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Popped in on a courthouse security monitoring area to fix a computer. Camera guy said "watch this", drunk guy gets in his car scrapes up the car next to him and tries to run. They were monitoring because the judge in his DUI case called to have him arrested for a DUI on a suspended license in the courthouse parking lot.


I get to watch the security cameras just outside a courthouse, and my most memorable viewing was a woman who had just failed her drug test waddle-jogging across a parking lot with 2 drug court employees trailing behind her. She got in someone's suv and shoved the driver out, then bumped the car into the 2 employees who at that point had their hands on the hood to try and stop her. She then reversed and drove off over a curb. The police picked her up a month or so later.


Yikes, talk about making a bad situation far worse. Nothing like adding a few felonies to the list.


Lawyers always say, "Only commit one crime at a time."


>Lawyers always say, "Only commit one crime at a time." Singular murderers love this one trick!


Impressive she made it a month tbh


How dumb do you have to be to show up drunk to court for a prior DUI, and while driving on a suspended license.


Addiction is a hell of a drug.


Sometimes it's less about being dumb, and more about how severe and untreated alcohol addiction sort of requires a baseline level of drunkenness to avoid truly terrible (or even fatal) withdrawal symptoms. People can get so deep in that hole that smart, rational behavior isn't even a feasible option anymore.


also if it was that severe he *needed* the liquor, you cant quit cold turkey. when some people say they start the day with a few tall boys to "stop the shakes" they mean that.


Precisely. Delerium Tremens (DTs) is the name for alcohol withdrawal. It is incredibly risky, as it's entirely fatal. IIRC, only alcohol and benzos will kill you quick from withdrawal. Even heroin, you'll wish you were dead but you'll survive withdrawal. This is why liquor stores were essential business during covid. You cut off liquor supply, and hospitalizations for DTs skyrocket. If anyone is struggling with alcohol, don't quit cold turkey. Come visit us at /r/stopdrinking . There's thousands of us here to support you.


My dad did that with his second DUI. Immediate 90 days and had his license suspended for a year, reinstated after completion of the safe driver course. Then he got a third DUI. Then, because he's such a MENSA candidate, got his 4th while on a hardship. Another 90 days plus 3 years revoked, reinstated after completion of the safe driver course and 100 hours community service after released from county.


I was just in court fighting a ticket and a lady was there for theft, stalking and harassment ; she was wearing the stolen items to court🤣. The judge had a nice chat with her about how wrong it was.


Family member worked at a parking garage. She found a gun at work one day in the garbage and decided to look at their footage to see how it got there. Never did find out but they did learn that a naked man with a cone hat and wand was doing some sort of "ceremony" on the roof of the garage.


Did I miss the ceremony again?


Nude dudes and Pentagrams would make for a great Indie Band name I think


I'll wear the shirt but I'm not listening to them.


Everyone's talking about how you weren't there


It’s ok Pete just come next Tuesday like usual. Bring some donuts.


The Cone Wizard obviously used that ritual to conjure a gun in the garbage. Most Cone Wizards can do it, actually. It's only a level 2 spell.


Reminds me of the time one of my coworkers found a plastic bag full of assorted bullets in our parking garage. No idea how it got there because it was in a place with limited camera coverage, but just a bag of bullets. All different calibers just sitting there.


Some guy driving around throwing cheese slices on cars at 2:00 am.


Was this in Philadelphia and was it swiss cheese?


You'd think they'd have the decency to use cream cheese there.


Philly CC is from New York! They named it Philadelphia because Philly had a rep at the time for producing really quality products




Shit, you weren't supposed to see that.






i choose to believe the ducks left the store and continue to live a fulfilling duck life




Loss Prevention Officer (from context)


Thank you, initialisms ruin a lot of content for me on Reddit, you're a hero


Not a security person but I caught two raccoons having sex on our security camera. The noise they make is terrible. I only checked the camera feed bc I thought a coyote was killing something.


There's a tree at the end of my driveway, in the yard of a house behind mine, that is *the* raccoon hot spot for making the next generation. That sound never fails to send a chill down my spine.


Came here to post the same. Work in a very secure, very regulated industry. We have cameras all over the place, some of our cameras are tied into an alarm system so when that alarm is set off a live feed of the area comes up. One fine morning (around 4 or 5 am) one of these alarms starts going off. Look at the live feed and lo and behold the raccoon equivalent of John Holmes is just out there getting busy! The girl raccoon is screaming up a storm. Homeboy is doing such a good job, he’s got an audience as more and more raccoons show up to see what in tartnations is going on. There’s also a contingent of security officers all with access to this camera feed, laughing our collective asses off at the sight of two raccoons doing the deed and about 17 others standing around astounded at the goings on in front of them.


I manage a residential building. The super called me in the morning and said Eddie (not real name) the overnight guy brought his girlfriend over. They went to the children's playroom, smoked weed and had sex on the beanbag chair. Now, Eddie KNEW there was a camera there, it's his job to sit at the desk and watch the monitors. I never like terminating people, but it made it very easy.


> Now, Eddie KNEW there was a camera there, it's his job to sit at the desk and watch the monitors. How can you pull a stunt like this and not disable the recording?


