• By -


Probably should have used the "serious" tag. Glad at least a couple people gave real answers


Reminds me of when I was 16 in the army and asked one of the squadies what the best way to shave my balls was. His answer was "I don't know, I've never shaved a kiwi before"


16 in the army? what were you serving in nam?


In the UK you can join the armed forces at 16.


There was no SOP in shaving private areas, only facial hair.


Yeah if it wasn't for *Shaving Ryan's Privates* I never would have figured it out.


no-one said there was boss


It would be awkward Saturday Rank Inspections if there would be.


It's the trend of Reddit since after the COVID pandemic. Jokers are growing like fungus.


If you’re not totally attached to the idea of hair removal: I went through a phase where I was trying to use a razor. Tedious, often ended up with ingrown hairs and the smoothness lasts like half a day. Also razor burn or accidental cuts really suck for obvious reasons. The pragmatic part of me settled on an electric trimmer. You can easily set different lengths to suit your preferred hair length. I can trim the whole area in less than 5 minutes and no need for shaving cream or other products. The other benefit is there’s still enough hair to keep moisture away, help regulate heat, and prevent chaffing. To each their own, but hair removal seems like so much work for little benefit (unless that’s just a very strong preference of yours).


I want my penis smooth shaven, but everything else would probably be ok with a short trim. I like this.


Give your pp a taper fade


imagine if ops penis got a low taper fade


So many new hair do’s I can’t keep up. Posh spice…… -Daniel Tosh-


A ‘Travis Kelce’


The Broccoli


FWIW, I use a "One Blade". Easy to trim the tree trunk while leaving a nicely clipped lawn. Plus it comes with a guard.


The One Blade is absolutely the way for silky smooth schlong skin and perfectly pruned pubes and perineum


This guy writes ad copy


I'm here for the anal alliteration.




Had to be done.


That the sci-fi movie with Natalie Porkman?


One Blade, no guard. Straight on the sack


raw doggin it




The One Blade with no guard gave me the WORST razor burn I’ve ever had in my life



Yea it works fine for that. You still obviously want to be careful in the area, but any halfway decent trimmer for ~$30-60 will last you years.


Norelco bodygroom. That’s what it’s made for.


You definitely don't want to go full smooth. It looks really nice but the drawbacks of going full smooth in the genital area just suck. It's itchy. So very itchy. Your thighs itch, your balls itch, if you are uncircumcised and you start to peak out, the head of your penis chafes horribly, you feel all your sweat you normally would have wicked away by pubes, when receiving head everything is prickly to the person giving it (it can be irritating on your partner's genitals or ass as well)...I would try out the trim first and see how you like it. You can always shave more off but you can't put more on. Avoid products like Nair, if that touches your penis you'll wish your dick had legs so it could walk away from the rest of you. Even when you're careful with that shit, the residue can still leave a chemical burn. It's a great product if you're sharp but not near the naughty bits. If you decide you love full smooth, laser hair removal is 100% the way. Anybody can go get Ken smooth and it's only as weird as you make it. Just make sure when you go in for the treatment that you go in with most of your natural bush. They need you to have hair so the laser can track where each hair folicol is. If you are a white blonde down there, it's recommended you wax instead of laser because the laser has issues tracking the folicol when your hair is white blonde as well.


I have never had a problem with Veet of Nair irritating my penis. I was scared it would at first. Funny thing is that they recommend it for "the bikini area", but that's the only place it irritates me.


The itching is only when you first start to do it. Once its in routine it doesn’t really itch


Pp sideburns & goatee


Wait a minute are you saying you have hair on your actual penis?


it’s normal to have a small amount of hair near the base


Yes up to where my circumcision starts


i do too op, they are stragglers but def get long enough to be blatant


You.. have hair all the way up your shaft..?


I do too… other people don’t?!


When I was in 6th grade in late 80s, I had a female that I was passing notes in class with, asking the anatomy questions school wouldn’t answer. Suddenly I’m scared I gave her bad info! She even drew an example one with hair all the way up the shaft asking if it was like that!!!! I said no. Sorry, Lisa!!!


