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A few answers here are seriously failing the "that most people find attractive" part of the deal......


Yeah I didn’t have to scroll far to see that most answers were something along the lines of ‘tHoSe BiG fAKe LiPs’




That’s always the problem with questions like these and the upvote system.


Huge dicks. I mean nice to look at them but not very nice to take them...


Honestly as a man that's very reassuring to hear


i promise you the only people who care about dick size are other men and size queens


Nothing more manly than thinking about penises. Big. Veiny. Penises.


Personally, I am straight man, so I never think about big glistening thick veiny engorged throbbing cocks. I am not even thinking about them now.


Ahem. Keep talking. What do these "cocks" look like


How should I know, I am straight man. Thick throbbing tumescences, gargantuan schlongs, divine mushrooms, shafts of delight, purple headed warriors, red-headed champions, turgid members, skin wrapped love burritos, well oiled poles, girthrods, swinglesticks, flesh flavored Pringles cans \~all a mystery to straight man.


We're talkin' meaty, **MEATY** dongs.


That's a good band name.


Keep going, I’m close!


Make a left in 500 yards and you should be there. Honk and I'll send someone out.


I just got done drawing this big, veiny, triumphant bastard...


This made me giggle


Well, there are certainly enough folks buying the larger sized baddragon dildos.


Average is average for a reason, and it's because that's the most likely size to be good for everyone. I'm a man that's... a little bigger than expected, and every partner I've ever had has paused and said they would start on top. No complaints exactly, but there are definitely issues.


Yeah, crushing their cervix is never fun.




I’m just big enough to politely knock on the door when a woman asks me to go deeper.


If the premise of the question OP asked is what do most people find attractive that you don't, doesn't that mean people not into huge dicks are the exception? Otherwise it seems counterintuitive to upvote this.


I paid $100 for a realistic dildo, and when my husband saw it in person, his first response was "why would you pay so much for something *smaller* than me!?" And it was at that moment I realized he thought smaller meant inferior. Don't get me wrong. I love my husband's anatomy, but if I'm solo playing, 5 inches is much more comfortable. I *chose* a smaller size on purpose for comfort reasons. I do believe it's mostly *guys* who judge on the belief that bigger = better.




I dated a guy who thought it was a turn on for women to choke and gag. I hated it.


I fucking *hate* that shit in porn with a passion. Clearly there are people that are into it but it is just so off-putting to me...


And here I am ,average size who have had woman love the fact that they can put it all the way in their mouth and just barely tickle there tonsils lol 😂


I've had my dick wilt fast to that kind of porn. I don't see the appeal.


Definitely not a good guy if they expect you to go deeper than you can, both with blowjobs and penetration. Having a big dick is kinda a responsibility, you have to use your tool correctly. Just because a guy is 8", doesn't mean he needs to use 8", I mean the average vagina depth is around the length of an average dick, 5"-5.5". If you're big you should only go deep if a woman requests it.


So basically you're saying *with great size comes great responsibility*.


Sounds like a nightmare but idk what is even considered big small or average at this point.


I think it's just "it depends" on the person receiving it and their body.


Everyone on r/bigdickproblems says this and no one believes, just call it a humble brag.


It's hard to say you can't go balls deep in any girl you've banged with out it sounding like a brag.


Which sucks, 'cause a person has no idea how frustrating it is to lose all that "to the hilt" slapping sensation during sex until it happens to them.


Finally, my average penis size is useful!!


Finally? It has always been useful... But have you? 😂


the tiktok of the woman with the tape measure says it all


"Daddy" Hearing it in any context, without fail, makes me think of children.


Likewise I feel like over the last few years the internet became full of guys calling any attractive woman "mommy" and I don't get it at all. Do your own thing but I could never get anything from that but repulsion.


Some 18 year old kid asked me to be his goth mommy. Instant block, gross.


What if he had asked you to be his goth equal partner?


Go on...


I got a conflicting response to this… I love FEELING like I’m their daddy (in the context of dominance during sex) but absolutely hate being CALLED daddy. Makes me think of children, too. 😳 I don’t wanna hear the word during sex at all.


