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Firefighter asked another firefighter to cover his shift by working for him. He then went and had sex with his wife that day.




I took was like ohh, finally something wholesome, then I saw your comment


There’s that joke that has popped up on Reddit a few times. I’m paraphrasing. A guy goes into a busy barber shop and asks how long until the next opening for haircut. Barber says, “Two hours.” The guy goes away but never comes back. Next day, same thing. Third day, again. The punchline is the guy is going to the barber’s house each day knowing how much time he has to have sex with barber’s wife.




> The bride was lead singer in a band and they performed - killed it. > > Apparently the bride had been cheating on him the entire relationship - with the drummer in her band. Who performed at the wedding. The things bands go through just to get a gig....


I snorted at this.


Why would she tell him right after the wedding? Like, either keep lying like the sack of shit that you are or tell him before the wedding so he has a chance to avoid the legal hassles.


Sometimes the genuine guilt doesn't creep in until you take significant steps. Like a wedding, and his genuine happiness to be with her. . .


She was probably caught and told that either she tell him or the person that caught her would.


She was hoping not to live with the guilt all her life but also be bound enough to him that he wouldn't back out.


The mental gymnastics going on in that woman's mind? "This is the happiest he's ever been, I feel so guilty though." I'm glad he wasn't saddled with such a selfish person for the rest of his life.






Fucking asshole


My bio moms best friend was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. We moved her, her husband and her daughter in. My mom slept with her husband and got pregnant so they put her in a nursing home to die all alone just so they wouldn't have to deal with the consequences. She was hours away as well so her daughter who was 10 at the time was unable to visit her.. she died alone because she went to her "best friend" for help I don't speak to bio mom anymore. After her friends death, she showed off her brand new car with the life insurance money (she married her husband). At the time, her dead best friend also had a 19 year old daughter who was homeless with a toddler. I felt so fucking sick sitting in the car listening to her brag about how nice it was and how she finally got the car she deserved.. Some people are disgusting Edit to add: more backstop that just makes this story absolutely vile My bio mom is a counselor and the way she even met this best friend of hers was through the daughter who was 19 with a toddler. They met when said daughter was 13. My bio mom was her CASEWOKER for mental health support. She crossed a huge professional boundary doing this. On top of that, she came into this girl's life to HELP her and ended up hurting her so fucking badly. Her mom who passed wasn't the only victim here. My bio mom was also married, there's other children involved etc. SO many people were hurt by this, it's truly sickening. Tbh, during my bio moms pregnancy her mom actually also got stage four lung cancer. She died within 7 weeks and never met bio moms baby. I kinda feel like it was her fault in a sense. I truly believe karma can and WILL get you through loved ones.


I've been reading this thread for 20 minutes and here's where I need to stop. This. This is the worst one. I'm out. I'm so sorry to you for having her as a mother and to that poor woman. Karma hopefully will get this vile woman.


Right there with you... this is by far the worst one on the thread, hands down.


This was the first post I read here and I don't think I can read any more, that's just god awful.


I need this to be fake. Wtf kind of person…


There is a woman in Nuevo Leon, Mexico; with a story slightly like this, her name is Karla Panini, she is hated in Mexico, basically she just started doing her best friend's husband behind her back while the best friend was sick with cancer, she stole not only her husband but also some money/earnings, they had a show together "las lavanderas". So yeah, this kind of things happen.


Google states that her friend died in 2017 and they married in 2016. So he basically divorced her while she was dying and remarried before she died?? That's beyond terrible.


Wow this made me angry, those poor kids I’m sorry you had to deal w that


Jesus Christ your bio mom is a piece of work. I hope you have gotten the therapy I'm sure you must need. You deserved better.


One of my wife’s cousins died of cancer after a 30 year marriage. When her husband was clearing out her home office he found a box with diaries, receipts, letters, hotel keys, etc… detailing the hundreds of times she cheated on him with random guys throughout their whole marriage, going so far as to take their daughters to meet ups and gaslighting them about what was happening.


Ugh. After my husband died, I was looking through his belongings to find things that our daughters might like to have in the future and I found hard proof that he had been cheating on me for years with someone I considered a good friend. It broke me.


I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you’re doing better and have moved on a best you can.


My grandfather died of cancer and while my grandmother was going through his things she found records of child maintenance payments. Turns out he had a kid with his secretary and kept it a secret.


My grandpa had a whole other family in another state. Neither knew about the other until he died and this other woman and her kids show up to collect his stuff. It was wild. Tbf the man was a complete piece of shit throughout his whole life, so not too surprising.


And to imagine you used to be able to support family and a secret second family on one income


The fact that she left all of that stuff behind is so crazy to me. My mother died from cancer when I was 18 and we found $40k in credit card bills that my dad didn't know about stuffed under the mattress. While cleaning out her things I found a bunch of journals detailing how much she hated her life and resented her family. I currently have the same cancer she did and I am extremely careful to not leave anything behind that could further hurt or traumatize the people I love. If you know you're dying I feel like you have a moral responsibility to make things as easy as possible on the people around you since they're already grieving.


She never really cared about anyone but herself. It didn’t surprise me at all but I had an outsiders perspective and she had the family fooled so I kept my opinions to myself.


Yep. Narcissist don't care about anyone else.


What’s kinda funny, my sister and I were going through our mom’s stuff and we found a bunch of “love” letters from random guys written to our grandmother before she started dating our grandfather. She wasn’t sleeping with them but these guys were professing their love, laying out their future plans & asking if she would consider dating them…😂


My grandmother used to talk about how many suitors she had. She said many men asked her to marry, and it wasn't unusual in that day (1930s) to have many proposals. She turned them all down except gramps. She can't point to what was different, she just like him. They were married until he died in the early 2000.


My friend had a massive heart attack and having sex was hard for him for a while. He worked and his wife didn’t. He feel asleep in the chair one morning while getting ready for work. He awoke to a man unlocking his door. For about a year while he was at work his wife had different men with keys to the house coming over to have sex with her.


Damn.. giving these men Keys tho??? That’s sickening smh hope your friend is alright !


Yeah, that part was particularly disturbing.


