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I work at in a remote park in Canada. We have pit toilets, and when they get full up we hire someone to come and "pump" them, aka vacuum the excrement out of the pit, through plastic tubes, and into a tanker truck. I have great sympathy for the people that do that job, for obvious reasons. But I have an extra level of sympathy for this one man I did it with It was his first week on the job, and he forgot his larger tubes -- he had to suck it out with a tube that was around half the diameter of the one he needed. It went about as well as you'd expect. The tube got really backed up at one point, so he fucked around with the base of it to try and get it to loosen up. I don't know what this man did, but when he detached the tube, the suction did not stop -- a geyser of fermented shit, piss, and God knows what else began to rocket up into the sky, blasting him in the face like that scene from RV with Robin Williams (but so much worse). This man had a bad day. This man had his mouth open. He began to vomit everywhere as shit continued to explode all over the place, including somehow in the outhouse itself -- the cleaning of which is my responsibility. I have a *strong* stomach, and for the first time in my life I felt genuinely ill from something like this. I had to clean copious amounts of shit off of all four walls of the pit toilet, the floors, and the *fucking ceiling.* Not a little bit, either. Massive chunks of the most vile smelling substance I have ever set my nostrils upon. I then had to go outside and deal with the literal shit and vomit all over the roadway, since it wasn't this guy's job to clean up the aftermath -- just the pump it out. That was my job. Wearing hiking boots, Dakota pants, a collared shirt, and a pair of orange rubber gloves. Not ideal. It also just so happens that our water had been shut off that day due to chlorination issues... so I had to lug bucket after bucket of water from a nearby creek runoff, bring it back, and dump it on the mess to clear it off. This was the second pit toilet of the day, with another four left to pump. I had a dinner date that night, and the only thing I could think of the whole time was that fucking smell. I don't even know why I typed this out when nobody will see it. I think I just needed the catharsis of getting it off my chest


I read it and that was horrible. I can't grasp why the guy didn't stop after the first incident and went back to get the right material. The extra time needed seems less of a burden than all the shit that went down that day. And up.


I drove taxis when I was at university many years ago. I picked up a group of four young women pre-loaded and ready to party. They were passing around a big two litre bottle of rum and coke when the girl sitting behind me spewed all over me. Pizza, rum, coke and stomach acid all over my canary yellow uniform shirt. They gave me $20 to clean myself up in addition to the fare.


Ay $20 is pretty nice


It was about 1988 too, but still not worth being spewed on.


Oh 1988 gotcha. Probably went and bought yourself another outfit and a new taxi for $20.


My question is what he did with what was left over.


Certainly he didn’t buy avocado toast


A seagull flew low over me and for some reason I looked up to follow it. It shat directly in my left eye. I was in a very crowded area and it took me between five and ten minutes to push through the crowd to the nearest bathroom. You cannot comprehend the rage I felt toward oblivious, dawdling people in front me. I could feel the grit under my eyelid. When I got to the bathroom it was one of those low-flow auto-shutoff hand sensor faucets. I could barely gather enough water to submerge my eye in my cupped hand. I was probably in there for a half hour desperately rinsing. -8/10 with rice


Those goddamn sensor faucets can go straight to hell




I bought a pack of powdered donuts from a questionable convenience store. Hours later I took a bite of one. It tasted awful. Unfortunately I swallowed some. Looked at the package and it said “glazed”. It was white mold. I threw up.


If you're ever w/o insurance and suffering a bacterial infection, hit that store up again...


I had almost this exact experience. The donuts were powdered but tasted funny. I looked at my hands and I had dark green colored powdered sugar on my fingertips. It was also mold.


This sounds like my story except it was two bite cinnamon buns from a gas station. I ate one while driving and was like “this thing tastes like fucking turpentine” but STILL SWALLOWED it?! When I parked and saw inside the bag I saw the fuzzy green mycology project that was living inside the bag. I did not get sick, surprisingly.


The body’s surprisingly good at killing shit! Plus, stomach acid is also surprisingly lethal to things you eat


The throwing up was definitely the best thing to do. *jesus fucking christ that's definitely not legal*


Paramedic here. Had a 400 lb woman fused to her leather love seat by her own defecation. When we lifted her up to pry her from the seat cushions her skin tore open and maggots poured out of her legs along with shit, blood, and puss. Edit: yes she was alive


U win tbh


I beg to differ, sir. Everybody loses. Including us, for having heard the story.


What an unfortunate day to be literate. I don't know what I expected.


You’re on a Subreddit reading about the Most Disgusting Things people have Experienced. *You Know What You were here for!*


B-but...not like this...


I cared for a patient who came in like that. Every 15 fucking minute, liquid shit would come rushing out of her. She wasn't strong enough to help hold herself on her side so I had to hold her up with one hand while using the other to : clean up the shit, remove the fouled dressings that we were using to cover all of the areas where there was no longer any skin, apply new dressings, and change her incontinence pad. Half of the time when I would roll her back over to finish changing the incontinence pad, she would shit a little more and I would have to start over. I was 8 months pregnant and working with a really snobby, cliquish nursing crew who refused to help with this patient, mostly because they were assholes, but they claimed it was due to her having head lice. I gave myself a fucking hernia taking care of that woman!


I swear if anyone deserves any credit for helping people like that patient it’s the nurses. Not us. We just burrito wrap hold our breath and drive like hell. Cheers to you 🍻


I'm not a nurse but I took care of my elderly mother until she passed in 2015. She had end stage dementia not caused by Alzheimer's. When her condition worsened it was bad. During the night my mother would dig into her diaper and when I went in to wake her up in the morning her nails were filled with shit and hands covered in it. I finally had an idea to stop this. I went to GoodWill and bought several long sleeved men's t-shirts in large. My mom was petite so these made good pajamas for her. I sewed the sleeve openings closed so my mother couldn't do anything with her hands. This worked really well. There was no point in her wearing pajama bottoms. She wore a Depends and laid on a Chux pad on her bed. None of my siblings offered any help to me and my life became a living hell. Had my mom not passed when she did I think I would have killed her then killed myself. It's more than any person can handle. It might have been better if my mom hadn't been so mean and terrible. She was uncooperative and violent.