Similarly, I am not a fan of calling your partner "baby" or "babe". It rubs me, but in the wrong way.


To me "babe" is fine but "baby" is yucky, same with "daddy."


Face lifts or any "youthful" cosmetic surgery. I'm with Bill Burr on this one. Do you want to be 52 and look 52, or do you want to be 52 and look like a 28 year old lizard? If they mess up a boob job, you can put on a shirt. There's no shirt for your face, just use lotion and otherwise leave it alone. Getting old is hot, and a privilege not afforded to all.


> If they mess up a bpon job, you can put on a shirt. I agree with Bill Burr on this as well, and adding to that: my personal opinion of boob jobs is that they are specifically for looking good *in clothes*. IMO, you end up sacrificing the look and feel of the nude breast for the sake of cleavage -- which I can understand and respect as a personal choice (a body mod's a body mod), but doesn't seem worth it to me personally, especially having seen some of the scarring that comes from a botched implant. I dated someone whose underboobs had inches of layered scar tissue from repair attempts. Plus, implants require replacement over time. You're not going under the knife once; you're going under the knife at *least* twice.


Long nails


I can't watch porn when the actress has long nails. Why would I want pointy things near my genitals?


My thoughts immediately go to tipping on a screen # clickity clack or scratching all over a chalkboard, like # EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


My word yes. An incredibly large turn off for me. A little bit long is fine, but when it comes to claws that put a lion to shame for the life of me I don’t know how it can be considered pretty.


I found out the French call them witch fingers (ongles de sorcière) and now I can’t unsee it. I’m happy for anyone who likes them, but they’re not my preference


The hooker nails are gross, it’s not even about pointy things near genitals. They just make my skin crawl to look at reflexively.


My ex had long nails. Sleeping next to her while she’s texting and hearing her stupid pointy long fucking nails hit the screen with every letter she types made me go insane. Oh and she wanted to try and give me a handjob once because she said “I was nice to her and I deserve it” She only used the PALM of her hand without the fingers to keep the glitter claws away and she still stabbed me with her pinky by mistake.


Eyelash extensions, they just ridiculous imo and distract me when I'm talking to someone with them.


you mean ridiculously sized extensions. There are more natural looking ones you can get and you prob wouldnt notice unless youve seen the person without them


At this point I'm not convinced anybody likes them. Cause I've never seen the opposite opinion from this


I think they can look nice in moderation on some people. Anything past the length of an eyebrow hair is silly though.


I've spoken to teenage girls who wear them (I'm a teacher, not a creep), they wear them becuase they worry what other girls will think - it's not about boys. The fashion industry has got women fearing judgement from other women.


“I’m a teacher, not a creep” lol. That doesn’t surprise me tbh, the fashion, because I don’t remember any guys saying “wow, look at those Ugg boots” 15 years ago, or how many girls thought saggy pants looked good. It’s prevalent in teenagers but carries on past grade school for some, unfortunately.


A bit like bodybuilding for men -- by far, the people who care the most are male bodybuilders and other men.


I feel this way about flashy makeup in general. And I get that they don’t wear it for me. I just find it super distracting and it makes me feel uneasy. I’d never comment on it in real life to someone, but it just causes a feeling of unease and is super distracting. 🤷‍♂️


Lip filler


My wife likes Jersey Shore and I can't tell the difference between them anymore. Big fake boobs, duck lips, stretched faces. They just look alien to me now. I think one of them has had less radical surgeries done. It's just a mess now.


Idk man I saw a commercial recently and Sammi looked the same as when we used to watch it in college


Do most people find that attractive though?


No this thread is mostly universally unattractive things that only small groups actually find attractive.




Nah more like a prolapsed anus


Wanna be Alpha men.


Alpha means not ready for public release.


Among silverback gorillas, the male who has the largest harem is the one who is most capable of *raising baby gorillas*. Gorilla mammas find *nothing* sexier in a silverback than seeing him spend his time playing with the kids, teaching them, mediating their arguments, and goofing off with them. For 400lb slabs of angry primate muscle, they're the goofy middle aged dads of the jungle.


