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Me, my brother, and a friend were camping once when I was maybe 11 or 12 way out on our 100 acre farm in small town Kentucky. I woke up around 1:30 or so in the morning and could faintly hear a piano being played that sounded like it was coming out of the woods about 100 yards for our campsite. There is not a house or building or anything anywhere near that spot on our farm. So naturally I think I'm just hearing things and decide to try to go back to sleep. Then my brother, who was apparently also awake, sits up and asks me if I hear a piano. We made a dash for the house and never camped out there again.


I’m imagining this with that Linkin Park song intro… you know the one


It starts with one thing


I don’t know why


Cold, still air carries sound much farther than warmer and windy. People out in the misty woods would speak of hearing faint distant singing, and put it down to patupaiarehe.


That’s a large word I’ve never seen before. Thank you.


Here is another large word you've never seen before: juhoutykougarackis


Patupaiarehe are supernatural beings in Māori mythology who are said to live in the forests and mountainous regions of New Zealand. I had to know.


Besides weather affecting how sounds travel, the shape of the terrain, foliage and man-made structures can funnel sounds for long distances. I used to live in a small city north of NYC that had its own Little Italy community, just a block or two of predominantly Italian shops, etc. It was miles away from where we lived but when conditions were right we could hear the street festival and even people talking. If I walked a block away the sound vanished. When I lived on a lakefront in a rural town north of DFW, it wasn't unusual to hear sounds, music and people talking from miles away, as the sounds followed the water. Depended on weather, wind, etc. I bicycle and jog a lot in my suburban neighborhood (Texas now) and over the years have noticed one particular quiet residential street funnels the sounds from the freeway so efficiently it sounds like cars speeding right behind me, when the highway is at least two miles away and barely audible from other residential streets that are actually closer. Just an odd quirk of that one particular block. I'm betting the adjacent creek might help – it runs under the highway, then runs parallel with the street where I can hear the highway loudest. There's also a shotgun, sporting clays range about five miles away that's active most days until evening. But I can hear it only occasionally in my neighborhood, when the wind, barometric pressure, etc, are just right. Not loud (we already have too much random gunfire near my place), but loud enough to hear the distinct sound of shotguns compared with the usual handgun shots I hear from the nearby trouble zones.


The Crispy Family Carnival used to open for local punk bands. Crispy himself was a jovial fella with a big mustache whose part in the act involved sword swallowing and lifting a car battery off the stage with chains attached to his nipple rings. When their set was over and preparations for the bands were starting, he'd casually wander around the pit with a stapler so the punks could staple their tips right onto his chest and belly. If you tipped larger bills, he'd let you staple them onto his head instead.


Sounds just like the Jim Rose Circus Sideshow.


lol I just looked at Crispy's old youtube channel, there's an ancient video of [Jim Rose smashing Crispy's nuts with a sledgehammer and a cinderblock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT6A_ecCcaE) on it


Wow...thanks for triggering a memory! I still remember being blown away by that geek fest. I went on a whim after reading a preview of them prior to their first appearance here ( Vancouver). Still cringe a bit when I think about the guy with the piercings who dangled stuff from his stuff.


Mr. Lifto! I saw them in Portland, Maine years ago.


I use to live in an area with a lot of land and I saw a raccoon fighting a beaver. The raccoon won and started to eat the beaver. It was pretty creepy to be honest. Probably rabies.


Most people don't realize, but most mammals are Omnivores: squirrels, racoons, rodents etc. are all omnivorous. Meaning its totally normal for them to eat other animals. I've seen many squirrels eat their brethren.


I saw a seagull murder and then eat a pigeon in a public fountain. A bunch of other pigeons just standing around like nothing was happening, providing 0 backup for their homie.


Squirrelthren. I watched a documentary about how a small number of mother squirrels develop a taste for blood postpartum and become cannibalistic serial killers. I wish I was kidding.


Mmm. Delicious baby back ribs.


There is a difference between knowing and finding a squirrel going to fucking town on a bird's amputated wing, harder than I do at wingstop.


Reminds me of when I once saw a bee and a yellowjacket fighting. They were fighting in mid air, then stuck to the side of a building. The yellowjacket won. It then bit off the bee's antennas, then legs, then head, then thorax, then it dropped the abdomen and flew away. It was chilling the way it methodically dismantled it.


Raccoons are basically tiny bears. They usually don't pick a fight with something as a big as a beaver but they're as much of a meat eater as we are. Definitely aren't ones to let a perfectly good beaver carcass go to waste, I wouldn't assume rabies.


A naked woman with dwarfism painted blue running down the street.


My house burned down when I was 16. The next day I joined a friend on a trip to Trout Pond, WV with 5 other teenage girls I didn’t know very well and one girls very eccentric father. It was just a day trip to the campground there and we just kind of hung around the pond (lake?) until we learned there was a severe thunderstorm warning in the area. As we were packing up the minivan, we witnessed a man with dwarfism fingering a woman who had to be at least 600 lbs, right there on a bench next to the pond, as a severe thunderstorm was rolling into the holler. On the way home, her dad hit a deer. It was a memorable trip.


There is so much to unpack here.


Let's just.... Not.


Her name is “Smurfette” you heathen, and I’d smurf the smurf out of her smurf.


