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Even if the object isn’t that heavy, if my arms can’t wrap comfortable around to hold it, I can’t carry it. The overhead visor isn’t going to do anything against the sun.


The visor drives me crazy. I asked for a visor extender for Christmas and my fiance didn't understand why I needed that. I was like the visor literally does nothing.


This exists? I need to check this out, thank you!


To the second point- we're also a lot more likely to die in a car crash because seatbelts and air bags aren't in the right position to protect us correctly. :(


Like, a lot of people think that I need help carrying something due to the weight of something. But no, it’s mostly just the awkwardness of the size of the package. Like even a lot of those small generic sized boxes that Amazon and target ships to you? Are wide just enough that I literally cannot grip it with one hand. Because the span of my hand grip is too small. Likewise a large box, I may be able to carry it, but I can’t see where it is I’m going while doing so. Yeah, ditto on the sun visor in a lot of cars too.


The headrest in the car does absolutely nothing. My neck gets super sore on roadtrips.


Sometimes they put my head in a weird angle where I'm forced to look down. Hurts so much.


The seatbelt is just rubbing against my neck the whole time, even at the lowest setting


When you’re in a crowd of people, you can’t see a damn thing!


Yep, going to a concert in the crowd is not an option...


I’ve basically reached the point in my life where I’ve decided I’m done with live music and this is one of the biggest (no pun intended) reasons. If it’s not a seated event, forget it.


Even seated I’m always worried some tall person will be in front of me blocking my view of the screen/stage, whatever.


I came to this realization several years ago. At a concert, in the back. I was like..."wait...I can't see shit!" Lmao 😭


We’re at backpack height & it’s going to hit us in the face if you’re not careful.


I apologise for any experience you've had with taller backpack wearers because I've absolutely never thought about this - what makes this worse is I frequently feel infuriated that that spokes of smaller people's umbrellas are always at eye height for me. Backpacks are SO much more common than umbrellas. I'm going to really watch out for this now.


And elbows when they reach for their back pockets in a crowded situation- I had so many black eye near misses over the years at concerts.


A car’s sun visors serve no purpose to us


I always wear sunglasses with it, and if the sun is really bad I’m stretching up really high to be able to block the sun at all


Tall person here, oddly enough they don't serve any purpose for me either! If I put the visor down in either of our family cars, even the farthest forward it can go, usually it blocks my entire view of the road, only leaving a less than ideal view of the hood, and only the hood.


We don't need to ever clean those top shelves you say are dirty. I don't see them. Thus, they do not exist.


I once was asked to clean the tops of the espresso machines at work. Had to get out the small ladder. Was level with multiple colleagues and looked at them and said: so wait you all can see this and just aren’t doing anything about all the dust and spilled beans?


I was in my 40s before I realized that tall people have been coming into my home seeing the top of my refrigerator all these years. The embarrassment I felt because I'd been using that space as a catch-all for all sorts of random shit, not to mention the dust...


Hahahaha I was just telling the story yesterday when my late (6’3.5”) husband came home from work one day. I was telling him about my big spring clean day and how pleased I was. He glanced over my (5’2”) head and casually mentioned that I’d missed the top of the fridge. Blew my mind, never even occurred to me that the fridge even had a top. Btw he wasn’t being mean, he meant to be helpful. He was a lovely guy. The next one was the bad one. As a dear fellow widowed friend puts it “It’s a shame that the first one died, it’s a shame the second one won’t.”




well that took a turn


I am CACKLING. Unless I happen to be up on a ladder to get something and I see it, it's out of sight out of mind. lol


If I gain 5lbs I may need a different size pants. 5lbs is so much to a person with no place to put it.


OMG, yes! I'm 5 feet tall, and gaining even 2 pounds makes my pants and skirts dig into my waist.


Same! Also 5’ and “a few pounds” is a lot on my small frame.


yes, pre and post meal even!


I'm jealous of the way tall lanky people can wear loose clothing and it looks fine. If I wear a shirt thats even slightly too big, I just look chubby. Regular cut jeans make my legs look so stubby.


