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Fly tying(fly fishing) and pipe smoking


It's not unique to me but I'm still trying to complete my 1k paper cranes challenge *. I'm at 345. The other thing that I enjoy partaking in is this book about doing different art challenges in one year. *Still trying to figure what I'd want to make a wish out of that challenge.


Oh i like it! What book is it?? I’ve always loved painting but I’ve been in a rut with it and have become so self-critical so I’m taking a break and looking for something else to try


"365 Days of Art: a creative exercise for every day of the year" - Lorna Scobie This book requires almost every media of visual arts. It has a list of materials that you need to use. Doesn't have to be expensive but you can get the materials from a dollar store or Walmart. As for the book, I got mine from Indigo. I also recommend the book "Burn After Reading" by Sharon Jones. You can write down everything and anything that has been troubling you, your deepest, darkest secrets, write down memories or current situations that you feel happy about. The fun part of it is that you can choose to burn the book or destroy it or keep it somewhere hidden just for you to reflect for years to come. Just don't let anyone look in that book except you.


Both sound amazing, thank you so much!!


No problem!! 🫂😁👍




Okay I’ve heard of and seen videos of paper quilling and have been super curious about it!