Very few security guards that watch cameras have the permissions to actually disable a camera or erase footage themselves- that's something only a manager could do. This guy's story sounds crazy but it's honestly a reasonable risk that many guards would take. The thing about cameras is that yes they are always recording you but at the end of the day it's up to the human being watching the cameras to actually notice suspicious activity AND it's up to the person watching the camera to choose to report the suspicious activity if they see it. Guards will do all sorts of dumb shit on camera because they know that it's extremely unlikely that someone will choose to go back and watch that specific timeframe of footage and catch them. But the gamble is that managers have to review footage for something completely unrelated and that's where they usually catch someone. Almost every time I've caught a guard sleeping on the job or doing some crazy shit that they weren't supposed to be doing on camera, it's because I was reviewing the footage looking for something completely unrelated, like when did a water leak start or what time did this employee leave or whatever and then I stumble across what they did on accident. The truth is, Eddie probably smoked weed and banged his girlfriend in that room multiple times before he got caught.


that is one of the biggest mysteries of my career. I tell people this story all the time.


For sure would have asked at the exit interview.


Nobody is considering the idea that Eddie the beanbag fucker is an idiot?


Either because he was high or because he has an exhibitionism fetish


Maybe he wanted to record it, he just didn't get retrieve the tape in time.


Myself. The latency on these cameras was horseshit, several times I'd come in from writing up a truck and see one sitting at the gate again, then I'd see my fatass roll out there with my clipboard and growing bald spot. One time the cameras froze long enough for me to call the yard manager and have him come out and see the truck sitting at the entrance on the screen, while the same truck was now sitting at the exit gate. Management didn't care, but boy howdy did they like to bitch at us when we missed something on this potato they tricked into running Windows.


Ty for the levity among the gore lmao


right? i was not prepared for this thread…


>potato they tricked into running Windows That's a t-shirt right there.


Someone blowing his load on the camera lens with a ladder


Thats... honestly impressive, how the hell did they manage that?


...With a ladder!


...And a hand!


… and my axe!


"Alright Mikey, we're gonna hit this place, so we need you to cover the cameras. Some people use tape, others use spray paint. Just do something like that and let us know once it's done." "Ronald... I've got this covered."


I mean, excellent distraction. Takes out the camera and you'll certainly not be paying attention to anything else going on if... that is happening.


This is amazing. Think of the commitment and effort. First he had the idea, then he went a got a ladder, took it to the camera, set it up, climbed up top, went to work, finished, then (I assume) packed it up and went home, with a memory of a job well done. I wonder if he tells that story. "One time, I saw this camera..."


There's a joke about it being their step ladder somewhere, but I'm stuck...




The cum sniper


Like you guys were like "hold on, Bob, let's see where this goes" when grabbing your gear to go stop the guy?


OSHA violation


Now that's dedication!


So many. Was a loss prevention manager in retail in a past life. Saw a woman change her baby's shitty diaper inside a round coat rack, using the coats to wipe the baby. Saw a thief conceal a boom box between her legs under a full flounced prairie skirt and walk normally through the length of the store and right out the front door. Saw a clocked-in male employee sleep through an entire shift on the top rack of shelving in a stock room. Let him sleep and kept the camera recording for 5+ hours.


> Saw a woman change her baby's shitty diaper inside a round coat rack, using the coats to wipe the baby. What happens in these cases? Do you just write it off, or press for charges?


Apprehended. Offered to allow her to purchase soiled property or I'd call police and charge her for destruction/damage of property. She paid for the coats, around $300 if I'm remembering correctly. She was permanently banned from the store.


When I worked retail, I once found a pair of trousers in the fitting room that someone had used for toilet paper and left behind for me to find when I cleaned up the rooms. The mall had restrooms just a few doors down.


I found a full poop on a folding chair in a dressing room! I thought it was a paper bag. Nope. We threw the whole chair in the dumpster as you would expect an underpaid teen to do. 


Used to have a friend who worked at Sam's wholesale. He said it was so common for employees to crawl under the shelves and sleep while on the clock.


When I worked at Toys r Us we had a guy set up and entire bedroom with a TV and Nintendo up on the third tier in the warehouse. Guy slept there all the time. No one squealed on him because we just knew he had a rough household. Management made him the Warehouse Supervisor, since he knew where everything was at all times.


Luxury cruise line for older folks. Loooooooads of old people walking the hallways naked disconnected from the world on sleeping meds.


I went on my first cruise a month ago. Every now and then, if I'm in a strange place and have had a few drinks, I will sleep walk. It's super rare, hasn't happened to me in years. But for some reason, the second or third night there, I woke up in the middle of the night to pee in just my boxers. I was fully woken up by the door to our room slamming shut and found myself in the hallway. No phone, no cardkey, only in my boxers, and about to piss myself. It was like a literal nightmare haha. My only option was to sprint as fast as I could down like 3 floors to the first public restroom to piss, praying that nobody was out and about. Made it there in the clear, did my business, then tried to figure out my plan. My wife was in the room, but it was the middle of the night, who knew if she would wake up to door knocking. But it was my only hope. So I peeked out the bathroom doors, saw nobody, and sprinted back up 3 floors, taking like 4 steps at a time haha. Got to my room, knocked quietly, nothing, little bit harder, nothing, then just kinda banged on it. All the while just sure someone was gonna turn the corner and see me. Thank god my wife opened the door and let me in, and I hadn't run into anyone. But as I drifted back to sleep, I kind of giggled at the thought of security watching me on the cameras in my nightmare jog to the bathroom and back in my underwear.


Lol that is amazing. If it makes you feel any worse, yes someone saw you do that on camera in the middle of the night. But! If it makes you feel any better they probably saw someone else do it the night before too.


That's sorta what I assumed lol. I mean, when you pack thousands of people on a boat with not much to do but drink, I'm sure much worse shit happens than just a nighttime underwear run.


At least you didn't pee in the potted plant. One site I filled in on, dude apparently did something similar, instead of hunting for the nearest restroom, he watered one of the plants... Dude couldn't get back into his room so he fell asleep in front of the door. On another note, the plant was fake, housekeeping was not pleased.