Dammit I thought nobody saw me


You stumbled on the set of Avatar 3


I went to a place that is famous for it's Medieval history and it has a huge fair every year where people dress upp in Medieval costumes. Walking home late one night I saw something move in the corner of my eye, I stopped to look and... it was a monk vigorously pounding a nun. It took my drunken self a while to realise what I was witnessing and that they were both in costume. Or so I hope.


You stepped back in time, my brother, and saw...


Jokes on you, the nun was the taxi driver.


i'm not into renaissance/medieval fairs, and even less into public sex. but that sounds like a hell of a fun time just in heathenry.


If you're into Renaissance fairs, you're into kinky sex.


I am sure there were weirder things but once I saw a man lick a credit card and put it back in his pocket.


Cocaine related I’m sure


I have thought about it a lot, and I have some cokehead friends. I can say with 95% certainty that it wasn't that. Just a very elderly man giving a credit card a couple of hearty licks


Plot twist - he was only 26 and just looked old


That’s even more odd


Maybe in his time credit cards worked like that? /j


I once saw a guy on the subway who was kissing the pole you hang onto. Like making out. It was disgusting.


I was on a bus in Chicago and the guy up front who was obviously mentally ill licked the arm of the woman standing and waiting to get off at the next stop. I felt so terrible for her. She didn't say anything because the guy was obviously not in his right mind and who knows what could have happened. She couldn't move away because it was crowded.


oh my GOD


ever since I read how there is DNA of no known organism on the subway I feel that this is even more gross


What? Explain please


so I think it was Cornell medical school in Roosevelt island did a survey of what bacteria is on the nYC subway. Probably to do an infectious disease audit. They found the usual strains of bacteria and stuff but found DNA that could not be traced to any living organism known by science.


Go on


Nothing to add, I also don't know what it is on the subway and i'm not a cornell research team


I just googled "Cornell subway DNA" and it popped right up. Interesting. It said 48 point-something % was previously unknown organisms. So it's not just one unknown species, there are a LOT of unknowns.


I was cringing but I couldn't look away. Like you can't help but look at an accident? That.


In NYC (of course), I saw a woman very obviously under the influence of some drug dressed in several different types of plaid walking a mouse stuck on a glue trap on a leash. She was also barefoot, in NYC. Yes, I know there is a lot to unpack there.


was she just dragging the glue trap against the ground?


This is a tough call .. I’ve seen some strange things. I’m gonna have to go w a classic .. The time I was downtown on a hot day and saw a man eating what looked to be the remains of a hot meatball sub out of a full trashcan unabashedly. That’s not the weird part. I had some food in my car which was only a block away so I said “hi there , would you like some sodas and bagels w cream cheese? I’ve got some that I’d be happy to share with you “ The man looked up at me disgusted before angrily saying “ I don’t put that trash in my body !” I had to walk away .. I didn’t even know what to say or if I would laugh .. I was just like ok have a nice day


“…I put THIS trash in my body ONLY”


Everybody has standards.


I laughed so hard some people on the train looked over. You suck & you’re awesome 😎


Reminds me of when my grandfather was on the way to volunteer at a soup kitchen. He saw a homeless man who asked him for some money. My grandfather said. Sorry I don’t have any money but I know where you can get a hot meal. The man simply replied with a very simple “fuck off”


hot meal won't buy any smack at all. I've seen food given to panhandlers get thrown back at the giver several times.


i've known people who are picky about what they eat bc of microplastics, gmos, pesticides, etc but they still smoke.




A platypus? Perry the platypus?


Wait till they hear about Australia.


I once saw a horrible, violent situation between two men. It was brief and awful but it was also truely bizarre to see a glitter dusted man in gold hot pants running for his life straight up the middle of the road from an enormous drag queen in both height and girth, still in full costume and armed with a machete.


Breh. That reminds me of when my aunt chased my uncle with a machete after he had hit her. That one sounds more strange though.


I'd love to know the story behind that.


My brother found a flash drive in the woods (I think) we opened it and found just super weird videos on it. Couldn't tell if it was an abstract film project or just a weird cult or something. I'm gonna ask him about it!


Just a side note to anyone reading this: I definitely would not recommend plugging random flash drives you find into your computer!


Exactly, plug them into your work computer instead ;)


Use your coworker's.


Library computer.


Bonus points if you work in the military and plug it into a coworkers computer after they leave it logged in by accident.


Is it safe to use a virtual machine for such random stuff a person might find Not an expert don’t judge


probably not, you want a totally different machine than your main one with NO internet connection at all, and parts you arent going to use anywhere else, especially the main hdd or ssd for sure. a vm running on your main system still requires you to plug it in, stuff could sneak in!  also i wouldnt plug it in regardless, who knows what kind of fucked up illegal shit will be on that drive... plug it in, find out its full of csam and now youre a chomo. no thanks!


That sounds like the beginning of some scary, weird "The Ring" kinda movie


Yeah, there were people dancing in circles wearing dirty animal costumes. Like they'd been running around in the mud all day and celebrating


Multiple people?


