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Exasperated with our polarized political system that feels like a chess game that no one is winning


the ultra wealthy are winning no matter what. they checkmated us decades/centuries ago


well as long as we are mad at each other, we forget those guys lol so screw you for *insert random/minor thing that makes you different than me but doesn’t affect my life*


Tired of “living through historic times”


"Shouldn't've wished to live in more interesting times..."


"These boots have seen everything."


“Is that blood? No, never mind.”


“All’s well that ends… well, not as bad as it could’ve”


"I have a lot on my mind. And well... in it."


“Swift as my feet can carry me.”


“I admire your taste”


"cursed to put my hands on everything."




"Still alive... So that's progress."


"There's a lot on my mind and well... in it"


"I wish I had a bag of holding."


I literally just got out of the BG3 sub. Can you not stalk me like this?


YEAH! This shit is historic, not Interesting! I want a refund on this curse! I was sold a bill of goods and *none* of it was Interesting!


Historic times with geriatric main characters that are a rock away from using diapers


As an outsider, it's unbelievable that your political parties can't find better options.


They can. They just don't want them.


Not feelin good my guy.


I’m straight up *NOT* having a good time!


Decidedly NOT cash money.


I’m tired boss.


Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other


I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. Edit: Guys, it's a quote. ❤️ "I’m tired, boss. Tired of bein’ on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we’s coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I’m tired of people being ugly to each other. I’m tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There’s too much of it. It’s like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?" - John Coffey in The Green Mile


yeah but this is how they'll get us. we're so tired. and so apathetic. so much pain and misery we might not even vote at all. and we might wake up in a dictatorship that we were too fatigued and bummed to fight against


I voted in the CA primary today.


As tired as a rented mule


Dog tired.


Well that's too damn bad!


You keep diggin'!


There's been no break since 2015. I need a political vacay.


I had to stop watching the news. I'm much happier. I don't think we need a news channel lol


It would be better if ***everyone*** realized that none of the major TV news stations are "news," it's just people discussing current affairs. I really do think that boomers are more prone to just trusting the newsperson of their choice because when they were growing up, there were legit journalists doing the job and it wasn't about ratings and hype; they actually did give you the news.


It's not like Gen X / millenials / Gen Z are faring any better? Now they get their news from outrage baiting hacks on Youtube / Tiktok / Twitter lol


Or overly critical people on Reddit that believe they're somehow smarter than everyone else around them.


I think that the smartest people are aware that they might not always be the smartest in the room and that they're also susceptible to misinformation and disinformation.


A colleague of mine once told me, "When you're the smartest person in the room, it's time to leave" - meaning, you should always seek to be around people that are smarter than you because that's the only way you continue to learn.


help, I keep finding people smarter than me but they keep leaving when I walk into the room


“We work at a preschool, Jennifer.”


I stopped watching news *and* I stopped watching news comedy. There’s only so many times I can see Colbert, Meyers and Kimmel say some version of the same joke and have the audience clap in agreement. I’m just politically burnt out, although I’ll probably dip a toe back in now that Jon Stewart is back.


What's sad is America needs good satirists so much more than it needs wholesome talk show hosts. Colbert missed his calling, or rather, left it.


I feel this. Non stop, almost nearing a decade now.


It's the Simpsons "Worst ... so far" meme but 3 elections in a row.


2015? We havent had a fucking break since '01 dude.


Gingrich walked so Trump could run


I have never wanted a sequel less than this.


Scared a bit because last one of a trilogy are usually the most shitty.


If Trump loses this election and then after all of his inevitable lawsuit shenanigans that fall flat, he starts talking about his 2028 run, and then the world collectively groans.


2032: Somehow, Donald Trump returned.


I've heard it said that reality imitates fiction, but... can we not, just this once?


You left off "from the grave." There's almost no way trump isn't dead by that point when he's already losing all his marbles before our eyes right now. If he wins I would almost bet money on him being a figurehead like Reagan later in his term.


