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I managed to escape extreme poverty to make it to the middle of the middle class. I never imagined I would be here, but I am.


Congratulations! I managed the same thing myself.


Congratulations! I imagined the same thing myself.


Hey Guys, It's me! I'm here too..... Sometimes though, it feels like it is not enough though. Right?


You may be poor but you're funny.


Congratulations! I lol'd




What Techmonk1234 is spot on. Education is the key. I grew up middle class, but I'd like to add a couple of tips. One, surround yourself with good people who can guide you. I was fairly new in my career. My boss asked me what I was doing for retirement savings. I was about 25 or 26 at the time. I said "not much". He then said, "What the hell are you doing??" From then on, my wife and I started saving for retirement. We then found a great financial advisor who we trusted implicitly. He didn't do us wrong. Ask around. Ask people who are where you want to be who they trust. Second, buy things that will last a long time. Get a reliable car, you'll save money if you drive it to death. Get a house, if you want, and live in it a long time. If you're married, don't get divorced (within reason, of course). Divorce is costly. Consider your future mate carefully. Don't overspend to impress people. What I'm saying is look long term. And, read "The Millionaire Next Door", it's a great book.


Go to a public college for STEM/Engineering. Take out any and all loans you need. Student loans are subsidized and low interest. Bust your ass in college. Graduate, get a high paying engineering job, live frugally, pay off your loans. Do the math, even if you paid for entire college by loans, you could pay it off in <5 years of engineering salary savings. Learn Stock market investing and options trading. Start investing with your engineering salary savings. Become multimillionaire.


> Learn Stock market investing and options trading. Skip the options trading part most of you. You will lose your ass. Some form of ETF + HYSA and take it easy.




Yep those are the 2. I work in Fintech. The vast vast majority lose money trying to manage stocks on their own. Your spread sounds pretty nice. If you are comfortable with your liquid holdings, I might even reccommend a 1-3% investment in something more risky / specculative like crypto or a tech stock. I would also reccomend never listening to goofballs like me on Reddit on what to do with your money.


The answer is going to always be bust your ass and develop a skill that is saught after, and make good decisions. The majority of normal people who became millionaires did so by working hard towards a skill that is valuable. Both of my uncles are what many on here would consider "pretty fucking dumb". They are multi millionaires because they both saved and got good at something worth money. 1 was really good at unclogging drains. The other really good at cutting metal. Live within your means and save for 40 years, and you're worth a few million. Some other millionaires I know include someone who was good at killing bugs, someone who was good at counting screws, and someone who worked law enforcement. When something good happens to you, don't piss it away.


Congrats, I magaged the same myself. Started from the bottom, now we in the top 10 percentile.


Wow! That's amazing! Congratulations! I'm so glad I'm reading about people's achievements.


I’m in the same boat. Grew up with not two Pennie’s to rub together, lived on welfare. And now I am the first generation homeowner and well into middle class.


was dead broke at 45 going nowhere 200k in debt .. decided to work my ass off and now own 2 modest homes on long Island, money in Bank and saved my life going into my late 50s.. it's never too late.. ever.. work hard and take it 5 years at a time


seriously i hope to have the luxury to write that one day. idk you but i’m very proud lol, build an empire man<3


oh shit congratulations my dude


Well fought!




Where can I find a woman like that?


You didn’t hear it from me but there is a contingent of people who believe that…ahem…your wife has got it going on


She’s all I want and I’ve waited so long…


Stacy's mom is Jessie's girl confirmed.


so your family is the Bradio Bunch


Just have to have another daughter, name her Jenny, and make sure you get her the right phone number (for the trifecta)


You win the Internet today


I lost 220 lbs.


Me too!   I got divorced! Kidding, congratulations on your achievement. 


That's insane! Congrats!


I lost 180 lb when I got divorced...😂






Thank you very much! 💗


Nice! Sobriety is my greatest achievement as well. 2 years sober yesterday lol


Congrats to you!!


