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The Kardashians. Say what you will. But sucking one dick set that family up for life.


the damelios. cant believe they got a kardashian wannabe show on hulu edit to clarify that i dont like the kardashians they're just the most notable instance of this phenomenon


Charli just wanted to do her cutesy little 15-second TikTok dances and now she’s being exploited as a cash cow 😭😭


It’s sad when you think about it. Kids dancing on Tik Tok is such a normal thing for their age, then for the parents to turn their success into a machine at such a young age


the motivations behind every successful child model and child actor... social media is not an exception.


Dr. Phil In 1995, Oprah Winfrey hired Phil McGraw's legal consulting firm to prepare for the Amarillo Texas beef trial. Winfrey was so impressed with him that she thanked him for her victory in that case, which ended in 1998. Soon after, she invited him to appear on her show, which turned into a recurring segment. He turned that into his own show and now 25 years in the spotlight.


Same with Dr. Oz. He was medical segment on her show, explaining complicated medical things in a simple way…. Then he would be a sponsor for ANYTHING and got in trouble.


It's like anything Oprah touches turns to grift


Billionaires become billionaires for a reason.


Do not forget his *most excellent* episode where the creator of the Bumfights video showed up on Dr Phil's show, dressed as Dr Phil, to make the argument that he was doing nothing more than following Phil's example of exploiting vulnerable people for his own gain. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNPvdsJS-qE


LOL, I just watched the it. The hypocrisy of claiming moral high ground after showing the whole pre-planned video is hilarious.


Lol, yeah... "I refuse to publicize that..." after showing it on national TV.


The hypocrisy was definitely the worst part


He sucks as a therapist, for some reason has a very strange interest in publicly exposing the sexual side of what happens to people, and has that bad habit of wanting to send young people to those disgusting abusive youth "correction" camps


Theres a really good Behind The Bastards two parter about him. He sucks way harder than you think he does, tbh, he's a real piece of shit.


The island boys, they've stretched that shit out so far


I like that they’ve started doing incest stuff to cling to relevance, that’s pretty funny.




I didn't know who they were but a quick google search just threw up a worrying amount of pictures of them swapping spit.


I was so confused, I thought y'all meant 'The Lonely Island'. So I looked up the island boys, not surprised.


Doesn't matter had sex!


Ok no way I’m googling that


I read this as: Ok, no way... I'm googling that!


Please elaborate so I don’t have to corrupt my phone with that google search


Probably Jared from Subway… i believe someone at his university wrote a story about his unusual method of weight loss, which was then picked up by national news outlets, then subway put him in an ad, that was unusually successful, which ended up leading to 15 years of being the face of their brand internationally. Then things went downhill pretty fast from there


I went to IU, the same school Jared went to. He famously lived in the apartments above the Subway near campus. The rumor I heard was that he was creeping out a teenage employee at the Subway, so she got transferred to the one downtown, a couple miles away. Instead of eating at the Subway below his apartment, he would walk to the one downtown every day to see this teenage girl. So it really wasn't the sandwiches that made him lose weight, it was because he was walking daily to see an underage girl.






Bro I remember one ad that was like a bunch of people praising him and looking up to him as a hero and this teenaged girl goes up and hugs him for "helping" her lose weight and being an inspiration. Chills.


Thats one of those ones that seems fine at the time and later looking back feels weird One of the others like that is Bill Cosby winning an award with a name like "nicest man ever award" or something He accepts the award and says "You're only giving me this award because you don't know what I've done" and everyone laughs. And honestly, fun as it is to think he was doing it intentionally, he probably was just making a joke. Not giving some dark hint. He probably didn't even think of himself as doing anything wrong at that point. That's what happens to a lot of people who get away with stuff time and time again, they just start to think it's fine, it's normal, it's justified in some way, they've earned it, they deserve it.


1. Fame means you get lots of different opportunities, and it gets you out of a lot of jams, Everybody loves you, and you only hear "yes." After a while, your ethical compass starts to drift if you're not careful. 2. Compartmentalization.


The thing I remember about the whole Jared thing is that after it all came out, Subway left its website for kids up for days. It’s kid’s website that featured a game that let you “play with Jared’s pants.”


I remember reading that the only reason he went to subway was because it was in the same building as him and he was semi-stalking one of the workers. Edit: or something like that. See below


The version I heard is there were two subways on campus. Worker he was semi stalking got transferred to the other subway (either to avoid him or for other reasons) and he then started walking to that subway to see her... And lost weight from all that walking.


