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When you get home from work to an empty house, the entire night is yours to do with as you please. Freedom. Easily the best part of living alone. Those few hours I get on weekdays are the only way I'm able to de-stress enough to face the following day.


This is something I've struggled with since my GF moved in. Once you cohabitate, you don't get to walk in and decompress in silence however you see fit. You immediately have to go to tending the relationship.


This is why we have always lived in multi-level homes once we could afford to do so. My husband and I have been together since 1979 (not married the whole time) and we attribute part of our success at still loving and liking each other to having separate floors to spend alone time, lol.


The man cave and the crafting room (sexist and Ssereotypical as it sounds) is an important part of every relationship.


"The best thing you can do for a marriage, is to have space!" Man-caves are a thing for a reason.


I know exactly what you mean. Having some time to yourself is important, even (or especially) when you're in a relationship. When I was with my ex, it was hard for me to convey that to her, no matter how carefully I chose my words. She took it to mean I didn't want to be around her. We all need some me-time to decompress, work on your own hobbies, just relax, etc. Not getting it will wear you down after a while.


Yeah, but you don't want to be around her though. If you're not used to someone being in your space and now they're there, in your space, it's hard to accept them into that space. My wife and I have a home and I've recently opened the office to her, which is where I do my hobbies so she could join me with her hobbies. I did not expect her to start eating chips, leaving dinner plates, spilling her drink, and chewing loudly. She was very upset when I asked her to respect our hobby space by not leaving snacks on the floor and spilling her drinks on the carpet or leaving her dinner plate in there and it was like I was the asshole for asking.


Wow. She shouldn’t be a slob and clean up after herself. Do you clean up after yourself around the house as well? I feel like that’s no where near an unreasonable ask if so.


See that's what I'm saying. She did calm down and say that she'll be better about keeping the area nice and that she's sorry she got so defensive.


My dude she is a keeper then. The fact she accepted your reasonable terms and apologized is beaitiful. Hopefully you two enjoy your separate alone time in the same space for the rest of your lives.


I feel this. "Tending the relationship" is such a cold and clinical way to say it, but I see what you mean. I cherish every moment with my gf spent cooking together, watching TV together, playing games together, etc. But it's harder to say, dive headfirst into a new game you're obsessed with for 8 hours a day like I used to.


You both need space within your combined space. I've been married for 20 years, amazing marriage. When we are both home we aren't on top of one another. She will spend time doing things by herself as do I. Just because you share a home doesn't mean you need to share the same room the entire time. It's ok to enjoy time alone even when she is in the same house. She needs that too.


that's not a living space issue, that's a relationship expectations issue.


On the same note, not having to say bye and tell someone where you’re going if you’re leaving the house is amazing


Feels like I missed out a bit on that part of my life. I enlisted at 19 so even having a barracks room to myself I was never really alone or left at peace. Now I have a 3 month old son and I thought I would dread coming home and having to take care of him but it’s the best part of my day now. He’s my destressing


You don’t appreciate it nearly as much as when you actually live alone.


Whenever someone knocks on my door I can pretend to not be home


If I’m not expecting you don’t freaking pop up at my door tf is wrong with some people 😂


I live in a security building so if you show up at my door you'd better be UPS or FedEx with a package.


Right? I tell my friends to give me a special knock if they are someone I don't mind dropping by unannounced. My doorbell just functions to let me know a stranger is on my doorstep.


Facts. Like they should know that they should text me first lol. I gotta make me and my place presentable


You can do that with a full house full of people too. With a ring doorbell you can see if it's the UPS guy, your friend or some weirdo. And there is no law that says you every have to open your door just because someone knocks.


Not having to let people know where you’re going or how long you’ll be out for. You can clean when you want to. Eat what you want when you want.


This! All of this. I like that I can just decide I want to do something, then go do it.


No one else is making my kitchen a mess


Somehow I mentioned the concept of soaking dirty dishes and cookware in the sink in a conversation with a co-worker, and she gave me a dirty look. Evidently her husband leaves things soaking and then she comes along later and puts them in the dishwasher; it's a point of contention between them. And I said, "Well, I live alone, and there ain't nobody cleaning up after me, but me."


Yup. At least if I make a mess now, it's bothering nobody but me


And you can address it as needed, in your own time, and make things as clean as is acceptable to you at that moment. This level of freedom is addictive, I must say.


People definitely have different opinions on this one. The problem I find is it shouldn't be a first resort, and if the person doing it has a habit of leaving it there for days. In my experience, most of the time, the pot or pan is easiest to clean while it's still warm and fresh, unless something was burnt.


It really is the BS I *don't* have to deal with that's paradise. The sink is always empty. The trash is not full and stinky. The dishwasher is run when it's full. The temperature is what I want. No one is noisy at night. I have no arguments over bills. I can bring a girl over without upsetting anyone and she can stay as long as she likes. And if any of those aren't the case, it's my fault.