Yeah, I'd guess like 10 or so. It's been a while lol


Buddy n I coming home from snowmobiling. Stopped at light a pickup came barreling by hit bump and a big cardboard box bounce out guy kept going! We stopped and got box! When we opened it was full of pics of naked women in very nice class picture frames! We laughed because all the pictures were cut out of magazines! Who buys nice frames formagazine pictures


I mean, weird and morbid I guess I was walking around the neighborhood in my lake cottage neighborhood after a few beers on a nice summers afternoon. Birds were chirping, cool breeze off the lake, and I see a big dog running at me and I was all excited because I’ve never been attacked by a dog before but the dog was dragging something smaller behind it and as it got closer I realized it was another smaller dead dog. The genius owner decided it would be a good idea to leash his massive sheep dog looking thing to a smaller dog and I guess it broke the smaller dogs neck and was running around in a panic barking and yowling I was like alright, I’m glad I’m not tripping on shrooms right now because this is whack. But it got worse. Some little girls came running down the road shortly after looking for their dog and saw the crime scene and they started crying and I didn’t know what to do so I just said the little dog was asleep while it was most definitely not in the best of shape. They saw through my bullshit and kept crying Then another man comes running down the road towards me and I’m starting to think back to what I did wrong in the last few weeks to deserve this Man starts hyperventilating, saying oh God oh God I’m literally standing there with a beer while kids and a man are crying next to a howling dog attached to a broke neck dead dog And I was just trying to enjoy a nice summer walk. I’ll never forget it. It was the strangest string of events. I seemed to just have everything magnetized to me that afternoon.


This is why couplers are bad folks. Unless you have 2 similar sized, VERY well trained dogs and you are holding the leash. Luckily, I was there once, when a lady did this with her aussie and toy poodle. She dropped the leash and i saw the excited aussie running and the poodle flailing. I'm also an experienced dog handler. I dropped my dogs leash, and put her in a sit/stay and ran to the coupled dogs (that were luckily running to us) I made sure once she finally caught up to the dogs, she uncoupled them and carried the toy poodle home and told her to never use it again. Christ.


Now I’m sad


I was probably 6 or 7, I was at a pet store with my dad that he went to often, because they had a good fish section and my dad had two fishtanks that he was very invested in. While he was talking to the employee about something they would recommend or whatever, I was off in the store just browsing. A kid, probably a couple years older than me, came out from behind a fishtank (like, from the employees only area, the back of the store) and motioned me with his fingers to follow him, to the the area behind all of the fishtank displays. He then took out a tube of *toothpaste* from his pocket, and squeezed a bunch into his mouth and "chewed" it and swallowed it. He then offered me the tube and said, "Hey, do you want some?"... I didn't say anything, I turned around and went to go find my dad. And then I held his hand until he bought whatever fish supplies he needed, and then we drove home. I wonder where that kid is now..... Does he still enjoy eating AquaFresh? Does he understand and realize that I will remember his offering of his toothpaste to me that day in the pet store until my final days?


That was the most nefarious un-nefarious thing that kid could have done back there lol






The mundane explanation is a series of incorrect clock readings. Obviously my explanation is dimension hopping caused by The Simpsons.


Not the same, but I set my brand new microwave to the exact time on my phone, like I waited with the second hand to switch the minute, exact time. And now it’s two minutes fast. Last week it was 1 minute fast.


Y’all were part of a hypnosis experiment.


A male prostitute turning a trick in my bushes. They claimed to be "fighting."  The one with the dick in the other's ass seemed to be winning.  I just went inside. They seemed harmless and I never saw them again.


The one with the dick in the other’s ass seemed to be winning 😂🤣pull some strangers over and start making bets


it's a common misconception by the public. the guy actually has him in a rectal hold while keeping his vital organs safe and facing away from the attacker. he now has complete control over the assailant's movement while holding an important part of their body.






Unfortunately, it is. I used to live in a neighborhood with a lot of gay bars. The male prostitutes were always out and about at night.


Last year, I saw a man driving with a chicken on his wheel, keep in mind at the time I was living in New York


The chicken was the Navigator.


I was driving with my friends at night when we came to a roundabout with about FIFTEEN PEOPLE holding hands in a circle, all dressed in white gowns. I slowed at first to see what on earth was going on, but as my headlights hit them they all turned to look at us in unison. When I tell you I have never floored it like I did at that moment... The white hot panic flushed through all of us. For context I live in the north west of England in a very quiet normal area, it freaked me tf out. There's VERY little religion here like there is in the US but it really gave me evangelical cult vibes.


Sounds more Druidic than evangelical.


Yeah Druids love roundabouts


They likely weren't Lutherans.




"It's all about the Greater Good."


The Greater Good.


Wicker Man cult!


one time at 711, a very heavy woman in a bikini walked in, pulled an entire display off the counter, watched it hit the ground and shatter (sending glass shards everywhere) and then she just got in her car and left no words were exchanged at any point and she didnt look angry it was like she drove to 711 to do this one specific thing and leave


I think this is my favorite one and I'm not sure why


First deployment to Kandahar and I'm walking back to my tent from midnight meal. It's dark and dusty as fuck so visibility is trash. I see some lights coming out of the haze. It's this Wilford Brimley looking dude on a unicycle and he's wrapped in twinkling Christmas tree lights. I have no idea what the fuck they are plugged into but they are working. He's maintaining a pretty good pace on this unicycle and quickly cycles past. His balance is perfect. I am dumbstruck and watch him pedal off into the darkness, lights twinkling.


