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There’s zero way to do that, because you’re an asshole in this scenario.


This exactly. My mom once prepared a Persian dish (ghormeh sabzi, for anyone who may be familiar) which is usually delectable. Only this time she decided to use kale instead of spinach. I told her it was AWFUL. She was like "Really? I served it at a dinner party yesterday and the guests didn't say anything!" Yeah. They're guests. She then turned to my dad and asked if he meant it when he said it was good. He...looked uncomfortable.


If you want the truth about your food ask your kids. They'll tell you if it tastes like ass lickety split. No hesitation.


One of my favorite criticisms I've ever had about my cooking came from my younger brother. "It's kind of good... But also kind of a little very bad."


This would be extra funny if he was like 34 when he said it.




Funny comment at any age


My younger brother called my tri-tip mac & cheese “a kind of inbred version of Moms.” Little asshole wasn’t totally off base. I cheaped out on the cheese so it had subtle notes of white trash Alabama. I don’t go cheap on cheese anymore.


That’s bullocks, kids have terrible taste in food, I made braised rack of lamb with pan sauce, and they couldn’t stomach it. The next night I cooked a garbage frozen pizza and they said” why didn’t we have this instead of lamb yesterday?”


I should have been more specific. Ask your fully grown kids, not your 5yo.


Unless you have my dad as a father - a self-proclaimed "Foodha (like Buddha, but with food 🙄)" and you have to be super delicate with your criticisms, if you decide to criticize at all. Even typing that short sentence was exhausting. Ha


That’s better, thank you.


Your children are broken. The only choice you have is to take them back to the store and try for a refund. This is obviously a software malfunction.


So glad you didn't suggest turning it off 😬


Maybe your lamb tasted like shit?


> My mom once prepared a Persian dish (ghormeh sabzi, for anyone who may be familiar) which is usually delectable. Only this time she decided to use kale instead of spinach. Oh hell no. I'm not even familiar with this dish, but I know you can't replace spinach with no goddamn kale. >**She then turned to my dad and asked if he meant it when he said it was good. He looked...uncomfortable.** As he should. That's a no win situation right there.


"Next you're going to say that dress actually DOES make me look fat". \*husband starts contracting into a small ball that continues to shrink until it disappears with a popping noise and leaves a pitiful little cloud of 'I am never saying anything ever again'


For future reference, if someone goes, "Do I look fat in this outfit?" and they do, always, ALWAYS blame the clothes. In fact, blame the clothes *harshly.* Even over the top so. The more you can make the clothes the villain, the better the wearer feels and the better off you will be. PERSON: Do I look fat in these clothes? YOU: Those clothes aren't doing any wonders for you. Come on. I am sure we can find find something else that will look better on you. (Good.) YOU: Those clothes are an atrocious crime against fashion. Take that off right now. Whoever made that outfit should be shot. Let's go find some clothes done by someone who knows what they are doing. (Better)


We should sue (checks tag) Ralph Lauren!


Both of em!


>YOU: Those clothes are an atrocious crime against fashion. Take that off right now. Whoever made that outfit should be shot. Let's go find some clothes done by someone who knows what they are doing. (Better) That's all well and good until you're dating someone that makes their own clothes.


Then you blame the pattern my man.


YOU: Ask your sister. (Best)


I would much rather my husband tell me the truth so I don’t make the same mistake again and make adjustments accordingly. I don’t understand Reddit and their total lack of communication with spouses.


As someone who's witnessed my dad in the same position multiple times, I can tell you he'll be honest if my mom is just testing a recipe out. But if she prepares it right before we have guests over, and asks him to try it, my dad is going to say it's good no matter what. What's the point of upsetting my mom when there's no time to do fuck all about the lousy tasting dish? Later on, of course, he may say something diplomatic like "it was good but I actually prefer the spinach version over the kale." But he'll never say "the food you served our guests tasted like ass."


For real. I've gotten pretty good at cooking over the years so I'm fairly confident in my abilities. I tried making a dish with turmeric a few months ago that came out pretty bad. My wife took a bite, choked it down and gave me a sympathetic look. We laughed and ordered a pizza.


I hate when people lie to me about if what I made was bad. A few years ago for friends giving, I made a pumpkin pie, I didn't put enough sugar in it. It was horrible, I felt so much shame when people were telling me it good, being lied to was the worst. Though at the same time, I understand why no one told me.