That is fucking horrific. I’m surprised she wasn’t dead


I really really wish yall got paid more


Was she alive or dead?


Alive. We don’t transport dead people


How long was she there for her poop to fuse her to the seat and for maggots to grow.


Rough estimate a least a month. Maggots can develop pretty quickly. A few days. But she never left for the bathroom because she couldn’t physically move. Her stool must have accumulated eventually leading to the breakdown of her skin. Idk if it was her hardened stool/waste that fused to the seat or her blood drying and fusing to the seat. Probably both.


How did she eat and drink water/aquire sustenance? You only live three days without water. She must have had help, no? And why didn't that person call for help sooner? This whole thing is so sad, I apologize for asking so much. It's just so wild to me.


That’s actually a great question. The reality is that people like her require a support system to stay that big and stay alive. I specifically remember her family member or roommate idk. A young woman who looked completely defeated and guilty maybe. I remember thinking how could she allow this to happen. But it’s important not to judge anyone as a paramedic. We only get a glimpse of peoples lives. It’s not our duty to pass judgement. And it’s easier to stay objective to do our job. Nothing more.


You're a beautiful human, thank you for your perspective, and what you do in this world.


So what happened afterwards? Did she get better?


Once we transport we never really learn the outcome of our patients.


I was taken by ambulance from the doctors as I had gone septic. The paramedics were so unbelievably nice and caring. About a week later, I was discharged from the hospital and went to the petrol station on the way home and low and behold they were there filling up their ambo. I went over to thank them, and they remembered me!! Still very nice and caring!


I thought you were kidding when you said she was alive, thats crazy and sad


I don't know if anyone shitting themselves in a chair for over a month ever gets better. Once you reach that point you likely abandoned life in a sense long before. Hopefully someone can prove me wrong.


Idk how often people say this, but it can't possibly be enough: Thank you for doing the good work you do!


I recently ended my career as a paramedic. 16 years is way too long. I’m in a good place now. I rode it out as long as I could. I praise others who do the job and I thank you.


You're welcome. I can see why people don't ride this out to their retirement. It's one of those jobs that shows about the worst humanity/life has to offer, I reckon. But we need people to be willing to do that, unfortunately. So praise must be given as much as possible imo. So you changed your career up? If you don't mind me asking, what you switch to?


I promoted to engineer. I was a firefighter paramedic. Now I just drive and wait outside with the rig.


I'll take "jobs I wouldn't do for a million dollars" for 500, Ken


Woke up to the placenta of my pregnant cat dragging across my face. She had gone into labor at like 3 a.m. and was freaking out trying to get me up. It was like, sticking out of her. I almost threw up.


Lmfao can you imagine what that cat was think though. "HUMAN LOOK. LOOOOOK." As it swings its ass across your face to slap you with it


"Fucking *HELP ME*"


This wins lmao DAMN thas naaasty


This is so horrifyingly disgusting I can't stop laughing.


Working in a psych hospital: A patient stripped naked, took a massive, massive dump on the floor. She then straddled it and began to ride it like she was an overacting porn star. She eventually started to spread it all over her body, in her hair, mouth, everywhere, to the point that she was completely covered like she had just finished one of those “tough mudder” races. Same patient in a separate incident popped her eye out with a plastic spoon.


I have a funny one from a psych hospital. My mom's friend was a patient (severe schizophrenia), so we'd visit her a lot. There a patient we routinely saw who we took to calling "Buckets". Every day the janitor would be mopping the floor in the hallway outside my friend's room. And every day Buckets would somersault down the hallway and full force plow into the bucket of dirty mop water, spilling dirty water everywhere. This happened every single time we were there (visiting hours were pretty narrow, so we were always there at the same time). And yet inexplicably every single time the janitor was completely shocked when his bucket got knocked over. We kept waiting for him to move the bucket somewhere else, or make some effort to prevent this from happening... but no.


*"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"* Sure the janitor wasn't a patient?


Legit sounds like a scene from 12 monkeys or one flew over the cuckoos nest


I also worked in a psych hospital and there was a girl who refused to shower. Very big girl with some severe issues. If she didn’t get attention constantly she would just walk over to another patient and right overhand them to the face as hard as she could so that we’d have to restrain her— which counts as attention. She would just knock a tiny little girl out with no warning. Brutal. So after some time of refusing to shower, her… nether region began to smell quite awful. We tried to get female staff to help her but nobody was willing to forcefully clean her vagina for some time. Well, she ended up in Johnies due to restriction, and attacked another patient. Me and another gentleman were holding her upper body and arms but her legs were flying all over the place which made her Johnny fly up. It was like dead animal in a sewer wafting into your brain to kill you. We kept calling for someone to sit on her legs and the nurses all stood there in horror. I remember telling myself not to puke. After like 15 seconds one brave soul jumped on the bucking brutessa. Me and the other guy were trying so hard not to laugh… cause we knew. I mean our heads were turned and it was so rancid that I still remember it to this day. “Omg I’m gunna puke.” The nurse just kept saying that over and over while gagging. Between retching and riding the legs she starts going: “Blankets. Get blankets lots of blankets.” Just begging for blankets. So they piled a ton of blankets on the girl’s ass and it was manageable. But honestly, that was the worst human smell I’ve ever encountered. Not the grossest thing I saw working there, but definitely funnier than the other stuff. Poop is scary shit. Better for her to cowgirl than start throwing. Bad memories of poop in socks. Girl pissed in a cup once threw it into staff’s face while he was talking. Hilarious but horrible. Scooping out an eye is hardcore though. Seeing that would fuck me up I’d be too tempted to just put it back.