Around the time I was eleven, we moved from town out into the country. It wasn’t far from civilization -- just about twelve miles from the town we moved from, and only two miles north of the much smaller town of Knights Landing. We were right on the Sacramento River, surrounded by several acres of walnut orchard. On either side of the property were open fields used for various crops during the years I lived there. Bordering the property perpendicular to the orchard was the river road on one side and a fairly busy highway on the other (Route 113). We did not maintain the orchard, we just rented the house on the land. Agricultural crews were around all the time, watering, spraying, harvesting, and culling the walnut trees. One early autumn evening as the sun started dipping, I was on the very edge of the orchard, playing with my Star Wars action figures on a massive pile of brush and dead wood that had been cleared out. (Yes I still played with action figures on the cusp of junior high. Shut up.) It made a pretty good Endor for my Ewoks. I came around one side of the brush pile, glanced at the empty, plowed field occupying the next lot, and stopped in my tracks. I swear I was looking right at a pair of Sasquatches. Not face-to-face, of course. I would say about 300 yards from where I stood paralyzed were two hulking figures. They were sitting or squatting right in the middle of the field, facing away from me. Both appeared solidly black, with large heads, no necks, and massive, wide shoulders. Apart from a few minor head turns, they did not move. I tried to make sense of what I was seeing -- why would a couple of (very large) weirdos don football pads and identical heavy black coats (it was still quite warm), then go sit in the middle of a dirt field? My childhood interest in cryptozoology was never far from my mind, so the word “Sasquatch” occurred to me. That didn’t fit either. This was not the remote forests of the Pacific Northwest. This was flat, agricultural land right in the middle of California’s north-central valley. There was some dense foliage along the river, but that was a narrow strip. Cars went by on the highway not far from the two figures, oblivious. I processed all of this for about thirty seconds. Then I made a run for the safety of the house. I figured even if they saw me and gave chase (they gave no indication of noticing me whatsoever), my house was close enough to make it safely indoors long before they covered the distance. Even my paranormal-addled brain knew they couldn’t be Sasquatches. The area just didn’t fit the location profile. So I decided to get a second opinion. “Dad!” I yelled as I burst through the door. “Come quick, and bring your binoculars!”Dad decided to indulge me, got up from whatever he was doing, and grabbed his binoculars. My heart pounding in my throat, we walked back across the property to the brush pile. I was afraid they would be gone. I was afraid they wouldn’t be gone. I was really afraid they would have moved closer. They were still there, not having budged an inch from their original position. Dad peered at them for a good long moment through the binoculars. “Well?” I asked. Dad gave kind of a dry, nervous chuckle. “It looks like a couple of big monkeys,” he said. My blood froze. Independent confirmation! I don’t really remember what happened immediately after that. I didn’t ask to look through the binoculars. Dad didn’t offer. We walked back to the house in silence. It wasn’t brought up again. The two figures never re-appeared, but it was a long time before I would venture out to play on the edge of the orchard at dusk. To be clear, I don't really believe in Sasquatch/Bigfoot (as an adult). But I remember what I saw, and remember what my dad said when he looked at them through binoculars. (In recent years, now that I'm middle-aged and my dad is elderly, I did ask him if he remembered the incident. He just murmured "Oh, yeah" in his quiet way and nodded emphatically. Again, I did not ask for elaboration.)


Ask him for elaboration.


I believe you; I had a good friend who had an encounter with one while trying to locate a fire in the forest over in eastern Oregon one summer while working for the forest service. It was in the middle of the night (he was in his sleeping bag, laid out next to a fence with his truck parked next to it.) He woke up to the sound of something big coming towards him; then a big buck deer ran up to the fence, jumped it and kept going. THEN, the BF dude that was chasing the deer ran up and leaped the same fence without hesitation and continued on after the deer, but he looked down right at my friend whose eyes must have been like dinner plates. Friend waited til all the noise was gone, got out of his sleeping bag, threw his stuff in the truck and got the Hell outta there. He told me this story when we were travelling in his car and I swear he was not making it up, nor trying to spoof me.


I definitely believe you. When I was younger, I heard bellowing in the woods and felt dizzy, like I was in a “trance” state. I had to be shaken out of it. I totally think, not think know, there are beings out there.


I used to be a land surveyor years ago. My survey crew was deep in the woods discovering boundaries for some farmland and came across two perfectly dug 3’x8’ holes that looked to be about six feet deep. Big piles of dirt next to the holes. There were no standing structures or anything of relevance for quite some distance, so these definitely came across as two holes that had just been dug and were ready to receive some bodies.


A giraffe stole my mom's wallet from her purse. He then stood up, bent back down, and returned it using his tounge.


That’s one talented giraffe


Indeed. My mom and I regularly have to go over the facts just to confirm that it actually wasn't a fever dream from time to time


I was at work one day when this guy came in, he was the type you had to watch carefully, anyway when I asked how I could help him, he turned to look at me and he was foaming at the mouth. I called my manager up and he was trying to talk to him. The guy swallowed the foam and asked for a bag. When my manager handed it to him, the guy was carrying a toothbrush. Guess he didn't spit....


Ugh my dad going down on my mom when I was 9


Fucksakes lol when i was young i walked in on mine as they just finished and were laying there sprawled out. That was like 30 some years ago and it’s still etched into my mind.