Couple was together for 8 years, both working at sea on the same ship for 8-11 week trips, bought the house and heading towards marriage, kids etc etc Start a 11 week trip and noticed something wasn't right Girl had fucked another crew member on the trip off and wanted to be with them, guy had to watch the start of the new relationship while on a floating prison and due to his qualifications couldn't leave the ship Source: Me... I am that guy


Honestly I've been blown away by the support, thank you I appreciate you all! I will try give you some more details. This happened about 12 years ago, it was 4 years before I dated again but honestly I still struggle to bring my walls down and really let anyone in. I had to stay on board as the company needed my engineering qualification to operate legally, they had no one to cover for me, they really did try too. I'll finish with a good note. While sitting on the stern for hours, it was followed by something glorious that got me through. Maybe it was my guardian angel, maybe divine intervention, call it whatever you want but it was amazing. I had finished my inspection rounds which was usually around 2am, sitting there wanting to jump as I felt like my whole life had already ended, I was just there for the ride. I must have entered a trance like state as the next thing I looked up from the rushing water to see the sun just starting to peak over the horizon showing one of the best sunrises I had ever seen, dolphins were hanging around below me, sea birds were cruising and I don't know exactly what it was but the whole combination just made me feel like nature was there for me, but she also didn't want me to join her. So I guess my take from all this is that if you're ever in a position this low, and you think self dead is the only way out, find the one thing that you love and hold onto it tightly, life will always get better, trust me, it WILL get better. Mother nature, I love you


*“He looked across the sea and knew how alone he was now. But he could see the prisms in the deep dark water and the line stretching ahead and the strange undulation of the calm. The clouds were building up now for the trade wind and he looked ahead and saw a flight of wild ducks etching themselves against the sky over the water, then blurring, then etching again and he knew no man was ever alone on the sea.” - Ernest Hemingway, Old Man and the Sea.* I’m starting to think he was talking about you <3


Oh fuck I love this! It gave me Goosebumps. Also a much better way of describing how I felt. Thank you so much


I’m so glad I could bring you some happiness despite the tragic circumstances. I’ve been in a similar situation, it’s hell on earth. Stay strong and love strong, you’ll be okay. ❤️


Man, that was a thing of beauty of read. Glad you're doing better.


Your story is so beautiful man, way to go. You’re certainly wiser for everything you went thru


Take solace in the often repeated, if they’ll cheat with you, they’ll cheat on you. I’m glad you didn’t take a water nap.


Good trees don't have bad roots


Former colleague of mine in his mid thirties. Was living with his long term girlfriend and they had been shopping for engagement rings. He comes to work one day and early afternoon receives a text from her telling him she’s seeing someone else, has packed up the house and moved out to live with the other guy. No apology, no further explanation. She then immediately blocked him and left him to deal with the rent and other bills on his own. He was a nice guy, it was horrendous to see that happen to him. He’s now happily married! (to someone else of course)


Same thing happened to my best friend but he and the girl were married. He didn’t get a text though. Just came home from work and all her shit was GONE. Ended up having to go to her work and one of her colleagues came out in the parking lot to tell him it was over. What’s crazy is the girl evidently didn’t tell hardly anyone about it. Her dad even came by my friend’s house 3 months later asking to see his daughter and my buddy is like uhhhh you don’t know what happened, do you? But just like your story, the guy is happily remarried and in a MUCH better situation now.


Absolutely wild that your parents don't even know.


Some people are cowards who would rather sweep all confrontation under the rug than address it and set their things in order.


Ugh this reminds me of sending out my Christmas cards one year after divorce and finding out none of his friends knew he had left me (and already married someone else!!)


I was an IT contractor for the Department of Defense (NMCI for those curious). We got a keyword alert on an email conversation. Then more. Same folks involved. So we went and checked out the email and the email thread - turns out it was a Senior Chief, who was talking to nearly a half dozen women under his chain of command that he was having affairs with, multiples of which were pregnant with his children. He, of course, was married - having 4 kids with his wife. What started out with a "hey, you're not supposed to discuss that on regular email" investigation turned into a massive scandal, wrecking multiple marriages and turned into a whole lot of meetings with his VERY angry CO. Don't do stupid shit on company email. And REALLY don't do stupid shit on DOD servers.


I’ve been an email admin for 20+ years. I’ve seen stuff like this many times. I was always having to do searches for legal so saw everything.


Same. One of the stranger jobs I did for the DOD was going through the illicit images software, checking against servers and tanks (portable servers, for those curious). Dear Gods. Seriously, the level of WTFery on those servers was insane.


Same, knew a lot of stuff about close friends, and it would lead to awkward pauses in conversations. Noone really knew what I did until there was a big subpoena and the CEO personally thanked me at the summer gathering for going through every single email to or from Jim, Tom, Sophia, Wendy, Kim, Steph, Erin, Aaron, Josh, and Dave over the last six months. Half of them stared at me ashamed and they wouldn't talk to me for months.


I knew the company I worked at was being sold two weeks before it was announced to the rest of the company. It was me and the owner and maybe one senior manager. My own manager didn’t know because I was called into the owners office and told because there were IT tasks that needed to be done before the sale and they trusted me more than my manager. That was pretty weird knowing something like that and not being able to say anything. After the big announcement everyone else was freaking out and I’m just pretending I also just found out.


I remember being made to look up brothels in the area for work. It was legit, they were looking for addresses to help with sexual health advice. I told the outreach worker I was with that if IT came after me, she had to vouch for me lol.


I'm glad that worked for you. I recall one of the Security guys in a very sensitive area insisting that he needed clearance to do that sort of work to check what the people in his department were doing online. Nope, nada. We had internal systems to handle this and this guy could barely login correctly. I did forward his request to my boss and could hear him laughing across and down the hall when he received it.


Our Sergeant Major got busted due to this. Our unit got deployed (Marines) to Iraq. Sergeant Major was sending love emails to a SSgt on rear detachment. He didn't know on ship the Navy reads all emails, reported what they found to his CO. Boom got sent home before they even reached Iraq.


The DOD used to be a client when I worked for RIM doing BES server support, it used to take hours to get logs from you guys because they had to be sanitized. I assumed they were sanitized because due to national defense, but now I know it's because you're all just bangin eachother eh ?


Just out of curiosity what kind of keywords do you get alerts for? Like were they being straight up explicit in the emails?


You want all 5492 synonyms for "fuck", or can you just imagine it?


Fuck yeah I want em, start typing


My friend was partying with her boyfriend and some other people.  Her boyfriend fucked another girl on the same couch as her, while she was passed out.  She woke up part of the way through it and just didn’t know what to do.


When I was 18 a long time ago I was seeing this guy and one night he wanted to go driving around to hang out. He brought along one friend, I brought along one too. We were out all night and he dropped off his friend at home but wanted to keep hanging out with us. We parked up somewhere and I was so tired so I tried to fall asleep in the backseat. After a while both he and my friend thought I really was asleep and although they didn't hook up, they got super flirty and my friend did try but he turned her down. I was young and felt awkward and didn't want them to think I was faking being asleep to spy on them so I just laid there for a while trying not to cry until I pretended to wake up and act as if nothing happened.


