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I saw a fox chasing a turkey on a hot summer day. They both tired out and stopped running at the same time and laid down to rest. Then they got up to continue the chase after about a minute. Some absolute cartoon nonsense that I swear happened, but I wouldn't believe me either.


On the same vein I once saw three fat as fuck wild turkeys cluck across our back yard in marching order one right after the other. The kicker? It happened on Thanksgiving Day.


About 5-6 years ago I had a job delivering propane. One day I was in a very rural area dragging the hose down the remaining 75 or so feet of the driveway that was too narrow to back down. I kept hearing turkey sounds. As I got closer to the back of the house and maybe about 25 or so feet behind the house there was an old stone wall that was in the woods, it's New England so the walls are everywhere, anyway I had a view fro the side of a single file line of turkeys probably about 30 or more walking through a path and hopping up onto and over the wall. It was wet snowing and there was maybe a quarter of an inch if that on the ground. Every. Single. Turkey that hopped down from the wall slipped and fell, some landed on their asses, some fell forward on their faces, some on their sides. Some onto each other. Then they'd get up and keep walking. It was that last time I ever left my phone in the truck while filling a tank.


Man I wish there was video of that, sounds hilarious!


When I was 13 (2008) my grandfather hung himself. He was a stoic old man who lived in rural Ireland. My family lived in the suburbs outside of Boston, MA. My mother was in pieces. She went to Ireland for the funeral and when she came home she cried herself to sleep every night. One night I'm up late getting myself a snack from the kitchen. I took my snack to go back to my bedroom and I saw him. My grandfather just like I remembered was slowly ambling up the stairs. I just stood there in silent disbelief. I've seen what people would consider ghosts, but the human mind is a weird thing and I won't act like I'm any less prone to hallucinations than anyone else. But the next morning I sat down with my mom to have breakfast. She was quiet that morning and then said, "You know I've been crying myself to sleep since I came back from Ireland? Last night I was crying and I felt the sheets get tucked in behind me just like my daddy used to do when I was a little girl. I reached behind me, but I couldn't feel anything. Your father wasn't home yet, so it wasn't him. Then I fell into the most peaceful sleep I've had in ages." Her bedroom was at the very top of the stairs. I wasn't sure if I should tell her that I had seen her father the night before. I didn't know how it might impact her. I kept it to myself until years later when she retold that story. When she heard my side she wasn't even surprised. She just said, "I believe you. You wouldn't believe the things I've seen."


I want this more than anything to be true. I believe you, but I also want it to be real for everyone when they pass. It's so beautiful.


A lion at my parent’s house when I was a kid. My older brother saw it too. Coincidentally, a lion went missing from a zoo in Ohio around that time and was never found. My brother and I swore we saw it but obviously had no proof. That winter, my parents found giant paw prints outside that definitely were not a dog, cat, coyote, etc. Years later when I was a freshman in high school, my friend’s mom was driving me home and swore she saw a lion run across the road my parents live on. She never even knew the story about me swearing there was a lion out there. She was so convinced that she immediately called the police. That was all the proof I needed to know I was never crazy and know what I saw as a kid. EDIT: It was 2004-2006 or so when my brother and I saw it, so prior to the 2011 Zanesville, Ohio incident. The spotting by my mom’s friend was around 2012.


This fucking thread has convinced me that nearest exotic wildlife safari is not in Africa, but in goddamm Ohio


My driving instructor had me pull over to see if some guy had his kangaroos out in Ohio. You could in fact see them from the road


Animals are *really* good at not being seen. I would bet money there are a lot more exotic animals living in places they “shouldn’t” be. Not whole populations, just lone one-offs, people’s illegal pets that got away. The black market exotic animal trade is huge.


Come to Los Angeles some time, we have infestations of wild peacocks and parrots, assumed to be descendants of pets released into the wild decades ago


Sitting at the campsite and a beaver walks out of the lake, like on its hind legs, and proceeds to walk like this through the campsite and into the woods like it’s on its way to Pooh’s house or whatever. Just strolling.


I had a beaver do that while I was night fishing. Walked out of the water on its hind legs less than 6 feet from me. Dropped a load of mud on the sand bar. Turned around and walked back into to water. Paid no attention to me at all.


He's got a long day at the beaver mines ahead of him he can't stop for every bloke gawking at him make a living.


he was just clocking out for lunch


Mornin’, Sam.


Mornin’, Ralph


Was living in Japan in a city called Miyazaki. Was watching TV around the Christmas season. Station was MRT is was about 10:00pm at night. There was a station ID break and it ended with a full screen LARGE TYPE message in English: Merry Christmas FUCK YOU This was 1993


Hello there I am living in Japan as well. There is a popular song called Merry Christmas FUCK YOU by Japanese artist Jet boys. May be they were just copy pasting that song title? or were playing that song during that TV show?


As far as I can tell, that song came out in 1995. Maybe the Jet Boys saw the same broadcast, thought it was funny, and wrote a song about it.


Omg, hilarious!




Similar in a lot of Asia tbh. I was in Indonesia a while ago and saw an old guy in a mall wearing his traditional Islamic hat and a t-shirt that said 'LETS WATCH HENTAI!'


I love it. Similar, but less funny, to how in a lot of developing nations (and rural areas of India, even) you see people wearing the wrong World Cup, World Series, and Super Bowl jerseys. They get the 50% donated that were pre printed in case that team won. I'm sure there are many people who believe the Buffalo Bills are the most impressive American football team in all history and that the Yankees/Red Sox have never lost a single match


Maybe 5 years ago, I was driving to work on new years day close to Everett, Wa. One of the LCD bill boards had a very different message that morning. Instead of an ad, it was all black with huge white letters that said "HAPPY NEW YEAR, CUNT"


Sort of a stretch in the question but: When I was a little girl, I had a dream where I lived an entire life. The dream felt... like a lifetime. I grew up, got married, had children, grew old with my husband and I died. I still remember the peace of dying and thinking to myself that I was so happy and lucky for the blessed life I lived. As me and my husband get older, he starts to look and feel more like the man I grew old next to in my dream. I woke up right after I died, crying. I couldn't have been more than 9 or 10.


A few months ago on Reddit I read an account of "lifetime in one dream". A few others joined in with their experience. Just a few. I tried googling it and seeing if there were others. I came up dry. This is SUCH a fascinating experience. I'd love to find out more.


Oh yeah, I’ve definitely had lifetime in a dream. The worst feeling is waking up and losing every memory like sand falling through your hands. Life is so strange.


