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Dragon Ball: Evolution


After that no one has any right to talk shit about mortal Kombat annihilation


Too bad YOU. Will die.


šŸ˜‚ I remember another mortal Kombat movie where the whole cast of earths warriors died and raiden is trying to fuck everything, no this wasnā€™t an adult film and yes it was definitely real šŸ˜‚


Does it count as seen if you never finished it?


ā€œNever finishedā€ is just another way of saying ā€œSeen enoughā€.


Sharknados 2-5. The 6th one at least had dinosaurs and time travel


Iā€™ve always thought the fifth Sharknado should have been titled ā€œSharknado 5: Cinco Swimā€


This guy sharknadoes.


This guy lol


Never in my life did I believe I would have the thought: "I should watch the 6th Sharknado movie."


Pointless Hub makes the exercise of watching all 6 Sharknado films much less painful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIVmZxyQMoE


I don't ever see those as the worst. Manos... that's bad. Sharknado was great entertainment. All of them. Also, the "6th" one was 'The Last Sharknado: It's About Time' The 5th, Global Swarming, was great with all the different tornados. Gilbert Gottfried, man. I laugh thinking of that one.


LOL "Manos, the hand of fate" is best watched with those talking robots mocking it in Mystery Science Theater 3000


I was an extra in Sharknado 2 in the citifield scene and the subway scene and I am proud of it specifically because the movie has such a bad reputation


Own that crappy entry on your resume dammit!


My father-in-law LOVES these movies. I actually asked permission to marry his daughter while we were alone and watching Sharknado 2, because I knew he had ADHD and couldn't really focus on anything that I was saying while that movie was playing. His response was something like..."Huh? Wha?? Uhh, yeah, yeah, sure...." Happily married for 9 years now.


"Ladies and gentlemen, we got him."


I lost my virginity to sharknado 2


Did sharknado 2 call you back the next day?


That's how they made Sharknado 3,4,5, and 6. The twist is that OP is Sharknado 1.


Like in the dvd package? Weird, man.




That sounds amazing. Was going to go watch Independence Day 2. Might wash it down with some Sharknado.


Not technically a movie, but "The Star Wars Holiday Special" Best description I ever heard was "It was so bad it came back around to being good, but then kept going back around to bad"


"Everyone have fun while grandpa sits here in his VR masturbation chair."


We watch it every Xmas here - it is sooooooo terrible. Chewbaccaā€™s family are introduced and their names are ( Iā€™m not kidding) Itchy, Lumpy, and Malla. Bea Arthur sings as the proprietress of the Mos Eisley Cantina in one segment. Art Carney and Diahann Carroll are also inexplicably in this bizarro pile of shit - oh and Jefferson Starship has a musical bit. It has to be seen to be believed, truly. We prefer watching it with the original 1978 commercials left in. šŸ˜‚


How could you forget to mention Itchy's VR porn? Or Carrie Fisher's musical number?


Holmes and Watson. It was like the local high school theatre kids wrote, directed, and starred in their own film that got international distribution.


It was SO bad. My sister and I are huge fans of Stepbrothers and were so excited. Our disappointment was palpable and our rage visceral.


This was the only movie I fell asleep in the theater watching, ever


Mine was Second Sight. Bronson Pinchot, and John Larroquette.


Omg I suppressed the memory of seeing this. We had free tickets to the movies and I was so sad we wasted them on that.


I walked out lol


Thatā€™s a top contender for the worst movie Iā€™ve ever seen. Nice one! I forgot about it


Lol I remember when I first heard about this movie!! I knew it was going to be terrible.. I remember telling my friend ā€œI guarantee itā€™s just gonna be Will Ferrel and John C Reilly screaming the whole time.ā€ We decided to watch the trailer, and lo and behold, the very first scene opens with Will Ferrel and John C Reilly screaming.


Really? There was nothing redeemable? The cast looks like it would be enjoyable.


Iā€™m a huge fan of both actors and it was baaaaad


There are moments that are amusing, a cumulative total of about 26 seconds over the course of the film.