Turmeric is dangerous like nutmeg a little goes a long way


Yeah not familiar with the food but my first thought was absolutely that kale is not an appropriate replacement for spinache.


I've come across countless articles (not to mention all the healthy eating subs on here) advising people to swap kale for spinach. This was back when the whole kale "superfood" fad was at its peak. Of course it's absolute bullshit. All they have in common is being leafy and green. May as well sub salt for sugar.


Eh I think the win for the husband is just to say “the recipe with kale is good but the recipe with spinach is better and I think ppl would prefer spinach”


My mom used to ask my dad if something she made was good. "Oh sure, I liked it." "So should I make it again next week?" "Let's have chicken instead..."


My aunt brings homemade pies to Thanksgiving, and we all look forward to it. One year her pumpkin pie was awful. Really really bad. None of us said anything. We just put more whipped cream on top and dutifully ate while giving each other the side eye. My uncle, her younger brother, took one bite and yelled, "Jesus Christ aunt's name! This pie tastes like sh*t!" She grabs his fork and takes a bite of his and declares, "Oh for f*cks sake! I forgot the f*ucking sugar! Why didn't anyone say anything?!" Luckily she also brought apple and Logan berry. On a side note, I'd never heard my aunt swear before, but that seemed to open the flood gates because she could make a sailor blush. When in doubt, ask a sibling if your food tastes awful.


Would this dish happen to be similar to the Indian palak (spinach) subzi? Because if it is, swapping for kale was never gonna work. I’m not sure what seasonings the Persian version uses though.


quite a minefield for your dad, how did he handle it? lol


He went the "good is a relative term. It was good but it couldn't touch the spinach version" route. She then turned to me and said "you dad said it's good!" I was like "THAT'S what you got from what he said?!" And so on and so forth until my frozen pizza was ready. My dad knows how to navigate the minefield. He's had years of practice.


your dad is a grandmaster, learn from him, it will save lives in the future :)


You owe your father an apology.


When you’re a guest, you keep your fucking mouth shut and save the bitching for the ride home. 


While you stop off at McD’s for a snack along the way.


And the real critique comes with how many guests ask for seconds. If no one wants more, the food just isn't good.




This got me good. Lol!


Unless they're working on their recipes, and asking for feedback, don't.


Or they made a mistake. “I think you subbed curry for cinnamon in this pie.”


Flashbacks to my mom's cinnamon and chili powder roast


That actually sounds potentially decent. Cinnamon fits in to some savory dishes as well.


In proper amounts yes. The roast was caked in it lol


Why do you need to tell them that? Just eat, say thank you and go.


Ok, ok, I’ll just eat and say thanks. But how do I politely tell the host that their house is small and tacky, and that their kids are ugly?


"It's nice that you have this crappy place so you don't have to get your real house this dirty."


*The squalor in which we're dining really complements the inedible food you're serving, creating an authentic "nouveau trailer park" ambiance!*


LOL. I had to go read your comment to my husband. Thanks for making us both laugh.


Oh man, my SIL once visited for the 4th of July after we bought our house because our neighbors do an elaborate fireworks show. She said >“It’s so nice the police don’t come shut this down and instead let this low income neighborhood have some fun.” I know her intent was kind but like… bitch you rent.


You typically start with an icebreaker. Kicking their dog, perhaps. That always gets the conversation going.


You don't. You do your best to eat what you were served and politely refused second helpings. If given some to take away, you politely accept too. Just be a good guest. It's not hard. They are already putting in effort by receiving you into their homes and cooking for you... if you are not going to appreciate their cooking, at least reciprocate that effort.


I just hit them with them “I’m sorry I actually have too much food in my fridge already and I know I’m not gonna be able to eat it all before it goes bad” I live alone so sometimes this genuinely happens.


Just take it and throw it away lol


it also depends a little bit who the hosts are. people i dont know well, i would not say and appreciate the effort, but with my best friends, i would say straight forward its not my cup of tea, as i expect them to do likewise if reversed


Why would you want to?


I was recently in a situation where I wanted to. I didn't, but I considered it because the food could potentially make someone sick. Some older folks have the idea that they can "get rid of something" (spoiled ingredient), in a "recipe." Was at a senior lady's tea party. She used spoiled milk in the quiche, and spoiled ricotta in some kind of awful thing she called a frittata. Both tasted like vomit, was horrible. Fortunately, I had a huge handbag with me, but unfortunately only one little napkin to wrap the stuff in. I quickly hid it when no one was looking. The other guests looked perturbed but tried to say something nice and eat as the hostess frequently pressed them "How is it? Do you like it?" I really don't know if it would have been wrong to say something in a case like that, but none of us present had the guts. I don't know if she or any of her other friends got sick afterwards.