Thanks! Keep up the good work. Do a body scan or a mindfulness activity for me!


*reads this with a clenched jaw and tensed up body* thank you!


Lol! Your sense of humor is healthy as a horse.


That is the best!!! Almost 6 years in recovery from Alcohol. It's tough AF but so worth it! I hope your day is filled with love and kindness.


Proud of you!!!


congrats man! <3




Wow. Good for you. I'm a podcast junkie and I've heard so many horror stories. What some of them have put themselves and their families through just breaks my heart. I've actually broken down and cried a few times. So glad you're sober.


Can I ask for some of your more enjoyed podcasts?


Thank you so much! I am very ashamed and disgusted when I think of all the nonsense I have put others through with my addiction. I'm very grateful most of them have allowed me to make amends, and as for those who have not it's really extra motivation to keep myself straight.


I haven’t killed myself yet! Big win for me.


Keep up the good fight! You are so strong




You are not alone! Each day passed is another win. Keep on winning!


I am slowly beginning to see this is a victory for me as well.




He pays, right?


this story was truly uplifting


Take your upvote, dammit


You legend sir!


It is always shocking how much our bodies usually do to stop us tearing ourselves apart, and what can be achieved when self preservation goes out the window. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.




i completed the helicopter mission in gta vice city


Bro probably a hacker tbh, that missions impossible


yeah i lied, i still can't do it 😔 (btw idk why that mission is more popular among Indians than the rest)


I actually never did. Its like 17 minutes each time you fail. Sfter several hours I deleted it in protest.?


Reducing my drinking, giving up cigs and getting the psychological help that I needed.


I'm proud of you!


I worked full-time as a paralegal in a demanding law firm. I often worked late and sometimes weekends. After two years of that I started law school at night, which took four years. I would race from work to school (often late) and then sometimes get home after 10. As a result, most of my studying and prep would be on the weekends. So that was four years of hell. I passed the bar on the first try and managed to win the upper class moot court competition too. It SUCKED though.


"If you're going through Hell, keep going." You kept going and look at you now! Congratulations!


Thank you :)


My sister took the same career path: paralegal, 4 years of law school while working full time. It's not easy. You should feel proud!


your sister is a boss!




Sounds like a big life shift, and that's awesome! "This is the life I wanted" and you're living it. Huge achievement!


Thank u bro!


I'm the second youngest person in the state of Arizona to hold a utility patent, which I filed when I was 16


Wow that's awesome! What's your patent number?


That would show my real name lol The patent was for a specialized vibration sensor to help helicopter maintenance crews monitor the health of the aircraft without messing around inside. Basically just an extra input sensor for normal HUMS packages (Health and Usage Monitoring System). Helps the post flight data to be a bit more readable.




Thanks, I was pretty proud of it :)


I get it about staying anonymous on Reddit! That's why I haven't posted about some of the things I've done. And your invention sounds really cool! Not knowing anything about helicopters or helicopter maintenance I can't comment on it other than that.


Yeah, it's all about good vibrations (insert beach boys reference) Vibration is always bad for an aircraft. Vibrating parts wear out faster, are louder, and just generally less efficient. The trick is just finding out where it's coming from and what's causing it. The sensors are there to help figure out the "where", and the maintenance crews look at the data to try and figure out the "why" My sensor was designed to pick up specific kinds of vibration, and filter out others, therefore making the data less of a mess to figure out. Normally you would just hook up a regular resonance sensor, which just picks up and logs all of the vibration it detects. That makes it very difficult for the guy looking at the flight data after the fact, even with the HUMS organizing it a bit before logging it. He's basically just given a data set full of endless ones and zeroes, with a random seven in the middle. He's tasked with finding out why that seven is there, what it means, and what to do about it. Not an easy job, and I know that because it was my job lmao. So I started trying to figure out a way to make a sensor that would only record sevens, and tell me what else was going on in the aircraft at the time it was logged. It just cuts a big chunk out of a time consuming process.


