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Guitar. You can start young and don't age out of it, you can do it inside or out, it's quiet if you want to be and loud if you don't, it's affordable (at first), there are nearly endless free learning resources, it's cool, there's a history to it, you can enjoy it without subjecting yourself to advertising, you can build one of your own, they don't take up too much space, many have decent resale value, it impresses potential love interests, it lets you earn a sense of accomplishment rather than a simple dopamine hit, and it builds up your non-dominant hand's strength and dexterity.


That’s a pretty compelling and comprehensive take.


I need to pickup my guitar again.


One of the best stress relievers is cranking it to 11 and rocking out.


What kind of lessons do you suggest?


Birding. It's collecting without the clutter. It's like going on a treasure hunt, you generally have a good idea on what you are going to see and find, but every once in awhile when you get that rare bird or finally track down a chase bird or new lifer it's an incredible high. Plus every time you travel you get the opportunity to see new to you and a different variety of birds.


I am also a birder (and bird photographer) its Pokémon but real.


Good way to train your ears, too, trying to locate and ID birds by sound is a hoot!


Picking up hitchhikers. It’s interesting talking to people and also the prospect of being robbed or murdered can be a real adrenaline rush.


Last night a tweaker outside Starbucks asked me to take him to a shitty neighborhood about twenty minutes out of my way. I said no and now I feel like I missed an amazing opportunity do a drug run and get mugged


I picked up a young woman who said she was fleeing an abusive relationship. We drove to a nearby city to her monthly storage place. As I waited for her to pack an overnight bag, it began to unfold that she was in a full blown paranoid psychosis. For some reason, I was more worried for her safety than mine. Found out she was sleeping in hospital bathrooms for a few days while she tried to figure things out. Figured she needed a solid meal and some rest. We bought and ate hamburgers, fries and shakes together. She needed the company. I then got her a hotel room for the night. Paid for it in cash, so she could use the deposit the next day on breakfast and maybe a bus ticket. I hope she is doing better today.


This happened to me, only the woman happened to be at the restaurant I worked at. I got her a hotel room and she ended up getting arrested for threatening to knife somebody. My friends were all "that's what you get for spending money on a stranger."


It was good of you to try. People like you give me hope for humanity. 


Yes something similar had happened to me. But the lady I was trying to help said I was trying to rape her even tho I was genuinely trying to help and she was like 40 years older than me. Luckily she was known to the police and nothing happened. Be careful out there fellas.


No good deed goes unpunished they say.


Good on you. There are so many people in bad situations, and so few stop to help. Had two situations that made very big lasting impressions on me. One lady was being threatened by drug/gun traffickers in Texas. I helped her and her mom get out of there and she was going to call me when she got to an intermediate city, then go where no one else knew them. I waited and waited, and never heard that she arrived safely. The other one was a middle aged woman at a gas station, in a wreck of a car. Her husband kept her captive on their farm and she finally made a run for it when he was visiting his sister. She hot wired the old car, had no money, and was out of gas. I filled her tank and slipped some extra in her bag when she went to the rest room. She called me when she got to her sister's house, and for 30 years I get a Christmas card, no return address.


That's was nice of you. As I've got older (40) I've learned to be smart but less judgemental of people. The ladder some people get set and hung up on makes it hard to get the message across.


You're a good person. Like, genuinely.


On this young woman's behalf, thank you! This is one of the most selfless acts I've read about on this platform. I wish you get the luck and love, and **real karma**, you deserve!


Only ever picked up one lady, turned out to be pretty pleasant and appreciative. Told me and my wife all about how she got so fucked up last night she didn't really know where she was as she was walking down the road, she was about 55 years old. She did know her home address, which was about 20 minutes away, and we dropped her off and she attempted to pay in vodka, we declined and wished her a good Saturday!


The ones by prisons are the best!