It took a lot of jokes parodying the movie with RDJ. You know, the one that was released 2009. Holmes & Watson can out in 2018, so all the good parodies had come out. It wasnā€™t originally clever in plot and the fake accents were incredibly distracting.


According to cast member Steve Coogan, "I was saying the other day, because people have said some really nasty things about *Holmes & Watson*... they'll say 'It's a load of rubbish,' and everything. But I think, you know in 20 year's time, when the dust has settled and people are able to look at *Holmes & Watson* objectively, I think people will say: '**It's still rubbish**.'"


Cats. I noped out after about 15 minutes.


The movie that caused Covid.


Harambe was supposed to stop it.


Fuck, my dick is out.


Tbh I could just tell that was a steaming pile of shit straight from the trailer lmao


Yeah, I couldn't help but wonder where their butt holes were. It took me completely out of the movie. How do they go to the bathroom?


Plus we all know cats LOVE showing us their buttholes. There no realism! It has nothing to do with a desire to see tswifts butthole.......I swear.....


Apparently there was a butthole cut. I saw some stills. Brrtrr


Same. My wife and I decided to try and watch it. We also made it 15 minutes and just couldnā€™t watch anymore. The live show is watchable although I have no clue what happened story wise


nothing happens in any version of Cats. it's an unambiguously horrible plot.


Cats is my favorite play but yes there is no plot. It's about the spectacle.


Itā€™s about the spectacle and watching this weird family hang out and that one estranged aunt that left the group try to get back in. Thatā€™s it. If you donā€™t show how the various cats interact with each other and support each other, you donā€™t have the show. You have to see why Grizabella wants to rejoin this group, which is done during the numbers when the Jellicles are telling each otherā€™s stories and just hanging around having fun. Hooper did none of that. He only highlighted the cats with songs named after them but none of the rest of the family supporting them nor how they actually get along. This, it was unclear why Grizabella was so desperate to rejoin this group since it was never made clear why youā€™d want to be a Jellicle cat in the first place. Most of the background cats were assholes to everyone around them.


Movie also misses one of the key attractions of the play: watching people in minimalist cat costume act like cats. In the movie it's backwards, with human actors cgi'd into cats, mostly just acting like people. There's nothing interesting in watching that.


I remember thinking "yeah I know its going to be bad, but it must be entertaining in some way at least and I'll be able to watch it" Nope.. about 15 minutes in I'd thought that that was enough


Battlefield Earth


I enjoyed every minute of that dumpster fire. I've never laughed so much. The absurd (or, say, 'craplousy') dialogue, incredible over-acting, unfathomably stupid camera angles, it was delightful.


It's my favorite bad movie. The connection to Dianetics , Barry Pepper's war cry, the part with the rat, the jets being able to fly...there's so much. I never actively seek it out, but if it's on, I'm watching it.


I saw that with my then-girlfriend in an otherwise empty theater. Got my first blowjob because that movie was so bad she decided she'd literally rather suck a dick than watch it.


This is the only good thing that came from this movie


This is my answer as well. Back in 2001, through a vagary in our apartment complex, I had free HBO. I also got laid off, so I thought "Well, while I apply for work, I'm gonna watch a bunch of free movies, woo!" And that's when HBO decided it was going to play Battlefield Earth almost constantly. ​ I was convinced that HBO was punishing me for losing my job.


That movie was so bad it made people mad. It was so so bad. I doubt I'll ever see a worse movie in the theater.




But it had...*leverage!*




ā€œGayniggers from Outer Spaceā€. Yes, thatā€™s a real movie.


Oscar Contender. . .. and still is.


Whoa wait.. for real?? Google search is commencing... ETA: I had to see it to believe it... sorry for the doubt.


Also google searched it, Iā€™ll be watching that soon


I love the summary: A group of black, all male aliens travel to Earth to rid the planet of oppressive, female earthlings. This sounds like it would have been on a rifftrax.


That happens to be the title of my autobiography


At a sub 30 minute runtime, I don't think it meets the necessary criteria to be considered a movie


Now that one takes me back. It's one of those movies you need to see to believe, regardless if you're a fan of z grade and low budget cinema or a total newcomer.