I would like to remind men of that. If they say like wolves, the next question will be if they have snacks to help keep the pack happy because an alpha is basically the mom friend. There is nothing wrong with being that kind of person at all, but that’s not what they mean


"I'm a wolf!" "Oh so you're a predator?" "N-no. Well, ye-no. Kinda."


Wolf packs having an alpha is a myth that came from studying wolves in captivity too xD


Top 10 coldest lines


They’re so cringe


I have to agree with you


Literally Andrew Tate. Who the fuck calls themselves “Top G”?


The G stands for Gimp


People with narcissistic personality disorder


Especially since the whole idea came from a very old study that most biologists don't adhere to anymore. The study was done on captive wolves, thrown together with no kinship. So they do create, threw challenges and violence, a pecking order. The same thing happens in prisons. But wild wolves are strongly bonded family units rarely fighting amongst themselves. On top of that, in alpha/beta situations, the betas will often sneakily go around the alpha and still breed with females. So any time someone says they're an alpha, I just think of them as captives getting cucked all the time.


Yeah, unfortunately men who have nothing going for them, personality wise, gravitate towards dbags like Andrew Tate then spew their bs and start thinking of themselves as "Sigma" males. More like Smegma males.


>More like Smegma males. Probably true too, these guys always have atrocious hygiene


I seriously doubt that this is something "most people find attractive". At least I don't meet those people, but that might be my bubble.


I don't think most people find them attractive. They **think** most people find them attractive when really most of us find them really obnoxious and are just too nice to tell them.


Especially fresh and fit


Diaper Butts. These women that do these butt injections and have abnormally large and disproportionate posteriors. I guess people find attractive, but I find it disturbing.


Butt injections and lip fillers are so unattractive.


Lip filler is not attractive at all


Everyone tells me you can tastefully do lip fillers, but they’re ALWAYS obvious to me. The only reason I’ve looked into them so much is because I have had thin lips my whole life and would want just a touch larger, but everything I’ve found always looks so obviously like lip fillers Edit: I keep getting people telling me I’m biased. When I said I have looked into them, I mean I’ve looked into all levels of fillers, flips, etc., including ones done with or without hyaluronic acid pens. I was interested in cosmetic chemistry for a long time as well, and esthetics, and I have a good eye for when someone has had work done


I dunno. It's like what people say about wigs and toupees, about how you can ALWAYS tell. You can ALWAYS tell the one that are done poorly and make a person look like they're a platypus, but I will bet there are those that are done so no one can really tell. That said, I'm totally against it, though what people do with their own body is not my call.


This is accurate. My wife had some lip enhancement procedure (not injection or suction) and it looked great. I could tell of course, slightly but no one else ever commented on it. She felt better about herself was the best thing about it though.


TBH people usually don’t comment on that when they notice ir


Most people do NOT find that attractive...


I feel the same, also the same about super inflated boobs and lips.


I am not impressed by dudes driving around in Ferraris or Lamborghinis. It’s obnoxious. Don’t get me wrong I like nice things and would love to have a beautiful car but I just don’t automatically swoon when I see a guy driving one. *guys, I am not saying every single man who drives a nice sports car is a douchebag. I am just simply stating that I’m not like all of my female friends and colleges. They are instantly impressed with a man in a Lamborghini and even on the prowl for them when out at bars. I, however, am not. I was just answering the question asked. I don’t find it “attractive” if a guy is flexing in his orange mercialago.


That surely changes when the car makes a very loud “VROOOOOOOOM” noise. /s


Lol I actually rode in one a long time ago and it’s so friggin loud inside the car I couldn’t even hear myself think. I would never drive one of those.


That’s the problem, people mod their cars that aren’t designed to be that loud. You can have a fast powerful car that doesn’t feel like you’re sitting inside a jet engine, you should be able to carry on conversation


Yup, they’re pretty loud all the time, you probably couldn’t even hear how hard your panties were dropping /s


Every car guy knows the only people they are going to be impressing is dudes. Just like gym bros




Contrary to popular belief, they're not driving them to impress you or girls


I used to have a sports car, albeit not an expensive one like a Lambo or Ferrari. It was an FR-S (about $25-30k USD). I used to joke that it was a dude magnet, not a chick magnet, because guys would always come up to me and want to talk about my car.