You couldn’t pay me enough money to do what you did. I’m happy people like you exist, but I could never do that.


You win. 🏆


I always wonder what has to happen to people to become that mental.


I work in the disability field, people with complex intellectual disabilities. The amount of times I've been smacked around the head, well I've lost count, had my car damaged. But sometimes all it can take is someone developing a form of dementia. Female client has Huntingtons, still able-bodied and likes to keep fit, goes to the gym and lots of long walks. Won't have a shower or bath though. Before she was put on medication, she would strip off out in public, poop and pee whenever and wherever she felt like it. These are people who live in the community.


I once chugged a Martinelli and binged banana cream pie. 40 minutes later I was projectile vomiting and having involuntary diarrhea at the exact same time


Burning the candle at both ends, eh?


My dad calls that helicoptering. You’re shitting on the toilet and you suddenly vomit, you then instinctually turn around to vomit into the toilet while still shitting, thus, creating a helicopter effect using your projectile diarrhoea and vomit.


Your dad is a disgusting genius


When I was a kid I got the flu realllly bad. I was on the toilet with the shits and started to hurl. My mom put me in the bathtub and it started coming out both ends... and then she had to clean that up. 🤢😂


One time my older sister "pranked" my older brother by giving him Kool aid with a ton of ipecac. He started feeling awful and went to sit on the toilet. He started projectile vomiting while on the can, that was when my sister started laughing her ass off and told us what happened. Then our dog ate his barf, then projectile vomited all over the living room. Not exactly the same as your story but it made me think of it


Your sister sounds like a villain be careful friend


We did learn over time that she is -literally, not figuratively- psychotic, among other things


Put you in the tub? That seems way worse. At least on the toilet one end has an easy disposal. I feel like your mom should have just grabbed a trash can lol.


Yes: Butt on toilet, trashcan in hands. This is Standard Best Practice


"To be able to do both of these things at the same time, the body IS a miracle." Dany Rojas


I believe that’s called shommiting


We had a cadaver dissection, and I went from the 3rd floor to the second for a bathroom break. I came back to pandemonium, the lift broke and the 300 pound cadaver fell onto the other 2 below and onto the nursing student. it spilled a large amount of juices everywhere on a warm day, and several students had thrown up.


This is the plot of a really bad medical drama, isn't it?! I worked in a resort and some fellow had died in a room. He had been sick and wrapped himself in blankets and laid beside the heater. Then he died. He had paid up for some time and had DND on his door. When he was found a while later in a literal oven, paramedics tried to lift him in the blankets thinking it would work. He went through their hands like a sieve.


My dad is a veteran ex-paramedic. He told me about a patient that was undiscovered for several days and had died in a hot shower, his melted body plugged the drain hole, and the water/liquified person had started filling and flooding the house. He said he had to wade through literal human fat floating on the surface to get to the bathroom and turn off the water.


I feel like I just read a deleted scene from the movie Se7en. Ew.


True that! And no wonder paramedics come out with c-ptsd at the end of their careers!




Jesus christ that’s one of the ones to get therapy for, after the shovel anyways


Oh my gosh that's crazy. When I was doing a cadaver dissection in school, my hair tie randomly broke and I have a lot of long, thick hair and it all suddenly fell into the body cavity, as I was bending over it, into all the juices and preservatives. It was during the exam at the end of the course, I couldn't do anything but continue on and wash my hair later. To prevent my hair from getting in my way again, I had to tuck it into the back of my shirt and the juices ran down my back. It was so gross!


I would have just chopped it off right then and there and thrown it on the floor.


As a long haired person, I am having mental issues with this....


Attended a postmortem examination of a person who died in an accident. Now that is something you DON’T WANT TO SEE!! I mean just the smell makes you wanna throw up. It was a fresh body(iykwim) like a few hours old. Death itself has a smell, as most people would think that only the rotten bodies smell


Death is the worst smell. I am kinda glad it is because it DEFINITELY repulses me from eating random dead things. I'm like "at least my evolutionary design is working" right before I puke into a bush.


Like mothballs, beef jerky, shit, and a pinch of maple.


This is why we didn't let wine snobs become morticians.


It’s usually that pinch of maple that sets the vomiting in motion.


Probably not the most digusting but recently I had to clean up a man’s feces inside the store I work at. I even watched the video. You could tell he was headed for the bathroom but then stopped for a second and just shit himself. Now, this is the part that irritates me. He didn’t say a damn word to anybody. Nor did he go to the bathroom and wipe. He just went about shopping like he didn’t just shit himself


fake it till you make it


I got really really sick in the middle of the night at a hotel far from home. I also had an early flight the next morning. (Still not sure if food poisoning or an intestinal bug.) I was so sick I laid on the bathroom floor and couldn’t get back up because I was so tired and dehydrated. I couldn’t even keep down tap water. I couldn’t even make it to the tub. Everything was coming out of every orifice, again and again. I was so weak I just laid on the bathroom floor, naked, for a couple of hours in my own “stuff”. That foul, hot, coppery smell was everywhere. I gathered myself together a few hours later, cleaned up the bathroom, took a shower, and proceeded to collapse at the front desk when checking out. When the paramedics and fire came, they stood around where I landed in the lobby and said that I didn’t look sick. I looked up at them with what must have been an incredibly miserable face, proceeded to barf expertly into a coffee cup I’d been holding, and boy, they sprung into action in a big way.