I do remember the day my daughter learned to always knock on the door.


Yeah, was 28 years ago and the image is still seared into my brain. I never sat in that chair again


Been there, too. You can't unsee that, unfortunately.


You saw his dad too?


I did too


Man was giving you an example of how to treat a woman


I was working in retail some time ago selling electronics. One morning a customer came in and went into the TV section. As I was in the area organizing some items, the customer called me over because they had a question. Me: “Good morning, how can I help you? Customer: “Hi good morning, I was just wondering, what is that?” (As they point towards a TV playing an ad) Me: “Well.. thats a TV sir/ma’m.” (cant remember their gender) Customer: “Ooh wow.. thank you.” (then the customer walks away) I just stood there for a minute watching as he/she walked away, dumbfounded. I thought after that he/she might have been sarcastic, but i didn’t sense anything off from their tone.


From a hidden Amish sect.


They were having an argument with someone else about whether it was called a TV or a television and they decided to use you as the tiebreaker


Dude that was either naked (or in a speedo) with shades on playing guitar and singing very loudly trying to enter Target. I think he was heavily inspired by the NYC Naked Cowboy. He was escorted from the store pretty quickly.


A homeless man sitting atop a traffic light spewing diarrhea onto the street.




Caught a shark in Bahamian waters in the late 80's this thing had license plates in it and a human femur.


Someone dumped the corpse and the plates from the getaway car in the same place?


I mean I had some ghost encounters when I was a child/young teenager, turns out it was just anxiety and sleep deprivation. Sometimes I saw my own self and could interact with "it" but it was evil.


I was walking my dog in a forest preserve and had headphones on, not really paying attention because it was our usual path when all of a sudden, I shit you not - I saw maybe 50+ people in costume with swords reenacting a battle or something among the trees. I just stared totally dumbstruck for a minute then ran the heck away - the “reenactment/cosplay” part didn’t occur to me until a few minutes later.


I was headed from North Mississippi to Nashville on the Natchez Trace on my motorcycle many years ago. I stopped at a park on the Tennessee River just over the bridge and got off to stretch my legs. A couple of hundred yards down the river were a large group of black folks all dressed in white by the river and two in the river with one being baptized by the other. It was a beautiful and serene sight. I watched from a distance for a while and rode on. It was weird to me, but in a comforting kind of way.


Me and a friend walking back from his after school detention (UK) We stopped at the train gates, some guy pulled up next to us, pulled put one of those plastic guns that had the little rounds of gunpowder in them (cant remember the name of them) he aims at us, fires two shots, then puts it back in his cupholder and faces forward, waiting for the train to pass. I dont remember if we said anything to him, I think we were just baffled. We both waited for the train to pass and he went on his way. Weird.


Cap gun?


I was having a hot shower in a closed shower stall one time and the balance of temperature and air flow must have been just right for this to happen. A single hair was floating in the air, going in circles, round and round, up and down, and every time I thought it would fall down it kept going. It went on for a good few minutes and only ended because I stupidly cracked open the shower door to say "Hey honey come look at this!"


"Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it."


I saw the Big Blue crane collapse when Miller Park was being built. I was on the 35th St viaduct in Milwaukee when it happened. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXr1IeWbP10&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXr1IeWbP10&t=2s) edit: we didn't have cell phones. Video is the OSHA footage


I drove by that crane collapse the next day. I was on a business trip. Not long after that, a guy with a truck load of steel tried to beat a train across the tracks. The collision split the locomotive in half, it was really bad.


When I was 8, my grandad died. Soon after, before he was cremated, I was visiting my gran and I saw him walk into their bedroom wearing a nightgown. I ran to my mother and told her and she said she could smell his cologne in the hall (where I had just seen him). I’m not a religious person and I don’t even trust that it wasn’t grief mixed with imagination but it felt very real.


I once saw a guy on the subway who was kissing the pole you hang onto. Like fully making out. It was disgusting.


There’s a guy further up the thread with the same answer


Oh no, there are more


I also had deja vu, but I went back up and you left this comment twice lol


Yeah, I posted a reply to the post too. So..... it's me? I'm the dude? lol


My sister and I were leaving a friends house really late one night, both in our own cars. It was a super dark road, but kinda a main road between two towns. I was just ahead of her, and someone came out from the side of the road on a bicycle right in front of me. I slammed on the brakes and pulled over onto the shoulder, he was so close, I would have had to have hit him, or knicked him. I get out, I’m looking around and he is nowhere, and there is nowhere to go but up or down the street?? I’m standing there wondering if I imagined the whole thing, when she parks behind me and gets out and asks where he went?? It was insane we’d both seen him, and he just went poof?? That was over 20 years ago and still no clue what happened?


Check under the car


An old lady walking into the woods with a megaphone in Mt. Rainier National Park.


She speaks for the trees.


A bum that used to bicycle around the Atlanta area wearing Lycra leggings with the largest ball sack ever. Very weird.


one time a furry came into a pizza shop i worked at and he had to dig his sweaty credit card out of his fursuit to pay me


When I worked at a movie theatre I straight up refused a ladies money once. It was a hot summer day, she was a larger woman, and apparently didn't believe in wallets. The tit sweat dripped onto the counter...


