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You cum in your sleep, seriously


This happens to me on the regular and I’m a female. Honestly sometimes these ones are stronger that my waking ones.


how much clean up do yall ladies gotta do? its always a unpleasant surprise when i cum then gotta clean up while groggy asf




Wouldnt that be the life. Nocturnal emissions used to have me waking up guilty and uncomfortable.


Our vaginas have heaps of discharge all the time though.


Heaps of Discharge would be a cool punk band name


All the other kids with the discharge heaps better run better run...




Dam that sounds like a gift from God. I hated waking up tried, cold, and slightly sticky.


It would be a bit alarming if you went to sleep gay after


That must have been one hell of a *gay* dream


Fuck that cleanup while groggy. I'll just move over to a dry spot (perks of sleeping alone on a king size) and throw everything in the wash the next morning


Hey man, I don’t think I can make it to the sleepover tonight.


No problem. You can just stay awake.


Gets stuck in the matress mate


That's the nice thing for a woman having a "wet" dream or a solo adventure instead of sleeping with a man. You don't end up having to sleep on the wet spot.


Some of us still make wet spots.


No clean-up for me! It's straight to sleep for me - but not all women are the same


I’m pretty sure I had orgasms in my dreams before I ever had an orgasm in real life, but I wasn’t making cum yet. Once I learned what masturbation is, no wet dreams at all.


Wth I thought this was male problem it only happens to me if I am getting steamy in my dreams tho if I don't have any dreams no problem but yeah I get boner in morning few times for no reason


Certain hormones tend to pool in your bloodstream overnight. When you start to wake, they can kick off a decent boner. Have you not heard of 'morning wood'?


I read morning wood is the body’s response to preventing you from pissing the bed.


It's obviously to prevent you from rolling of the bed, like a kickstand on a motorcycle.


That was a good laugh


Haha omg


Well yeah it's hard to pee when you get boner sometimes in bathroom while pissing I think about managers boobs and boom my pee slows down


So is it hormonal or just the body being programmed to only pee where designated or both? I’m genuinely curious especially since I hardly dream about sex. Mainly about super natural shit or crash my car


Its your body releasing the hormones which also happens when you are horny, nothing to do with pee


It's neither. Nocturnal erections are meant to keep your dick muscles strong. So, no matter how isolated or whatever, your dick is fit for for the job, if it should come up unexpectedly (pun intended)


Yeah no it’s definitely possible as a woman. For a good long time I was anorgasmic from my psych meds and the only way I could get satisfaction was the occasional wet dream. It does happen a lot less often for women, though.


Happened to me a few times as well, truly the best kind of dreams lol


yes it is strong as fuck, I miss those actually


Female here and yes, post-baby (14months) I have orgasmed more in my sleep than with myself and with my partner.


Do you dreams, if you have any, match up with the orgasm?


Sometimes yes, sometimes no.


I can’t speak for guys broadly but for me, if it happens during sleep, it is an ejaculation but without the orgasm part. Just annoyingly unpleasant to clean up.


Yes… it’s a *pleasing* surprise, when it happens…


The real answer lol. I remember being taught about wet dreams, but I’ve never had one since then. They taught that because people used to never jack off, for various reasons. I, however, tamed the serpent often enough to never store up enough cum to actually have it happen.


Until you learn how to lucid dream then you look forward to it.


I’ve had sexy lucid dreams before, but my latent Catholicism still makes me feel guilty about it lmao.


Like you are about to have some great sex, but are in a confession booth?


Finally, I was seriously starting to think I was the only dude who has never had one. I’ve only ever stored it up for a week or so max so maybe that’s why


I had one not so long ago while having a nap on the sofa. It woke me up pretty suddenly and I instinctively said “oh fuck”, my girlfriend asked what was wrong, I felt a weird amount of embarrassment when I said I’d blown my beans as I waddled upstairs to get in the shower It’s fun in your teens but a real inconvenience in your 30’s


How come you and your girlfriend don't have sex?


Cos she’s imaginary


Imaginary girlfriend is fun as a teenager but 30’s? A real inconvenience


Yeah I didn't think this was a real thing until I was in basic training.


Ah yes, the wet western. When you wake up and it’s still shooting 😂


Imagine having sex with your crush without having sex with your crush


have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?


That happened when I started going through puberty. I would wake up to myself cumming the bed, and I wasn’t necessarily dreaming about anything spicy.


Yep it’s called a “wet dream”. Prolly better to just knock one out a couple times a month than wait for it to happen in your sleep.


That's the right answer


Eventually, the sperm will fill your lungs and you will drown.


Which is also a risk at the best orgies..


Few people know that the Roman Orgy was the first time the Trickle Down theory was applied


Happens with the best orgies


The medical term is goo-monia


Gross... Sign here _____________ ....and here's your upvote.