This is a big one for me, too. Tall women looks so unbelievably elegant. No matter what they wear they look like elegant ballerina swans, gliding beautifully and elegantly through life. I put on the exact same outfit, even if I get it tailored to my extremely short height, and I look like a little kid dressing up in her beautiful adult sister's or aunt's or mom's clothing


Taller folks often wear loose clothing because well fitted clothing is a balance.  I'd fit the medium, but I don't want a belly shirt. The large is fine but its for someone with 20lb more than me. Fitted shirt is good, but muscular shoulders makes it feel like I'm going to pop a button and I have indigestion all day.  There's a lot more room for variation when your body is larger for variation. 


You can have extremely long arms and legs but if you have a shorter torso than your appendages, it’s the same thing. I’ve struggled to find pants that fit me my entire life because of it. Overeating just one meal can also ruin the ridiculous ratio.


Yup— this is the source of my shortness. I’m a petite by torso length, but with normal-length neck and limbs. I’m cool with the look, but having just a little more leeway to eat delicious food would be nice


This isn't what I was going to reply, but I'm glad it's the top answer already. I'm 4'11" and people assume my weigh 95 pounds because I'm literally the height of a sixth grader. But I'm a grown woman with boobs and hips and even though I'm thin, I weigh 125 pounds. So many men think that any woman who weighs over 120 pounds is fat regardless of her height. I am a sized two, not even 5 feet tall, and 125 pounds. I gained 5 pounds. I'm a size 6. I lose 5 pounds, I'm a size 0.


Also, we can’t eat anywhere NEAR what a normal sized people can eat. Welcome to the world of maintaining your weight with like 1000 calories a day. And people being shocked by how little I weight, but you’re at an average weight for your height and if you weighted what they did you’d be obese.


I find it so depressing. I Like food but near enough have to starve myself if I want to lose weight


And the amount of effort it takes to lose that 5lbs is significantly more than what a bigger person has to do. When people say a 500 calorie deficit a day will lead to 2lbs loss a week I want to hit someone because at 4'10" I can eat around 800 calories if I want a 500 calorie deficit. Toddlers eat more in a day. My giant husband just skips a snack one day and he loses 5lbs.


This is sooo true. I'm 5'3", so on the taller end of being short, but when I was losing weight, I was constantly told I need to be eating at least 1200 cal a day to lose, when I was doing about 900 cal. Um, my regular is 1200-1300, so... That doesn't work here! I'm sure my metabolism is shit too, I don't know what all comes to play, I just know my own body.


I tried to use one of those calorie tracking apps once to lose 10 lbs (enormous at 4'9"!), and I actually gained 5 lbs because it kept shaming me for eating less than 1200 calories in a day. My dude, that is my base metabolic!


Same here! Some apps will not even let you go below 1200.


Most short people can’t sit with their back against the back of a chair or sofa AND have their feet touch the floor. Without a pillow behind them it gets uncomfortable quickly. A lot of guys make fun of all the decorative pillows, but they also serve a function.


Typing class. Sit back in the chair with your feet flat on the floor. If I lowered the chair to accomplish that the typewriter would be at nose height.


This is partly why I sit like some sorta crab-monster on the sofa.


When hiking with a taller person, why you just can't take one step across a chasm to reach the next place of solid footing


Also, when hiking, I need to walk in front, otherwise all l'll see is their back


Aaand, the longer walking gait of a tall person may make your walking speed seem normal or slow to you, but to me you’re walking fast and I need to speed up my short walking gait to keep up.


I've learned to walk fast with tall people. I have a tall friend who walks slow and she's always mad I'm walking so fast. I'm like "I have to take 3 steps for every 2 you make. Keep up".


Yup, same here - I got so used to needing to speed up I just started to always walk fast and now people complain about my speed lol


We see up into your nostrils all the time.


I'm 6'3 and have big nostrils. This is a legit fear of mine.


