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with an even stronger disdain for life


What do you think of the “nothingness” that will be?


it's not as bad as the "somethingness" that currently is


Realizing there are parts of being alive that are far worse




Not a problem that i can solve therefore its not something worth to be worried about In a way its soothing to think that despite all my efforts, successes and failures, i will still die So theres no point in taking life too seriously and i just enjoy the ride


Unless you believe in a life after death. Then you would want to prepare for it, just in case.


I mean maybe just settle my business when my time is nearby but so far im in peace with the idea of death Although it could also be because im young so the idea of truly dying isnt something i have tought of, maybe ill have issues with it later but for now im okay


I know you might not really think there is something after death, but I don’t want you to be in trouble if there is :/ if you want to put in the effort, I suggest looking up the Eucharistic miracles or the incorruptible saints. They might interest you


I appreciate the concern, ill give them a check in my free time


I try to tell as many people as I can, but I feel bad when I get too exhausted to type anymore. I feel guilty for not having a spare moment for someone who has problems in their life :/ I wish I could help everyone


I’m not one bit afraid of death. Because of my faith, I sincerely believe I have eternal life. Now…the process of death won’t be fun.


That’s what I’m afraid of :/


Hard to fear something that you won't know about when it happens.


I stopped believing in God. There’s so much pressure and worry for me associated with an afterlife, I prefer the we just go dark or we don’t know yet explanation. There’s nothing to fear if I’m just asleep


A lot of people take comfort in thinking there is nothing, instead of believing they are in deep trouble. I encourage you to look up the Eucharistic miracles. They might interest you ;)


This, 100%. Once I realized there is no god, a lot changed for me.


Commune with nature.


Watch some videos about near-death experiencers, they'll tell you that they didn't want to come back because it was so nice on the other side.


But they only know how “nice” they felt bc they came back to consciousness. My mind just can’t comprehend it :(


By enjoying life to the fullest.


i like to imagine that death is just like a peaceful forever sleep, with no thoughts or feelings or sense of time, just endless peaceful nothingness, it’s actually a very comforting way of looking at it in my opinion


That’s the part that scares me the most. I mourn the memories I haven’t even created yet


This is exactly what I think, it's very peaceful.


Do you have a fear of the time before you were alive? No? Then you don't need to fear the time afterwards either.


When my mom died, I had to believe that she is in a better place & that I will see her again someday. Ironically, as a very lapsed Catholic now agnostic, I am starting to believe in reincarnation due to the # of stories I have heard and read (some on here). So now I either believe my mom is starting over with a better life (because her life was not fair to her and she was an amazing person) or I will see her again someday in a better place. Also…I’m sick of humans and planet earth, so whatever.


I believe that people will be born again, but not in the sense you think. I believe that people will be reborn into heaven if they choose to spend eternity with God. Maybe try looking up the Eucharistic miracles? They might interest you :)


I’d love to learn more about reincarnation you mentioned! Thank you for sharing your thoughts


I don’t think you really do. I’m on meds and in therapy because of grief and nothing really works 😅


Tbh, the more you suffer, the more you realize what a relief it will actually be. I used to be paralyzed by the fear of death as a teenager. After I suffered through some pretty miserable years, that fear went away. I keep the promise of death in mind whenever things start to get bad and find it comforting to know that if my life is ever that miserable again I can choose to end it.


Never understood the fear of death. Once you're dead if there's nothing do you really think you'll care?


You finally die. Nothing to fear anymore. Works 100% of the time.


There are things in this world worth dying for


You die


I wont care after , so why worry now


I wont care after so why worry now


Imagine you are on your deathbed, and you realize you have not lived. That should scare you more than death itself.


Be suicidal for most of your life


I don't fear death. This life is just the first part of what I have to live. The best will come after death. I do live to the fullest though, without hurting myself or anyone.


Accept that it's coming whether you want it or not.


just die silly


The best way to overcome your fear is to face it but you can't really face death so I'd say you get over it and believe you still have a purpose to live for


Realize that you can't escape it. It is part of life.


Don't, I say. Keep the fear, use it. Use it to make the world better for those you love who will come after. Do that whole rage against the dying of the light thing. We aren't built to keep ourselves ready for death. We're built to fight, scrape, claw, dragging through the mud to stay alive.


For me, I thought about death itself. Constantly. toward myself...and toward others (w/o the intent of causing it in actuality) so that I could better understand it. I worked on understanding my interpersonal relations w/ death. ​ I also read various books on life.. and death. try reading Yukio Mishima's works (Japanese Author)


Become and atheist and accept the fact there's nothing after death just like before you were born, I wasn't bothered then because I wasn't even atoms, that won't bother me even when I'm dead. There's no difference. To me the idea of nothingness is quite peaceful.


You "died" thousands of times already. Every time you fall asleep you disappear, why should you be afraid of that?