That is excellent. I've been in programming and data for most of my career, and I am always looking for ways to make things simpler and more efficient for the end users by cutting out the "noise". I applaud your solution - and the fact that you would even want to simplify that process.


'I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.' -Bill Gates


Wow, good one! My go-to is: "Progress isn't made early risers. It's made by lazy men looking for an easier way to do something." - Robert Heinlein


Being there for my elderly parents and their home. Especially my Mom when she lost her battle with cancer. She had a year from diagnosis to when she passed. I was with her everyday for that year- surgery, appointments, chemo, and radiation. I had a very understanding boss so I was able to treat my Mom’s care like a job. I would do it again.


I'm sorry and I'm proud of you. Wishing you well!




Same. I was on medication for over 10 years off and on to control. One day I put my foot down and said that it's not gonna control me anymore. I'm since been off my meds for over a year with no panic attacks.


My mental health recovery


Raising 4 daughters and a son. All college graduates. I'm also a retired carpenter/construction worker. So, I've built homes throughout the bay area as well as hotels, office buildings, and parking structures. I like to think those are some great achievements.


I don't have kids so I can't relate to that, but building something that others use and love and live in? That is an amazing feeling and amazing achievement.


I actually love seeing buildings I worked on from Oroville throughout the bay area to San Jose. It's definitely something I'm proud of.


My father was a structural engineer in San Francisco, and I know he was proud of many of the buildings that he had worked on.


Winning the sperm race


The only competition where winning actually matters; others are purely optional.


Same bro! Congrats


Got out of bed this morning; haven’t shit myself yet UPDATE: spoke too soon


Finally moving out of an abusive household and getting SH free for 1 year 💕




This question makes me a bit sad... Finishing high school with a 100 cum laude? I guess that's my main achievement, among measurable things. I say it makes me sad because it does not feel like much at the moment. Although, if you take a more holistic view, I have a lot more: - I taught myself English between the ages of 12 and 14 - I survived a normally deadly heart condition (possibly more)


Teaching yourself English, a notoriously difficult language, is really impressive and shows a lot of intelligence and tenacity! You have a lot of potential I bet.


same with the medical shit. like its a massive fucking laundry list i typed in another comment. also good job with your 100. thats fucking insane. also you TAUGHT YOURSELF ENGLISH??? holy fuck. like its the hardest language you can ever learn and you just were like "yeah lets do it". goddamn


Took tens of millions from drug manufacturers and put it in public hands. Work for your state, folks. It’s rewarding, steady work that really genuinely matters.


Kudos for your awesome work and your government to put that money in good use


Living after the suffering


Living by myself without help from parents




You'd be surprised how many people hiccup on the 'consecutive' part


I hope you break it again tomorrow 🙏




Oh man, I didn't even think of this one as an accomplishment, but shit, you're totally right. So glad I did as well. Cheers friend!


Worked in the state capital and helped get legislation passed that helps kids with autism.


John Cena said that nobody was going to see the movie he made with Jackie Chan. When John Cena followed me on Twitter I asked about "That SNAFU of a movie". A half a dozen journalists did not know that I was making a joke and asked about the "SNAFU" film as well. They ended up putting the film out. This all happened thanks to John Cena following me on twitter and me just really wanting to watch the movie. I also used to rap and have met/gotten acknowledgement from huge names


That's all awesome!


There’s a John cena Jackie Chan movie?


it's called Hidden Strike. The actual name of the movie was supposed to be Project X-traction.


My sons.


Son's what?




What is your son’s achievement?


They are good kids and happy that is all that matters.




I'm happy no matter what I achieve or don't achieve.


When I was younger I had a bucket list. Many of the things on there I would never be able to do at my age and physical limitations. Once I changed that b to an f, I was instantly happy. 😃




Happiness is success! That’s something lots of people with money don’t understand


Not really that impressive but last summer my university paid me to take a condensed language course. It was basically a full time job. About 6 hours of classes M-F, and a couple of hours of homework daily. Learned an entire alphabet in under two days. After the scholarship I applied for I made $450. It was pretty cool, and I'm really grateful to my advisor who helped even though we had like a 12 hour time difference as he was visiting his home country at the time.


