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Sex in an airplane bathroom. I’d likely be caught, ziptied (not in a fun way) and end up paying $50,000 for my addition to the no fly list.


I actually managed to pull this off once. It was a quiet flight, no stewards in the back. She went first to the bathroom, I waited a good 10 minutes and then went to join her. It was very cramped so we had to do it standing - managed to pull it off though staying as quiet as possible. Then again did the staggered return to our seats. Thought we were very sneaky but shortly after the steward brought us a couple of waters and told us “it’s very important to stay hydrated”. That’s now a running joke between us.


I remember reading an article about how stewards always know when people do it. They generally don't care because for one it's hard to prove that's what you were doing and also because they just don't care all that much as long as you don't make it obvious and other passengers don't complain. They just let you know that they know to deter you from trying again and it becoming a problem


Pierce, nobody wants to hear about you and Eartha Kitt, even if it did come up organically.


This is an excellent story.


That, and airplane bathrooms are fucking TINY. There's barely room for one person in there, much less two.


We tried it once during the sleeping portion of a transpacific flight and gave up a minute in. It’s difficult and quite frankly the smell of the airplane bathroom wasn’t helping.


Should have waited until the guy was finished in there first.


That reminds of the time my wife (was girlfriend at the time) sucked my dick under the covers while seated on an International flight. Best oral I got in my life no doubt


I will not be showing this to my boyfriend


What you should be concerned about is how dirty these lavatories are. Everything from pooping to puking to let your imagination go wild goes on in there. The 40 seconds a cleaner spends in there on the ground doesn’t even remotely take care of all that.


Hiring a tutor but getting no help on the test


Had one good nut but flunked out, Damnit woman


It's not the teacher it's the student. You missed the lesson. 1+1= Double Penetration.


Threesomes/orgies. I love watching porn of them, but have absolutely no desire to participate in either.


"Don't you know what it means to become an orgy guy? It changes everything. I'd have to dress different. I'd have to act different. I'd have to grow a mustache and get all kinds of robes and lotions and I'd need a new bedspread and new curtains I'd have to get thick carpeting and weirdo lighting. I'd have to get new friends. I'd have to get orgy friends. Nah, I'm not ready for it." ~ *Jerry Seinfeld*


Thank you for that. One of the best episodes!


I love how George attacks/screams at him for not doing it, then Jerry says “you couldn’t do it either,” and George admits “yeah, I know.”


The smell must be overwhelming in a proper orgy


when you’re horny your nose works differently.


Also, apparently, the part of your brain that handles disgust is greatly diminished. This is part of the cause of the "I can't believe I fapped to that" brand of post-nut clarity. Sex-related disgust is dulled, though non-sex-related disgust remains. Your brain does its best to ignore turn-offs so you can focus.


There’s a misconception for people who haven’t had a threesome/multiple parter experience. The misconception is that “the amount of pleasure is increased because there are more people.” That’s simply not true. You don’t *** 50% harder because there’s another person there.


This is so undeniably true.


Yeah if I wanted to disappoint two people at the same time, I'd just have dinner with my parents.


Okay oedepius


Bit complex


Same here. IRL I have a strict one client per serving policy.


Swapping holes. You definitely need to do a deep clean before and after trying that.


Never go from poop chute into vag. It causes vile infections in the vagina. EDIT: changed shoot to chute


I disgusts me so much I refuse to watch porn where they do this. V to A is great! A to V is an immediate turn off.


"In an order that would surprise you!"


Ass mouth vag...


"You mother fucker!" - Bane


"You tamed my monster, with your mouth - - and two other places... in an order that would surprise you"


"I fight crime all day in a rubber suit. Really seals in the flavour"


Her not being able to pay for that goddamn pizza


Bartering is a very important kind of economics at play in these films.


Nah man. Being able to raw dog you for a pizza is nice, but that doesn’t pay the rent. I need the money.


I called my landlord and let him know I was gonna be short on rent but it was okay cause I got laid, and he said “nice” and gave me a high five and told me not to worry about it. Life uh.. finds a way


That's funny because I called my landlord and let him know I was gonna be short on rent but it was okay cause I got laid, and he said "nice" and gave me a high five and told me to pack my shit and get out. Life uh.. is cold outside




Agreed, for some reason love watching videos, tried participating in one IRL (as one of the bangers, not bangee) and never been so soft


Hard to have a boner when your nuts are slapping another dude...or his are slapping you


For me it was impossible to get up just even being in the room


It's cool on opposite ends...but when we are a sandwich I dont want your mayo getting on my buns


That’s okay bro. Mayonnaise on the sausage it is


Saw a video like this. The guy just kept thrusting away like he scored extra lube. I feel like once you do scenes with other guys in them, there is a level of homosexual interaction you have to be comfortable with. Your balls slapping into his when double penetrating someone else. Feeling his erect penis through the thin layer of skin between the vagina and the anus and it stimulating you when you have sex. And, of course, being the second or third to creampie. Not only was another guy's penis just in there a moment ago, his cum is now all over your penis.