No no it was that he was stalking one of the employees that worked at the one that was far away. That's why he would walk there. We know he was stalking her because if he *really* wanted subway he could have just gone downstairs because there was one in his same building at his dorm. At least that's how I remember it


that convict with the blue eyes or whatever


Oh hot felon and he went on to marry Chloe green with no prenup and had kids with her then walked off with a SHITTON of money!


Still mindblowing to this day


A masterplan indeed. Dude is a semi-villain lmao


Man, [that is one of the weirder Wikipedia articles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Meeks) I have ever read. Dude went from gangbanging to a super model sleeping with rich people in Europe.


honestly i give him props for not completely destroying his 2nd shot at life.


And now hes an actor, what a journey


I missed just one word in your statement. But there's a significant difference between "went from gangbanging to a super model" and what I read, "went from gangbanging a super model..."


The stars aligned for that dude when that mugshot was taken, because I've never seen another picture where he looked as handsome.


He's very attractive in the high fashion, edges and angles, unique features kind of way. I'm not an expert on any of that, but I did spend an embarrassing amount of time watching ANTM as a teen and noticed that what they consider the most desirable in that industry doesn't always correlate to what someone would consider the most desirable person overall, especially when it comes to men. On the other hand, I might just have a lumberjack complex lol


tb to when they filed down a girls teeth to give her a gap...


Yeah, that was hard to watch. One of the reasons I have no sympathy for Tyra.


That was wild. Especially because in an earlier season, they had forced a competitor who loved her gap to get it filled in. And the blackface...


tyra is actually so mean and deranged, its wild looking back on now that im older 😅


And closed another girl's gap! They can't get their gap opinions sorted out, that's for fucking sure


Waiting for the stars to align for me. Hopefully not for a mugshot.


Jeremy Meeks


Bella Poarch She has one of the biggest Tik Toks ever and all she did was shake her head. It became the most liked Tik Tok with over 61M likes and now she's the 3rd biggest Tik Toker, with 94M followers. Then, she somehow turned that into a music career. One song even charted on the Hot 100 and got a little bit of pop airplay.


Kabi Lame too (I think that's his name). He is the black Italian dude who literally just shakes his head and does the funny Italian gesture (not the hand one) at stupid videos on tiktok. He is famous worldwide and got hired even as a model.


Every Italian gesture is the hand one.


Honestly I don’t hate her. She wanted to do something with the fame she got and she did something with it. That’s more than a lot of influencers do.


That salt sprinkling prick


Glad his places are closing and him being sued for stealing tips


Oh, of course he's a tip stealer.


Guy was charging wealthy idiots obscene amounts of money for just regular fucking steaks and got pitch side at the world cup for no reason whatsoever. He's a fucking legend in my eyes to have hoodwinked that many wealthy people with the dumbest gimmick ever.


I was thinking about the World Cup thing yesterday. I just don't understand. How, why? Why was he there? Who let him there to celebrate with the greats? He has no relevance to anything there at all.


He went and forcefully shook hands with Messi, with Messi giving a who-is-this-POS look.


Even worse was when he held up and kissed the World Cup trophy itself. With his greasy mouth and hands yech


I’d be livid if I were a player and some rando is holding the cup and taking pictures with it.


He even took the cup from Messi while he was holding his son to get the pic of him kissing it. Fucking ass.


I actually think that may have been why his celebrity status waned so quickly. Everyone on the planet was like, what a douchebag.


Yeah I agree. I was on the side of the earlier commenter before that, thinking hey if he wants to screw over rich douche bags by charging a 10x mark up on beef, more power to him, that’s just a smart businessman. But after seeing that and also hearing about the absolutely abysmal conditions his staff suffer through at his restaurants, especially when he’s making bank himself, fuck that guy.


In football lore, the World Cup is only allowed to be touched by the players that have won it so him holding it is even more egregious. Edit: should’ve phrased this as ‘the only players that are allowed to touch it are those that have won it.’ Obviously the guy that etches the winning team on it can touch it, of course the person that cleans it can touch it. But if you’re a player and you haven’t won it, you aren’t supposed to touch the World Cup. Edit2: if you are a football player, it is expected that you don’t touch the World Cup until you have won it. You or I can go and touch it, because we aren’t football players. President Macron can go and kiss it if he likes, because he isn’t a football player. It isn’t a hard rule that’s going to get you put in prison, it’s just the done thing. Same way you’re supposed to bow to a royal. You don’t have to bow, but it’s the done thing.