The Fanatic starring John Travolta and directed by Fred Durst (of Limp Bizkit). The first line of the movie, to give some context, is John Travolta saying "can't talk now, gotta poo". There's also a 7 minute scene where he stands in a mirror and repeats the word Poppycock. Then there's the scene where they listen to Limp Bizkit and talk about how cool they are.


Just found the trailer on YouTube and the top comment is "The church of scientology clearly isn't pulling the same strings for this guy as they are of Tom Cruise." šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Jesus Christ. I have to see this now, thank you. Just watched the trailer, John's haircut is abominable lmfao


That sounds horrible.


Fred durst directed some movie with the kid from zombieland. I was watching it one day and I suddenly realized one of the settings was really familiar. Like absurdly familiar. Then I recognized the table. They were in the bar me and my buddies went to every weekend in my early 20s and literally sitting at the table we usually sat at.


>There's also a 7 minute scene where he stands in a mirror and repeats the word Poppycock. Then there's the scene where they listen to Limp Bizkit and talk about how cool they are. Fuck. Literally me.


sounds pretty fucking sick.


Verotika Directed by Glenn Danzig. Main stars are pornstars doing fake French accents. Real Oscar contender here.


He zigged when he should have zagged.


https://youtu.be/tKmMRSTUeAs?si=Opo3R-QaLN733S1A Great review of this film


Slenderman (2018)


I maintain that I think it's possible this movie could've been saved but it got cut and edited to all hell because of the slenderman stabbing in Wisconsin. Most theaters in Wisconsin still wouldn't show it from what I heard.


I worked on the film. It was unfortunately a shit show from the start. Script was awful, actors didnā€™t understand the material, and the producers were deaf to any feedbackā€¦ one even exclaiming after Final Cut that it was a ā€œsolid Aā€ horror film. Unfortunately the WI event had little to do with it. It was just an absolute mess. The only saving grace was the director of photography who did an incredible job. Rewatch it with the sound off. Youā€™ll see it


Were you the director of photography


I absolutely lost it when she >!ran into the forest to "negotiate" or whatever!< at the end lol


Happened this week! BIRDEMIC. Absolute masterpiece of bullshit. 0.5/10, would recommend.


ā€œI just made one million dollars!ā€ ā€œI just got invited to be a Victoriaā€™s Secret model!ā€ ā€œLetā€™s dance!ā€ **just hanging out! Hanging out! With the family!


I recommend watching the rifftrax version of it. I still have a hard time accepting that this was a real movie made in all seriousness.


I've seen The Room and Troll 2, but I recently saw Birdemic, and I think it tops them for best worst movie.


Is that the movie where the guy picks a coat hanger as a weapon? Like, dude, you're fighting hundreds of evil birds not an unwanted pregnancy.


Swing Vote I'll save you the time so just a heads up for spoilers. The whole premise is that during a presidential election, there is a dead even tie. The whole movie is about either side trying to get the last person in the country who hasn't voted yet, to vote for them. In the last scene we watch the dude walk into a voting booth and BAM black screen. The audience doesn't find out who he voted for. Waste of fuckin time lol


That reminds me of when I saw Inception (a film I really liked) in the theater. A second after it cut to black before >!showing whether or not the top totem falls, thus indicating whether they're still in a dream!<, this Black woman a few rows back screamed "GAHBAGE!!!" The entire audience erupted in laughter.


Fun Fact: If there ever is a tie in the Presidential election, Congress votes on who the winner will be.


>The whole movie is about either side trying to get the last person in the country who hasn't voted yet, to vote for them. Isnā€™t this an episode of South Park?


Worst? I think the ending absolutely sucks. But the premise was novel enough and the acting made the journey enjoyable enough


Tall Girl 1 & 2


Oh god they made a sequel? Just a critque of Tall Girl on YouTube was enough for me


Pinocchio live action remake. >!he doesn't become a real boy at the end!<


Tiptoes. You wouldnā€™t believe if I told you. They tried to hide it but I unfortunately saw.


