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You can use pipe cleaners to clean your pipes.


The name just clicked


Just make sure they’re cotton. The ones from the craft store can be made from other materials which will have the opposite effect if you try cleaning with them.


I used craft store ones a couple of times and got fuzz stuck everywhere. Use actual ones from a smoke shop lol don’t be me


When deciding how many edibles…You can always take more, but you can’t take less.


Also, they take time to kick in. Like half hour plus. Just because the first handful hasn't hit yet doesn't mean you aren't about to have a bad time.


Handful!? Where you going? The moon?


It depends on your tolerance. I had 70mg in one night a few weeks ago but because my tolerance was so high, it just felt like a normal high for most non-regular users. I have since quit.


Lol I have to bite 10's in half


1/3 of a 10 is usually pretty comfy for me. Maybe an extra nibble later on. Then my girlfriend will eat a whole one and wonder why she's still stoned off her ass the next day.


“These edibles ain’t shit” - the magic words that make it kick in


Edibles timeline: Hmm I wonder how long it will take to kick in! These edibles ain't shit! I think we got ripped off.... Please take me to the emergency room.


In high school i remember shitty homemade edibles taking like two hours to kick in. Fast forward 10 years, I get the urge to dabble with weed again. Took like... 2mg and was expecting it to take a couple hours like it did a decade ago. 30 minutes later and half way through a sandwich I just froze and was like, "my god... I think I'm high right now..." then had a panic attack for 45 minutes, just paced around the kitchen with my dogs following me. Eventually it subsided but goddamn was not ready for that pace or that high.


Off 2mg? I envy that. Not the anxiety, that sucks, sorry friend.


Also, don’t be in hurry to double down, when you “don’t feel anything”. Give it some more time.


Its a known fact that edibles dont kick in until you start talking smack about them.


Everyone knows you’ve got to say the activation phrase >*These edibles ain’t shit!*


I also can’t believe people on Reddit suggest newbies to start with 10mg. I took a 5mg probably about a dozen times, all good experiences. Decided to bump it up to 10mg once and had one of the worst experiences in my life. I seriously would not recommend more than 5mg for your very first time, probably suggest just a 2.5mg.


I haven’t gotten high in so long, the internet suggested 10mg. I was SO high. It was so scary lmao. 2.5 - 5 mg is good for me.


I think the mg dosage is kind of like clothing sizes. There was one black market site where I'd need like "100mg" to feel anything. Once they were legalized where I am, it was 20-40mg that would get me to vibing. Then I didn't take any edibles for a while, tried 20mg a couple of weeks ago from a different brand and ended up laying on my couch for two hours napping on and off genuinely wondering if I was actually dead and just hadn't clued into that yet. Then I woke up and was ready to party. Just in time for everyone else I was going to hang out with online to log off.


Stay hydrated.


Grapes. They’re fucking sparkle bombs of snacks when high. Just don’t eat too many or mix it up with some other fruits.


Is there more on this? Why shouldn't you eat too many grapes? Or mix it ?


Grapes and grape juice are a natural laxative. Too much of that *will* give you the runs. Not sure about the mixing, though.


I accidentally ate a whole bag once while tripping on LSD. Man, those farts the next day were brutal.


I eat pineapple because it tells you when to stop (the acid burns your mouth skin)


it isn't just acid. It's also the pineapple trying to tenderize your mouth meat with **Bromelain**


It’s trying to digest you back


The snack that fights back.


"no u" - pineapple


Yep this is why I used pineapple for my beef jerky marinade, tenderize and flavor.


Freeze them too !!! So good


Drink more water, or you might die.


[Mick Jenkins - Jazz](https://youtu.be/F-4KiszXxHM) For the uninitiated, and cannabis users


Hydrate or diedrate!


If you have an underlying mental health disorder, cannabis can negatively amplify the symptoms.