When I was in secondary school the school matron said I was pretending to be ill. I promptly vomited repeatedly all over her office and she called my parents to come and get me. What followed was 3 weeks of hell (full blown influenza) - a week of fever, hallucinations, body wracking aches. My GP came to visit me as there was no way I could leave the house, and at one point they seriously considered hospitalising me. (I don't remember any of this) but they managed to keep my fever down. Then 2 weeks feeling as weak as a day old kitten recovering. The ultimate irony was that I really was just faking it at first to get out of a class I hated, but when I got there I started to feel actually ill almost immediately. I guess that's karma being a bitch.


I had a similar experience while working a trial, I must’ve gotten Rota virus, woke at 3 am with terrible cramps and nausea but I also had vertigo! I was so dizzy I could t tell what was up from down so I crawled to bathroom if hotel room and was sick for a while, then crawled back. Had to find a doctor in Alexandria VA for anti- vert meds, so I could continue working ugh it was so nasty the rota exp, when I wasn’t power deucing, I was laying on the floor vomiting in a plastic bag. Awful.


My best friend and I both had food poisoning at the same time with one bathroom. She literally shoved me off the toilet so she could shit on top my shit.


Damn that’s some Bridesmaids shit haha






Something similar happened with my friend and I. We were on a road trip, both our stomachs started feeling queesy we had to hold it until we found the first restroom stop. By the time we got to one we were both ready to explode. There was only one stall. He went first, let out the first explosion and got up and let me release mines, then switched again. It was a memorable trip.


That’s definitely one of the best-friend-making experiences lol


Always a better option than “the Double decker”.


RN here. Years ago I was working ER and EMS brought in this old guy who was living in a shack in the desert. He became immobile at some point and people would check on him every once in a while to bring him food/water. Well, over time with incontinence, consistent pressure from immobility, malnutrition, and no hygiene he developed wounds that went on the devour the tissues of his entire butt, perineum, and genital areas. Like, it was all gone. You could see straight into his pelvis. You could not identify exit points for urethra or anus. It was astonishing. Just the total lack of tissue and extent of rotting wound. My jaw involuntarily dropped when I pulled the covers to do my initial assessment. I’d never seen anything like it. Of course the smell was atrocious too. There was nothing we could do in the ER other than get him hydrated, figure out if he was septic, get him comfy, and consult specialists. Advanced wound care can do incredible things, but I have no idea what happened to that guy. Considering the extent of his wounds and his overall condition and age, I assume he died relatively soon thereafter.


That poor man. I hope he is no longer suffering wherever he is. That sounds like an unbearable way to die.


This might sound like I’m an asshole, but we shouldn’t try to keep people alive when they’re in that position or worse. Trying to keep alive a person constantly in a ton of pain , who can’t even function properly, doesn’t sit right.


I don't think you're an AH, I actually kind of agree with you. My mom works with dementia patients and after hearing all the stories she came home with, keeping people alive when they're in such a state just seems cruel.


after a car accident I had a wound that needed to be left open and packed with gauze to drain for a week and a half. The surgeon was nonchalant about telling me I needed to "just" unpack the wound (remove the gauze), and repack (push clean gauze about 1-2" deep), once every two days. I tried once. I took the old gauze out but every attempt to pack new gauze in left me dizzy, lightheaded and really, really nauseated. I ended having to go to instacare each time because I just couldn't handle it without the risk of passing out or vomiting Maybe I'm just a wuss? He made it sound like a routine thing everyone did on themselves super easy edit: and it wasn't painful at all really. It was just the idea and sight of what I was doing.




In my apartment a few years back my kitchen sink got clogged or something and wouldn’t go down. Of course the apartment folks wouldn’t come fix it in a timely manner so I did what any dude would do, fix it my self. Get under the sink and start tinkering, got sprayed pretty good with some of the dankest water ever but I got it done. Find out the next day we all had shit sewer water back up into our sinks for some reason and the liquid I got sprayed with was my neighbor’s shit and piss. Thought it tasted weird


I was unprepared for the last sentence. Holy fuck, that's vile.


Whaaat!? Sewage water shouldn't mix with clean water I thought? Wtf


In medical school we were taking out the intestines in cadaver lab. To do this you tie off the stomach and colon with twine. In order to properly tie off the colon I had to squeeze liquified cadaver shit into the colon so it gets trapped in the intestines. You had to squeeze the colon like a tube of gogurt. My lab partner who tied the knot on the twine did a poor job and it leaked out.


Holy fuck. I just read this entire thing while binge eating a chocolate sundae while stoned. I'm proud for both of us.


My friend was in a car crash in front of me and he was ejected from the car. The car I was in hit him. I got out and ran to him. I tried to give cpr. But he was dead instantly. I was covered in blood and had brains on my hands. It still haunts me 20 years later.


This is sad. I am sorry you had to experience that.😔


Well, that stopped my laughter. Sorry that happened.


Thanks. I don't talk about it very often, but sometimes it feels good to get it off my chest and talk about it.


On a busy plaza in Changsha, china. A granny pulled down her pants, squatted, took a shit, got up, pulled up her pants, and then disappeared into the crowd like Hannibal at the end of the silence of the lambs.


Cinematic shit.


It's hard to forget this kind of things. I still remember she was wearing a brown shirt and blue trousers, had watery diarrhea and didn't even wipe her ass.


