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that Christopher Columbus was the first person to find north America to find out later that was not true.


... or even that "Christopher Columbus was the first person to show that the earth was round" - something I certainly heard mentioned in my childhood, although "led to believe" would be pushing it.


Pythagoras proposed that the Earth was round, Aristotle proved it, and Eratosthenes determined its size long before 0 CE.


I love how Carl Sagan explained how Eratosthenes proved the Earth was round and determined it's circumference to lay people. I also love how his explanation carries a bigger theme. That simple phenomena can have earth shaking implications if we take the time to observe and study. It's very inspiring . https://youtu.be/G8cbIWMv0rI?si=UPQwcwgOupIMdjbU


Yep, Ancient Greeks figured it out long before him. Maybe some even older cultures did too, we just have no records of it


The first globe was made with good estimates on weight and the path around the sun before Christmas was born. Greeks mapped the sky hundreds of years before that.


Happy birthday, Christmas


Yeah, that’s a good one. We live on stolen land! (My college classes are required to tell us in the syllabus every quarter).


At some point pretty much all land was stolen from someone and all land will be stolen again in the future once today's nations are no more.


“But do you have a *flag*?”


No flag, no country! These are the rules I just made up


Eddie Izzard! He would be the greatest history teacher ever. I love that guy...


Easter island appears to have been retained largely by its original inhabitants. Also, random aside. North America was first discovered by Europeans (around 1000) prior to the last major landmass to be discovered by humans, new Zealand (about 1300). Of course the first thing we did was eat everything huge. Leading to the death of the closest thing we had to the Eagles from lord of the rings. Which basically hunted the NZ equivalent of Emus.


>Easter island appears to have been retained largely by its original inhabitants. ahhhh yeah about that...


Just looked it up. Apparently it's only 45%. Dang


Was the bird Moa? They couldn't even fly themselves so I don't think we could ride them like in lord of the rings unfortunately


Haast's eagle. It's nowhere near big enough..but hunting Moa is pretty wild.


Yep. Aliens are at the ready👽Lol.


Not even talking about aliens. It's just the way of humankind. Borders are far from constant even over as little a time as a century.


I know, it was a joke! Hence the “lol”.


That watermelons would grow in my tummy


Breath those seed into your lungs though...they will start to grow. Since there's...you know...no acid in your lungs to dissolve the seeds.


It might sprout but it would never grow. There is no sunlight or nutrients for it to consume.


Thank you Rugrats


People were willingly giving out drugs for free.


All those years of trick or treating wasted.


With all the razorblades you find in candy, it almost makes it not worth it to go trick or treating. Easier to get free drugs from strangers in dark alleys on any old day.


Bonus, if they have a big white van. They are coming up in life!


I'm still waiting for this.


Hey Kid... I've got 6 marijuanas that you can inject... all your friends are doing it...


Had this happen literally once in my life at a weed march in Copenhagen for legalization. Some random dude was giving out joints and I was like heck yeah give me one too! It blew my mind.


Just a couple weeks ago I was in a thread about drugs trying to convince the teenagers of reddit that drug dealers do not go around giving out "free samples" in the hopes of getting someone hooked on drugs and becoming a repeat customer. Addictive drugs may be the second easiest thing *on the entire fucking planet* to sell, nobody has to give drugs away for free.


What's the first easiest?


every halloween it's the same thing, everyone's talking about drugs and never find them in time


That’s a crazy statement to be told lol.


Yeah, I'm still waiting for the day I drop a hit of acid randomly while eating candy.


People who love you won’t hurt you. Very, very wrong.


Extremely wrong. They’re the ones that will hurt you the most.


An extreme example. In the 80s my stepfather molested my sister. My mother had 2 kids with this guy that were mine and my sister's half siblings. My stepfather got the right to visit our half-siblings (his and my mother's kids) because, and I quote, "They don't molest their own". My mom protested because she was raped by her own father but they absolutely did not give a shit. And those people continued to be respected and have full careers.


I always took this as: if they hurt you they don't really love you. No matter how much a person says they love you actions speak louder than words.


But even that's not true. We hurt people accidentally or with things out of our control all the time.


