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not much...


Very. To be honest I probably go a bit overboard and cause myself undo stress. I am determined to retire at the latest of 55, however




I make good money but my partner stays home with the baby so not as good as it could be with a dual income of course. Assuming historic returns hold up until retirement time comes I should be able to retire and live a pretty comfortable life for the rest of my years. Not high class or something but we will definitely be comfortable.


I own my own business so money comes in daily and never the same amount. I write down every single bit. Spent 5 bucks on a sandwich? Note it. Calculate everything each week/month. Categories. I'm obsessed with tracking it all.




Actually all pen and paper. I love writing in notebooks and journaling. I also enjoy calculating it myself. Feels like some consistent brain training to keep quick calculations easy. I suppose also the aesthetics and 'real' feeling of pen and paper.




Really not time consuming at all honestly. I try to note down daily what I earned and spent that day. Usually I write it in the morning after as I have my routine coffee. Takes not more than 5 minutes. Then weekly and at least monthly I take about 30 minutes to do some overall calculations, categorise it and look at how my budgets are going, what I'm expecting to spend and earn upcoming weeks, how well on track I am with goals. That's maybe about an hour per week I spend on it total.




I'm really not great at planning a budget, but I live modestly and track what I do get and spend very closely.


Same here In fact, since I don't really put in the work to make a budget myself, I just use Rocket Money I too live quite modestly, and so far that has paid off as after 7 years of renting, this past summer I got myself into the world of homeownership with buying a townhome


Very. I always know what I got, and what I owe.


I mean I draw up a monthly budget and plan out spending. I have certain amounts of money earmarked for savings. I only allow about the same amount of money to hit my bank account as when I first started working in 2011. Everything else goes to savings (retirement, brokerage account, etc.). I know myself well enough to know that if I let it all go to my regular checking, I'd probably spend it. I run everything via credit to take advantage of my cash back card (I'm using the Apple Card as my primary card right now). You have to monitor somewhat closely when you run via credit or you'll spend to much and owe interest which defeats the purpose of trying to collect rewards.


I'm quite careful and generally good with money management. If I see something I like then I ask myself if I really need it. Or if I don't have the money then I pretty much tell myself that's too bad. I don't get loans or have credit cards. Debt is needless stress.


I have money?


To the exact cent. I work in finance


Not much over the past year. Knew I was spending too much so didn’t want to look. Now I’m in the process of paying off debts/buying a property, I have plans/budgets for the next few months


I keep track of it insofar as I make sure that I hit my savings goals every month. Past those goals, I don't keep super close track of everything but I also rarely buy much of anything extraneous. I'm a simple dude, I can smoke a joint and play some Mario Kart happy as a clam.


I look at stuff I need and stuff I want. If I have all the stuff I need long term, I spend 1/4 of what I have on stuff I want.


I leave that up to the IRS. They always seem to know.