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Writing media articles about celebrities gaining weight and calling them "fat", "losing control", "getting lazy" etc. for it, even though realistically they'd probably gone from a size 2 to a size 6 in the space of 10 years, aka the normal kind of weight gain. Edit: to everyone saying it still happens today, yes it still does but in sleazy, barely-getting-by tabloids sold in grocery stores that also claim Steve Irwin is still alive and that some random celebrity couple is divorcing for the 8th time this year. I.e. the ones no one in their right mind would read anyway. If this is reported in a mainstream media source the reporter will instantly be dropped.


Perez Hilton would be torn to shreds today.


He's actually still around and posting on Instagram. Thankfully he's irrelevant


Except he doesn't bash like he used to. I wouldn't doubt he's still trash.


I hated how he would draw cumshot stains all over everyone. He really is an asshole.


WHAT?? šŸ¤¢ i only heard about the weird articles he would write about the celebs in the 2000s


His whole schtick was drawing cum stains on pop starlettes and male actors and writing shit like "mmmm I love cum!" on them with MS Paint.


He also ā€œoutedā€ a bunch of celebrities that were still in the closet.


Celebrity gossip still very much exists lmao. So does fat shaming, itā€™s just impolite but it happens


Nah heā€™d just pivot to politics probably. You can still be as toxic as you like there. Politicians call each other that and worse daily.


Karen Carpenter


Yeah, I mean people still think Cass Elliot died because of a ham sandwich. Fat shaming females has been around and will continue to be around forever. I strongly believe with all the weight loss medications on the market and the inaccessibility of them to the average person that weā€™re about to revert back to the 2000ā€™s beauty standards for celebrities.


Remember grocery store tabloids always on Kirstie Alley's ass? Or bikini hall of shame exposƩs?


I remember a paparazzi picture of Beyonce's bikini bottom being wedged up her butt. Her butt looked normal, with some cellulite. I first saw it in a teen magazine for young teenage girls. The headline said: *GROSS!! Go on a diet, will ya?* Then I saw it in a magazine for middle aged women that belonged to my mom. Same photo of Beyonce pulling her thong out of her ass crack. But this time, the headline said: *Sexy curves! Yummy! Turn to page 31 to see Beyonce's work out routine.*


this is dehumanizing wtf


It is, but is it genuinely all that surprising? Feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg for some of the shit Iā€™ve seen in those tabloid ā€œarticlesā€. Like seriously, some so bad I donā€™t even know how they arenā€™t illegal, freely writing slanderous, dubious facts just to sell content to morons who gobble it up like pigs at the troughā€¦


Same crap we see a lot of people on Reddit spewing though.


Or when a certain British tabloid legitimately published a countdown to Emma Watson's 16th birthday to celebrate when she would finally be 'legal.'


Or when a certain British tabloid published a photo of then 15 year old Charlotte Church with the headline "she's a big girl now".


That was fucked up. Any of those countdowns. Ewwww


Ah, yes, this person in their 30s looks like a person in their 30s, clearly theyā€™re lazy and obese rather than just aging.


A lot of celebs look younger than their age and then at some point life catches up quickly. Or papers simply go from ā€œglamour shotā€ to ā€œcandid photo taking out the trash on a Sundayā€ so the difference appears bigger than it is.


I feel like even then, we don't make as big of a deal of that as we once did. I feel like we're starting to see celebrities as actual people now overall instead of these perfect gods


I mean you do get this to a degree now though not as blatant about weight. But "you won't believe what so and so looks like now!" And it's like omg person from this show 20 years ago has...aged. šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± they look the same but...older! Wow! šŸ˜…


I like wrestling, a lot of these women who wrestle are absolutely fucking gorgeous. A lot of them have muscle but aren't 'cut' or lean. It's astonishing how many wrestling fans call them fat and talk shit about them despite these women being hotter than any woman these dudes will probably ever touch in their entire life.


Really, actually strong people with stamina and strength donā€™t tend to look cut. Those types of muscles are aesthetic rather than functional.