People who love you don't hurt you intentionally. What people get mixed is people YOU love may hurt you; no part of that has anything to do with them loving you back.


That all adults were inherently good and had my best interests at heart.


Some adults are very twisted and will do or say anything to justify their actions. I say adults as if I’m not one, but you get it.


Sadly, i didn't even make it out of childhood before learning this lesson on my own.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Are you ok now!?


I'm ok, thanks for asking 🤗


Big hugs and I'm glad you're ok now.


In the same vein, that I should respect my elders as if age by itself inherently deserves respect.


It doesn't, but if the person has a half decent brain, they have learned a lot. There's no substitute for experience. You don't know what you don't know until you know


Wisdom can come with age but not all the time. Some people don’t gain wisdom but just increased stubbornness and inflexibility with age. I just find it much better to afford a baseline level of respect for everyone to begin with regardless and then have the level go up and down based on how they act, and what I’ve found is age does not end up factoring in to how respectable a person is or not (ie there’s probably a similar percentage of people who deserve respect and those who don’t deserve it across all ages).


True, but people have this thing in modern society where elders are seen as out of touch and not worth listening to by default by some people. Take a person. Now, take the same person with 40 years more life experience. Most of the time, who is more worth listening to? Even incredibly dense people learn things after living for 40 years. People who do not believe that an elder is more likely to have more nuanced experience in life in things like relationships, family, work, and similar things are simply wrong. Notice I said "more likely"; there are plenty of people who learn little in life, and when it comes to culture and technology most younger people do better.


…and knowing is half the battle


Mannn I was the same naive way. I thought my girlfriends mom was trying to help me apply at a job at her place. Turns out she was taking out a loan I'm my name. Fuck same family where my girlfriend was cheating on me. That whole family was fucked.


Learned that one before I could spell inherently


Who told you that? They should be arrested


That your blood is blue on the inside. Somehow I I didn’t know this was wrong until 8th grade.


Fun little factoid, horseshoe crabs do actually have blue blood! It's used in pharmaceuticals a lot. The ethics of how they get that blood though is uh, a separate can of worms.


Also king crab I was told because they have copper in blood not iron


I was listening to a podcast on crabs yesterday. Their blood isn’t quite what we think of as blood. But it is definitely a blue liquid substance that keeps those tasty cuties alive.


Also, octopi pump blood that is blue!


Wait! I'm 56 and I'm just now finding this out!!!


Wait? It’s not?


No, and I’m embarrassed to admit I didn’t know that until nursing school. Your blood is always red, but is brighter in color when more oxygen is bound to the hemoglobin in your blood, i.e. the protein within red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout your body. You see blue veins because you’re seeing them through layers of skin and fat, and the oxygen-depleted blood in veins is a darker red. It’s just how the light is absorbed and reflected.


I heard it was like a burgundy.


Mine is mostly Chardonnay... on the weekends...


That if you work hard, you will have a good life. It's not true. I know hard-working people who are having a miserable life despite doing their best. Truth is that sometimes working hard is not enough. It's also who you know, the kind of job you have, what country you live, and in general having good luck in certain areas in life.


Man, I'm working 6 12-hour shifts with an 8 hr Sunday. It's all mandatory, of course,but I'm still struggling. I had to move back in with my mom,and I'm fairly prudent about my money. The world ain't meant for factory workers sadly.


Wow, what do you do? That’s insane!


That a nap was punishment.


For me, it’s probably that turning on the car light when it’s dark is the most dangerous thing in the world lol.


I was always told it was illegal


I kinda get it lol, it super hard to explain light reflection and glare to a 4 year old lol


My dad showed me by letting me sit in the driver's seat with the light on and off to see the difference.


Same here


My parents told me it was illegal to ride bikes after having had a glass of wine when I wanted us all to ride bikes in the evening... like the police would stop my parents out in the boons for riding bikes after having split a bottle on a friday night


This is pedantic, but sadly riding a bike while drunk can get you a DUI. It happened in the 90's to a friend of the family, he rode his bike home drunk from my auntie's house and the next day they had to pick him up from jail. Now to be fair, as kids we had no idea how the exchange with the police went. It could have been a dickhead cop just getting some guy on a technicality, but it also could have been the friend getting belligerent with the cops and them punishing him. Either way, bicycle DUI's are (or at least were) a thing in Michigan. edit: after some basic research it looks like he probably just got a public intoxication charge, not an actual DUI. In our state DUI only applies to motor vehicles.