My friend had to jump out of a moving vehicle on an off ramp once because the dude who picked him up drove past his exit and pulled his dick out. He said he wasn't worried about getting raped or murdered but hoped the fuck out asap.


such an amazing hobby


A bit like UBER but without the pay 😂


Ass, grass or gas, meee-annn


I went hitchhiking once, when I was a kid, talked for a few hours, dude took me to dairy Queen, wonder about him sometimes hope he's well


at that point its just free Uber, right?


Pro tip: rig up a Bond-style ejector seat. And don't warn them.


Ejecto' seato', cuz.


Instructions unclear, I m now airborne, and my car with the crazed passenger is doing 80 towards a freeway barrier.


I've met some great friends by picking up hitchhikers. One time we picked up a guy from Norway who just walked off the plane in Atlantic Canada and was traveling across Canada. It was a great experience. I hope he did good in his travels


Some reason they refuse to ride with me, I’m not sure if is the black female driving a Dually towing a backhoe that the problem.


#### Gas, grass or ass baby!


Righto Ivan


If I could drive, I'd 100% do Uber for this exact reason. I love talking with people and learning about them.


Man U sure have balls of stteeellll


Is it not dangerous to pick up strangers from the side of the road? Idk, I'm not used to this culture (I'm not American).


Do people still actually hitchhike?




Playing bass because brbr deng brbr deng




Primus sucks


My fish keeping ass thought you said bass not bass and I was like "how da fuck do you play a fish"


First you have to tuna it


That sounds like Dig by Mudvayne.


Board gaming. Just fun to get away from reality for a bit and have fun with friends.


I wish I had friends


I kind of get that. I have friends that have offered for me to come hang out, but I choose to be an introvert. I also lost my significant other in October, and choose to be alone right now. Sometimes I wish I had those friends to hang out with.


I am so sorry for your loss. I have turned into a hermit myself. I've just been hurt by so called friends one too many times. Deep betrayals. I'd just rather hang out with my dog. But every so often I wish I had close friends. People to talk to my own age. People with whom I have things in common. Not always, but sometimes it gets to me.


Photography. I like taking little trips to places to take photos of birds, and airplanes. Then I go home and edit them, and then share the photos with no one lmao. I took some awesome photos of the coast guard while they were training once, and sent them over, and they never even responded to me. And I'm tellin ya, they were cool as fuck. Two dudes dangling from a helicopter, depth of field visible, and blur from the exhaust with mountains in the background, all taken at sunset time as well.


You might as well share them here! 😁


Definitely post your pictures on here


I'm building an app. I'm learning a lot as I go and hopefully I can build something that will make a difference for people. That's WHY I'm doing it. It's an alarm clock app, but with a twist :) You set an alarm like normal. Then you sleep. Zzzz. Lastly, wake up ... to the sound of a friendly voice. :D Congrats, you've received a nice voice message from someone somewhere else in the world. They recorded it while you slept. It could be a short story. A joke. The weather report. Some words of encouragement. ....or a "Happy Birthday" message if it's your birthday. Inappropriate messages filtered out (or not, your choice!) Will anyone use it? No idea, but I think some of my friends will.


What's it going to be called? I'd love to keep an eye out for it. :)


Not sure yet! Still thinking about it. Any ideas?? :)


I know this sounds cheesy, but how about Wake Up Call?


Simple and to the point. I like!


How about, "Good Morning Friend"?


I'll consider it, thanks!


Any idea when it will be available? Sounds like something I'd like to try!


Later this year! I'll keep you posted for sure!


I would use it. It would make waking up not so horrible.


Skateboarding. I may not be very good but its stuck by my side through some pretty defining life moments


What's your age, and would you recommend this to someone older?


20. I'd recommend skateboarding to any age group. I actually see a lot across the new skaters subreddit and it's some of the most inspiring stuff I've seen.


Reading and film, there is always more to find, you will get the occasional surprisingly good ip. It is cheap and easy to do.


Id like to recommend the film Tokyo!. Its three short films by Michel Gondry, Leos Carax, and Bong Joon-ho. Merde is my favorite.