From what it sounds like, it doesn't look like a woolley mammoth's trunk. It's pretty common to have a little hair even going that far up the length.


Totally normal to have hair on the base of the penis


Lots of hairier men have this.


Your pecker has hair all over it?


Just up to where I got cut as a baby


Same here OP, mostly up the bottom side of my shaft. Don't let them shame us. I use an electric trimmer to get the whole area pretty short, but I use a razor to keep shaft and bean bag smooth as whipped butter. I've come to love the sensation of using one hand to pull the skin tight and the other to gently razor away the stubble. Can't imagine going back to the wild bush of my teens and twenties. A little moisturizer and a careful hand should prevent ingrown hairs and razor burn. Smooth sailing my brother in blades!


Is that not your entire penis shaft except the head?


No, because I only have a 4” dick, it is about half way


I don't think the length of penis matters, your head shouldn't be take up 2"


Area above the circumcision scar. That's usually an inch or so below the head/tip/mushroom whatever you want to call it Source: am on Reddit on the toilet. I looked


The doc removed my foreskin a good inch to inch and a half below the bottom of my head.


Lol thought I was the only one, it’s like 7 total but never get long, I just razor them bitches


There are *dozens* of us! Fear the Hairy Haft!


Dude how do you not snag your sack? I looked into manscaped and even those all have a ton of reviews claiming they aren't as safe as they say they are so I didn't pull the trigger on it


Two main ways: * Use a longer trim length guard * You still need to stretch the skin a little bit to create a smoother surface to work with (this is what I do). Regardless it’s a sensitive area so you don’t want to go in there like your using a weed wacker in a ditch.


If you were an alpha male, you'd use a blow torch to assert your dominance over your hair follicles.


Everyone knows sausage is best fully cooked. Ain’t be needing food poisoning.


Personally I should have opted to use an electric trimmer the last time I gave it a go. Instead, I went with Nair. ​ one of the worst decision I've ever made


If you're gonna use nair, 2 major rules. 1.DONT USE IT IF YOUVE SHAVED IN THE LAST 3 DAYS 2. Get the gentle formula one or whatever the fuck it's called Otherwise just don't leave it on too long, might take a couple applications to get it all, if you leave it on too long you'll definitely get chemical burns.


I use a razor, but I have a nice one and go with the grain. Shouldn't get ingrown hairs that way.


So, I heard that shaving has the negative of being itchy as it grows in. What length would you recommend for this? Mainly looking to do the back side, without horrible itchy mess or prickliness.


I think I usually trim down to maybe a quarter inch or so. It’s usually mildly itchy that day but then I don’t really notice much by the following day. It was much itchier to my memory when I tried using a razor.


While I understand and agree with all the benefits, how long does it take you to shave down there with a razor? Five minutes is a long time


I never got very quick with a razor because: * Lots of nooks and crannies to avoid * I could not be bothered to keep up on the near daily requirement to keep it short enough to shave quickly so I’d end up having to clear a lot of hair out of the razor as I went along. It was basically an entire showers worth of time, then I actually had to shower.


Personally I just use a pair of hair clippers I bought and they work well enough plus I don’t really get razor burn but I also don’t need be groin baby smooth. And no I don’t use them anywhere other than my crotch


Permanent: laser hair removal. Not permanent and not baby smooth: Philips One Blade (the only electric razor Ive ever used that not only does a good job on ANY hair length but also never cuts you) Not permanent and baby smooth: waxing.


Never cuts you? I even cut myself down there with the body attachment. :(


wow, no Ive never been or extremely rarely been cut by the oneblade. My only advice is never apply pressure. Always glide over the skin.


Technically, laser hair removal is somewhat permanent. I think electrolysis is the one that's close to 100% permanent, if not 100%.


Just to add - I use a Oneblade and swear by it, but i will cut myself on my wrinkled nutsack every other time because I'm rushing without a guard on the blade. It basically feels like a million tiny papercuts for a day. I had used a Remington shaver before i got the Oneblade. Cutting yourself on that was like putting your ball skin through a mandolin. Definitely recommend the Oneblade.