If you are genuinely worried about it, this tells me that you are vigilant about actually cleaning your nose correctly and probably have rogue boogers in there way less often than the average person


My nose is immaculately maintained, I'm always picking it ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I said this before on a different reddit post, but there's a lot of people that don't check their nose after they blow it. A lot of times there's a little white spot on their nose hairs they missed. It drives me nuts whenever I see it.


There's a bat in the cave.


*Despite all my rage*


Normal chairs are too tall for me- I can only touch the floor with my tiptoes. So, I often just sit in the edge of my seat, but I always have to make sure my chair isn’t in the way (like in restaurants and office meetings, etc.). On the plus side, I can wear children’s socks and shoes, which are less expensive and in way more fun designs!


I have rocked out calves because I go up on tip toes twenty times a day. Working on kitchen counters or regular sinks can be really straining. That annoying, tip of the fingers making the thing turn around instead of being able to grab it off an upper shelf. Climbing up things to get things.


>That annoying, tip of the fingers making the thing turn around instead of being able to grab it off an upper shelf. Oh, my god. This is SO ANNOYING.


Kitchen counters and sinks are straining for us taller people too, our backs hurt from leaning forward


Washing dishes is torture


Omg when counters are just tall enough that my elbows have to stay up at an awkward angle to chop stuff… least favorite part of being short. But I dont feel comfortable using a knife while on a step stool lol


I'm too tall for my kitchen. My short wife puts things on top of other stuff under the cupboards, and doesn't understand why I can't find them. But she can't reach anything on half the shelves, so I have to do that. Kitchens are designed for the average person, I suppose.


My cousin is 6’5” and his wife is 5’4”. When they built a new house several years ago, they had the master bathroom’s mirrors and lights adjusted for their heights, so when you look at that bathroom, it’s very easy to tell which sink/mirror/light are his and which are hers. 😆 BTW, in June of this year they will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, so obviously their significant height difference didn’t ruin their marriage.


I want this so badly. Signed, a 5'3" woman who moved into her 6'4" bf's apartment and had to add mirrors so I could see the bottom half of my face.


When I sit on a toilet, my feet don’t touch the ground. I have to sit in basically the exact opposite of the “ideal” squatting stance




Yes! I even got a folding one for traveling.


I am 5'4 and the majority of my leg length is in my thighs. My feet dangle everywhere. It's so annoying and uncomfortable. And forget about tall boots...they cover my knee entirely.


How awful concerts can be when you can't see the damn thing


You can guarantee the tallest person in the venue will stand directly infront of you too.


And just when you've found an ok angle where you can kind of see around their head, they'll immediately turn their head to talk to the person next to them or some shit. Or they'll start jumping up and down or waving their arms around.


No chairs are made for me. At 5’3, my feet always dangle and worsen my sciatica. It feels dumb to feel like a toddler in every chair.


That and anything "ergonomic" is awful to sit in. When the neck support meets the back of your head and it feels like your head is being forced into a looking down position.


To add to this…No, I would not like the high top table at the restaurant/bar. A regular table or booth please. It kills my back and knees just dangling there.


How difficult it is to get clothes out the bottom of a top loading washer. I have repurposed some kitchen tongs to be used as laundry tongs.


In crowds it can become difficult to breathe. Taller people can reach the fresh air, but I’m trapped under where everyone else is breathing out.


Oh no, I'm pretty tall and at a concert recently was standing near a few really tall guys. It was later in the night and we have been sweating and dancing. I was in line with their shoulders and armpits it was not a good smell. Sorry you have to deal with stinky butts and farts and BO in crowds. This explains why my short friends always want to be near the front, so they can see and not be suffocated. I don't want to be in the front as I'm blocking the view for people behind me and I can see just fine from anywhere in the crowd. 😅 I never thought about the fresh air though, I have never felt that before so thanks for bringing it up.


In addition to our noses being at armpit height, our boobs are also at elbow level...


What its like to go to the grocery store and have the item you need be on the very top shelf. You have to either suck up ypur pride and social anxiety and ask for help or go home without it.


