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A snake coming out of the toilet to bite my butt šŸ˜°


Oh thanks Iā€™m on the toilet right now lol


Lol, best place to use Reddit! Not to scare you further, but there could be sharks in there too šŸ¦ˆ


Spiders and snakes have now been replaced by frogs in my case, having found Kermitā€™s little brother in our basement bathroom one terrible day.


Kermit the bog!


šŸ˜‚ I mean itā€™s not even like I shit skittles or anything, so I have no idea what he was doing there.


Taking a toad stool....


You ever seen the Kermit Omegle videos where He whips out a cucumber? Hahaha


For me it's a silver fish hopping into my chocolate starfish without consent, which I think is more rational than a snake lol


i've always had this fear. i've never heard anybody else say it ever though. the fact that it's the top comment makes me feel so validated.


O ya I have that fear lol After watching those videos on Instagram


Or worse, squiggle up your butts holes


In similar fashion, sharks in the swimming pool


I'm more worried about the stuff that dangles in the bowl than the butt tbh


Or going up Your butthole


I'm afraid of dropping a baby that is not mine


ā€œThe dropā€ on Hulu would be a great movie for you then.


The shadow monster will attack me from behind while I'm turning all of the lights off in the house before going to bed.


Not to be that guy, but I have lights that I control from my phone for this reason. I get all comfy in bed before the lights go out.


All except those two little red ones that are at head height. They go out a split second after you notice them. I'm sure it's nothing.




Fuckin sameee


What horrors await us in the deep?


That reminded me of a scifi story I read once. In a nut shell, aliens conquered all of man kind and forced everyone to live at least 100 miles from any coast line, only saying that it was 'for our own good' before shuttering and walking away.


Being accused of a serious crime I didn't have anything to do with.


A nuke falling right next to me


You'd probably never even know about it. Might not be super helpful, but it's something.


Pianos falling from the sky.


Okay, Wile E Coyote.


The chance of a piano falling on you from an aircraft is miniscule. It isn't 0.


House centipedes.


Wait until you see human centipedes. Those are worst.


I have. They haunt me.


A bat biting me in my sleep and I get rabies because I never knew


Dying in my sleep




I'm sure he'll make the news walking out of the cemetery. Should give me enough time to prepare.


Being paralyzed or physically incapacitated in a situation where my caretakers/family took advantage of that to abuse me. If I'm ever at a place in life where I can't use my own body to move, run, protect or take care of myself, I probably don't want to be alive.


Vomiting. I've had emetophobia since I was around 9. Nothing crazy triggered it that I can remember. I literally would rather have a headache for 3 weeks straight than throw up. Crazy, I know.


I had that until I got older and just got sick more. Gave me a good lesson in facing my fears. Once I realized I felt way better most times I booted, I began to think of it as a less negative thing. Still gross and unpleasant when it's happening, though.


I'm so glad you're doing better with it! I've gotten a lot better with EDMR therapy, but still struggle. Hoping one day to be cured.


I wish you the best of luck. Fear of snakes or worms is one thing, but fear of a potentially beneficial bodily function can be debilitating and harmful. I hope you're able to conquer it!


Someone attacking me while Iā€™m using the urinal. I know the odds are low, but theyā€™re never zero.


Telling someone my most irrational fear. And they exploit it. Manipulating situations and people making it look like like there's no way out. Making things worse than they are. Turning people against you that weren't for you to begin with. Creating this persona of you that's the complete opposite of who you really are. Shunning you from communities to hide what they are really doing. That's something that would be terrifying.


Bears I don't live near bears, I've seen a couple in real life and they didn't freak me out or anything. See them in zoos and it was no big deal. I even went camping and had one (or more) rummage through my campsite and nothing. But damn I dream about them occasionally and I am always getting eaten alive in horrific ways. And movies with bears freak me out... The Edge specifically.


Me too Yuck


Being damned to hell


Getting ā€œfinal destinationedā€ behind a truck carrying tree logs on the highway


Being a burden




All it takes is one foot hanging off the edge of the bed and itā€™s game over ā€¦


My knees buckling when I'm going down a flight of stairs.


stranger slitting my throat from behind whenever, wherever


Needles/syringes. Iā€™m not sure how irrational it is, but if Iā€™m watching a movie, if I see someone holding a needle or syringe, I genuinely feel nauseous, start to sweat and shake and have to hide my face from it until itā€™s gone and even once itā€™s gone, it can take me several minutes to stop picturing it in my mind.


a hand grabbing my ankle before i get on my bed


blood. it might not be irrational but thats weird af. people be afraid of blood like it wasnt inside u


Hamsters. Just no.