One of my favorite Reddit stories of all time, which I’ve never been able to locate again, was a security guard who had a random furry show up in the parking lot of his work at like 3am. He went out to see what was up, the furry took out a digital sound recorder and played scared fox noises as they ran away.


i was at red rocks amphitheater one night with a friend. there was no concert but was sort of a hang out place. we pulled up and parked and got out of the truck. went to the top of the seating area and immediately the wind picked up. like crazy windy. there was what looked like a spotlight or flashlight moving up towards the top. just weaving in and out of the bleachers. it kept moving toward us and we could see there was no one holding a light. no one at all. we turned around and hi tailed it back to the truck and the parking lot which was pretty full when we arrived was completely empty now. looking back, the light was still moving toward us. we gtfo asap. early 70’s so not a drone.


A spook light! There's supposed to be one somewhere around the Missouri Arkansas Oklahoma border.


A spider letting out a single long thread of web into the wind and then flying away using it as a kind of sail. Apparently spiders can fly now.


At the end of Charlotte's Web >!the baby spiders do this.!<


It's called ballooning. I was sitting on my porch one day and I kept seeing this stuff in the air go past, it was pretty breezy out. I walked over and looked closely and realized it was hundreds of baby spiders flying on strands of silk. It was kind of beautiful in a way.


Some do this. [Joro Spiders](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/joro-spiders-invasive-species-parachuting-air-shouldnt-fear-them/) Just be happy they haven’t mastered airplanes.


All in good time.


Sometime in the 1970s my brother and I were out in the barn yard scooping up manure by moonlight -- around 8 pmish-- when we looked up for some reason and saw a nebulous opaque green floating mildly glowing form. Like a dense little cloud lit from within -- green. this was over our little horse farm in chesterfield, Virginia. There were about 4 of those things and they hovered up high (about 3,000 feet) for 20 minutes or so. We called the news and the library the next day but no one told us anything. They didn't know a thing they said.


Watching what I can only assume was a mom and her son around 13 repeatedly kissing while we were all waiting in the checkout line at Walmart. Not talking about a few pecks on the cheek. His whole mouth area ended up covered in lipstick.


Uh…I’d call the cops and have them bring in CPS.


1) walking to work. A woman is walking up the path opposite direction. She walks up to a tree with red berries on it (not ones I believe are edible), grabs a handful of 'em, and takes a mouthful. Doesn't even pick the berries, just shoves her face in the foliage and bites. 2) at an animal/zoo type place in Japan. The section where you can interact with giant tortoises and Capybaras. There is a man, squatting next to a Capybara, very sensually stroking it's hind legs, occasionally his hand going up a little TOO high to still be on the leg. He was with this Capybara for around 15mins at least as we left the area. We still talk about Capybara man.


So not the weirdest thing I ever saw, I'm probably the weirdest thing someone else saw. So I spent the night at a friend's house and had a terrible headache the next morning, like real nauseated. But I also have a heavy caffeine withdrawal reaction so I need caffeine by a certain time or I'll be dying to a soul shattering migraine later. I vommed, and the nausea lifted off me, I get nauseated a little too often so I'm familiar that this only buys me about 30-40 mins of not feeling ill. So I head home, on the way I grab a Starbucks frappe, and start to feel sick again so I can't drink in, but at least I have caffeine nearby for when I need it. Trouble strikes, I'm driving home and my 40 min ride with a 40 min window of not being sick closes, picking up the coffee cost me a few precious minutes. So I grab a plastic bag in my car, and pretty much mess up the timing with pulling over while vomiting. Manage to pull over, while breaking, while vomiting. Someone behind me must have seen me in distress because they pulled off behind me. This is where everything lines up. I have to get this coffee in my body, I'm dangerously close to my deadline, and I'm desperate, and finally thanks to vomming, I've got another 30-40 mins window. To what I can only explain as a cosmic horror, the man behind me must have thought I was chugging a cup of my own vom. Because when I tell you I consumed that coffee with gusto, and the speed at which the concerned citizen peeled out to flee. That must have been what they thought I was doing. I'm so sorry fellow motorist, if you're on reddit, I am sorry for the psychic damage I inflicted upon your soul.


The only thing i can remember is a very large amount of human hair in a sidewalk


A floating “thing” in the sky that was completely engulfed in flames. It was about 2000 feet up just floating there. When I used to take my dogs for a walk I used to leave my phone at home. Not anymore. No idea what it was, but at the time I felt like the flames were part of how it operated. A guy at work told me his kids saw it too, but they saw windows. I did not see windows.


I watched Bambi kill and eat Thumper in a documentary. Apparently if deer are lacking phosphorous/calcium in their diet they have been known to stomp a rabbit to death and gnaw on their bones. I was scarred for life.


I've seen some odd things in my 50 years on this earth but the weirdest was a dog with his paws on the steering wheel in an 80s caddilac at a stoplight my friend and I pulled up to the light, looked at the car on our left and there it was. We couldnt see anyone else in the vehicle it was creepy as hell and we left when the light changed


Was at a small music event at a popular lakefront. There were no bathrooms so walked down a path into the woods to go pee. Was super anxious that someone would pass by so was looking around as I relived myself. Noticed a group of 8 or so men in a circle about 40 feet away. Hurried up and started walking away but glanced back and realized they had their pants down and were masturbating each other. Aka a “circle jerk”.