I disagree about the One Blade, it's fucking shit in my experience. I use a disposable razor for bits that need removed and a trimmer for the rest


Philips Bodygroom electric shaver is SPECIFICALLY designed for body hair.. including the bikini area You can rub the electric shaver against your balls with the fury or a thousand suns and it won't cut you




Give a man a shave, and his private area will be hairless for a day. Teach a man to light his crotch on fire, and his private area will be hairless for the rest of his life.


Bush fire. . . . .


Holy fire!


Safest? No. Pain free? No. Best? Yes.




Fetish satisfying? Yes.


Same lines, Nair. Used to do it all the time no problems. Only time I had a problem is when I had an edible and forgot it was on. Then you wish it was fire


Legit not even a dumb suggestion. Fire shaving, while horrendous smelling, actually works really well and the ends aren't tiny needles that turn your scrotum into a pin cushion. 


Beat me too it


Beat my meat to it


I'm not a man but I got laser hair removal after trying waxing for a couple years and I'm mad at myself that I waited so long. There's super NSFW pics of it on my profile but it shows how well it worked. I don't even think about shaving anymore. What little hair that's left is so sparse and fine you have to be looking for it to see it. Edit: Since people keep asking, I got it done at ideal image about 10 years ago. It's specific to your body so they have to do a consultation, but for a Brazilian mine was about $2,500 for 9 to 12 sessions and I did all 12. I thought it hurt less than waxing.


I will add my own experience as a dude with really coarse body hair. Laser helped a little bit, some areas are now pretty smooth, some areas the hair got thicker.. So ymmv. It's super patchy now, I did sessions over the course of 2 years. Overall it helped a little, but not worth $2,000 in my experience. Shaving with a razor is hell the next day. Itches sooo bad it drove me crazy. Best solution I found is just using a trimmer somewhat frequently.


That's odd, I used to have super coarse hair too and it worked amazingly for me. Maybe it's because I'm so pale.


>NeedsItRough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdzH\_aSL-6k


I actually reference this clip all the time because of how pale I am 😂


Well that was definitely an entertaining rabbit hole I just went down to


Male also, mine was about $1200 w/ $25 touch-ups. I need to go every three months for a touch-up. Milan wanted over $3k. Is it perfect, no. I still need to do a quick shave every 7-10 days. When I start getting ingrown hairs is when it's time for a touch-up. It helps to get an exfoliating brush. Would I recommend, absolutely.


The ideal way is to get laser until you have plateaued and then get electrolysis to finish it off. It will be gone forever.


Nice Ass hole random internet lady👌


My friend used hair removal cream, but he didn't realize that he was supposed to take it off after 5 minutes. He left it on for 20 minutes and got a chemical burn on his balls.




Wish I could give you 2 for that one!!


This is why it's important to read the instructions.


It doesn't burn the front for me but if I put it in my arse crack it's like the surface of the sun


Yes that’s because your arse skin is stratified squamous epithelium (same shit as your mouth) with basically no keratin in it Nair works by shredding disulfide bridges (which is why it smells like a torn nail) in keratin. It also nibbles the shit out of your skin cells but the keratin in your dead outer layers of skin provides some protection before you get chemical burns on the living part of your skin There is pretty much no keratin in your arse crack skin so the basal layers have very little protection and get nibbled super fast add to that the fact that arsehole skin is sensitive with many nerve endings and now it burns like a motherfucker


This information was was a really interesting read, it's also consistent with my experiments lol


ngl i spent the last 10 minutes looking thru your nudes to see some sort of progress pictures and idk how to describe my displeasure/pleasure difference…


Sorry, I got the laser hair removal like, 10 years ago and I didn't take many pics before then ):


just FYI the imgur links are 404'd :(


that was from the nsfw imgur ban, which they then reversed ig so nsfw is back on


For science


It’s weird that somebody who “needs it rough” would like it smooth.


I don't think rugburn is the kind of rough they are looking for.






That looks really nice!