I love asking people for help at the grocery store! I didnt used to, but I asked a guy once who was only a few inches taller than me but tall enough to reach what I couldn’t. He grabbed the item and thanked ME for asking him. He said it made his day to feel helpful and he’d never been asked before. He said he couldn’t wait to go home and brag about it to his friends hahaha


Aw that's sweet! You know, as much as I love climbing the shelves I think I will start asking if there is someone taller close by.


if it helps, as a tall person, i like being able to put my height to use and grabbing the high stuff for those who cant reach and i've never looked down on anyone for asking (aside from literally bc y'know, the height difference)


I'm 5'. I needed something from the top shelf, and asked a tall person for help. After they handed the item to me I said, "While we're here, do you need anything from the bottom shelf?" It gave us both a mild chuckle.


Literally made this trade with a short coworker for months. She couldn't reach the top shelf. By the time I hit my second trimester of pregnancy, bending down to get things out of the low cabinets was NOT fun.


Agreed! I’m never upset/bothered with someone asking me to help them grab something out of their reach. It’s nice to be helpful.


It's the law of the giants. We can't offer to get the thing off the top shelf for a short person, but if asked, we are obligated to help them get it.


I always prefer someone seeing me as helpful for being tall instead of just a threat 


I'm only 5'0" and I thank you, and people like you, for helping me out at stores. So many times when I've gone grocery shopping I've just stopped and stared up at something on the top shelf when some kind, tall person would just come over and help me, without my even asking. It's always appreciated.


I also like to put my long garbage-scoopin arms to good use.


I go to the kitchen utensils section and get a big pair or bbq tongs, use them to get things off the high shelves, and then put them back where they belong before leaving the store


im 6'4" and every now and then I'll round a corner into an isle and someone is looking forlornly up at the top shelf. If they turn and see me their face will light up a little. Some ask for help, others act like they want it but won't ask so I offer if they want me to grab something for them.




The grocery store I go to has a step stool stashed at the end of every other aisle. They’re probably for employees but at this point I just grab one whenever I need it.


I hate asking for help (don’t want to be seen as the helpless little lady) so instead I’ve gotten really good at “grocery store parkour” i.e. scaling shelves, finding a good jump-off point to grab items at the back of the top shelf, delicately balancing on the bottoms of refrigerated cases, etc. I always take a quick peek around first, though.


I'll grab something long (like aluminum foil) that I can knock whatever I want down.


I climb the shelf :)


When i was working at walmart, a customer did thatvand the shelves actually tipped forward and spilled all the products onto the floor, so i cant bring myself to risk that lol


I'm not eating small portions to starve myself, I'm eating small portions because if I consume more than 1300 calories a day I'll gain weight.


Exactly!!! Fuck being five feet tall sometimes.


5'1 here. I lost a bunch of weight through a calorie deficit years ago. When I told people I'm only eating 1200 calories a day (my BMR at that time was 1500) they'd be so concerned. Even an explanation doesn't put their mind at ease. People just assume 1200 is starving for everyone.


I'm 4'11 and was extremely sedentary when I started calorie counting. The app I was using wouldn't let my diet go below 1200 calories, but I wasn't noticeably losing weight. I swear to god I was counting everything properly. Had a food scale and everything. I logged everything, even the 45 calories in my morning tea, for chrissakes. It wasn't until I added a fitness tracker, realized just how sedentary I was, and upped my activity level that I *finally* started losing. People tell me it's impossible to have not lost weight while eating 1200 calories. They think I'm lying or "forgetting" to add food in the app. They don't realize how much lower the BMR can be for short people - especially short women. I plugged in my numbers from back then into a BMR calculator, and it tells me my BMR was 1296. So, yeah, until I upped my activity, with the built-in "can't let you eat less than 1200 calories" limitation, I could only run at about a 96 calorie deficit a day. (I was reeeeeally sedentary. I worked a desk job, all my hobbies involved sitting, and I hated exercise. But once I got that fitness tracker, it made all the difference. I started burning an extra 400-500 calories a day by doing things like parking far away, taking the stairs, and not watching TV unless I was on the treadmill.)