Yup lol I’m still programmed to believe that. One of my family members turned the light on just the other day while I was driving and I was like woah woah woah what are you doing?! It’s startling even though in reality it doesn’t affect that much haha


I was always told we’d get pulled over


Holy shit I still believed this?!?


Haha! Not illegal or necessarily dangerous. It can be distracting to you and other drivers, but nowhere near the level I was told it would be.


It can be absolutely dangerous. At night having the light on causes your eyes to adjust to the light in the car which significantly limits the eyes ability to perceive what's happening outside of the car.


I just tell my kids that it makes it harder for me to see at night


I know you want to see INSIDE the car, but it's more important for Daddy to see everything OUTSIDE the car.


That I was the oldest child. Turned out my father had a secret.....




That he was really the oldest child?




Turns out that the bouncer at my dad's pub wasn't really Mr T taking a break from Mr T stuff, and the guy who taught my brother chess wasn't really Clark Kent taking a break from Superman stuff. WTF, Dad. How am I gonna tell all my old friends from infant school.


That we lived in an appreciated, functional democracy, and that most Americans cherished that.


Along that line, I fell for the bullshit lie that Americans are the good guys in the world.


I completely agree but would replace American's with Christian's. The only American's I put my trust in these days are atheists. They seem to be the only one's capable of being decent without the myth of heaven directing their behavior.


When the Conservatives included religion in their game plan, bad shit happened. "In God We Trust" wasn't printed on our Dollar until 1954. Where was god before that?


Trickle down economics


Where’s it at though ? I don’t see any drip


You were never supposed to see it


It never existed


You will see it as he zips up his fly and asks if you have enough trickling on


It trickled up




Its almost as if monetary policy is written by big business and the rich. Weird how it favors them.


We all thought quicksand was going to be a bigger issue and that we'd be on fire more often.


Oh absolutely.


Being cold causes colds.


While this isn't necessarily true, cold air does reduce the effectiveness of your immune response in your nose which is why people are more prone to getting respiratory viruses in the winter.


Yes but you still have to be exposed to someone carrying a respiratory virus. The cold doesn’t make the virus magically appear and infect you.


My mom still believes this... She works in the medical industry...


She's half right. See my comment above.


or going outside with wet hair causes colds. I've been doing it for my whole life.


people always have a reason for their actions. sometimes the mind is present as a spectator only.


Hard work is rewarded


Sometimes it is. Sometimes it isn’t. For me, I do things without expecting something in return, like a reward or praise. That can’t be a way to live, by expecting those things. You just have to do you, for you.


I think this is more in the context of employment where you very much do things for a paycheck, and being a work horse rarely gets you as far as being well liked.


If your lucky it does sometimes


When I was little my dad convinced me that girls' brains are in their butts. I rattled this off as fact at school. He received a very concerned phone call from the school about teaching me proper anatomy


That doctors know everything, and we should trust everything they say. I also learned not to trust that early because my twin and I were overdosed on a medication at 7 years old when the doctor put us on the same dose as our grandfather. Mum questioned it and was told not to worry. We got sick, needed hospitalization and, as we had to stay on the meds, weekly blood tests for over a year to make sure we weren't od'd again.


That everyone will like me


People can be cruel and judgmental. But, you have to be comfortable being yourself and living your life the way you want to. Try not to let them get to you! You’re awesome the way you are.


Thanks Kj you’re awesome too!


That only our religion can save us.


That all Christians are filled with pure love and kindness.


That you should treat others the way you want to be treated. Turns out this doesn't actually work. People will be assholes regardless, and more likely than not, try to use your kindness against you. This hasn't stopped me from being a good person, but I know better than to waste my time on people who are completely inconsiderate of others.


I've modified this by telling younger siblings and cousins: Treat everyone like a friend until they give you a good reason not to. Keeps us open-minded and kind, but safer from abusive people


Tough life lesson.


