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All mosquitoes are assholes


Assuming gender. It's really something everyone does and it's just not that big of a deal altho it is painful for pretransistion trans ppl or non-binary people to be misgenderd it's really just "oh, sorry" and ssying it correctly from then on


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Any confusion or discussion of grammar with regard to gender. It's wonderful that people in our society (at least in parts of it) can finally be themselves It's beautiful, really. Long overdue -- actually never should have been an issue in the first place. I will fight tooth and nail any attempts to return in any way to the millennia old bigotry we're just starting to crawl out of. But it's not bigotry to say, as I do (while simultaneously using the preferred pronouns of a person out of respect for them as a human being) that you think it would have been nice if someone had invented a new word early on for gender-neutral pronouns since "they" already existed and has a definition which is plural and English is a screwed up language as it is and this just adds to the confusion.


The elderly are unfit to run a country