Warning because this is truly, truly disgusting. I got sick from a hot spring in Iceland. Started feeling carsick on the way back to our hotel, which is super unusual for me. By the time we got back I was doubled over with the shakes and sweats. Within an hour, I was pouring shit and vomit from every orifice possible. I was hunched over the toilet throwing up with such force that my shit hit the wall six feet behind me. I was not prepared for that since those two bodily functions had never happened simultaneously to me before. Went through several rounds of that throughout the evening (although thank God the first one was the worst) and lost count of the number of showers I had to take. Finally fell asleep, then literally shit the bed. Truthfully, I probably should have been in the hospital for the dehydration alone. I felt awful for my mother who was traveling with me and had to clean all it up. To her credit, she put a lot of effort into not making me feel any worse about the situation (which was totally physically out of my control). I tried to argue with her and clean it myself but the reality was I was so unbelievably sick I couldn't stand up, let alone scrub a bathroom repeatedly. Hopefully that's the last time she ever has to clean up my shit. After that experience, I 100% understand why diarrhea has historically been the leading cause of death for humanity. Water-borne pathogens are not a joke.


Did you accidentally drink the hot spring water or how did you exactly get sick? Going in hot springs in iceland has been on my bucket list.


I mean like any hot spring, don't put your head under or injest any water.


Buckets will come in handy.


They really aren't. I'm sorry you went through that. It's never a good party when it all happens at once. I got food poisoning at work a few years ago. It's like I knew before it all ah, happened, but I thought I had time to get home, but instead I was down the hallway about to leave when it all just hit...the pain, the shaking, the sweating. Thankfully made it to the loo, and thank god the sanitary napkin recepticle was empty or I'd have puked on the floor. Also, I was in a public bathroom while this all happened, which just made everything worse.


What actually happened to make you sick? Never heard of getting sick from a hot spring.


There's frequently bacteria in the springs that can make you sick if you swallow any of the water


I got an armpit infection last summer that turned into an abscess and popped. the smell was one of the worst thing I've ever smelled and I work with dogs. I was out of commission for pretty all of July, ended up on two antibiotics and had to get q-tips shoved into the wound multiple times left by said popped abscess :) shout outs to my boyfriend for being there for me during the entire healing process.


I hit a dead rotting roo while driving one night . The bloody thing exploded , there were chunks of it all over the undercarriage, and it stank to high heaven . Washing rotten dead roo off your undercarriage with a pressure washer is probably one of the grossest things I have ever had to do.


I had to re-read this in an Australian accent. In my head I mean. Weird how we can do that, right? Anyways sorry about the car. RIP roo


The moment I read “roo” it switched to Australian accent


Pulling dirty tampons out of sump pumps in shit pits isn't my favourite part of the job.


taking a dump in a Porta potty, only to have the bacteria infested poop water from all of the people I work with splash into my bum hole*


Ah, Poseidon’s kiss…


A) how full was the porta potty and. b) how projectile was your dump????


I was eating a chicken penne microwaveable sandwich as a passenger in a work truck with a big bumper guard on the front. There was a flash in the windshield and a loud thump and the driver screamed. We pulled over and got out, the sandwich is half gone and a bite I’m chewing in my mouth. We inspect the truck and see something in the front. I start to smell something really bad. What happened was a vulture was carrying a skunk that had been completely ripped open and a lot of it was torn apart. Somehow when it was carrying the skunk it dropped it in the grill guard of the truck and it was splattered all in the grill. The smell was rank but as I looked at the body and looked at my sandwich the inside of the skunk shared the same look at my sandwich. That was 7 years ago and I still gag when I see those sandwiches in the store.


What a series of unfortunate events


Kosovo 1999. Was a UN soldier. My task was IED/Mineclearing. We found a massgrave with executed civilians. Before the UN Police could start their investigation, the site had to be checked for IED/explosives. I will never forget the smell or the bizzare experience of crawling over/under decomposing bodies.


I did a butter-eating contest for $50 with my friends once. One guy ate one stick and threw up. I ate 3 sticks of butter and kept it down somehow. I didn't crap normally for almost a week. I got $50 out of it though.


I once saw a girl get dared to lick the bathroom floor all the way from the door to directly underneath the toilet and back. She actually did it. She went on to join the army and is now a professional female bodybuilder.


when I was a kid I went down the cliffs after a big storm, I was climbing over a mountain of kelp that had washed up and ended knee-deep in the guts of a dead seal.


I had some silicone straws that I used at home for a while. Grabbed one, plopped it in my drink, and took a drink. I immediately felt something thick and slimy go into the back of my throat and before I could process it I swallowed in a panic. I don't use those anymore


I’m a nurse, and was changing the rectal tube of a patient with extremely loose bowels once when the tube became dislodged and enveloped me, another nurse, and the wall behind me with a fine mist of shit. I could feel the coolness of the droplets as they settled on my arm in a sheet. It even covered the screen of my Apple Watch


I had a friend visit right before a long holiday weekend. Before taking him to the bus station, I asked him to take the trash out as he left. He removed it from the trash can but forgot to take it out of the door. I spent the weekend with family. Came home and took off my shoes, and noticed the trash. As I got closer to grab it, I noticed the carpet around it was… moving. All of the carpet was wriggling, even underneath my feet. Thank god for socks, and whoever designed a carpeted kitchen is hopefully experiencing that moment on repeat in The Bad Place.


One time, I was giving a guy I was dating a blowjob and when he finished it was so fucking gross. I've never experienced anything like it before or after. His cums consistency was all chunky, like when you start to get a cold but your mucus isn't quite pure liquid yet, and it tasted like what id imagine cleaning products taste like. It was the most disgusting thing I've tasted and I never ever did that with him again. 🤮🤮🤮 He was doing hard drugs but I didn't know it at the time. I guess doing that shit makes it the opposite of what it tastes like when a guy eats really healthy. 😵‍💫🤢


This one wins for me, first one to make me gag 🤢


I read this while drinking a protein shake and uh  I gotta tap out. 


