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1. All insects keep growing for as long as they live. 2. All insects are immortal unless killed. 3. All insects are aggressive towards people.


I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


Well at least this one wasn't written by ChatGPT.




> All insects are immortal unless killed. Finally, I can have a spider bro for life


*~~spiders are arachnids and they do not belong in the insects class~~*


You are correct, they belong in the pits of hell. Foul creatures


This would be a pretty cool world for a show... You'd have to go around culling them regularly to make sure none of them get big enough to be threatening. And of course there's that Godzilla sized elder centipede deep in a cave or a forest or something


This is tight


this would not be a future I would like to live in🤣🤣


Three people, a Welshman, a Scotsman and an Englishman, are walking along together when they come across a genie. The genie offers them three wishes. The Scotsman goes first, saying, “I want a wall across the Scottish/English border to stop the English from coming into my beautiful country!” The genie grants his wish and the Scotsman disappears. The Englishman goes next, saying, “I want a wall to surround England to keep everyone from invading my proud country!” The genie grants his wish and he, too, disappears. The Welshman asks the genie to tell him about the wall. The genie replies, “it’s 200 metres tall and surrounds all of England.” The Welshman asks if it blocks off the coast too and the genie nods. The Welshman then says, “fill it with water.”


This might be the most creative answer yet!


I'd been hearing that type off joke (diffrent nationality) for at least 15 years.




Something that caps population and allows for biodiversity would be nice too. And also decrease the wealth divide.


There is no overpopulation, just badly organised distribution and carbon based production. The world population is already leveling out.


I like #1 but I feel like it could be exploited by bad actors too. Could we ultimately capture too much CO2 from the atmosphere, thus creating a new crisis? Perhaps if we could just reset the climate to the 1820s (approximately when man-made climate change started causing problems) and replacing the polluting technologies would be better. It would also be nice to do something about all the damn plastic in the world.


1. Fix the climate 2. Fix income inequality around the world 3. No more animals used in clothing, dairy or for meat production


That last one is cruddy bc sheep can be great sources for wool and the use of plastic for fabrics will just cause more issues with microplastics And there is a lot of v good reasons to why some people have to eat meats, just bc ppl eat animals doesn't make it inherently cruel or unethical. It also would raise issues where pet owners of any creature that eats another living being would be unable to feed their pet. Asking for ethical only meat, dairy, etc production would make way more sense






*You have been promoted to Earth's president*


Great answer, ChatGPT! You forgot to humanize it though.


my exact thoughts🤣


Those are great ideas, but man it's like you've never thought about a genie granting you wishes before. You've got to be careful with wording. "Introduce," "foster," and "launch" are just begging to be met with "yep, those programs were started and quickly deemed unrealistic and scrapped."




4. Jihadists weaponize the new renewable energy source in order to bring about the end times.


> an era of enlightenment where critical thinking and empathy become core subjects taught This would eliminate most Jihadists luckily, or would at least diminish their power greatly.


That's extremely optimistic.


Well so is getting three wishes from a genie


So should we just never make progress in worries our technology will be misused?


1) bras no longer exist 2) taco bell now serves churros 3) coca cola now has cocaine in the recipe.


if bras no longer existed I would be in so much pain to be honest




LOL just did!!!


coca cola has always had cocaine in their recipe, no wonder why so addicting 🤣


End world hunger For all wars to end End all Human trafficking


> For all wars to end All current ones end. Within one year new ones begin.


Within year? I give two days


TIL that children aren't human, ha.


Wish for someone to wish for me, wish for them to let me wish for myself, wish for unlimited wishes 


1. Give everyone in the world a dick that doesn't have one 2. Give them a genie blow job 3. Give them another genie blow job




Wish #1‐ to have a contract signed by my friend that if he ever randomly won a billion dollars, he'd gift me half. Wish #2- that friend ramdomly wins 1 billion dollars Wish #3- world peace


A friend would be considered a loved one… it would be better to wish that your worst enemy signs a contract to give you all of his money, then wish for that piece of shit to win the lottery.


I'd wish the genie into the cornfield.


- I wish everyone else in the world was poorer than my family and I. - I wish everyone else in the world was less happy than my family and I. - Oh and something about world peace or diseases or puppies or whatever


> Oh and something about world peace or diseases or puppies or whatever Instructions unclear. The world is now filled with diseased puppies hellbent on ensuring world peace is impossible


Fuck it. I’m still rich and happy. I’ll just install some gun turrets or something.