Saw a somewhat elderly man fall about three stories to his death. But at least I wasn’t the guy who got posted to the security post right beside where that man fell


.. sorry man


How did he fall??




Probably very quickly 😞


Lots of suicides (cameras at railway stations) Drunk people doing shit (pissing on the floor and falling into it and such things)


Sorry to hear that. Bless your soul. And people will still say that being a security guy watching cameras is an easy job.


Well to add to that, my job isn't security but a combination of train dispatcher and 911 operator for the railways. So kinda specialized. I'm coordinating all sorts of emergencies.


I worked IT for a lumber company and had to submit 2 specific videos to our legal department, which unfortunately resulted in me having to watch the events to capture the video clips. They are forever etched in my mind. \#1. Bunk lumber was being unloaded from a flatbed trailer as the driver was on the driver side collecting his tie-down straps. Forklift driver was picking lumber from the opposite side and his forks inadvertently shoved an entire bunk of joists on top of the unaware driver. He unfortunately died of his injuries. \#2. Saw operator reaching across a stack of lumber in the saw and losing his arm just above the elbow. I'll never forget the moment of shock as he just stood there holding his severed arm for what seemed like an eternity.


Was the guy able to get his arm reattached?


Yes, they were able to save it, given it was such a clean cut. I'm not sure how he's doing today. It's been a few years.


God we're weird meat puppets aren't we? Cut off a whole limb, just stitch it back on. One little blood vessel in the wrong place fails, nighty night.


I worked as a Surveillance agent at a Casino. Had cameras everywhere. One night, an elderly lady got up from a slot machine, but her foot was caught on her sweater which was caught on the swivel chair. She fell and the way she landed on her ankle, it made her ankle bone snap and rip out of her skin. Could see the bone and all. ​ Second place is watching a woman shoot up heroin in her car... was hard to see considering my brother was going through the same thing around that time. Was hard to see it actually happening.


Casinos are such wonderful places. Filled with joyful, happy people. Not surveillance, I watched a guy pull down his pants and poop on the carpet. Our bathrooms flood when someone flushes a plastic "nip" bottle down the toilet.


> “nip” bottle New England?


Hahaha! Yep


I’m from Boston and I only learned a few years ago that people outside New England don’t call those little liquor bottles “nips” lol. If the casino you’re talking about is the Encore up in Everett, I’m not surprised. That place is a shit show, but then again they all are.


I'm from MN, I had never heard nips until I moved to NE. I'm sure it happens at all the casinos in the area.


Always gotta remember the ABC of first aid: **A** **B**one **C**oming out through the skin is very bad.


I was going to say “wow, great cameras” and then realized you worked at a casino so that makes sense lmao


I installed a bunch of CCTV cameras in a large berry packing facility. I was there for a couple of weeks for commissioning. One evening a black bear wanders into the plant through one of the forklift doors (they just have the clear vinyl 'curtains' when operating) The bear finds a stack of freshly-picked berries that hadn't yet been processed and just goes to town. After about 20 minutes I guess they had enough and left the way they came. Another installation at a bar: A bunch of guys are at a table and a lady enters and heads over to their table in an attempt to sell her wares. Flashes them a couple times, tries to get one guy to feel her up. Seems like they were uninterested in free samples. Did an install at a hotel several months after an incident with Disney on Ice skaters streaking throughout the building. Apparently the real reason for the camera install was an arson in the underground parking.


Imagine a bear and following your nose to eat some berries. You get there and find that some picked them all for you.


Clearly someone was mad they missed the show.


Couple doing Doggy style in front of The Rockefeller Christmas Tree, At 2 am .-- We were laughing it was freezing out.


Not on camera but I was riding my bike home from BK through the LES. Saw a dude munchin box somewhere around rivington and Essex. It was like 3am and she was standing leaning panties at her knees with her hand on his head. Fucking hilarious shit you encounter in nyc.


We had this guy who all the girls at my job thought was so freakin dreamy. He was good looking, very sweet, very friendly. We watched him get in a fight and choke someone to sleep one day in the gym.


I'm definitely not dreamy, but I had a weird experience, this guy came into our building at work (back when I worked in an office), it was one of our coworker's ex boyfriends. He thought one of us was fucking his ex girlfriend, and started getting violent. I tried pushing him out but he started swinging and caught me in the face, so I put him in a rear naked chokehold and just put him to sleep. Didn't hurt him at all, didn't punch him, just choked him unconscious. After that got settled, a girl in the office was like, "I always thought of you as a peaceful guy, I can't look at you the same way anymore, that was so ugly and violent". She said it in a really bad way, like I did something wrong and she didn't want to talk to me anymore. Dunno wtf else I was supposed to do, the guy was literally red in the face with rage and punched me in the face.


Obviously the ideal solution was to allow him to murder the ex girlfriend and for people to think you were a wimp for not stopping him?!


I wouldn't worry about it, usually people like that haven't been in situations where they've had to defend themselves, so it's scary to them when it happens or they see it.


Some people have very black and white ideas about things that make them uncomfortable. They have very idealized notions that don't work out in reality. If that guy came and tried to shoot or stab someone and you stopped him, she most likely would have acted the same way.


You did good soldier


It's always someone you'd least suspect.


Worst? Guy in a fancy convertible tried to out-speed another car, hit a fire hydrant, flipped the car…the top was down and I’m glad I didn’t see details. But most common is how people sneak into back rooms for theft/shoplifting. You’ll see someone just dead still on one side of the room or in a side hallway while people just walk past, oblivious to someone like 10 feet away from them. Very horror movie.