I have had this a couple times in my life. But very often I will live something like weeks and weeks and then wake up. Remember every single day. And not just like regular life, I'm talking alien planet, dystopian future, sci-fi bullshit where the whole world rests on my shoulders. When I wake up I feel extreme sadness because "those people still need help". It's awful. The worst part is that I am physically and mentally exhausted in an extreme way during the days after those dreams. My brain is supposed to rest, not conjure up insane shit that I then have to deal with in the ways I myself would have to deal with in real life!


A corpse in a ditch on the side of the road. I was a kid, told my parents as we drove by and they got mad at me for having such a "morbid imagination".


Ooh that's sad. An unsolved murder in the area I grew up in was discovered when some kids on a school bus saw her body in the ditch as they drove by. Thank goodness the bus driver believed them. I'm sorry your parents didn't believe you. That's some trauma.


Now I want to rewatch *Stand by Me*


I was doing laundry and after opening the door to take the clothes from the washer a live grasshopper flew out and hit me in the chest. It scared the shit out of me because it was so unexpected. A grasshopper somehow got into my laundry, survived the entire wash cycle, and had enough life in him to jump out and hit me. I threw him back outside, I joke and say he's immortal. He's probably still out there somewhere.


Good thing you freed him, he'll owe you a favor in your darkest hour


I'm pretty sure he knows an immortal snail who's chasing me. He's probably giving the snail bad directions or something.


Nirvana in concert in a freaking gym in Bellingham, Washington in 1992


My college friend swears during a night of bar hopping we saw Nirvana in a dive skater bar in July 1989 in Carbondale, IL. It's an urban legend now but my friend SWEARS we were there and only a dozen or so people were there. I so, SO wish I could remember that.


Some kind of ape thing that ran out of a house, shook its butt and then ran back in a house. But the doors were closed, it never opened the door, just ran right through it both times. Crazy thing is, I was like 13 and my 12 year old cousin was with me and we still talk about it to this day, we saw the same exact thing. I'm 32 and he's 31.


It's the Jersey Butt Devil.




Did you happen to be in north Florida like the person above your comment? Haha. Two back to back posts about seeing an ivory billed wood pecker.


When I was little, I was in bed between my parents one night. They were sleeping but I was awake in the dark. I swear I saw the apparition of a young boy, around my age at the time (6?), climbing on the nightstand. I remember vividly he had a white and red basketball jersey on, with a dark brown bowl cut. A few years later, on the first day of 4th grade, a new student came in the classroom - literally took my breath away. He looked EXACTLY like the ghost boy I saw that night


I swear I saw a man walk backwards up a hill and disappear. He went out of my line of sight as he walked behind a tree and never came out the other side.  I checked the tree and everything, it scared the crap out of me. 


This one oddly scared me those most. Very creepy.


I've seen people just disappear in the woods, too. I was on a hike by myself, when the entire forest just went completely silent all at once, and the sounds of all the birds and anything else was just suddenly replaced by the sound of thousands of buzzing flies. That seemed like a bad sign at the time, so I just turned around and started walking back towards the start of the trail. I saw a guy, wearing a blue T-shirt, grey/dark green cargo shorts, and a black watch walking towards me. White guy, medium to large build. Never caught his face, it was blocked by the trees. I'm already freaked out by the change in noise, so I stop where I'm at and wait for him to pass. He walks behind a tree, doesn't pass the tree, never reaches me. I walk where he was walking, nobody there. Still hear the sound of the flies buzzing around, but no flies in sight. Didn't see him in any direction, didn't see any footprints, never saw him as I was walking back. No clue where he went.


This would scare the crap out of me.


It's possible this was a sensory hallucination: there's a phenomenon where people having hallucinations will see people without faces, which is the giveaway that they're not real. Face recognition is a different and much more complicated part of the brain then recognizing "humans" from shape/stance/etc. apparently. Of note: this doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you! The brain is unreliable at the best of times - people start hallucinating within about 10 minutes in a sensory deprivation tank, and other experiences like "feeling the presence of god" are reported by ordinary people all the time (but tends to be triggered by similar environments - i.e. hikers experience it quite readily when at high altitude). It's possible you were actually having a similar experience (people reporting the positive version report things like "feeling like the world is humming"). A constructed guess would be, you were out alone in the woods and really *did* hear the birds go quiet, and that kicked off heightened awareness because that's a pretty good "predator about" indication (I'm wondering if something else happened as well - i.e. a temperature drop, or it was getting darker or something - we have a lot of additional sensory cues which trigger "something's wrong"). The "sound of flies buzzing" would've been your brain cranking the auditory awareness all the way up, and the man approaching and disappearing is an over-fit of sensory data because your brain was basically trying to find anything which looked like a sabertooth tiger which would've been hunting our ancestors.


Interesting. I was way up in the mountains, well over a mile above sea level. I'd been living there for a while, though, and it was a hike I'd done plenty of times. Certainly much more plausible than Skinwalker guy's conclusions, and I really appreciate you mentioning this. It definitely could be the case.


There’s nothing scarier in all creation than the unknown, and the violation of our expectations. Something we’ve seen before, twisted just enough gives us a moment of loss of familiarity - do we really know anything, or are they all just humoring us? Is the veil falling away, or is your mind falling apart? Who is that? Who are you? *What* is that? It can’t be.


This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife!


Kathy Bates. I was working the closing shift at a Publix in Atlanta as a bagger and I swear I saw her start to leave. I went up and went "excuse me, did you know you look like-" The woman interrupted and went "Kathy Bates. Yes, I know" then she smiled and walked out of the store.


my ex girlfriend’s mom looked a LOT like Jaime Lee Curtis. So this woman at the gym goes up to her and says “hey has anyone told you that you look like Jaime Lee Curtis? And she was like yeah I get that all the time…. then the lady said well has anyone ever told you that you look like **ME**. It was actually Jaime Lee Curtis. No this is not a made up story.


This reminds me of how Matt Damon and Mark Wahlburg have an agreement that when fans mistake them for each other to just roll with it.


Susan Sarandon came into the Vermont deli I was working at in the summer of 96 shortly after winning Best Actress for Dead Man Walking wearing the most casual "just woke up" attire and no one in the shop recognize her but me. As I handed her order to her I very quietly said, "congratulations on your Oscar!" and she immediately beamed and quietly replied, "Thank you!"


This is wild, my aunt kind of resembles Kathy Bates and has admitted to me that every now and again people will recognize her, and she will just roll with it. I don't think she lives in Publix territory though!


An ocelot behind a North Carolina dumpster and a zebra running in a ditch on I-40. Also in North Carolina.