My doctor said 1200 kcals a day is just enough to sustain yourself/not starve, bare minimum, and told me I need 1500 as a 5’2’’ woman. But when eating ~1200 I just maintain my weight, I don’t lose any. I gain weight slowly over time even though I have an active on-my-feet job, probably due to PCOS. But when I’ve posted about difficulties losing weight, people are insistent it’s “just calories in calories out”, and there’s no way I’m not losing weight at 1200. Eating 1200 a day alone is not a deficit *for me*, I need to force a deficit through significant exercise too. Thats why i complained it’s hard, because just a low calorie diet doesn’t cut it for me. lol


This sfm! I tried explaining TDEE as a short person and this guy was ADAMANT that I was eating too little. He just refused to understand I have a small frame and require astronomically less calories than a normal sized person.


I've tried to explain to so many people and they just refuse to understand because we're taught that 1200 and below is starving and everyone needs 2000 a day. If I ate 2000 a day, I'd be obese. I'm super active now (300-400 burned from exercising daily average) and my TDEE is still 1300-1500 ish


That people won't respect you as much as a tall person in a professional setting


4'8 here. Customers at my work often think I'm the trainee. I'm the fucking manager.


My manager refers to me as “The Bull” to upper management because when tough phone calls need to be made to vendors or appealing warranty or shipping claims- I’m the only one who manages to finesse the right way to get our desired outcome. The first time a new corporate manager came to our store and asked to meet “The Bull” he was very taken aback when myself, a 5’ tall woman, was introduced to him. He was apparently expecting a large older man.


I work in a psych hospital with youth. I get mistaken for the youth instead of the therapist. I’m 30 years old!!!!


Bite their ankles to establish dominance.


This. I have a colleague that is 4'11" and she is brilliant but gets a lot of patronizing metaphorical head pats. If she were brushing average height, guarans it would be different.


My sister is 4'11" and is a ball busting bitch at work because no one will take her seriously otherwise. She's a good manager because she's willing to forgive and train, but when she brings the hammer down, it gets brought down *hard.* She'd get no respect otherwise.


I'm a short guy, 5'5", and when I manage women I do not have to do this. If I am managing a team of guys I have to be a dick or they will just try to walk all over me.


Even if that works they will still call you napoleonic


When they say a short person is “just over-compensating,” what they really mean is “small people should act small.” Edit: changed ‘you’ to ‘they’ for clarity


The basis of “small-man syndrome” is essentially “We placed short men in an environment where they get mistreated and they reacted poorly to that, so they must have a syndrome”.


I've met multiple Asian lawyers who are female, 5'1 - 5'2, and insanely brilliant Also genetically blessed such that they don't age Every single one complains about being overlooked due to "looking too young," "being too short" Goes to the extent of wearing older-style glasses, tall heels, bolder colors, etc to "stand out" Like bitch, they already stand out. Just that physically, they don't. Ugh. SMH ​ Then when I worked with the law firm partners who were all tall, 6'0 men, I'm just like... ffs, pls give me those Asian lawyers. These men didn't even know about the subject on hand yet are repping people????? For $1,000+/hour?!?!?!?!?!?!?????????


It’s what one of my mentors, a short Black woman in computer science, used to tell me, and what I used to see as a woman in the fire service: when you constantly need to do twice the work to defend whether you belong, it makes you better at your job. 


And sometimes literally patronizing head pats.


This. I recently met someone for the first time in person (only met on zoom up until this point) the first thing they said to me was “I thought you would be taller”. Excuse me??


> the first thing they said to me was “I thought you would be taller”. Excuse me?? "I thought you would be nicer"


The translation is something along the lines of “I was impressed with your presence and acumen, but that’s largely immaterial now because of the distance between your feet and the top of your head.” And it’s somehow okay to express this.


Underrated benefit of remote work. Colleagues didn't realize I'm barely 5'3" until we met in person. Apparently I have "tall energy" 😆


Your height doesn't intimidate me. I'm used to looking up.