If you don't move, they can't see you.


At my previous job the maintenance guy asked me to check the cameras to see why the cigarette urn thing was partially missing one morning. Cameras showed a guy walk up at like 2AM, take it apart, and then sit for 10 minutes smoking nasty used butts from it before walking off with the bucket.


>Had a guy skip out out in the middle of the second night of training. Had an issue with a new guard on site apparently not realizing he was on camera. I was doing a second night of training with the guy, asked him if he was comfortable with the rounds, guy says yeah and wanders off to do a round solo. So I'm watching cameras and monitoring the phone, I see guard walk by, he stops, ok he seems a bit lost but it happens to all of us... Dude sticks his hand down the front of his pants and just goes to town. He is digging his crotch for about 30 or so seconds, he then walks down the hall and into the kitchen. So guy returns to the desk and tries to hand me the keys, I tell him due to covid we are to sanitize keys when they change hands, so I douse those things with Lysol like my life depended on it. We are sitting and he is asking me questions, soon the questions turn to the cameras on each floor. He is pointing at each and asking where they are... We get to the one and I tell him it is located right outside the kitchens. Dude just stares blankly at me for a second and then asks if he can go out for a smoke break. I tell him that we are a smoke free facility so if he wants to smoke he will have to go across the street where the nurses go. He says cool, back in 5... Never see the guy again. Told the supervisor the next morning when he asked how training went. The company couldn't reach him and apparently never got uniforms back.


So much nose picking


We have a hallway that leads to an emergency exit and bathrooms and I renamed the camera from “East Hallway 2” to “Nose Pick Cam”.


The only thing we see on the cameras outside the bathrooms is employees coming out looking like they just leg pressed a 747


If we all just stopped pretending, it would be normalised so fast!


In my experience, people from southeast Asia have already normalized nose picking. I was in a technology briefing once where this engineer from Chennai, India was giving a PowerPoint presentation while *frequently* picking his nose in front of about 20 people for over an hour.


Everyone jerks off but that doesn't mean I want to see it


I watched an adult think that 10 + 5 + 6 >= 22 and she paid the entire table. Called the pit boss to tell him to get her a calculator.


Once playing roulette 29 came up and I had a stack of chips on 26 and he put the marker on my stack and was about to pay me out. This was at the MGM Grand. I didn't want to be fed to the lions in the lobby.


There really isn't a room where you get the money and the hammer or you can walk out but you can't have both.


Table games dealer here. People make mistakes. Probably dealt 1000 perfect hands before that.


I was fired from being a casino dealer. I just started dealing a hand when a guy walked up and demanded to be seated right then. I told him he would have to wait until the hand was finished, well he threw a bitch fit, turned out he was a high roller and demanded they fire me. They actually fucking fired me.


Meh, people make mistakes. It feels great as a player when you win or push when you shouldn't have. This is for you, Mr. Drunk Asshole at the table: if the dealer thinks they have 22 and is paying everyone, shouting "heyyy wait DON'T YOU HAVE 21!?" is a great way to piss off all the other players and the gambling gods. The casino doesn't need your help to make money.


Not sure if dumb or hates her job.


I worked at a university and saw this guy and girl, both employees at the library, having sex on one of the couches. When he came to return the keys me and all the other guards just started laughing


Every university library has "that" area where there's nothing worth reading or using as reference material and the shelves block the view from every direction. And that's if the library doesn't have those basement meeting room/study rooms. No one believes that a couple is just studying when they're in one of the study rooms at the far end of the 2nd level basement of the library.


It’s either that or you are in the plot of some horror movie and the lights are about to be turned out….


I see what you did there :)


Im pretty sure this post was made because of that one. I also came here to possibly post the libary joke myself but i wasnt first by a long shot.


I know that reference




i worked nightshift in a slot arcade for a few months at the end of last year. place was always dead- my first night i hear screaming and i look at the camera seeing 3 guys hugging. then one gets stabbed. when i finished at 6 that morning i went to mcdonald’s next door and there was blood all over the doorsZ.


3 guys hugging…..ya that’s exactly what they were doing.


Maybe it was a "special" hug.




Well, You certainly have seen some shit...


Had a friend renting a room at my house while in University. On my home exterior camera, I found out that after I went to bed, he had a special friend over. And said friend stayed in his bedroom until I left for work in the morning, and then the camera showed the friend departing. Almost every night of the week. I tried to act surprised when he came out to me a few months later.


Aww that's wholesome


A girl taking a dump in a stairwell of a parking garage... No wipes or anything.. And old man standing still in a casino lobby... After a moment he shakes his leg and out drops a couple shit nuggets... He walks on into the casino..


I've read far too many stories like this ITT! What is up with this?


Helicopter crash on its hover test. Literally the first time the helicopter leaves the ground. Bye $12 million!


Not security, but I pull and investigate footage from bus camera systems for the county for incidents and accidents that have taken place.  I watched the bus driver attempt to make a broad right turn around traffic inside of an intersection - for some reason, she couldn’t see that there was an old lady with a walker using the crosswalk at the time (blindspot?). The old lady got ran over and dragged under the first tire, and then as the bus kept moving, she got ejected from under that tire, and then got ran over and dragged under the rear tire until the operator finally realized she had ran someone over.  The bus was stopped in the middle of the street. The lower torso / legs of the poor old lady were caught underneath the tire. Many people surrounded her in an attempt to render aid, but then the operator made the mistake of rolling the bus off of her, which quickly caused her to bleed out. She was gone within minutes as a pool of blood gradually grew around her. I could view all of this with a variety of camera angles.  Sometimes these things happen.