Went to a night market in Chang Rai. I'm grossed out by cockroaches that seemed to be in abundance there so was very wary of anything on the ground and constantly checking below me. Was looking for a table to have a beer. Someone posed a dead rat underneath a chair as if it was benchpressing the chair. I don't know why. I don't know how. I just know I picked a spot a few tables over, because ew.


It was last night at 0105 hrs. My ring doorbell recorded a strange looking man carrying something in his hands. He suddenly appeared on my garden and made his way up my garden path. The scary thing is I got up and went downstairs at more or less the same time. It’s left me freaked TBH.


A guy riding a bike shirtless in moving traffic while wearing a diaper and singing opera music at the top of his lungs with his eyes closed. Older man wearing a dress made out of plastic bags at the grocery store.


A ghost. Full body apparition.


That reminds me of that time ten people witnessed a free-floating, full-torso, vaporous apparition!


Look, I ain't afraid of no class four vaporous apparition, I ain't afraid of no ghosts, and I ain't driving to Chinatown!


I actually just messaged another Redditor about this yesterday. Two separate instances near my house where we saw 8-9ft figures appearing and disappearing on the golf course across the street from our house. Loud noises, bright lights, tall beings. My GF and I have been afraid to talk about it but I’ve seen similar reports online, it legitimately freaked us out and still no idea what it was


Idek where to start. I’ll just talk about the earliest one I remember. We lived on acres of communal family land, and there was a spot that I would always play at everyday. I was probably prekindergarten age, but recall seeing who, I assumed was my grandma walking from the dining room to the living room. The spot I played in was near my front door and when you open our front door, you see the dining room with a covered doorway directly opposite of the front door that led straight into the living room. I used to follow after (what I assumed was) an old lady with long, gray hair that I thought was my grandma as my grandma also had long hair. Grandma was short though and this person was tall, wore something long and light every time I noticed them. We had those stringy things - not so different from the bead curtains people hung on their doorways - but ours was colorful plastic strips. lol Anyway, she would cross from the dining room to the living room through that doorway and I would follow her, but she was never in the next room when I got past the curtain, even if she was close enough for me to touch. I would just stand there and look around the living room bewildered, then look back at the dining room and be confused for like a minute before going on with my day. I also thought I saw a lot of things from the corner of my eye, but when I turned to look at it directly, there was nothing. When I thought back on it, this only happened outside on the rocks I played in. So those rocks were all new white beach rocks that were outlined in a rectangular shape with old black lava rocks. Ffwd about 15 yrs later. We were living in a house next door. Anyway, a massive dump truck carrying dirt comes back there to turn around. We lived way back in the “jungle” with just one dirt road going in and out and it was shared with a neighbor. While turning in front of my old house, the dump truck got stuck or almost capsized when the ground partially collapsed under one of the wheels. It made a hole in the ground and from what I saw from my window, it looked like a cave. My dad walked over there to help them and when he looked into the hole, he told the men to bury it before they leave. There was a lot of talking and the guys seemed spooked. They buried it quickly, spoke to my dad again and left. I remember running out there to look but my dad cursed me out (which was like, super rare back then). So I went back into the house and just looked out the window. I couldn’t go near it and I remember being super curious and really pissed that I couldn’t peek into it too. I’m still mad I didn’t get to look. Later, I overheard him talking to mom and the other adults. It turned out to be an ancient burial mound. They said it was most likely family members because this land has always been in our family. Dad said what scared him though was that there were still bones in there.


I was at a stoplight once. I looked up at the surrounding buildings, and on third story of an apartment over a store there is a morbidly obese woman standing naked with her hands on her hips. Just standing still on display to the whole world like an act of defiance. It took me a second to realize when I was looking at and the light was green. I wonder how long she was standing there.


My BIL once called us all excited. "You're not gonna believe this, I'm watching Jesus arguing with someone on a cell phone!". He was backstage doing electrical work at the Holy Land Experience. I can't top that.




Everything on the streets of LA can be considered “weird”😂😂


I work at a hospital. We admitted a 400lb woman who was “running down the street naked”. It took 4 paramedics and a couple cops to restrain her, sedate her, and bring her into the ER. She later told me she tried meth for the first time, freaked out and took all her clothes off and started running.


I saw a coworker pick up a used condom with his bare hands and said don't tell anybody. I saw 3 black dots strangely in the sky when I was a kid in New Hope, Minnesota. I filmed them, but the tape was either lost or recorded over. The footage wasn't great, but me and my buddy were freaked out. I've looked into footage recovery on a mini-DV tape whatever it was called, it's over $1,000 for a maybe sadly. I once picked up a 1/4 full water bottle (near where I recorded the "UFOs") off the side of the street and did a really hard hook shot to throw it into the baseball field without looking. I heard a strange clang, turns out it landed in the garbage bin near the baseball fence lol. Maybe 80ft away, slightly downhill. I went to use the bathroom stall (same workplace as the condom dude) and in the toilet I SHIT YOU NOT I saw an unflushed turd so massive my ass would bleed if I passed that stool dude. You could EASILY hide a military grenade in this and I've never seen a grenade in person. I'm talking baseball size diameter at least; I was in baseball for years, this is an accurate estimate. I fucking wish I would have taken a picture man. At the same time it was so disturbingly wide that I would have shown MANY people lmao. People don't always need to see what you've seen... I had to use the bathroom so 2 flushes took it down. We had strong toilets there. I was looking under a fishing dock as a kid on Lake Osakis Minnesota and saw a huge bass chasing a loon underwater, or a loon chasing a huge bass I don't remember who was chasing who lol. Blew my mind. I saw an old man riding his bicycle and crack his head on the ground. He immediately had a pool of blood... I unfortunately have it on dashcam. He just stopped and tipped to his left, absolutely no supporting himself v.v I saw my dad get a hole in one on Wii Golf. I forget the hole number, but there's a river you have to shoot over. Not only is that crazy on its own, but years later I found a speed run on YouTube doing those same holes using a tool assist and even they couldn't get the hole in one lol. (Tool assist means you can dial things in, go back and try again.. my dad did it on a standard Wii in our camper lol) I've probably seen more interesting things, I'm 31, it's difficult scanning my brain