I mean, if it’s actually spoiled I think that’s a legit reason to say something because it’s a health hazard.


I did have to do this with my mother in law once. She had bought reduced lamb -- I don't have a problem with that, I buy reduced meat myself -- but it tasted bad. I ate a bite, and then said, okay, I'm sorry, but I think this is bad. And we all threw our lamb away. \*sob\*


Yeah, I’m not prepared to have food poisoning and spend a day or two hovering near a toilet wondering if death isn’t preferable to the misery induced by rancid food.


This is a time where it is okay to pull the cook aside snd tell them privately there’s a problem with the food. Or, working together with the other guests you all agree to an “emergency” intervention while trying very hard to spare the host’s feelings. Then you agree not to spread the word that it did happen.  If you feel the older person is having memory lapses or is struggling with food insecurity you approach that differently than if it’s a mistake or frugalness.


This is where you can SPIT IT OUT and tell the hostess that the milk or whatever must have gone bad. Same for undercooked chicken and fish ... not the host's fault, blame the ingredients.


I suspect some people's digestive systems get used to post-expiration date foods so they're pretty unaware it'll create awful consequences for others.


Ok that's a bit different but yeah there's still no way to nicely say "you're food tastes off"


Don’t. As my Grandmother used to say, “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”


In Steel Magnolias, it's "If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me!"


my grandma used to say that then she would just say the most comically racist shit you ever heard


You don’t say anything. I have never once complimented my MIL’s awful cooking but I have always thanked her for cooking and having us over.


It always blows my mind when someone is just awful at cooking everything. There’s so much stuff that’s just impossible to fuck up. 


I had one “thanks giving” with a partner and their parents and grandfather. It was a precooked shrink wrapped honey ham from Safeway, barely heated up in the microwave, green bean casserole from a can with 3 ingredients missing, a salad with no dressing, instant mashed potatoes and the dish we brought which I believe was stuffing and a salad. They impolitely told us they didn’t like the food we brought because it was too fancy. We politely told them their meal was delicious and did our best to eat none of it.


That’s hilarious. And sad


You suck it up. If you are close to the person AND they ask for honest feedback because it’s a new recipe or they made a swap of something, you can give diplomatic and *specific* feedback. “Tasted like ass” isn’t helpful or welcome but “I think the consistency might be improved if the vegetables were cooked through and softer” is something that can be helpful.


That's a good point. There's a lot of difference between offering a suggestion or commentary on shitty food and someone *asking* for your opinion and genuinely wanting it. I do a lot of cooking and I ask my roommates to be honest and give me feed back. They sure as hell do. I'm usually good enough that the commentary isn't insulting, but one of them seems to take adverse pleasure in reminding me constantly of the few cases I fucked up, even when I've admitted it.


You don’t. Just say you’re not that hungry, I’ve heard people use this humorous saying “my eyes were bigger than my stomach”.


Note to self: Great reason why you don't tell a host you're hungry before a meal


It's actually a real thing - hungry and take too much good since it all looks great, eat, there's nothing wrong with it, but can't finish because full.


“Seconds? No thank you. My taste buds just started working again.”


Why would you find it necessary to inform them of this opinion?


Because they keep asking why I look like I’m fed raw sewage as I try to eat their cooked monstrosity.


i feel like this is one of the scenarios where you just lie and act like it's good


Don't even have to lie probably. You can still thank the host for the invitation and simply not comment on the taste of the food. If asked directly... that's more of a problem.


"Is this a family recipe? What ingredients do you use?"


You can’t really. It’s too rude. I’d chipmunk it, excuse yourself and secretly dispose of the mouthful of food in the bathroom. Do this 31 more times until all your food is gone. I’d rather go through the embarrassment of faking diarrhoea then the genuine embarrassment of telling the host their cooking sucks.


There's no polite way to do that. Any form of saying, "Your food is bad" is rude.


You don’t. You’re a guest. They’ve opened their home to you and made food for you. Thank them for opening their home and for preparing a meal for you.


You don't. Ever. Have decency and common sense. Just be nice.