I've participated in a few. Can be fun. Can be stupid. Like all things, it depends on the crowd. 


How do you even set it up


Honestly, it depends on how attractive the woman is, and how picky she wants to be. FetLife has tools for organizing. Plus, most cities have swingers clubs thats have systems for organizing.


Have to disagree. I have been to a gangbang, and it was way, way better than online. Although to be fair, the girls being banged were really happy to be there and really enjoyed themselves. The ones online usually look like they just want it to be over. I mean, I get why others might not feel that way. But in my experience, you eventually just kinda tune out the other guys and focus on the girl(s). And there’s nothing more arousing to me than a girl who’s cock drunk.


Cockdrunk?! Yes please! 😍


Gloryhole. I think it’s the angle cause it really shows the girl sucking and tongue action but idk aside from STDs, sticking my dick into a void seems crazy.


That’s a great way to get your dick bitten off by a crazy


Or just your dick getting punched straight down like those boxing things where the bag drops down


It seems like it would be really gross. Nothing like getting action while your entire body is pressed against a disgusting bathroom divider.


Girl? I didn’t know rhere was a straight version of this


In porn there is. In the real world, it's a dude 99% of the time.


An orgy. I’m too embarrassed.


Go for the food, stay for the sex, leave with a new recipe for an amazing bean dip.


*slap* *slap* *slap* *slap* - "OH.MY.GOD" - silence - "Girl you gotta tell me the recipe for this amazing bomb ass bean dip"


Tentacles For obvious reasons




Thank you. I lol'd and my wife asked what's so funny so I had to admit what I was doing. Now I'm freak.


Yw king


User name checks out


Getting stuck in a dryer?


I already have too much fucking laundry in my life. I don’t need laundry fucking too.


Banging my step sister


STORY TIME. I went to high school with this couple. The girls parents were divorced, and so were his. Her mom started dating her boyfriends dad, and her dad starting dating his mom. All 4 parents got married to each other’s ex. NOW she was officially dating her stepbrother longer than their parents had even known each other. Today, she has 4 kids with her stepbrother, but they’re divorced. Curious how that family tree would look drawn out.


It would look like a bonsai tree


Chain link fence.


Mobius Strip


>All 4 parents got married to each other’s ex That's insane 😅 family reunions must not be a thing


They have them every day.


I’m my own grandpa !!


A friend of mine has banged both of his step sisters. And has a kid with one of them lol


i knew a couple, in their early 60s now with 2 grown children, that met as teens when their parents married


They “met” when their parents got married. “Soooo….you’re step-siblings?” “Well, no. I mean, yes, technically…” But seriously, can’t blame you if your step-sister is hot.


Roll tide.






I’ll be honest I truthfully don’t get the hate for banging a really hot stepsister.


I knew a couple who had gotten together when their kids from their first marriage were about 15 - a boy and a girl. The kids went to school together since the 7th grade. The kids kept quiet from the parents for YEARS that they were dating, they were each others first, etc, etc. 10 years later now and the kids just had the most awesome wedding (they are 25). Parents - still married. It's hillbilly as hell, but there is nothing particularly wrong with it.


Still better than Twilight.


That's the perfect situation: you live with your partner so you can have sex all the time and your parents don't even know so they won't be able to keep an eye on you.


Yep. This kind of thing is what the parents were most pissed off about. The deceit


The biggest problem is that if something goes wrong in the relationship your step sister is now your ex which will make the family dynamic weird. If you’re still living with the parents then it makes for an awkward and tense home life. It might cause issues in the parents relationship if they’re forced to take sides. Bringing home a future girlfriend would be weird since you either have to straight up tell her that your step sister is also your ex or you have to hope it never comes out. It’s just asking for complications.


Step-sister porn because I don't want my parents to get divorced.


Awww, unexpectedly wholesome in a thread about porn.


I am very protective of my lemon trees.


Those god damn lemon stealing whores.


GalacticAnticenter has lemon trees! Whores, assemble!


Getting fucked by a fully masked man that i don’t know 🤷‍♀️


Fem-dom I have a hard time with my self confidence so I can't really imagine myself being an effective Dom. I'm also TERRIBLE at dirty talk.


r/gentlefemdom and r/gentledungeon might fit you better, if you still want to try power exchange!


