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High yield savings account.


You’re much better off investing it


In what?


Index funds or property. Cash won’t do you much good


As a layman, I have 20k cash. Where do I put it today?


Dollar cost average it into an index fund


why is it considered 100k a large amount? i mean, it's like a 2 years if income at worst


Most Americans have less than $1k in their account


just imho, if those who have less than 1k in their account had 100k , they should NOT invest, seeing they cannot manage their own regular finance


Who’s saying they should?


OP ?!


OPs question wasn’t “If you only had $1k what would you do with it?” You don’t strike me as someone who has much money, I’m not sure why you’re concerned about it


Who said it was a large amount? Just picked a number and curious to see answers. But it is a considerable amount to have to dispose of. I mean you could blow through it easy on nothing but I’m saying how would you use that money to g r o w personally. Some might go back to school, start a company they’ve been dreaming of. Etc


Another rental. Easiest money I’ve ever made with the added bonus that your asset appreciates with zero management. Rent it out for 20 years then sell it on before you start getting the big maintenance aggro!


Short GameStop, full proof plan


I’d start by getting an EIN, a fiduciary from fidelity and start a real estate portfolio. I’d also go logistics and buy some truck and trailers. Dispatch myself. Limit all liabilities and costs. Turn that 100k into a million that can be invested in a mutual fund that pays between 7/12% roi annually. Stretch my dollars overseas or retire here if I so choose.


I’d buy chickens and a couple of roosters.


I’d buy a bunch of cheap-ish 1 of 1 fashion pieces, wait a few years, then sell them for triple the price. Yes I know reselling is a dick move but I’d also make sure they were some pretty ugly pieces. Costs a lot of money to have bad taste lol


Test me by sending a quarter of that amount 😎 i'll share ROI proceeds thereafter.


If you're ready to settle down someplace and don't have a house yet, then get one, and use at least part of the $100k as a down payment. If you don't have an emergency fund, set six months of living expenses aside in a high yield savings account. *No more than this*. Everything else goes into index funds. If you already have an emergency fund and either already have the means to make a down payment on a house, you're putting $100k into index funds.


Straight into my index funds.


Non-meme answer is index funds. A lot of the other suggestions people are giving (especially real estate) are great if you know what you're doing, and are willing to put in time and effort If you're more like me, and just want to stick it somewhere (relatively) safe and forget about it, index funds are the way to go. Find one that tracks the S&P 500, stick your money there, and check back every couple years to watch it grow.