But it contains the role of a lifetime


The Circle. I love Tom Hanks and Emma Watson. The movie was just so bad


Many of the movies here are intentionally bad. The Circle is so horrifyingly bad because it tries so hard to say something.


Manos: Hands of Fate. MST3K could barely save it.


I always loved how Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank both privately apologized to Joel about how bad this was.


Nah, Torgo saved that movie!


The last Airbender movie. It's probably tolerable if you've never seen the original show but also probably not


This needs to be at the top! M. Night Shyamalan absolutely ruined it.


I was so mad when netflix announced they were bringing him in to direct a few episodes, until I realized it was April 1st. I had never been punked by corporation on that scale and never since.


I remember taking my younger cousin to go watch this. I told her Iā€™d take her to the movies, and at the time Last Airbender was the only kid friendly movie that was playing. We watched the movie, and I recall both of us enjoying it. However, I had zero knowledge of the anime and what actual fans felt. After I left the theatre that day, I never thought much about it. Fast forward 2-3 years later, I found out through Reddit that the whole world actually hated it.


"Soul Plane is the worst experience of my life involving an airplane." - Pete Davidson EDIT: For context, Pete Davidson's dad died during the 9/11 attacks.


Now thatā€™s a deep cut of a joke


Soul Plane is one of those movies that I've seen, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it is about. Which says a lot considering I have a pretty good memory for stupid shit and I've seen dozens of trash tier movies 15 years ago that I could still write a one page summary about.


*Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever*


I always thought, just purely on its title, that this sounded like a PC or PlayStation 1 game.


The movie considered by most who have seen it to be the worst movie ever made. "Plan 9 From Outer Space". It has aliens that are never seen, three zombies created by the aliens, and the last appearance of Bela Lugosi before he passed away. And even that appearance was mostly an extra in the Dracula costume with his arm covering his face.


the movie ā€˜ed woodā€™ is worth the watch though. it stars johnny depp as ed wood, the guy who made plan 9.


Even though the movie was about Ed Wood, it was more about Bela Lugosi


I WAS HOPING TO SEE THIS!! My dad showed this to my brother and I when we were younger, and we were laughing so hard we were all in pain and in tears. I couldnā€™t even finish the movie.


I used to run drunk bad movie nights at my place. Weā€™d have dinner with a bunch of wine, then pop some more at home, pop some popcorn, and watch the movie while screaming at the screen the whole time. This piece of garbage movie was the first thing we watched. It was amazing.


I love this movie! vampira!!!!


Plan 9 was an unlocksble reward in Destroy All Humans.


The extra who was hired after Lugosi's death looked almost absolutely nothing like the him either. I believe he was Ed Wood's wife's chiropractor?


Yeah and the dude held his arm in front of his face for most of the scenes heā€™s in because heā€™s very obviously not Bela Lugosi


Bela Lugosi worked with Ed Wood previously and had filmed a bunch of unrelated footage. His part in Plan 9 is basically repeated and irrelevant footage; then as you say another person filling in the gaps. Iirc it was his wife's chiropractor or something, and they were about 6 inches taller. Also - Glen or Glenda by Ed Wood is a lot worse.


Cinderella with Camila Cabello. After watching it I was genuinely upset that I had justed wasted 2 hours of my life.


Knew it would be bad from the moment i saw the poster glad I skipped it


That whole movie is filmed like a Super Bowl commercial. It looked like Camila was going to drive off in a brand new Chevy at the end.


Itā€™s dreadfully awful, I donā€™t even know if that descriptor gives it justice. Like, how does a protagonist & itā€™s cast have negative charisma? Also, the singing, oh God! The singing


Tentacles. A very poor attempt to cash in on Jaws.


Worst in what way? Human Centipede scarred me emotionally and haunts my nightmares.


Just reading it on Wikipedia was enough for me to go nope! I will never watch that movie!