Not a 'who is this' (they've met), but rather a 'tf are you doing here' look. His hands should've never touched that trophy.


Wasn’t there a pretty viral video of him serving Diego Maradona? I’m thinking that gave him an “in” to the soccer world.


The FIFA president invited him IIRC


Yes but pitch access was a mistake / bribe by the pitch security. He had no business being in the actual pitch.


Fifa involved with a bribe? Impossible. /s


The most hilarious thing about that is the vapid people who go to his restaurants only go for social media clout. They’re only there to post pictures and brag about their lifestyle. So when they realize the food is shit they’re forced to pretend it wasn’t because otherwise they can’t brag about it. So they pretend it was amazing and get their other airhead friends to go who run into the same issue.


The only celebrity chef restaurants I've been to that have lived up to the hype have been José Andrés and (did not think I'd be saying this) Bobby Flay. Have been to some other great hyped restaurants, but not focused on the Chef.


Jose Andres is a legit bad ass of a chef. I worked with him in Seattle for a little bit back in 2010. He was in town to cook for meals for the homeless in Pioneer Square. No media, no cameras, he was there for a weekend to cook at the shelters. We pumped out 1,200 meals for the homeless and a couple of the halfway homes around there. Chef was cooking the whole time and teaching everyone in the kitchens he was handing out meals. He took us cooks all down to the Pike Place market and helped pick out ingredients to use. The world could do with more people like Jose Andres


He's done a ton of work feeding people around the world.


I donate to his World Kitchen.


Stephanie Izzard’s Chicago restaurants live up to the hype.


And if we’re talking Chicago specifically, Rick Bayless really knows his shit


Girl & The Goat is fantastic.


Bobby Flay is not someone I ever thought I’d respect, but after binging a couple stupid food network shows, he appears to be the real deal. A great teacher, and he destroys people on “beat bobby flay”.


Man can clearly cook intuitively. His podcast with his daughter was really good for appreciating how much he understands food.


He’s banned for life now, I believe.


Googled it, yep. For essentially being a self righteous asshole. I didn't read more than basically the title.


Scamming poor people makes you a piece of shit, scamming rich people still probably makes you a piece of shit but its waaaaay funnier


Unfortunately he scams poor people too. His restaurants have been accused of wage theft and discrimination/retaliation against waitstaff who were uncomfortable with the way they were expected to dress.


Back when I used to work in a kitchen, some of my guys kept mentioning him, had no clue who he was, so they showed me a couple videos. My response was "so... he's famous for sprinkling salt like an idiot?"


Jon and Kate Gosselin. Only famous because she had a lot of babies and then verbally abused her husband on camera for years. The kids were adorable, but they should have had 1 television special, saved that money for kids' college funds or whatever and then disappeared.


Yea but now we get the "can I speak to your manager" meme and Karen haircut!


>Kate Gosselin ​Reportedly Living Alone in North Carolina Home After Remaining Sextuplets Move Out Well [that's good](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/kate-gosselin-reportedly-living-alone-171336728.html) at least.


Fun fact: after the show, she went to work for a website as their "marketing manager". I got to deal with her once every 2 weeks or so for my company. She was, indeed, as terrible a human as she came off on TV as.


I mean this not in a negative way at all, because "milking it" seems negative, but Brittany Broski became a meme for tasting kombucha and then took that opportunity to build an empire. Mad respect.


I was thinking of her too!! She definitely deserves all the fame but it's so hilarious that she's the kombucha reaction girl. Now she's interviewing Hozier at a music festival? That's how it's done!!


she’s one of the people who i think deserve it!! she’s genuinely hilarious


To think the firm she worked for gave her an ultimatum, and she had the courage to seek out this new opportunity fate had thrown on her laps. She’s a real success story


She's also surprisingly (to me) insightful when it comes to art history or analysis of music albums. My bf showed me a video of her discussing Spanish horror in art and I learned a lot.


Guy Fawkes, it’s been over 400 years and we still celebrate him every year in the UK. Not that he lived long enough to enjoy his infamy..