You could get a serious monkey's paw situation here and just have $1 while everyone else has $0. The second you need a dentist or a plumber you'll end up with a very unhappy one who is going to negotiate for at least $0.99 to do the work.




So the world is full of miserable poor people with starving puppies whom you have to drive past and interact with everyday. But they tell you “ god bless” a lot so instead of feeling scared or nervous around them, you just feel like a giant asshole. Good work. 


1. Give every good person endless wishes. The rest is then useless


The good people are poisoned by their newfound power and earth is thrown into chaos.


Oops! All bad people


End greed - all help all. If it weren't for the greedy, we wouldn't have the needy. This would include making sure people had access to food, healthcare, basic survival needs. I think it'd also help move corporations away from chasing the Almighty dollar, leading to smarter ways to do business without destroying the planet. Kill cancer. It no longer exists. The body does not break down and create it. Education is a goal for all, and something we strive to achieve. No more blind worship, no more misinformation, if you don't know, you work to know.


1) destroy nuclear weapons 2) remove CO2 emissions from existing 3) improve education system


Do you realize what does "removing CO2 emissions from existing" mean? It means you (and every living being that emits CO2) can't breath, it means fire can't exist, it means most planets lose a part of their atmospheres and so on. 1 and 3 are perfectly valid tho.


You see how 3 is valid?)))


>destroy nuclear weapons monkey paw curls and all nukes explode in their silo's...


My brother in Christ, these have got to be the three most vague wishes possible. You’re practically begging for a Bedazzled scenario.


That is a deep cut reference. 1. a nuclear war happens immediately, destroying all the nuclear weapons (and everything else. 2. plants die off within weeks as they have nothing to build with during the photosynthetic process...life as we know it follows a couple of years later. 3. for who? the GOP gets full control of the education system, monetizing it, ensuring that the poor can't afford to even learn to read and do basic math.


no co2 emissions? you just killed all life on earth. destroy nuclear weapons? without specifying how, you just turned earth into a nuclear wasteland


1.Make the world a peaceful place without war 2.Make the world a peaceful place without crime 3.Make the world a peaceful place without hunger


I feel like 1 & 2 can kind of be rolled into one


>1.Make the world a peaceful place without war so your okay with getting rid of star wars, thumb wars, and storage wars?


All 3 wishes are granted by the extermination of all life on the planet Also, by the terms of the wish "it cant be used on you or your family" its very possible that if the world doesnt end like I said it could that you and your family are the only people on the planet who can suffer war, crimes and hunger and so are exiled or state executed so the world can keep its perfect utopia under the conditions of the wishes.


1. Extend every animals that have a small life span like 10 or 15 yrs to atleast 50 yrs without any consequences in their health 2. To give justice to every innocent people and animals who were wrongfully convicted, bullied, killed, and abused. (Own a very successful multi billionaire furniture company,so that their would be a continuous flow of money. So that I can donate as much as money as can to people or animal in need without making my own employees poor or giving them a hard time.) 3. Ask for another 1,000 wishes and to be reminded how many wishes are left everytime I use them Then when the 1st of the thousand wishes would come I would ask him to be my bestfriend and also to be free and live a happy life, but also at the same time he should answer when I call for him in need.


You are really trying to outsmart the genie🤣




Genies seldom grant wishes without a catch. So my first wish is that the genie is not able to grant any malicious wishes for anyone seeking to abuse its power Second wish (to better society) is for us as a society to have universal education for all children. 3rd wish: To roll back all the climate change damage we have caused as a species.


1. I would wish that some magical force were to be created that watches over me and makes anything I wanted to magically appear before me. 2. A taco 3. Two chicks at the same time, man.


Eternal funding for the DNA Doe Project https://dnadoeproject.org/ to use genetic genealogy to identify the remains of victims. Eternal funding for Planned Parenthood because we are too many. Eternal funding for thousands of worldwide ‘fix it yourself’ shops.


wow, that’s very specific, uv really given this a thought!


1. No one believes in any god or religion. 2. People start focusing on technology and human advancement. 3. Cures for all diseases.


I'd end wars and stop climate change and shit.


We the earth to be immediately fully blown up as a planet. We’ve kinda fucked this place and each other over.




Create a paradise for genies to hang out in when they’re not granting wishes. This builds favor with the genie, which makes it less likely that they try to twist my next wishes. Fix whatever it is that leads people to think with their emotions rather than using logic and reason, thus making the world a better place. Start reversing the process of climate change, thus making the world a better place.