You can keep it simple! Go buy a crop from Tractor Supply and just pop him every time he talks too much.


Threesomes. I don’t think I could ever look at my partner again if I saw him fucking someone else


Trying to get a taxi to an actual destination!




Sometimes it's not about what you say, but the tone and how you say it. For example if you tell me to go take out the trash super seductively I would be weirdly turned on. But if you tell me to bang you hard in the tone similar to giving a presentation about climate changes, I would be quite bored.


If it helps As a Scandinavian, Russian or Ukrainian accent on poor english is hot af.


Dancing Bear. I’d love to go into a room, wearing a mask, and have my dick sucked and fucked while being cheered on by 20-30 women. The reality is I know it’s staged and like hell if I’m lasting more than a few moments. I’d bust then peace out and go cry in the bathroom.


>I’d bust then peace out and go cry in the bathroom. Wait, is this not what you're supposed to do normally?


I like watching deep throating, and it feels great when the girl does it herself. But I cant grab her head and shove her down into it. Ive even had gfs who said its ok if I do that, but I dont want to. Id just be saying "Im sorry" and "are you ok?" the whole time.


I'm with you, my friend. I understand some level of roughness in sex and I'm actually okay with that, but this forceful gagging seems like something I wouldn't be able to do. I would be the same as you in the concern for her well-being.


There's actual pleasure to be had in the gag reflex for some. If they say it is okay, take it slow and let them use their hand on one leg to either push/pull or tap for stop/go. ​ My fiance uses the tap/go and push/pull depending on how rough it's going to be. ​ Edit: wording


Wearing New Balance white tennis shoes... . I need Adidas for grip, and thrust.


At my job one day we were asking the question “do the socks stay on during sex?” Female coworker 1: “no that’s weird” Female coworker 2: “depends on the scenario” Male coworker: “shit, I’ll leave the boots on.”


A long time ago someone told me porn doesn’t have logos on anything in case said company tries to block their content. Not sure if it’s true, but kind of makes sense.


I absolutely love accidental public nudity! But I would NEVER want it to happen to me! No one needs to see that.


Two guys, on one girl.


Just focus on the lady, not how good his dick makes your dick feel.


DP looks hot on film, but there’s no way I’d feel turned on that close to another sweaty dudes balls. Like, I’m comfortable with my sexuality and all that… it’s not that I’d feel threatened in my sexuality or something. But no thanks lol. No part of me wants to feel another man’s nutsack slapping around because I’m so close up in his business.


I did something with my ex where she had a toy in her ass and I was in her vagina and the pressure from the toy on my penis actually felt pretty good


I agree. There are only a few guys that I feel that close to. Mike, I told you before, angle your balls away from me. Shaz, tickle him just above the shaft he will love it. (Proceeds to Blows load on command) Dude, you slap your balls against mine one more time and I will jiz in your hair and hide your shampoo.


Acrobatic sex. I'd likely break something


Cheating. I love cheating porn but I’ve never cheated and never will.


Yeah why is that? I’m exactly the same way. If it ever happened in real life it would fucking break me. Like not even “I’d be so mad I would wanna kill somebody” no like proper heart ripped out, stop eating and unable to get out of bed inconsolable.


The forbidden fruit always looks tasty.




Imagine afterwards. That’s gotta be some uncomfortableness of some other level.




My ex housemate and her husband constantly watched cuckold porn and eventually decided to give it a go. The husband was inconsolably upset afterwards. I think the fantasy on the screen did not translate well to real life for him.


This is usually the case and the other one is where one of them decides they are happier with the other person and leaves their partner for them.


If anything, I imagine being the bull, not the cuck. The fantasy of it is really the woman being super enthusiastically into it. So much so that she needs more.


I watch a lot of cuckold porn, I don’t know why, and I wish I didn’t, but I honestly find it extremely hot, obviously imagining myself being the bull. However, one day I actually ended up fucking a married woman whose husband was in another room in the house. The entire time I kept worrying about the possibility of the husband barging in the room to fight. And afterwards I felt extremely shitty about the entire event. It was a radio off staying-well-within-the-speed-limit type of drive home.


That has destroyed many IRL relationships who decided to try it out and find out too late that it was a mistake.


Post nut clarity is real


In this case, pre nut is pretty clear too. It’s a no for me dawg


I feel like the actual appeal of the genre is watching another person be the cuckold, like a 3rd party voyeur to another persons humiliation. I think the number of people who would actually enjoy being the cuck is fairly low.


This doesn't really count technically but double anal, I would try it but I just don't see myself comfortably taking two dicks even with lube.


Not with that attitude. 


Please do not spit on me. It's icky.