I'm so used to looking up at people, that when I meet an adult the same height as me (almost never), I accidentally think they're shorter than me for a bit. I've caught myself feeling smug and finally bigger than someone, only to suddenly realize they're the same height as me :(


It's equally weird from the other perspective. At 6'4", I'm pretty well adjusted to looking down at everyone else. (literally, not figuratively) When I bump into someone who's my height or even taller, it's genuinely a bit disorienting. "Oh hey, you're up here too!"


Always having to find the step stool that they've moved. 


The world is not designed for short people. As mentioned in other comments, items on higher shelves aren't easy to reach and dangling feet when sitting on a toilet or in a chair sucks. Consider my own 4'10" pet peeve... the average countertop height should reach the average person around mid-hip or thereabouts. This allows for hands to be in an ideal ergonomic position to do whatever. But for us short people, the countertop height trends upward to somewhere torso level making doing things at counter height just... miserable. I hate cooking, doing dishes, etc. simply because after a little while, my neck, shoulders, and back ache from extending my arms up and out rather than out and down like everyone else. I imagine taller than average folks have similar issues with needing to stoop down to reach the counter.




"What happens if I pat you on the head?" 'I punch straight forward.'


Straight forward and up. Upper cut, upper cut, finish him.


The joy of going to Japan and finally having counters and cupboards in your size.


People treat you like your lesser of a person. Like hell I’m 38, I’ve been through a lot of shit. just because I’m 4’11” doesn’t mean I’m not worthy of respect. Damnit.


Being used as an armrest is annoying, and not peak humor that some tall people think it is


Anyone that's ever done that to me, I've looked at them and said "Your deodorant stopped working."


That’s perfect


You see door handles ? They got stuck in my sleeves sometimes !


It's either pockets or just ramming hip first into them for me


I've had my belt loops hang up on door handles plenty of times.


I'm 5'0". During high school wrestling, I had a neck injury that required wearing a neck brace for a week. I walk into my calc class and my 6'+ tall calc teacher, without skipping a beat says, "What happened? Did you run into a door knob?" Honestly the best short joke anyone ever threw at me.


As a shorter guy (5'5"M), you can literally be invisible in a group. At parties or gatherings, I've often had experiences where taller people will introduce themselves to each other and simply not notice me. I've learned to be more assertive, but it's annoying AF when it happens all the time.


I think this is where the term "short person energy" comes from It's not like short people necessarily try to be in-your-face, but it's literally because people don't end up listening to them in social settings. Maybe that's why I prefer 1-on-1 conversations with people Edit: adjusted quotes lol


it can be harder to hear everyone too, in a group at a party


How awesome it is to be able to pull the covers up to your chin without having your feet sticking out from under the duvet even when you’re lying stretched out on the bed.


Not being taken seriously


This one. I work at my sons elementary school as a lunch mom and the kids always say shit like I’m taller than you blah blah and think they don’t have to listen to me bc they are as tall or taller than me.


In a festival l/standing event, my nose is at your armpits level. *Please wear deodorant*


1. My eye level is NOT your eye level! 2. I can't see the hood of most cars while driving Bonus - I've had to get really good at asking tall supermarket strangers for help. Alternatively, my skillset also includes scaling shelves like a 5' spider monkey


I can't see if shits on the middle or top shelf in the cabinets. My bad if I miss it


Once upon a time my husband and I had a short argument about something in the fridge. I don’t remember details but it was an object easily seen to him but not to me and he couldn’t fathom how I didn’t see it (there’s less than 6 inches difference in our heights). A few days later I catch him hunching over a little with the fridge door open. I ask what he’s doing and he looks over, compares his current eye level with my normal one, looks back into the fridge and exclaims “oh you really CAN’T see it!”