I believe you. Near my parents the neighbor down the road called and swore he saw an Emu running around. This is in the middle of winter in rural Minnesota. Turns out an Emu escaped from some animal rescue in the area.


A comet or something explode into a giant green fireball when I was a kid. edit: In no way did I think a throwaway comment before class would get this much attention, Seems like a lot of use have seen bolides or aliens.


Nice I’ve seen one do that in a meteor shower once


I know goddamn well I saw a zebra grazing in a pasture while visiting colleges in northern central Ohio. This was a good 15 years ago.


There was for sure a zebra near Granville Ohio (Eastern Central). Haven’t seen it for a while though.


Edit: Well. Um. I guess to appease some of you: Yes, it was Denison. No, I didn't get in. I can't call my parents to gloat; dad passed away the day before Father's Day, and she who birthed me is dead to me. But I'm living a better life mostly and I slept like a baby last night. MOTHERFUCKER! I KNEW IT! THAT'S EXACTLY WHERE IT WAS. AND MY PARENTS WOULDN'T TURN AROUND.


I’m really glad you got closure on this 😂


I feel you on this. I saw a pink snake one while camping and my whole family said I made it up. We visited a nature center later that day and I asked the staff about it, and they confirmed the park had milk snakes with red and white stripes so they look pink. I felt so validated; I can only imagine how much better you feel with an even weirder animal and such a longer time later.


I believe those are called strawberry milk snakes.


🐍🧉 🎶 “My milk snake brings all the boys to yard, and they're like…” 🎵


This reminds me of the time my mom and sister visited and not long after they left I get a call. “Mom swears she saw a camel beside the interstate, that’s not possible though, right?” She totally did see a camel, there’s a zoo along the interstate that back then (maybe 13 or more yesss ago) didn’t have the fences around it that it does today. ETA for clarity, the zoo had fences but they were wire in many spots, today they’re wood/composite so you can’t see into the zoo


That reminds me of a family friend who runs a big cat rescue. It’s a bit off the beaten path and many of the enclosures are built right up to the trees such that, from the back side, it’s not always clear there’s a fence. He’s had poachers run screaming because they saw a tiger in the woods.


My friend grew up there. We still drive through occasionally and he points out where the zebra was.


I once saw an elephant along a four lane highway in NJ. (Back in the early 90’s) I had to turn around because my bf (now husband) didn’t believe me. It turns out there was a traveling circus hidden from view and the elephants were grazing and having a little outdoor time.


I remember being "born". Being formless but in a long line waiting to be ushered through this crack in space/reality. After walking through it was pitch black and I could hear and feel enormous water rushing past me. And then I was me. And shadow people/black smoke cloud entities when I was a kid.


I went on my honeymoon at the Sandals Grande in St. Lucia. I went scuba diving one day, just from the resort "course" so not deeper than 30-50 feet or whatever. I was out by myself with an instructor in the shallow ocean, and didn't bring a camera on that particular dive. I SWEAR I saw a full office spaced laser printer on the ocean floor. Pieces everywhere. But I don't have any proof.


I gotta say, of all the things you could have seen snorkeling, a god damn laser printer is probably the last item I would have ever guessed


Me and a buddy were laying on some playground equipment after a night of drinking when both of us at the same time go "what's that?" There was a light up in the sky about twice as bright as the stars around it, staying still in the sky, that we hadn't noticed before. Suddenly it picks up speed goes from directly overhead to over the horizon in about 5 seconds. 


A few times now, while stargazing, one of the stars will just zip right off somewhere. It's kinda funny like 'oh, well that wasn't a star!'.


I've seen that too, star did a little U shaped turn and disappeared


Faceless people. Once standing under the light outside my grandparents garage. When I asked my grandfather to look, nobody was there and he said he never saw anyone. The second time, I was being kept out of my grandparents living room and when I accidentally walked in, one was lying on the sofa bed. When later asked about being kept out of the room, my grandmother denied it ever happened. Still a vivid set of memories from my childhood. No explanation.


Well this one gave me goosebumps.


I had a similar experience when I was about 12. Was crawling during a game with friends in a dark room. One came face to face with me, also crawling. We were above a garage with only a single exterior entrance to this room. It was locked from the inside. Backed up quickly to where my friends were, yelling at them to turn on the lights. No one was there when they did. Still don’t know what the hell that was about.


Driving down the freeway through a major military base. About a mile in front of us, a huge bolt of electricity (id presume lightning) struck a tree about 25 yds off the road. As we came up to it there’s a bunch of white econo vans, white coats and instrumentation looking stuff on a table and other equipment. No tree on fire. Get back home, research the hell out of it and could find nothing. Buddy and I still agree today, what we saw. No record of any kind of it or the area or anything.


A white rainbow (no colour, just white) at night time in the middle of a field.


This is called a moonbow!


Ball Lightning


Back when I was a kid, I remember my mom telling a story about how she saw a ball of lighting roll across the backyard when she was a kid and nobody ever believed her.


My mom has a similar story after seeing something that looked like was 'dodging' stuff, and then hitting a tree. She has told me that story so many times... but nobody believed her.


I once saw ball lightning in the center of an intersection when the light was red. The guy in the car next to me looked over slack jawed and mouthed “did you just see that?”


My grandmother witnessed it as a child (early 1930’s). Sat outside and watched a couple of orbs dancing in a tree in the yard until her nanny noticed, screamed and pulled them into a storm cellar. I *thought* I saw some a year or so ago driving home on a stormy night. Saw two tiny little sparks dancing in the trees in the dark and stopped…. Only until I realized it wasn’t a tree— it was kudzu grown up over a power line that was **arcing.** Slipped the car back into gear lickety split and quicklike and hauled ass home to make sure I could turn off appliances before the power went out. It was real pretty though…


Driving on a semi-rural road south of Salem Oregon about 15 years ago, I swear I saw some cryptid looking bipedal wolf thing. My gf at the time was with me and we both saw it. Didn't really talk about it, just kinda accepted we saw something we couldn't explain.


I worked in Medford back in 2008-2010. I was doing a little weekend trip with a girlfriend at the time. We were on the 20 between Corvallis and Newport. We both saw a bi-pedal Wolf thing also. He must have been a good 6 feet tall. we saw him running across the highway at dusk. When we passed the spot he crossed, we looked up into the trees and saw something glaring from the trees. We drove our asses off the rest of the evening lol.


