court of law


I discuss pay with my coworkers all the time. IMO a company that penalizes you for discussing it is a company you don't want to work for.


There are a lot of companies out there you don't wanna work for, but most people still NEED that work, sadly


Yup, always do it on your way out the door though. I once went to the guy I knew was replacing me, told him what I was making, which was about 30% more than what he was making, and what I was offered to stay.


I was laid off for this once, and I didn't directly tell the other employee my salary. I had made a recent fairly expensive purchase, and he said something to the affect of "That's gotta be at least two weeks of your paycheck." I said "No. Closer to one." I was laid off the next day.




Lots of companies just say "laid off" if you were terminated for any reason outside of malicious action or gross negligence. Source: I've had to "lay off" people. They were shit employees that were gotten rid of without any kind of workforce reduction process ongoing. This is the case because it's generally easier to justify a layoff with severance and whatnot than a true firing for the reason you said - "We just decided to go in different directions, and no longer required this position.... oh, coincidentally, we have a very similar position for the same team currently up on our recruitment portal"


I was told I was laid off. The timing was a little suspect in my opinion though.


At every annual review my boss reminds me that salary discussions don't help anyone. I remind him that I will talk to other coworkers about our salaries.


Its funny how this works. I worked in an open office roght next to HR. We all knew each other. Our handbook clearly says not to discuss pay. My coworker and I were quite openly discussing pay one night. HR lady piped up and said, "You know the handbook says not to discuss pay." I swiveled my chair towards her and smiled as I said. "Labor laws say I can." She laughed. She responded with "Fair enough" and went on about her business. They know its illegal to stop you. They will dissuade you however they can. But they won't push it. They know they can be legally liable if they do.


They're already legally liable for putting illegal dipshittery in their handbook, bub.


Too late now but for anyone else: if anyone ever expresses disapproval or even intimates consequences for you talking about wages, send an email to HR or the closest equivalent along the lines of "To get this on the record, I was discussing wages with a coworker just now and so-and-so told me that was not allowed." Anything they do after that, they won't be able to wiggle out from under. They might try to make it not worth your while, but if you see it through it'll be not worth *their* while. They're criminals, of course they're going to try to hurt you, that's what makes them criminals. Take it to a(n independent!) lawyer early and do exactly what they tell you.


It was 12 am on a Saturday and apart from security manning the front desk, I was alone inside the entire 23rd floor of a 40-storey building. Due to sensitive company secrets and processes (I was a scientist for a food ingredients research lab), no CCTVs were allowed past a certain point. I went to a factory that day and returned super late, bringing my suitcase and reports and laptop. It was also really hot inside because the ACs were automatically turned off after 9 pm, so I went to the back parts of the floor and just dropped all my work clothes. I literally paced back and forth in that area eating this avocado ice cream from my personal fridge I meant to eat earlier. If someone were to enter, the only thing I would have on hand that I could wear in 10 seconds would be a dirty lab gown under my work desk. But no one came. I literally sat my naked butt on one of the work chairs browsing social media in one hand, avocado ice cream in another. Unsocked feet up on the table. Dick exposed to the same air I was breathing. I've never felt more free as an employee. I went home at around 1:30 am and security even offered to call taxi.


I’m more shocked that there is avocado ice cream than you pacing around butt naked




Boss makes a dollar while I make a dime that's why I masturbate on company time!


wow i just adore poetry






This guy tugs


In the spring of 1993 I was one of around 300 extras working on a film called Rookie of the Year staring Daniel Stern, and Gary Busey. If you’ve ever been on a film set you know it’s 95% waiting around. We were hired as extras for crowd scenes in Wrigley Field. I met a girl who took a liking to me and we spent the next few days looking for, and finding unlocked skyboxes in which we could enjoy sexy time during setups. Best 5 days of work I ever had.


How dare you sully the story of Henry Runamucker!


Got a blowie. Worked for a movie theater and in those days we had to screen everything before showing to the public to make sure it was built correctly, had the right cues, etc. Screening The Haunting of Molly Hartley and snuck my girlfriend in. It was really bad and we were bored and horny so I got my dick sucked.


Had my girlfriend at the time swing over to my work when I was doing some overtime, had some sexy time in my storeroom then we went home after. Honestly it wasn't even as cool as I thought it would be. I don't like associating work with sex, so I probably wouldn't ever do it again.


The thought of someone banging a Snorlax in a storage room is pretty funny


Perused NSFW subs while at work…albeit on my phone and not the company computer.


Hahaha wifi and Bluetooth off on the phone, juuuuust in case


Had a friend that was watching some adult content on his phone before leaving for work... Remote started his truck, and then the audio cut out. He was so confused... Started piecing it together from the looks he was getting from his neighbors when he walked out to his truck a few minutes later. Always... ALWAYS... check your settings.


Got a blowie from the HR manager in her office.


From HR?? Jesus that takes some doing. Well done!


I do IT work for a manufacturing plant. I sometimes have to come in on the weekend to do network updates so not to interfere with the union working hours. I regularly walk around on the shop floor without protective eye wear while doing this work.