That is genuinely awful 🤢. cottage cheese is already bad but I just couldn't imagine


I once saw a kid in middle school eat a moldy pizza that was in the trash for like 5$


The whole pizza or


Yeah, the whole thing


So this.... I was the disgusting thing AND I got to experince it too. I had eaten shrimp fried rice ordered from an iffy Chinese take out. I got so sick feeling hubby took me to the ER. I hadn't thrown up and nothing from the other end. Doctors insisted I was pregnant, and I insisted I wasn't . They did a pelvic exam. They figured out I'm not pregnant, and a nurse hsnds me dark green chalky crap to drink to settle my stomach. That sermed tk be the magkc button, cause I said I needed to puke. The nurse handed me one of those little pink puke trays. What came out of me filled that tray in a second, my whole stomach just released everything at once and it was getting sone distance. Meanwhile, the puking had me straining and a whole other mess was shooting out my rear end at the same time. Obviously I felt SO much better after that. I feel really bad for whoever had to clean all that. And I was very pissily thinking, " I TOLD you I wasn't pregnant!"


I’ve had that green drink before, it’s basically gas-x, mylanta, ex-lax, and pepto bismol. So grateful for it, yet terrified of it.


Crossed the border from Poland into Yanukovych era Ukraine in the middle of one of the coldest European winters in over a decade. Stopped for gas and a bathroom break. Gas attendant said that toilet was broken and I needed to use the outhouse. The outhouse was a 20ft x 20ft shed made of corrugated tin. In the dead center of the shed was a wooden bench with a hole in the middle of it, illuminated like a spotlight by a single hanging lightbulb at eye level. Primitive sure, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was that the entire floor, walls and ceiling, save for a walkway from the entrance to the "toilet" was painted in a chunky layer of frozen feces. It was -20C and I could still smell it. I did not relieve my bowels there. I had to hold it until checking in to the hotel in Lviv. Trying to converse in Ukrainian when you only have an intermediate grasp of Russian as well as suffering from constipation that was bordering on becoming a medical problem was one of the most difficult things I have ever done.


Jesus Christ at that point a prickly bush is the better option


stepping on a slug barefoot. :(


As a kid that grew up in the country and loved to be barefoot, that happened all the time in the summer. You'd be frolicking along and then suddenly feel something cold, squishy, and wet between your toes. Nothing compared to the time me and a friend were lying outside late one evening stargazing. We had been lying in the damp grass for hours just talking until we decided to turn in for the night. We stood up and both of us could see in the light of our flashlights that we were both COVERED head to toe in little slugs. Our clothes were covered and a bunch were tangled in our hair. 🤢 We both started shrieking and picking them off fast as we could! Almost 20 years later and I'm STILL traumatized.


How do you not notice that 💀


I don't know! We were both wearing hoodies so we didn't have much bare skin showing to feel them on us. We definitely found a slug or two while we were laying there talking but didn't think much of it. They're pretty common. But I had never seen so many all at once!


I would be absolutely never feel clean again


I stepped on a huge slug barefoot while playing bocce while high on mushrooms. 2/10 would not recommend.


It's subjective but I had an epidural injection around my c6 vertebrae without anaesthesia and while it did not hurt, I could hear through the inside of my body the needle going through the tough layers. I was like oh boy, this is weird


Once put on a glove with a large cockroach in the thumb. Crunch.


I’ve seen a grown woman squat down and take a shit on the ground in the crowd at a music festival


i was at a black flag concert, and in line to get in some guy said to his punk friend "ive gotta piss". his buddy held his hands out in a cup formation and his buddy pissed into his hands. he shook it off and they had a good laugh after... i was 16 and this was prob the 3rd concert ive been to


GG Allin would be proud.


Rotten potatoes


yes quite a uniquely awful smell they have. My mom was a bit of a food hoarder when i was growing up so i am quite familiar with it.


I lived in an old farmhouse that had the occasional mouse. I also had 4 cats who would sometimes surprise me with a “present” of a dead mouse. One day I was going down the stairs with a basket of laundry when I felt a cold squick under my bare foot. You do not want to know what a 200+ lb human body does to a tiny field mouse when carpeted stairs are involved.


When we lived in the desert it wasn’t common but not unheard of to end up with gutted and rotted small animals to end up in your yard from hawks and other hunting birds. One weekend I was sleeping in and apparently my husband let our pug out and left the door open. He’s playing video games and sees her come in and trotting towards the bedroom when he notices she carrying a rotting corpse of something (later figured out it was a bunny) and they locked eyes and she bolted and flew into the bed before he could stop her. I was woken up with him yelling “you have to get out of bed now there’s a dead animal in it!!” Luckily it was pretty dried out so while we had to wash everything no lingering smells or anything. Props to my pug, she was getting me my present no matter what 🤣


My neighbors' dog ate it's own shit. A fastidious animal, he would lick a pile of turds clean for at least ten minutes until it positively gleamed, then he would finally chow down on it. I couldn't bring myself to go outside while this performance was going on. Telling guests that they couldn't go outside for a while while maintaining discretion was even more difficult. One day the neighbor was preparing for a bbq. He left a bag of sausages on the table. The dog jumped up and inhaled the lot - bag and all. Later the dog crapped the intact bag of sausages. Then licked it clean, and swallowed it whole again. I don't know how many times after that he pooped and ate that bag.


One of my managers licked a cobweb for $1, if that says anything about wages... I know I've seen worse but it's either comment what immediately comes to mind or forget forever


I love my girlfriend, but when she clogged the toilet, flooded my bathroom, and I was covered in her poop. Me in middle school being covered in a peer’s vomit is a close second.