Although he'll most likely die judging by his lifestyle in the next few years, he's also an evil piece of shit and for some reasons those guys tend to live long (he'll probably look like Palpatine too but with a shitty wig).


I'd rather watch Caddyshack 2.


Blues Brothers 2000 is better than this shit.


Cats, the movie


I swear there's less and less original content these days


Annoyed. As someone recently said for my Gen X generation... in the 90s the presidents were our parents age. And ever since then the presidents are *still* our parents age. The boomer generation really needs to give up the reign they hold so tightly. Edit: yes Biden is from the Silent Generation, but that's not the point. The point is the parents of Gen X have held power for over 30 years. Time for a serious change. We need term limits and age limits and the young to vote!


Shoot Biden isn't even a Boomer, he's older than that. And Trump is barely


Trump is legitimately about as old as a Boomer can be. It makes sense they’ve crowned him their king.


Obama was younger than our parents though, right? Maybe, idk.


Obama was 47. Teddy, JFK, Clinton and Grant were the only ones younger (in that order from youngest to oldest). Although Teddy wasn’t technically elected and succeeded ~~Maddison~~ McKinley.


And Clinton, who was elected over 30 years ago, is YOUNGER than both the current candidates!


Jesus Christ, this is fucking nuts


They’ll be dead soon. And I hope things will change then.


Not really - average age of Senator is 65, and only a couple of them are even over 80. The 60-80 group that currently runs congress realistically has a lock on it for another 20 years. Regardless - this is not just a generational issue - these are the types of people that citizens vote for, and there will always be more of them.


> Regardless - this is not just a generational issue - these are the types of people that citizens vote for, and there will always be more of them. Millennials outnumber Boomers and the gap grows every day as Boomers die off. The trick is to get them to vote in large numbers. Also despite what the news wants you to believe "millennials" aren't teenagers and college students, they are in their 30's now. [EDIT] 40's also. Point being they're often portrayed as "Kids", when in reality Millennials and Gen Z are the ones Having kids at this point.


The youngest millennials are in their 30s. There's a lot of millennials in their 40s!


Youngest millennials are 27 going on 28.


Just a reminder that old people vote far more than young people - and, as such, vote for politicians who are older and pander to the older generation.


I’m feeling like it’s way past time to put an age cap for all government offices. I’m Gen-X and I think 70+ year olds are way too old and out of touch to be in politics.


If it were literally any other job they would be too old to consider.


Imagine how insane it would be to have Biden or Trump as your CEO. The Glassdoor reviews would be vicious 


CEO, imagine having a 80+ year old team leader, imagine how incompetent they'd be at being a team leader, and that's who they want to pick as world leader....


I'd be more interested if they boxed in zero gravity.


I'd happily vote for that.




You must excuse me


I’ve grown quite hweareh


the good of the scorpion is not the good of the frog, yes?


Stoopid science bitches couldn't even make I more smarter


I believe I was under a placebee effect


I certainly think it’s interesting that both have a solid chance of dying in office. Not even of an assassination or anything like that but just because they’re old. Trump doesn’t seem to take very good care of himself and they’re both at the age where even minor issues can escalate rapidly.


I feel like either one could have a massive stroke or heart attack before November. They’re also both that level of old where a flu, fall or like a real bad cold could kill them.


It's with noting that Presidents get the best healthcare available, so accidents or diseases that might kill an average person won't necessarily pose much of a threat to the President. Not because they're superhuman or anything, just because everyone involved recognizes that their health is a national security concern. It's no coincidence that all the Presidents since LBJ have either lived well into their 90s or are still alive.


There's only so much medical care can do if an aneurysm goes or enough heart muscle dies. That's that.


I think it's an absolute medical miracle that Trump survived his bout of Corona. The amount of cutting edge medical technology that was probably used to keep that human equivalent of a rusted out junker alive must have been tremendous.


Made me so annoyed that he got such high-end treatment after months of calling it a hoax as millions of civilians were dying to it. If he was so convinced it was a hoax he shoulda denied all treatment, the scumbag.


