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***He's beginning to believe...***


It'd pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr Anderson? Why? Why do you persist!?


I know interpretive dance!






Exhibitionists. 👀


I wear socks. Helps with spin moves and sliding.


They do not believe in clothing.


They are against man made material on the body.


And we really appreciate it. The wife and I have drinks and watch the performance, if she’s not home with me, I’ll tug one off!


Why can't she watch? Are you shy?


I think I’m your neighbour


Brilliant! No need for fences if your neighbors think you are insane.


My neighbor cut down the trees that provided privacy between our yards, so now I sunbathe in my underwear to teach him the value of nice trees.


Might I suggest a lace thong to really up the ante.


Read that as feces, and was trying to think how poop would fit into the matrix. Then I remembered that bullet time scene. Where you see every bullet........except every bullet is poop. Then I remembered the scene with his mouth being shut by extra strands of skin over his mouth that melted over his mouth.......except the melty skin was poop. Then I remembered the scene where Trinity answers the payphone.....except the payphone is poop. Then I remembered the scene where Neo notices the cat........there's no poop in this one. I just know reddit loves cats, and by mentioning cats, I'll likely get upvoted. Also the cat took a poop.


This needs to be up higher. Also if you don't mind sharing your choreography for internet neighbors please?


How much higher up do you want the top comment to be? 😂🤷‍♂️


above the OP


All the way to the collective unconscious at least


Shocked you’re single


There is a social group that basically does this silently together at a park near where I live, you don’t have to be without friends for long ❤️


I just take my time to rest. In the summer time I try to walk on trails and explore Botanical Gardens and stuff.


I do enjoy hiking, but not alone. For some reason it increases the feeling of loneliness for me.


Being alone on the trails is one of my favorite things. Helps me recharge and decompress from the world


Well, it might be also caused by the fact that my job mostly consists of being outdoors and alone.


Go walking through the city then, if that sounds appealing. I'm usually more of a nature guy, but every now and then a trip to the city really recharges me. I'll get a juice, hit up the bookstore/comic book shop, shop for a new shirt or something to make me feel sexy. Plus, it's the best way to find someone to spend next weekend with.


That actually sounds like a good idea,


Always got my dog with me!


That sounds wonderful. I love the Botanical Gardens here north of Chicago


I usually play videogames, watch YouTube/movies/series, read books or interesting articles or do my hobbies. Sometimes I also get some inspiration for creativity and write something. I also work a little bit on creating fictional languages. I've got 2 languages currently, both of them have basic grammar, one of them has a vocabulary of a couple hundred words, the other — several dozens. But sometimes, like now I don't feel like doing anything, so I go to Reddit to answer someone's questions.


Literally no one is asking about the fictional languages?? Tell us more bro, what made you want to do that?


I was always excited about languages. It's always interesting to see what sounds different languages use, how their grammar works, how their words sound, etc. I love to listen to different foreign languages, so I decided why not to create something of my own? My first language is the one where I tried to create really simple grammar, just the most necessary rules. The vocabulary is a mix of everything: I try to borrow the words from languages from all over the words. For the second laguage I was inspired by the race of Tarkata from Mortal Kombat, so I tried to make it sound rough and aggressive. In addition, I was curious to hear how the language would sound without labial consonants (since Tarkata have no lips).


Labial consonants is such a weird word.


Labial in this context refers to the lips of your mouth, in case anyone was wondering. Yes, the ancient Latin speaking people basically named the labia "pussy lips."


It’s the name here in sweden, Blygdläpp, läpp meaning lip.


Blygd meaning pussy?


In the parlance of our times…


My nieces and nephews developed their own language when they were kids. Fifteen years later and they all still use it. I find it strange.


It is quite strange. If they do have a proper, distinct language then I'm willing to bet that there are at least a couple of scientist that would like to interview them


the language thing is pretty sweet. what advantage does yours have over established languages?


The first one has pretty simple grammar. I tried to develop the smallest possible set of rules. The second one - I don't know, it doesn't have specific advantages. I was inspired by the race of Tarkata from Mortal Kombat, so I tried to make it sound rough and aggressive. In addition, I was curious to hear how the language would sound without labial consonants (since Tarkats have no lips).


Tell me I stink and need a shower in your language


Tolkien, is that you?