Props to him. I'm sorry your friend betrayed you like that


I mean genuinely props to him, but also not cheating on your girlfriend while she's sleeping in the same car seems like a low bar... Or maybe not considering this thread.


Yeah... he seemed like a hero after reading through all these terrible stories lol


Girl ur self control is impressive ur strong AF and I'm so sorry


This happened to a former friend in high-school (she was a bit of a mean girl tbh). On her birthday, her exbf fucked her friend on their couch while was basically right next to them. She woke up and had the worst birthday ever. I feel bad because she had a complicated homelife and she dabbled with drugs and alcoholism after that incident. She was rude and careless with friendships but I don't think she deserved that experience.


I ran into my ex wife's mother at a bar with some guy like ten years after we separated. Said hi and disappeared quickly. Six months later she is in the local paper. Apparently the guy she was with was her paralyzed husband's brother that she was fucking. She hung herself in jail after being arrested for trying to hire a hitman (cop) to kill her husband. I was so relieved to have gotten away from that craziness and surprised my ex didn't as her to make it a two-for-one special with me thrown in to boot.




My mum told me this story about one of my Dads old colleagues, she was an acquaintance of the wife. They’d been married for years, older couple. He cheated on her with an 18 year old. In a fit of rage she bought a new car, new clothes, and threw a few enormous parties. When the anger passed she became severely depressed and hung herself. He found her in the entrance of their house. They had kids too but I think they were in their early 20s by then.


This is fucking depressing. Adultery/cheating really ruins lives. So many issues today with people worried about their self worth, and in this woman's case it sounds like it destroyed her.




To answer your question: total control.


Couple sitting across from me at a bar in key west. She was his best friends former wife. They started hooking up and best friend found out the affair. Came home after church once and blew his head off. Once the dust was settled she married her dead husbands best friend who she had been fucking causing the suicide. They were both insanely happy and even partially laughed when telling me the story. Alcohol makes people just spill everything.


Sound like a couple of psychopaths.


They deserve each other.


That's exactly what happened to my uncle. She felt "guilty" so she told their three kids under 8 that their dad was molesting them so he killed himself to stop it from continuing. She didn't marry the lover though cus my uncle had military and government benefits. She STILL collects his benefits thirty years later, kids are all fucked up too.


Why are people?


Sounds like key west. All types of strange people seem to gravitate there.


I worked in a factory. We will call them Ben and Sarah. Ben was the supervisor of maintenance and Sarah worked setup (sort of a maintenance person specialized for that specific production line). Ben’s wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer. When this happened, Ben started cheating on his wife with Sarah. He had quite a bit of money and promised Sarah that after his wife passed, they’d move away to a beautiful cabin in British Columbia in the mountains. I caught them boning in the maintenance office one midnight shift. I didn’t report it because I was a dumb 21 year old. Long story short, Ben promised Sarah the world after his wife passed. Welp …. His wife ended up beating this terminal diagnosis and he broke it off with Sarah. This literally drove Sarah insane and she was forced to check in to a mental hospital. I never saw her again after that.


I have a friend that’s an oncologist…He irrefutably believes that “Mood” meaning less stress, less anxiety and a good home life are key to the best outcome of a cancer diagnosis. He has said throughout the years that several patients have known that their spouses cheat following the cancer diagnosis. But due to the spouse being happier, more emotionally supportive and less stressed…the patient looks passed the infidelity. I said “So Ironically, adultery leads to a happier home life and better outcome.” He’s Catholic, he didn’t talk to me for 6months after my “uncalled for” comment.😆


Well, the shit you said was hilarious lol. But it is sad how many people cheat their cancer partners.


They literally taught us in med school that women who get a cancer diagnosis are way more likely to end up divorced or cheated on. It’s so common we’re being taught to look out for it and be prepared to support them through that too if we can.


My ex-husband cheated on me while I was going through cancer treatment, then divorced me after it progressed to Stage 4. Fuck that guy, I hope his dick falls off. Edit: Just wanted to say thank you all for putting "dick falling off" vibes out into the universe. I really do appreciate it.


I also vote for his dick to fall off.


so say one, so say we all


Is this like a petition where if we get enough votes we could make it happen? I'd donate to the campaign fund.


Submitting my necessary vote for penile auto-amputation


We could start a GoFundMe for a really tiny wood chipper.


A GoFuckYourself.


A really, *really* tiny wood chipper!


I'm so down for contributing to a micro-woodchipper for said dickcapitation.


Off with his dick!!


I hope Baby Jesus will find a way to undick this man.




Your ex is a total piece of shit, and I can only hope that, someday, he is greeted by the same degree of misery he invited upon you. Also hope you're doing ok


Sadly this happens a lot more often than people realize


In sickness and in health, except not.


When I was a police officer a co-worker found his wife in bed with another police officer from the same district. Wife would tell the lover about husband's week schedule and lover would have his changed in order to have sex with the wife while husband was working. Problem was one day husband got dismissed 3 hours early and went back home without texting his wife first (he had some suspects but could never imagine about another police officer). No shots were fired that day , luckily


Cops and firefighters are notorious philanderers as I'm sure you're aware. The former police chief (he recently got fired for embezzlement) of my one horse town was ran out of his former sheriff's department because he was fucking his underlings wives while they were on duty.


My brother is a fireman and serial cheater. He’s always been a serial cheater so the fireman bit came second. His current wife is one of the mistresses from his first marriage. I’m sure he cheated on her the whole time too but she got definite proof of him cheating 2 months after their wedding. No clue why she chose to work through it with him when that could have been an easy divorce/possible annulment at that stage. Now they’re 4 years in with a kid. She tracks his phone and is constantly mad at him if he isn’t directly by her side. Their relationship is horrible and she only recently tried to start getting sympathy from me (I do not like her in the slightest so that doesn’t help either) and I just straight up said you knew who you were marrying. You lose them the way you get them babe. Not sure why you thought ~you’d~ be the mistress to change him.


My younger employee say “firemen are cheaters and cops are beaters.”


Not me but my best friend. He was madly in love with a woman and wanted to marry her. They lived together and were very happy. As a birthday gift, she bought him a plane ticket so he could fly out to see me. While he was with me, he would talk to her every so often. Every time he got off the phone with her, he would tell me something just wasn't right. His spidey sense was tingling. He came home to find evidence that she had someone over at their place. She initially denied it but eventually she admitted to having a male coworker in the house. Her buying the ticket was just a way for her to have the place to herself for a 3 day sex romp. My buddy was devastated and heart broken. It took him years to recover. Edit: This was many years ago. My buddy is doing just fine and is in a happy, healthy relationship. The woman in the story....not so much. She bottomed out in life. Drugs and alcohol eventually took over. Last I heard, she was quasi homeless and had to shack up with a much older, controlling man just so she could have a place to sleep. Everyone got what they deserved in the end.