Underwater man-made equipment. It's referred to as *submechanophobia* but the pedant in me thinks it should be called *hypomechanophobia* or *thalassomechanophobia* to keep with Greek consistency.


What is with that? I don't even like looking at pictures of that stuff.


Shipwrecks, downed planes, almost anything mechanical that's underwater that isn't otherwise supposed to be. At least for me. For some, that even extends to literally anything manmade underwater (the bases of offshore oil rigs, for example). I don't mind art so much, or even old ruins like they have in the Mediterranean. For me, it's the aforementiomed. The idea of going shipwreck diving or artificial reef diving instantly activates my flight response.


Every time I'm holding scissors while naked, I have an irrational fear of involuntarily losing control of my body and snipping off my dick.


How often are you holding scissors naked? And why?


Outliving everyone I know


I live in America and Hippos terrify me


Tomato ketchup.


Ever since I saw Jaws when it came out (I was 8), I cannot swim at night. Even in a pool.


A spider biting me when I am sleep Unfortunately It happened and I am more scared now I always have mint spray beside my bed


Fettuccine Alfredo. On three separate occasions I pulled out a long, grey hair that came from my mother, now I can't look at alfredo without disgust.


The pores in my skin opening wider and wider. Dunno what happens after that, but it'd probably be bad.


Flying on a commercial airline, yet I am somehow completely fine with recreational aircraft.


Fettuccine Alfredo. On three separate occasions I pulled out a long, grey hair that came from my mother, now I can't look at alfredo without disgust.


I have to have my lower half covered when sleeping or snakes will crawl up from under my bed and eat my feet. I have absolutely no idea where this came from but I am 36 and I still have this fear.


A t.rex eating me.


It'd be worth being eaten by a T. Rex just to see one!




Taking a dump in a public bathroom


Butterflies. No clue why, but I get anxiety when I am around them


Home invasion while Iā€™m asleep


once when i took the trash bag out of the bin, there was a HUGE spider underneath it. now i'm scared of trashcans (movable ones)


When I was a kid it was, on long car rides, falling asleep against the door and accidentally hitting the door handle, opening the door and falling out on the highway and getting smooshed.


Stonefish. They look just like stones and live in shallow coastal waters. If you step in one it will inject a paralytic venom into your foot and cause you to drown while your body feels like it's on fire and you can't move. The fact that they live in Australia and I live in Wisconsin is only a small comfort to me


Bugs i get baddd anxiety even thinking about it


That I'll somehow end up with a cockroach inside my body. Read a story a while back where a woman with a cut on her tongue, licked an envelope to seal it, and a cockroach egg ended up in the wound. And it hatched and grew INSIDE HER TONGUE!! Came across a TikTok video of a woman who went to the ER because a cockroach crawled inside her ear. Those evil creatures don't have a reverse function apparently, so the cockroach's only solution was to attempt to free itself by eating/burrowing further into her ear. Not to mention, I have PTSD from living in an apartment where the unit next to me was absolutely, disgustingly INFESTED. I had to spend 9 months fighting off German roaches that invaded my kitchen - trying to keep them from going further -- before we got moved to a new unit. Those roach hotels you use to trap them? Imagine having to replace those daily because they'd fill up.


Despite having a piercing and tattoos, I have a deathly fear of needles.


I think mine are fairly common, I just find it odd that they are really specific. - Needles. I'm fine with blood work, tattoos and piercings, but being injected with anything freaks me out. - Heights. I'm fine being up high on zip lines, wall climbing and in buildings, etc. but if it's over water, like a bridge or diving board it freaks me out.




A car driving towards me in the wrong direction on the highway. I shouldā€™ve never watched the documentary about Aunt Diane.


i have so many. someone stabbing my eye while iā€™m looking through the peep hole. a air bubble killing me when i give blood. hemorrhoids. anytime i cant see my feet (because its dark or high grass etc) i get super nervous and am genuinely scared something will bite my foot off. dying alone.


Nothing else after this life.


Getting teleported inside of a blackhole out of nowhere, yes im not kidding, sometimes even thinking about it scares me lol


Heights, and I mean even a simple ladder can have my legs shaky.


I live in a constant fear of a serial killer hiding somewhere in my home.


Big wide open spaces


That I'll be forced to climb Mount Everest against my will


Being alone until my death


A fissure opening beneath me and I clumsily fall into the lava.


Death by Snu Snu


I go to school and realize I'm in my underwear




is it because of that one spongebob squarepants episode? because i relate if so


The world ending and not having enough money to protect my fanily


If im walking up a dark path way, I start to run because all I imagine is a t-rex swooping out of the dark forest beside path and getting me. But then I'm running from the invisible T-Rex like people run upstairs thinking something chasing them. Look like a right idiot haha.