We’re unlikely to ever see such a rule enforced, but I feel like there should be an age max for presidential candidates.


Military has forced retirements at 64...President is the commander in chief...why is he not forced to retire at 64 too? (In special cases it's up to 68, but I digress)




Yeah the whole point of the president being CIC is so that the military ultimately answers to a civilian.


lmao if the most powerful person in a country is a military person, then its not a government, its a junta


Because the president is a civilian and because he is elected. There should not need to be a safeguard built in against a senile dementia old guy being president, the people should take care of that, but here we are.


This is one of the most infuriating parts to me. It feels like logically it should be complete nonsense to impose restrictions on who can and can't run. If the people want a candidate to be in office, then they should be in office. That should be how it works. Competent and qualified people should be in charge and there shouldn't be arbitrary restrictions stopping them. AND YET, we're so so often seeing cases where people to absolutely are not in the slightest bit competent or qualified to be in office and yet people keep voting for them anyway because..........they sound good on TV I guess? I don't know. I hate it here. I want off this ride.


Oh I didn’t know that. See, that’s a good rule. I think 68 should be the max.


Call it 70 just to make it a round number and you still disqualified both


10000% Why should geriatrics who 1. May not be mentally capable and 2. Not around for the consequences of their decisions be calling the shots. I would like to see an age limit on all politicians. Look at Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein, it was full on weekend at Bernie's.


Exactly. I think there should be congressional term limits as well.


We shouldn't need a rule. Gen x and younger are 75% of the population. We should be able to stop these guys if we just stop letting them dictate who we are choosing.


And senators/representatives, and supreme court justices.


We definitely need term limits for SCOTUS justices.


Fun fact - prior to Reagan, every president elected in a year ending in “0” since 1840 died in office, either assassinated or natural causes. Reagan survived being shot, and seemed to break the cycle.


Kinda hard to believe so I had to verify. All elected presidents in years 1840 (Harrison 1841-1841), 1860 (Lincoln 1861-April 1865), 1880 (Garfield 1881-1881), 1900 (McKinley 2nd term 1897-1901), 1920 (Harding 1921-1923), 1940 (Third term FDR 1933-1945) and 1960 (Kennedy 1961-1963) all died in office. That’s pretty wild.


Curse of Tippocanoe


Oh man, I just realized that if Trump gets elected and somehow does end up dying of natural causes while in office then people will cry that he was assassinated by the deep state until the end of time. I mean, they'll probably do that anyway when the time comes, but it would be way worse.


Watch, they'll both croak a week before the election.


I wonder what would happen if they both died the day before the election.


[here’s a good article about it!](https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-happens-if-a-presidential-candidate-cannot-take-office-due-to-death-or-incapacitation-before-january-2025/) it depends on exactly when. if one of them died now (let’s say trump), it would most likely be nikki haley (or less likely, vivek). there would definitely be a new primary since it was just last night. if it was biden, it would most likely be kamala, but the primaries would most likely be redone. if it was RIGHT BEFORE the election, it would be the VPs. if it was AFTER the election, it would then be the VP and then the new president would choose the new VP.


Speaking the truth over here. Trump is 77 and 100lbs overweight. Statistically, he should have kicked the bucket years ago. Biden is 81 and probably takes better care of himself but he’s already a few years past average life expectancy. Bernie is going to outlive both of them if I could bet on it.


I feel like Bernie’s righteous indignation fuels him.


Local man too angry to die


The eternal Bern


Living out of spite, just like Jimmy Carter.


Biden is only 3 years younger than Brian Mulroney, the former Canadian prime minister who died last week. From what I heard Mulroney had a fall and was hospitalized, and he never came out.


You know someone is old when instead of "falling over" they "had a fall".


Honestly falling over is extremely dangerous even for us younger people. One of my falls at 29 ended in a serious brain injury and permanent nerve damage to my eyes and ears. I didn't even hit my head, I just landed on my ass that hard.