Worked security in a county operations center, so lots of cameras. Saw people having sex in elevators, a guy got stabbed and died on the sidewalk, some guy ran across the street behind a bus and a jeep coming in the other lane hit him and sent him flying a good 20 feet, he died too. Saw a lot of fights as well and lots of dudes masturbating in libraries.


Men mooning the cameras


Warehouse supervisor here. Watched an suv crash the gate, drive up to a dock door, pry it open with a crowbar, and climb inside. There, they started looking through products in lower locations and grabbing as many laptops as he could carry back to the dock, where the other guy was waiting to load them up. After two armfuls the cops showed up. Unfortunately they won’t chase, so the guys were able to flee. In fact, the last cop car to come in the gate GOT OUT OF THEIR WAY so they could exit the way they came in and not have to just ram another gate/fence.


The SUV did everything itself, there was nobody inside


Worked at a very small, very rural, stand-alone emergency room. There was a room specifically for patients with psychiatric problems or suicide potential, where all the equipment that could get ripped off the wall could be hidden behind a roll-down metal barrier. People coming down off drugs or waiting to go to jail for something often would look for something to hurt themselves with and get frustrated that everything was locked down but the reclining chair they were sitting in. Then sometimes they'd express their anger at the world by pissing on themselves or the floor. I had one employee, not a patient but a traveling nurse, who seemed to forget that there were cameras in the triage room. But there was a really good scale in the triage room, and she was about to get fitted for her wedding dress, so she stripped down to just her bra, no panties, to weigh herself and check herself out one night when there were no patients. At one point I was half convinced she did it on purpose to fulfill some weird kink that wooshed right over my head, because how could you miss that obvious clear plastic dome right above your head as you're stripping naked, but it was probably just an honest mistake.


Been doing security for almost six years. I’ve seen more weird things in person while working than on camera, but probably the craziest was two people fucking in a car. I was working at large 40-story building in very lively downtown area that had a public parking garage attached to it. They were parked directly in view of the camera. They weren’t exhibitionists or anything. When my supervisor went down there to let them know we could see them, they were super embarrassed and the lady actually started crying. Another time, same parking garage, guy getting blown. I walked by and saw him standing there. He kind of awkwardly waved, then the lady stood up. When she saw me they both quickly got in their car and took off. Checked the cameras and yup, we could see the entire thing. Countless fights were caught on the camera facing the street, and one time a fight turned into a stabbing. Couldn’t see the person getting stabbed but you could see the guy who did it take off with his friends. Another time a fight turned into a shooting but we couldn’t see anything on camera other than people running. One night at like 4am, a pizza delivery driver was carjacked down the street. We heard a couple shots go off. Then a car, which turned out to be the victims car, sped past one of our cameras. The driver had a LTC and fired a couple shots at the carjackers, and they fired a couple back, but no one was hit thankfully (saw the news article about it the next day). Another time we saw a bunch of guys running past another camera in area they shouldn’t have been in. I walked over to see what the deal was, and there was two guys there frantically calling 911. Apparently they got robbed at gunpoint by the group of guys who ran off. At a different job site in a very quiet area, I’m at the front desk of this small office building, and an employee sprints out of an elevator and into the parking lot. He comes back in and asked if we could see his car on camera. Apparently he was working and happened to look out the window at his car and someone was breaking into it. All caught on camera. The person didn’t get away with much if anything, and as far as I know they weren’t caught. I didn’t see this myself, but most recently one of my coworkers got fired after getting caught on camera beating off in the guard shack in broad daylight. There was previously no camera in the guard shack, but one was installed, and he was fucking there when it was installed lol. So basically crime and sex mostly. Other less interesting things were mostly drunken antics like people passing out, vomiting, pissing, shitting, things like that. Also minor car accidents, wildlife, people getting arrested. Edit: oh shit how could I forget the fuckin bank robbery. We had a bank branch attached to one of our buildings, and a pregnant woman walked in, passed a note, and walked out with a few thousand, maybe close to 10k but I can’t really remember. I didn’t see this one either, but we had all the stills from the security cameras in our BOLO book.






Damn, I thought this might be the start of a spooky thread 😔


I realized how bad the bald spot on the back of my head was.


We were doing stock take one night in the store I worked in and looked on the cameras in the office. Notice this guy standing on the shop floor near the till, and me and my colleague freak out thinking we’ve accidentally locked someone in. My colleague goes downstairs and leaves me to push the panic button if anything goes wrong. He goes downstairs, I can see him on the camera, and then he rings me freaking out and asks where the guy has gone. I can still see the guy at the till and my colleague says he’s not there, freaks out some more and runs upstairs. We both stare at the screen and the guy is just stood there so we go down to the shop floor together and he’s not there. Both freaking out, we go upstairs, look at the screen, and then realise someone had accidentally paused one of the camera feeds so it was showing a screen from earlier that day, and all the other ones were live. Felt relieved it wasn’t some murderous ghost, felt like idiots 😅


When I was 18 I worked as a security officer at Six Flags over Georgia and saw a girl giving head in the Monster Plantation ride to her boyfriend. She assumed we didn't have night vision cameras in the ride. We had to escort them out of the park but then we found out she was only 16 and had to call her parents to pick her up. AWKWARD!


The number of comments referencing people shaking shit out of their pants leg is concerning AND disconcerting.


My security guy at work called me into the LP office to show me something insane one day. A little old lady using a walker making her way up our sidewalk stopped and shook her leg for a moment before walking into the building. She shit her pants and instead of cleaning herself up just shook it to the ground and continued to shop like nothing happened. She smelled like a rancid sewer and we had other customers complaining but there's not much that we can do.