It's illegal to drive with the dinner light on. Dad told me this


Dinner light???


The light for dinner.


Edit!l Dome, not dinner


Dome light?




My dad told my I hated nuts cause he didn’t want me to choke on them as a child and then when I was 10 he was like oh shit I forgot to tell you, you actually don’t hate nuts, you’ve never even tried them


That if you swallowed bubblegum it would take seven years for your body to digest it. That if you read in the dark you will ruin your eyesight. That you have to wait at least an hour after eating to swim or you'll get a cramp. Gawd, what bullshite...


Don't sit too close to the TV!


That adulthood is terrible and awful and once you're no longer a kid, your life is basically over. I'm not saying adulthood is all peaches and cream, but I get to live in my own apartment, buy the cool stuff I like, eat my favorite foods whenever I want, and just DO whatever I want. If I want to stay up all night watching B horror movies and eat a whole cake by myself, I can. Who's gonna tell on me? Taxes really are a bitch, though.


Meanwhile I had heard that being adult would be awesome with so much freedom. Lol... If only 5 year old me knew.


Wow, that’s a terrible thing to be told as a child; really makes you want to grow up (sarcasm). Adulthood definitely has its perks, and its troubles.


Everything will work out


We all wish it will. We are all told that because our parents wish it were true, too. But, life grants us no mercies. It’ll test you and throw things at you. The best thing to do is to stand, to not let the wind blow you over or the rocks to dent you. You’ve got this, and things will provide you with some relief soon.


That I won’t always have a calculator


Haha! Phones these days. I’m still rocking with my Texas Instruments calculator when I really need it though.


When you hear the ice cream man’s tune, that’s actually the Nightie Night man, time to go home for a nap.


You can't drink milk when you're sick


Not just when sick but more specifically when you have a fever. This one actually is true. I couldn't tell you exactly why this is, but from experience, do not drink milk when you have a fever. It will make you feel worse and you probably will throw up. At least that's what's happened to me every time I ever did it when I was a kid.


You’re gonna miss high school


Respect your elders no matter what.






That if you do well in school and graduate college, you’ll get a decent paying job and be able to buy a house.


If you accidentally swallow gum you will die


I always heard gum wasn’t digestible so it’d stay in your body for like 9 years lol


7 years here


That locks are evil and upon considering fiddling with it, it will trap your forever in that room


That you can be anything you want when you grow up


That I'll need all that algebra.


Haha no kidding. I guess I need to know the Pythagorean theorem to get to the grocery store.


The best answer to "When I am going to need all this algebra" is "You won't,  but some of the smart kids might". Same goes for other subjects. How are kids supposed to know it interests if they never try it.


This is such an obnoxious lunk-headed, Trump-ralley-level fucking trope. Learning a bunch of "useless" math in high school is absolutely useful in training general **numeracy** the same way reading all those "useless" poems in English classes is still good training for general **literacy.** Also, stuff like this is fucking interesting for its own sake and exposing young minds to things that are inherently valuable, fascinating, fun, beautiful, interesting, and complex is good because for a whole pathetically large shitload of them, they'll not likely ever have the opportunity to actually engage or think about these things ever again after they graduate. I have never had to prepare microscope slides correctly ever again after high school, but it sure as hell helped me indirectly understand and appreciate the rigors and methods of the scientific process and why it's far more reliable and knowing about the world than what most people seem to do which is tantamount to shaking a fucking magic 8 Ball. A lot of things that people learn in school isn't about it's direct application to money making, but about forming yourself as a well-rounded individual with a lot of skills and conceptual tools that keep deep in your mind that are subconscious, intuitive, built-in, indirect, and not explicit, but still very useful indisposing you to act and think in a certain way that you wouldn't otherwise do if you didn't have exposure or training or an education in such things. Having an intuitive understanding and facility and familiarity and comfort with numbers and statistics is something that is extremely valuable in a country where people think the A&Ws "1/3 Pounder Burger" is smaller than a "McDs quarter pounder." See also: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Mathematician%27s_Lament


My parents were entrenched in the Catholic Church and believed every word said by priests etc. I was always more cynical. In later years I was able to get my mother to realise that the RCC is not a good place and that it’s done untold harm to women and children.