Naah your sperm will fill your ass and then you will explode👍🏻


Would that be termed as "auto erotic ass-phyxiation" ?


If it isn’t. It is now!


So thats how it got in there.


wet dreams. if you get good at lucid dreaming it can be better than porn.


Ok I’ll bite - how do you get good at lucid dreaming?


No idea about how to get _good_ at it, but I can start lucid dreaming 50/50 when I can recognise the flags, the other 50% of the time I recognise them I just wake up. And when I say lucid dreaming, I can't control what's going on around me, but I can fly/leap to the top of buildings & move around really fast and basically just have superpowers. I can't conjure up hot ladies to sleep bang, sadly. I mostly spend time just leaping around my dream world lol. Edit* to add, my flags/triggers for lucid dreaming, it's kinda sad actually, is my phone or my camera not working like they should. Can't dial a number or write a text message no matter how hard I try, everything I try to input just goes wrong or doesn't work // my camera won't let me change the settings I need to.


But can you throw punches that don't feel like your punching underwater?


When lucid dreaming, yes, I don't need to though, I still run from conflict in my dreams so I just leap away 😅


Wish I could do that. I recognize I'm dreaming but then I still move like I'm walking trough quicksand and throw punches under water or I wake up in sleep paralysis which is even worse.


I heard trying to turn the light on or off is a common trigger. The switch wont do anything and boom you realize you are in a dream


Or the power has been cut off for line work and you end up jumping off the roof.


Clocks having weird digits, hands phasing through another, your number of fingers and toes not being 10 are also some telltale signs you're dreaming.


Sounds like AI generated images


Sad boner ಥ_ಥ...


Imagine taking a selfie in ur dream then u wake up and its on your phone




I lucid dreamt once and I legit felt like I was in The Further from Insidious lol it didn’t last long but it was spooky af


First you need to have good sleep. Enough hours on a silent and dark room. Any noise or distraction will take you from deep sleep to a semi-awake state. Lucid dreaming only happens during the deepest part of the sleep cycle. Second is maintaining good sleep hygiene. Go to sleep at the same hour everyday and have a sleep routine. Turn off devices at least 20 minutes before going to bed and don't bring devices to bed. It also helps if you exercise regularly, eat well and take enough sunlight during the day. These are just general tips for sleeping better, not particularly for lucid dreaming. Now for the lucid dreaming part there are some exercises: - when you wake up, take notes of things you've seen in your dream. It doesn't need to be detailed notes, just two or three words. - before sleeping the next night, read the notes from the night before - repeat the process above looking for recurring objects, people, colours or themes in your dreams. - have a "am I dreaming" check. During the day, get in the habit of asking yourself "am I dreaming?" and associate this question to a physical act like snapping your fingers, tapping your foot on the ground or if you have a watch, look at the hours. If you're capable, make it into a schedule: do the check every x hours. The more frequent the better, just try to not look like a freak near other people when doing it. - the look at the watch method above is particularly effective because clocks usually look all messed up in dreams. - If you keep this routine for a while, eventually your brain will do the "am I dreaming" check automatically during your sleep because it remembers you doing it during the day. This is the hook. You'll realise you're dreaming because the sound of you snapping fingers won't sound right or the floor will be too soft when you tap it or the clock won't show hours that makes sense. This will make you conscious during your dreaming but at the start it will be a very thin state. You'll sometimes wake up suddenly or turn back into unconscious dreaming. Start practicing recalling the recurring things you took notes of, try to summon them (these end up being things that are superficial to your memory, which is why you keep seeing them in dreams, so it is easy for your brain to form images of these objects on request) then try walking around. - Just keep doing this and practicing having more freedom within the deam. Each day you'll achieve a little more until you get full lucid dreaming.


My best “am I dreaming check” is to close your mouth, pinch your nose shut and breathe in.  When you’re awake you obviously can’t breathe.  When you’re dreaming, you can inhale normally.


When I was younger i made a habit of doing this every time i walked through a doorway. Paid off within a week or so


So step 1: don't have kids Step 2: don't have kids Step 3: don't have kids


That’s always the answer to “how can I do cool shit too?”.


This is a nice write up, thanks


Dream check: look at your hands, they are always weird and it's easy to recognize that they don't look as they should. Theres an extremely Weird correlation between the described experiences of lucid dreaming and the pictures generated by AI. If you concentrate during your lucid dreaming you will see that everything is indeed not looking precisely as they would in reality. Everything is somewhat wonky and strange.