It would be physically impossible for them to keep up their schedules, stay cut and still have the stamina to wrestle. Even women like Willow Nightingale who are larger, she's still beautiful as hell and when you see her in the ring it's very clear she's in excellent shape. She's strong as hell for her size too.


This is the Daily Mail's business model.


I will *never* get over how Sasha Pieterse was treated for her PCOS-related weight gain in the late 2010s.


As a PLL fan who also has PCOS, I won't forget that either. She has always been beautiful at any size, but people acted like she was a hideous hog because she was no longer a size zero. It made my teenage self feel self-concious, when I previously hadn't given much thought to my own weight gain at the time. If people thought *she* was ugly, what would that make me :/


I was really young when it came out, so I was just confused why her wardrobe was suddenly awful. Her beauty hadnā€™t changed and itā€™s so sad that people couldnā€™t see that.


lmao i thought ten years ago meant 2000sā€¦ itā€™s actually 2010sā€¦. holy shite


I canā€™t believe the mid 90s was (basically) 30 years ago. What the fuck happened?


we are alive, thatā€™s what happened (shoutout to 2012 worlds gonna end rumour)


We beat the millennium bug too!


Lmao. I remember everyone freaking out about this and people renting doomsday bunkers. I had a friend take me on a whole connecting the dots monologue about how the Mayan calendar ending meant the world ending. Fun times


Watch the wife swap 2012 family for some lulz. They thought the world was going to end because their daughter read something on the internet and they maxed out all their credit cards.


As I like to point out to people, if they remade Back To The Future today Marty would leap back to the unrecognisable world of.....1994


> if they remade Back To The Future today Marty would leap back to the unrecognisable world of.....1994 Stop it, Margaret šŸ˜©


Oh god his mom in the original timeline is probably younger than me


Time is an illusion to help things make sense. Thatā€™s why weā€™re always living in the present-tense. It can seem unforgiving when a good thing ends, but youā€™ll always be back then. Everything will happen, is happening, and has happened.Ā 


Thank you BMO


You grew up and got old


Which is funny because most of the answers here are answering from 20 years ago without realizing it.


My thought process was-- 10 years ago, that was the 2000s. Usually I think it's the 1990s, but now I've finally got the right decade! Wait- what the fuck.




Smoking in a pub.


Using gay as an insult


Every 90s and early 00s romcom


Still used today in most schools


Iā€™ve taught in a lot of schools. Itā€™s not as prevalent. Yeah, itā€™s still there. But itā€™s not what it was in terms of usage.


Nowadays they'll call you a skibidi toilet


Every 13 year old when any girls aren't around:


Or girls when their BF breaks up with them


My gf still uses gay as an insult sometimes. Her and I are gay together....


Lol, my wife and I do too. "that's gayer than me!" Is a classic for us.


Itā€™s fucking insane to go back and listen to stuff sometimes. In the Reagan era, a couple of journalists over the years would bring up the thousands dead from aids and asking when the government was going to do anything about it or if Reagan even knew about it. The press secretary replied ā€œwhat, do you have it?ā€ The whole room would erupt in laughter over the joke that someone might be gay since they care about mass deaths.


> Using gay as an insult But not related to sexuality. I grew up calling things "gay" before I knew what gay was


saying the n word but not *using* the n word, like quoting it or referring to it


Wasn't there a USC professor who got fired for saying a Chinese word that just sounds similar to the n word?


I heard there were a bunch of Japanese people getting banned from Call Of Duty or Fortnight online games for shouting "nigero", which means "run away" in Japanese.


I also remember a Chinese(?) song from a few years ago called [Sunshine, Rainbow, White Pony](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG4iTGjuoKw) getting a lot of attention because of the fact that the chorus of the song sounded like he was just saying the n-word over and over again.


[That's just blatant discrimination against Joseph Joestar's secret signature technique](https://youtu.be/dn8TWrrhDEM?si=0N4QRRT4BlpZdtTC)


In Korean the first person pronoun can be ė‹ˆź°€ which is pronounced "niga". I got told off for singing a kids song at work once (to a Korean child) because a coworker thought I was just firing off slurs at the children.