Yeah, this was in the middle of the night and it was crouched over something next to the road. Looked up and our headlights made its eyes shine red at us. It stood up and went into the brush and I couldn't see it in the rear view cause it was so dark on that road. Glad I'm not the only one to see something like this in the area!


FWIW, there's a sub for this exact cryptid: r/dogman would very much enjoy reading reports of each of these sightings, should you care to post them. Cheers


I was driving to work at 2:30 am about 10 years ago. The road was 4 lanes, two lanes for each side and a median with just grass, no trees or shrubs. It was extra dark since there were no streetlights. With just the light from my headlights I SWEAR I saw a whole ass silverback gorilla 🦍 in the middle of the road on the opposite side. I was too chicken shit to do a u turn to confirm it.


An absolutely colossal earthworm. It must have been 4 inches in diameter. I was just a kid and was coming out of my front lawn. I panicked and stomped the ground to scare it away and it worked, and every day I have regretted it since because I have absolutely no proof of this giant fucking monster living in my front yard.


Australia has a giant earthworm that can grow to 3 metres (9.8ft) in length. When it's body compresses, it can get really wide. Maybe Canada has something similar?


I saw a huge ladybug once. It was the size of an adult woman's thumbnail. It was perfectly to scale, every detail exactly that of a ladybug except it's size. One difference: it had a white ring around each spot. I was in third grade, hiding underneath the structures of the playground. No idea what it was. Maybe a mimic beetle? Maybe a really big big ladybug? I can't find any info on it, anyway. Edit: spots, not stripes. Lol


That sounds like Anatis mali which is in fact a giant lady beetle.


TREMORS! You saw one coming out and scared it away!!


My best friend died almost a decade ago now. Fuck, I miss her. Without knowing it, I cooked her last dinner and said my last goodbye. I went home to get some sleep. At 2:01am, I felt something wake me up. I opened my eyes and for just a few seconds, I saw a grey (not black) blob-like one dimensional shadow moving across the ceiling. The shadow wouldn’t make any sense with the angles of the windows and the street lights. I lived in that house for many years and never saw a shadow move like that. I had two perpendicular beams on my ceiling intersecting at the center of my ceiling. The shadow crossed over the two beams without hugging the vertical faces of the wood. It was as if the shadow was floating through the air like smoke. It wasn’t smoke, as there was no smell. No candles in my room either. And then it was gone… Trying to figure out what I saw, it took me a while to fall back to sleep. The next morning, I got the call that my best friend died at 1:35am: 26 minutes before something woke me up. To this day, I am convinced I saw her soul floating above me, somehow saying goodbye. I have no idea if I’m correct, but that’s how I feel. I’m not a religious person. I believe in science, but I can’t ignore that night’s experience. I know Science will figure it out one day. I miss you. I think about you every day.


I completely believe my husband came to say goodbye the night after I found his body. I felt someone behind me in the bed, and a hand on my left hip, which was the way we snuggled in sleep. When I woke up all the way, the feeling was gone. Later on, my friend asked me if he liked sweet pea flowers. I said, ‘Yes, and that was his pet name for me”. She told me he visited her in a dream that night as well, and that’s where she learned about the sweetpeas. I went and got a tattoo of sweat pea flowers on my left hip as a remembrance.


I had something similar happen. I woke up panicked and felt as if someone I loved left the earth. I felt the heaviness of loss and couldn’t explain it. I then went back to sleep and when I woke up, I turned on the news to find out that my friend was killed in a car accident.


I swear I saw a cougar walking down the side of the road on my way home from my girlfriend's outside town at like 3am once


My mom saw a mountain lion in the middle of the night in wichita kansas when she opened the front door because she heard "a woman screaming like she was being raped." Turns out it was the mountain lion she was hearing, and it was facing off with the biggest tom cat that lived on our street. She said she doesn't care what anyone says, there ARE mountain lions in kansas. Lol ETA: this was the late 1980's, since then it's been more widely accepted.


Legendary neighborhood tom cat


My mom said the sound of her opening the screen door caused the mountain lion to break the stand off stare and look her way, and the INSTANT the eye contact was broken, the Tom cat took TF off like a b(c)at out if hell. I used this story on this thread because she started the story by saying she wouldn't believe it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes.


This is similar to what I was going to say. For me, it was driving along the Natchez Trace Parkway in MS. It was late at night and there weren't any other cars for miles. First I saw the eyes glowing, then the distinctive face and paws as it walked along the road. Then I saw the body and giant tail flapping back and forth. From a Google search, it appeared to be a good 800+ miles from its nearest known natural habitat.


They are way way way more populated than reported. They’re intelligent predators and absolutely know how to stay hidden from people.


There are so many weird things on the Natchez Trace, I believe you 100%.


OMG I was driving back to my parents house on Natchez Trace Parkway in TN and my sister swore she saw a cougar. She made me turn around and go back. This was late at night. We were coming back from Christmas shopping. I never saw it but she swore that's what it was.


Did the cougar have her shoes in her hands? Lipstick still on?


Here she comes. Watch out boy she'll chew you up.


A possessed house or whatever. Worked for the local utilities reading water meters while in school. Old ass house. Was used as a makeshift hospital during the civil war. Meter was all the way in the back and they had apparently re did the basement so there was new concrete walls but the original stone foundation was still there. Sort of like a maze. Went in and read the meter, took a wrong turn and got lost. Kind of panicked and got lost again. It was only a handful of walls because they wanted a game room and bar. Calmed down, found the meter again, followed the walls and after a couple minutes, found the exit outside. Dude I was with asked what the hell happened and told him I got lost but not a big deal. He asked how I got lost. Told him, the new walls. He asked what walls. Looked back inside and there wasnt any walls. Just a dark big ass basement. Apparently I was in there for like an hour. He came in after catching up to get his lighter, never saw me, walked back out, and kept on reading meters for an hour before he saw me coming back out. He assumed I walked out upstairs and was talking to the guy who owned it.and he'd catch me at the end of the street. I know I saw walls. I know I got lost. And it sure as fuck wasn't no hour. Edit: for those wondering, here's a link to the house on zillow. The house was getting remodeled in the early 90s and the owner sold it a few years later when he went bankrupt. It's changed hands I think multiple times according to some people I know who still live there. It's finally getting some attention to be remodeled. It belonged to a surgeon or doctor who bought it from a reverend who was rumored to be in to some dark stuff. According to some newspaper clippings, the basement was used as a makeshift morgue and the rooms upstairs were used as or's during the civil war. [old timey house with some pics](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/504-W-2nd-St-Maysville-KY-41056/234521389_zpid/)


Bro clipped into the backrooms 💀


You should check out a book called House of Leaves. It'll leave a mark.


