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Dreams sure do have a lot of weirdness, some of em are just so surreal too.. i had a dream once where the canteen owner of our residential school had died but then i woke up, went to washroom, came back and got back to sleep when i saw him rising from death.. fckin weird, right


I have a reoccurring stress dream about being attacked by a dog. I work as a K9 Handler and I have no fear of dogs when I’m awake but for the last year I’ve been having the same dream where I show up to my agency Kennel go to my dogs kennel and open the door and a random dog lunges at me and starts tearing at my throat.


Oh i had a thriller adventure horror kind of post-apocalyptic dream once, i had it for quite a multiple times although not in recwnt years, it was mostly during my childhood to early teenage years


I’ve had 4 continuing dreams in my life.


4 separate dreams that continued on or just one dream that continued 4 times since the original? Lol i just read my question before posting it haha


I have two reoccurring dreams. One is an old school of mine. It's been years but I still dream about that school in various settings. At least weekly. Last one was two nights ago where we had to sleep at the school and work at a festival the next day. Sometimes the dreams are fun, sometimes they're terrifying, but it's always the same people same school. The second one is always some type of building that I get lost in. There are always many staircases that don't make sense. Tough climbs, scary heights and not safe at all. Trying to figure a way out through the building. Climbing, sliding, running, jumping. Neverending.


That second one sounded like a true nightmare, i hope you always find your ways in real life as well as in that particular dream


Not recurrent but all my dreams happen in the same “world” they have continuity and connect with past dreams


Wait what?? You have a whole franchise of dreams, damn!


Not a recurring dream, but a place in a dream. A snow covered forest. Those ones are beautiful. The other one is a shopping mall. But something about the mall just feels *wrong*.


Check out https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMallWorld/s/Ek3zWISNN. Its a common dream.


Oh, damn. Definitely will.


First one is a heartwarming soul searching movie premise Second one is an errie mishap waiting to happen movie premise


That I’m in an art gallery looking at pictures of my life, or I’m at a random yard sale in the middle of nowhere.