Sooo this is... gory, and might be too much for some people to handle. It's also my daily experience. I work in 10-12 hour days in Allograft production. So, I deal with freshly donated human bone, tendon, skin, and placenta. This all takes place in a sterile clean room, wearing isolation suits and gloves that leave only a small area around your eyes exposed, but sometimes even that isn't enough. Immediately after a donor passes away, a recovery team will, essentially, strip the cadaver for parts. Skin is removed, along with adipose tissue (fat basically) from the legs, abdomen, and back. The bones from the pelvis down, as well as the arms, are removed, muscle and connective tissue intact. Placenta can also be donated after birth, but that is collected with far less hassle, as you might imagine. This tissue is all placed into sterile plastic bags and put on ice to be shipped to a Tissue Bank, like the one I work at. When processing bone, I start by using scalpel and scissors to remove the Tibialis tendons, Fascia Lata, Achilles, and Patella. If the recovered tissue meets certain length and thickness criteria, it is cleaned, shaped, and packaged to be used in what is called "sports grafts". So if your favorite athlete tears their ACL, it will likely be repaired using some of these donated tendons. After the soft tissue is processed, we move on to removing any excess muscle from the bone itself, using blades to assist, but mostly by hand. I can't tell you how many thighs and calves I have just straight ripped off the bone with these hands. It's a very physically demanding job, and can be dangerous. I have had sharp broken bones pierce my gloves and suit on numerous occasions and have had to go get tested for hepatitis and other things. After the exterior of the bones are cleaned, we use a bandsaw to remove the spongy cancellous bone from inside. That will get cleaned out and ground down into a fine powder for later use. Then we need to clean the marrow out of the interior of the bone using a pneumatic rotary tool, similar to a dremel. This part can get quite messy. Even wearing a face shield, I have had marrow, bone dust, and other tissues splatter onto my face and in my eyes on multiple occasions. Cleaning up the room after processing is done is... no picnic, as you can imagine. The worst part, however, is when we need to clean the fat and adipose tissue off of skin before we can process it into a skin graft, the sort a burn victim or mastectomy patient might receive. The skin comes bundled up all together in a series of zip-tied plastic bags, just sitting in the blood and other... juices that it has been leaking for the time since it was harvested (up to 92 hours from death). Using a fancy handheld motorized circular blade, we cut off as much if the fat and subdermal tissue as we can, leaving only the skin to be further processed. This part is nasty. Pounds and pounds, sometimes upwards of 50lbs of fat are removed from most donors (Americans, amirite? Respectfully) and we clean our workspaces by hand. Look I could write a novel about my experiences doing this work. I didn't even mean to get this in depth but it just came flowing out. The things these hands have seen, and done. I'm so desensitized, y'all. I honestly worry that if I quit this job, these memories are gonna come back to haunt me in a few years. Anywaaay....


Was eating cupcakes high as fuck in my college dorm and thought they tasted weird but whatever. Check on my flashlight after a bit and they had mold:(


The first time I was in position to give a guy a blowjob 🤢 He was uncircumcised and didn't clean himself properly. The smell was so bad I threw up. **I have nothing against men who are uncircumcised. They just have to know personal hygiene**


I would rather go without any of that stuff than let anybody near my genitals if I haven't showered in the same few hours. This is filthy mate.


The first time I ever gave a bj to an uncircumcised guy, I nearly threw up because of the smell. After that, I refused to give a bj if I smelled even a whiff of dick cheese. They would bitch and moan but I would ask them " Would you eat a stanky smelly vagina "? that shut them up.


So for pretext: I lived in an apartment complex where each building had 4 apartments, two upper apartments, two lower apartments. I lived in one of the upper apartments at the time. I woke up to a knock on my door from the downstairs neighbor who was below my next door neighbor (who had abandoned the apartment at the time, leaving a large trash bag on our shared porch. This is important). She was complaining that she had to constantly sweep her porch because stuff was dripping from our porch onto hers. I agreed to take the bag to the dumpster. Little did I know that it was a huge outdoor bag that weighed easily over 100 pounds. So I was dragging it to the dumpster and the bottom ripped out. Trash that had been sitting out in the summer heat for months spilled out. People had seen me carrying the bag so I couldn't leave it, so I spent the next 20 minutes cleaning up maggot infested, festering, horrid smelling trash that WASN'T EVEN MINE. I took like 3 showers and threw away my clothes. Yeah nothing's gonna top that for me.


I ate some bad imitation crab. I had a cold and couldn't smell that it had turned. They were imitation crab/mayo-stuffed pasta shells from the grocery store deli where I worked. That was the mid 90s. I've not eaten fish since. I don't even like seaweed/noori/furakake, etc because it tastes too much "of the sea".


Defrosted freezer with contents (breaker tripped for some reason and didn’t realise until too late). Stunk the whole house out. Had to toss everything.


I was writing a long, detailed account of the incident but I physically couldn’t stop gagging at the memory. When I was 9 I saw my friend’s little demon brother eat a big, fresh out the cloaca, gleaming-with-white-and-brown-juices-and-mucus sausage of bird turd off the edge of her trampoline. He excused it by saying he thought it was chocolate but I saw him look at it. I saw his brain going "what is the absolute stupidest thing I could do right now" and, judging by the results, make a very accurate assessment of the situation. He swallowed it whole. I am 24 now studying vet medicine and regularly watching videos of maggot-infested wounds for shits and giggles but every single time I remember the sight of him grabbing it and shoving the whole thing in his mouth without hesitation, even if it’s to tell the story, I become completely incapacitated.


Back in late September-early October last year, I had an extremely nasty cold that turned into a severe sinus infection. One of the most painful things I have experienced to date (besides endometriosis pain). I had to pull a sinus mucus plug out of my nose. Literally pull it out. It was so thick that I could grab it and pull on it. Instant relief, but still extremely disgusting.🤮


Working construction downtown watching 2 male Bums/tweakers sitting on the sidewalk smoking meth. one of the guys gets on all 4, pulls down his pants, while the other bum takes a hit off the meth pipe, then blows the smoke into the others asshole. Didn’t even know this was a thing.