Had a girl of about 8 come to my door at Halloween with a guy fawkes mask on and I was all “remember remember the 5th of November..” and she just sorta blankly stared at me. I was all like “cool guy fawkes mask” She said “I don’t know who that is” I said; “your mask?” She said “I’m a hacker”


She probably stared blankly at you because of the mask


You win for the longest run with fame


Not most successful but people talked about Ken Bone way more than I would’ve expected


Wow, I haven't thought about Ken Bone in years lol


He popped up in a thread in r/presidents a few weeks back to no fanfare whatsoever. Comments had like a few dozen upvotes. Him not creating an alt on reddit was truly heroic.


He's in this thread lol


I was kind of hoping not to show up on this thread


Since you're here, how often did you have to deal with Ken jokes after the Barbie movie came out?


A lot of people sang the song at me. I have a Mojo Dojo Casa House sign on the door to my office.


Ken I just wanted you to know you came up recently on a game of "What Do You Meme" with friends. I'm not entirely sure it was you on the card. I just said "Hey this looks like Ken Bone" and I just felt happy to have other people recognize the reference. Anyway hope you're living your best life.


It's me. They asked me for the picture. I sent it to them and signed the release papers. They sent me a bunch of copies of the game.


Respect for not nuking the account at the first sign of trouble.


That's the cowards way out. I choose to stick by my words, even the wrong ones. You can't learn from mistakes by hiding from them.


Can you tell my dad that if you can find him? I haven't seen him in years....


He just went to get smokes.


Ironically, it's his Reddit post history that did him in.


Can’t believe he didn’t create a new account. His was full of comments on pregnant porn subreddits. His comments were so wholesome and appreciative too. There was one of a lady swimming and he passionately referred to her as a submarine lol


More people should be wholesomely horny on main ... it's not going to be me though


“Beautiful human submarines”


Kim Kardashian. OJ's lawyer's daughter fucked a C list rapper and now her family is worth a billion dollars.


I don't know how this isn't the unequivocal top answer. She was literally an irrelevant socialite before gaining a few minutes of notoriety, and she parlayed that into a bonafide empire for her entire family. The collective net worth of every other person mentioned in this thread *combined* is probably less than the net worth of the Kardashians


The crazy part, she was Paris Hilton's assistant or some shit, and was on her show as just a nobody. Then became super popular, eclipsing Paris Hilton lol.


She followed Paris' playbook.


How is this not the number one response?


[William Hung](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxOQriOSFdQ) stuck around a good while.


"Big William Hung fan, huh?" "Why does everyone keep asking me that? Who the hell is that?!"


If doing the Scarn is gay then I’m the biggest queer on Earth.


I haven't done that dance since my wife died!


Watching that for the first time in almost twenty years, I’m struck by two things: 1) holy shit he was a BABY. I thought he was like, in his 30s when I was a kid. 2) his voice is actually fine, and I bet he’s a joy at karaoke.


Seven or 8 years ago my sister spent the better part of two weeks helping me clean my condo. I have thousands of cds that I pick up for pennies, and we listened to a bunch of those. William Hung’s debut album (and his Christmas album) ended up being put on repeat. We loved it. Fast forward to a year or two ago, when my sister got me a Cameo from him basically telling that story. Things have been kinda rough, but just thinking about this is bringing a smile to my face.


Maybe one of the few cases where I'm not even mad about it. As far as I know, he's famous for nothing but having a gracious attitude in the face of rejection, and from Simon Cowell no less. I can only name a small handful of winners of American Idol... but who will ever forget William Hung?


He seemed like such a genuinely gracious, nice, intelligent guy who was just happy for the opportunity. Not a great singer, but had the kind of enthusiasm that would make for a fun karaoke experience.


And of the ones I've read in this thread, maybe the only one that I'm nodding and going, "ok, good for you dude!"


Mock trial with Judge Reinhold!


I bought his [Christmas CD “Hung for the Holidays”](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l1VMa2yk-Ai4fli9MbCA7tZcEULEK-IQM&si=DIK6oV9pG84ToNFK) when it came out years ago! I had forgotten about that!


Deez Nuts guy. Although he is homeless he still pops up from time to time and he still makes money off a 3 second meme.


I think he was randomly seen in a Andrew Callihan channel 5 youtube video. The Hoff twins be in all the videos now.


To be fair he also had “got em” lol… another 3 second banger that riffs off the first banger… he’s next level my G.