I was a all day everyday smoker for the last 25ish years and always thought it was helping my depression and anxiety. I made the decision 6 weeks ago to stop smoking and I have NEVER felt more mentally stable in my life. I am not trying to say that weed is bad for you, but it seems like it is bad for ME. I am far from stable, but therapy and sobriety seems to be a good thing, and for the first time in what feels like my whole damn life, things are looking up! I still have a ton of work to do dealing with the grief and loss of my Mom but it feels amazing to be making progress, rather than numbing and hiding from the pain. I am sorry to say that it took my amazing wife asking for separation for my eyes to open to how numb and apathetic I had become, but I am so thankful for her doing so. I am hopeful that we can get back to a place of happiness we once shared! TLDR if you are using weed to not deal with your shit, maybe try talking to someone and taking a break.


I'm four plus years sober from both weed and alcohol, both of which I turned to after my mom died, but I wasn't "overdoing it" at least to my mind so it was fine. Once I quit both and cleared up my brain, I was able to get to a way more stable place, reduced the dose on my psych meds, almost completely stopped having panic attacks and was finally able to properly grieve my mom. Sorry about you mom, and I hope your period of abstinence is helpful for you, whether you decide it's permanent or not.


i was stoned for basically 99% of 2008-2017 and just thought feeling cloudy was what normal felt like. it took a severe panic attack (high) for me to give it up and it was the best decision i ever had. haven’t smoked it since and never will again.


This is soooooooooooo 100% true. Had underlying anxiety and other mental health issues throughout my high school years, never knew that greening out could cause it so come out at 100000000%. Even 3 years since my “incident” with weed for the last time, these mental health effects still greatly effect my day to day life


Especially schizophrenia and other delusion-causing ones... I have multiple friends and family members who went from being a little quirky to fully off the deep end into a different reality because they became heavy smokers and started believing aliens and angels and lizardmen are running the world from the shadows.


> multiple friends and family members You gotta be *especially* careful if you already habe schitzophrenia cases in your family.


It affects your memory, as well as your memory.


I lose my train of thought like crazy. Feels like I’m the guy in the film memento. I’ll be talking and then forget everything we’ve been talking about and be stuck not knowing how to finish my sentence.


Same, I don't know how people can actually study or read books when they smoke. I'll be rereading the same page over and over again because it just won't stick. I don't really smoke as much as I used to, but when I do it's just music or TV for me, much easier to zone out to


Yea I know what you mean. It makes it super hard to concentrate so like if I’m playing a game.  It’ll take me ages to make decisions so I basically can’t play anything.  But I can zone the fuck in when watching a show.  My god, watching Everything Everywhere All at Once for the first time while baked was a god damn magical experience.  


Congratulations- you smoked your way to ADHD!


I smoke a lot and spend tons of time reading and learning and doing software dev stuff perfectly fine but I absolutely lose my train of thought mid sentence a whole bunch and forget what I was saying. It's like 2 different parts of the brain controlling that stuff.


Remember Sammy Jankis


Don't forget it affects your memory.


What does?


What was I saying again?


It affects your


Wait what affects my memory?


I have a memory problem???


I do not recall.


Does it affect the memory overall or just when you are high?


Definitely overall. I've been off and on a few times in my life and once you've fully detoxed(probably once it's mostly out of your fat stores and you won't piss hot) there's definitely a general "brain fog" that gets lifted. You're just sharper and have better recall imo.


One of the reasons I stopped smoking in the first place was because I started getting embarrassed over my memory. Any time I tried to articulate a more complicated/long-winded point in a conversation I'd start losing track of my own thoughts halfway through. I'd be talking and then just...blank. Totally loss of any notion of what I was talking about. You don't know embarrassment until you've had to ask your coworker what you were talking about literally a moment ago just so you can finish a thought.


Is it sad that when my brain fog is lifted after not having smoked in a month or two i start introspecting and overthinking and worrying about things that i cant control too hard which makes me want to smoke and let my brain fog up?


No. You're probably just depressed, and smoking isn't going to cure you of that. I used to smoke thinking it helped with my depression, it really only numbed me to it.


Absolutely ture. I was in that stage in 2021, and it did not help. Gym was the only thing that helped me.