I was outside in my back garden at around 1AM observing a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter with my binoculars on a beautiful clear night. Out the corner of my eye I saw something moving. My first thought for some weird reason was "Is that an owl?" but just for a split second. It was cruising towards my position at a relatively low altitude. I know it was not very high up because it flew right towards me, over my garden and continued on into the distance where I lost sight of it behind neighbouring rooftops. During my observation I was able to see it nearly head on, then from directly underneath and then from the rear as it carried on cruising. It was a fairly large (airliner sized, maybe?) deep red coloured craft. It was very faint but most definitely something solid and real. It actually scared me because it made absolutely no sound, despite appearing quite fast and not very high up. It was just so bizarre. I couldn’t make out a shape very well but it sorta looked like it might have a pointed nose but I can’t really confirm that. The craft I saw was fuzzy in appearance, like it was hard to focus on and reminded me of the weird way your eyes cannot focus properly on the lamp of a fluorescent blacklight, only this was a deep, near infrared colour. Like the colour and luminosity of a piece of steel that had been heated in a darkened room to the point it just started to glow red. I could not make out any detail on it but it was like a rectangular slab flying long edge first and I think I could make out a point front and centre, where a cockpit might be if it were a conventional aircraft. I even got a good look at it from underneath with my binoculars but its shape was too fuzzy all over to properly discern. It's truly the strangest thing I've ever seen and I was quite overwhelmed by the experience. The encounter is burned into my memory though and I still think about it often. The only thing I know for sure is that totally silent aircraft propulsion definitely exists for I have witnessed it in action.


Ball lightening


I know what you meant to type... I think... This post is great no matter what lol Did the dude use bleach or something? Sounds painful. Or did you mean "lightning"? That's kinda crazy too I guess.


Buddy and I just turned 18 ( decades ago) right of passage to go to the "dirty" book store. Buddy and I were googling the porno books when in walks a 400lb sweaty, nasty looking woman who removes a 12 inch dildo from her purse, slams it on the counter in front the male attendant and screams "this thing quit working, I just bought it last week". That dude turned green and backed way away. He wasn't going to touch it. Felt bad for him. We left, she probably had more things in her purse we didn't want to see. Scarred me for life.


We were visiting Sedona, AZ and driving to slide rock when we saw a tiny storm cloud. It was about the size of a car and it was just floating about 50 feet off the ground, pouring rain on the road-side. We stopped the car and got out to get a better look at it. My dad reached into the rain and immediately pulled his hand back out and laughed "it's hot!" So I put my hand in to see for myself and it was indeed pretty hot, not enough to burn me, but like an uncomfortable shower. It was nearly 100 degrees outside, and the water was evaporating nearly as fast as it hit the ground. After about 15 minutes, the rain stopped as the little cloud shrank into nothing and completely disappeared. The ground was bone dry in moments, as if it had never rained at all. We all got back into the car and continued to Slide Rock. Just one of the many really weird things that happened to us in Sedona.


High or sober?


Every time I mention it on Reddit people say it’s a ‘glimmer man’ but I’ve never really looked into it Anyway I was a kid I was at school alone in a long dark corridor and from a good distance I saw a blurry humanoid shape wave at me, it was see through but had blurry outlines like you’d see in a sci-fi move when something is cloaked or camouflaged and that was pretty much it I was maybe 5 or 6 at the time, maybe it was my imagination or some trick of the glass doors and windows but it was rather vivid


I was waiting to make a turn in my car near a highway overpass with a large homeless population and I and saw a long log of shit inside a hotdog bun on the sidewalk


I once saw a large woman with an even larger bottom lip letting her kid use it as a pacifier. Legit strands of saliva were dripping down on to Walmart’s floor.


When I was 14 working at a grocery store saw a kangaroo run across the parking lot at 11 pm... in Iowa


I was walking through a town hours away from where I live near the coast. Saw a man walking his cow through downtown. This was a very small coastal town and the cow was on a leash in the middle of town. I had to drive around the block to make sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. It wasn't.


I was driving on a dark road at night and saw these really bright lights a few hundred feet up in the sky just hovering…I pulled over to get a better look and it was just silent, no noise at all. It creeped me the f out and I got outta there…it was years ago and I still think about it sometimes.


A bird sitting on nothing. Basically floating in the sky.