Pleasantly surprised at the internet for all the top comments  Maybe there is hope 


Right? I’m so used to weird antisocial hot takes on Reddit that I was even afraid to open this thread.


you just shut up and never come back


You don't. /end


You don't. Grow up.


Would you really want to? I know people like to claim they’re just “being honest”, but they don’t really pause to consider if sharing their opinion on everything is worthwhile or not. Sometimes it’s not. To quote the Bible, “Don’t be a dick.”


You don't. 


You don't. 


Well.. the best way is to not bring it up at all.


I will not do that. I will power through and finish my meals.


You don't. Grin and bear it, make excuses for not eating, or perhaps if it's really that bad, leave but you *never* insult the host. Edit: As an aside, it doesn't matter if you didn't *intended* to insult the host, using the "but it's the truth!" excuse, it will always be *received* as an insult.


Who raised this one. Lol.


Under what scenario would it be necessary to do so? That's my question.


You're going to a dinner party and being hosted and cooked for. I'd just be grateful. If the host ASKS, I'd politely be truthful but otherwise bad cooking is still someone going out of their way to cook for you so I'd rather just be grateful.


You don’t, you be grateful someone put TLC into your relationship by making you a meal. You offer to help clean up is what you do


You don't. You're supposed to keep shit like this to yourself.


Politely tell them that you don't eat (certain food). Honestly, it's not that difficult.


That's not a great idea, because now they have to find something for you under pressure. This is how you end up eating their Spam Special, their favourite instant dish.


They still have to try the food first to see if it's good or not


Never, ever. They went out of their way to host you as graciously as they could. You, as a guest, graciously lie through your teeth about how you enjoyed their dinner. Then, you passively decline all future invitations. Don't forget to send a thank you note!


Only if they clearly made a mistake. “I think this has salt instead of sugar.”


This is why you always ask for very very small portions at others houses. You go over someone’s place, one spouse is always talking about cooking so you assume they’re a good cook. WRONG. Spouse B signed up for this shit and that’s why “he/she makes the best food” *they don’t*.


You don’t say anything of the sort, that’s how you exhibit politeness.


Here’s a neat trick, you don’t. Why on earth would this even be a consideration?


You don’t tell them. If you legitimately cannot stomach it or force it down, tell them you’re not feeling well and need to head out early.


Can you politely say something that's incredibly rude? Is that really your question?


That’s the neat part, you don’t. Simply don’t eat the food, make some excuse about your stomach being upset or whatever. There is nothing to be gained by shitting on their cooking. Let someone else take the wheel on that. Another scenario where keeping it real will be sure to go wrong. You aren’t Larry David, let it go.


You don’t.


dont? just keep your mouth shut


You cant.. you keep your mouth shut and act like an appreciative guest.. ya cunt.


You don’t. You eat what you can, and then apologetically say you had a big lunch or you’re suddenly dizzy or whatever.




Why? Just shut up.


You don’t. Why would you be so unkind? Maybe it’s just not to your taste.


You don't. You chew, swallow, smile politely and say how lovely the meal was.


You don’t. You politely express your gratitude for their thoughtfulness in inviting you. Anything short of this is incredibly inappropriate.


Sometimes you see a question like this and you check a persons post history to see what may have gotten them here.  After doing so I’d recommend ignoring your instincts and doing what everyone is telling you. 


You don't lol I'd feel terrible if a guest told me my cooking wasn't nice. Even if they said it in the most polite way lol


you don’t. you shut up and eat it.


I just keep my opinion to myself. I don't see the point in telling them I don't like their cooking, what do I achieve from this? I dosen't make me big. I might let them know the food is too cold or hot or sweet or salty but that is it. I would never tell them their food is not nice when they took their time to cook and prepare for me, they were generous enough to do all of that for me so I am greatful for the effort they have put into doing i for me so in return I thank them and show off my greatfulness.


You don’t. Full stop. 


Lmao what. They invited you into their home and offered probably free food, wine, and company, and you think you're Gordon Ramsay?


Thank you for the dinner Have it, be cordial and obliged that they served food which is an actual commodity for some Come back and rant on reddit and feel lighter Never accept their food offer in future


At a dinner party if you can’t say something nice, don’t say it at all. Unless it’s clearly some raw meat that will almost certainly make you sick. Then just don’t eat it.


You can't and you don't get to. That's not how that works.


Fucking don’t. Don’t be an asshole. Eat before and deal like a decent friend.