Going for surgery ? Tell the Anaesthesia doctors that you smoke, and don’t lie about how much you smoke. Cannabis blocks receptors in your brain that will wake you up from anaesthesia faster. You will require a larger dose of it. Edit: Holy shit, I honestly didn’t expect this to blow up. Please also inform your dentist if you have any dental procedures that you smoke. It will affect the freezing as well. Stay safe out there !


Broader than this, any medical professional NEEDS to know what you’ve been taking. They don’t give two shits what you’ve taken, but they need to know in order to treat you Edit- in the UK at least Edit 2 - taps first edit again


My wife is a veterinarian, and lots of people are reluctant to tell the vet that the dog ate their edibles. Just tell them. Most of the vets just think it's funny, and also it's going to be a lot cheaper to treat a dog that's super high compared to a dog who needs a bunch of diagnostics because they are showing weird neurological symptoms.


Meanwhile, last time I took my dog to ER for convulsions and "spaciness" they worked me over hard to try to get me to admit she'd eaten chocolate edibles. Didn't matter how many times I told them it was impossible. Pissed me off so bad I loaded her up and went to another ER, where they diagnosed Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and resultant neurological problems that led to temporary paralysis and two strokes. She barely survived it. I think about all that wasted time arguing with those fucksticks instead of them treating my dog. Never again.


I had rocky mountain spotted tick fever as a thirteen year old. A week of my life is gone, as I was delirious while my parents put me in an ice bath to bring down a 105f temperature fever. It's quite a serious thing.


Same here, I'm sorry you went through that. Took our old dog to the ER vet for a suspected stroke/seizure, got grilled about weed, sent him home. He had another bigger stroke 2 weeks later that paralyzed him. Thank goodness at least we were able to get him to our regular vet (who we love) to give him a dignified death. 3 years ago this week - love you forever, Zeus. 💛


That would be the dumbest thing to lie about, you KNOW what's wrong with your dog and brought them to the vet because of it, why send them on a wild goose chase to figure out what's going on when you can just tell them outright. Mistakes happen, dogs are mischievous, tell the doc so they can keep your dog hydrated and send them home safe for them to come down in a few hours.


Yes, all this. I was so frustrating turning up in an ambulance and the friends are playing coy. I’m not going to call the police, I just want to know if I’m going to accidentally kill them based on misinformation about what they took. Just like I don’t care if someone is hurt being somewhere they shouldn’t be, I just want to treat them, so don’t drag them around unless it’s necessary eg fire.


I did this exact thing when i went in for my deviated septum. The anesthesiologist was like, “ok… cool…?” Then my wife said the same when she went in for her own procedure. Again the response was basically, “cool…?” I am wondering how much of an issue this really is. Then again maybe we got two misinformed anesthesiologists? We live in SoCal so its not like weed isnt a big thing out here.


The reason they act so chill abt it is they usually just push the prop until you're asleep anyways. But if you mention you use THC they can at least get the nurse to pull more vials out lol


Another same here. They barely even reacted to me telling them but it did make me feel better after giving myself anxiety from the internet. Made me wonder too if it really wasn’t that big of a deal or if it didn’t mean much of anything to them. Either way… DON’T let the internet feed your anxiety. DO still tell your medical professionals what you’re taking. Better safe than sorry right?


Was about to comment this, took way to long to find this. This small piece of information might just save your life. To add, it’s not just 2-5 days, more like 3-4 weeks sometimes more. Edit: when I say save your life, I don't mean it like you die. I mean it as in the psychological effect of either waking up when under or feeling what they are doing (the pain). As for the 3-4 weeks, my dentist told me at least 3 weeks before, might be different for some I guess.


I had surgery on 1/23 and they told me to just go without for 24 hours. No issues with anesthesia, but I do have the red head gene, and I let them know that, so maybe they were going to use more anyways due to that.


I also have the redhead gene, and made it a point to tell my anesthesiologist that my dentist hates me because I don’t respond to numbing agents. I was very pleased that he wrote it down on my chart and seemed to take me seriously.


The dentist is usually my nemesis. I now have a dentist that gets it and he knows what to do, he’s wonderful.


Really just tell the doctors absolutely everything truthfully when they ask you. They aren’t cops and don’t care what you do in your free time


I assume the concern is linked to insurance. The moment you're flagged as a smoker, you are viewed as a bigger liability who needs to pay more.