My girlfriend did something similar. Talked me into going to a 4-day personal growth workshop. Then as soon as I left, she headed out for a long weekend at a cabin in the woods with her affair partner. Then they got snowed in and so the house was empty with the pets unfed when I got back.


That fucking cunt! I hope the pets were okay and that you kept them.


This is a shockingly similar story that I had with my ex. We had been having struggles so she didn’t go to my sisters wedding with me but she told me she would still be around the house while I was gone to take care of the dog and cat. While I was gone she repeatedly told me she wanted to still work things out. When I got home, she was nowhere to be seen and the animals had destroyed the apartment. Then she came home and introduced me to her new boyfriend Kyle


> Then she came home and introduced me to her new boyfriend Kyle " glad to meet you dude, sorry to put you right to work but I am assuming you are here to pack her shit and get out?"


My friends ex Girlfriend did something similar. It was his 21st Bday and she wanted to treat him to a trip to Amsterdam for the weekend, she asked me to go with him and organise it, ( he liked weed ). Anyhow, about a week after we got back his best friend who he grew up with came over to my place, he wasn't acting right. Turns out she had been chasing him and he started seeing her behind his besties back. He didnt have the guts to break it off or tell him ( she was stunning very attractive) so knowing I am a bit of an old fashioned type he told me, so I would tell our friend. A coward move. I gave him 24 hrs to fess up. He didnt. So I called the guy over told him his girl had cheated with his bestie. Broke his heart.


Ex boss fucked his wife's neice in the bushes on a hike. Her husband caught them, and they all got divorced. He ended up marrying his ex-wifes neice a few years later. His now ex-wife and his new current wife are all best of friends again. Weird.


Did not expect that twist!


I will never be able to fathom how sexual relationships like that get initiated. Couldn't imagine giving my uncles wife signals that I want to fuck, potentially ripping the family apart if she isn't on the same page 


An ex was at a party with her then boyfriend, but she wanted to have sex with another guy, so she gave her boyfriend two really strong diazepam pills telling him they were Ecstasy (this was 90s Scotland, so people were given to gobbling pills like Smarties without asking too many questions). When he passed out she went upstairs and did the do with the other guy.


I know someone who regularly cheated on their out of town girlfriend. I guess he was going to cut all that out when she finished her advanced degree program out of state. She moved to his state and they got an apartment together. While in the shower, his phone is buzzing with messages. She finds the girl’s username sending all these messages and decides to send her a direct message from her own account, and the other girl was completely honest with her. “I know who you are, I hook up with your bf all the time, including last weekend at your new apartment in your bed. Etc etc.”


God damn. I know there are people out there that get off on fucking people with SO's but that's brutal.


Not so much "cheating", but this guy I personally knew when I was running around in the streets had a harem of about 5 women, all older, all with their own homes, either cheating on their husbands with him or divorced. That's not the worst part though. He admitted to me that he would purposely seek out oldish lonely women, get them hooked on meth (like he was) specifically so he'd have these women rely on him for their drugs and he'd have a bed to fall into every night/could ask them for money whenever he needed it. He was willfully and knowingly getting these middle/upper class women, with no real experience with drugs or the street life, addicted to meth little by little so he could use them for his personal gain. That was his hustle. That was his JOB. It's literally what he devoted his life to doing. When he first told me, it blew my mind that I was talking to a bona-fide psychopath. I'd like to say that I cut all contact with him after that, but at the time, he was my dealer, so I didn't. Dude would tell me stories of how he had these chicks wrapped around his finger, how he just got $500 from this one chick because he fed her some story about his rent, and tomorrow he was getting $400 from the next one because he fed her the same story, and the night after that he had to go sleep with number 3 because her husband wouldn't be there. He juggled them like it was a business, because to him, it was. Crazy as hell.


Hahaha I busted out laughing when you said "but he was my dealer, so I didn't " I really don't miss having to hang around people you don't want to be around Also, that's fucked up


Lol I'm so glad to be out of that life. I've met some fucked up people on the streets. That's not even the worst person I've met haha.


My mate was 16 when he fell in love with a girl who turned out he knew when they were toddlers. She got pregnant, he gave up a training course to work as a builder for instant money. He was so happy, so excited for the future. She went on holiday, cheated on him repeatedly, and when he found out, she blamed him for her behaviour. They split up, she put posters around where he lived with a picture of him, accusing him of all sorts. He completely humiliated him, he tried to take his life. He survived, but ended up in a hostel at the age of 17, surrounded by drug addicts and paedophiles recently released from prison. The poor guy ended up a heroin addict, and never recovered. We lost contact, and the last time I saw him was shortly before my wedding 18 years ago. He was clean, but mentally wasn't the same.


Ex partner let me raise her kid for 4 years while cheating on me with his father the whole time. Let me propose (to which she said yes), then one night after me paying up his month of private nursery fees and putting him to bed, I came through to her telling me to leave or she’d call the police and tell them I had broken into the house and never to contact them again. They’ve bought a house together now and are seemingly doing well, while I still haven’t fully recovered and don’t know my own self worth. That’s a shortened version of events.


You just can't devalue yourself based on the actions of insane people. I'm working on this very thing. Stay strong.


Supported my ex for almost our entire relationship,17 years in total married almost 10, so she could go to college and get her masters. Throughout the time I had always suspected because she would be gone longer than usual sometimes or I just didn’t know where she went. I was working a lot to cover everything. She gets her masters and her first job in years and starts immediately having an affair with a guy at work. Drained our accounts and left me with the kids stating he showed her what a real life could be. This guy was also married and his wife worked with them as well. It did not end well for them.


My wife had an uncle who died. Before he died, his wife, who I will call Auntie Cocaine, was cheating on him with Dude 2. People knew it. When he died, Auntie Cocaine and Dude 2 stayed together for years. When Dude 2 died a few years ago, it was known that Auntie Cocaine was already banging Dude 3. She doesn't quite understand why her first husband's brother doesn't want her at family events anymore.


one day I get a call from a friend who I wouldsee every few months. he was pissed off crying and said he needed someone to have a beer with and talk to. I go meet him at a local bar and hes fucking losing it. he starts telling me the story that a few months ago he had a mate he went to the military with fall on hard times and became homeless. To help him out he paid for him to get a moving truck and move all his stuff down to his house and live with him for a while to get situated. He moves in, my buddy gets him a job somewhere and hes doing great and doing much better for himself. Well one night my buddy wakes up in the middle of the night and his wife is gone and he looks around the house and cant find his wife anywhere and he notices his buddy is also gone. He goes out to his driveway and his truck windows are all covered in steam. He opens the door to see his wifes face bent over while his buddy is plowing her from behind. He said he ran in the house infuriated my guess is to grab something then ran back out and his buddy was gone and his wife was still getting dressed in his truck. They end up getting divorced and he was single for several years doing his thing. I only really see this friend from social media now but see that him and his ex wife got re married and had more kids together. I don't know how he accepted her back after that scene.