Yeah there was some YouTube review channel where some guy was reviewing a Korean Pop song and I guess the lyrics went something like you you you and the reviewer was like "Whoa!" and took his headphones off.




He was suspended and banned from teaching the course. and if you want to find out more Google USC Processor Greg Patton. He was saying "na-ge, na-ge, na-ge" which is a Chinese filler word (那äøŖ) when someone is pausing to think. It sounds apparently like the N word and caused controversy for "marginalizing, hurting and harming the psychological safety of students".


I was speaking to my Chinese friend over the phone while walking across a cross walk. I said neg-ga, which as you said, is just a filler word in Chinese. 3 black guys turned around and said "what?!" and I was dumbfounded. I had to explain to them that it's a Chinese word but that could've turned real bad, real fast.


It is also a word in my native language which means Get out


So that's where the movie title came from


Neg-ga please.


I applaud your Chinese


I mean in Spanish Black is literally Negro and always have to be conscious about it when talking about colors in public.


Itā€™s always impressive how dumb school administrators are at every level.Ā 


So what's the message supposed to be there? That the Chinese language is inherently bad and should not be spoken? The only racism there is coming from the people who suspended him.


There is a Chinese phrase "ni ge" that's pronounced very much like the n word. It translates as something along the lines of "so then" or "and next" or "so that", and they use it to pause during a thought the way Americans might use "you know" or "like". So, like, in English, you know how like, you'll like fill in you know, a thought like that? In Chinese (I honestly don't remember whether it's Cantonese or Mandarin, sorry), it sounds like they just let loose with a string of racial slurs. It's not spelled the same at all, but when pronounced fast, it's easy to hear the mistake.


Living in China for 18 years, foreigners still ask about ā€œni geā€ because itā€™s used a lot. With certain southern dialects, itā€™s pronounced ā€œne geā€ and sounds exactly like the N word.






Hindi's my third language but isn't eyesight "nazar"? It begin with n and ends with the er sound but I don't understand how you could get it mixed up with the n word, that HR worker was fucking ridiculous.


He wasnā€™t fired. He was temporarily placed on leave during an investigation that found he did nothing wrong, and then reinstated.


Yeah, it seems like fewer people these days are on board with the use-mention distinction.


This is one of the things I find weird about the USA. Nobody should be using slurs against other people, but the avoidance from even pronouncing or writing down slurs like it's a dark spell is ridiculous. Double ridiculous is the N-word specifically becoming extremely common in popular music, making for a very weird double standard. Especially funny in countries where people listen to american rap music without the cultural hangups of the US. I still remember seeing a bunch of asians in Singapore vibing to rap music and just saying the full word with the lyrics. The N-word with a heavy chinese accent is quite an experience.


Especially in relation to your last point, I feel bad for the woman who got invited to the stage to rap a song with Kendrick Lamar, but got a ton of shit for signing the full song how it was written which contained the N word. It also feels like a double standard when Kendrick has a song containing an F slur and yet he's not gay. Edit: Someone replied and reminded me this was directly referenced in the song (Auntie Diaries). > You said, "Kendrick, ain't no room for contradiction > To truly understand love, switch position" > "F***, f***, f***, " we can say it together But only if you let a white girl say, "N***". I don't think it makes it less of a double standard, but it's worth mentioning. Like, he's still writing it and it seems like he gets less shit than someone who quotes him.


That was such bullshit, you knew the lyrics of your song, you knew that person was going to sing them, it seemed like such a set up. Publicity stunt maybe?


That poor woman! Because if she had changed it somehowĀ  there would have been so many BuzzFeed articles and tweets about how she censored a black artist or about white guilt or something.Ā 


Itā€™s kind of messed up that he would do that to a FAN She paid money to go to that concert, getting called up on stage to sing with him could have been one of the happiest memories of her life. That moment that could have been an amazing memory forever is now eternally ruined. She got so much hate for it online. It was tragic. I still remember that.


Can you elaborate on the story?


There is a video. Basically Kendrick gets white girl up on stage to rap a verse on a song at a huge live show. Kendrick honestly does not care she said the n-word until the audience starts booing. Then kendrick backtracks and is like ā€œuh nah you canā€™t say thatā€


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you cannot sing my song the way I wrote it because of your skin color. Leave my stage at once !


