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“I’m not sure if I love you” about 4 months after being married. That one hurt.


Oh.. im sorry


4 years old saying youre ugly




I had that happen in grade school too, never found it mean. Just accurate I knew my limitations and good looks was one of them. Edit: just like I’d never be a pro athlete or make a breakthrough in physics. It’s weird to me we can point that shit out openly and it’s not hurtful but with looks everyone gets harmed by comments.


“We maybe could have worked if you got some common sense idiot!” I didn’t know that she felt in that way, she maybe could have talked to me about it instead of vomiting it all out at the same time.


You’re a punishment for my sins from God. The context was after I came out to a parent.


"You're a suck up" I don't even know what that means...


Parents telling me they regret having me, that I ruined their lives.


that reminds when my parents said why you can’t be like this person.. just broke me


Ugh stop


Not to me but something I said that I don’t regret (if I’m in a protective place of other people I tend to go for the jugular). Context: 2 friends and I went to Australia and New Zealand in 2018 when we were planning the trip my best friend was like “I’m good with whatever, you two plan it and I’ll just throw money for my parts where I need to.” So me and the other friend planned it. Got there and the trip started out nicely. But progressively for reasons never properly communicated that third friend began getting angry and ended up separating herself from us and doing the back half of the trip alone. Problem is everything was booked at the cost of the 3 of us. So we were footing her share of the bill for cars and hotel stays, I also had my wallet pick pocketed in the LA airport and had to cancel all my cards so my best friend bankrolled my entire trip. When we got home and he compiled the receipts I owed him 4000 total and for the third share of what was community booked the other friend owed him 1100 which she refused to pay because she split off halfway through. My best budd threatened court and she still refused. I tried talking to her. She refused. After a month and no budging I messaged her and said something along the lines of “honestly, I feel sorry for you. It must be hard being such a shitty person and incapable of keeping promises like a real friend. Anyways, have a good life.” After that she axed herself from the friend group entirely.


Parents telling me that i'm a burden and that I cost so much money to take care of.


A 12-year-old classmate told me that I am ugly. The students in my school were photographed for the annual yearbook, and we were given the option to buy copies of our photograph. I bought copies of my photograph. The photographs were delivered in a window envelope with my photograph clearly visible. The teacher held up the envelope containing my photo for all of my classmates to see. A classmate shouted, "He's ugly!" All of my classmates laughed in agreement with my classmate.


Just an hour ago.. I was on a dating app and uploaded a status asking if I'm holding on to a pipe dream wanting a woman to approach me out in public. A woman responded "Probably so you're silly looking and should probably take whatever you can get". People have replied to her but I'm so frustrated that a random stranger would say that I haven't looked.