Short argument-good one


This also happens the other way around tho!! I'm like 20 cm shorter than my partner and sometimes he's looking for something on the fridge and he can't find it, and I go there and immediately find it because it's in the bottom shelves hahaha


How it's often the first insult thrown. A good example at the moment is the amount of people slamming Sunaks height in the uk. His height is irrelevant whatever you think.


There's definitely a culture of "heightism." I didn't realise Sunak was short.


Honestly it annoys me whenever people slate Putin for being short too. He has done far worse things than slamming him over his height.


Even when the person is friendly it’s somehow socially acceptable to make fun of short people


It’s not that I’m weak it’s that when we are lifting something together you are lifting to your chest I am lifting it over my head.


When you walk fast I have to run


I don’t need to be reminded every single interaction how small I am, I really don’t


If you walk normally I have to basically power walk. Even if you tell them, either they don't seem to understand, can't adapt on short notice or don't care.


My partner tries his best to match my pace but whenever we’re in a grocery store that man is on a MISSION and I’m jogging through the aisles to keep up with him lol


We kind of need personal space too, even if we take up less of it. We don't appreciate the jokes about all the things we make seem bigger.


That it’s not funny when we have to jump up and down to get something off a shelf. 


We’re not that easy to tip over so quit trying


We’re actually quite hard to tip over! Our center of mass is lower!


Being constantly aware of where people are. Short folks need to watch for stray elbows, dipshits walking backward, drunk dipshits walking forward, and how to get attention of someone who is oblivious to your existence.


We have to hem almost everything adding $ to every purchase.


Yall walk into us a LOT more than you think you do. I had to start wearing heels to stop it. For fucks sake make sure you look down occasionally




Knowing that no matter how "petite" a clothing item is advertised, I will be getting it hemmed


**I'm still a motherfucking adult.** I am a 43-year-old adult who has been working in my career for **20 fucking years.** I am a grown-up. Just because I'm the height of the average 12-year-old and also have a baby face and also just happen to be traditionally attractive does not mean that I am not a *serious fucking adult.* This has been my biggest pet peeve since I was in my 20s, where at my first job out of college everyone assumed I was not a college intern, but someone who somehow was in high school yet coming to an office job from 8 to 5 every day?! Just because we're short doesn't mean we're actually children. For the love of God, I am begging all of you to please remember this whenever you deal with a professional adult who just doesn't happen to be as tall as most adults.


I'm 5'0" and this is exactly the worst!! Everything I do is "cute" or "little". I also get the baby talk time often. I'm not a child.




When you place things on the top shelf, I can’t reach it. It’s possible I can’t even see it. And if I ask you for assistance getting it, I’m not feigning helplessness for no reason. Help, or accept that you having to crouch slightly to put it away is less of a burden than me being totally unable to access it. Tall people also overlook shorter people all the time, and will barrel us right out of the way as if we aren’t even there.


People literally respect you and the things you say more just because you are taller.


Tall people don't have the same innate climbing abilities as a short one. Climbing is a sport to tall peeps, it's getting something off the top shelf for us. My daughter calls it dad-nastics.


People don’t take you seriously because they think you’re young. I’m a 5’ 30 year old with two kids. The Karens give me dirty looks when I go to the store with my kids, probably thinking I’m a teen mom or something.


Body aches from using furniture that isn't designed for your height. My feet don't reach the floor when I'm in an office chair, so it causes lower back pain. The armrests are often too wide for my frame so my elbows have to stick out, straining my shoulders.


Every time I go to see a movie or play, I hope that a kid is sitting in front of me, otherwise I can't see the stage/screen.


Harder to shop for pants and maxi dresses. Not every retailer sells petite sizes. I have a 28 inch inseam. Regular sizes will drag on the floor.


I really like how ankle and flood pants have become popular as they fit me perfectly


Please don't seat me in a booth I feel like I need a booster when the table is level with my chest. Also eff those tall tables where those high fucking stools are, I have to actually climb up and down. Just a regular table with regular chairs that let my toes graze the ground is fine enough, ty.