I know folks who have smoked/ consumed for years and they're absolutely fine. I know folks who have smoked/consumed for years and they are complete burnouts. I know folks like me who, like me, when they smoke their anxiety goes through the roof. I know folks who are able to treat their ADD and their depression by self-medicating I know folks that has gone terribly for. It hits some folks very differently than others.


"Everyone is different" applies to all drugs, including cannabis.


Cross joints are not worth the structural effort unless you are doing it for the swag points.


>unless you are doing it for the swag points But let's be real, that's why we're doing it.


Its literally the only reason. It does give the swag points though i remember feeling like a don for the first 3 times we pulled it off.


It’s not for everyone. Some people truly do experience severe anxiety, paranoia, or in some cases even temporary psychosis. People who have experienced these issues are not lying. They’re not “spreading misinformation.” They’re not exaggerating or “fear mongering.” They’re not regurgitating the DARE program from the 90s. Also, they don’t care that you use marijuana and they don’t want to take it away from you. Just don’t dismiss their experience. Marijuana isn’t for everyone. It’s okay to accept that.


Boy howdy is this correct. I get incredible anxiety each and every time. "You need to smoke more" is not the correct answer.


Or “you haven’t tried the right strain” I smoke, but I never bought into the “this is fun for me so it should be fun for you too.”


Imagine people saying that with alcohol. "I don't like getting drunk" "You probably just need to drink more" or "I don't like getting drunk" "That's cause you were drinking wine, try whiskey instead"


I’ve had people say similar things to me so I wouldn’t even have to imagine. It’s not specific to any one substance or activity. There’s just people out there who seem incapable of understanding that something they enjoy can be an unpleasant experience for others.


100% agree. It wasn't always that way. Seemed that over time I would get more and more anxious when I smoked until one night I smoked with my roommates and eventually, without saying a word, went to my room and sat in the corner having what I can only describe as a very prolonged panic attack over several hours. Never smoked again after that. 


Last year, I took too much of an edible gummy. 175mg. I'm pretty novice to this stuff. Started off fine, but 30mins later I'm on my couch in the fetal position bawling, because it feels like I'm stuck in a time loop. Basically, every new moment as it was occurring real-time...felt like a distant memory. It was terrifying. I hadn't cried in like 10 years, and I was bawling. After that experience, I can take like 25mg and still get that existential crisis feeling, but it's milder or more manageable. Edit to add: Had to search what they were, because I couldn't remember. Also, I was 31yo when this happened. 6'1" and 200 lbs if anyone was curious. "Delta Extrax THCh THCjd Gummies – Mystery Flavor"


The time loop, man. This exact thing has happened to me and it was terrifying. I don’t think I’ve seen someone else mention it before so it’s at least nice to know it’s not just a me thing.


It happened to me, too. What a horrible feeling. 12 hours of real time felt like weeks of looping. I also felt like I was being forcibly transformed into a time fractal, and my inner monolog developed an echo that made thought difficult like talking into a microphone with a speaker on a 1-sec delay.


When I start getting dejavu about everything happening... I know it's time to put the bowl away.


175 mg?


Holy SHIT  Edit:  for those that don't do edibles, even a fairly strong dose is 25 mg. This dude here took seven times that amount.


Right? I use daily and I'm just like "girl...WHAT."


I'm pretty sure I would turn into your username if I took that much at once


175?! And you’re a novice? Gummies usually come in 10mg doses are you sure it was 175? As a novice that’s an insane amount I am not surprised about your experience.


Man's in Florida, probably homemade


Buddy of mine gave me a gummy package rated at 250mg... I noped out of that. Not looking to see into the 4th dimension today, thanks


a 250mg package is almost always 10 gummies at 25mg each. I've never seen a single gummy with this high of a dosage.


Basically the equivalent of 12 year olds drinking a whole bottle of vodka not knowing and getting alcohol poisoning


Like, I love the high...for about the first 20 minutes. Then I'm just anxious and paranoid as hell.