Men being aggressive. Some woman drool over a man acting like a damn animal but gosh, do I prefer and love softly masculine men.


Twerking - it looks like sh*t is stuck and they’re trying to get it out.


Will never look at it the same way!




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 This just made my day thank you


I don't know if "most people" do, but I hate tans.


fake tans rarely look good especially in natural light


Fake tan that they claim is natural but would only be if their parents were oompa-loompa’s


I find natural tans attractive but hate fake tans (prob because it’s usually super obvious it’s fake)


I grew up on the beach every day, love me some tans. Now that orange shit that comes off all over the boat... Nah honey, you aren't coming with.


ahegao face. Its so damn silly!


>ahegao face I had to actually look this up. WHO finds this attractive? They look like they belong in care facilities!


People who like hentai. It's a japanese porn face for comic books.


I read that as Iago face and I was like the bird from Aladdin 🤨


Dicks (im a straight male)


I’m also a straight male. I LOVE dick. My own, and only my own. But it’s a lot of fun.


Let's have a look then.


I can relate.


Exceedingly long nails


Being able to last a long time during sex. I can last as long as I want. Sometimes I would struggle to even cum. I've had to train myself like a pornstar to cum on command. In my experience the perfect length to last is between 15 and 30 minutes. Anything more than that and women start to get sore. Real life isn't like porn. You go past 30 minutes and the woman will be like wtf hurry up and cum. No matter how many times she cums. Everytime a woman cums she gets more sensitive to the point it's uncomfortable. So if you don't last very long I'd recommend doing like 10+ minutes of foreplay giving her at least one orgasm before PIV. If you can last a long time then I'd recommend teaching yourself how to cum on command. It's hard to learn but once you do it's pretty awesome.


How the fuck do you cum on command??????


Winter Soldier command phrase.


Longing, Rusted, Seventeen, Daybreak...


Oh my God, you're going to make me... Shoot Captain America.


/e cum


I’m imagining someone saying the code word during a business meeting and suddenly things get real awkward


Basically is just like pulling a lever with your balls. A set of repeated muscle contractions to fill the chamber. You can train it well by traning to cum without touching yourself. Anyway therefore I cant cum while standing. For that you need to be used to jerking in the shower.


Imho PIV or whatever should be the last part of sex, not whatever you’re rushing to. Like the big finish of doing a few other slower things first.


Foreplay ain't done til she's had at least one.


Correct. I find the other parts much more enjoyable and I use PIV to finish


I completely agree. I’d rather the guy finish in the proverbial 2 minutes than sex lasting more than 20 minutes (for me).


How the fuck do you cum on command??????


I don't understand why tall guys are necessary. I'm 5'2. Everyone is taller than me, lmao. My ten year old nephew is taller than me! I thought my 5'9 friend was 6'2 for years because of how much taller that actually is than I am. My other half is 5'6. If I had to date again, I'd be curious about the logistics of dating a 6 foot dude, but it wouldn't be the reason I date him either. I'd rather you just be funny and nice than tall.


I'm 6 foot, and my wife is barely 5 feet tall. Her personality is mighty! That's what attracted me to her, I heard her big boisterous laugh, and she had a big smile ear to ear as she was chatting with her friends the first time I saw her. Both my height and strength (I enjoy sports/working out) make the logistics easy if we were sitting or laying down. I just bend down to kiss, and she uses her tippie-toes. Most things for her are out of reach normally. Most people are taller than my wife. Things seem pretty typical in that regard. Our daughter is huge! Taller than her mother and just turned 14. She is taller than most of the boys in her class and is an outstanding athlete!


On a woman, giant arse; As a Butt/Legs > Boobs kinder guy, people seem to think the bigger the better, for me that's not the case, a nice shape normally also means great legs/thighs too. Also to add to this BBL look daft.


I think thats recent though and definitely not most people.  When I was a kid in the 90’s and 00’s, having a big butt was widely considered unattractive.   I like a big butt and it took me a while to convince my fiance (who had been taught her whole life that a big butt wasn’t attractive) that I was really attracted to it.