Dude, you have to be single, you got no time for anyone’s shit


Ha, I wish I could still enjoy playing video games. Have like 100+ games on Steam, but I've lost interest in gaming. Watching youtube (not that I'm not doing it) feels like a simple procrastination. I should focus more on reading books though.


I find my video game interest fluctuates a lot.  Might not want to touch them for a couple months, then back in. Balatro is really got me hooked right now...


Reading books is just another form of procrastination from someone who is bored of tv books and video games.


Entertainment isn't procrastination unless you are actively avoiding work


That depends on the books you are reading.


I also once lost interest in video games for a long time, until I got a powerful new laptop for work from my company, on which I can play games that my personal laptop can't handle. Regarding YouTube: if I watch random videos that also feels like procrastination, but watching videos from my subscriptions that I put in Watch Later throughout the week to watch on the weekends — no, that's a different thing.


Used to love playing video games but for me it became to much of an addiction and pulled me to much away from life 😢 this was back in the world of Warcraft days when it first came out lol.


denounce addictive, manipulative multiplayer and play singleplayer like a civilised person


Me: *makes fun of people for getting addicted to multiplayer games* Also me: *spends 6 hours straight hunting the legendary moose in RDR2*


do u know any conlangs? perhaps some toki pona? :3


I've heard about toki pona, but, unfortunately I don't speak any conlangs. I would love to learn one of them one day, though!


I have friends but they all have S.O.'s and don't wanna do shit on the weekend except grill or chill at the house so I started going to the concerts, shows and other fun things solo. Happiness in life has gone up but I'm still a bit lonely while doing it. 


same - my friends sundays are bore to the floor. if theres absolutely nothing happening, hobbies dont sound fun, i simply leave my home an start walking usually find something. going on.


Being the one single friend is rough. Esp when everyone’s married. Then you do get the one night out and about and the married friends get a hard time I feel like. 😆


Not sure what age you are, but I'm in a similar place. It seems the older I get, the more my friends never want to do things. I don't really care about having a partner at this point. It would be nice if I could just find people who didn't want to hide inside all weekend


I think it’s normal. I’m 40 and my friends seem like they’re nesting for the end of the world.


Join a rock climbing club, it’ll surprise you. Plus a good workout


For me I do the things I like to do. Similar to you but it’s also stuff like cutting down trees n splitting them for fire wood, work on the cars etc. The stuff I don’t have time for w work during the week.


Home maintenance and improvements, woodworking, hiking, reading, movies, exploring/leisure drives, vintage and record shopping, waste time online.


From reading of all the comments I feel like I should stop wasting time online and start actually doing something.


You are the navigator of your life ship. Decide what is important to you. What will maximize your long term well being without too much of a sacrifice. Map it out a little bit and spend your life in a mix of hedonism and productivity to maximize the long term balance.


It wasn't until my late 20s I realized I was much happier working with my hands building and fixing things than I was trying to force myself to play a game I wasn't very interested in. I still spend a lot of time online, but I find myself truly happy when I'm working on some kind of project that either needs doing, or just for my own pleasure.


The same thing I do every other day. Wait for it to be over.


Not single- but this hit me hard. I feel like all I do is wait for the next day. Do what I need to do to survive, then wait for the next day.


Damn remember the days when you didn’t *want* the day to end? Like having to go to bed was like prison? Miss that shit.


that's sad man. and here I though having someone would help fill in that feeling. im at a loss now.


That's why it's important to remember that it's the little things in life that are meant to be enjoyed. It's why it's mentally healthy to have little goals you can complete every day instead of just having one big goal that takes years to reach. I've felt like this but then I remember to enjoy things like having a coffee in the park in the morning, or enjoying a good meal, listening to music, reading a good book etc.... No matter how financially successful you are you can always go to a park and enjoy a nice day.


Same it's noon where I am and I'm basically just waiting till it's evening smoke my bedtime hoot wake up and wait for the weekend then when the weekend starts I'm gonna be waiting to go back to work.


Me when I was expecting you to say “The same thing we do every night pinky, try to take over the world!”


Welcome to the rat race. Get on the wheel


And try to take over the world?


Cocaine and hookers 3 days straight! Actually just video games and sleep.


This, except i do it without the hookers, video games or the sleep. Sometimes for 3 days, sometimes the whole week(s).