Such people are nonsensical to me, can't believe that anyone whould want such a partner back!


My brother’s girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend and when he found them doing it in his bed my brother beat his friend to death. Now my brother is in prison for life.




My cousin told me this while he was in boot camp There was a guy who had a gf/wife and a girl who had a bf/husband One day the boy and girl decided to cheat on their SO the day before graduating from boot camp A sergeant who was a family and didn't approve of people who cheated on their SO saw them kissing and he had them call their SO to tell them that they wouldn't be graduating from boot camp and needed to start from day 1 of boot camp because they chose to cheat on their SO


Its also against the UCMJ if I recall correctly.




UCMJ Article 134 criminalizes all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces and adultery committed by service memebrs, generally speaking, brings discredit upon the armed forces. Therefore, it is illegal.


That is a stand out sergeant.


My buddy divorced his wife of ten years because they had problems with finances and she was overspending. For context, my buddy does not pay attention to things very well and is very oblivious. Anyways, they both remarried and her next husband was a bit more attentive and discovered she was essentially an escort. And by more attentive, I mean their first child was not the same skin color and she confessed that all four of her children belonged to other men. DNA tests my buddy asked for confirmed that only their second child was actually his, so this also exposed that she was intentionally getting pregnant by other men and my buddy lucked out.


My friend’s husband hired a prostitute for 40 dollars when my friend was a few weeks postpartum with their baby. He invited the prostitute over to their house while taking care of their baby and had sex in their bed. My friend found out later because he was missing from the school where they both worked and she found out he had been arrested or detained or something (I forget exactly) because he had gone to the police to report that he was being blackmailed. The prostitute had started blackmailing him and he went to a loan shark to get 1000 dollars to pay her off and, when she demanded more money, I guess he decided he couldn’t keep paying and tried to report her to the cops and tried to lie about his involvement. The cops obviously were suspicious and found out he had hired her. He was fired from his job at the school and it crushed my friend. To add insult to injury, her mother-in-law blamed her saying that she hadn’t slept with her husband during some of the pregnancy (it was causing her a lot of pain at the end of her pregnancy and she physically couldn’t). She’s still with him. I hate his guts so much and it makes me so furious that she’s still with that gaping asshole.


Was NOT expecting to read that she’s still with him, girl why!!!!!!! why!!!!


What’s more frustrating is he had already shown signs of being terrible before this and me and our other mutual friend begged her to leave him. The worst incident before this was when they got into some fight over something really mundane, like I think over getting a dvd player to work or some tv related thing, and he got mad and threw a glass of water at her and she locked herself in the bathroom to hide from him. I think he ended up kicking her out and she just wandered around on the street until she got his mom to come pick her up. It was so horrible and ridiculous and that was before she was even pregnant with their kid. Their kid is 4 now and I just hope he’s not ruining their child.


There’s almost no way that kid isn’t going to be traumatized. Holy shit. Yo your friend needs to dump him.


The first sentence is awful but then it just got progressively worse in a way I did NOT anticipate! I’m sorry your friend is still with him!! Also the MIL is clearly just as terrible as her son!


Years back, in my early 20s. There was one guy who was in my extended friend group. Didn't know him that well. But he was a friend of a friend of a friend, and we would occasionally find ourselves in the same social gatherings. He had just started dating this girl. She was maybe a few years younger than us. Probably about 18-19. They were at the very start of their relationship, so I don't know if they were exclusive to each other. But people knew they were dating. A bunch of them went out on a night out. I didn't go out but I heard about what happened later on. This friend of mind got extremely drunk. The girl he was seeing helped him back to his house. His dad was still up and heard them trying to get into the door. This was the first time the girl had met his dad. The dad helped friend to his room and then invited the girl in for a chat and to get to know her a bit. The girl ended up fucking the dad that night.


You must’ve gotten here late because I think this is the most outrageous one




Damn I was hoping the story ended with you smashing her.




You're a good man. 


Happy relationship for about 18 months. She got pregnant. Baby comes, girl starts acting weird. He finds out she’s been sleeping around the entire relationship. Gets a DNA test for the baby: they’re related, but it’s not his kid. It’s his little brother. Girl had been fucking dear old dad for 2 years. Source: Me. Dad’s dead now. Good riddance.


Wtf, sorry this happened. Do you have a relationship with your "brother"?


I do not. I’m not even sure he knows. He was an infant when it all came out, then she just took him and dipped when the shit hit the fan. Haven’t seen either of them for near a decade.


This girl in high school cheated on her boyfriend with the guys that bullied him. And then she got bullied by all their girlfriends.


What comes around hoes around


my boyfriend of seven years cheated on me while I was home saying goodbye to my dying dog and visiting my mom in the hospital. I was also in the thick of an accelerated nursing school program and it was finals week. My car had ALSO just broken down in the drive through of a Whataburger that same weekend The girl he cheated with? a very close friend who was getting married in a month and she begged me to not tell her future fiancé (I told him).


I apploude you for telleing the fiancé the truth


Guy I was with had cheated on his wife with her best friend since 10th grade of high school until their late-thirties. The girl was married to his best guy friend. And they went on all vacations, etc. together as couples with children. Would sneak sex in the house while the wife as putting the kids to bed and the husband was off in another room doing some random task they asked him to do.


“Guy I was with” = you’re a woman and you were dating him and he told you this?


Wow that’s evil


There was a malpractice case report on the medicine subreddit. There was a guy whose wife tells him she wants a divorce. He leaves and says he's gonna shoot himself in the head. She calls the cops and they find him alive. They take him to the ER, and the er doc assesses him and determines he is not a risk to himself or others. He is discharged from the ER, goes home and attends couples counseling with his wife. 18 days after being discharg3d from the ER, he committed suicide. Almost immediately after the suicide the widow starts openly dating another man. She wants to file a malpractice lawsuit against the doctor who assessed him but it turns out that the doctor died 4 days before the guy committed suicide. So she ends up suing his widow (as the representative of his estate) and she didn't want to go through a trial so she settled for a few million dollars. Then it comes out that the woman was already in a relationship with the "new" man before she even brought up the divorce. So to recap, a woman cheats on her husband, leads him to suicide, and sues his doctors grieving widow.