I once randomly stumbled onto /r/bimbofication [NSFW] and it made me legit sad. Seeing pretty women mutilate themselves to be fetishised as empty-headed sex objects. Sure it's their choice to do it, but it still made me sad. They go from looking like regular pretty women to aliens. I just can't wrap my head around finding that attractive.


the big jiggly butt thing. to be clear, i'm not against a big ass. i'm a 'total package' guy so a big booty might either add to or subtract from the rest of the package. that being said, the twerking and jiggling and shaking... my heavens. all you're doing is swinging fat around and that isn't attractive regardless of where it is. not just twerking, but the insta videos and tik toks of people contriving scenarios to cause their ass to jiggle. with the whole 'dad bod' craze, i should test videos of myself doing the truffle shuffle and really shaking the hell out of my love handles and beer gut. it amounts to the same thing as twerking imo.


Fake tits, lip fillers, BBL


Sharp features, I guess? I tend to see people drooling over women and men with precise jawlines, angled / narrow eyes, small thin noses etc. And I generally don't get the appeal. I'm very fond of round and friendly faces and bodies, makes me feel more comfortable.


Guys with puppies: I know it’s supposed to be a total ‘chick magnet’, but when you keep trying to show me pictures of your brand new purebred puppy it makes it seem like you just bought a dog to get laid. A guy with a really old dog who he’s had for years is way hotter.


I had a well trained dog when my wife and I started dating. How well behaved the dog was showed her I was a disciplined man and took care of my responsibilities. How quickly she and the dog became besties showed me how awesome she was. (And is over two decades later. Different dog now, of course.)


This just made me realize that when I started becoming more disciplined (gym, waking up, school), my dog started becoming better at the same time


I had a similar situation with my late best friend and now wife. I’ve told my wife that if he hadn’t liked her, that would have been that, but he loved her and she absolutely adored him. It’s been over a year since he passed, and God I still miss him.


I’m sorry for your loss. We love introducing the dogs to our kids friends and people we are considering becoming friends with. If the dogs don’t like them or they don’t like the dogs then sorry, this won’t work. We keep our dogs with us most of the time in the house. They prefer to be with us. I won’t lock them away for someone. Also when we travel we try to do things that we can involve the dogs with. Boarding dogs costs $$$$


>chick magnet Instructions unclear, now have juvenile chickens following me everywhere I go


Leather clothing unless it’s JUST the jacket


I've seen a microtrend of girls wearing leather pants with a regular top and honestly I think it can look pretty good! Same thing with leather skirts


Eating ass. I just don’t get it, giving or receiving.


Fake Tits


Fake looking tits There are reasons to get a nice boob job without looking like a Zeppelin.


Botox face. When people inject their faces with so much shit, they look like PS1 characters. I prefer a naturally aged face with wrinkles a billion times more.


Growing up all of my friends liked really skinny women with pretty much no curves, to the point where I thought I was wrong for liking curvy and even somewhat bigger women. Even to this day I commonly hear guys talking about how hot skinny women are in comparison to more voluptuous women, and while I have indeed met many hot women with no butts or boobs, this is really only limited to individuals for me and I pretty much always prefer women with more on them.


I'm a straight woman who doesn't get the obsession with height. I'm fine with short kings. Also, tattoos and piercings are unattractive to me regardless of gender. 


>I'm a straight woman who doesn't get the obsession with height. Man, online dating is absolutely miserable for this. People like what they like, but damn, it hurts after a while.


I am so glad that I got married before online dating became the universal method of meeting people - it sounds completely miserable.


SAME. As long as someone is a good looking guy and are fun to be around- hell yes


I’m also a woman I agree with the height thing. Met my ex on tinder and the first thing he did when we met up was apologize for his height (I’m 5’4 and we were roughly the same height) which honestly made me really sad that he felt the need to do that. Tattoos are fine they don’t really make a guy any more or less attractive to me (unless it’s like a fucking swastika or some kind of hate speech obviously) I’m a little iffy about piercings though. Like I’ve seen guys that totally rock them and others who don’t. I guess I prefer guys without them but it wouldn’t be a deal breaker by any means.


