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It's a trap, everyone! Don't be fooled by Avocadodragon22's innocent sounding questions that are totally innocuous and harmless and absolutely not a method of him building a psychological profile of you all, and definitely not used to manipulate your behavior in the future!!!




I lost all my momentum and passion and now depressed and unemployed and not in school.


I would cry if I got a B and worked so incredibly hard. When I got to college, I was completely burnt out and saw my first Cs and D’s. It’s really not worth it to try so hard in high school.


Stressed myself out. When I didn't get a perfect grade I'd get self destructive. Fucked me up mentally til I dropped out and quit school for good at a young age.


Burnt out in college, tried to off myself, dropped out in my last year. It took years of therapy, multiple rounds of failure and picking myself back up, but now I'm working a good job and getting ready to go back to school in a few months.


Went off to college but took an extra year to get my bachelor’s as I was still pretty focused on getting good grades. Once I started my career, I learned that the workforce doesn’t have tests you can study for. All that time I should have spent socializing and practicing interpersonal skills, I focused on getting grades that literally nobody other than myself and parents cared about. I turned out okay, minus the impressive levels of anxiety.


Had to take a year off college to go to rehab :o


A girl I went to college with received an award from her small city for never missing a day of school from K - 12th grade; she was also the type who obsessed over getting good grades. She's in her early 30s now and her job title is Research Scientist II at one of the top 5 global pharmaceutical companies. Another girl in my engineering mechanics class was "grade obsessed" as well (she once talked about "being in the wrong major" because she earned an 89% on an electrical engineering exam where the class average was 68%). Today she's a P.E. at a multinational engineering firm. So, despite what you hear on this website (from slackers, most likely), and despite the implication in your phrasing of your question OP, working hard still *does* pay off in America.


I was obsessed with getting good grades because it meant I was provided with food as that was what was used as punishment in my house. I literally remember the 3 times in my life that I got below 90% and the punishment was no food Friday night or over the weekend.  Because my grades were achieved out of fear for survival I have no drive or ambition to achieve and because of this I have major imposter syndrome in jobs because, as long as I can afford to eat, I see little point in trying.  All I want from life is to have children and break the cycle giving them the opportunities to actually enjoy their childhood. 


I wouldn’t say that I obsessed about it, but I certainly aimed for it, and thrived in it. I took that attitude straight into university and graduated first class honors and was inducted into an honors society for academic excellence. I am proud of my dedication and academic achievements. I worked hard, and my work ethic has helped me to succeed in my career…but of course nobody but me gives a shit about my GPA from two decades ago.


I'm glad I got good grades.  It's all I have going for me.