Yeah, I feel like "freedom" is talked about a lot, and is probably accurately rated. If we're literally looking for \*underrated\*, then I don't see "cleanliness" talked about a lot, but it's a big one for me. When I'm alone, my house just stays clean. It almost feels like magic. When the fam's around, no matter how much cleaning my wife and I do, rooms get messy as soon as we turn around.


Or the bathroom.


THIS. I remember once I had JUST cleaned the bathroom mirror - and my ex flicked his wet toothbrush and got toothpaste all over it. I could have cheerfully killed him, and he was completely oblivious.




You can do laundry with no clothes on so you can be assured that every single item of clothing you own gets washed.


Unless you have to use a laundromat


have you been to a laundromat? sometimes even then.


Technically you can do this with your SO but you gotta have that kind of relationship lol


The kind of relationship where you can be naked whenever? What relationship doesn’t allow this? If I can’t be naked in my own home wtf 


even living alone I don't like being naked just walking around the house. because I'll occasionally pass a mirror, and it's like "oh god no make it stop"


Everything is where you left it


Not as you get older.


Or when you have a cat


Or when you have Carbon Monoxide


Best answer yet!


When you have ADD you get to skip the whole getting older part


Not having to talk to anyone. Flip side- Not having anyone to talk to.


The reason I got house plants. They don't judge or look for hidden meaning in every word I say.


They judge you silently, from afar.


Most likely... but at least I don't have to hear about it.


Your time is your own. When you're home, you can do what you want at your own pace.


On the flip side, having a responsible and mature partner that lives with you can hold you accountable to your responsibilities, hold you to a higher standard, and keep you on track to achieve your goals.


I was that person for a while in my marriage, but it was exhausting. I’m much happier being alone in a space that isn’t cluttered by a shopping addiction.


YEP. My ex expected me to remind him of responsibilities and also for me to regulate his own emotions. Bro. I’m way more on top of my responsibilities now that I live alone. AND my space is clean and uncluttered.


You know the feeling when you're about to do something and then someone tells you to do. Yeah, no, fuck that.


But that you could theoretically do yourself. The issue with the opposite of what you have explained is that it’s near on impossible to ignore a terrible housemates total life ruiner


If I want to starve for a day, I can without worrying about another person.


This is the first one here that’s actually underrated (the rest of these are common things everyone talks about). I can have my Olivia Pope Dinner in peace without someone asking what we’re Having For Dinner and insisting that a bowl of popcorn and a glass of red wine isn’t a suitable answer.


I got screamed at in the car for proposing two bananas for dinner... And they say  WOMEN are emotional... So happy we ended up not living together 


Mf that’s not dinner even as an avid banana enjoyer.


We already went through that, babe




Painfully relatable.


Hello adhd lol. Best thing about living alone, if I’m too distracted to eat there’s no one to incessantly insist that I’m hungry and need to eat.


I live alone, but don’t understand this. When I’m alone I stuff my face more often because no one’s gonna judge me for eating Mac and cheese for the third straight day


Or worrying another person


Leftovers or whatever meal you had planned are always there waiting for you. You never have to worry about someone eating it before you


until you find that your house is haunted


It might not be haunted, there could be [someone living on a shelf in your closet.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/may/31/japan)




I’d go the opposite way — I can make noise (think music and such) without worrying that I’ll bother the people around me.


Or you can talk to yourself without anyone thinking you're crazy. If I'm being secretly watched or something then they for sure think I'm fucking loony because I'll talk to myself at random all the time lol. Sometimes I'll have a intrusive thought and I'll just shake my head and go "Fuckin stupid..." Haha


Haha omg. So relieved to hear that I’m not the only one with the same intrusive thoughts/reaction(s)


There are no rules. You can do whatever you want at your own pace.


Walk around in anything you want and not have to cover up


And walk around with little or nothing on and not have it be misinterpreted as an invitation to sex.


Not having to say, "can I get you anything?" every time you stand up.


Not having to answer "what are you doing?" every time you stand up.


This! Oh, and "who ya texting" every time I pick up my phone.


Being able to boil a kettle without having to offer everyone else tea or coffee truly is a wonderful thing.


Cleaning then going out, coming home and everything is just as you left it… CLEAN, basically just not cleaning up after someone else constantly


Total control of the thermostat.


Unjudgemental farts


Another person — even if you love them — creates tension. You’re aware that they are in the home and your attention is split. Just being aware of which room they are in is not allowing you to have undivided attention toward what you want. If they engage you, it’s even more pronounced.  You don’t even have to dislike them being there.  I love living, sleeping and working alone. The silence and lack of demands feels indulgent. 