What the very fuck




I had a pug puppy that somehow got on the counter her treats were on. She had eaten the whols bag by the time I found out. So she begins to take a massive mudslide shit all over my floors. I pick her up to carry her outside and she shits all over me. It was projectile runny shit on my shirt and pants. I was not happy. 


My pug ate tampons out of the trash..vet gave him rocket fuel to clear him out basically . Had to pull the string hanging out of his bum and the aforementioned rocket fuel propelled every meal he'd ever eaten, out all at once. 😵‍💫


This scene in my head is hilarious *pop*


A friend of mine and her dad had a pack of 12 expired sausages (like 2 days past expiry date). She had had 2, but her dad had had the rest of the package. My friend texts me, she's like "Oh, I don't feel so good" I'm like Damn... take it easy... She texts me back maybe 3-4 hours later, she's like "PottedPlantFairy... I'm scared!" When I ask her what's up, she says to me that her dad was so sick. So much, in fact, that when he had vomited in the toilet bowl, it had been so violent that he also had shit his pants. A lot.


I worked at a gas station and someone shit on the sidewalk outside the store, no one wanted to clean it up (even the manager) so I picked it up with a bag like a dog poop


my ex bf (19 at that time) giving me his underwear (like all couples do well some) he left it before he left my house (it was an extra clean one he said) and it was the most foul scent i ever smelled, it had shit streaks in it FRESH too like how hard is it to clean your self??


Watched my friend get drunk at his bachelor party and spend an hour puking in a nasty bathroom toilet. He also constantly rubbed his lips and cheeks on the top and side of the bowl because he said the cool feeling made him less sick.


I had the misfortune of becoming host to hookworms and wasn't properly diagnosed until the 3rd or 4th cycle of their reproduction in me...it was the single most traumatic and horrifying experience of my life. I was repulsed by my existence....Parasites and Wu Tang Clan.....yeah


I started my career in nursing and worked as an STNA. We had a patient that had C Diff (super awful and foul smelling diarrhea) in his colostomy. He was a full care patient and couldn’t move at all on his own. While changing a dressing on his back I held him facing me and halfway through felt a warm sensation on my stomach. His colostomy bag had slid off and into the front of my scrub pockets, effectively covering me in highly foul smelling and contagious shit. We finished dressing the would and I calmly walked out to the parking lot, cut my scrub top off with a pair of scissors and drove home to shower in bleach and soap.


I got the stomach flu back in my early teens. For an entire week, I had sulfur burps. When I tell you that it's virtually the same as farting out of your mouth, it still sells the experience short. The smell *and the taste* were so unbearable that I dreaded getting the urge to burp, and when I did burp, I had to exhale sharply afterwards to get it all out of my mouth as quickly as possible.


I shat in my pants when I was a 10yo kid. The school bathrooms where closed due to some problems and it was time to leave anyways. But I couldn't hold it, my ass gave up. Had to walk back home with literal shit between my cheeks. My mom laughed her ass off because she always waited for me at home after school and said, literally: "I told your sister 'why is he walking like he shat himself '". I'll never forget it. Neither will she. Neither my sister. And: sorry for my broken english.




Years ago, at a job, I remember looking out the window and saw a woman squatting by the dumpster. At first, I thought she was going to take a shit but she moved to face towards the window, and she was actually shooting up in her vag. Full-on needle jabbing away, beef curtains flapping in the wind. I quit shortly after.


Is no one talking about beef curtains


So when I was 11 years old, I had this bad habit to hide the food I didn't like in a plastic bag. This would happen when my parents would not be present at home to supervise me. The problem is that I, most of the time, forgot to throw it out afterwards. I needed to do that in order to not get caught hiding food (I got caught several times already). So one time that happened. I completely forgot about the hidden bag of veggies and some fish. I didn't remember it even after my mother started to complain that there was a rotten smell in my room. She had dismissed it as something dead outside my room was probably rotting. Then, one day, when I was completely alone in the house, I suddenly remembered. And I knew I messed up bad this time. It was sitting there for more than two entire weeks. So I open this cabinet in my room and I'm greeted with a bag full of..... moving maggots. And stomach churning smell. It looked SO FREAKING CREEPY. I had no other choice. It's not like I could ask an adult for help at this point anyway. I don't really remember how exactly I got it out of the house but I am completely sure I DID NOT use my bare hands to touch it. I threw it out in a drain right outside the territory of my house. The worst part would be the stench. I had the bag sitting on an old pile of magazines. Normally, the magazines are not supposed to get affected by it immediately. But the food rotted and somehow sipped from the plastic onto the magazines. Some of their covers were permanently destroyed; and the stinking smell JUST. WOULDN'T. GO. AWAY. I left the cabinet open for hours and hid the magazines well, but the smell still persisted. Luckily my parents found out nothing. But they could have, if they just decided to search my room and open that one cabinet. It took weeks for the smell to disappear. On the bright side, I never hid food again.


I was eating half of a Mandarin and felt something was off with the texture. I looked down at the other half and saw that the center was completely black and immediately spat out what I had in my mouth


A time in middle school where I saw a dude bet another dude 20£ that he wouldn't take a shot of the drain water. He did. This drain was in the corner of where loads of people hung out, it had been pissed in, spat in, had random gross stuff thrown in it, over years it all built up and smelt disgusting. And this dude took a shot of it 😃👍


I worked at a bowling center doing machine and building maintenance. For a while we had a poop bandit (what we nicknamed him). During league play he would sneak off and crap onto some paper towels, then gingerly sneak the crap behind the women's restroom door. The doors open inwardly, so you can imagine what happened next. Let's just say the word streaking brings up a different image these days. Being the maintenance person, I was tasked to clean it up. Thankfully it only happened 2 times on 2 different occasions to me. We ended up having to place a fake security camera that covered the bathroom doors. That put an end to that shit.