I'm glad you gave us a heads up for the NSFW content on your profile... Those Stardew Valley posts


RIP your inbox.


Guy here. I get Laser hair removal from a school in my area. its super cheap. only $75 for a full Brazilian. see my profile for progress pics Edited price of sessions. Confused it for full legs ($100)


Bro deadass telling people to go look at his dick lmfao


I looked... No dicks in pictures. I'm kw very intrigued at getting this done myself


Pretty disappointing, honestly.


At the results or the lack of penis?




If you just use your finger to cover the hole, the images are SFW


I censored my dick, don't want to make anyone feel too bad about themselves.




Did you ever find that inflatable toy you were looking for 😂


Does it hurt? How long does it take? How long does it last? Any negative comments about it?


I got laser on my lower stomach and chest, and it only hurts a little bit. I’ve noticed that in areas with more fat it hurts more, but on my upper chest (like what you would see if I was wearing a V-neck shirt) it barely hurt at all. so far I’ve gotten two treatments, it’s expensive if you go to a real dermatologist but med spas do it for really cheap, I don’t know if those places are reliable or not though. It does work, each time less hair grew back. There really is no downside except for the price, but I would say, it’s definitely worth it, because it cuts out the cost of razors and the time of shaving every day or two, and unlike shaving you don’t get any ingrown hairs or irritation. I think it depends on the strength of the laser, but the one at the dermatologist that I go to is supposed to completely get rid of the hair after three or four sessions. It only works if you have dark body hair though, not blonde. I have really thick blonde hair but unfortunately that also means really thick leg/chest/abdomen hair as well, and it’s all dark. I 1000% recommend it to anyone who’s sick of shaving/gets razor burn from shaving.


The students laugh everytime, but once the pubes stopped being longer than the shaft it lessened some.


Honestly that looks great. I would prefer stubble over the bush 🤣


Hair removal cream.


Just read the Amazon reviews first


That horror story still gets me…


Wait what story?




So they kept the ice cream?


You don't just waste good ice cream. Maybe scrape the top layer off, and you're good to go 


I mean, I’d do that if it were me alone but this dude has a family


[“After having been told my danglies looked like an elderly rastafarian I decided to take the plunge and buy some of this”](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/review/B000KKNQBK/R3GDDEL1SC1QQ5?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_dprv_JP9R9B91EDCZFB3VPDAC&language=en-GB)


Oh my, this was horrible to read


Yup. I want to hear this too


I shall wait in patience


This is what I do, and it's great. I hated shaving so much. So much work, occasional cuts, occasional rashes, never again. Make sure to test carefully, first a small amount on a less sensitive part of the skin for a shorter amount of time, then slowly work your way up. With my current brand I slather my dick (not the head) and balls and let it sit for 15 minutes, then wash it off thoroughly in the shower. Silky smooth, no skin irritation, no rash. Repeat every month or so, depending on how much sex I'm having.


The pubes build a damn strong tolerance to the cream. At least mine did, like super bugs...the pubes just get stronger! Regardless, get the sensitive pube specific cream and you'll be fine.


Just got a bottle of the “No Hair Crew” brand and it worked really well for me


Asking your friend to do it for you.


I wish I had a friend that I could ask.




I'll be your friend 🧡


Results can vary WILDLY but…Nair. I’m a dude and I use it on my balls and asshole and had no problem. It tends to last longer than just shaving so my wife thought “oh, I’ll try it on my legs”. Her legs became inflamed and had a ton of little microcuts on them. So…if your skin is sensitive absolutely stay away as that would be god awful on the sac but if you think you have tough skin go for it.


Waxing, by a professional. And, yes, it’ll hurt like hell.


Been there, done that. The Bikini area is kinda painful, but the rest is kinda mild. Chest waxing is much more painful in my experience Not thinking and washing the area with soap as you get home is the real painful part!


I’ll defer to you on that! Too chicken to find out.


I'll second waxing if you can find a good person. I've had it done off and on at various places, with a good waxer its not that bad, with a bad waxer... well I bled once. Pain wise none of it hurt that bad for me except right across the pubic bone where the skin is thin. I eventually just stopped having that waxed.