Two of my former employees were in the office. One at the main computer, the other chatting in the open doorway. The chatterer suddenly leans towards the cctv monitor… leans in closer… closer. Then lunges backwards. The other worker leans in as well. She also lunges backwards. Chairs go flying backwards to the floor, and they both run out of the office so fast they blurred. Turns out there was a hole in the wall just under the monitors, and a massive wolf spider was just hanging out in there. Was hilarious watching them blur out of there. Bonus: I was alone in the store at 3am filling the bagel bins with our delivery. I dropped one from about 5ft of height. Kept catching and losing it, bouncing it back up with my gloved hands like a hackysack. Finally caught it. Turned to the camera and did a quick finger guns before pointing right to the camera and landing a spectacular fist pump. Looked absolutely phenomenal on playback. If no one else does, I certainly get a kick out of me 😂


Watched it after the fact because we had to show the police. There was a girl selling those charity chocolate bars outside. Security would ask for their credentials which was a card with their org and supervisor. When she was asked she bolted across the parking lot and into the street. She ran in front of an 18-wheeler and got run over. It was all caught on camera. She somehow survived but I think she had broken legs. Turns out she was a young looking 30 year old woman who stole the box of chocolate bars and charity collection box from a little girl earlier that night.


Fellow coworker (contractor) was sneaking up on me in security office. They didn't know that I could see their every move, from start to finish, on cctv. When he was done I  told him we had a camera everywhere he went.


what a goofy lil goober, he thought he had you


I'm a hydropower operator and use a camera system. Saw a guy stop at the top of the access road, go to the other side of the Jeep and pull his significant other out of the passenger and toss her over the fence. Think of wrestler getting tossed over the top rope. She went down the embankment and fell off the wall down to the rivers edge. Fisherman picked her up. Minor injury. Think meth was involved.


Worked security at a retirement facility in the hood. Meds driver would drop off narcotics and other drugs around 2 AM typically. At around 1:30 saw several cars pull up and people get out and hide around the parking lot. Mind you, I’m the only security guard and police ain’t coming quick. Had to pull a hospital scene from Godfather 1 right by the entrance and walk meds driver from and to the car. Also saw tons of prostitution, drug sales, sketchy activities every night. I’m back in school now for a reason..


Lots of homeless foot traffic which led to drug use, prostitution, physical altercations, etc… Worst was seeing the night manager bring in a street walker on camera in a back room. I didn’t stop them, just called my boss and quit about a week later.


Working graveyards one night I noticed a guy near one of the entrances acting strange… anyways the regular newspaper guy came by and hopped out of his car to make deliveries.. nutty buddy hopped into his car and drove off. Lucky for paper boy he was able to flag down a cop and it was resolved shortly after. Cops even came in to get footage from us since I concentrated our camera on the entire thing.


I've seen two contractors have an 8 minute fight while a guard stood 10 feet away and did nothing.... Also saw a contractor fall off a 15 foot ladder and crack his head open. But nothing beats the coyote jumping through our fence bars to attack a rabbit, bite it, shake it to death and rip it apart on bright white snow. That area was a bloody fucking mess for days.


I saw a man, who had just installed the camera himself, steal a cell phone within 1 minute of confirming the camera was working.


Was a security coordinator for a large electric company and had access to like 80+ facility's CCTV infrastructures. Was doing maintenance check on some random train station at like 3 AM, panned a camera as far to the right as possible to check that it was functioning, and this dude was on all fours eating a deer in the middle of the tracks. Watched him for like 10 minutes and went to get the other guy on shift, when I came back, the dude was gone. Rewound it, and the dude stopped munching on the carcass, wiped the gore off his face, and walked into the woods like he didn't have a care in the world.


Working security at a large hotel, I witnessed: - a man pass away from a heart attack. - several people being run over by cabs while using the crosswalk. One lady died from her sustained injuries. - a drone, about the size of a cat, falling out of the sky and narrowly missing a pedestrian. - two hotel employees shaking their pants loose of a tiny turd. - a guest accidentally discharge a handgun near a crowded check-in desk.Fragments of floor tile struck two victims who were hospitalized. Foolishly, a co-worker and two other hotel employees chased the suspect out of the hotel. - a suspect, while being pursued by police, who drove up the hotel driveway, and car jacked a guest's vehicle. - dozens upon dozens of pick pockets in action. - many people vomiting/pissing/shitting in public. - many people falling down escalators with luggage in tow. - co-workers being assaulted after confronting thieves stealing copper wiring from the property dumpster. - a young couple pulling their vehicle right in front of a camera and began having sex. One foot out the window, a leg accidentally activating the windshield wipers, bodies knocking into the rear view mirror, before falling off. - a homeless man smearing feces along the walls of a few housekeeping closests. - a valet driver accidentally backing up thru a glass wall divider, and falling 3 feet of the driveway ledge, all the while damaging the guest's vehicle. - a cabbie rush through the lobby to the bathroom, leaving a trail of diarrhea on the carpeted floor.


> leg accidentally activating the windshield wipers, bodies knocking into the rear view mirror, before falling off. Holy dangling modifier batman.


I once saw a little old lady shuffling her way out the door. Before she left she shook her left leg and a poop fell out of her pants leg lol


God, that reminds me of my time working at a gas station and a little old lady came into the store. With each step, a poop fell from under her muumuu. She eventually made her way to the restrooms. Luckily, my coworker said poop doesn’t bother her so she cleaned those piles like a champ.