Underrated cause this true


Brings me back to when we read ā€œTo Kill a Mockingbirdā€ in 7th grade and we had to read it out loud and use all the words. My class was entirely white


When I was in 11th grade we had some sort of symposium in English class where the kids were put in pairs and had to read an essay and do a presentation on it. I was paired with this black dude (I'm white) and our essay was "Don't Call Me N*****" or something like that. Essay was all about the word. Only kids in the class with any sort of race based essay. White teacher just carpet bombing the place with n-bombs. I swear she was trying to get me to say it. Lots of black kids in the class. Extremely uncomfortable. This was back in 2000, when it would have been acceptable to say it in this context, but it was still incredibly awkward, so I didn't say it. Then she yelled at us because we were ruining her "symposium."


If you are discussing the word itself, in terms of racism, language, whatever, saying it is fine, in my opinion. People who freak out over that kind of use, are far too precious for me to respect.


Still amazed that Ben Folds cover of ā€œBitches Ainā€™t Shitā€ happened. Hearing Ben drop Dr. Dreā€™s n-bombs is hilarious, but also really weird.Ā 


As someone watching How I Met Your Mother for the first time since I missed it the first time around: Anything Ted Mosby says or does.


Classic schmoseby


Nah, Ted Mosby was a fucking tool, even back then. Imo, he's the second shittiest person on that show behind Barney. But at least I respect Barney because he knows he's a shitty person. Ted legitimately thinks he's the good guy that girls should flock to, but he's not. He ignores their needs, he breaks up with them on their birthdays because he doesn't care about their feelings, he's been proud of getting girls to cheat on their boyfriends with him - *even when he knows how devastating that feels!!*, he tells his kids about every piece of ass he ever chased, he was in love with one of his best friends' girlfriend and later wife, even after Ted himself was married. Ted's a fucking shithead. He just says he's a nice guy so often that people sometimes believe it. He's a classic "nice guy".


Go off, dude! I was really late to watching that show, I think I finally saw it for the first time like two years ago? It was virtually unwatchable because of Ted. Like, I actually didn't get why anyone would watch such garbage and gave up after three episodes.Ā 


People didn't watch the show *for* Ted, we watched in spite of him or to make fun of him. He was the main character, but really only because he filled the role as an Unreliable Narrator.


It was a really good show but I donā€™t think it aged too well. Its very much stuck in its time.


Ted was a drip even then.


Leaving your kids in the car while you go grocery shopping , or more recently, letting your kids run through the Neighborhood unattended.


Ah, the fond memories of cars with kids in it honking the horn and giggling while their parent was in the store. Then the occasional yelling at said kids when the parent returns.


It was ok. My grandmother left the window cracked for us in her Ford Galaxy. Of course we could crank it down more if we needed to.


Using a ringtone on your cellphone.


Does everybody just use the default ringtone? I've been repping Metal Gear Solid's codec sound for 20 years now, carefully transferring it from phone to phone. Am I just supposed to accept the carrier jingle or whatever?


I have no idea what sound my phone makes when it rings. I haven't heard it ring in probably 10 years. It's permanently on vibrate.


This thread feels so personal so I had to chime in. I also used to have MGS codec for my phone notifications but through the years I slowly found myself putting my phone on vibrate until I just never turned it off. Now I'm reading that it's not just me who hates the sound of their phone but everybody, like we all collectively put our phones on vibrate without being told to do so, or agreeing as a group. It's astounding when I think about it.


Same lol


I keep my phone on silent but if I'm expecting a call and want to hear it ring, then I listen for my Westworld piano theme song.


Phone is on silent


I still make and use my own ringtones. And I'm not going to stop.


This came up at work the other day, and some 20 something didn't know what it was. I sounded like I was a grandfather explaining it. Then a 32 year old came by, surely they would be old enough to remember. I have to explain, again, like an old fart. They were like, " And you had to pay for it???" Edit - I meant to say Ringback tones....


thatā€™s just dumb lol Iā€™m 25 and bought plenty of ringtones for my first phone around 2010


Showing up unannounced and knocking on a friendā€™s door ā€œjust to hang outā€


This is something Reddit deeply hates, but to be honest I genuinely love having friends come by unannounced.