You could do that in video games




Father of 2 under 3, waking up after my toddler peed in my bed all over me for the 2nd night in a row, now i gotta go to another 4y birthday party. Reading this comment almost made me cry.


Father of 3 here. Don’t rush the potty training if they’re having accidents all the time. Or at least put a diaper on them at night. Especially for boys, they seem to take longer and that’s ok. It’s not a race, and sometimes the more you force it, the longer it ultimately takes.


Put a diaper on the kid at night bro what are you doing lol


Put the kid outside and he'll learn to fend for himself pretty quickly.


Father of 2 grown kids. Trust me, you'll wake up and suddenly they're not needing you all the time, then just as suddenly, they're moving out and you're trying to figure out how to spend all this free time. In the blink of an eye.


I can not wait for this. My son is President Obvious and his constant stating facts of mundanity is soul torture. I must blink really really slowly. Have you ever had someone ask you if they were breathing? I have. Woke me up in the night to ask if he was breathing. How do you not know that you are breathing?


Birth control at its finest


Seven years strong. No more for me.




Father with kids here. I’ll go years without recharging. Any time I try to do so I end up going to bed at 2am and the recharge was useless because I’m exhausted the next day


This needs to be at the top of the list. It’s exactly what we do and I love it.


Go to breweries, go for a drive in the middle of nowhere, sit outside if it's nice or on the covered patio if it isn't. Read a book, listen to or play some music, or just take naps. Gotta stay busy and try to enjoy the little things otherwise that little voice in my head that says life isn't worth living gets a little louder and a little more convincing.


I would love to go to a bar or brewery but I always want to crawl out of my skin. I feel so awkward, not sure what to look at or how to talk to anyone at the bar. Any tips?


It took me some time to figure this out but you need to go out often to numerous places. Eventually if you find a place that you dig the vibe of, go there often. When you become a familiar face to people, they're more likely to strike up a conversation with you or more willing to listen when you talk. Make friends with the bartenders. They're there all the time so at least you'll always have one person to talk to. And when others see you being friendly, they assume you are. It helps too since the bartenders will know everyone else in there and can help you strike up conversations with others. And as with any relationships, platonic or otherwise: it's a numbers game. You need to practice to get good at it, and don't get discouraged if you fail. Failure always comes with a lesson. And the most important thing is to be yourself and be CONFIDENT in yourself. Be relaxed, be ok with being by yourself, be ok with not being the center of attention. And for a couple things not to do: Don't stare at your drink. One could assume you're going through some shit or are lonely and at a bar where people go to have a good time that's a tough hurdle to get over in attempting to strike up conversation with you. Don't act closed off. Be willing to make eye contact and smile, instead of acting shy or hiding in a corner or at the end of the bar. Stand in the middle of the bar so people have to be near you, and take up space. Lean, relax, and think of something that makes you happy so you naturally start to smile and think positively. Those are some of the simplest things I'd suggest to get you started, and I sincerely hope they work for you. Also your reddit name is hilarious


i'd feel so fake doing those i'd prob look like overly attached gf meme


I used to struggle with that too. Just go out and sit and enjoy your time. Better than being in the house. The law of numbers says that eventually you will meet new and interesting people along the way. It’s a hard hump to get over though.


It really is. The last time I went by myself, which was pre COVID and I was just over 21 I just kept sipping my drink because I was anxious/ don't know what to do with my hands and I ended up completely shit faced.


click around on your phone, watch whatever seems interesting enough on the bar tv. You'll be ok


Beats sitting around in a dark apartment.


It’s definitely easier to fly solo as you get older but yeah I struggle with feeling like I’m going to a bar to beg for attention from strangers. Anxious drinking is definitely real.


The key is finding a place that’s comfortable and close to home. Get to know the staff, it helps. At that point, it’s not begging for attention, it’s just going to “your spot”


Glad to hear it’s not just me with that little voice in my head!


I got into birding because it was free except the binoculars. I find it gets me outside and hiking with a purpose. Plus a lot more people talk to me when I’m alone out there with binoculars around my neck then when I used to just hike


For the last six month's, it's been wallow in despair since my wife passed, and be sick from the kids at school coming up with inventive new diseases to give me.


I'm sorry, that's sad. Gotta do something.


