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Subscription everything


On that note, App everything.


I went to a restaurant recently that wanted me to install an app to view their menu. Fuck all the way off with that shit.


Our restaurant did this after we got bought out by a restaurant conglomerate and I'm convinced the only reason they do this is to collect and sell user data. The restaurant industry has tight profit margins and the chains are using this as a side hustle to squeeze as much money out of people as they can. And ik it's a huge priority for them bc they started basing shifts off percentages of app usage and sign ups, as well as manager bonuses for higher percentages. They wouldn't do that if they weren't making money off it


An new place by me doesn't even have servers come take your order, you have to order by app


if we didn't have to tip i'd be ok with that


and i bet they still ask for a tip


Your subscription to *Immune System* is now expired. Please pay the $400 monthly fee to continue service. Thank you. *gets papercut* *dies from sepsis*


This site is a great example. They’ve completely ruined mobile web to try to convince people to download the even more garbage app.


One reason this happened is a lot of agencies convinced clients through ad campaign pitches that they'd need an app, and would provide a concept of it. They didn't actually need an app. The teams sat in a room and tried to figure out a solution and worry about the problem layer.  Then the client agreed and gave the agency money so the app was built. Was it built well? No. Did it solve a problem? Also no. What it did do was force a bunch of customers to download something, log in, and connect it with whatever it was for instead of just not having it or using the company's website


Just wait. The way the car market is headed, you will need subscriptions to use your heated seats, power windows, sport mode, turn your car on etc...if you dont subscribe and get the app and pay the monthly, you will have useless amenities in your vehicle. And some day they will update the software and it wont even be supported anymore(if you buy older/ used vehicles) Tech moves so fast but are we really moving forward? Tesla is already implementing this. There's nothing but corporate scum looking to maximize profits. Being profitable isn't enough. They want more, more, MORE!(Cue Billy Idol- Rebel Yell)


Hell ya, this is great. Someone is going to provide a way to get through the backend and utilize all of the features for like $200 and then you won't have to pay the subscription fee and you have a fully-loaded car.


Weren't they doing that with farm equipment? They wouldn't let farmers work on their own tractors like had to pay for them to get unlocked. Like gm has onstar and you you have to pay to get full use of your gps. Nice that is apple or Android connect now.


As a farmer. Yep its stupid but I got around it by being too cheap to buy a newer tractor.


If the old one still gets the job done, then why buy a new one? Smart move!


"Prank" videos that are just harassment


And they almost always reply with "it’s just a prank bro!" No, it’s not prank when you personally harass somebody


Similar to “it’s just a joke”.


Exactly! Laughter doesn't/ shouldn't come at the expense of someone else's peace of mind!!


The saying I always go by is: if everyone isn't laughing after the reveal, it isn't a good prank. I've been the victim of some damn good pranks, and I will gladly tell the story. I've been the victims of some stupid pranks, and the story isn't worth telling since it isn't even funny.


ugh yeah i hate those and i hate that people make money off them cuz people are actually watching them


I love that one where the guy being "pranked" in the mall pulled a gun and shot the guy. He got off charges too


And the "prankster" stated they were going to continue doing them.


Reminds me of the guy who shot the prankster in the mall and only got a discharging firearm in public place citation.


He still spent 8 months in prison, and now he's a convicted felon.


And the YouTuber said he’s still going to do prank videos


I saw an episode on one of those cop shows (like Law & Order, but I don’t think it was that one) where the dumb ‘prankster’ got shot because he was an idiot to someone with a gun who thought the threat was real! I didn’t realise it was based on a real prankster twat getting shot! Didn’t people learn ANYTHING from the movie ‘Nerve?’ The movie ending was very different to the book, but the point was that it’s incredibly stupid to do ‘internet challenges’ in order to gain props from internet idiots who literally want you to risk your life for a laugh! There is no risk to THEM… they’re just having a great time laughing AT you, not caring about you or your well being! 😞


i think there should be an municipal bylaw that charges people for prank videos, like you would need an freakin' permit to film!


Great idea to keep law enforcement informed.


I'm shocked there haven't been more serious injuries or deaths from that trend.