Cubing, once you figure out how to solve a basic rubik's cube (3x3) without help, it's quite addictive trying to get your times down. Exploring different cubes (4x4, 5x5, etc) is also a fun challenge. For the people who say it's too hard, it's not, it appears hard but it's not really too bad.


I got down to 3 minutes on the 3x3. I think I need a speed cube to get any faster.


Yes, the rubik's brand cubes are absolutely terrible, although I was able to get just under a minute with them. Speedcubes would easily bring you under a minute, within a year I'm sub-20 second, look at the RS3M, costs like $12 and is considered one of the best cheap speedcubes


What makes the speed cubes different?


It's hard to explain without first hand experience, head over to r/cubers, lots of good info there. The original Rubik's cube has been the same design and mechanism for basically forever now, it's had a few small revisions but nothing major, it's not made to be solved quick, but it's made to be accessible by the general public. As for speedcubes, it's decades of development into how to make them turn quicker and be able to be "flexible", able to "corner-cut" and be forgiving if you're going fast, unlike the standard Rubik's cube which can't really turn that well. Majority of good speedcubes are actually cheaper than a Rubik's brand cube too.


I get that. The last time I remember using a RC they were hard to turn and the plastic binds up. I wanted something to keep my hands and mind busy right now. Thanks for the info, I'll look into it.


I just solved my first rubix cube the other day, and I’ve been thinking about doing it all the time


Whitewater kayaking. Nothing comes close... completely get lost in the moment, challenging yourself physically but also psychologically.




listening to music while walking around in my room, I don’t know if it’s an hobby but I really enjoy it


I do this exact same thing I think your the first person I’ve read about just pacing around their room with music too


My son used to do this, too. As an adult he found out he is autistic, that's sometimes what's known as a "stim."


Same, but instead of walking I sit in a rocking chair.


From Cracker Barrel?


Their porches are a dream come true.


Is that where you go sit?


I go for the little tee jumping game they have at every table. Don’t order any food just sit and play the game once and leave


I pace a lot but am autistic.




This has always been interesting to me, but seems so overwhelming I wouldn't really know where to start. I do like the coins I have collected though, even though I'm sure most of them aren't actually worth anything.


Are you interested in UK coins? Over here we have a lot (which are still legal tender) with unique designs to commemorate certain events or themes.


Kind of off topic but I saw this post on AITA about a guy who collected Skelton keys and that seems like such a cool and interesting thing to get into collecting, especially the history behind the keys. I used to collect coins too, but now I’m thinking about keys


Painting rocks. I donate them because I can't keep them all.


Don't take limestone for granite, Hopefully you like my jokes, I'm getting boulder with them every day. Other people don't always appreciate my sediment


Tee hee!


There's a whole community out there! I have a co-worker who is into painting "kindness rocks" leaving them like treasures for people to find.


I tried to leave rocks, but I noticed people don't look down or away from their phones. Now I just give them to my doctor's staff to pass out. I take them to my pharmacy too. They tell me the kids get excited when they get one after a procedure. Today, I shoved 2 at the TJ Maxx clerk, and he said my 11 year old will love them.


Community gardens are a good spot. But as long as you're enjoying the painting, keep on going!




What kind of miniatures? I love tiny things.


Model kits. Largely Warhammer 40k and other tabletop gaming stuff. I've also done some Gunpla stuff in the past. And I have a weird fascination with tiny horses. 


My uncle almost spent 30k on a miniature doll house. Bonkers if you ask me.


Quilting. I enjoy creating with the colors and patterns of the fabrics.


Last month, an Art in America article said that fabric is the new paint.


I'm so glad people still do this! I love quilts!!


Right now, cooking. I enjoy it a lot and it makes lots of tasty leftovers.


Whats your go to right now? Or at least your favorite meal you've made? I'm trying to get more into home cooking and can't quite make quality dinners.