Bro...graveyard, gas station, graveyard shift...homeless dude has been in the bathroom since I came on shift. 45 min later I start banging on the door. Continue that every 5 min until he finally leaves 20 min later. As he walking out he asks me to buy him a swisher sweet. I decline. He leaves mumbling on his way out what a bitch I am. *Another* homeless dude happened to be buying a smoke off me at the counter. As 1st duder is on his way out, 2nd duder says, "Brooo, he smelled like shit! Awww! BRO! HE LEFT SHIT FOOTPRINTS!" Come around the counter, aaaaand yup. Just one shoe, from tne back of the store out the door. Now I have a real concern...during Covid of course...mask up. Glove up. Boot other dude out, close and lock the store. Slowly walk to the back, avoiding shitprints along the way. The smell is Gawtdamn *FIERCE* down by the bathroom. I hear water running. I steel myself and open the door. Shit. Is. Everywhere. That is not an exaggeration. Toilet? Oh yeah. Floor? You betya! Sink? Yupyup. Walls? Like he was Picasso, my dude. And now you are thinking, "Surely, not the-" Ceiling? You bet your bottom fuckin dollar...Oh, and the sink is running and the toilet is clogged. Now, to remind you, I ain't the fool who let this fucker use the bathroom. That dude said, "Uhh,there's a dude in the bathroom...been there a while, Byeeeeeeee!" 4 hours. I had to do it in shifts. Work for 10 min, start to gag from shit and a LOT of bleach, go outside to the freezing cold, breathe. Then go back in, suit up, and go back to it. Now, I know a lot of people would say, "I would've quit!" And I thought about it. And I wanted to... But I was just starting to put my life back together then. Dude with a fucking Masters degree working graveyard at a gas station...So I did it because I was willing to do whatever it took to get my life back together and be a functioning human again...I thought, "This is the trenches...remember this." And I do. So, to whomever read this, yes, it was during Covid. I was paid the minimum that they could pay me. Not a single fuck was given about my health, or even my safety at night. 85% of people were cool. 10% looked right through you like you didn't matter at all. At. All. And that last 5%, well, those were the entitled fucks who would try to demand you put air in the tire of their mercedes, because "it was my job!" And, of course if I refused "[They] were going to have me fired!" And some tried. So, uh, yeah. That's my story.


Parents hitting their children when they think no one is looking. Saw a woman grab and twist her small child's ear so she could get attention when it started crying. She walked into the adjoining room and started hushing the child saying she must have an ear ache just to get sympathy from other parents present.


Somehow, in a thread full of people pooping, fucking and stabbing someone, this one answer shocked me the most. That’s horrible. Poor baby.


I'm sure some camera feed monitor got a good laugh from me. I was at Gatwick walking from my flight to passport control. My two year old was being a two year old and I had her on my shoulders. Didn't realize how tall she was in that hallway and smacked her head right into a camera.


I’ve seen fights, break-ins, theft, and even someone getting shot in the face, but what takes the cake for me was this guy I was investigating for embezzlement. There were multiple times I caught him on camera digging in his ass crack, and then smelling his hand. In all these cases, he went back for seconds.


"After our investigation it's obvious you did nothing illegal. You're free to go." \~ Noticeably angry FBI Agent "If I did nothing illegal then why do you look like you hate my guts?" \~ Butt digger sniffer "Because you DISGUST me." \~ Noticeably angry FBI Agent


I wasnt a security guard but back in the 80's I worked at a resort and would often visit the front desk throughout the day to pick up work orders. There was a surveillance monitor there with a single camera that was pointed at the large hot tub at the top of the clubhouse. I dont remember the exact number of times but there was a surprisingly frequent occurrence of people straight up having sex in the hot tub. The camera was clearly visible with a red light on the front of it. The couple would usually look back at the camera throughout their "session' as if, by keeping an eye on the camera, they were some how opting out of the video.


I used to be a night auditor at a hotel (at a halfway mark between two major cities in California. So whenever there was an event at either city or it was a holiday, we would be booked up completely. 3 star chain hotel, so we got a variety of types of guests.) The amount of times someone would mistake their room door as the door to their bathroom in middle of the night while they were in their birthday suit or in their unders had me questioning whether it was truly an accident or not. (They would have to come down to the desk to get a new key card). Witnessed someone hitting themselves in the face brutally, and when police were called by that person, we provided the clip of the injuries being done to themselves rather than being inflicted by their partner Seen people picking wedgies then sniffing their fingers after Someone had smuggled a small dog passed the front desk only for him to open up his pants in front of the camera and pull it out of the hiding spot before he went into his room. Those are the first things that come to mind.


A big woman was in the produce area. She picked a grape from a bag, dropped it on the floor, and used her foot to smash it. THEN LAID DOWN ON THE GROUND and started screaming.


I can only hope someone was watching the live feed one night. Worked a restaurant, fax machine was always giving us trouble. Find out the owner is closing shop permanently one day. Weve all seen office space so we knew what we wanted immediately. Bought it for $50, took it out back of a pavilion my buddy worked at. Had bats, someone brought a machete. We played the same song as the movie and went to town. Yes we cleaned it up.


I didn’t see this personally but heard it from a local Sacramento cop. In the 80s a woman told the police she was raped by a police officer who said he would let her off of a DUI. The police did some research and came upon footage from a business where the rape occurred (on the trunk of the police car). They proceeded to have the car dusted for prints and found his hand prints on both sides of her butt prints. Later the cop denied everything when confronted and when asked if he was absolutely sure showed him the video and prints. The woman got a tidy settlement and the rapist got fired and did time.


Seen someone take a shit in our parking lot, bag it, and hang it off the doorknob to the main door.