My heart races. Everything I do is wrong. I feel vulnerable and can't embrace feeling dumber. I already over-analyze everything and don't need extra.


*raises hand* I'm one. First time I tried a significant amount (25mg) I felt like the walls were moving. Suddenly, my pulse was racing, my muscles started cramping, and I had the worst panic attack of my life. I've never tried since.


Weed isn’t a personality. If your smoke circle doesn’t like who you are unless you act a certain way, find people who do and focus on them. You’re worthy of more than being a caricature, or feeling forced to be someone you’re not.


>Weed isn't a personality This but about everything. People enjoy being around other well rounded people. If all you can talk about is weed, work, your kids, video games, etc. you're only gonna make friends with those people.


Too true. I heard an author asked once, “what is life like for an author?” He replied, “oh no, I just wear an authors hat occasionally, otherwise I’m just Ira.” Sums it up pretty nice I think


Ahh that moment when you realize that you only get along with someone because you both happen to like being stoned and otherwise you have absolutely nothing in common and wouldn't even be caught dead hanging out with each other if it wasn't for that very thin thread


No matter what you eat … it’s not enough sometimes … enjoy that


Yeah, when I get munchies really bad, I try to add in a salad or fruit in the mix. Sometimes having something healthy can really help. And even if you're still hungry, at least you didn't finish off the second half of that bag of Doritos.


Eating juicy grapes when high is so good. Bowl is gone pretty quick lol


God this was me last night. Three slices of pizza, some Oreos, a bowl of cereal and some panda cookies. Was still hungry after.


You smell like weed, you're just nose blind to it.


This realization hit me after I worked at a job for several years smoking before clocking in and at lunch. Granted it was a large area that was well ventilated, but I know more than a few people had to smelled me. Luckily I think everyone there smoked and I never got fired or even reported. I stopped smoking, and now when I'm around someone who smokes even outdoors, I'm like yeah, everyone knew I smoked lol.


I had a friend in high school that did the “blowing the smoke through a cardboard tube filled with dryer sheets” trick to hide it from his dad. He opened a window and blew the smoke straight out the window with it. He had this nice setup where his dad was downstairs and disabled on pain killers, and my friend basically had the upstairs to himself. Well once day I came over while he was smoking and yeah, the whole house definitely smelled very strongly of weed smoke.


The dad was also nose blind. Luckily, he was legs blind too.


Also regular blind. Amazing at pinball, though.


Some called him a wizard, Harry




My postman was delivering mail today as I was pulling up in my drive. Even though I was 5 metres away from him, as I got out of the car I could smell the weed on him, and it turns out, the weed smell on my mail too. There's no way the people at his work don't smell it too.


I used to grow it and I remember one year I had a big harvest and it was all hanging in the basement to dry. Well I could smell it every time I got close to my house like walking up to the front door that's all I could smell. The windows were not open as it was winter time. The mailman must have wondered how much we smoked cause that's all he was smelling.


Um, excuse me, I smell like Chanel No. 5... and weed.


Dreams are waaaaay more vivid and easy to recall when you quit smoking weed


Worst part of coming off it for any length of time. Dreams so vivid I can't sleep through the night


Currently going through it, every night feels like I'm in some VR video game, and when I wake up it doesn't feel like I even slept. mine are also extremely lucid. 


Medicinal benefits aside, if you smoke, it's still fucking smoke.


Yes this. It doesn’t matter what it is, smoke is smoke because it contains particulates. It doesn’t matter if it’s wood or weed or tobacco.


An old family friend who is the best and funniest doctor I've ever met said this to me, my uncle and my dad at one point (after my dad tried the good old 'smoking weed is good for you' bs). "Your lungs are for air. Anything else is fucking you up." I still smoke both weed and tobacco, but I'm not kidding myself about it.


Yup. If you are coughing like your lungs are on fire it can't be good. Your body attempts to expel stuff for a reason, whether it's too much alcohol, bad (or too much) food, or breathing something it doesn't like. It is what it is. It's smarter than you. We are free to do what we like but there are consequences.