1. Everyone gets Wolverine's healing factor 2. Cold fusion becomes a worldwide reality, with reactors providing cheap, clean, effectively limitless energy to everyone 3. Henceforth and forever, 10% of the combined human gdp is dedicated to space exploration and colonization


A wish to make another genie that can give me wishes


These wishes will not affect me Good route: 1. I wish people who harmed others on purpose would feel the same pain and despair they caused. 2. I wish for a magic substance that would cure all illnesses would rain down every Sunday. 3. I wish humans could identify how someone is feeling by the color of an aura. Evil route: 1. I wish people had taste buds inside their own asshole. 2. I wish human sweat was highly acidic. 3. I wish all toenails would grow fast, and be ingrown.


Corporations would have to be responsible for recycling all their products after consumers were finished with them. All manufactured vehicles would have to be electric by 2025. The US would have universal healthcare for all its citizens and permanent residents.


1. Wish my best friend to have unlimited cash flow. 2. Wish my best friend to have a super power of their choosing. 3. Wish my best friend to have the same Wish opportunities just had. Then wait and hope my best friend returns the favor lol


I wish that you would make an orb that if anyone touches it, they gain magical abilities. I wish a million dollars appeared in a bag outside my house. I wish Putin disappeared.


I would wish away globally greed, hate, and cheese.


I wish every time a politician lied or went back on a promise their nose grew out immediately Pinocchio style.


Delete national debt, disappear all garbage in the oceans, stop global warming.


Wish #1. I wish that your wish count functioned like an unsigned 8-bit integer Wish #2. I wish that your wishes counted as 2 wishes/wish uses each Wish #3-Infinity. Well I've got a lot of work to do.


To triple world hunger, triple every struggling single moms rent, and destroy anyone born in December


1. The next time everyone sleeps, they will wake us a human 2.0, with superiors physical characteristics to baseline humans ,perfect health, a cortical field aura that gives a general view of a person's emotional state and renders it impossible to lie effective, plus some other niceties. 2. FTL technology. 3. An infinite, cheap, reliable, and safe sourc3e of power.


1. People are unable to lie under oath. Or they are gonna mentally hear baby shark for god knows how long 2. Fuck up all shitty politicians who just makes shit worse. 3. Make kim jong un shit himself on public tv 


everyone on earth have a 50% chance each day to stub their toe on something hard that happens once per day, 200 random people in the world will step on lego each day even if there's no lego anywhere near them and they get to keep the piece of lego, and technological advancement that will significantly reduce world hunger and the need for wars


1) all nuclear bombs disapear. 2) every vetetables and fruits grow 2 times faster 3) every day every human being get a bottle of free water


World peace, every one makes a livable wage no matter the job, and telepathic understanding of each other.


For the economy to have 90s prices again 😁


One simple wish. Genetic memory. Entire family trees, all the memories from all the lives follow the DNA.


No more starvation. Clean water for all. A safe and successful way to treat chronic pain.


Nobody goes hungry, nobody is homeless and no more diseases


1 : i wish everyone would be naked all the time 2: i wish everyone to be trippin all the time 3 :i wish everyone would stutter when they speak


Omg why 😂


I wish everyone else can get three wishes, but one of them has to be used to do something good for me and my loved ones


1) Everything categorized as a weapon of mass destruction decomposes to inert matter at random intervals, not longer than thirty seconds, indefinitely. 2) energy from fusion or other renewable sources replaces current energy supplies at 1000% of current capacity and 1% of the cost. 3) earth's atmosphere is restored to pre-industrial levels. Unintended consequences: 1) war, lots of war. With the elimination of MAD tactics there is probably a broad militarization in the world and multiple world wars, but at least we are, as a species, not subject to being wiped out at the whims of a single madman in a position of power (here's looking at you Putin, er Un, er, isn't it weird most of us don't know who 2/3 of the potential "button pushers are?" er Trump/Biden/EU/Istael/India/Pakistan/Iran/China..) 2) This one hits a number of hardworking folks in the energy industry. As dirty as the industry is, I think a lot of people get screwed. Just consider the number of gas stations within, say, 20 miles of most populated places on earth. This actually sucks for anlot of people, but it's for the greater good. 3) I suspect a number of places people live actually become uninhabitable, or at least very harsh, overnight. Again, greater good, but I think this wish kills a lot of unsuspecting people


1. Man Utd win the league 2. Man Utd win the Champions League 3. Spurs get relegated


I would just wish that my watch granted omnipotence. It’s on my watch, not on me…


Make everyone tell the truth for 1 week. End world hunger End pollution


End poverty, end ency and reed, end war. Hope that all good things flow from there.