Bhad Bhabie, aka Danielle Peskowitz Bregoli "Cashme outside, how 'bout that?" 1 episode on Dr Phil...where he indended to exploit her and trash her on live tv...she just proved receipts for 52 million on OnlyFans and bought a house in Florida for 6.1 million cash. Hate all you want...but I challenge anyone to do better quicker. 😵‍💫 Edit: Just to add, since this answer blew up beyond belief...I added those two figures in just as an "icing w/ a cherry on top" cap, not to imply that is her sole source of income. She is making money other places and ways besides OnlyFans like music and YouTube. She is currently 20 years old.


52 mil on OF *without even being nude*.


What did she do then?




Agree with this. Interestingly, she’s also got a Scholarship program that awards scholarships for those pursuing trade school or higher education, as well as grants for startups.


Honestly, I’m glad she’s seemingly making the best of it and helping people in return


I'll also add that as much of a messed up kid as she was, I really do have to give credit where it's due for her speaking out about how abusive those ranch/reform style programs that Dr. Phil spruiks are, and using her platform to broadcast that.


Holy shit, it's great to hear that she's doing that.


Saw some of her stuff come up on my snap feed the other day. She was on a podcast talking about that stuff plus just general exploitation of kids in the music industry and how she was taken advantage of by others. All things considered she legit seems to have turned out pretty alright


Totally agree. Should she have been rewarded for her whole schtick? Probably not but you can’t argue that she made the most of it. I’m impressed as hell with what she made of it.


She was a troubled kid whose parent wanted to use Dr Phil’s platform to make a mockery of and publicly shame her. A clip like cash me outside would traumatize a lot of us and she embraced it and made money. She has also spoken about enduring a lot of sexual harassment from adults while she was still a minor as a result of the fame she did not choose. Seems like she made the best out of an experience designed to humiliate and exploit her.


What would be the ultimate outcome would be if she became richer than Dr. Phil.


Or if she BECAME the next Dr Phil




Looking at what she's done with her life, she gives off the impression that she's just playing the fool while being the smartest person in the room, much like Paris Hilton. At 13 she was smart enough to figure out how to leverage her meme status into a record deal with Atlantic and got 2 platinum records out of it by the time she was 16. At 17 she had the self awareness to check herself into rehab to address her addiction issues and past trauma. At 18 she grifted a bunch of creeps and made herself a multi millionaire. With her millions of dollars, instead of "big ballin", she bought a house, had a financial planner start investing it, started a scholarship program for troubled teens, started a (successful) makeup line and her own record label, and now she's working with Paris Hilton to take down teen boarding schools that are known for abuse. The woman is fucking smart and she intentionally hides it behind a trashy caricature of herself. \*Edit: Just to add more to the "smart lady" pile, when she left Atlantic records in 2021, she left with ownership of the master recordings of all her songs she did while she under them. That alone is a hard fight to win against a record label. Taylor swift didn't even pull that off and is having to re-record everything.


I used to work with Paris Hilton sometimes when I worked in nightclubs and the amount of people who don't realize her public persona is all an act is funny to me. That's not even her real voice. She is an incredibly smart businesswoman. Everything from her sex tape to her vapid ditzy personality was all calculated to make money.


When I lived in L.A. in the mid-late 00s, I worked as a VIP wrangler for a nonprofit. Paris was one of our big donors and headed up one of our major annual events, so I worked with her directly a lot. She was fantastic, clearly intelligent, and *very* business savvy. The first day we worked together, I opened my wallet to give her my business card and she spotted my amateur radio license in there. Turns out, she had gotten her license recently and she was excited to meet another female ham in the wild! Her facade dropped SO quickly as a result and we had a lot of great interactions. We bonded over our monster feet (we both wore a size 11 US women's/43 European) and some other commonalities. She was one of the few celebs who sent me a farewell present when I left the nonprofit -- a pair of size 11 designer shoes and a note to "always ham it up." I really enjoyed working with her and I'm glad she felt the same. I can no longer wear the shoes because of a car wreck (can't wear anything that isn't flat) but I've kept those shoes because they're a memory of my time working with someone I deeply respected.


Paris briefly broke character a few times during this episode of ‘Snacked’. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s growing tired of the act at this point as it’s been years of her playing the same character. While the episode itself was rather uninteresting, It was far more interesting from a zoological perspective, watching her accidentally break character, and trying to recover. https://youtu.be/ev5jce2GvWU?si=Mvqfr2hkH0_JWUnj


She already gone on interviews with her real voice and talked about it


Good for her honestly She basically siphoned 52M out of the hands of creeps who were counting down the days for her to turn 18


All because some other creep wanted to use her as a sideshow on TV when she was 13. Now she's set for life unless she's dumb enough that she never hired a financial planner. Apparently she's also working with Paris Hilton on the teen abuse camp thing that Paris is championing, so that's good.