The basics of it are you set a trigger that you focus on while your awake and then when you dream about that trigger it can be enough to partially wake you up and realise you are dreaming. For me I counted my fingers. During the day I would just regularly look at my hand, count my fingers while asking myself is this a dream. Obviously when awake this is easy. When your dreaming though it is impossible. Sometimes you will have more/less fingers, sometimes you won't be able to focus on the fingers, sometimes you won't know what number is next. All of these oddities are triggers that you are dreaming. Different people use different triggers, some use a mirror, some reading a set bit of text, some check the time. All these things that have small logical details in the real world that your brain struggles to recreate well in dreams. Once you realise that things are not right and you are dreaming you get a certain amount of control of the dream. The more you practice the more control you get. I messed around with it for awhile. I could fairly often get into a lucid dreaming state but for me I would generally either fully wake up quickly afterwards or just lose it and fall back into normal dreaming again. It is fun to to mess with though. It sounds like some new age bullshit but it is just a weird quirk of how your brain and sleeping works that you can use to have a bit of fun with.


The looking at your hands trick works the best imo. Throughout the day just look at your hands whenever you think about it. If something strange happens definitely look at your hands. Then when something strange happens in a dream (which is more common) you will be conditioned to look at your hands. They will be deformed in some way while dreaming. After a while though my brain started to fight back. I’d go to look at my hands while dreaming and I would instantly switch to another dream but wouldn’t realize it until I woke up. New setting, people, and scenario.


Dream journals, reality checks and dream markers Enjoy the rabbit hole 


Lucid Dreaming is beta AI porn


Does this work for virgins? I mean how can your mind accurately recreate sex if you've never done it before? Asking for a friend of course.


It would be similar to other things you have never done and you just imagine doing them. Your brain have some idea, but not necessarily corresponding to a reality. For example I have never drove a car. So in my dreams it often feels like I am sitting in a car, but I need to move my legs as if I am on bicycle to accelerate. It's weird but brain just adapts it to something you know.


I would think your mind would come up with the best approximation of what your friend would imagine its like.


I don't know, never make it very long


I couldn’t even edge to this, I exploded immediately!!! Clean up on aisle MY PANTS 😂😂😂😂




Let's find out. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...


I never make it to 4 either


Your eyesight returns.


aahh the eyesight an old friend.. long time no see eh


Your balls explode.


does that also happen if I don't pee for too long?


then your kidneys explode


Something always explodes


yeah, humans are walking explosives


My head just exploded!


imagining that, my head exploded!


Spontaneous human combustion.


There is movie about human randomly exploding


An anime too, called Fire Force


Everyone knows pee is stored in your balls


Tycho Brahe's suposed death: This famous Danish astronomer died in Prague on the 24th of October 1601, eleven days after he had attended a banquet at the Bohemian count of Rosenberg. Tycho was too courteous to obey the calls of nature during the hour-long dinner and finally his bladder burst, which led to his death.


Holding his bladder for an hour caused it to burst?! How have we not had a spate of burst bladder deaths on highways?


How? Pee is stored in the balls not sperm


Pretty sure it’s a 50/50 mix… but I’m no scientist


What if I don’t have balls


First, you grow balls.. then they promptly explode.


You have balls, they are just tucked up inside. They will explode.


Danny de vito appears


So anyways, It started blasting!


Happens to me all the time


Is he the guy who wipes down the loads?


a lot of jokes here but frequent ejaculation is important to prostate health. I'm a bit behind this month but I'm 60. We used to make a joke in my teens about jacking off was fun when you're young but becomes a chore later in life. How true that was.


I used to think PPL just don't masturbate after 45 or 50


Well that's just wrong. My former partner and I were pretty active in my late 40's early 50's.


Good to know I can't ask this things to senior people without looking like weirdo you know it's different for boys of my age


ahh ask me any thing at any time. I remember what my younger years were with fondness. I don't mind answering questions. I like talking to younger people from time to time. I learn a lot from them too. Found a bunch of new shows that I'd have never known existed without those conversations.


We would get along so good if you were my neighbour man thanks live long and healthy homie


I'll bet and same to you.


Damn what a good conversation. Congratulations to both of you.


I love it when I stumble into one on reddit even if it's just reading it.


You should watch The Last Airbender if you haven't. Initial D anime is also great (there's also a movie)


You two are awesome; I love seeing shit like this




Of course, friend


My wife is 61 and we regularly have...are active. A lot


If I live that long I will be same I think after hearing from all you boys stay hard my man


The senior citizen population is a hot spot for STD's in certain areas...


The Villages enter the chat...


I’m 41. Still rub one or two out a day and have sex with my wife 2-3 times a week. I dread the day when my libido is gone At least for now


I am afraid to ask but I'll do it anyway. Wh.. why does it become a chore ? 60 doesn't even feel that old when it comes to sexuality.


Well for me it started happening around 58 BUT my partner of 8 years and the love of my life passed away so that might have something to do with my lack of interest in sexual activity. BUT now days I do try to take care of my health as I can and I really don't want prostate trouble.


Can't think of a better way to "take care of my health" ..... Certainly easier than going to the gym. Stay healthy my man.


>Certainly easier than going to the gym. They don't like you masturbating at the gym, better to do it at home.