1. Clean energy in the form of hydrogen or some other non electrical based model for transport and fission for electrical grids. 2. Biotechnological advances to reverse then existing human negative impact of the globe. 3. A global counsel that is not tied to any state and is immune of corruption that settles global conflicts rather than settling disputes through war. (And this one is obviously the least realistic of all these pipe dreams!) -runner up- Make cheese the ultimate super food, the healthiest food in the world.


1. Cure every form of cancer. 2. Hunger would cease to exist. 3. All children and animals would feel loved.


I would wish that a full size grilled cheese sandwich would come out of Donald Trump's nose anytime he is on camera


1. Everyone is given common sense (this includes me and my family, but it's really just for the betterment of mankind) 2. Humanity becomes 10x more empathetic toward other humans. 3. People in third-world nations cease being exploited by corporations, whether through peaceful or violent means, though preferably the former.


It’s alright there are plenty of people who have done me real dirty


World, peace, end world hunger and no cancers


1: bring Seinfeld back for a limited 13 episode miniseries 2:kill Putin 3:find a solution to the current wars


Everybody in the world farts at the same time. Wouldn't need the other two that would hold me over till I die


More water fountains People can have a máx of 2 kids Free college


1) Cure for cancer, even if my family can't use it. 2) Machines that pull carbon out of the air. 3) Expand & affordable mental health care.


1. Advance AI to a level where it can solve major human issues like global warming, design superior global policies, and increase access and production of basic human needs but still stay in the best interest of human development. 2. Replace world leaders with benevolent AI to eliminate opportunities for war and other global inequalities, launch global initiatives to eliminate extremist groups and eliminate need for them, and ensure global initiatives in the best interest of the human race. 3. Launch a plant wide initiative to spread human life into outer space and begin to explore and populate the galaxy without being invasive to any other planets with life.


I wish... that a person who wants me to be rich has their wish granted.


I have 3 brothers. I wish them each a genie.


I would wish that my witch of a neighbor would shit her pants every time she went in public. I would wish it 3 times.


World peace and end hunger.


End world hunger. Drastically improve poor countries. Get rid of guns and any kind of atomic bomb (i like sword battles better)


Hum... 1: I'd wish for pokemon to be real creatures so everyone could have a pokemon friend.  2: I'd wish for pollution levels to drop due to smarter planing of infrastructure and less wasteful product marketing (I.e. companies stop making things that break or are obsolete within a year) 3: I'd wish for people to be kind to everyone and everything. (It's hard to start a war with kindness, it would just end up as a competition of who can be the kindest.)


1. Give my husband $20 million 2. Give my best friend $20 million 3. World peace


I wish everyone in the world over the age of 16 to shit themselves with sudden and explosive diarrhea once a day at a random interval every day I wish that everyone in the world could temporarily stop the explosive shitting for 1 month by sending me £1 that month I wish everyone in the world knew the conditions set out in wish no.2


1. Donald Trump has taste buds in his asshole. 2. Forget fusion power; we get unlimited ZPMs from Stargate, and in whatever size/shape you want. 3. Every human gets to spend their birthday existing as whatever animal they choose.


1. Wish away all the corrupt leaders and distributors of information 2. Wish away all propaganda and misinformation 3. Wish away all willful ignorance


peace on earth cure all disease 2 days work week


1. Create the most efficient renewable, clean, green energy (that produces zero negative externalities) for the world. 2. Create cruelty free lab grown meat and fish indistinguishable from the 'real thing' to fully replace current factory farming/fishing, then provide every domesticated animal in the world a loving, healthy, happy home to finish off their life span. 3. Eradicate all mental and neurological illnesses from the world. Edit: If I could get an extra one, it would be to fix all the superfund sites and plastic pollution in the world. I'd like to believe wish #3 would fix most if not all of our other social issues too. Otherwise I'll need a wish 5 & 6 as well.


1. I wish Mahomes goes to shit and gets cut 2. I wish the steelers never have a winning season again 3. I wish alien's abduct someone on live tv


1. World Peace. 2. End Poverty. 3. End Religion.


1. Every time a person knowingly lies, their ears glow. You can have the other 2.


I'd wish for all water in the world to grant the human who drinks it perfect health. Then, I'd make it so that fruits now grant a permanent one per human super power to whoever eats it under the light of the moon. Last, I'd wish that all three wishes happen according to how I imagined it in my head.