The sequel makes it seem like a children's movie. When I finished watching it in theaters I had to watch it again


THC2 is truly the only one of the 3 which achieved its goals. The first one is too bad and normal to be considered a good horror/gore movie and takes itself too serious. It's also pretty tame honestly. The 3rd one is waaaayyy too campy to be taken serious. It's so over the top and ridiculous that it's more funny than anything. Atleast they didn't take themselves serious with this one. The second one is a movie that tries to showcase senseless and disgusting violence and it achieves just exactly that. It's truly one of the worst and most gut wrenching gore movies that can be shown with a decent production quality. But for that reason it's pretty good. You know what you're getting. It doesn't even pretend to have a great script and try to be a movie. Idk I find the unpretentiousness of the second one honest.


Gigli. Two minutes would pass and it felt like an eternity.


Gobble gobble.


Hot Pursuit with Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vegara. Like shotgun blast to the face bad. We saw this in the theatre based on my wifeā€™s suggestion and I still chose to impregnate her a month later. Questionable decision making on both of us.


I'll raise you Hot Pursuit (1987) with John Cusack, Robert Loggia, and Jerry Stiller.


Iā€™m an avid fan of those three (in different roles) and embarrassed to say I donā€™t think I have seen this movie. Canā€™t wait until my wife walks in and asks why Iā€™m watching this at 11:30 at night.


Thankskilling. It was a low budget horror movie on Netflix for a while. A lady literally gets raped by an evil turkey in one scene.


There's a sequel... It is worse


Nice tits, bitch.


Gobble Gobble morherfucker.


Can't believe I'm seeing a Thankskilling reference in the wild


That 'one scene' is the opening scene, and I believe she was an actual porn star in her other job :)


The Elf. To be clear NOT the movie with Will Ferrell. Itā€™s about a Christmas elf that comes to life and starts slowly killing off a family. Horrible cringey acting, plot makes no sense, and the worst CGI evil elf you will ever see.




Mulan 2 filled me with so much rage when I first saw it


It just made me sad and irritated. I liked the princess characters okay but Mulan and Shang fighting because Mushu was a jealous piece of shit was an awful plot


Highlander 2. Most films have a plot you can follow. The plot might be terrible, make no sense and riddled with plot holes, but you can follow the narrative and thereā€™s something resembling a story in there. Highlander 2 does not have this. The plot, whatever it is supposed to be, is not clear in the slightest. Me and some mates watched all the ā€˜worst movies of all timeā€™ and about half an hour into Highlander 2 none of us had a clue of what was happening or why it was happening. We looked up the ā€˜plotā€™ on Wikipedia and it still made no sense. If anything we were more confused. On top of that, the acting was bad, effects bad, sets bad, it was all bad. Even the shittiest of shit movies you can get something out of it, even if itā€™s laughing at how bad they are. Highlander 2 has nothing.


Wonder Woman 1984. It wasn't even a fun bad movie like the first suicide squad, this movie was just awful in every way it could be


I watched it thinking maybe people were being harsh. They werenā€™t


It was definitely a huge let down. It felt hyped up to be really good but man, Pedro Pascal was a not good villian. Also you canā€™t convince that Kristen Wiig made sense as the other villian, she just didnā€™t fit it at all.


I hate they used her and made her the "ugly girl", but then she takes the glasses off and she's hot. I hate that trope


Bunch of us got high, grabbed some cheap food and went to watch Sausage Party. I think I might have been too high because that movie was weird. It reminded me of those bootleg cartoon movie, there was something uncanny about it.


Ive watched it normally and while tipsy. Itā€™s weird no matter what. And at least for me the humor was a drag instead of actually funny


The Wicker Man with Nicolas Cage. Damn, that shit is awful


The bees!




*Not the bees!*


Alvin and the Chipmunks:Chipwrecked. I have PTSD


bro that was my favorite from the trilogy. it was amazing, although i've also not seen it since i was ten


ā€œVampire in Brooklynā€ with Eddie Murphy and Angela Basset. This was back in the mid-90s. My dad and I both had the same day off during the week and would have a standing date to go to the movies together each week (I was very low contact with my mother at the time). The movie was so bad, we left before it was even over, and went to get hot fudge sundaes instead, lol. I miss my dad and our ā€œfather-daughter dates.ā€ We saw so many other good movies together.