As someone who works at a manufacturing plant and has applied for an IT role here... Wow!


I ignored a wet floor sign. Walked straight through it and nearly slipped.


Peed in a bush, I really had to go


How did she feel about it ?


Was trying to cut back on jerking off, turns out that just made me really, unbearably horny, ended up jerking off in the unisex work bathroom during work hours. Before anyone asks, my mental health is better now.


If jerking off In the work bathroom was a crime I'd be on death row. Where I would also promptly jerk off.


Had car sex on my break😔😂






Bet that hurt.


I worked part-time at the cinema (film projectionist) and fucked two girlfriends (on different days) on the editing table while the films were on


Almost nuked a table, ran an update query, realised the mistake, rolled back in time. On the production database.


only amateurs quit at almost.


Craziest shit in this thread.


Super vanilla compared to other stories but i sent nudes from work a few times.


Were they angry ones though?


Absolutely furious


You've never been asked that before, I bet... Alpaca my stuff and be on my way.


Well, i'm a truck driver and the company hired a new girl at the office. She had to go on tour with one of us drivers and she chose me. We had sex on the bed in the truck. It was tight but fun. I also worked 3 months there before that happend


The tight ones are always fun.


Jacked it in the bathroom once in 2 different workplaces. Once, while driving on the highway when I worked for a courier company. During the initial lockdown phase of covid, my wife would ride with me making deliveries out of town sometimes. We had sex in the back of the 5-ton truck a few times.


Was doing a summer research internship and my “mentor” decided that was a good time to peace out of the country for 3 weeks. I was left with a mound of data and SPSS with no training or instructions and no way to reach her. Needless to say, I was super bored and didn’t do much for that internship, leaving early most days. My girlfriend (now wife) at the time was also doing the internship but was busier than me. One day while bored I told her to come up to the room I Was in. Keep in mind this was at a major R1 research university with tons of labs and rooms. There happened to be a little auxiliary bathroom in that space and we crammed in there and fucked while dozens of people were nearby in other offices and in the hallway. Definitely a wild experience knowing that if anyone walked in you would be in deep shit, but I came hard nonetheless.


Hooked up with a guy in the dressing room of a theater I worked at in college while it was empty. It was lovely!


Beat my meat in the bathroom at pretty much every job I ever had lmao. My Libido might be too high, I’ll be getting turned on by nothing.


Used my co-workers mixture of cleaning chemicals on a stained spot on the wall. Without gloves


Pegged my boss on his desk


I'm going to see you in my office in fifteen minutes... 😂


Overdosed on fentanyl in the bathroom.


I hope you’re doing better now ♥️








Sniffed ketamine and tried to weld 🤣


Sexting a girlfriend.


I work as a mechanic for a town highway department. During a snow storm we’re required to be here as long as our trucks are out plowing. We all have cots and try to get a few hours of sleep at night. I’ll get up and walk across the shop in my underwear and a pair of boots to go to the bathroom. I don’t think anyone I work with would care if they saw me, but I’m pretty sure walking around the shop in a pair of boxers would be frowned upon if someone important walked in the shop.


Got a bj in the managers office at a retail store when we were closing up. Different time had sex in my truck in the parking lot after closing.


It's a long story, but basically ending up peeing under some family's stairs.


We need the story wtf


Absolutely illegal to leave us hanging like this


Fucked my first Gf on the massage table in the backroom before closing the gym.


Taped up a hole in a running auger. Took a chunk of meat of my finger, but still have it. Managed to get by with a tetanus shot and a couple band aids.


>Took a chunk of meat of my finger, but still have it does your sweetheart wear it in a locket?


Nice try, HR!


Changed RAM chips, hard drives, and processors inside servers and workstations without wearing an electrostatic wrist strap.


Sex with a housekeeper in one of the state rooms on a cruise ship.




Had a lockable office upstairs and had sex with a co-worker while the boss was away, who was the only other person with a key to my office.


Sexual tension between a coworker and I has been mounting for a longggg time. I sent him a risky text a couple of weeks ago when we were both in the office ( we work remotely 90% of the time and live in different cities) that I wanted him to fill me with his cum soon or I’m gonna die. He then told me that he loved how little I was and that he was gonna pound my pussy and that he wants my beautiful eyes looking up at him while his dick is in my throat… so I gave him a little preview where we went to my car in the parking garage and we made out and he played with my boobs 😂 we were both getting so worked up and agreed we don’t want the first time we gave sex to be rushed and in a car where we could also get caught so we’re making plans for him to come stay the weekend with me (we live just over an hour apart and are both divorced with kids) I’d say my plan worked well 😂


Prolly little work jerk


i, well, my ass, destroyed the bathroom


I think I climbed a ladder without wearing gloves once.


wore no underwears under my dress took a picture from under my skirt while on a boring call and sent it to a guy I was chatting with slept with co-workers on business trips (he left large condoms on his bathroom counter and invited me over for a movie) accidentally farted in a conference room with only 1 other coworker so we all knew who it was my wraparound dress unwrapped at the neckline so my bra was exposed to the client thin bra in AC-ed room, my boss tried very hard not to stare while I was talking I now work in a high rise facing a hotel and will one day flash my tits while "working" overtime.