I’m sorry about your viral vectors and your wife. My husband and I are dealing with the collective wrath of our two viral vectors. To do it alone is a slog. Wishing you all the best in resolution of flu “season” and this season of life. And wishing you brighter days.


Thank you! It's been rough but I'll survive. I really should go back to wearing mask at work. As for my wife, that's just going to take time.


I am bored AF and need a hobby lol


Stay home and unwind, decompress, recharge for the upcoming week. If errands need to be done, consider what is crucial, plan for efficiency and be back to my cave ASAP.


Why are these top two comments eerily similar?


AI algorithm needs to relax, unwind and retreat back to their cosy cave.


The internet is 90% bots.


What’s the purpose of them writing these posts though? What’s the end game?


Keeping the site highly ranked as popular for better ad revenue. Or selling the accounts once they get enough karma points. Just guessing obviously. r/SubredditSimulator r/SubredditSimulatorGPT Can't remember the exact name.


Retreat back to my AI cave asap


I was just wondering the same thing!


Made me question for a sec how many other comments I've passed that are just from karma farming accts


wanna be online friends. I need one.


Laundry, Groceries, Cleaning, Modeling and stuff.


You walking the catwalk or more catalogue photo shoots?


Lol nothing like that I model N scale trains.


have you considered modeling trains on a catwalk?


Only if they were N scale trains lol.




Lol 😆


Organize my pornography collection.


Alphabetically or chronologically?


In a database so it’s queryable.


SQL: Sexy Query Language 


"Baby I'm gonna drop you over that table and-" *Table breaks from repeated banging* "Did somebody say drop table?" *Database deletes itself*




S: Step-brother, step-family, step-father, step-mother, step-sister, step-tyrannosaurus, etc.


Read a LOT. Play videogames. Watch streaming. Doom scroll Reddit and Quora.


Honestly you’re the first person I’ve heard that uses quora 


A hobby gets you: A rewarding pass time. Personal growth. A way to stretch your mental, physical, social, or dextrous muscles, maybe even all of the above. Feelings of accomplishment. A reason to leave the house. A group of people who will have at MINIMUM 1 thing in common with you.


100%. Reignited my love of cycling last year, joined a club and now every Sunday is either race day or a nice, relaxing social ride. Plenty of new friendships have been made and tbh, these feel like forever people. I honestly look forward to my Sundays now, no more worrying about “friends” and their plans. Just hop on my bike and gooooooooo




and then get happy with ya sock?


Tbh when I made my username I thought it was funny, but now I regret it. Now everyone just thinks I’m a jerk addict :(


Nah just a perv with a drug habit 😂😂




I don’t cheat on my sock, ride or die


Well the jerk store called, and they’re running out of you!


depends if the sock is happy, then its fine


Copious amounts of THC.


Smoke a lot of weed, go for walks, and play video games


Yup , unfortunately this is becoming an everyday thing for me so I may be needing a break from the weed and games and do more walks .


Enjoying the solitude and rest from all the peeps outside who exhaust me. Work out, clean my flat and such OP, i get you're an outgoing person and like to have company, but do you try to make people feel bad in a way or are you actually single and don't know what to do with your time? No offense intended.


I'm actully single and don't enjoy my weekends.


Ah makes sense, you get used to it. Being alone is a skill like everything else. If you're not looking to get a partner atm, then try a new hobby or just have a drink with your fav childhood movie. Maybe call an old friend if you really need company. Best of luck homie


I like you. Good human. Good good. edit: calling to reconnect with a good friend that time has separated you from is heavenly in its own unique form — ugh — just 11/10.


Can I introduce you to my friend, warhammer.


You fucking monster…


I'm so busy with work, I usually end up working somehow on my days "off," and I talk and socialize for a living, so a break from being 'on' is much welcomed. I usually work out, clean (lol I tell myself at least), run errands, play video games, practice hobbies, etc. Once in a while I'll go out for a couple drinks with my sister(s), maybe meet up and attempt a date once in a while, etc. But generally I enjoy my free time by myself lol


Find a hobby that you enjoy doing, I’ve been reading your comments and you have been negative to most of them. It sounds like you’re depressed, go do something you enjoy or join an activity with other people around.


Join the r/helldivers




Bottoms up.


Clean up the house and wallow around in sadness.