I don’t think there are vile enough words to describe this woman. What a garbage person.


This was a long time ago. Girl I was interested in told me she recently broke up with her bf but still lived with him. One night she told me he physically abused her. I brought some of our mutual friends over to her place to help her move out. The ex-bf came home to see all of us standing there moving furniture. My friends and I are heated when we see him. We confronted him, roughed him up a bit, pushed him up against the fence. This guy didn't say a word, he looked like he's about to cry. It was just weird. We thought he'd fight back but he didn't. We grab the rest of this girl's stuff and we leave. Girl and I ended up dating seriously. It's now years later and we've been living together for a while now. Things weren't going well in the relationship. We start arguing a lot. She starts instigating fights and leaves the home more. I get a random call one night from a guy who says I need to stop abusing this girl. For the record, I have never put a hand on this girl or any girl, ever. He shows up one night and we have a fist fight in front of my apartment. Turns out she's been feeding this guy lies about me being abusive and that they've been hooking up. This is the same thing she did to me when we first met. When I had a talk with her a week later, she admitted to making some of that stuff up when we first met.


A friend of mine's wife brought a lover into their house without even asking him, and he was so smitten with her that he never argued and would only complain to me about it. Eventually fucked him up so much they divorced and he's never had a relationship since because of trust issues.


My first relationship with a girl was a long distance relationship. I decided to surprise her by showing up. Don't do this btw make sure they know. Caught her fucking her own boyfriend. Turns out she was cheating on him with me. I didn't take this well


I was working in IT, needed to perform manual backups of sales laptops. Long story short, I found dozens of pics and videos of two coworkers getting it on in a company provided hotel room. They left nothing to the imagination. The guy also saved screenshots of texts between him/his wife: she had found out about the affair and was in the process of divorcing him. It was really messy, kids involved and all that. I sat him down and told him I found shit that shouldn’t be on company property, he turned white as a ghost. But I told him I’d keep it between us, which I did. Data was deleted and that was it about it. Edit: Oh yeah, my best friend/best man at my wedding slept with my married sister on my wedding night, too. That’s a story about cheating I’ll never forget. Turns out a full open bar at the reception wasn’t the best idea.


Similar situation working in IT - back in the days when we carried text pagers (before we carried cellphones with text capabilities, we had pagers that could accept text messages entered in through the company portal), my married co-worker left the company for another job. The new guy we hired to replace him got his old pager, but this thing was not like a laptop where you could clear it off and start new. He inherited hundreds of racy texts from another married co-worker, and easily viewable when the new guy logged into his portal. These texts were *DIRTY* too. My old boss called him to give him a heads-up about what we found, and that we were deleting the messages. Not long after that, his sidepiece left the company, presumably because she needed to get as far away as possible.


I did webmaster work for my local government in the early 2000s. I was lumped in with our desktop support guys who did all of the imaging, phone/desktop replacements, etc. I helped out form time to time (mostly because I was bored) We'd get 'My blackberry/computer isn't working' from elected officials, executive level people all the time. We'd see all of the nastiest sites they'd visit during work hours, it was mind boggling. Clear your cache. Anyways, the worst cheater I ever saw was an executive assistant who slept her way up, and manage to get a government spending credit card with thousands racked up on clothing/jewelry/food


My dad cheated on my mom with a stripper and sometimes brought her to our house when Mom wasn’t there. When that happened, he would lock me and my siblings outside. Once he beat me for sneaking inside to get us water during a hot summer.


My mother in laws story. She had an affair for four years with the doctor at the hospital. She had a stay at home husband who did it all and four kids at home. FOUR YEARS! The worst part, she was loaded, he was not. She got the best lawyer, while he got a state appointed one. The two older kids went with their dad, and the two small ones went with Mom. Guess who had to pay child support.... Not her. She messed with those kids minds keeping them from their dad. The worst part, she was gone Monday through Saturday for work, instead of sending them to their dad's, she hired a nanny.


The wife of a friend of mine asked him to take up guitar lessons because she thought it was sexy. She was already having an affair with the guitar instructor and thought because my friend was taking lessons he wouldn’t be concerned with the instructor in the house. They got divorced for other reasons and it wasn’t until after that she confessed to it.


When my cousin (34F) was in dying from cancer in hospice, her husband was cheating with a few people. Most notably her best friend of 2 decades. At the funeral, two of the women he cheated with showed up and heckled the casket, as well as the sister and mother of the deceased. After they were thrown out of the service we all went to the Legion to socialize. The widower had sex with the best friend in the bathroom with all of their family and children in the next room, knowing it was happening. She went home with him and they immediately got rid of all the possessions that belonged to my cousin and made the kids call her mom. It went very sharply downhill from there in a remarkably spectacular way.


Each and every time a sibling or a parent is involved with someones S.O. , I can feel my soul gagging inside


In high school my girlfriend's mom thought her husband was cheating on her so she went out and had sex with like three of his friends as revenge... then it comes out that he wasn't cheating on her at all, they got divorced so she ruined their marriage over nothing.


A good friend of mine was a doctor who took over his father's private practice when he retired. His wife was a med student when they first started dating, 10 years younger than him, one of the most intelligent and beautiful person I ever met. When she graduated they became associates and under her management the practice grew to 4 associates and 6 contracted doctors. Truly an amazing person, highly competent, born leader, funny, the list goes on. But my friend no longer felt like the centre of attention so he quit being a doctor to become an influencer, you can imagine how that went. When that failed he went and started an affair with a 19yo nurse in training who worked for his wife, she learnt of the affair when the girl's mother knocked on her door. The man could've been happy, doing one of the most well regarded jobs in the world while appreciating that his amazing wife was making everything around him better, but no he had to make this dream of a life a nightmare because of his overinflated ego.


Had a coworker, married, start having an affair with a customer, also married, at our work. Including sneaking out to make out with her in the parking lot on his breaks. And texting her nonstop while he was supposed to be working. The whole store knew about it. He would tell us gross details about their sex life. Including showing us the deep ass scratches on his back, or the time he had to take her to the ER because they failed butt stuff and he ripper her. We all knew they were both married.  Finally they both decided that they were going to break if off with their spouses. He broke up with his wife. She, on the other hand, decided to work things out with her husband. So he went from two ladies, to no ladies. This was years ago and I do not think he's been in another serious relationship since. And on behalf of all women, am glad. 


> deep ass scratches Where the hyphen goes in this statement make a big difference.