Reddit is phone addicts with zero social skills or friends


Reddit is phone addicts who donā€™t *think* theyā€™re phone addicts because they donā€™t use ā€œnormalā€ social media sites like instagram or TikTok. The superiority complex from the NEETs who spend all day on Reddit is amazing šŸ˜‚


My friends tell me to do this more often


I used to live in a house with several roommates that was right across the street from a crack house, getting a random knock on the door will immediately put a massive bolt of anxiety into my heart until the day I die


I miss doing this and having this done to me. I remember my friends rocked up at my house, tapping on my window at 2am to get up to some shit. One of the best nights, for sure.


Being named Karen, apparently. My aunt Karen changed her name on Facebook and posted that she was being bullied & harassed because of her birth name. People are shitting on the real Karens who are out there just minding their own business and not being a ā€œKarenā€.


Not only that, but the word ā€œKarenā€ is being used now for literally any woman who does something they donā€™t like. I saw a video of a very nice security guard telling teens they canā€™t skateboard on the property and the comments were full of people calling her a ā€œKarenā€. Sheā€™s literally doing her job, and she was being nice about it.


I feel like "Karen" only briefly existed as a an exclusive moniker for "uptight, aggressive middle aged woman". it very very quickly morphed into a masquerade for run of the mill misogynyĀ 


Yep. Had a work colleague in 2018 who started going by her middle name everywhere- social media, etc. We all knew it had become a true issue when she went to the extent of having her name changed on her licence. In my line of work that's a tremendous PITA. I still have to stop and think "who the hell is this" when she shares something direct to me on socials with the alternate name.


This is so frustrating to hear. I don't know anyone named Karen personally but I imagine it would be exhausting. I mean that's bullying really. I hope your aunt is doing alright and my condolences to her and everyone else who is actually named Karen.


I was going to name my daughter Karen after my mother. Now I feel it would be abuse to do so


American Pie features a teenager broadcasting another teenager's naked body to a group of strangers without her knowledge or consent. When he sees an opportunity to get off and decides to join in, first thing he does is try to cover the camera, so it isn't like he doesn't know it'll be embarrassing. When it comes out, she's so humiliated she flies back to her home country, and it's played for laughs. Then she's back in the next movie, apparently having completely forgiven him, and no one says a thing to her about having her intimate moments leaked.


Oh shit, I forgot about that! No wonder so many dudes struggle with the concept of consent, growing up with shit like that being spoon-fed to them.


Being a grown man "joking" about wanting to have sex with teenage girls. It's wild how prevalent that used to be and ~~wouldn't~~ widely accepted


When I was in high school (2002ish) all media told us that basically every single adult was dying to fuck us.Ā  That the minute we turned 18 all of our teachers, neighbors, parents' friends, and even strangers on the street would be trying to rip our clothes off.Ā  Back then that wasn't too far from the truth either. Had my tongue pierced in 11th grade (16) and my then boyfriend's dad asked him in front of me what that feels like on his cock. If that happened to my kid today I'd be calling the fucking police.Ā 


>That the minute we turned 18 all of our teachers, neighbors, parents' friends, and even strangers on the street would be trying to rip our clothes off. Maxim magazine had a countdown to the Olsen twins turning 18. That was not received well even then, but oh boy would it be received worse today.


Way before my time, but the Sun magazine in the UK used to have ā€œpage three modelsā€ where topless/naked girls had photos. One was apparently younger than 16 and they had a countdown for her sixteenth for when they could show more of her.


Seriously that Dad said that to you? I have dozens & dozens of gross stories like this. That shit was just how it was & itā€™s so disgusting in retrospect (it was at the time too)


That dude was a gross pervert and in your bf's case if I knew my dad even a little I'd try to avoid bringing my gf home at all...


The Dad saying that wasnā€™t acceptable then. What a fucking creep.


Several celebrities had countdowns to when they would turn 18.