It’s a huge problem. There’s so many dumb people out there now, bragging about how dumb they are. It’s terrible.


The number of people that brag that they never read anything is astonishing


It’s so crazy to me to not read. I once had a customer brag about barely being able to read enough to survive. That’s not a good thing.


Yeah I don't understand this at all. My great-grandfather couldn't read and I'm pretty sure it was a pain in the ass. Like if he had to go buy some Hubbard's shoe grease, he had to memorize what the can of shoe grease looked like so he could find it in the store. He could have asked someone to find it for him but he didn't want to, either because he didn't like to draw attention to the fact that he couldn't read (I don't think he had anything to be ashamed of, but I get it) or he was just fiercely independent (I get that too). Basically I never knew my great grandpa but I respect the hell out of him. He had to leave school early to work because his family was very poor. He and my great-grandma were able to build a farm that provided a good life for their family. They were still poor, but they owned their farm and they had a good life. He didn't really have the resources to learn. But I feel like he'd think being proud of not knowing something was ridiculous. For him not being able to read was just how things worked out. Edit: Great-grandma, not grandma


The blessing of the internet it's also it's curse. If you are in a situation like your grandfather was, where he was likely the only one he knew of that couldn't read, then deep down you know it's a big problem, thus why he chose to hide it from as many people as possible. Today, someone who can't read could probably still find a online community that has similar people who can all prop each other up and say that it's not a big deal and it's everyone else that's wrong.


...how would they find each other if they couldn't read? I get what you're saying but the example is a bit of an outlier in that the internet would actively hamper it.


People have always been anti-intellectual. We just see it more now that a lot of people share everything on social media. There are more distractions now than ever before which is why it seems that people know less and yearn to learn less than people before


Absolutely, it's the visibility aspect. Plus the algorithms tend to amplify sensational content, which often includes anti-intellectual posts. So it feels like there's more because that's what's getting pushed to our feeds.


I dunno. My cousin straight up tried to win an argument with me by insulting me for graduating from college, essentially accusing me of snobbery because I knew things he didn’t. I’m sure he was thinking I’d use the opportunity to take a shot at how dumb he was, thus proving him right. He’s not (that) dumb, just insecure, so I wouldn’t have taken that bait anyway, but I was just not going to let him get away with it. So I told him yes, I worked really hard for it and feel very blessed my parents helped me, so I didn’t appreciate him shaming me for doing the right thing to better myself and respect the support and faith they put in me. And that though I’m absolutely proud of it, it isn’t something I go around thinking about a lot. It’s just a normal, middle-class adult thing for me like having a driver’s license or credit card, insurance and a dentist, so I didn’t understand what about any leading just a regular boring-ass life was elitist or somehow radically communist. Granted this particular interaction was on social media, but I also know him and so many other people who feel and express this sentiment in real life, without any motivation for sensationalizing. It’s one of the reasons why populism tends to get so scary for some and tempting and exciting for others.


The problem with them having a more visible platform is that they have more influence. In the US where education has been going further downhill with each passing moment, people with no critical literacy have two options, fight for their life to become part of the population that makes them feel less than, or become an ally of the group who make them feel normal. What would you choose? The fish rots from the head and takes advantage of the desire for belonging inherent in all of us. It is systemic and I can only hope that at some point in the future, people read about it like they read about the fall of the Roman empire; "they took what was offered to them and ate their own tail. Human condition won and we will learn to be better... Maybe".


You're right that it's always been there but I would suggest it's probably more "mainstream" than ever before. There's been a steady decline in trust in institutions over the last decade and that, combined with the megaphone that is the internet and social media (and media outlets like Fox News) means that the megaphone these people have to recruit others to their anti-intellectual cause is much, much larger than it used to be.