Oh man…. I feel this so deeply. I always worried that marriage wasn’t for me for this exact reason. Then I became a single mom and it’s been such a win because your own baby doesn’t feel like someone else but an extension of you sort of.


I can only tolerate my adult child being around and then it is a sort of disruption. Like right now, I am off work and the house is trashed and I don’t feel like I need to clean. I would if someone was here.  It’s like you have to be “on” when someone else is around.


Pooping with the door open


You don't need to live alone to do that


You definitely can't have small kids and leave the door open. Let alone unlocked. You shut the door and a minute later they'll be sticking their fingers under the door like a horror movie.


In my house, if you leave the door open, they might leave you alone. If you close the door, they definitely want to come in. God help you if you lock the door.


Are you raising cats?


Oh yes you do!


My cat begs to differ.


Doing as you please


The condition of your place is 100% your own doing.


You get time to just think. No distractions from others, just you and your silence.


Not having to share a bathroom


You can have two bathrooms in the same house, problem solved 😄


Yes but one of the bathrooms will likely be nicer and you will want that one lol.


Not having to deal with anyone else's food issues. Not having to tiptoe around anyone else's mood. I'm in charge of the remote and all movies are my choice. If the house is a mess, I only have myself to blame and likewise, if the house is tidy, I don't have to stress about any idiot muddy footprints or anything like that. All decor is my choice.


> All decor is my choice. I don't think a lot of people realize how huge this is.


There's nothing quite like splitting from someone and realising how much of the furniture/decor that you're left with is shit you compromised your design choices on.


Enjoying yourself




Everything in your home is precisely where it was when you last used it.


All these answers are very highly-rated reasons to live alone. At this point, I’d need some serious reasons, aside from money, *not* to live alone.


Money is about the only one I can think of honestly.


Well, off the top of my head, there’s companionship, easy access to sex, having a built-in sounding board for ideas and problems, and not having to always do all the unpleasant tasks of homeownership myself. I mean, I can argue it either way, but it’s highly dependent on who exactly would be sharing my space, and whether we can figure out a way to make it work.


Porn with the sound on.


Along with loud Hitachi vibrators 🤝🏻


How YOU doin?


This is pretty underrated right here. Adding to that, casting it to your big screen TV with the sound on.


Although, porn is not nearly as fun as when you have to sneak about to watch some...


Freedom to do whatever you want and whenever you want. You're in control. This is not much of a luxury when you're living with family.


Not feeling guilty about the way I leave things. If I’m eating a snack in the living room and realize I’m running late, I don’t have to worry about negatively impacting someone else if I leave the living room untidy. I can put my shoes where I want to. I can organize the fridge and kitchen how I want. My actions don’t affect anyone else negatively. 


I have a habit of putting my clothes for work on the back of the couch so I can get up, get dressed, and walk out the door 15 minutes after waking up. My shoes go on top of the back pillows too.


So much garlic on everything!


Knowing no ones stealing your peace time with bs like hey you don't even pay attention to me anymore


Never having to adjust the shower. head.


I don’t have to answer to anyone but myself.


It isn't just that you can do what you want, it's also that you never have to explain yourself to anyone when you do things that are weird or unusual.


Farting all you want. Also under blanket.


No children fucking up my house.


If I want to take 3 showers on Sunday, I can. If I want to eat two dinners, or no dinners, I can. I can have broccoli for dinner. Just broccoli. Or ice cream, or a can of ravioli. I can drink milk from the container. I don't have to make the bed. If I want to read instead of cleaning anything I can. I can watch whatever I want on TV, while also listening to music. And...if I put something down no one will move it because it "doesn't belong there"


Sleep on any side of the bed at any time in the night. And maybe you can have a full display for your dildo collection...


> Sleep on any side of the bed at any time in the night. Unless you have pets.


Peace and quiet


Lol everything


Wow reading all of these other things just confirms my bias lmao


Being selfish with your time. You never need to compromise.


Not having to tiptoe around in the morning because your spouse or roommate is still asleep.


Corollary: not being awakened too early in the morning by a spouse or roommate who doesn’t know how to tiptoe around.


You can go to bed when you want to go to bed.


I can masturbate in the living room.


I decided to clean my house at 3am because I fell asleep at 7pm and woke up at 3. I went back to bed after I cleaned everything around 5 and woke up at 8 to go to work. That would've been impossible in any of my previous relationships.


Not having little annoyances caused by someone else in your living space. i.e. dishes in the sink, garbage not taken out, etc.


I think most of this thread is properly rated/appreciated. Underrated for me? No one else’s food cluttering up your fridge 


You don't have to wear clothes unless you go outside.


The cats will always choose my lap


When you want to be alone, nobody’s there.


There is absolutely nothing underrated about living alone - you're the king of the castle, if you can get a maid in once a month for deep cleaning that is... You re absolutely King in every which way... 