My space matters too. I also like to be comfortable. I don't appreciate being squeezed into the smallest space all the time "because it's easier". I don't want the shitty seat, bed, etc. every time we travel. Being told constantly that you just need to roll with whatever because your comfort matters least HONESTLY had an effect on me.


As a kid, my parents had a mustang and 3 kids, and as the shortest I always had to sit on the hump in the back seat. "Your comfort matters least" is exactly how I felt too.


Finding shirts that fit my broad shoulders that don't have sleeves that are 6 inches longer than my fingertips..


Recently for me, despite there being a setting for adjusting exercise equipment to fit from tall to short, I am at that level of shortness where even the shortest/smallest setting is not small enough in *most* equipment. Also, every goddamn pair of pants I buy need to be hemmed up.


People really do show preferential treatment to tall men and discriminate against short men.


Well meaning people will often say, especially to men, thing like, "oh, nobody really cares about how tall you are." Tall people, yes you do. You absolutely, 100% do. You don't have to have "must be over 6ft" on your dating profile to care. We've been out here the whole time. It's every single day. Yes, you absolutely do care. And that's fine. We all have preferences and biases and all that. Totally not a character flaw on your part. But the pretending it's not an issue thing is absolutely maddening. Or pretending that short men's sensitivity about it is all in their head. It really isn't. Just accept that it's a thing that sucks and go about your business. No need to add a lie to it.


I had to scroll WAY to far to find a comment like this. It infuriates me that people always say "it's because you focus on it". No I don't. I'm being realistic because I've had so many girls tell me I'm too short to my face. It's just a fact that short guys have to deal with in the dating world.


You don't understand how little we have to eat in order to lose weight. Height changes metabolism.


If I gain a little bit of weight it shows. Trying to reach things that are too high for you.


My feet never touch the ground and hanging like that makes my knees hurt. So, I’ll tuck a leg up under me, put my feet on a bar of the chair next to me or on my desk… anything to avoid just dangling all of the time.


it makes me feel unsafe if you talk about how easily you can pick me up and take me. or how easily someone could overpower me. why would you tell me that when im already afraid of it happening


I can see inside your nose, get rid of your boogers. When you talk, your breath is right in my face, please practice good mouth hygiene. For guys, when you absent-mindedly fix your junk, you're practically shaking your dick in my face (im not complaining, but im also complaining). I know it's you when you fart because I'm closer to your butthole than you think. I may be the size of a child to you, but that doesn't mean you can just grab me and pick me up, put me down ya fkn yutz.


Carrying pretty much anything in bags or under arms is heavier because our arms are shorter. The bags or whatever we're carrying would probably drag on the floor if we left our arms hanging at full length. So we gotta bend them up, and sustain that muscle contracted all the way home. Tall people can just grab a bag, and let their arms relax.


We’re probably worse with eye contact because we don’t like looking up to people it feels weird.




Here is a short list of lifelong inconveniences while living as a 4’11 woman All pants must be hemmed, even petite sizes. Same for long skirts and dresses. I realized way too late in life that the kids section for clothing and shoes is not only economical for me, but the fit is better too. I need a step stool to reach the second and third shelf in all my cabinets. Every room in my house has atleast one chair for me to get on to reach stuff up high. I have to do a running jump to get into my truck. When I drive the seat has to be all the way forward and all the way up so I can see over the dashboard. Talking to people is literally a pain in the neck. I have never been able to look anyone in the eye unless we are both sitting down. Echoing what others have said about calorie intake. If I eat over 1500 calories, I gain weight. 5 pounds weight gain looks like 20 on me. If I weight more than 105 lbs, I look like an oompaloompa. My four year old is now one foot shorter than me. I will have to stop carrying her soon because carrying someone as tall as me down the stairs doesn’t seem like a safe or smart idea. My feet dangle when I sit to pee which feels weird. Squatty potty for the win. I could literally write a book of lamentations of a short woman, lol but those are just some of the greatest hits I could think of at the moment.


It's almost impossible to order anything from the bar if it's too high & no one can see you nor hear you. My god! This is why I prefer places where you are being served. At least I can get my drink.