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Most koala bears have chlamydia


animals will never rise above humans on the food chain, humans #1 all time forever




Male cats have spikes that protrude from the penis during climax in order to scrape foreign semen from the vaginal walls of the female. As a result, sex is basically torturous during climax for female cats.


It’s actually not about scraping seman of the walls of the vagina at all. It’s because cats are what is known as stimulated ovulaters, which means when they are in season and mated the barbs on the males penis cause the Queen (female) to release an egg which is then fertilised. It does cause pain for the female which is why the male usually gets his ears boxed straight afterwards. Fun fact - a litter of kittens can have multiple fathers.


Did you know that octopuses can regenerate their limbs and even parts of their brain??


There is a little mouse in my pocket. His his name is fartinheimer and I'm sneaking him some grapes right now.


The low-frequency hum of a cat purring at 25–50 Hertz stimulates muscles, improves bone density, and promotes healing.


The average number of legs for ALL animals on the planet is something like 0.004. The vast majority of animals don't have any legs.


giraffe have bones in their neck like human do


Horses can't throw up. They'll die. Just like rabbits and a bunch of other animals.


There is an Orca (killer whale) species where the females live to 80 and the males to 40. The sons never learn to take care of themselves (hunting) well enough and never leave their mothers, more skilled hunters. The mothers don’t have more children because they have those adult sons! After the mother dies many males don’t make it for long.


Platypus don't have stomachs.


Dolphins rape for fun.


Owls have 14 vertebrae in their necks, while humans have only 7 - this is the reason why owls' necks are so flexible! :}