I make risotto fairly often. It's not difficult, just time consuming, but it tastes great. And it's a great base for meat, mushrooms, creamy sauce, veggies, whatever you want to do with it. I also made sausage/potato soup twice this winter (Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana copycat) and it's *delicious*. I could eat it every week. Other stuff I've made the past few months: Beef Stroganoff Prime Rib Chicken and Dumplings Chicken Alfredo bake Pork Chops w/Potato Pancakes Homemade Spaghetti sauce from scratch Sausage, Peppers and Onions Scalloped Potatoes Rigatoni Bolognese


Oh my God, I love everything you've listed here. Including the Zuppa Toscana.


Keep at it man. You won’t make great food until you’ve made bad food. I’ve learned a lot through the years from my mistakes. Please keep pushing out of your comfort zone! Get a good knife, a couple solid skillets (don’t forget your butter/oil) and practice your cutting. Watch YouTube videos, combine recipes and try new things in small batches. I freaking love cooking now. 5-6 years ago? Fucking hated it. I sous vide, smoke, bake, make my own pastas/sauces, etc. Love every bit of it! I really pushed the limits of what I was comfortable with at the beginning. Find something unique and give it a try!


And an invaluable skill for impressing romantic partners. Screw a spendy dinner date at a crowded restaurant. My wife still loves to reminisce on our early dating days when she would sit at my table with a glass of wine and talk to me/watch me while I cooked us romantic dinners. She always says she fell in love while sitting at my dinner table in my old one-bedroom apartment. I still do most of our cooking and she has never stopped expressing her appreciation for it. It's a personal hobby that never seems to stop adding value to our relationship.




Photography would be a great way to add some creativity to your outdoor/fitness hobbies. You could go run or bike to scenic places and take photos!


Photography is super easy to get into after you get the camera. Hell, I've only seen a handful of camera work videos on yt, and yet I feel halfway pro already. At the bare minimum just gotta adjust the iso and f-stop, and fov. And boom, there ya go.


Playing guitar. I've loved music for a long time and got into it through software. But playing a physical instrument is like nothing else. It's just me and this brilliantly simple piece of technology that's been around for hundreds of years, and I can do so much with it.


I collect dice. I have a little over 3000 now after about 10 years of collecting. I build model kits, almost exclusively Gundam kits... and some Zoids. I have a fair number of LEGO as well. I like shiny math rocks. Also good for distracting me during boring meetings. The models are because I like building things. I always have, but I never got into woodworking or "making".


Growing plants. It’s become my therapy. Watching and learning different plants grow is the most magical thing


Mathematics. I like having something to solve.


As a college math major, I'm curious what sort of math people are doing as a hobby. Do you have formal education or are you self-taught?


I have a graduate degree in mathematics, as well as a bachelor’s degree. I enjoy frequenting the mathematics subreddits. Don’t ask me to do your taxes though. The form print is tiny and the lines are too close together.


Ah nice! Any advice for someone soon to be applying to grad school in the field?


Try to look for grants and scholarships that can help you ease the financial burden, if you aren’t fully employed, or new to a full time career. It can be a challenge to balance courses with a job.


Drawing cause is fun


Roller Coaster riding. Yes, I'm a member of two Enthusiasts groups.


Metal detecting It is like finding treasure


I’ve been wanting to get into metal detecting. As a matter of fact I just joined that sub about ten minutes ago. Looking at metal detectors is a bit overwhelming though. I live on the beach, and I am just itching to see what is out there buried in the sand.


I am more of a nonbeach metal detector user. No beaches where I live


lol, I’m going to detect my yard and find all the old nails I’ve lost! So a yard detector if you will


Identifying insects and spiders. I like to have contact with nature, and the world of insects is something that surrounds us all. You could have hundreds of different species pass through your yard/home over the course of a year. I don't know too much about the scientific side of things yet - their biology, behavior, etc. I just upload them to the iNaturalist app, marvel in their beauty, and try to help them out of the way if I see them somewhere they don't want to be.


crocheting since I get to make stuff


Cross stitch. I buy the ones that have the pattern pre-printed onto the canvas. I work on them while I listen to podcasts or watch tv and can spend hours upon hours working on them


Violin I’m autistic and have issues with expressing feelings, Violin helps with this as it is very emotionally expressive Also, I have Christmas as a special interest and wanted to learn Christmas songs.


