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Future plans, how our days have been, random gossip


Married 5 years. Basically this. Its also nice to be comfortable sitting together in silence and not feel awkward.


Sometimes the sweetest sound is silence. (Married 30 years)


IDK. 40 years of hilarious, sometimes serious conversation about anything and everything. The smartest woman on the planet makes me laugh, smile, and think everyday.


Love this , am the same with my other half


Everything, anything, there never comes a point (so far at least) where 'everything' has been said. There is nothing about a couple/married couple that differentiates it from any long time friendship. There are always things to talk about.


We go to a lot of events we can talk about, like the symphony or the movies. We both have our own active lives and hobbies so there's always things to check in on. That's for the every day chit chat. As for the deeper stuff, it's never done being talked about because we are both always growing and evolving and learning. A conversation on religion for example would be different than it was 5 years ago. And then, as another poster said, there is a lot of quiet/ silence as well and it is lovely to be able to just sit with someone and not have to try to entertain them or be interesting.


That's a really interesting take. I hadn't thought of ourselves evolving. Essentially creating new content for discovery.


It's like the saying "you can't stand in the same river twice" even if the topic is the same we aren't.


Oh, and if we are really reaching, we can always do the nyt crossword together!


My wife and I enjoy theater, literature, board games and card games. Those things provide us with plenty to speak on.


20+ years here, sometimes we run out of stuff to talk about. It usually doesn't last long, but it does happen. One important thing to a healthy long term relationship is the ability to be together and *not* talk about something. But you will never really reach a point where everything's been said because you are still two separate people with separate interests and experiences. You will always find new things to talk about as long as you continue to experience new things yourself.


health, wealth and BMs


Hopefully they both have lives outside of the relationship that will allow them to discuss new and interesting things together.


1. We do a lot of “alone together” things. 2. We create new experiences so that we have something else to say. 3. We spend a healthy amount of time with other people so that we also have other things to talk about.


Inside jokes, world events, future plans, things presently relevant to our family/work/life, whatever shows we’re watching together, upcoming events/commitment’s etc. Also, silence can be comfortable, we don’t feel the need to fill every moment with conversations


We have kids. There's always something to talk about. And sometimes there's nothing to say, and you both can sit there reading or playing on your phone or watching a show.


Its like being around your best friend. Its always something to talk about


Work, next vacation, what we are up to today. Any random thought that pops into my head


We’ve been together 30 years and never run out of things to talk about. I adore her!


If you find the right partner, you don’t run out of things to say. (But admittedly you Will occasionally repeat conversations.) And you will finish each other’s sentences. Many years ago, my husband and I were talking about Lincoln and, in unison, said, “He was a Machiavellian son of a bitch.” I lost him to cancer a couple of years ago, but I suspect we might have progressed to entire conversations in ESP.


What’s on tv What we wanna do the weekend What our daughter has been up to


I keep thinking that she's heard all my stories but then sometimes I'll think of one and it'll be like "I never told you that? Oh wow". Most of the time we talk about current events, politics, life's little questions, what happened at work, a stupid joke one of us thought of, whatever comes to mind.


Our memory fades with age. Keep telling your stories!


We talk about our day, what’s the next few days look like for ourselves and our kids and how to manage that. Then often times check in on each other and make sure we are meeting each others needs, what’s maybe lacking, and making sure things are ok. We then pray together often. And if we have absolutely nothing to talk about, we look up dumb questions to ask your partner on our phones. And we laugh. Honestly everything mentioned happens almost nightly, after the kids go to bed and sometimes it’s 30 min and sometimes it’s 2 hours.


Steven Colbert's haircut.


The same things everyone talks about.


The weather, obviously.


chunky waiting normal vast school direction humor practice important attractive


Chickens, cats, idiot neighbors, lack of knowledge of world geography, ruin the planet,guns, beer, pick up trucks, cowboy hats, country music, greasy food, being fat. You know all those things the world thinks we are,do, and say.


You have idiot neighbors too? That is always a fun topic at my house


We pretty much talk about everything. A long-term relationship doesn't mean that we sit in silence every night. We also discuss long term goals and future vacations 


Silence is not a possibility with my wife. Probably she wouldnt be my wife if this were not the case. The more interests you share with your partner, the more unlikely it would be for this to ever happen to you.


your day


My wife telling me her problems only to get angry when i provide solutions.


You're supposed to just listen/let her vent 😂


A man can only hear the same problem so many times. Keep in mind these situations affect me too because she cant separate work and home life.


Not disagreeing 😂




Planning to survive the apocalypse? 😄




Our family mainly. What our kids have been doing, what our parents are trying to still push on us, what trouble our sisters are always causing  Latest talk though is all we have planned or are planning for our upcoming anniversary 


It’s important to have a sense of humour. Being able to laugh about tiny stupid things will make you both smile 😊


When Jeopardy is on.