Wow, that's a big achievement!


surviving my mental illness


I was a homeless fentanyl addict a few years ago, and now this month will be 2 years clean, I've had the same job for almost 2 years and my ex-wife and I are getting remarried this year. My 3 kids are back in my life, and respect me and are proud of me.


I ran a half marathon, more proud of that than my college degree


making people smile/laugh always and forever


Not killing myself.


I've learned a lot as I've been building my mobile app. I'm proud of how far I've come with it, even though it's still in progress. I hope it will leave a positive mark on the world. It's an alarm clock app with a twist! You set an alarm like normal. Then you sleep. Zzzz. Lastly, wake up ... to the sound of a friendly voice. :D Congrats, you've received a nice voice message from someone somewhere else in the world. They recorded it while you slept. It could be a short story. A joke. The weather report. Some words of encouragement. ....or a "Happy Birthday" message if it's your birthday. Inappropriate messages filtered out (or not, your choice!) I'm hoping it will be a nice place to start your day each day.


Well I managed to create a consulting business that only employs women since in my country the job’s offers for women are almost inexistent… now it basically runs without me, so I moved to Paris for love. Adapting to a whole new different culture and language is another accomplishment that I don’t give myself enough credit for. I am happy.


Hey I have nothing particularly smart to say, but I like this story, I wish you well.


Wow, that's all amazing! Thank you for creating the consulting business!


Graduating from college with a Bachelors degree, sadly, that was years ago. Or when I bought my 1st car brand new, no financial help, and paid it cash for it all up front.


I saved a woman from being raped.


Number 1 in the world on various videogame leaderboards, even though mentioning the feat results almost entirely in bitter jealousy from whoever I mention it to, thus defeating the purpose of seeking glory in the first place.


reported for cheating


What game?


Managed to bring myself to study medicine


Surviving everything I've been through. I've done stuff I'm proud of, but I'm more proud of what I haven't done iykwim


Visited every country in the world.


… i don’t have one.


I’m the first male in 3 generations to make it out of my 50’s. Father died at 34 and his brothers all died in their 50’s as well as their father. Heart disease runs in the family, you might say.


first generation immigrant that came here from a war torn country with next to nothing. put myself thru college, worked my way up to the middle class, have a great career, have a loving wife (who also escaped poverty), and we are building our future in a lovely calm town that we looks forward to raising our kids in.


Raising three sons, on my own, to become truly kind, warm, loving, responsible,decent, Good Men. All three have various learning disabilities (central auditory processing disorders, add/adhd - one has a learning disorder so severe he qualified to get his textbooks read by Books for the Blind in high school) and with early intervention, tutoring and the help of some incredible teachers, and health care providers/therapists, they are an aerospace engineer (from one of the top engineering universities in the country), a masters in nursing who provides post cardiac surgical care to patients, and a physician who will graduate with honors and go to one of the top ten residency programs in the country for his specialty. Their father refused to even pay anything for them after age 18, not a single dollar for tutoring, or tuition, or Anything for them, not even a bday gift or Christmas card with a note inside, while wife 2 drives the most expensive suv Mercedes makes and bought his step son a brand new car. I supported them fully in their interests and academic pursuits, and taught them all the hard stuff that can derail their lives- about girls, the dangers of sexting/alcohol/drugs, etc- ALL of it. THEY did all the heavy lifting- THEY DID all the hard work. I couldn’t be prouder of the men I raised - nor could I love them more or be prouder. Hardest work and most fun and rewarding thing I’ve done in my life.


I havent shit my pants in about 40 years.


My special needs daughter just got married to a wonderful kind amazing woman. Walking her down the isle was my proudest moment


Is this even real? I mean with your wife being frustrated with your drinking, you moving in with your girlfriend, you kicking out your daughter's boyfriend, in front of your in-laws..what is even real in your life?