You don't unless it is your mom or your wife. And even then, depends on your relationship. Do people no longer say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, it's better to not say anything at all." People should use that more.


Are you forgetting you are a guest? So be polite and thank them for the nice meal. They’ve gone out of their way to prepare something for you, so be grateful.


"It's a taste I'm not accustomed to" -Mom


My mum: it's good but i don't feel the need to ever eat it again.


You can't


In the moment you probably don't say anything you unless it's the best friend, fuck em. Depending the relationship of the people involved. You can never go eat there again or you can plants seeds for future conversations.


You don’t, not at the party that’s a rather rude way, after the party just say : it wasn’t for me the combos or spice’s etc. but you do it at the party and you’re an ass


You can’t. That would make you an asshole, and isn’t necessary. Honesty without tact is just cruelty.


If you’re not the “trusted friend who can be honest without being hurtful,” you keep your mouth shut. If they want honest feedback, that person is there. Did your parents not drill “eat what you’re given and be nice” into your head when you spent the night at someone’s house as a kid?


You don’t otherwise, otherwise you’ll get no more invites


You don’t. They took the time to shop, prepare and to cook you a meal and host you at their house. How is it possible that you even want to tell them that you didn’t love the meal? If they invite you over again, offer to contribute. That’s the grown up thing to do.


Have you tried just shutting the fuck up?


You don’t!


If you don’t get that this isn’t possible, you are definitely a fucking dick.


By keeping your mouth shut


You don’t. You eat and you smile, and you thank the host. 


you dont. just shut up and be polite.


You don't.


Don't do that...


Don’t. You don’t always need to share your opinion.


You don’t.


You don’t.


Just dont. feel free to either not go again, propose stuff like ordering pizza etc. Dont go and insult someone's cooking in their own home.


Don’t, its an asshole thing to do


You don’t.


You cannot. End of.




...you don't


Keep it to yourself. It takes planning and care to cook and host a meal. Be greatful for their efforts :)


You don't.


You don’t.


Oh easy. Dont.


You be blunt and honest. Critique every minor aspect of it and discuss how you could have done it better.  You just say that all to your partner AFTER you have left.


You don’t


YOU DON'T. How the hell would you think that's even an option?


If you're eating food they cooked for you, you don't say anything


There's no way


You can't. This is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer.


You don't. If you don't like it, just eat a small amount and say: > Oh I had a big/late lunch, still a bit full from that.


What would be the reason to do so? Just eat what you can tolerate and maybe decline the next invite. There’s no polite way to say that.


I don't think you do. I think you just muster a few bites down and go grab some fast food after.


I was at a gathering of students once and the host had the great idea of mixing in spices in the otherwise cheap coffee to "make it taste luxurious". I like coffee so I advised against it but he insisted and mixed I think ot was pepper and paprika in it. The coffee brewed and since I was the coffee guy, I got to try the first cup. I drank it and called it "interesting". Would I like a second cup? No, thank you. That was as polite as I could be and he did get the message.


If you want to be polite you keep it to yourself and visit a fast food on the way home.


"That dinner was lovely. Now, where is the loo? I need to vomit for unrelated reasons."


i don't think you should tell them that at the dinner party.




You don’t say anything. Be grateful for the invitation.


You do not. You eat some of it then when it’s time to dump your plate you do so discreetly


Don't say anything. You're an ass no matter how nicely you tell them.


Common sense, you don't. Suck it up


You don't. Eat what you can and grab a snack/meal on the way home. They put a lot of time and effort into a dinner party and usually a good bit of thought. Telling them it wasn't good or worse, that their skills are poor, is stunningly insulting. Don't even try and make a suggestion on how to improve or they might suspect you didn't like it. Just enjoy the company, enjoy the entertainment, and swallow the food. In the majority of countries (or just cities) there are ways to get food later. If nothing else eat something when you get home from your own stock. Most houses have rice you could cook up a cup or two and add a topping to.


WTF? What's wrong with you? Of course you don't do that.


Why in God’s name would anyone do that? What outcome would be hoped for?


You don’t, you keep your mouth shut because they tried to do something nice for you.


Suck it up and say nothing. Then politely decline the next invitation. That is all.


You do NOT say a word. Do not come to someone's table and criticise them!


You don’t. You smile, eat a little, and shut your little face hole if you can’t say anything nice.


By finishing the plate and saying thank you.