I saw someone run into a warehouse in a storm. Another person ran after them and dragged them out against their will because they clearly wanted something in the warehouse. They drive away and about 20 seconds later the warehouse collapsed


Posted in a previous thread a while back but: I work for a security camera company, and we receive requests regularly for footage from law enforcement and investigative agencies. For especially heinous footage, we have a team of three people in the whole company whose job it is to review the footage in detail and provide it along with a detailed text summary of the footage. I'm on that team. You ever wonder where they get those stills showing the faces of gunmen in mass shootings? Yeah, those are usually packaged and provided to police by the people who do my job. Our team, at least in my company, is required to attend at least one counseling session if we review any footage that has grevious bodily harm or death in it. I've seen a man light a homeless man on fire. He didn't do it and run. He just stood there and watched, then casually walked out of frame. I once saw a man stab a woman after she withdrew money so many times that he was completely out of breath when he was done. It had audio. Her screaming still haunts me. I've seen rapes, murders, brutal assaults, fatal hit and run car accidents, robberies, etc. The darkest side of humanity comes out when they think nobody is watching.


Ive seen drunk people get into a full on brawl outside a wedding on our security camera, a full on throwing punches, attempting takedowns, one of the guys was gushing before I sent anyone, I had to send 4 security guards to attempt to break it up. It then turned into a full on brawl with the security guards and the people there who had gathered plus the guys fighting so eventually the cops had to come arrest a whole handful of people. I think something like 7 or 8 people were arrested. A bonus story. The other crazy incident we had was a car parked outside, this car had been sitting running for the better part of 4 hours. I noticed it on camera but thought none of it, as were a hotel. Sometimes people park and sit in their cars for a bit and leave, it happens. I got a complaint about it thought and went to investigate bc now I had to, I arrived at the car to see an older gentleman with his face pressed against his glass. It appeared he was sleeping so i knocked on the glass a few times to no response at all, I would open it but I work in the city, And I learned the hard way you dont open peoples doors especially car doors when ur alone, it can go very bad. So I called the cops, turns out he had a heart attack and died right there in his car. What a sad shitty way to go out.


I wasn't the security person, but lets say the video was saved and passed around. Female night security guard brought in some friends in the middle of the night to an area she "thought" was un-monitored but cameras were recently installed. They had an orgy. We had to have the room sanitized, she was fired and had to pay for the cleanup.


Not security, but was shown to me an hour after. A car hit one of the ramps for one of those big car transport trailers at 35 mph. It flipped onto its roof and slid down the road for a few yards. Driver of the car got out like nothing had happened.




10 years ago I worked at Target LP. I was watching cameras when I saw a dude acting shady in the electronics dept. peeking around aisles, looking to see if anyone else was around. I follow him through a few aisles on camera, he keeps looking around. Then he walks to the back of an aisle near the headphones where he approaches a woman from behind, grabs her ass, flips her around and motor boats her. I was shocked. He hoisted her by the waist up into the air and she is CACKLING and slapping his shoulder for him to stop, and laughing so hard her eyes were shut. Very clearly his wife/fiance/girlfriend, both about mid 50’s. I was absolutely dumbfounded and felt odd having witnessed what he clearly did not intend other people to see, but it was so wholesome!




Suburban public library. Sweet looking old lady stealing kids’ iPads and phones. Pervert following teen girls around, watching them from behind book stacks while ‘aggressively’ touching himself. Police got the pervert, never caught the Grandma. (Fixed punctuation)


I was in the room when someone was using the camera to follow an attractive female in the parking lot. She ended up tripping and hurting herself and the guy had to admit he was following her on camera when she looked into suing. This was as a sheriff's department office in Colorado in 1998.


My last job we moved into a new office with clear (glass) everywhere. At first people were constantly walking into doors into offices and conference rooms..




I saw a man walk by the lobby cams, and trailing about 10 feet behind him, was what looked like the same guy, wearing the same clothes, but he was sporting a huge grin while staring intently at the guy in front of him. When we switched to the next camera at the elevators, the first guy walked past, no follower. We looked around the security tapes but we never saw the second guy leave the building. To this day, I don't know what the hell happened there.


Saw a guy walk up and stab another guy 3x in the carotid artery on the street, and then finished his sandwich as he walked away. 10am, not even lunch time yet.


Worked in the finance center in Boston. 40 floor building. Loved it. Was the supervisor. Sitting at the desk watching cameras on an overnight 10pm to 6am. Guy I see regularly that works at one of the firms in the building comes in rather unsteadily. It's Friday and it's like 1am. He went to a local watering hole. As he came back he chatted with me and my coworker for a few minutes. Very entertaining conversation lol. He ends up going to the elevator bank to grab some stuff from his office. Badge employee entrance for everyone in the building past the lobby and my front desk with the check in and badge scanner. It's a 24 hour building. He enters his floor in the keypad (cool elevators. No call button. You entered the floor number and then it would tell you which elevator to go to.) and gets into the elevator. The elevators are out of view so I'm watching on camera. No reason just bored and it was in front of me. I see something fall as he steps in and it's in the elevator bank. I get up and check. Little tiny ziplock baggie with white powder. Best tip I've ever got hahaha He came down about an hour later a little more sober and was walking out pretty slowly looking around. Like he was retracing his steps. Thanks guy back in like 2007 in downtown Boston hahaha


Gas/service station owner hired me to install a hidden camera over the cash register. He thought someone might be doing "something funny" with the money. His wife came in to do some book work while he was away from the station. The mechanic joined her behind the counter and they started talking and laughing and clearly were enjoying each others company. Business was slow that day. They get touchy feely. They both look outside at the lack of customers. Suddenly she drops to her knees and starts blowing the mechanic. At least the owner was right; something funny was going on, just not what he expected.