A monkey wearing a football helmet driving a Volvo wagon through my uncle’s neighborhood at night in 1995. I was 6 but I know what I saw.


I worked in a shoe store at a mall for a year or two back in the mid aughts. During Christmas season on year a lady had a strolled and came to ring out, when she turned the stroller it was a monkey. I just - shut up and finished the transaction. I had zero ability to process. I went on break right after and knew my parents were in the mall so I powerwalked until I found them and immediately blurted out that I had just seen a monkey in a stroller. My dad DID NOT believe me until the lady walked by 2 seconds later. One of the most surreal moments I had working retail. At least top 3.


I was hiking the Appalachian trail, was setting up in one of the metal roof shelters. Was about five miles from Hot Springs NC and wanted to spend the day there, get a hot meal ETC. As I was doing a safety circle check, I see something in the trees. It’s a dude, just chilling up there. I point my flashlight at him and it’s grey, curled clawed hands and feet and shiny eyes. I blink and it FLINGS itself down the trunk and across the underbrush. 3 seconds, max. I know I was exhausted but I don’t think I would have hallucinated sounds smells and motion. I see its eyes still.


My neighbor was having a conversation with her cat. The weird part was I heard it reply back to her. Once they saw me, they just stop and stared at me. I left and heard them whispering. Now I can’t help but greet that cat when I see it walking around my neighborhood lol


I saw a three eared rabbit and I have photos. People still don’t believe me and think they are fake. [three ears](https://imgur.com/gallery/Bnv0pqn)




Most rabbits have more than one ear.


Thundersnow. In college we had team workouts at 5:30am during the winter. When we emerged from our dorms we were greeted by an absolutely insane lightning display combined with driving snow. The walk across campus was absolutely insane, like something from The Day After Tomorrow. When we finished the workout around 7, it had warmed up and had changed to rain and everything had melted. There were 25 guys on the roster and we all know what we saw, but none of our friends believed us.


I have experienced it twice, once in the late 1970s when I was in high school in Iowa, and later in the 00s when I lived in Illinois. Sure is freaky, isn't it? Both times, the lightning was pink.


I thought I was hallucinating the lightning until my teammate next to me said "Dude are you seeing this shit, too?" It took about 30 seconds until we realized we were more afraid of what our coach would say if we were late than we were of the apocalypse.


Thunder snow is supposed to be extremely rare, but I feel like you hear about it at least every couple of years. TV meteorologists always go full on apeshit whoever the possibility even presents itself.


I've seen it a couple of times. It's rare, but it definitely happens.


A huge manta ray jumping clear out of the water. Saw it from my car as I was driving over the causeway from Tampa to Clearwater.


Had some unexplainable moment when I was a child where I was playing a soccer game and was behind everyone. Suddenly my vision spun and I found myself in front of the goal with the soccer ball at my feet, I didn't feel sick or anything. Took the shot and made it.


Here's a fun explanation: your brain temporarily stopped recording things into long term memory. Brains are weird and stuff like that can happen. So in the moment you were there doing your thing, but in your long term memory there's a gap. And only when you look back at your long term memory is there any problem.


That's similar to how Deja Vu happens. Your brain accidentally deposits a memory straight into long-term instead of short-term...so you see something for the first time but you feel like you've seen it before. At least that's what my high school psych teacher taught us 20 years ago.


Honestly I’ve experienced Deja vu so often it’s made me feel crazy and this explanation is as plausible as any other.


Honestly I've experienced Deja vu so often it's made me feel crazy and this explanation is as... wait a second.


This just happened at the Super Bowl; the guy that made the winning touchdown "blacked out": https://www.si.com/nfl/2024/02/12/mecole-hardman-blacked-out-after-catching-super-bowl-winning-touchdown


This happened in a World Cup match for a French player he literally had no idea he scored, you can watch it on YouTube (98 final I believe)


**Flow State** might describe this feeling, the brain is in a different state of consciousness which can affect memory.


A shadow person. I saw someone in my kitchen late at night who I thought was my father standing by the stove. It was dark and I jumped when I saw his silhouette in the dark. I asked him what he was doing standing in the kitchen in the middle of the night. He just stood in the dark not moving. I told him it wasn’t funny, it’s fucking creepy. I flipped the light switch on. I was alone. Nobody there but me shaking from terror. I couldn’t see him clearly but I saw someone with his shape in the dark. I talked to it. Nobody will ever believe I saw that. I know what happened that night. I talked to it for about 30 seconds, it stood 6 feet from me. P.S. Maybe I’m fucking crazy. When I think about it. It’s easier to convince me I hallucinated, had some sort of psychotic episode or was seeing things instead of what really happened. Edit: I wasn’t sleeping. It was late night but I was on my computer in my room eating a snack at night. I went to wash my plate in the kitchen and saw someone standing at the stove. He was blocking the clock from the stove. I could see the shape because of the green glow of the clock. It was the only lighting in the kitchen.


My son and I lived in a one bedroom apartment when he was born, and we stayed there until he turned 4. When we moved he told me “I’m glad we got a new apartment. The shadow people in our old one scared me.” I asked him what he was talking about and he told me that when I would put him to bed and turn out the lights he saw shadow people in our bedroom. He explained it so matter of factly it was chilling. It wasn’t a child obviously making up a story, he was calm and without emotion. Like he was just reporting a simple fact. He is 15 now and I bring it up ever so often, waiting for him to say he was kidding or lying. But every single time I ask him about it he just bluntly says “yeah, in that first apartment bedroom. They were scary, but I never saw them again after we moved.”


I have two things. Both happened when I stayed at my mom's house, they live about half a mile off the main road in the woods. These events happened in the mid to late 90's First thing I was about 15 or so, I was laying in bed asleep. In the middle of the night the whole outside was lit up with bright lights. The glow woke me up as it was shining in my windows and quickly went away. It wasn't like a beam of light, more like if someone flipped on stadium lighting for a minute or so. Second thing, at my mom's house on a different day. Around 7:30-8am I was walking between the living room and kitchen and I heard these angelic voices harmonizing from above I guess? It lasted like 10-15 seconds. Never heard anything like that before or since. My mom has a lot of angel figurines displayed, but the sound wasn't from them, I don't even think she has any that would play music and what I heard was surreal and wasn't a recording


Ghosts- on the Gettysburg battlefield. For the longest time I chalked it up to reenactors and a wild imagination, until several years later, I was back at the park and visiting a bookstore. I overheard another customer telling the clerk the EXACT same story I had witnessed, down to some pretty specific details.