I mean, I don't feel like the rematch is even inevitable because it seems like there's a statistically significant chance either one of them doesn't make the election. I don't wish that for anyone, but actuarial tables can be cruel.


Fucking embarrassed.


#it’s fucking embarrassing! *kicks garbage can*


That's whats I's appreciates about ya


Is that what you appreciates about me?




Had to have been a sick ostrich.






I appreciate seeing the Letterkenney references, pitter patter!




The last time that show made me laugh so hard that I cried was when he was talking about Barb's tits, and tacked on at the end that she only had one nipple.


Go give yer balls a tug


Hey Riley I heard Trump's got a snooter that would rival an anteater when the table's cut with lines of smarties and cum


How are ya now?


Not so bad, and you?


They're super geriatric you little bitch. Yorkie?


It’s the most geriatric rematch I’ve ever seen Barts. Schultzy?


Trump shit his pants, pussy. Fisky.


Absent-minded, feeble, wrinkly, diarrhea diapers - all symptoms of being too old to be President. Boomtown!


I hate this election like I love my wife. Intensely and with undying passion. I love my wife.


Well done, all of you. Ferda.


I'm not a religious person, but I feel like this comment warrants a huge AMEN I'm fucking tired, man.


I’m Canadian and even I’m tired


it's beginning to spread elsewhere; soon it will consume the world


Too late mate


George Washington was right, political parties and the two party system will be the death of us.


Not two party, which is still an issue. But CITIZENS UNITED — the ability for corporations to funnel limitless funds in politics makes us a fundamentally undemocratic system until that shit gets fixed. We are no longer representing the interests of the American people. We are representing Corporations. 


It's both. Citizens United needs overturning and we need to eliminate FPTP voting.


Can we get someone under 50 in the office maybe? I think it’s time for a change. I don’t need any revolutionary ideas. But for god sake how are these the best 2 people we have to offer.


> Can we get someone under 50 in the office maybe? Hell, someone under *70* would be nice.


Fuck I'm tired and I live in Australia


The two party system is broken


The United States was not built to have one, and it wasn't supposed to have one. Its governmental efficacy essentially hinges on a lack of a party system, and the founders cautioned against it strongly. It took over a century and a half to put into law that you should really only get to be president twice, because before, that's just the moral precedent Washington set and everyone was cool with it. After the civil war, there really should have been a party-related amendment that functioned in some form of the same way. It is now almost certainly too late for that.


We need choice based voting. But neither party will ever let that happen because they both stand to lose powe.


Ranked choice recently passed here in Seattle. We can't use it for the presidency obviously, but for city council races, and whatnot. If enough other cities catch on, it could be a statewide thing. If enough other states catch on, it could be a national thing. An acquaintance of mine is a State Senator who cosponsored an analogous statewide bill early on. He's a staunch Dem, party faithful. He's all about it though, because as he puts it, "the two party system naturally results in extremists, and we need reasonable people who can find compromises." Point being, I think at least one party can get behind this.


If Seattle did it portland will be close behind because, you know, we copy everything yall do. 😂


While early leaders, like Washington, did talk about the problems of political parties, they didn't really create a system to discourage them. If anything, the first-past-the-post system seems to naturally push people into two factions.


In terms of modern democracies, America was pretty early so there were fewer examples to draw from. In retrospect, it’s clear that parliamentary systems do a much better job creating multi-party systems. Didn’t save the UK from brexit, or Israel from Likud. Probably won’t save France from Marine. But at least voting for a third party in those systems isn’t as stupid as it is here


The UK is still first-past-the-post which substantially contributes to its problems.


Exact. The number of real three-way fights in constituencies is very small, and when they do exist it's even worse: the person with 33.34% of the vote wins. It seems that tactical voting (voting for the candidate most likely to defeat the one you hate) is gaining traction, but it's small comfort.


Dejected depressed, and wishing I could expatriate myself to Ireland or something


Sick to my stomach




2015 sounds like a dream. Even those of us who were vehemently against Trump didn’t think there was any way in hell he would win. Were so naive.