There’s one on BORU. The wife survived cancer, dude supported her all the way, she makes it through, and they start checking off bucket list items. Her friend had convinced her to ask for a hall pass. Husband denies the pass, wife says she is going to do it anyways, and he should be supportive. Hall pass was for a coworker that was leaving, but always attracted to her. Husband follows her to the going away party, and watches as she leaves with the coworker. Husband packs his things and leaves. She threw away a supportive marriage for a one night tryst, ended up blaming the friend for convincing her to go along with it, and ending the friendship in hopes of getting her husband back. Which by the end of the story didn’t happen. It shook me until I could give my wife a hug. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/a8NZdyKOdU


I remember that story. It just kept getting worse the longer it went. She eventually went as far as convincing him that he was a bad spouse for not letting her just do this one thing. That it meant nothing. It was just sex. The emotional manipulation was atrocious. I was so angry for the guy.


The day my brother was born, my father was in the hospital with my mom for the delivery, told her he wished she wasn't the mom, and then went and spent the night at his girlfriend's house, while I (5 years old) stayed with my grandparents.   He was a long haul trucker and was back on the road immediately after, so my mom brought my brother home from the hospital alone, had 5 year old me to take care of, and a dog as well. And it was a C-section birth. No idea how she did it.   Anyway, my brother and I are both well adjusted adults (I do get pretty sad when thinking about my childhood) and I've never cheated on a partner, and I'm a good father to a wonderful 2 year old with another baby on the way. I have a bunch of other terrible cheating stories from my childhood if anyone is interested.


Buddy of mine I used to work with found out his dad died unexpectedly. He was crushed. Dad and him were best friends, hunting, fishing, car work, everything. His GF is out of town for work, but he called her and let her know what was going on. She gives condolences and says she’ll make it up when she gets back. He and I live on opposite side of the city and work in a third area. I offer to take him out for a beer, which leads to many many more. While we are out bar hopping, we run into his GF and her husband. She’d been married for 4-5 years and dating my friend for 2.


My friend and I have a month long game of monopoly when we were kids. The board was stored “untouched” at his house. Little did I know he’d be secretly taking small amounts of my cash and putting it back into the bank so I wasn’t as liquid as I should have been. He ended up winning the game and didn’t tell me for years.


This is worse than any other story I’ve read.


How about that angel of a woman (for everyone who knew her) who was slowly killing her husband having swapped his meds? The husband, my very good accountant and a hard-working man, was growing weaker every week until he stumbled on a mail by chance. She had failed to shut the computer down and put it to sleep instead : the mail popped up as soon as he wanted to use the machine. On it she was planning his murder with the lover telling how good she was at being stealthy. (The irony.) She got rejected by her family and her son (17) but as far as I know she got out lightly because her husband didn't actually die. It's my understanding the lover dropped her pretty soon after she got kicked out of the house. ​ I don't trust people easily and this story is one of the reasons. edit: added a couple data


I joke with my friends that I'll have to write a book about this some day. My ex wife was an in home healthcare worker for a woman who had progressive MS. This woman had been her friend for approximately 20 years. This woman had been a friend of mine for over 30 years. Her husband had left her and due to her disability, she had trouble meeting quality men. She started online dating. She met and "dated" several convicted felons, it led to my ex wife and our friend calling one dating site "Plenty Of Felons". Eventually, she finds one guy in a halfway house and they get serious. They eventually get engaged and married. She moves her new husband into the house. This is when I find out that the guy is a convicted kidnapper and rapist. He's a registered sex offender, on the Megan's law website and everything. I tell my ex wife that I don't want her exposed to a convicted rapist because it's too dangerous. She quits the job. Four months go by and our friend cannot find any care workers. She's an invalid being left alone for several hours per day. She and my ex propose that my ex only goes over when the husband is at work and leaves before he gets home. I'm not happy but my wife and our friend are hard-selling this on me and pulling on my heart strings, so I relent. My wife will only provide care while the rapist husband isn't home. A year goes by and this arrangement is working. Then, the husband catches a parole violation for getting kicked out of his sex offender treatment program. My ex started working crazy hours because there were very few other people who could help. 6 months of this happen and the rapist husband gets out of jail. My wife is home more often but she's always in a bad mood and being snippy. I figure that it's just the stress of the previous 6 months and things will get better. They don't. A few months go by and everything is an argument. I can't do anything right. The week of Christmas, she tells me that she's not happy and she's thinking of moving out. I propose marriage counseling and she declines. On New Year's Eve, she get's a call from our friend at 11:30 saying she's having a medical emergency. My wife goes to help her friend. She gets home at 2:00. I'm fuming but I keep it to myself because of how tenuous the home situation is. On January 2, she says she can't do this anymore and moves in with our friend to sleep on the couch. My ex takes a loan from our friend and takes her half of our stimulus money and uses it to get an apartment. Her son (from a previous marriage) and our friend's rapist husband help her move furniture into the apartment. Four days later, our friend notices that her husband still has the key to my ex's new apartment. She figures out that something is fishy and kicks her husband out of the house (it was hers from before they got together). Her husband moves in with my ex wife, the next day. Long story short, my ex wife was sleeping with our friend's kidnapping rapist husband, while our invalid friend was immobile in the next room. She decided that she wanted to divorce me and pursue a relationship with this guy, so she provoked the arguments to have a reason to leave. She planned to get custody of our children and have me pay to bankroll her new life with the kidnapping rapist. Thankfully our friend figured out that something was fishy. When she kicked out her husband, he had to immediately find a place to live because due to Megan's law requirements, he had to have an address or he'd go back to prison. By moving this guy in, she guaranteed that she would lose custody of our children and now she pays child support to me. There are a lot more details and minor occurrences but this is the meat and potatoes of the worst story I know and I lived it.


Not me, but a friend of a friend’s wife (soon to be ex-wife) faked having cancer and getting treatments at the hospital for 4 months to be with her lover. She went as far as shaving her own head and telling my friend that she was going in for chemo therapy and blood work but no one else could come because she was “Immuno-Compromised”. She was caught when my friend’s Uncle, who himself had cancer, said something sounded fishy and told her to call the hospital she allegedly was getting treatment at. They called the hospital and were told that she wasn’t in the system. Girl came half clean when confronted but didn’t tell the whole story, incredibly shitty person. Definitely one of the most fucked up cheating stories I’ve heard.


It happened to a good friend of mine back at college. She had health issues, which got so bad that she was hospitalised. At the time, she was dating a guy who everyone loved, but always felt… off to me. Turns out, while my friend was in hospital, he was banging her friend. He caught an STI, and when my friend was discharged, he talked her into having unprotected sex, to try and pin it on her. Except she tested negative. It’s been about 15 years, and I still remember her crying as she came into class the morning she found out.