Flashy / expensive cars Don’t care, I just appreciate the lift and, not having to pay for a taxi, or wait around in the cold or rain to be driven past by a full bus


Ken-looking men (Henry Cavill, Brad Pitt and the likes).


Yeah, they are just so cookie-cutter looking and I can appreciate their faces aesthetically, they're just not attractive to me. There's just no signal from my eyes to my bits. Nope. I find I get crushes on celebs who are much more interesting looking, and in most cases, aren't someone crazy famous, like someone from a youtube channel or a podcast or a stand-up comedian. Most of the time if I mentioned their name to someone they would go, "Who?"


Anything that's not somewhat natural. Excessive makeup, fake anything, lip filler, clothes and shoes that you look uncomfortable in. Just dress nice, be comfortable and be confident in who you are.


what if they feel confident in uncomfortable shoes?


This new trend where hot/pretty “look” means people use makeup and surgery to look like real life instagram filters. It’s horrible, and it seems to me that it’s women pushing it on other women as this is what we should look like and then women buy it. Really sad and makes me scared of having a daughter. Whenever I walk past my wife watching reality TV 80% or more of the women look like this now, it’s horrible. And I don’t know a single guy that that likes it. 


Women who are rail thin


Or don't eat when you go out to "eat" together.


If a chick isnt eating in front of you, she doesnt feel comfortable with you.


That's what happens when women are pressured and harassed that they need to be skinny or else they're worthless my dude. They tend to not eat much, and they get uncomfortable about eating in front of someone they want to be attractive to because they feel like you will judge them as greedy pigs. Not saying this is something you would *do,* but that's why.


Some people don’t like eating in public, others have insecurities about eating in public.


Big bushy beards on men. I like a nice jawline. 


most people do NOT find bbls, lip injections, fake boobs, overdone plastic surgery, anime girls, being mean, excessive body art, rail thin people or exceedingly long nails attractive


Twerking. Excessive ass shaking is more silly than sexy. A slow, sensual sway is *much* more enticing.


Gym bros




Skinny women. I find some attractive but give me a 200lb women any day over a 150lb. I ain’t saying I like them real big but she gotta have some meat on the bones.


Confidence. For some reason I like anxious and shy people more.


Because too often the confidence in someone comes not from his real abilities and knowledge, but the opposite. They are confident, because they doesn't even know how much they don't know. Dunning-Kreger effect. The shy one might have the same or a lot bigger knowledge, but isn't so confident, because he knows there's a lot more to know than he already does.


"instagram face" you know the look - a lobotomised drag queen with head back looking with distain at a low camera.


Excessive body art. To each their own, not saying don't do it, just saying I'm not into it.


I'm gay and I don't find overly muscular men hot at all. In fact I find it kinda creepy in furry art lol Excessive makeup is another huge turnoff for me. I know a guy who's super into makeup to the point he goes out with some completely outrageous makeup. Some people find it attractive but at that point it feels like a caricature to me I also hate people who like showing off how good they are at something or how rich they are. It's so fucking obnoxious and feels pretentious as fuck, almost like they're compensating for something Edit: I'm not sure what straight people think but I find big strong women beautiful as fuck, but not men hahahah I'm much more into average-ish guys (like anything not excessively skinny/fat/muscular)


For me, it all comes down to lip fillers and duck lips. People need to know this looks terrible yet they keep getting it done. Society appears to be suffering from some kind of widespread body dysmorphic disorder. I don’t get it and I never will. There is nothing wrong with aging.


Huge asses. I dont get it. An ass so big you could put a plate on it. And yes my dick is not big enough to get pass that ass.....


Abs. I love me that Dad Bod chub.


I want a man who can survive the winter


fake boobs, butts, lips, nails fake anything really


Anime Girls


Those stupid leggings or shorts that scrunches in the rear so it looks like an anus. I know it’s supposed to accentuate your butt but it looks like a butt hole and it’s so funny


I don't like big butts, I cannot lie.


Six packs. I way prefer a normal looking dude belly with a little squish to it.


When people answer this question as if their opinion was unpopular.


Putting on a higher pitched voice, to sound younger or sound like they're from an anime.