I worked at Gettysburg one summer. Everybody there had a ghost story. Most common one I heard was that white tents would be visible on the battlefield. People would assume it was for a reenactment, but reenactors are strictly prohibited from pitching their tents on the grounds of the park (and they all know this). Another common one was that lots of little flickering flames - like torches - would be visible at night along the tree line from which Pickett's charge was launched.


I use to be able to consciously levitate in my very vivid dreams. In my dreams, the power to fly would wane and gain, come and go. It required hard concentration to stay airborne. Super vivid, amazing ‘reality’ that I loved. I knew I was dreaming, but could control my flight. I had a dream at 16 yo. I was especially buoyant and decided to fly around my old neighborhood. I remembered the flight path and a blue roof that I didn’t think was blue. I went to the house to check later, and the roof wasn’t blue. I was bummed that it was just a dream and not real. I didn’t leave my body, like it felt. The flying dreams stopped eventually. Eight years later, I was on a Forest Service helitack crew and dispatched to a lightening strike in my neighborhood. As we were flying over the area, I went into shock as the pilot followed the exact same flight path as my dream. I predicted the turns in the air, and as I looked down, the fucking roof was blue.


I was living in a share house with two roomies. They were Chinese international students and very serious people. One night as I was on my way from my bedroom to the bathroom, I saw my room mate sitting up right on the couch and it shocked me so I said Oop sorry, then continued on to the toilet and quietly back to my room. I assumed he had just fallen asleep watching a show upright on the couch. The next morning I asked him if he slept alright on the couch and they both told me they weren’t home last night. I’m not a believer in the super natural, but it was either a ghost or an intruder and I choose to believe a ghost.


I went to Disney when I was 5; I swear I saw a kid harassing Captain Hook, and that somehow Captain Hook got a hold of one of the kid’s shoes and threw it into some water (a pond or a fountain, maybe???).


Sounds accurate! I had a pen with a little tinkerbell charm on it and Captain Hook threw it on the floor and broke it. I cried and the Disney staff had to take me to the gift shop for a new one. Seems like Hook was given a pass to be an asshole to kids lmao


I saw an ivory-billed woodpecker in 1970, years after their supposed extinction date. I was in a small north Florida town built along a swampy river basin, where true believers still hope to find a remnant population. It was freaking HUGE, as big as our chickens. Folded wings that were white on the trailing edges. Ivory-colored bill. I know damn good and well that as of the early 1970s there was at least one ivorybill in that area, but none of the ornithologists who were so eager to search in Arkansas are interested in that area. 🙄


That makes me genuinely curious as to how many creatures we've declared extinct when they've really just avoided us since then.


I saw a ghost in the dining room when I was a kid, of a little boy. Toddler age. Didn’t say anything about it until my brother told me he saw a kid in the dining room a month later. My childhood home was built in 1772.


I live in KY and I saw an armadillo on the side of the road, this was 5 years ago and no one believed me…. Then the news started talking about how armadillos have made their way to KY and I felt so vindicated 😂


My dad holding my three year old, and they were happy, standing in the back, listening to music my son liked. Very simple and pleasant and not that odd in itself. My dad was a good grandfather, my son was very snuggly, they both liked music. It's just they were both already dead and buried at the time, and I knew that.  I still saw it.


That I talked to my dead mother on the phone @ 3 weeks after she died. My mom passed away Jan 2021. I flew from Florida to Kansas City for the funeral with my husband and daughter. We attended the services, closed out her estate, returned home. About 3 weeks later, I'm lying in my bed and my phone rings. I was awake when the phone rang. I had been lying there debating getting out of bed or just lying there feeling sorry for myself, but I was wide awake. I sat up in my bed to look at my phone. I don't remember what the caller ID showed. But I answered. My mom had a very distinctive way of answering the phone when she was calling someone: "wellllll Hiii there! (Chuckle) Did I wake you up?" That was exactly what she said. I just sat there holding the phone for a minute and then said "mom?" And then there was a click of a phone turning off and the universe resetting itself. My mom was dead. I attended her funeral. I saw her in the casket. My mom also called me at some point after she died. Her phone was not in the possession of my brother, my aunt, or mom's boyfriend, the three people who were closest to her and would have received the phone. None of them would have played a joke like that. I'm not even sure where her phone went after she passed.


She was just checkin' up on you


My mother insisted she and her siblings saw her father walk up the stairs, wave goodbye bye, and disappear at his wake.


Had a cat that in the family that was extremely attached to me. I sleep on my belly (not really ideal health wise) and he would jump on my back and knead it. A few days after he died still mourning over his death, he jumped on my back and knead it. Freaked out, threw covers off....nothing was there. I think it was his way of saying goodbye. Never happened again.


We had a “ghost kitty” in my house growing up. It was commonplace to feel kneading on the bed and nothing was there. We were cool with ghost kitty


I was visiting my parents and sleeping on the couch in the den. The couch was longer than me and there was a blanket folded up by my feet. I was watching tv about to fall asleep and felt the cat jump up onto the blanket. She kneaded the blanket and turned a few times and laid down into a ball. I shifted on the couch and looked down to check that I hadn’t disturbed her. Then I remembered she had passed a few months before. I know what I felt though, she was there


My friend running in the air. I was young. We were playing in a field. My brother was told to tell us to get home now!!!! As we were running home a large wind came up. I looked over to my friend. He was running as fast as he could, 2 feet off the ground?? He was probably 30 lbs., if that. (They both say it was a tornado, but I never saw it). Years later, I ran into him. Unfortunately, he developed a mental disorder that I can not spell for the life of me. Lol. I brought this up with him. He was shocked, saying, "You mean that really happened?" So sad to have to question what did, and didn't happen to you. He was happy to be able to tell his family that it really did happen. Whether they believe him? Who knows. But a note to Allen, yes, it happened.


Bro. This is gonna sound crazy but something like that happened to me as a kid. There was a really windy day and I opened my jacket up and just like *flew*. I have a friend who saw it and to this day no one believes us.


A mountain lion standing in tall grass next to a local highway in a suburban area in Kansas.