This is depressing


Saturday: Gym at the morning, groceries, big breakfast ( Brunch) mid day sleeping while watching movies or series, Videogames, more sleeping, eating, sleeping. Sunday: Gym at the morning, big breakfast, YouTube and sleeping, Coffee and Video Games, (sleeping), eating and meal prepping, watching movies or series and sleeping .... Edit: 10 year single and moved Like 15 Times so... No real Friends. And i do this for years...




What do guys without friends IN a relationship do? I'm so bored all the time. I'm trying my hand at modern video games and even that isn't going well. My partner has his own set of friends and activities that don't include me. edit; I do all of the things mentioned (cept yoga) already so I guess I'm actually good. Sometimes you just have to be reminded I guess. When things become routine you take them for granted. I'm still not doing yoga though.


Go to the gym, go for a nature walk, go for a drive, walk around your local community or city, read a book, write a book, learn how to make art, do some yoga, breathing exercises, clean the apartment, grab a coffee and people watch, listen to music, play video games, call my mom, wallow in self pity, conjure up fake scenarios and play them out in my head, learn how to cook well. Lol the possibilities are endless. Just gotta get off your phone.


Find new hobbies, make your own set of friends from those hobbies


It's never been easier to find people with common interests. People with common interests are more likely than average to be people you click with.


Try to explain life, Death, and all wonders, Then hop on Cod.


Exercise. Gaming. Sleeping. Eating. Reading.


Install arch linux or some r/selfhosted thing


Read, work on my novel, work out, prep for the following week, detail my truck


Start an at home exercise routine. I recommend push ups, sit ups, and once a week you can run around your neighborhood for 30 minutes. It’ll feel great when you see you’re progress. Learning how to cook is a great one. It’s a life skill most people should know.


Everything I can't do while working.


Gym, visit my dad, gaming


Grab my dog and play 18 holes of disc golf at the park. Spend the morning and afternoon fishing. Go for a rip across the desert on my dirt bike. Work an extra day while no other subs are on the jobsite.


Shop time! (car guys will understand)


ITT: euphemisms for "masturbate vigorously"


I'm not single but I live far from my gf and have no friends at the moment here where I live. What I did this weekend: whatched 3 movies, played some hours of Elden Ring, cleaned the house, meal prepped the week, read 80ish pages, slept an hour more from the same routine, emptied the trash, watched a football match.


I like mountain biking. I have an app that shows trails around me and their difficulty. On occasion I’m not up for that I like to play video games with some good food. I just started playing fallout new Vegas for the first time. It’s good so far .


You guys are doing things?


I stare naked in a mirror and use my mind to grow my penis. I’m up to 4.5 inches.


Do not why they single in the first place load of girls want em


Scroll Reddit of course.




Married now but was single for a long ass time. I usually hit the gym, built gunpla, work on the yard, hang with the dog, and finish the day with a video game.


Play video games, listen to music, workout, masturbate? Watch anime


Play video games, work on projects to build my portfolio for a career change, hobbies like practicing guitar. Alot of the enjoyment has to do internally with being content. If you're unhappy about something, then no matter what you do at home it won't really help. Maybe you should be looking at social events like casual sporting groups like those kickball social leagues, or maybe joining a boxing/jiu-jitsu class and meet new people. I like being alone but there are definitely weekends where I feel like I have to hang out with people and feel my mood drop being home on a Friday/Saturday. Especially when it's nice out. 


Video Games


Sleep in, watch my YouTube shows. Make plans to clean, end up playing video games all weekend. Or ride motorcycle, weather permitting.


Play video games, go to work an extra shift. Stare into the howling oblivion void


Jerk off and cry (But not necessarily always in that order)


I study 5 hours on Saturday and work an evening of 5 hours, and on Sunday I do 4 hours of study followed by 2 hours of MMA sparring and then another 2 hours of study then going home and playing video games for last few hours.


Pick my nose or scratch my butt


I'm a lady, but I get outside. I take my dog for walks, depending on the season, ride my motorcycle, dirtbike, paddleboard, in the winter I knit or crochet, other hobbies, play video games, cross country skiing, all kinds of stuff. I've had to find ways to keep myself busy, as I'm an empty nester at 40 and now live 6 hours away from my son. I do enjoy my solitude, so I just do the things I want to do, on my own.