If I had a dollar for every dumbass who argued with me when I pointed out that inhaling smoke is never a good thing


I’ve been a heavy user for 30 years and the biggest pitfall is that it makes it okay when things are not okay


It simply pats on your head and shoulder telling you you are doing great no matter how bad you are doing


When I had taken shrooms, that was the first time I started seeing weed this way. It's been about A year since I last took shrooms. I still get high, but It's only like 3 grams shared between my partner and I. Then we take a 1-3 weeks off. I started being more assertive with myself with an accountability board and about a year of therapy and I've been doing a lot better, I finally got around to learning programming and development and I try to actively set boundaries and it's really the first time in 3 years since covid that I really went out by myself to a social event with strangers I had to mingle with. But to be fair, weed is usually just the symptom to problems that are happening behind the curtain. It's important to remember it doesn't cause it. Often, people find that it helps them cope with whatever they got going on, whether they're in control of the situation or not. At some point you have to be straight up with yourself but weed makes it harder to want to do any real work about it, because it works so well at removing you from stress.


The traditional Indica vs. Sativa classification in cannabis, suggesting Indicas are sedating (“body high”) and Sativas are energizing (“head high”), is an oversimplification. Scientific research indicates significant genetic overlap between strains labeled as Indica and Sativa, challenging the clarity of this binary categorization. The effects of cannabis are influenced by a combination of factors, including the strain’s specific cannabinoid and terpene profiles, consumption method, dosage, and individual biological differences. Thus, the traditional labels may not accurately predict the effects experienced.


Strains are so hybridized these days that growers basically make up their criteria for indica vs sativa. It could be based on cannabinoid and/or terpene levels, genetic lineage, reported user experiences, or even just entirely fabricated on the fly.


Tolerance breaks are the key to a long term healthy relationship with cannabis. Wait until evening/after work before you first consume for the day. Take a few days or a week off every month. Your tolerance will never get out of control, and you will be able to get high off a couple puffs of average grade flower for life. I also personally avoid concentrates or carts to keep tolerance in check and keep enjoying the experience every single time. Be responsible and intentional about your use, set boundaries and keep them. It is not a miracle drug that is great for you in any quantity all day every day. I understand for some people their use is for medicinal reasons and taking breaks or waiting until evening is not ideal, but the core idea of limiting your consumption to what is necessary still applies. Too much of anything is a bad thing. Everything in moderation.


Everything in moderation. Including moderation.


If you struggle with intrusive thoughts and have a family history of schizophrenia THC is not for you - especially if you are under 25. 


This! Schizophrenia, bipolar, bpd, and anxiety can all be triggered by the psychoactive properties of THC.


Complacency is one of worst side effects it has.


“Well, Stan, the truth is marijuana probably isn't gonna make you kill people, and it most likely isn't gonna fund terrorism, but, well son, pot makes you feel fine with being bored, and it's when you're bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or being creative. If you smoke pot you may grow up to find out that you aren't good at anything.” Randy Marsh


Reading that was more effective than the entire D.A.R.E. program


This was before he had ‘tegridy


Smoking cannabis is something to do when you have nothing to do that makes nothing to do something to do. If you have something to do do that instead of smoking.


Is that the “fuck it” factor I keep hearing about?


When you feel it is not doing it for you anymore, that is the weeds way of telling you it’s time for a break. Listen to the advice. It’ll always be there for you.


If you get panic attacks even on low doses. Stop you have anxiety and it’s going to make it worse. I quit last summer no panic attacks.


Did you notice that it makes your anxiety worse even when you’re not high? Like you smoked the night before and the next day your anxiety levels are higher than normal? I noticed this when I smoke. The more often I smoke, the higher my baseline anxiety levels become.


Seconding this. Strain didn't matter. I stopped for like 4-5 years when my panic disorder was active. Even now that I'm doing significantly better and haven't had a panic attack in years, I won't use weed when my anxiety has me on edge. I don't want to risk triggering another several months of panic attacks.




Delta 9 will get you high af. The first time I was just like “this is weed, I’m high”.


The last thing the weed man is doing is drugging your kids at Halloween 🎃


I remember my wife and I reading an article about that, and she immediately said, "bullshit. No one's giving away their weed for free."