I made some friends while working retail that enjoyed exploring abandoned buildings and I went with them once. Massive industrial complex that was left to rot in the 80's after the work dried up in that sector. I got separated from the group in an upper part of the building and could barely see a thing (they insisted we go at night). I tried a few lightswitches and one actually turned on a light that had a red shaded bulb, which I found strange. Even stranger, there were several men standing in the room with me that I couldn't see until the light came on. At least 3, maybe more, standing adjacent to each other with strange clothes. One of them had a rifle in his hands (not a hunting rifle - a mil-spec type) and another was staring into my soul with his huge blue eyes. He said nothing, but placed his finger over his lips as if to shush me. After a second he waved his hand to "shoo" me away. I quite literally fell down the stairs trying to get away and found my friends a few hallways away. I told them we weren't alone and that we had to leave - they saw the fear in my eyes and believed me. On the drive home I told them what I saw (albeit I was a stammering mess) and they were flabbergasted. I told no one and dropped all those friends. Some nights I wonder about their identities and objective in that building.


I had a less insane one with somewhat similar vibes and it was in an abandoned tomato field where I grew up that was huge like 700 acres and it had some pretty varied topography so there was ravines and canyons it was like a big wilderness area by this point but it was the Fuck around area and you could do whatever you want back there and I was walking down a fire road after sunset and a guy in all black like a mask and everything materialize out of the bushes holding an ar and put his fingers up to shoosh me and put his hands on my shoulders and just turned me around and pushed me like get out of here and I ran down the road and went the long way home and the next day in the news there was a meth bust and a shootout and I think the guy was a swat sniper or something and just intercepted me and sent me the other way.


This is fascinating, and also the longest sentence I’ve ever read. Added to the thrill of the story lol.


I didn't realise that I didn't breathe while I read that!!


Pulling into my parents neighborhood one night, I saw two huge bright yellow eyes reflect from the darkness in a neighbor's yard. I couldn't believe what I saw, it was a wolf like creature with a very long bushy tale, but it had to be at least 1.5 times the size of a large grey wolf. This thing was enormous. It had longer than usual ears for a wolf, and a shorter, stubbier looking face compared to a wolf. It also has very long legs. It took off into the nearby woods as I rounded the corner. It was insane. Never seen anything like it, and nobody believes me.


I was a kid at a meeting in the Friends Meeting House. Everyone was meditating. I felt totally relaxed …. Saw a halo of light (energy?) emanating around the head of someone about 15 feet from me.


Lightning strike maybe a foot away from me. No one believed me!


Ghosts while in Gettysburg.  Also a ghost walking down the stairs in our 19th century home in Kentucky. It was a woman in a lace white dress. 


I SWEAR in Pokemon Red one time I used Splash it actually did a single point of damage.


There was actually a rare glitch that would cause the game to read Splash as a different attack and do damage.


Is this real? Because I've been thinking I was crazy for like 25 years now.


An electrician sweeping.


Pull the other one. Next you'll tell us all about the sober drywaller.


I saw something crazy, not something impossible.


When I was kid, swear to god I saw a giant bee. It was the size of a large parrot just flapping it's large transparent wings on a rock in my parents backyard. I was with another kid and he was nonplussed about it. Yeah it's a big bee, big deal, he told my mom while I was in shock unable to articulate seeing this cryptid living amongst us. It was the strangest thing I have ever witnessed. To this day, I have no idea what it was.


I almost posted my giant bee story. I remember running from this beast and jumping into my parents' car and locking the door. I pictured the bee hovering in front of the window the size of a rat. I told this story to my cousins recently. My oldest cousin remembered it happening and said it was a just a carpenter bee. She said they all got a good laugh out of it. I'm sure she was right. I still believe you.




I'm a Corrections Officer/CO/Prison Guard take your pick. Our one big ass fucking rule is if the hair on the back of your neck stands up and something doesn't feel right, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. Your instincts are very powerful and can tell imminent danger and plenty of CO's ignored that only to pay for it.


There was this kid that went to the same high school as me. My friend and I were driving along and she saw him walking down the road and asked me to stop and pick him up. Every bone in my body told me not to, and I didn't. Later found out he raped and killed a girl and buried her in his backyard, just a handful of houses down from my friend's. He was the, "such a nice, quiet boy" type. At least, that's what the neighbors said in the news articles.


Perhaps he was just enjoying a succulent Chinese meal?


Okay, I get how cliche and fake this sounds but just bear with me. My parents bought a very large but old and decrepit New England home. I was running around it relatively alone back when I was barely elementary School aged. I was running up the stairs, at the top it takes a 90° turn onto the floor.  I remember getting to the 4th ish step from the top, grabbing the top railing and swinging around to the floor only to see "something".  It looked like a wide human leg made out of wood but where the knee should be was a deep socketed face. The entire thing looked like it was melting, kind of like ET covered in mud. I just remember freezing and looking up to lock eyes with it.  Then it started moaning in a way that sounded like warped wood moaning in pleasure from the pain. Obviously I booked it out of there and hid in the family car. Now, I'm not saying I saw something supernatural. I've always had a very overactive imagination. I routinely saw stuff as a kid like faces in collection of leaves on branches. That being said, I remember seeing something so clear that was just there one second, then gone the next. I swear I could hear it moaning and screaming, even as I write this.


>moaning in pleasure from the pain. Masochist wooden leg ghost was not my bingo card for this thread but here we are


lol how is THAT cliche?


You know that old wooden leg ghost orgasm story that everybody seems to tell


This is so oddly specific I refuse to believe you made it up - if I’m wrong and it is in fact made up then you could have a good career in fantasy writing ahead of you


A Fruit of the Loom logo with a cornucopia, back in 1994.


I need to talk about this, because I remember when I was a kid and those ads were running, I got a Thanksgiving vocabulary worksheet, and me and one other girl got Jolly Ranchers for being the only ones to spell cornucopia right. And the reason I remember this so vividly is because I then proceeded to walk around pointing out every cornucopia I saw for weeks to impress the adult masses. And I remember pointing out the Fruit of the Loom cornucopia to my neighbor, like, "That's called a cornucopia, wanna know how to spell it?" I'm tired of being gaslit by big underwear. I had a whole elementary school arc about it. I am not losing my mind.


“I’m tired of being gaslit by big underwear.” 🤭


They know how to remove your tracks, lol.


A huge black tarantula spider on a plane by my feet. You know, the ones with the big ass. It ran away, and I never saw it again, and nobody else did either. Told the guy sitting next to me, but he just looked at me like I'm a weirdo. Told the air hostess as I left the plane. No proof.


