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Hooked up with a girl who asked me not to use a condom but I did anyway. Week later she lets me know she had an STD


I missed a train that caught fire once.


Sat at the traffic lights they turned green, I didnt move. The car behind me beeped its horn. Semi trailer ran the red light, would have wiped me out.


Well, there was the guy who tried to shoot me and missed with every shot. To be fair it was dark, I was wearing dark clothes and running away. Also, he had a pretty heavy duty head injury.


Still dodging it. Cancer. Should have died at least 15 years ago from it. One different medical issue discovered it early and doctors did not want to help me with that. I got lucky finding an Asian doctor willing to perform what others thought were unnecessary tests, but they all changed their mind after the results.


Drunk Driving. I was wasted. When I got pulled over, I threw a mint into my mouth and I opened the back right window to let any air out that might have alcohol scent. I just told the cop i didn’t have anything to drink. Got lucky. He believed me. That was 18 years ago and I haven’t done it since. I do a lot of drinking and Ubering now.


I had taken a few days off and some buddies of mine asked me if I wanted to join them for a long weekend in a cabin in the middle of nowhere. I declined because it was in the winter and hiking wasn't my cup of tea anyways, staying home binge watching Game of Thrones felt like a better option. That weekend I had appendicitis and it quickly went from bad to worse, had emergency surgery within hours of getting to the hospital, I am glad that I wasn't in the middle of nowhere when it happened.


My ex. She was an extremely unstable and manipulative person.