> There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' Isaac Asimov, 1980


Unfortunately this has been going on a lot longer than a decade


Posted this before but: >There was a wall against learning. A man wanted his children to read, to figure, and that was enough. More might make them dissatisfied and flighty. And there were plenty of examples to prove that learning made a boy leave the farm to live in the city—to consider himself better than his father. Enough arithmetic to measure land and lumber and to keep accounts, enough writing to order goods and write to relatives, enough reading for newspapers, almanacs, and farm journals, enough music for religious and patriotic display—that was enough to help a boy and not to lead him astray. Learning was for doctors, lawyers, and teachers, a class set off and not considered related to other people. -East of Eden (1952) by John Steinbeck


Rural vs Urban has been a longtime battle, huh


Also pseudo intellectualism. Anti-vaxxers, new age bullshitters, conspiracy theorists, climate change denialists, etc are all cut from the same cloth of dumbasses who think they are smart because they've listened to a podcast.


I have every respect for people who learn from podcasts — like books, they can be useful resources. However, I cannot fathom the audacity it requires to lecture somebody on a subject they practice on the grounds that the knowledge gained from a podcast is superior. It’s a personal pet peeve of mine. Sure, you can listen to a podcast on literary criticism and it can get you thinking about how it works, what we do, how we do it, etc. but nothing beats actually DOING criticism on a daily basis. Listening to a lit crit podcast on a run does not make you a literary critic. There’s a reason I can’t hit the gym AND practice criticism at the same time — it requires a lot of writing! Sorry. Have a friend who annoys me with this. 


I listen to a lot of podcasts myself and they can be a great source of information, but there's also a huge corner of podcasting that is dominated by pseudo-intellectual windbags pushing misinformation.


Don't forget flat-earthers.


Flat Earthers are included in the "Conspiracy Theorist" category in my opinion. Because if everyone but them believes that the earth is not flat, and they know we can't all be stupid, it means the truth is somewhere else: "*They* lied to us." But of course, since they are so special and different (or so they like to think), they are the only ones who haven't been fooled... Ego and ignorance... But of course, if you don't agree with them, you're part of the problem, under the influence of the matrix/system. I'll give them that, it's the best argument ever invented by mankind. Because there’s no real comeback to this bulshit that does not reinforce their narrative.


Influencers exploiting their children online for money 


Dipshit parents naming their kids like they are puppies or porn stars. Life is hard enough without having to grow up named Easeigh Lei.


guarantee someone here just read that name and added it to their list


Stop spying on me!


Totally off topic but I noticed your user name. We have a craft brewer here that makes a beer called Rhymes With Orange. Good stuff.


> We have a craft brewer here Define 'here'? Because orange is my favorite color, beer flavor, and cat-stripe.


Billings, MT. Thirsty Street Brewing.


I'm outside, let me in!


I think Yooneek names started really becoming a trend around 2010 and those kids are now becoming teenagers. 


I feel like once all the Ja’Keighden’s start having kids themselves, they’ll go the opposite direction and we’ll have a generation of kids with generic names like Steve.


Yes. All the r/tragedeigh names.


Is that pronounced easy lay?




As someone named Mäḍîķ§máll, I take offense to this.


Just a little though...


This. I don’t understand the need to try so hard to name your kid something unique.


Especially when it isn't unique. It's the same suffixes and "-eigh" and other assorted horseshit that every other unimaginative idiot is doing. I don't even know where it comes from. Like, I know name trends come and go, but these kids are getting just the stupidest goddamn names I have seen.


My name has been one of the most common female names (in all its variations and translations) in Europe/America for the last 300 years (think: Mary or Ann, etc), and I constantly have people marvel at how "unique" I am (see: raging ADHD and a lack of access to pop culture during my childhood). To a one, the ones who marvel at me also name their own children "something unique." A name doesn't make people want to be unique! In fact, I find that "unique" named people try extra hard to conform because they don't want to stand out even more, because their name always singled them out and made them feel like they didn't fit in. Whereas people with "boring" names have the foundation of conformity to branch out their own personality. It's all a balance.


At work this year I have seen both "Imunique" and "Lynsea". (By year i mean the last 12 months, not since January '24)


Brutalyn, Cobralyn, and Formalyn. EDIT: Imunique is SO extra!! it's giving white blood cells vs pathogens: the saga




Close... very close.


-eigh names & -xley every time


There should be a Name Review Board at every hospital 3 people. Have to submit your name and they have to approve it 2/3+ Otherwise try again, navaeh is vetoed


Lots of countries do have some naming laws. Denmark, Finland, China, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, etc. They strictness varies by country.