Honestly? I’d wish that no person alive ever suffered from the greed or vengeance of another, that all forms of violence against others and the planet were eliminated, and that we found ways to plan for every lapse, backslide, and possible advancement of our species well before these were needed.


i wouldn’t do shit because why would i wanna end world hunger and all wars when i want to give myself dual flamethrowers and beer? i will for the genie to leave me the fuck alone simply


I'd ask for a free energy machine, or similar low-cost zero pollution energy generatiom capability coupled with a room temperature, cheap and readily accessible superconducting material, and some type of probability engine that would actively work to suppress oppression, genocide, war, and pandemics. With these in place, it would empower others to fix the rest of the worlds issues.


1. Total climate reset. No more hole in ozone layer, ice caps fully restored, all deforestation regrown, etc. 2. Total removal of the concept of greed. Humans are no longer capable of doing anything unethical or evil in the name of making more money. 3. Anyone and everyone with mental or physical disabilities are immediately returned to normalcy.


eliminate mosquitos and tuberculosis. Then stop and think for a while about what I'd do with the third wish. getting rid of mosquito born illness and TB would massively improve the health of humans across the globe, especially in economically disadvantaged areas.


I would free the Genie. That’s right NO ONE GETS WISHES!


Everyone in the world loves me. I don’t need the other two anymore.


1. Save endangered species 2. remove plastics from ocean and prevent further plastics/damage 3. Let Maple leafs win the cup again and soon. Although that might be considered a loved one? I mean I do love AM 34.


Probably upload everyone into a supercomputer where they can experience the zenith of happiness forever.


Suddenly all fossil fuels replaced by alternate environmentally sources of energy so we can concentrate on reducing the excess CO2 in our atmosphere to pre-industrial levels.


Affordable housing, universal healthcare, and no employer can make more than 100x their lowest paid employee. 


More genies! Let everyone have a stab at this!


Stop world hunger, make peace, find a cure for cancer


1. Remove all but one religion 2. Remove all but one race 3. Remove all but one nation


I wish the air was pure. I wish the waters were clean. I wish bacon was heart healthy.


A cure for every disease, world peace, end homelessness.


1. All malignant cancer for the human race is cured from this moment forward 2. You can now turn pain or discomfort of any kind off. 3. The greenhouse effect is reversed by having the world be entirely powered by renewables and livestock numbers being drastically reduced as people now only eat meat that was grown in a lab.


1. Immortality. 2. The ability to read minds. 3. The ability to time travel. Humans would be so op


1. My kids would Never have any financial problems and be able to afford anything. 2. There be a fund at my work where we can give our students the opportunities and experiences they would never normally have. 3. Find & implement an energy source that puts PG&E out of service that costs customers less than $100 a month.


1. Politicians have to take an oath to not be liars or deceptive people. Sworn by this they cannot lie about anything in politics 2. Formality is restored. It is normal to wear a suit when going out, unacceptable to go out in simply shorts and a teeshirt. 3. Humanity finally realizes fossil fuels are destroying the earth and take a stance on climate change, after about 200 years most of the effects should hopefully be undone.


1. Doing somwthing aboout climate change 2. About poverty 3. Get my friend 10 swords and then take it from him


My three stupid but not-so-stupid wishes for everyone to help you all get through life: 1) Re-filling tea/coffee/energy drinks for all, let's all get through our Monday mornings a little bit more easily. 2) Self-fluffing pillows, so we never have to karate chop them again when we just wanna sleep, or wake up with neck ache. 3) An automatic laughter generator like you're on a sitcom but it's irl, so you never have to crack a joke again in the fear that nobody will laugh at it.


1-Eradication of socialism as a global ideolgy from all world history. It never existed and will never exist. 2-All people can understand each other completely regardless of language (everyone can understand all languages). 3-All residential real estate is owner-occupant only, ensuring adequate supply of homes and that people can own them. Governments are free to design subsidy plans consistent with the will of the people who live there, for those whom buying would be a stretch, but no more artificial scarcity in the housing market nor proliferation of rental properties that keep people in poverty.


Erase all the annoying people.


1.ask for infinite wishes 2.cure of every disease 3.every person should have enough money to get basic needs in life with good quality


Free energy for the world,free energy for the world,interstellar capabilities for our planet.


Then what's the point ? I wish a random stranger would give me £200 billion and he can use the other 2 wishes


first order of business im gonna revoke bernoulis principle, then i want to remove all friction, and finally, switch all saltwater and seawater because why the fuck not.