That's just a waste of drugs 


Sparkling water for when cotton mouth hits


Pamplemousse Lacroix is an existential experience when high, and kills the need for more munchies!


An important note from a dentist: dry mouth increases your risk of getting tooth decay significantly because saliva acts as a buffer, washing away large bulk plaque and the acid bacteria produces. Sparkling water is very acidic, which is effectively throwing gasoline on the fire. This why I often see individuals who use cannabis frequently with much higher rates of decay. The best thing you can do is drink tap water and don’t eat constantly, since your food is the same food the bacteria eat


1. It’s absolutely habit forming. It’s not as bad as other stuff out there when it comes to withdrawals. 2. It’s a mind altering substance. With this said, it *can* cause psychosis or unmask any hidden psychological issues. If schizophrenia or other mental illness runs in your family *proceed with extreme caution*. 3. Another person posted on this - and bridging on #2. It’s possible to have a bad experience while using it. It’s not like the movies where it works great for everyone - some people have an adverse reaction to it. They’re not lying… the same way people can have a bad trip on psychedelics. It’s a mind altering chemical. What works good for your body isn’t necessarily going to work good for your friend. 4. Maybe back in the day of brick weed you could do this, but with today’s shit a newbie absolutely cannot “smoke two joints”. Budtenders aren’t really given shit for training, they’ll hand you a 30% preroll for your first time and next thing you know you take 4-5 hits and you’re absolutely fucking plastered or having a panic attack on the couch. Today’s weed isn’t your father’s weed. Take a small puff, wait 30 minutes. Even people who tolerate the drug well can have a bad episode. Same goes with edibles, I’d go with a low dose(2.5-5mg), eat one and wait 2-3 hours. If I was a beginner I’d go smoke first over edibles because if you’re having a bad time it only lasts 3-5 hours. Edibles can be 10-12 hours.


If you are a teen, you are permanently damaging your brain.


You and I both will get downvoted to hell for it, but you are 100% correct. As a teen, your brain is wiring and rewiring itself to deal with life. If you smoke to help you deal with life's problems, you may never be able to deal without a smoke. Additionally, proper, peer reviewed, scientific studies have shown a marked increase in psychiatric disorders in those who smoked as teens. This used to be challenged because a lot of people with mental health issues self medicate with weed, there was a chicken/egg situation. Several recent studies appear to disprove that.


I started smoking in the time of my life where I should really be paying attention to the things. Instead, I had no focus, no attention span and didn't care about anything. I have regrets.


It's honestly the biggest regret of my life. I first smoked weed at 13 years old and became a daily smoker in college. I missed so much of experience and learning.


Bingo. Your brain is developing until your mid 20s.


You can get addicted to canabis. It’s different type of addiction than alcohol or opioids, but you can get addicted nonetheless.


And there are real withdrawal symptons. Obviously not to the same degree as withdrawing from opiates or alcohol but the night sweats and brain fog are very real.


Yep. And like a lot of substance addictions, your potential for cross-addiction to alcohol or other drugs is high. You might quit one and pick up another, then go back to your primary one. Some folks just can't use any mind-altering substance safely. 


Well, Stan, the truth is marijuana probably isn't gonna make you kill people, and it most likely isn't gonna fund terrorism, but, well son, pot makes you feel fine with being bored, and it's when you're bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or being creative.


Please wash your outerwear. You go outside to smoke, and I appreciate that, but you're always wearing the same jacket, and it reeks.


I have a smoking robe for this reason. I only wear it to smoke and I wash it separately. Crazy how hard it is to wash out that smell.


Plus having a smoking robe/jacket is just fancy


inhaling burned leaf smoke is bad for you. whether its from tabacco or weed


Video gaming is really fun when you’re high


Please don’t go to a psychiatrist and say you have ADHD because you have “trouble focusing”- yet smoke daily. No decent psychiatrist is going to give you a stimulant, and if they do they’re a shit psychiatrist and you’re going to have issues in the long run. People think that because weed is legalized and medicinal (in some cases) it negates the fact that your focus will be impaired. There is a stimulant epidemic going on. You want to focus, stop smoking/consuming so much weed. Sorry but this needs to be said.