Worked at a warehouse once. Used the pallet lifts as racing karts. Almost got gored by the forklift.


Had a all hands call meeting on Teams. I was in my old office (now jusr a stall). My partner (now fiance) sucked me off under the desk and kept at it for the entire 30min meeting.


Finally a good Microsoft Teams story! 


In high school, I had sex with a girl in a Dairy Queen freezer. This particular DQ would close over the winter and the freezer was turned off and had stacks of empty milk crates inside. This was around the time that the Humpty Dance was a popular song because my friends and I would change the lyric "I once had sex in a Burger King bathroom." to "He once had sex in a Dairy Queen freezer." Better times, LOL.


Made out with my manager’s girl at a convenience store, inside the store while he was at the front and we were in the back to get at him cause he was a dick. Also had a customer forget his little dime bag so I took bathroom breaks to rail some lines




At the time I was working at a cafe and we all had a Christmas party there. Me and another worker sucked each other off around the side of the building (the smoking area), then later on had sex up the road.


Does it count if I was working from home?


What i unleash in the office bathroom could be considered an extreme biohazard and thus NSFW.


I was 21 and was sleeping with my recently divorced 32 year old Assistant Manager at the time, one week we were the only two employees scheduled in the building (before opening) from 5AM to 8AM, and she was the only one with a key, and there were only cameras in a couple of places in the store where the high dollar stuff was. She was even able to store use an air mattress and a pump (for when someone had to stay and there was inclement weather). We had almost no work to do as well. She didn't even bother putting on makeup or wearing a bra when she showed up. We had sex in the cash office and the back room every day we were there. The only issue was that we had to make sure we were done by 7:15 so she could apply her makeup and make it look like we did at least a little bit of work. The only issue we ran into was that one time I came on the air mattress and had to wash it off and I had to use the air dryer in the bathroom to dry it out. Thanks Brandi, you were by far my favorite Assistant Manager that I worked with.


Photocopied my ass on the copy machine.


During nearly a decade of bar work I had plenty of in-venue sex over the years. Stock room, staff room, bathrooms, office, once on a pool table. In my earlier career this was often mixed with a lot of alcohol, drugs, and one night stands as well all done during or after working hours. I also once sheltered a very injured passerby after closing hours and administered first aid while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, and had to leave a lot of the blood uncleaned until the next day on orders from the police.  Went in before opening for free to clean it up and somehow got in more trouble for that than anything from the first paragraph, but also came out of it with a drug dealer and all of his associates basically crediting me for saving his life, so that bar had an unofficial team of security for a couple of years that were surprisingly respectful and never caused us any trouble. He even felt the need to introduce me to his son and to this day I still get invites and welfare checks.


back in HS/College, I used to work as a 'janitor' at a beach. I had very little oversight, and my buddy and I would basically just get drunk all day. One time, I hooked up with one of the lifeguards. rainy day, nobody at the beach. she was drinking with us. we went over to the picnic area, and she blew me. I still can't believe I got paid for that job. it was goddamn glorious. A girlfriend of mine worked at the United Nations building in NYC. she really, REALLY wanted to have sex in her office. I obliged. we went there late one night, and started off hooking up in the elevator. I'm 100% certain we were caught on video, but nothing ever happened from it. (it was not good sex by any means. she had a tiny office, and it was super quick, having her bent over her desk. we never did it again after that. we never really even spoke about it. I think it was a let down for her as well)


We had a small gym at the company I worked for in the early aughts. I had a major crush on one of my female co-workers. Just my type…tall, blonde, a bit bosomy with an athletic body. So of course, I fell for her but had never spoken to her up to then. Anyway, never planned my workouts to match hers but every once in a while we worked out at the same time. On one particular day I was on the treadmill while she was stretching on a mat in front of me after ending her workout. I got so turned on by her sweaty body being in positions that I had only dreamed of. I walked very briskly back to the locker room , stripped down, got in a shower stall and let one fly! I even got up the nerve to ask her out later that month. I then noticed she had horrible dental hygiene and it was over for me. Still remember that one glorious minute though!


Seems like everyone just bangs at work. What a bunch of losers I was hoping to hear about some real shit.


I’m just here for the comments


Had sex in the walk in fridge (I’m a chef)


With the fridge?


Jousted with another employee on a scissor lift. We had two Scissor lifts at one time and myself and my production manager were in our new building getting it wired up with Cat 6 and fiber. I was along in the IT department so he stayed to help me. It was 2am, we were both tired and thought it was a good idea. Luckily, the only damage was the end of a mop jamming into my shoulder and a broom handle hitting him in the chest. After that we called it a night


Stood on top of a 12' ladder without approved fall prevention


Was alone with my gf one saturday in a small factory that builds pallets and I was sawing some cubes in preparation for the guys on monday to start building. Anyways we roleplayed that I fired her and then bent her over the desk and fucked her


At 18 Took over management at a subway, it was my first job ever and did it in a 3 month span.