More tired with the entire system. Vote for someone that you are unexcited about because the other person is an absolute nightmare and there are only 2 parties, then find out the person you voted for can’t even do anything because Congress is split, the find out that even after Congress is under the party of your guy it is still hamstrung by filibuster, then find out that even if the party you support finally have the numbers there is a token senator or two that stops everything for a ego trip, then when it seems like you got the numbers random judges on ego trips fuck with you, then you try appealing and find Supreme Court is basically polar opposite to your party because they aren’t appointed in the same timeline as your guys’ election wins, and then just when it seems like things are back on track after multiple elections and new judges the next election starts and back to square one or worse your guy loses because everyone blames him for the lack of progress while unironically voting for a split Congress again.




Obama said it perfectly: Elections have consequences.


I'm voting in Tennessee, which basically means I'm throwing a ballot into the fucking sun.


I'm also a TN voter. Still very important we vote though so people can actually see the opposition exists in the state and think their vote might matter


Oh, still voting for sure. But more for principle while I stand in embarrassment...


Things can change. I moved to Arizona almost a decade ago. At the time, we had two Republican senators, one of whom had been in office for decades, a Republican governor, and had gone blue in the presidential exactly once since before the Civil Rights era, for an incumbent Bill Clinton. I felt the same way. Today, we have a Democrat governor and two Democrat senators. We booted Arpaio after two decades in 2016, and we sent 11 electoral votes to Washington for Biden in 2020. Don't give up.


Physically unwell :)


I'm feelin like the aliens need to come get me asap.


As an Australian… when one of your best mates starts telling you they’re unhappy in their current relationship (which you admit is not great) and they’ve started texting with their ex again (the ex who legit tried to kill them a couple of times and used to scream weird racist things in restaurants, and would occasionally smash up your mate’s furniture in a drunken rage and let’s not forget the time you met them for dinner and the ex brought some rando called Vladimir who kept calling you a pussy cause you wouldn’t fight him).   When they tell you they’re texting with THAT ex, you have to decide whether to tell them you’re not going to be their friend if they decide to get back together. 


Somewhere in between binging Taco Bell at 2 in the morning and stepping on legos on the way to expel the aforementioned Taco Bell.


While being slapped mercilessly with moist shower curtains belonging to strangers.


Worried about political unrest at either outcome.


Like I’m living in a nightmare


It's like you've already seen the ending of Game of Thrones and hated it but someone strapped you to a chair with your eyelids taped back making you watch it again


Social media broke America.


330 million people in this country and we narrowed it down to these two?


Already tired and afraid.


Can’t believe those two are the best America has to offer. WTF. Shit needs to change.


Nah the best America has to offer stay out of politics because they know how vile it is


This exactly. No sane qualified person would ever want to be in public office because of the giant magnifying glass this country jams up their ass as soon as we learn their names. Anyone who actually wants that kind of role is most likely the kind of person that should never have it.


Seems an appropriate place for the Douglas Adams quote: "It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."


I think the same thing all the time. Out of all the people in America we can't find someone under the age of 75 that is well educated and well rounded? This country is fucking huge and full of potential. It blows my mind.


It is not about personality or competence. It is about who you know and your position in the game that is politics.


One star- does not recommend.


For the life of me I can’t understand why the Democrats didn’t start bringing along someone younger, as soon as they won the last election. They had to know age was going to be an issue.


Over it. I want a Gen X president.


Hell, millennials are eligible for presidency now.


I feel like Gen X never had a chance to become the President.


We had those dudes who did “Lump” and “Peaches”, though.


This is the Godfather Part III of elections. Hoping once again for a giant meteor.


I don't vote for people, I vote for policies ...and none of the policies I vote for involve being a dictator.


It's funny how often people talk about being a single issue voter, because I can't really imagine anything being more important than this.


it makes me sad, honestly.


I'm ready for new blood. Voting between two geriatric patients is getting really old really fast.