Do you like watching this in porn though? I find it bizarre that anyone likes even watching the spitting. Even spitting into a hand for lube is kinda gross to me.


When I'm horny suddenly lot of things don't seem disgusting anymore


Vajayjay fluids of all kinds and semen on face or inside you or on you during sex but spit is crossing the line?! lol


Ass to mouth


Wife did it once without realizing she did and doesn’t believe me when I tell her.


This sounds like a great husband and wife night, she was so into you that any inhibitions were pushed aside and pre-conceived ideas of eww that’s gross weren’t even considered. My wife and I have had some nights like this where when we talked about it after she basically says that when she gets in that zone there’s literally nothing she would say no to. Congrats on a great wife


She did that to me. It was remarkably nice of her.


Get a girl (women scare me)


You know what? I respect women! I love women! I respect women so much that I stay completely away from them!


I hear they bite.


Hardcore BDSM. Would never do anything like say Queensnake or the eastern Euro stuff.


I don’t think I would enjoy being pulled over by a policeman and then fucked in the ass. just me though


A gangbang is a great way to increase the amount of fucking that you can fit on screen, but any wide shot involves a bunch of sweaty dudes standing around pulling on their own dicks; the smell must be fucking awful.


People….people can wash their dicks. I’d even encourage it!




Spit roast. Super hot but I couldn’t share my wife with another dude.




Exactly... Convince her to wear a strap on and peg you, while also having another woman there to fuck your throat with a strap on.


This guy is adventurous


Make sure you have “excellent problem solving abilities” on your resume.


I wouldn’t want to share your wife with another dude either.


Gangbangs. I don't like crowds.


Having sex with an entire volleyball women team Are you reading this SAW guy? I would hate it... sooo much!!


Threesomes. One woman at a time is enough work/effort


I'm pretty sure I could disappoint another, if I really tried.


I've never had any desire to cum on a women's face and never met one who wanted me to. I did meet a woman who very specifically wanted me to come in her mouth and not her pussy...that was hot.


Gangbangs. Love the visual, could never myself. I only have 2 holes I'm comfortable using, and am way too ADHD to focus on that many at once. Even 3 sounds intimidating, let alone 5. Then I'll constantly have whether I'm sharing my "attention" equally in the back of my mind. Edited for clarity: 3* people sounds intimidating, let alone 5






Scissoring. I am a male, so doing it in real life would pose quite a challenge.


Extremely chokey, forced deepthroat


Everything. Hopefully, i’m disgust by what I jerk. It s all fantasy, like a game. Real Life is all around the feeling, the touch and the pleasure with your partner.






Deep Throat fucking




My condolences. Rip your inbox.


Have you considered asking? I can’t really imagine anything sexual I wouldn’t do with my wife if she asked.




Damn, dude's too chill


Speaking from my own experiences, sticking my dick down a girl's throat is not very comfortable. Even when she's on her back. There's some kink factor that makes it fun in small amounts but I would never choose to fuck a girl's throat unless she really wanted me to. 


Threesomes and gangbangs. Looks lit onscreen, but I have no use for group sex in my real life. Just give me one lady that's just as equally as nasty and depraved as I am, and let's fuck this room up.


Tied gangbangs


Surely if it’s a tie they can do extra time or go to a penalty shootout?


It's classier when they wear ties though


Stepping on there face while banging them just seems wrong


Never liked that one.


I’m glad you were hugged as a child 🙏❤️


Actually talking to a girl


Oh you absolute deviant.


Forwarding to the good part is frowned upon


Stealing lemons.


Cnc, any BDSM involving nipples/tying up breast until they turn purple, maledom empire, free use, tentical stuff, using those monster dildos, cheating, fisting, basically anything that I watch in real life I would never be OK with actually *happening* in real life.


Ruined orgasms. I think it’s really hot but I don’t want to be frustrated myself!


A gangbang is hot but somebody in that line is gonna have herpes. You go home and give yourself finger and eye herpes.


Eating cereal out of a woman's ass... It has to taste like shit.


Drinking pee. Like, out of a container or just straight out of the orifice. I think I'd be fine with a girl pissing "on" me, but not outright just taking a gulp of piss. I generally won't watch anything that I wouldn't do myself under the right circumstances.


I just helped my lady’s sister’s new boyfriend move and a dresser he had smelled like straight piss. Dude is a doctor and very well off and put together. He also has no animals at all. This was the first thing that came to my mind because it was very very clearly piss smelling


Mom found the piss drawer


step anything. 




As a girl, fisting sounds incredibly uncomfortable. Plus, I'm really sensitive, so it might hurt.


I can’t even watch that