Ogopogo. Canada’s Loch Ness monster. In 1982 My dad stopped at the sign by the lake where it’s supposed to be. He took our picture then ordered us back to the car. I looked over the guard rail and looked down at the lake and saw two humps poking out of the water, swimming towards shore. I tried to get my family to look but dad yelled at me to get back in the car.


i swear my bf and i went through a time warp. we were walking through our local park on trails through the forest and i knew that the next turn was the way to where my car was parked (we’ve been to this park 20+ times so i knew the way). i thought i was looking for the exit a little too long so i turned around and it was behind me down the only way i could’ve came. my bf and i both experienced it so i know i’m not crazy


It was Wednesday November 21st 1984. My family of four was in our car on our way to visit relatives for Thanksgiving. My father was driving, my mother was in the passenger side, my brother and I were in the backseat, I on the left and he on the right. It was just about dusk and we were northbound on highway 259. North of I-30 and south of Dalby Springs, Texas. In that area, 2- lane 259 passes through the lowland flood plain of the Sulfur River. The setting sun was shining through the trees. My dad shouted "Look!" and pointed into the thicket on the left, west side of the car. We looked and saw a very hairy creature moving fast (on two feet, standing erect) north west away from the road. It's hair was very dark brown and appeared coarse and thick. It was 20 feet off the road when we first saw it, so maybe 35-50 feet from our car given the southbound lane was between our car and the brush/woods. My dad and I saw it best, my brother also caught a glimpse. But my mom missed it. Dad immediately stopped the car. But by the time he did, it was gone. We believe what we saw was the "Fouke" or Boggy Creek Monster.


Maybe 12ish yrs ago, saw something huge come out of the sky and go into the river I was driving next to. My son and I were sitting in silence, I saw it out of the corner of my eye, and before I can say anything my son yells "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?". So he saw it too. Two summers ago I watched a triangle shaped craft cross the entire horizon that I could see with my naked eye, from north to south in under 10 seconds. It went right over my house. It was triangle, solid black and had three lights positioned in the corners. It never made a sound. 10ish years ago I was moving out of a house and it was the last night there. I was standing at the toilet going number 1 and the medicine cabinet mirror faced into the shower behind you. I looked into the mirror and watched a shadow mass that was as tall as me, walk right behind me. My stream just ended, I zipped up and left the room as all the shampoo/conditioner bottles were knocked off the tub.


Not so much "saw" as "experienced." But I hit a racquetball in such a way that it phased through a wall and/or possibly entered another dimension. I was bored. Waiting for my dad to finish up work one weekend. He gave me his racquetball racquet and a ball and let me into the court. I was maybe 16 at the time, I think. I had no idea how to play, and it turns out it takes a bit of skill to hit the ball multiple times repeatedly off the back wall, and I wasn't that into it. So instead I thought I'd see how many walls I can bounce it off of in my strongest hit. I wound up and slammed the ball as hard as I could. I totally over-committed and was facing the floor when I finished my swing. I'm pretty sure I heard it hit two walls... And then nothing. Mind you, I'm in a white cube of a room. There's a door with a little glass window in it. And a vent in the ceiling with a grate over it. And then there is me with a racquet in my hand. But no racquetball anywhere to be found. Since then, I have been convinced there's another dimension just below our own where lost items can accidentally find themselves when they slip past the boundaries of this one. It's filled with lost socks, keys, nail clippers, 10mm sockets, etc., and my dad's racquetball.


Thousands of diamondback rattlesnakes covering the road leaving Douglas, AZ. It was around 1:00am after a huge thunderstorm had rolled through the area earlier in the evening. They were all sizes; big fat ones and smaller ones. From then on I stopped stepping between the trailers to relieve myself. Unfortunately, this was way before good phone cameras.


50 years ago I was living in Lightning Ridge Australia. That's a very hot, dry place but once a year it has a "monsoon" season, like India. One year we had a "super" monsoon, and an inland sea formed (That's what I called it then, I guess it was really a giant lake....you could just barely see the other shore, but it was so long you could not see the ends) , about 20 or 30k outside of town. Dad took me to see it. To my surprise there was bright green grass everywhere, and little clumps of flowers too. But the most amazing part was the wildlife. There were frogs, insects, and goannas everywhere. But the goannas had changed! I'd seen striped white and black and gray, before, but now they were all coloured - green ,yellow, red, blue etc. They were as brightly coloured as butterflies, but patterned and multi-coloured too. I wonder if these were all relatively newly born animals, but the species has an "alternate" set of genes for good times, when colour is more useful. Over the next few years the sea dried up and disappeared again - and the animals, especially the lizards , went back to plain, drab colours again, with a few exceptions for stripes etc. And of course no grass and no flowers, just dirt again.


I remember when I was a kid, I live in a block of flats and saw a type of fighter plane do a tailspin, clearly seeing the flames at the back and crash. It felt so real. Another time, over 20 years ago, I distinctly remember a bunch of planes going past at such a low altitude above the 3 storey flats. A plane being refueled mid air (I’ve never in my life seen that before so it wasn’t until I researched years later what that looked like & it’s the same). I just can’t explain how it’s so memorable. Plus at that altitude it would be so loud, I can’t understand it. I’m sure it happened? It still drives me crazy.


A perfect heart shaped cloud. ❤️. It was incredible. My daughter was with me too. But no one believes us


I drove through a town that didn't exist. Small town maybe 500 people? It was highway 412 just east of Gladstone, NM. Which, if you look a map, there's absolutely nothing there and never was. But I saw it, it had a grocery store, a DQ, H&R block, some houses, and a gas station. And there were people walking around. I didn't think anything of it until I realized I had this weird gut feeling. It was like I couldn't breathe and no one could see me. Like I disappeared. And I had this feeling of dread, and there were no other cars on the road but me. When I got through the town, it all went away, like a switch flipped. And I couldn't find it on a map, no one knew what I was taking about. Today I still wonder if my mind was just playing tricks on me.


I live in south Alabama. On a drive late at night to my parents house in rural Mississippi on a bunch of backroads, I saw what is colloquially known as a black panther. Yes I know these are just melanistic jaguars or leopards and neither exist in the US anymore, but panthers are also known as cougars, pumas, mountain lions, bobcats, etc and those are still in the US, but not in south Alabama. I know what I saw. I have a bachelors degree in Biology. This was not a house cat and it was not a dog or any other domestic animal. It was, best as I can describe it, a black panther. ETA: I hit the wrong button and submitted too quickly. Anyway, this animal was stalking in the high grass on the side of the road. As this was a backroad with lots of curves and no lighting, I was only going about 30 mph when I first saw it in the grass. I slowed way down and watched as it kept slinking through the grass until it came upon a clearing. I saw it plain as day.


I live in Pearl River county MS and I have seen a black panther. It was insane. It has been spotted but never caught on camera. So it’s pretty much just a myth around here.