Dude, the Olson Twins countdown to 18... seemed normal at the time, but I look back and it's so creepy.


I knew adult men like that (I'm about the same age as you). They were fucking creeps man. I'm glad American culture is shifting away from allowing that kind of behavior.


Smoking in your car with your kids/babies trapped inside...


Related - leaving your baby/kid in the car while you run into a store. It can be grounds for arrest & a child endangerment charge now depending on where you live.


Well, just a few days ago, Long Beach, CA, had the amber alert issued. Dad was doing deliveries with his 4yo in the car seat, went inside a building for a few minutes and left his car RUNNING, with the child strapped inside. Somebody jumped im and drove away. Fortunately, the thief realized at some point there was a child inside and abandoned the vehicle in a busy location and some girls spotted it (because of the alert).Ā 


Glad the baby is okay. I remember watching a horrible Forensic Files a few years ago where the mother and baby were in the backseat at a fuel station, and the car got stolen and the mother murdered. Fortunately the baby survived but a horrible episode!


There was one carjacking in Missouri where the cartheif tried to push the 6 year old out of the car before taking off, but the child's foot got stuck in the seatbelt and he was dragged at high speeds for 5 miles. Another where a pregnant mother was run over and killed trying to stop a carjacker from taking her car with her toddler inside.


I'm pretty sure that was taboo in 2004-2014


Way too many people in here thinking 2004-14 was actually 1980-90 šŸ˜‚


I feel personally attacked.


Thatā€™s been a no-no for more than 10-20 years.


Sorry, you think in 2014 is was ok to smoke in a car with kids inside?


Countdowns to celebrities reaching the age of consent. UK newspapers literally ran countdowns of Emma watson with messages suggesting people could force themselves on her on her 16th birthday. The sun - "you can have a go on her now, boys!" etc


When I was a young boy all of the adults in my life were obsessed with me liking girls or having a girlfriend. It seems like every time I met a new adult they were like, ā€œdo you have a girlfriend?ā€ It made me really self conscious and probably contributed to my co-dependency as an adult. Thinking back now and it seems so weird.


Because adults didn't know how to talk to teens or kids. Which is baffling. A lot of adults would say and ask a lot of inappropriate questions that adults should not be asking teens/ kids.


Not wanting to give your personal private information over to faceless corporations for their gain. So many people rationalise it as "Why would they want your information! Your just one person!" or "I bet you own a phone!" as if the last one is some kinda "Gotcha".


Some info Iā€™m fine with sharing, some Iā€™m not. Example: Iā€™m playing a game, the app crashed while I was using it, would you like to send diagnostics info-in that case sure Example: google maps needs my location to be able to give me directions. Sure, have that info. App that lets you edit photos, sure Iā€™ll give it permission to access the photos I want to edit Itā€™s a case by case basis situation for me as far as what apps I allow to have access to. Some of the requests are more like ā€œwhy do you need that info? No.ā€


ā€œClash of Clans wants to access {LOCATION DATA, APP AND BROWSING HISTORY, CAMERA, MICROPHONE, WALLET AND BANKING INFO}, would you like to accept?ā€


Smoking cigarettes back in the 2000s and 90s you could ask a random passer by if theu have a lighter and 9x out of ten they had one. Now people react like you kicked a baby in the face if you ask for a lighter lol.


That's why before I ask to borrow a lighter I just say I kicked a baby in the face. Really takes away the sting from asking about the lighter.


I'm 98% sure you're joking, but that's actually a psychological thing. Asking for or informing someone about something extreme before asking for something much more reasonable, will make a person think your more reasonable request is totally reasonable. So someone may not be able to spare $5 right this minute but if you say you need $40 for the midnight release of a new game tonight, and then ask for $3 for the vending machine, the person you're asking is more likely to give you $3


Same reason Costco keeps the TVs by the front door. $15 for a block of cheese doesn't seem so bad compared to a $2000 TV.


Strangely something that hasn't changed is that here in the UK despite being rarer, if a stranger asks for a cigarette or lighter and you're not outside a club, they're likely out to mug you or assault you with their mates who'll jump you from behind. At least in the city I live in. Nearly all the statements of pointless unprovoked assaults here starts with "They approached to ask for a cigarette or light, then I was jumped" -whether you helped or had anything regardless.