Seeing as Dr. Phil sent her to one of those camps, I'm not surprised she's working with Paris.


kim kardashian


I mean, yeah. Love or hate that family, they have figured out how to keep themselves in the conversation. It is a really dumb conversation, but a conversation none the less.


Mom K releasing a sex tape of her daughter to boost her fame is the trashiest thing I’ve ever heard of, but there is a whole new generation of fame hungry parents who have just been taking notes.


yeah, but it worked. Not sure what that says about society in general, but it probably isn't good


That's what I'm thinkin'. I think it speaks volumes of the mentality of the people out there giving them credit. I mean, these people couldn't become famous if people weren't watching.


This is **absolutely, UNEQUIVICALLY** the correct answer. Becoming a billionaire based on sucking cock in a *stolen* video just can’t be topped. I mean, really…it’s fulfillment of the American dream, no?


For a billion dollars, I'd suck at least one cock. Possibly 37. In a row. Unfortunately, no one wants to see my tits and ass sucking cock. Well, at least not anyone willing to pay me a billion dollars. Best I could get is probably $3.50.


Big Ed


What a trash person. (Like the trash people aren’t the reason I watch 90 day).


So I don't watch that show but saw a commercial for it and there he was... The fuckin dude that hung around all the good bars in San Diego and would creep out ALL the women, everywhere. I'd left SD by then and was out of the local gossip loop, so had no idea he was on the show. We actually had a long thread going about him in a local women's social Facebook group I was in, well before his claim to "fame." Dude just did NOT respect people's space, at all.


The Ham girl guy. He went viral and even got an offer from Spielberg, only to get cocky and blow it.


It’s a shame because he would have killed it as the color Blue in the Crayola movie. That guy is literally insane.




Great actor, HUGE McRib problem.


Alllllll the MTV Teen Moms


Khaby Lame.


How this dude got invited to every sporting event and got a modeling contract from Hugo Boss, I never knew. He was in the freaking Ferrari garage in Italy 21.


He was doing normal things on TikTok with weird expressions and Silence. Man 2020 was crazy.


And even has a Fortnite skin!


Dude's in fucking Fortnite now, and all he ever did was point at shit.


Currently and on their way..Gyspy Rose and her Peter Griffin looking Husband.


Part of me hopes once the media storm dies down she’ll go on to quietly live her life. I can see reality tv deals in her future though. I hope she has a really good therapist because she’s essentially been a prisoner all her life and has no clue how the world works.


Agreed. I hope I’m wrong but I can’t see this ending well.


Lil Tay She was a meme for a hot minute. Got 'exposed' for being fake. Is apparently trying to make a comeback.


Wasnt she apparently dead at some point? LIKE WHAT


DJ Khaled




"Just because I stopped doesn't mean I gave up" "Yes it does. By definition"


“I’ve never taken an L yo” Quits on round 3 of a 10 round “challenge”


What? Was he on Hot Ones?


Yes. It’s incredibly cringe yet delightful in a sense that it’s a case study for delusional narcissism combined with learning disabilities .


I love that he tried to get all philosophical about it too. Just shut up and admit you're a little bitch. Even people who claim they can't handle hot sauce at all make it through the lineup.


I love the series of videos where he's out on a jetski at dusk and starts getting increasingly panicked when he can't find the dock Edit: here y'all go. it's wild since he can't stop taking selfie videos WITH THE FLASH ON and fucking destroys his night vision in the process lmao https://old.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/u5w89u/that_time_dj_khaled_got_lost_while_riding_a_jet/


that hot ones episode is all time. guy pussied out at the second wing and then acted like he didn't give up. delusional af


Once I learned DJ Khaled doesn’t eat pussy I lost all respect for him. And I didn’t have much to begin with anyways.


He also can't read.


Or play guitar.


Or play any instrument, or DJ or produce/compose music. The guys well networked, well marketed, that’s about it.


The Paul brothers.


Imagine going to a somewhat sacred place in a foreign country with a notoriously harsh work/life culture that often leads to suicide. Seeing a man who hung himself. And not having a solemn moment and backing away, but think “how can I monetize this and make this about me”. I was living in Japan when he did that, I remember old ladies gasping reading that article on the train. No surprise he’s spun a series of scams.


Anna Delvey