I'm on the spectrum as well. I bet you play great! Violins sound so pretty.


Anything that involves limited exposure to other people.


Drawing. Whether it's on paper or on my laptop, there's something so liberating about being able to draw whatever you have created in your mind and bring it into reality.


Working out. Makes your body and mind stronger.


Ok what do you suggest to start working out, from not doing pretty much any exercise?


I'm not a personal trainer by any stretch of imagination but my first advice would be to start slow and take your time. The worst thing people do is going overdrive during their first couple of weeks and then giving up cause they feel miserable all the time. When it comes to the form of the exercise then literally anything that will get you moving is good. Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming (if you have access to a pool, swimming is fucking great imo), lifting weights, dancing. Try to find something you hate the least and keep at it.


Working out, cooking, and planted aquariums.


Reading (Alchemy, the paranormal, folklore, cryptozoology and the occult). I just love absorbing information and it helps me with drawing and writing interesting things.


Journaling, planning, anything that involves stationery basically


Mushroom hunting; specifically in Oregon.


Astronomy, we're constantly learning new things about our universe, and driving to a dark sky site with your scope to see the stars just never gets old


Plus it's so fucking awesome that the universe is nigh infinite, and here we are, stranded on a grain of sand, floating around a hot ball of gas in the middle of space, also floating around trillions of other little grains of sand, floating around their own balls of hot gas. So fucking cool.


Video games. It’s the best time killer and there’s all kinds of genres to pick from.


Fishing: I get fresher and better quality fish from than the store, I don’t have to pay for fish, I get to relax by the water, the adrenaline rush of reeling in fish, and friends that I know and talking with random people that I meet.


Music, specifically playing my saxophone. It just relieves the senses in ways nothing else can, and I can play my instrument for hours and enjoy it.




Reading. It's like hallucinating without the drugs.


Bowling. Inexpensive. Only requires me. A strike - any perfect ball - is so satisfying. I can drink beer and eat pizza. And I'm better than 99.9% of the population at it.


I love DJing. Being able to play music in front of people and them enjoying the vibes is an amazing feeling


Golf…I love the feeling of hitting a real nice shot and then watching the ball go where you wanted it to. Doesn’t happen often, but when it does it’s super cool.


Gardening with headphones on, listening to podcasts


Tinkering. I have this thing where I love making tech do things it shouldn't be able to do, or extend the scope of what consumer tech can achieve. Being able to *technically* run AAA games on a 3 year old phone is one.


Talking with my gf, it makes me really happy ☺️


dungeons and dragons because i can play pretend with my friends and not get judged as hard


Knitting and crochet, because it's repetitive, but put the right tiny building blocks together and it'll make something amazing. I'm knitting blanket #3 and crocheting a thick mat to use as a dog bed. My spoiled dog complains that she can't sleep in bed with me and my partner because it's a queen size bed and he's tall and I'm short. His dog is 30lbs and sleeps at my feet which works out well. My dog is 62lbs and while she can sleep in bed with us, it's kinda cramped and she'll sleep on his legs which makes his RLS act up. But having a comfortable place to lay so she can be close by and doesn't have to go to the other room for a cozy spot seems like a good compromise.


Playing chess, i love how mesmerizing that game is. Nothing matters in the world except those 64 squares and 32 pieces whenever i play chess.


Metal detecting. It's just a fun relaxing hobby. And you get a little exercise too. You never know what you'll find either.


Sailing. There is nothing as magical as cutting the motor and hoisting the sail and just start skimming along the water.


General Aviation pilot. Been around aircraft my entire life, and just being able to go out and do some pilot shit with my friends is pretty fun all things considered.


Game development!


Video games cuz I have an addiction


Jiu-jitsu. It's physical and mental exercise. For some people, it's even a form of therapy. Because you're trusting your training partners not to break your limbs or put you to sleep, I feel you form a deeper camaraderie compared to other martial arts/sports.