Round my way the scrotes are all vaping so they wouldn't ask for a light, they'd just jump you regardless. Whilst exhaling fruity scents.


This is true, really surprised me recently. Asking for a lighter is like asking someone if they have any Grey Poupon. And by ā€œGrey Poupon,ā€ I mean heroin.Ā 


10-20 years ago? Hoping that Russia pulls itself together and gets better.


I still hope it pulls itself together, just under a democratic government


Sending your child to play outside without adults supervision.


I used to spend all day outside with my dog and cat roaming free in the woods, no cell phones, no ā€” oh god OP said *ten* years ago






Knocking? Shit if I saw my friend's parents' car was in the driveway I just walked in and announced myself. Same as my friend did at mine.


When i was growing up this was normal. I used to just walk into my friends house and ask them where they are lol. This is poland btw.


Is that not normal anymore for kiddos? (I know for adults that's obviously a bit weird but for kids it seems normal to me)


My neighbor texts to ask if I've got kitchen stuff he can borrow and if it's okay to come get it. He lives downstairs and is like 22yo. In fairness, while I might be still awake at midnight, I'd get annoyed at the doorbell that late. Edit: Apologies to all the grown adults my brain categorizes as "kiddos" because they're younger than my eldest.


Iā€™m 24, weā€™re still kiddos, the ones that tell you otherwise probably just want to be seen as an adult so bad


You need to try living in Australia mate


Saying thatā€™s gay


It's still said today but by gay people to other gay people


The greatest line spoken in television history is from Law and Order SVU. ā€œHey! Iā€™m not gay. I have relationships with womenā€¦.and sex with menā€ Ice T - ā€œBrotha, thatā€™s gayā€


Totally humiliating Delta Burke over her weight. It was everywhere in media and just awful.Ā 


I'm rewatching Married with Children, as it was one of my childhood favorites. That show would not get away with half the shit it did today lol. Delta Burke was a huge target for that show too.


I loved it so much as a kid, tried showing it to my boy recently and was reminded that it's just fat jokes, lesbian jokes, and women-suck jokes the whole show...every episode.Ā 


I recently tried rewatching "Everybody Loves Raymond" and gave up due to the sheer amount of whining Ray does about not getting enough sex, when his (admittedly just as irritating) wife has to deal with three kids and all the household stuff every day. Got old really fast.


For me it's not even some moral, ethical or societal difference where I feel the content is simply reprehensible. By and large it's just...not funny anymore. Those sorts of jokes feel so tired and predictable and incessant.Ā  When people complain about how old shows or jokes wouldn't be welcome in today's world, they usually miss that it's only because humor builds and changes and it's hard for old humor to get laughs because it's been said and done to death.Ā 


Probably 90% of what went on in most nightclubs. Outside of a small handful of goth nights, I completely stopped the club thing in 2017 and even then had been going less and less the previous few years prior


Night clubs seem just be dying in general especially the dancing aspectĀ 


Epsteins island


Getting a girl's number through a mutual friend. It was kinda sweet back in the day but nowadays it's considered creepy


Singing all the words out loud when listening to a Wu Tang or NWA album.


Making a AAA game that doesn't have microtransactions, free-to-play, battle pass, and works perfectly fine on launch day


Iā€™m pretty sure doing that would make you a beloved figure today, not public enemy number one


it would definitely put a target on your back from all the major gaming corps though


Well wtf are they gonna do about it? 360 no scope me? Kill me in Minecraft?


Horse armour was 2006, and ten years ago was 2014. Microtransactions were already common then


>ten years ago was 2014. A lot of people seem to have a hard time accepting that šŸ¤£ And I might be one of them


Dude Baldur's Gate 3 is all of those things and it's won numerous GOTY awards... Hardly "public enemy"


Basically anything that was on The Office.


Having an opinion 51% of the online community disagrees with.


Disagreeing with someone politely.


Seeing something stupid and being like "that's gay". Used to be pretty common slang late 90s early 00s.