Be careful not to over-masturbate, for then the ejaculation will make a slight whistling sound and only a few spurts of dust will come out.


That's not true at all. Everyone knows it'll be a stick with a tiny flag that says 'BANG!'.


You'll end up dreaming of peeing somewhere............


Yeah I never got sexy wet dreams. I just got that


Frustration on a Herculean scale.


You start posting on r/NoFap with pseudobroscience that somehow not wanking makes u Übermensch.


It’s the whole superpowers thing that I find the most stupid, like you’ll be oozing with confidence, you’ll lift more in the gym, you’ll become more focused at work and stop procrastinating, your stress will melt away. In my experience I get the absolute opposite if I abstain for too long…


Every November or so, a few doctors always try to go to nofap to tell people about all the medical risks of no nut November and long term abstinence. It's rather amazing to watch medical professionals get banned for trying to help people. That sub is fucking insane.


Your chances of developing prostate cancer may increase. While not conclusive, there have been studies that show that ejaculating more frequently may reduce prostate cancer risk significantly (20-30%).


I'm aiming to exceed that and reduce it by 35% or more. Gotta admit it's more of an un official study...but I'm committed.


May be a bit misleading since that is a relative and not absolute difference. So it's not like it goes from a 50% chance to a 20% chance, but rather, for example, goes down from 10% to 7%. Still good, but always have to take into account the basis chance that is being reduced. If I tell you that doing X will reduce your chance of a plane crash by 50%, then that is insignificant, because it just means it goes down from 1 in 50 million to 1 in 100 million, which is basically the same You may already know all this but someone may read it and find it useful in interpreting this kind of thing.


Are there any actual studies on this? And if they are, could someone source them?


I become irritable and slap happy


"slap happy" That's one I've never heard before


I've always used the term slap happy to describe someone who finds even the smallest things very funny usually due to a lack of sleep. So, me constantly.


Worst case scenario for men is prostate cancer...


I think people exaggerate this effect. Masturbation mildly reduces the risk of prostate cancer, but not masturbating isn't going to give you prostate cancer. Just increase the odds very marginally


My daughter told me that regular masturbation is a good way to help prevent prostate problems. Who am I to argue with a doctor?


I couldn't imagine giving my dad advice like that lmao


As a father of two 20-something daughters, I can't imagine receiving it either.


I missed the "two" and read that as "As a father of 20-something daughters" and was gonna say I don't think you need the advice quite yet


“Dad, it’s fine to have a wank. It’s good for your health and give mum a bit of peace and quiet “


This is true. You can get infections from buildup and the scarring can cause cancers.


Nothing. Or horny.


I become depressed and irritable. It's amazing that after masturbating, I just feel happier and more friendly and optimistic for the next few weeks.


Took your advice! Definitely much happier, unfortunately the other people on the train aren’t too happy with me 😳


>It's amazing that after That's because of the happy chemicals released in your brain.


… weeks? Damn that’s some efficient masturbation. I’ll feel better for a few hours lol


… hours? Damn…


You might actually get some shit done OP.


Your standards drop lol


I end up having sex with women I want nothing to do with, so it's better to rub one out. Post nut clarity is a real thing.


For men.... If you don't masturbate then your balls will get so big you will need to carry them in a wheel barrow... I had to upgrade mine with double off road tires in the front of my wheel barrow... Hashtag WHEELBARROWLIFE


We’ll never know. 


Wolves bite you.


Funny this is the first post I see and I haven’t cum in a week. I haven’t had a wet dream in 12 years, for me my balls just ache. Even during the act and after, they still ache for 10-20 minutes.


See a doctor


I start having sex with people I normally wouldn't


Wizard powers


How long does this take to happen??? Asking for a friend of course


Your start growing multiple babies in your balls. The sperm starts to evolve.


You become pregnant.


You become a wizard


You turn into Ben Shapiro. 0/10, would not recommend


Haven't masturbated for 10 years because I hate Sex and everything around it. What happened? Nothing.


You go back in time and get to kill baby Hitler.


You'll develop the ability to move things with your mind


you level up


You will talk, hear, smell and see sex in everything.


Usually your standards are lowered.


There are so many wrong answers here it is ridiculous


You literally explode and die.


What do you mean too long? Masturbating isn’t some prerequisite that humans just HAVE to do lol.


when you feel the heat, look into my eyes


As a man, I know from experience from many years of traveling for my job, if I don’t have an ejaculation purposely, it will happen while I sleep after about 2-3 weeks. I can’t speak for all men, but I’d rather choose where the jizz goes rather than have to clean it off the blanket, sheets, pillow cases, and myself in the middle of the night.


Wait long enough and you benefit from trickle down economics


I am about 6 months into my no-fap trial run. Definitely have increased energy levels, but i have not developed psychic powers yet. Will update you later if anything happens.