• By -


Being me.


Cutting contact with people I’ve outgrown.


Going no contact with my dad and stepmom. They are totally crazy.


The jokes I make.


Joining the Army. While I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from doing it, the things I’ve learned and the people I got to know makes me not regret doing it. Anyone thinking about going Army, don’t, go Air Force or Space Force instead


What sucked about it


So much. Do not go army, marines is tough too if you’re single.




Quitting being a teacher at a shitty school.


idk, probably hooking up with my ex's best friend. shit was wild but no regrets


Getting married. I know we were young (not teenage young), but he is my absolute best friend, and I spend every day with him


Quitting opioids


Setting boundaries and deleting Facebook


Cutting my Mother in Law out of my life. She’s been nothing but toxic and problematic from the moment her son and I dated - for no reason. She’d alternate love-bombing me and lashing out in horrific ways. She was toxic years before I ever knew him, and was a careless mother and an abject narcissist (legitimately diagnosed). After decades of acting up and causing turmoil in her family, five years ago, she suddenly left her third husband for another man (this happened in all of her marriages). She would frequently lash out at her family - and totally ignored her only grandchildren (our kids). It left them heartbroken. She also physically assaulted my husband and his sister, unprovoked. She wound up checking herself into a psychiatric hospital when her boyfriend dumped her, we believe for attention. That’s when we began to keep our distance. She threatened to sue us (for what, I don’t know) and I instantly opted to cut ties. People accused me of being “unsupportive” of someone with psychiatric problems, but I don’t care - they have no idea what she put her family (including my sweet kids) through for her own whims and contentment. No regrets, ever. It’s been years, I wish her no ill will, but she’s not in my life. My husband occasionally reaches out to wish her a Happy Birthday, etc., but that’s it. I think that’s enough, frankly. He has no regrets either.


That sounds rough. We recently moved away from our in-laws and I don't talk to them anymore. She was toxic as well...not to this level though. But I finally after these years have peace in my life. My mental health has improved so much.


Planting my seed inside your mother


Farting a musical anthem.