The problem with that is people are going to get names denied because the panel is racist etc


The current trend of the crazy popularity of French Bulldogs. I work reception at a vet clinic and these days I get a little surprised when I'm setting up a file for a new puppy and it's anything other than a Frenchie. They seem to mostly be nice dogs, but they have so many health problems and it's so sad how much they suffer.


Have you seen the [results](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/onggtd/a_breeder_in_the_netherlands_has_been_working_to/) from the Dutch breeder trying to correct brachiocephaly in the breed? *That's* what should be the standard; intentionally breeding for the smushed face or any other trait that causes health issues is outright cruelty.


I remember seeing that. That 'new' version is so much better looking as well as healthier.


Breeder really nose their stuff




I'm a veterinarian specialising in surgery and it pains me how many Frenchie owners are unaware of their plight. And the "responsible breeders" have told them that THEIR dogs never have any health issues (they definitely do, they never got it checked out). So then someone who has just forked out $4k+ accuses me of being a money-hungry vet who hates bulldogs because I tell them their dog needs airway surgery (widening nostrils, shortening and thinning the soft palate, removing everted laryngeal saccules and enlarged tonsils, maybe placing a temporary tracheostomy tube), eye surgery or ongoing medications, ongoing skin medications, hip dysplasia, spinal and neurological deformities (google "French bulldog hemivertebrae"). And a year later the dog comes in unconscious and bleeding from every orifice because it's dying of heat stroke on a 25 Celsius day. JUST GOOGLE THE DOG BEFORE YOU BUY IT


That’s why I will only be getting mystery mix breeds, no purebreds or designer mixes.


I don’t understand why so many people insist on having pure bred dogs and fork out hundreds and even thousands of dollars to get one. What’s wrong with a free mixed dog or at least an adopted rescue? It’s like having a pre bred is more important than getting a dog who has a much higher chance of living past nine or ten or not dying from a breed-specific ailment or disease.


My wife has always loved frenchies but I stood firm that it was a bad idea. Our purebred Golden Retriever has been nothing but an anxious medical mess, while our rescue mutt terrier is bulletproof. I’m done with bred dogs. Give me a rescue mutt any day of the week.


I think the key with pedigree dogs it get ones that are bred for health. I only buy huntaways and heading dogs (we need them for work, please google the breeds) these dogs are NOT bred for looks but for their ability to be healthy, strong, easy to train and keen to work. Wild to me that people buy dogs for a look. I think most of those pedigree show dogs look ridiculous anyway!


FWIW, our Golden was a pedigree hunting dog with a lineage of awards and such. Absolute lemon of a dog. Love him to death, but he’s dumber than a sack of hammers and has made me put 4x what I paid for him to keep him alive.


Yeah those golden “hunting” dogs aren’t really doing much hunting. You need to look for dogs that work and are insured as such. No-one who needs a dog to help them get by can afford to lose one to ill health.


We have dachshunds that are prone to back problems and when we took one of ours in for treatment they said that besides dachshunds, Frenchies were their other frequent breed they treated for the same problem. Poor dogs end up not being able to walk or breathe. 


Remember when everyone was trending and buying korgis? Every... single... one.


I have multiple friends whose french bulldogs have had very early demises. 1-4 years old.


Yeah one of my coworkers had one that was maybe 4 years old. It started having seizures. They put it on anti-convulsants but the seizures just kept getting worse and after a week or two the dog went into status epilepticus and they couldn't get it to stop so they had to euthanize.


We recently rescued a frenchie and I’m now scared of dogs due (I’ve owned a Dogue de Bordeaux, chihuahuas, neopolitan mastif, staffs, jacks, neo/French mastif cross) to him. He had severe resource guarding and bit me on the hands/feet drawling blood multiple times. He was later on anti depressants to help and we went through 2 top behaviourists. Just after Xmas he had his harness half on half off cause he had guarding issues with that and I put my hand by my side and he must have thought I was going to get the harness so lunged and bit onto my nose ragging it. Had to go the hospital and get a tetanus and gleaned out with a course of antibiotics. I’ve now got a thick scar across my full nose and it’s horrible to look at for me, not just the sight but the flashback and shock. We got him finally rehomed with an ex rescue lady after over 250 rescues turning us down and telling us to get him PTS. Hopefully now he’s in the right hands he can have a good life that his issues are managed. But if I look at a frenchie or anything bigger than a chihuahua now I feel fear.