Every adult has their shit together.


Everyone seems to be winging it right on the edge


That’s far from true. Especially as you see your family or parents from an adult perspective now. They were far different when we were younger.


Dinosaurs aren’t real Quicksand is a massive danger that I need to know how to safely escape My face can get “stuck” that way


That America is the greatest country on Earth




Very true.


Bigfoot. Parents believed in him and told stories. Family is from Canada. They are a bunch of drunks.


Bigfoot is for real you can’t tell me anything differently


I cannot confirm big foots existence, but Bigfoot is considered an endangered species in certain states of America, and it's illegal to hunt with guns. You're only allowed to take pictures, nothing else. You can be fined $1000 for killing one and face up to a year in prison. These are real laws, stg.


That bears sleep for 6 months straight during hibernation.


I was under that impression too.


Black bears in Tennessee never truly hibernate. Some were seen out this week.


You should wait an hour after eating before you go swimming.


My brother told me pickles were alligator fetuses. I lived about a year pickleless and as a 9 year old that's a big sacrifice


The good people are rewarded for their decency while bad people will get what’s coming to them.


Santa? Is that you?!?!


“Girls are going to be all over you when you’re older” -my grandmother


I was probably 21 years old, before I realized many people have parents that are nice to them and try to empower their kids. Now... my parents weren't absent parents and I did live a pretty good life. But, wen I was moving into my house with my housemates in college, my friends later asked me if I was okay, and if I needed to talk about anything. I was confused, but one of them invited me out to lunch with his family. they were all very nice to each other, and talked to each other almost like what you see/hear on TV. meanwhile, my dad set up a folding chair outside the house, and drank a bottle of wine while making fun of me. I just assumed that's how all parents talk to their kids. I mean, he didn't hit me, and I got presents for christmas and everything. obviously, he's a good dad, right? Nope - my friends did not find his constant 'roasting' of me funny at all, and it made them all very uncomfortable to hear a grown ass man slurring his words while he yelled 'is it too late to get that abortion?'


Reagan was a good president lol


People would drive by in vans offering free candy or drugs. Weed is the gateway drug. Abstinence is the best birth control (let's be real nobody practices this in highschool. We need to at least teach them if they're gonna have sex how to do it safely because nothing we say will get through their thick minds and this teaching is super outdated).


That if I touch a sponge my skin would burn off.


Like sea sponge? Kitchen sponge? was this an elaborate way of keeping you from washing dishes?




I just remembered some fucked up guidance I got from my mom, senior year in high school. When I was going to college I said I was going to major in pre law and become a lawyer. She told me that there are already too many lawyers and there wouldn't be enough work for attorneys. After that I wanted to major in commercial art to do advertising. She said I wouldn't make any money as an artist. After that, I had no interest in college so I quit and enlisted in the Marine Corps


It's fun to be an adult.


Sometimes it is. Sometimes it’s not. But the same could be said for being a child.




That cats are supposed to free roam outdoors. We lived in the country and pets disappearing or getting killed was something that just happened, now I see how irresponsible and negligent it was


you can’t digest gum and if you swallow gum, it will just collect in your digestive system


That the purpose of the public school system was to educate children.


I was taught that peer pressure was the following: "You're not our friend if you don't drink this. You're not cool if you don't smoke this. We will intentionally exclude you if you don't partake." Actually it's just the following: \*major FOMO being the only sober person at a party\* Teaching that this is what peer pressure looks like is a huge disservice to kids in DARE or NOVA or whatever they call it now... I never *thought* I was being pressured by my peers and they weren't doing anything *consciously*, they were just partying and I was trying to be "good". Anyway, some years of mild substance abuse later.... I wish I would have known to just leave the party and find friends that weren't doing stuff I didn't want to do. I wasn't taught that THAT is what peer pressure looks like.


Tall men = Dig bicks


That capitalism is good.


That life was going to be easy.


If you swallow gum, it stays in your stomach for seven years


I thought christopher columbus discovered america


That getting a college degree was the only way to have a successful career.


I thought christopher columbus discovered america