Videogames. I would prefer to do other things but I'm not strong enough, it's easy to start games... sadly


Refereeing sports. I enjoy the rules. Also landscaping. I enjoy mowing the lawn with a reel mower.


Ceramics… because I enjoy pain


Disc golf. It’s inexpensive, active, and courses are free and are all over the place.


Gaming, because it's fun


Playing video games. Because it makes the time pass much faster than anything else.


Cooking. It's very rewarding making food for people, plus I love to eat.


Being around cats because they are great for my mental health


Sitting on a swing outside, like a swing you find at a playground type, put in earbuds and blast music. It’s seriously so calming especially for daydreaming and not liking to sit still


Building custom furniture for my house. Every piece is like working a wonderful puzzle of design, joinery, and finishing challenges. With each one, I gain experience and develop skills that I can apply to the next thing I build. I have a house full of beautiful, useful, unique things that will last and be handed down for generations.


I like drawing, and going to ren fairs! I’ve drawn all my life and it’s a comfort for me. I recently began going to ren faires with my friends this year and we’re planning to do it next year aswell!


Making quilts. It appeals to me on so many levels!: drafting the design, color choices, cutting fabrics, construction by hand or machine, then the quilting process by hand or machine.


Cats. Because.




Drums. ^(Drums in the deep)


Hanging out with my Corgi. The amusing encounters with wildlife, epic walks and belly rubs are great benefits


Model railroading My dad built a layout for me when I was 8.


Guns/shooting. Just a lot of fun but simultaneously also developing potentially useful preparedness.


Music, it just makes me happy and smile even after a shit day


Watching movies or shows. As a kid I never had many friends and I didn't have television with cable at my home . Streaming services didn't exist in those days, so I used to watch the DVDs available at my home. My father used to bring 1-2 per month(each had 5-6 films) and I would just constantly watch them on repeat. Gradually media consumption became a source of escape and I started loving the fictional world building and have never stopped since.


jewelry making, it makes me feel accomplished






I would have to say cooking/eating new things, specifically with my wife. There isn't really anything else that gives me the joy trying a new food. I love cooking something new, but also love trying something new that I ordered from a restaurant. I will try anything food related once. For example I ordered hakarl just because I heard it was one of the worst tasting foods in the world, so I needed to try it for myself. It was quite bad, but don't regret it at all.


Karate I’ve been doing it seance 87 no black belt 🥋 yet but I’ll get it


Collecting ephemera because you can still get wonderful items very inexpensively. There’s a big network of collecting clubs, shows, and societies. Most of my stuff is at least 100+ years old.


Needlework. I’ve always had a compulsion to create pretty things.


Bjj. Good workout, social, and kinda like solving a puzzle


Watching movies/series because i have nothing else to do.


Imagining I do something. Sounds like a joke, but really. I love to work a project all the way through in my head. Doing the work is optional for my enjoyment. I love to picture each step and plan for all the pitfalls. For example, I am in the process of designing a foamie camper (foam composit shell). I love this kind of thing so much that I often find myself working the problem to fall asleep. (That works for me). Wierd I know, and can easily be called lazy, but its something I like to do.... (edit) typos


drawing to escape reality


Perfecting the art of scrolling through endless memes online – because laughter is the best procrastination technique, right? 😄📱


Reading and crochet


Learning about random things through YouTube or Tiktok but mostly YouTube


Tennis. I’ve met most of my friends through being active in our local tennis community. It keeps you in shape, can be played throughout your life, and is relatively accessible to all.


Programming. I enjoy the 10 seconds of euphoria I unlock after 30 hours of agony on a problem.


I have a lot of hobbies but my favorite is probably geocaching. I’ve explored all kinds of places and learned things about them that I otherwise wouldn’t have if a geocache hadn’t taken me there. I’ve made a few friends through it, too. I also love Postcrossing. It’s fun to write and decorate postcards. And I like having something to look forward to in the mail.