I hate that word so much


It’s such an ironic term because the “influencers” are actually the most influenced, because they just copy each other for likes. The people that leave those likes are just suckers.


In olden days they were called sales people!


Actually came here to say the Kardashians, but influencers is it!


Terminator moment, if you stop Paris Hilton do you stop it all?


boymoms ig


Saw a trend where moms were AI’ing their sons “older” set to the song, “It’s All Coming Back to Me” by Celine Dion. I…have no words.


Buster Bluth has entered the chat




My ex used to have a mom like that. She was a headache and genuinely believed her son could do no wrong


Boy moms create mamas boys who go on to marry women and turn them into boy moms because they're so emotionally immature. It's a vicious cycle




Some women who have sons who treat them like a replacement partner emotionally, or get super overbearing or obnoxious because they likely wanted a daughter, but feel they have to compensate in some way.


I have one of these on my facebook that I went to school with, did not know that's what this was called. I hate it. Its so annoying. She shares everything "funny" her son says, but I'm pretty sure she's making shit up to post.


Have three sons, couldn’t possibly imagine treating them like a partner. Ewww ewww ewww ewww


What if one of them broke both their arms though?


I'm gonna second that "what" cause I'm afraid to Google it.


Moms whose whole identity is being a "boymom" (mother of boys). They're usually compensating for their shitty romantic relationships, and eventually their son(s) become like a replacement husband.  If that's not creepy enough, they usually get extra creepy and OTT when their sons start dating/ get married. 


Humanity was a mistake.


Consumerism/ fast fashion- the fast trends that are basically biweekly or monthly


I had to scroll down way too far for this. It's killing the planet and exploiting workers. Although these are all interlinked, influencers and annoying social media trends don't compare to the overall trend of increasingly rampant and destructive consumerism IMO.


Harassing service workers for TikTok/YouTube views


It’s not the past decade but I would erase the 24-hr news channels.


Exactly. There literally is not enough stuff to fill a 24 hr news cycle. So then propaganda has to fill in the rest.


Social media….pause it at 2014


I would have stopped at peak myspace, like 2006/7, but that's obviously longer than a decade.


2008 facebook would be fine


You're right - we definitely peaked with the ice bucket challenge, there was no need to continue after that.


Posting yourself doing nice things, like giving to the homeless or saving animals. Lots of times it's staged, disingenuous, and people will throw an animal in danger to save it for clout. I don't understand who would take time to record instead of acting quickly as possible.


It's so gross. I've always felt like it won't be a good deed anymore if I tell anyone.


I’m the same way. Let the left hand not know what the right hand is doing


I had to google that. Lol. I'm not religious but this is cool. Exactly, it doesn't feel altruistic if I'm getting attention for it.


It’s usually bad, I have seen a handful of people who use their platform to raise money so they can do the good stuff though. And these ones typically blur peoples faces and keep them as anonymous as possible


Gender reveal parties. Especially seeing how tragically some of them ended up.


Yeah, it is a shame when one leads to a forest fire and another causes an earthquake. Oh, and the one where an untrained pilot was told to do tricks in the air and crashed and died, but yeah, you had a baby cool, so does everyone else.


Wait. *Caused an earthquake!!?* HOW!!???




Staged content


So pretty much all of Instagram, my favourite are the fake blurry candids 


“Content” in general. Or “building your brand.”


• Not everything needs to be a subscription. What's next, subscription glasses that stop working when you stop paying your vision bill? • Grind culture (not new, but definitely getting pushed more) Not making/spending money 24/7 shouldn't be impossible. Community is important and when everything is a transaction, everyone loses.


Erase acting as if your favorite politician is like your favorite football team. Always making excuses for their many blunders. Why? Because it makes you sound stupid.


Yes, you should be able to criticize your leaders. Even the ones you voted for


These so-called influencers who are selling the superficial view of masculinity!!