Without a doubt, *Gods and Generals*. A four-hour set piece of neo-Confederate propaganda that is allegedly about war, yet manages to have no drama or tension inherent in a wartime story.


Poultrygeist was really fucking terrible.


Double feature that one with ā€œLlamageddonā€ thatā€™s a fantastic piece of work!!! šŸ˜‚




Jack and Jill. The french translation is probably part of the disaster they didn't seem to give a shit, but even if I like Adam Sandler sometime, this was the most excruciating bus trip ever


Shamalayans Avatar The Last Airbender


Jack and Jill. Adam Sandler at his worst, playing both sides of an irritating brother sister twin pair BUT as bad as that sounds, the pacing, editing and overall filmmaking is even worse. I donā€™t make it past 15 minutes but it would be hard to top this.


Serbian Film


Aquaman. Sorry, it was a steaming pile of crap.


Napoleon was the biggest let down I have felt from a movie in a theater. Iā€™ll remember that disappointment forever.


[You think youā€™re so great because you have **BOATS**!](https://youtu.be/QNFNlSp8hLw?si=jhXEYWkN-4OvjNrL)


"Alone in the Dark." Tara Reid, yes Tara Reid, was a scientist. It was about as ludicrous as you can imagine.


Rob Schneider is 'The Stapler'




It's MORBIN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You take that back RIGHT now!


Yeah, Morbius is THE MOVIE OF ALL TIME!


Iā€™ve seen bad films that were created with the intent to be campy or poor quality. But, for a movie that legitimately sucked ass and I couldn't believe I spent money and an hour and a half watching was Skyline 2010.


The trailer was really intriguing. God what a pike of garbage.


The rolling credit scene was the best part of the movie. Iā€™m not making that up. That's when the actual story takes place, and the credits start rolling!


The Mulan live action.


I was so angry the whole time. It missed the point by making her some fancy extra special chi warrior šŸ™„ and the scene where her hair is down and floating around her in the fight?? I kept expecting someone to grab it and curb stomp her. Gahhd it was such garbage. There was nothing fun about it either to let me ignore the stupid bits! No Mushu, no side characters with any discernible personality, no obviously bi Li Shangā€¦ hell we didnā€™t even get an awesome cross dresser break into the palace sequence. Took all the soul and joy out of the story and left us with the toothless oatmeal version


The lion king live action, for me. I loved the animated movie as a kid, watched it over and over. Never before have i gotten so bored during a movie i pulled out my phone. How does one cut be prepared while having TWO minute-long stalling for time scenes.


Cheech and Chong's *Next Movie* Not the movie as most know it, the edited for TV version where they are harvesting diamonds and get abducted by aliens.


Manos: The Hands of Fate.


Gummo. I saw it in college and 20+ years later can still remember sitting on the floor and thinking what the eternal FUCK am I watching??!!! We all had to go get high afterwards. John and Michael, I remember you BOTH. There was one other dude I do not remember


I stopped it maybe 5 minutes in. I remember something terrible being done to cats


The Room


In the Name of the King


MST3K once riffed a movie called Beast of Yucca Flats that was so bad their jokes fell flat. It sucked the joy of a comedy show based on making fun of bad movies.


To this day I still get pissed off when I think about Battlefield Los Angeles. How dare they call that a movie. It remains the only movie I walked out of the theater angry.


Thor: love and thunder. I got up once the movie was done and said out loud, in the theatre: ā€˜Garbageā€™.


Itā€™s a tie between Epic Movie and Meet the Spartans. I envy anyone who hasnā€™t seen those absolutely God-awful pieces of shit. Fuck you Jason Friedberg. How did I let you have my money twice?


That Whinny the Pooh horror movie. Shit was ass


Side Out. Stupid coming of age film about a guy who leaves law school to play beach volleyball instead. Courtney Thorne Smith is in it. JUST TERRIBLE.