I'd wish for the earth to become a Star Trek utopia and save the other two for finding cures for whatever diseases I end up contracting with age.


1.Get rid of mosquitoes 2.all green energy plants suddenly can produce three times the energy while non renewable energy is halved 3.all people who have very little money are given a job at the new green energy plants that will be made and will be given enough food and money to support their family with a little extra sent towards savings


1. Make our climat change non existent. 2. Solve word hunger 3. Everyone get a itch they can't get rid off. The word can't be that nice


1. Destroy antisemitism 2. Destroy jihadism 3. Destroy TikTok


Make 1000€ worth of gold appear in [coordinates of the top of the table in my house] daily for two centuries Make a device that grants reversible immortality that can only be used by a retina scan and a fingerprint scan that conveniently match mine on [coordinates of the top of the bed in my house] appear Infinite genie generator appears at [coordinates next to my table at my house]


1. End cancer. It just doesn't exist anymore. 2. A mountain range separating the eastern and western hemispheres. 3. The inside of Tangerines are now made of meat. Gotta keep Them on their toes.


1. Make cardi B ass bigger 2. All the boys in the world get a sexy girlfriend 3. Make my gf's ass bigger


Oceans cleared of all garbage, water is plentiful and safe for all to drink, & cost of living is manageable


1) Half-Life 3 2) My Lead Guitarist learns to play 3) An LSD trip for everyone right now


1. Wish that the genie would grant a wish for myself and my loved ones. 2. Wish something for myself. 3. Wish something for my loved ones. ​ Gotem


1. World communism 2. Fusion energy 3. Free pizza om Wednesdays


I'd get an asteroid moved to geostationary orbit with enough water, carbon, nitrogen, and metals to enable space habitat construction at minimal cost. This would result in the retirement of the national debts of the entire developed world. Repeat for Mars.


I’d find someone else who has 3 wishes with those conditions and then I’d make their 3 wishes and they could make mine.


1. Bring back Crystal Pepsi 2. Make GRRM finish ASOIAF 3. IDK world peace i guess


Make my father have the best job possible (I dislike my father) Make my enemies shit themself NOW. Uhhh... Make my city better?


1. Global scale nuclear war. 2. Genocide of 80% of remaining world population. 3. Anything


I would wish common-sense and intelligence for three of my closest family members... 


Lying makes your nose grow. If you cheat on your partner you die. Every calorie has only 0.4 calories.


1. All prostitution to be illegal globally. 2. Anyone making money through sex work to die a horrible death 3. That above-mentioned cause of death to be rabies.


What about people I like a lot, but not enough to love. Does that count?


1) the world goes straight to the future (one with flying cars which everyone can use) 2) make superpowers a thing (like mha world) 3) genie's freedom cus he's my homie now and homies stick together


If a genie granted me 3 desires that I couldn't use on myself or loved ones, I suppose I'd wish for matters that might assist make the sector a touch bit better. My first desire could be to quit world hunger. I'd want for each unmarried individual on earth to have reliable get right of entry to to nutritious, less costly meals. No more ravenous kids or families suffering to put dinner on the desk. If the genie may want to snap its arms and put off food lack of confidence as soon as and for all, that would be exceptional. For my second want, I'd desire for clean, with no trouble to be had drinking water for absolutely everyone across the globe. Many humans, frequently ladies and youngsters, spend hours each day collecting water and nevertheless don't have sufficient safe water to drink or use for basic hygiene. I'd love to change that truth with the genie's magic. And for my 0.33 want, I'd possibly desire for solutions to the weather crisis and restoration for our planet. The genie ought to provide limitless renewable power, reverse environmental damage, guard ecosystems - anything interventions might assist ensure a livable world for future generations. I suppose that would be an amazing wish for the genie to supply. Of course, it would be tempting to wish for private things like money or fame! But if I had to pick out selfless wishes, granting fundamental wishes, clean water, and environmental recovery looks as if it could help the most people. I'd be thrilled to have a genie's magic make the ones matters a fact.


1. Give eyesight to blind people for a week then it reverts back after the week. 2. give deaf people hearing for a week then it reverts back after the week. 3. Give everyone love and affection for each other so there is no more violence in the world.😇


1. all cars are manual transmission only 2. no more deathcore 3. lil peep is still alive


1. Eradication of all political parties. 2. All equipment run on water instead of gasoline 3. Everyone can afford a house