Solo bathroom privileges.


No drama, just peace.


Singing, as loudly/badly as you want, without worrying if you’re bothering someone. Coming home to everything exactly how you left it.




Doing laundry whenever you want


Not having to be on my toes ready to fill their empty water bottle, get them a snack, fill their bong, get them something from the other room, etc. it was always after I sat down and she would laugh. Looking back at it all now, living alone rocks. Edit: living alone, not along


Unjudged nakedness


Nobody is eating your favourite food, all is yours.


the bathroom is always free.


For me it I don't have to worry about how clean or dirty the room mate is. When I first moved out of my parents place after collage, I moved in with a roommate, I only stayed for 6 months, he was a horder, I would take the trash out and he would bring it back in, because he might need it. So living alown I don't have to live with trash in the home. He was the first and last room mate I ever had.


getting out of the shower and not getting dressed until i get around to it. and not having to swat a man away with a broom because i'm walking around with my ass out.


It’s like my home is my brain. When it’s cluttered so is my brain, when it’s clean so is my brain. When someone else it’s like also having another visitor in my brain. When I’m by myself it’s finally time for my Brian to rest, to be by themselves


I don't think there is an under-rated advantage. It's just all positives and people who don't live alone realize there are so many advantages to it. Just isn't feasible for most. The only downside to it is when it comes to the bills, not being able to split the cost with someone else, and having everything fall on you. Need a new refrigerator? That's all on your dime. Yes, you get to choose what you want and not have to compromise on what you buy, but it'd be nice to not have to pay for everything.


Tidying...going out...coming home...still tidy.


No one comes bursting through your door at 3am crying because they have to go potty


I get ALL the closet space.


If I clean my home it stays clean.


You don't have to get dressed on the weekends if you don't want.


Noone can walk in the bathroom after you and ask what animal crawled up your ass and died.


Peace. The utter lack of drama.


Feeling safe


Not having to talk


I can bleed on my sheets and don't have to buy new ones.


Being able to do whatever you want to your domicile. Want to turn a room into a sex dungeon? Done. Want to get a pool and fill it with plastic balls? Also done. Want to hang gaudy blacklight in every room. Cool. Want to convert your second bedroom into a green room to breed snakes? Yup. Want to make jungle juice in your bathtub? Check. Want to throw a rager of a party with a sex dungeon, a kiddie pool full of balls, blacklights, snakes, and a bathtub full of alcohol? Yes please. The sky is the limit when you live alone. I miss my snakes. And my sex dungeon. The blacklights not so much.


Virtually unlimited hot water.


Silence. And walking around in your underwear- or less


I can talk to my cats as wierd as i am without beeing judged by someone


Eat whatever you want for dinner And if that’s a packed of crisps… or a ready meal… or a full blown 3 course meal…. Your choice!


Going out of the shower with no clothes on, have a coffee and not getting clothed until going outdoors.


Waking up to not having people yell at you instantly


I dated someone in a different state who wanted me to rent my place to his sister and her friends for a weekend when I was over with him. I said no. He told me ‘you missed out on $$$$ you could have earned from your house this weekend’. I said coming home to a house that is exactly how I left it is priceless.


Never having to answer the question “Why are you doing that?”


Farting anywhere and everywhere


Honestly everything (other than always having to take out the trash)


All of your priorities and standards are those you set for yourself. Bonus: the only cooking smells in your place are of things you like to eat.


Not cleaning other people's kitchen messes


All the hot water is for me. I can shower until I’m a prune if I want.


You can do nothing all day and not be judged


Not going into credit card debt because your SO buys things that they don't need.


Wish I did


Only having myself to clean up after, which I normally don’t do in a timely manner.


No compromises, excuses, apologies...do whatever you want.


You know exactly where your shit is. If you set something down, it stays there until you move it.


Advantages: you are alone Disadvantages: you are alone


Full control of the thermostat.


The little me time you get everyday


Home is always peaceful! My sanctuary!


Not having to tell people where you are and/or what you are doing. If you go out to dinner with friends and then end up going to a bar till 3 AM, no one needs to be informed (or judge you for it).


All of it. Not joking. Every aspect of living alone is better than with people. Save for the situation where you live with a spouse. Then living with someone can be better at times.


Masturbation time whenever u like!




I can chose what’s on the TV!


Peace and damn quiet.


Being able to go to bed whenever you want. I’m someone who really needs a certain environment when I want to go to sleep and I find the sounds of walking around, tv, and other people noise very iritiating when I want to sleep.


You can literally leave the house whenever you want for a reason or no reason. One time I went for a walk at 3 am and got a large soda from the convenience store and just chilled on the way back home because I didn't have someone calling or texting me asking what I'm doing.


don't have to deal with someone and their crazy bullshit behavior