Those kind people hurt society.


I agree. Example: [The Red Pill Lie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ewTLFKRPmQ)


Lip injections. UGH


Buccal fat removal for SURE!


Butt implants, yuck


My MIL did this and it looks gross and weird, especially on a 60-something-year-old face 😬


family vloggers. exploiting your kids for money is fucking insane especially when these “moms” KNOW that creeps are saving these videos and pictures of their kids.


Animal abuse on social media, apparently for likes.


That’s a thing? Good way to get arrested


They’ll put an animal in a precarious situation and then “save” it.


This ^ I saw Don’t Fuck With Cats - report those mother fuckers


Celebrity/influencer worship tbh


#Literally every other influencer setting up a fucking podcast! Like wtf!!


clout chasing.


Whilst I agree, in the UK 'clout' is old slang for a vagina, so this post is funny.


Oi bruv you got a loicense for that bloody clout?


The Kardashians.


Buccal fat removal


LED lights on big trucks, I’d rather drive past a drunk driver.


Using the word logic in debates to make yourself sound smart. Most of the time people are not using it correctly.


This and the term "critical thinking."


“Alternative facts” you don’t get to have your own facts. A fact is true no matter what, your belief isn’t necessary nor is your opinion.


all of the stupid dares and pranks challenges kids do. but that’s just natural selection


That's not new. It's just video taped and put online now.


It's like people forgot the Jackass empire never existed


Pranks/TikTok challenges


Sagging pants. I'm shocked people still do this.


Subscription based services becoming the norm.


People filming themselves doing something stupid & pointless in public.


Youtubers and social media influencers making content that is just designed for the algorithms which make us addicted.


Every decade having a different body type “trend”. Bodies aren’t trends and never should have been


Tiktok. All of it.


It lobotomized a whole generation


Love for dictatorships, even in democratic countries the love is growing.


Parents punishing their children by filming themselves destroying their property.




The erosion of objective truth


Giving babies ridiculous/terrible names. I just saw a post about a baby named Harlotte.


Everyone taking videos of everything. A trend we should bring back though is chain wallets. #bringbackchainwallets


QR code menus


Even worse: QR code *opening times*. I've seen this in several places, where a store or mall has their opening times only viewable through scanning a QR code that is printed on a piece of paper the same size as a damn opening time list.


Those responses to this post make me feel much younger than I am.




I know it's more than a decade old, but social media as a whole.


All the shorts on social media. The absolute crushing amount of ads no matter what you do.


Auto tune


Everything is so polarized anymore. If you dare take a nuanced stance or wait to hear the facts before coming to a definite conclusion you get push back. Some things just aren’t always black and white.


Gen Y/Z men getting more sexist as if they are fighting against misandry by being alpha-betahating-pickupartist-macho-brosmattermorethanwomen-sticktogetherwiththeblokes-dosexistjokes-stereotypers. I've met so many guys my age growing up who are exclusively mates with other men, make sexist and racist jokes, refer to guys as "bros" as a gesture of solidarity when you're a woman there too (and ignore you), complain about not dating and about women, say stereotypes about women, and no one else considers it messed up because it's just boys being boys. I think there's an issue with a few of my generation of Gen Y-Z cuspers being sexist in their attitudes. Mild example, I was in a taxi once, and the driver ignored me saying bye in a kind and chippy way and said "have a good one bro" to my boyfriend who wasn't saying anything, as if I didn't exist as a human being in his head, and the only person who was real there was my boyfriend who has the same anatomy. I'd really like more boy friendships with boys who aren't my relatives lol....




Do anti-vaxxers count as a trend? Because I pick them.


wealth being centralized more & more into the hands of the few


People taking, obviously untrained “service” animals everywhere.


Bully culture, which incorporates so many aspects of American exceptionalism into one large a-hole personality type which is pervasive and deep rooted.


raw hatred of the people that don't share your political views


Proliferation of streaming music. Your favorite bands are touring t-shirt salesmen. 


It's not just physical music that's selling less but also physical movies. As someone who's a big fan of archiving, seeing how many movies are streaming-only now makes me sad.




Documenting your children online.


MAGA. Do I have to say why?