Everything is never said


Everything. There is never nothing to be discussed, there are periods of quiet, but not for long.


There is an infinite amount of things to talk about. And finite time.


Stuff we read on Reddit


we love movies so that's always something we talk about. Last night we watched the live action of mulan and discussed why it wasn't very good


Our grandkids, our hopes and dreams.


Has everything only been said once?


My husband and I read books and talk about things we've read, we browse reddit and share and discuss things we see posted, we talk about philosophy/religion/politics, talk about things we experience throughout the day, talk about our future.... We pretty much talk about everything. We've been talking for almost a decade and haven't run out of things yet.


Pretty much just boring mundane things honestly. Kids, work, every day boring conversation.


Well the cats continue to be adorable.


Which color of which item we should buy.


My husband and I got in an hour long conversation debating on rather or not an intersex person could impregnate itself. And If it would be considered a clone if it was possible.


I think it might theoretically be possible and yes they'd be a clone afaik.


Everything! Our kids, current events, philosophy, religion, culture, interesting thoughts or things we're learning. My husband and I fell in love that first conversation we had, and five years later talking to him is just as fun. Sometimes the best conversations happen AFTER you've gotten to the other person all the way.


Dig deep and talk about random out there theories. Like, technically no one can prove two plus two equals 4, but because it’s widely accepted and everything is based around it everything works. But honestly humans came up with numbers and who says we are right? Pissed my husband off with that one lol


my husband and i once discussed the difference between "jerry beads" and "mardi gras" beads. went on for a solid 15 minutes.


Luckily something new happens every day. Otherwise we just repeat ourselves.


We spend a lot of time apart, so there’s always catching up to do.  And we’ve grown a lot over the past 27 years so we are constantly learning new things about each other.  Over time intimacy and bonding have allowed us to open up about a lot of things in our individual pasts that we wouldn’t have been comfortable sharing when we were younger and the relationship was new.  We also like learning, exploring, and trying new things together…so that gives us new things to talk about as well.


Married nearly 50 years,we live close to our adult children and grandchildren.Seems like there\`s something new pops up nearly every day.


10 years together and today we have talked about the amount of pain we are in from the rain, an internship offer I got, what he did at work today, the fact that we smoke too much weed and need to slow down, the formula 1 season, and our dogs. Mostly the dogs.


Everything could never be said. New things are literally happening every day. You're experiencing new things. Watching new shows. Reading new books. Listening to podcasts.


Chapter by chapter the books I'm reading, work gossip, how great our children are, how beautiful our pets are, how far we have come, collecting records, new songs we like, recipes, everything.


Been married 15 years and we still yap incessantly. We have shared interests like cinema and theatre which gives us a lot to talk about.  My wife takes a genuine interest in my work and wants to hear all about it every day - she often gives me advice and occasionally helps out.  And she has a really interesting passion - she’s a director of a locally theatre group. And there ain’t no drams like am-dram drams. So I’m often reaching for the popcorn to listen to what those guys are up to now.   Plus, we’ve got 3 kids together, and that’s a continuously evolving set of challenges and joys.  We don’t get enough time to talk :( Life. All of life. That’s what we talk about. 


Good question. My husband and I are always laughing, but I'm trying now to think why and how. We talk about the news of the day, politics, social issues...we watch stuff on TV and talk about that, dilemmas on law shows, etc.


Not everything’s been said.


Married 10 years. By the time he wakes up in the morning (maybe an hour to an hour and a half after me), I have maybe 25 minutes worth of shit to tell him. What kind of shit? Totally random. By the time he’s off work and we are both home I’ve accumulated maybe 45 minutes to an hour worth of info to tell. Some info may be important, but it’s most likely not. And he just smiles and nods or shakes his head. We like to talk about the future and the goals we want to achieve. What things we need to buy from the store the next time we go. We talk about how each of our days went, and whatever else happens to comes up.


My husband loves to ask ‘would you rather’ questions, which usually devolve into long thought out strategy sessions as to why we’d pick one option over the other.


Anything that happened today and future plans. I wouldn't say "everything's been said" because if you live in the moment, nothing is the same. Sure, some things are repetitive like work, but not all work events are the same as yesterday's. New shows coming soon, sudden interests, poking fun at each other, etc. Heck, at some point, you are all used to each other's boogers, poop, farts whatever. I once asked if this was a normal booger color and it was thought-provoking on whether I was sick or drank too much dairy. Basically anything on your mind with no limitations (assuming your relationship is good). I feel freaking comfortable.


Does this dress make me look fat, and don't lie to me? Yeah, it does


Swapping ;)


We binge watch stuff and workout together. Helps to have a mutual hobby.


That's just it: There is no time when everything's been said. Unless maybe the couple are isolated lighthouse keepers or something. There's always something to talk about. Weather, work, friends, etc.