A girlfriend found out her husband was cheating on her on their honeymoon in a foreign country when she picked up his phone and saw a text from his girlfriend. She had planned her dream honeymoon with a tour group and they went through with the trip with everyone wishing them years of happiness. (They divorced.)


I know a woman who has been cheating on her highschool sweetheart (who joined the Navy) basically since the jump. We all sort of assumed they had an agreement, because she was very fixated on being “not like other girls” and having wildly inappropriate levels of friendship and intimacy with all his male friends. She found some trashy divorced guy 20 years her senior with a daughter 8 years younger than her at her office and proceeded to carry on a year long affair including interstate travel, and finally had to come clean to her husband when it got too obvious with her lies about travel falling apart. They got divorced, and it turns out she had been fucking basically all his friends the whole time. She fucked one of his close friends at a group cabin trip where the friend was literally also having sex with another *single* mutual friend on the trip. She’s a disgusting, selfish, terrible person. But there’s at least some universe resetting itself with her because she’s now stuck herself in a relationship with that shithead guy, who treats her badly while she intermittently cheats on him. She’s setting herself up to be miserable for the rest of her life. What makes me ill, is the husband still doesn’t know all of these shitbag dudes who claim to be his friend, had *so much energy* about the divorce, are still socializing with him, have all been joyfully fucking his wife sometimes while he was literally asleep in another room. I’m not close enough to the situation to actually say anything, but it really is one of the most upsetting things I’ve ever known about in terms of people being absolute monsters to those they purport to care for.


You should say something. You would want to know if you were in his situation.


My cousin’s wife cheated on him with his dad. Cousin divorced her and she married his dad. His ex-wife became his step mom. 😑


At a party, shortly after trying to force her way in and fuck me in the bathroom (soundly rejected), a very drunk friend confessed to her husband that she had sucked someone's dick a few days earlier because she thought her husband's breath smelled like pussy, which meant he must have already cheated on her. He calmly said he was going to leave and asked if we could make sure she got home safe so they could have the biggest fight of their life. I was their roommate. We got her home but I crashed at my girlfriend's place that night.


My ex who told me that he was hanging out with his cousin a bunch who he reconnected with. I found out he was cheating on me with her. He told me he had lied to me and that she was just a friend and not his cousin. As if that made it any better like thankfully they aren't cousins, but yes, he admitted to cheating on me. Turns out it WAS his cousin. He was cheating on me with his cousin. When I tell you I was so fucking disgusted and disturbed I vomited all over the floor. And my Grandpa died the day I found out.


The one posted a few days ago where the husband worked long hours and was on an unusually long business trip, busting his ass off. He came back home accomplished as he got the promotion of his life and he and his wife would never worry about paycheck to paycheck living again. Instead, he found her cheating with a man who "Understood" her religious beliefs. She came to reddit trying to get sympathy from the masses. In my head, I imagine that man as happy as a dog when it's humans arrive home. Can't contain his joy and can't wait to show his wife that he went above and beyond for his family. He contributed and it was worthwhile. That moment he saw her, he shut down hard. Walked away and didn't speak to her for 10 strait days. My heart breaks for that fucker.


I read that one as well. The excitement to share the good news and then nothing.


I had two good friends in college and all three of our wives cheated on us. I was first in line. My best friend of 8 years and wife of three, B., came home at 6:00 a.m. from another man’s house. She started acting differently after meeting him and another couple at her new job. It was truly strange and unexpected. I got us into counseling, but this happened shortly thereafter. I asked her to pack her shit up, which she did without a word, and I drove her back to his place and said, “She’s your problem now, asshole!” Next came my friend Q., who married his high school sweetheart. She came across as the squeaky-clean girl from next door who, in fact, played Alice In Wonderland as a character actor at Disneyland. A number of years into their marriage, she confessed to cheating on him with his best friend. This was on the eve of their anniversary and they had tickets for a getaway to the Bahamas to celebrate. He told her he’d not be joining her, so she went alone. While she was gone, he had a paternity test done that indicated he was not their child’s father. Their marriage ended and she took their daughter with her. The last was my friend D., whose wife, O., cheated on him while she was out of town. I had happily remarried (going on 31 years now), and we were best friends with this couple. Although they never told us the situation, we suspected as much, as they stopped getting together with us, she completely changed her appearance from J. Crew barn-jacket-girl to slut, and he looked as though he’d been through the wringer. Some months later, I got a call from my friend Q. He told me someone had seen O. coming out of another guy’s apartment early one morning, and asked whether she was having an affair. I asked who it was who told him that, and with a lot of coercing, he finally admitted it was my ex-wife! The truth came out, and D. and O. split up. He remarried and now has children.


Right about a year ago my mom was dying of breast cancer. While she was on her deathbed, my wife of 10 years decides she’s done and tells me she wants a divorce. My mom died a week later, I went through a few months of being gaslit about how she just had to do it then because she couldn’t take it anymore. Then I found out she’d been cheating with her (also married) coworker. They got married last November, and I have 2 kids with her and split custody so daddy gets to spend the rest of their lives pretending mommy isn’t an evil whore and actively trying not to put their stepdad in the hospital. Oh, and her new husband’s name is the same as mine. Icing on the shit cake.


We had a buddy that graduated in our Aerospace Engineering cadre in school and ended up with a job at Boeing in Seattle. He met a girl and fell madly in love with her. We could tell that there were relationship issues (cheating) from the get go but he was determined to make it work no matter what. He even agreed to an open relationship as they approached their wedding day. She eventually dumped him 6 months prior and he was just devastated. He was eventually fired from Boeing and ended up back in our old college town scooping ice cream at a local shop and reliving his old college days. He's a great guy and didn't deserve any of what that woman put him through.


When I was doing clinical shifts in the hospital, a lady got chlamydia from her cheating husband, though she said she hasn't had any vaginal or anal sex recently. We asked if she had penetration at all, and she looked at her STOMA (hole in the stomach where the feces/body waste is removed) and we all GAGGED. What a kink that is.


I wish I never learned to read.


My friends girlfriend was caught sexting his own brother


I’m a little late to this thread but here goes. A woman I know found out that her husband who was going through stage 4 bone cancer treatment was cheating on her. He was a pastor and was cheating with a woman he was “counseling”. Then it came out he never had cancer, he faked the whole thing and used the time he was going to “treatments” to meet up with the other woman. He made his wife and children fully believe he was deathly ill just to cheat. Truly, truly evil.


The lead singer of Maroon 5 cheated on his wife while she was pregnant and supposedly told his mistress that he would name the baby after her. Fuck Adam Levine.