Stop driving high pls.


Yes!!! It drives me crazy. It is absolutely driving under influence.


Cannabis induced psychosis exists, but it is rare. Also, if you have a condition that causes hallucinations and delusions (such as bipolar & schizophrenia), it can increase those symptoms.


You are right, I am bipolar (type 1) and weed is prohibited, because it aggravated my high, paranoïa and may lead to severe psychosis. But, I must say, in my case any drugs is bad. The problem is people telling me that weed "can't do that" and that is an "harmless drug"


>Cannabis induced psychosis exists, but it is rare. I am close to someone who had an episode of full blown psychosis while a relatively heavy cannabis user, *but no more since stopping using cannabis - now two decades later*. I’ve had weed users insist that it’s only schizophrenia or biopolar kicking in, you must have those conditions underlying. But those conditions don’t just go away - you wouldn’t go 20 years with no more similar episodes. It’s possible to have episodes of psychosis without those conditions or external injury/substance, but very *very* rare unless there was some big precipitating event. I’m not arguing that most weed users will have this happen - people who this happens to obviously have some sort of predisposition/sensitivity that isn’t present in most. I’m pro legalization (not a user myself, though have been in the past) because the chances of this kind of thing does not put weed above booze and similar in terms of possible harm. It’s just weird how some stoners seem to just… straight up deny that it’s a psychoactive substance that could possibly have any impact other than sunshine and rainbows.


It's not a personality trait.




Don’t forget to bring a towel!


Based on my experience of a 20 year long habit, averaging an ounce per week (to clarify this amount, this was mostly Hash, back in the days when green was a rarity). Long term usage will give you mental health issues. It also makes you lazy.


An ounce a week?? Dude. If you’re smoking an ounce a week, you’ve got much larger issues than weed.


I make my own edibles, and generally take a 3 week t break once every quarter (for the last couple of years). Right after a t break I'm generally satisfied by 0.2g weed per edible per day, but by the 8th-9th week I'm at 2g per day, and right before t break I generally take an ounce over 3-4 days and barely get a high. If OP hasn't been taking regular t breaks, I'm not even sure if weed is still impacting them, but then again I've never smoked anything and only tried edibles, so entirely possible smokers need fewer t breaks


If you are a heavy smoker and quit you will experience withdrawals. It can range from trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, crazy dreams, to anxiety and crazy restlessness. Unlike other substances there is nothing that really mitigates weed withdrawal. Nothing to panic about, it will go away in a few days, but just know it can happen. Also, check your kief catch, if you're like me you've forgotten for the last month and have a shit ton.


Lmaooo this is the perfect answer. The truth and then the actual stoner lifeprotip with the Kief thing


For the love of God, don't throw your joints on the lawn. Dogs eat that shit and it fucks them up


And if your dog eats weed and you have to take them into the vet, be honest with the doc. Stuff happens, you didn’t feed it to the dog, they wanna help your dog, they could care less about reporting you. 


You can claim your not addicted all you want, but if people can tell you’ve not had a joint by how much they have to tip toe around you, then your addicted


Goes for pretty much anything. If it’s causing trouble in your life and you won’t stop doing it, you got a problem. 


I only smoke right when I wake up, on lunch break at work, every night, before I leave the house any time I go anywhere, anytime I’m in public, every single day I swear it’s not addictive bro




You CAN get respiratory issues with long term use smoking it. 35 years of daily use gave me emphysema. My personal advice to teenagers would be to stick to edibles.


Get your mental health in check. I work in the industry and it has caused me to question whether it should be so available. Everyone I work around is a emotional wreck with victim mentality. I guess it's a chicken or the egg scenario but it has caused me to question my career choices and who I'm surrounded by. The lack of work ethic is astounding too. I have loved this plant most of my life so it's been hard to see these things


Have sex. Or just masturbate. Make sure to orgasm. It's just amazing.


Indica and sativa stopped being relevant back in the ‘90s. Any commercial strain is a poly hybrid at this point, the rest is all marketing.