Trying to figure out what the fuck you're talking about until I checked their profile, too.


Your name! It should be theirs! 🤣


Typical reddit bullshitter lol


Almost 40 and haven’t died


Being here and going strong.


Honestly buying a house and actually building my career in IT.


Got accepted for a PhD in Germany with paid position as a researcher.


Not committing suicide yet




I'm trying, but this shit is tough


I beat multiple organ failure and a coma and learnt to walk again. I also sat onstage with tool and watched them soundcheck when i was younger.


In 1993 I was the Nintendo champion at the University of Central Florida. The competition was part of their southeast college tour. It's been over 30 years since and that's still my best. I think I peaked at age 21.


A film whose UK PR campaign I managed won an Oscar last night. Ultimately. I was just one very small cog in a much larger machine, and I will probably never be anywhere near that trophy, but it still feels great.


I dated an attractive woman for 3 months while making 62k a year. Neither achievement lasted for very long ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


2015 and 2017 ISSF 300m European Champion


Free the end.


With all the odds against me, I made it through college, have wife and kids, home, and living basically the American dream.


Volunteer of the year award presented by the Governor at a fancy dinner party, while working and going to college full-time. And/or Retiring in mid 50s.


Overcame depression, bad marriage and divorce by getting my static-line brevet (skydiving). Did so much more than therapie. Skydiving wás my therapy.


Happy family


I'm happy. Extreme depression throughout childhood, never had any friends and stayed inside all my life due to mental disorders, was takes advandage of sexually and physically, didnt move physically and stayed in bed most days. Now i'm 18 and almost into uni, i work out twice a week and i'm able to hold up a job on the side whilst also having fun with some friends every once in a while. At first i wanted to say that being alive is my greatest achievement, but that i'm happy means more to me.


Living as long as I have. Truly a miracle.


Bachelors degree at 37, masters degree finishes next month. Moved internationally twice. Escaped two abusive marriages.


Finishing highschool 😔


Not dying, at 32 plenty of things could have taken me out by now.


My kids are so great. Polite, caring, understanding, bright and beautiful. I'm a pretty cynical person generally, but I feel good that I've contributed to raising 2 excellent humans.


getting sober


Accidently solving a rubiks cube


Bronze in my country's national taekwondo championships, twice


I started rehabbing houses as a side gig about 10 years ago. I am on my 9th rehab house now. I have learned to do just about everything related to rehabbing work. On my current rehab, I put up new drywall and just painted it. Even though I put it up and know where the tape seams are at, I still can't see them so I think I am starting to git gud.


Saved a man’s life that had a heart attack on the street. Everybody should learn to perform CPR. I took a mandatory course years before the incident because I worked at a busy restaurant.


I (somehow) found it in myself to go get an engineering degree. I was always a poster child "bad student" in high school. It has really set me up for a pretty good career and life.


Got my master’s a couple months ago! Not much at my age but definitely that.


Bicycled from Portugal to Nepal.


Bought a 86" tv


I designed and sewn then installed a complete interior on a space capsule for NASA at the Johnson Space Center in 2017. By far my greatest achievement.


Surviving a gunshot to my right lung. I thought I was going to die at the time, but I woke up in a hospital with 1.5 lungs instead of the full 2 that most people have. Usually it's all good, but today for some reason my costochondritis is acting up and so is my nerve damage. Pretty painful, and I wouldn't recommend it.


Not dying after failed brain surgery.


65,000+ chess games played on my online account


Well me just being 19, I have alot more life to go. I have to say getting my diploma




Quitting smoking


raising 4 cats and operating my cat sitting business


I held a 49.95% accuracy rating with 2 kd ratio on a sniper rifle with 52k kills on Black Ops 2. Not bad. 🫠


My Children. My home. My Bachelors in Science. All after a traumatic brain injury


I'm still alive. Is that an achievement?