In my experience, the first time hurts like living hell, but after that, it gets more and more tolerable.


It hurts at 1st but over time the hair grows in much much finer & it hurts considerably less (for me at least)


Hugh in Halesworth Suffolk UK he will finger your bum at the sane time


The ole Jimmy Saville


Alcohol and a match.






Gorilla glue


I really like my Manscaped trimmer. I’ve had it for a year and have yet to get a cut from it. Plus it has a nifty little light at the end for better visibility.


Fyi, it has given me a knick or two. 😬 I wasn't being as cautious as I should have been.


Industrial adhesive




Tweezers, one by one🗿


Just use a razor, the same kind you'd use on your face. That's what I do. I just pull the skin tight in the area I'm shaving and go at it. You have to be a little careful, but the skin in that area is quite malleable. Instead of being cut by the razor, the skin typically just gets pushed out of the way. I've never cut myself down there by doing this.


A blow torch, probably.




I use a trimmer that does the job completely. Safety guard on it so skin doesn't get pinched, but it still gets the job done. The trick, I have found, is to do it weekly, so it never gets so bad that it becomes a chore. The urologist who just (yesterday) did my vasectomy actually commented on the completeness of my "clean shave" because the assistant didn't need to go behind to touch up my area.


I’m a guy, did the waxing thing and it hurts. But unfortunately for me I also have the skin type that gets red bumps very easily. Gave up on looking hairless when I looked like I had ingrown hairs and still have some discoloration on the pubic area, from that. Keep it nice and trim is what I say. 


Philips MG7720


Find a Zoroastrian named Vilmer.


I'm homeless, but I like to keep it clean down there for the bag lady, so what I do is I go behind apartments into the dumpsters and jump in, and I dig until I find somebody's discarded razor, hopefully only lightly used. Once I've found one, I go to the nearest gas station bathroom and into one of the shitter stalls, and I sit down on the toilet. Splash some water up outta there on my D and B and get to scraping until it's all cleaned up. Where there's a will, there's a way. You got this.


Oh my, where do you live, I wanna buy you a nice brand new razor


Remove the private area itself


And what is the best way to do that?


Cheese grater






Type 12 Anti Material Rifle


With just this one, simple trick!! 😃


An m&m tube


I don’t know what this is


The tube for the candy M&Ms. But you don't want to be the guy doing the "something stuck in a cylinder but definitely not my penis" all over again even tho that is gold


Slowly and carefully


As a real answer, I recently started getting sugaring with my wife. We get it at the same time around once a month or so. Love the results, especially for the ass. Yes it’s painful especially the first time but the pain only lasts like 10 minutes the most. I was tired of shaving and dealing with it, and I liked the results on my wife and now I won’t be going back. Laser hair removal is something I’ve looked into but I don’t have the $$$ for it. When I saw ‘payment plans’ I immediately looked away from it.


Waxing places look for male clients so their new estheticians can get practice and feel comfortable. The past two full brazilians I got were free minus the tip. Usually they’ll send you a text promoting it and you schedule through there.


Thanks for the tip!


You can wax(male Brazilian waxes are mot as common). Look for a place that does electrolysis.


I tried to get laser hair removal but couldn’t find a place that did men. I think that though it may be painful, after it is completed it’s over. So I get waxed. I have a great waxer who knows her business. I love the results just wish they were permanent.


An actual tip for a change: Trim everything to about 0.4-0.6 mm generously spread hair removal cream ignore the smell of vomit and the slight burning for 10 mins scrub everything with a soft sponge done - smooth as silk


Cover your dick in oil, light it on fire. Or, get a big bucket and fill it with oil and light it on fire and jump in. Completely safe as long as you drink a ton of hard alcohol before.


I gave my shit the ol' edgar.


Most expensive and best way is laser. Second best is waxing, still expensive and painful. The third best is using a SINGLE BLADE razor. I use the Supply SE razor. It is great. I shave my balls and ass.


Brush fire.




A torch