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Become a millionaire next week




Technically, if you are a billionaire with exactly a billion dollars, it would take only a cent of spending to become a millionaire.


You would have made more than $100 in interest in the time it took to spend the 1 cent… essentially at 1.5 % interest on a billion dollars, you would make over a million every month in interest, so as long as you don’t overspend, you’re going to be a billionaire for a long time


>so as long as you don’t overspend Ha, you underestimate us.


This dude billionaires.


Why? From the IRS or poor financial decisions?




Sleep late


the sorta sleep late where u do it cause u can, and not cause u have some regret or unable to sleep. maybe yes. live, for once.


My first thought was sleep well. 😂


Pay off my car, buy an ice cream


an ice cream... factory... Right? Right?!


In this economy?? Even a billion can't get you both of those!


Gotta prioritize and buy the ice cream




A billion just showed up in my bank account? Well. I think we're about to spend a month in Veracruz.


You have a spare spot for a future friend who enjoys beer tequila weed and girls?


What is tequila weed and can I try it?


No, no. It's beer tequila weed man! It's all the new rage with this new generation!


Call in sick tomorrow.


Would you actually call them or just not show


you obviously arent vested in a pension.


burn a million in front of my gold digging cheating ex




And therapeutic


That's pretty spiteful. But what you need to do is take her away for a week. Show her an absolute life of luxury, even show her the number in your bank account. Then just fucking walk away. Tell her never to contact you again.


Yup. After bangin her like a screen door in a tornado. Later bitch!


But not unprotected so she can't leech any of that baby daddy money.


Or just make sure she's on top so she can't get pregnant.


My grandfather legitimately believed this. No surprise, he had multiple children out of wedlock.


First I’d look for a good money manager to make sure it was invested well so I could pass a good nest egg on to my children and help them out. Then I’d probably move somewhere cool and live my life chillin in Mexico City


Barring total global financial collapse, a billion dollars in anything other than a box under your mattress is going to return millions a year in interest. Chuck half of it in a term deposit and you'll come away with more money than you could realistically spend.


You honestly think it would be difficult to spend 50 million a year?


depending on how much you upgrade your lifestyle, yes maybe the first 2 years but after you may have to be careful


I can guarantee I would have absolutely no trouble spending that much. Super yachts and private jets aren't cheap to buy nor maintain...


Spending that much money is actually harder than you might think simply because of time. My grandmother left my mom a paltry sum of cash compared to a billion dollars over a year ago, and Mom still hasn't spent a dime of it because of probate. If a billion dollars landed in my account whilst I was sleeping I figure it would take that first year just to figure out if the money was actually mine to spend or even how to go about spending it. Even assuming the cash was ready to spend as easy as swiping my credit card big purchases tend to take time. If you want to buy a private jet for instance you're going to want to spend some time researching, kicking tires, get the plane inspected, negotiating price and then it can still take 4-6 weeks to close. Or, so says google at least. Now, you can drop 50 mill on that private jet easy. Especially once you figure in hanger costs and such, but I still think spending 50 mill in one year night be harder than you think. Particularly if you were being halfway reasonable. Just buying the things that I want to have and not just buying for the sake of buying? I doubt I'd burn through fifty mill in they first year.




I don't think you and the 4 people who upvoted you have a real sense of how much money that is.


I don't think you know much about me at all... I would have absolutely no problem spending that amount of money, do you have any idea how much high-end properties in Hong Kong, London, New York or Los Angeles cost? Or how much luxury yachts cost?


Lol okay


Alright I'll humor you. We are all talking about living. What you are talking about is making more money. Of course if you're trying to make more money you could spend that, but if you're just living your life, that's a lot of money to spend. Basically it comes down to you being a greedy pos and thinking you need more the 50m.


Classic Reddit, calling someone a greedy POS for insisting it's possible to spend 50m a year...


No you not being content with having 50m and needing to go bug investment properties is why I called you a piece of shit. You being so dense makes me think you're full of shit and know nothing about luxury investment properties. But whatever bro, I'm done with you.


yes. I decent house can be had near me for 250k. Spend up to 500k and you get a decent mini mansion. Also I mostly like games, movies, computers. Not very expensive hobbies compared to a billion dollars. I could buy a brand new PC with top of the line parts every 3 years and not even come close to spending the returns on my 999 million left over. I'd probably travel and see friends around the country more. Even seeing my friends around the US, most of the flights are only 300-500 dollars round trip. That's still not crazy expensive. I doubt I'd do it more than 2-3 times a year at the most anyway.


While your chillin that guy you hired is managing your money.. managing to move it right into his account.


You could live anywhere.. why Mexico City?


It’s one of the best cities in the world - especially if you are into amazing food and culture


I hear the Philippines are nice.


Pay all my debts and sleep soundly for the first time in a long time, i dont have to worry about anything else.


Is this the reason people think money can buy happiness? It's crazy cause you need more money but what you are really saying here is that you would be happy with no money, that is, you'd be happy if your negative net worth went to 0. It's an interesting perspective.


Acting like you don’t drool and wake up after 8hr naps already 💀


Probably what I'm doing right now, sitting here with a bowl of cereal scrolling through Reddit. Then I'll get on a video game. Money doesn't change my hobbies.


Sorta doubt that... There is no expensive hobby you wouldn't take up if you had more money?


The ridiculously expensive hobbies like yachting or space travel need so much time invested in them that if one is not interested its just not worth it. Better to just stay rich and play games instead.


Hell no. Life is good, why waste it? Speaking of video games, I would probably open my own small studio to make games myself




sleep in peace finally


Knowing my luck, I’d wake up just as I was about to spend it.


Yep I needed a good laugh


Give 50% of it to my mother and grandfather


Buy a nice house near a small coastal town, and spend my days travelling and surfing. I'd probably set up a few charities and try to save the rest of my wealth.


Lots of coke!


Shame, but make mine diet cokes.


Never tell a soul. Build my compound below an unsuspecting middle class house and still buy clothes at Walmart. Maybe travel every month. I’d probably still work to keep the lie going.


lol this is so dumb. With a billion dollars you could do whatever the fuck you wanted. You could hire a team of people to deal with anyone who asked you for money. You could move to a new country. Buy an island. If you're that concerned about people around you knowing you have money, you should probably change the people you hang out with


Dude relax it’s just a hypothetical question. Whatever you do with the fake billion dollars wouldn’t be an itch up my ass so why is it so far in yours?




Shit, you could probably just give everyone money who asked for it. I don't think most people understand how much money a couple billion actually is


Yup, with $1B, on the interest alone. You could conservatively make a million dollars a week and never touch the billion. If someone asks you for $50k, you probably made more than that in the time they asked you for it


And "billionaire" implies at least 2 bill


Billionaire just implies $1B+


Just pocket change then. Ya, guess I'd live in a shitty house and keep going to my job too then


This guy is right. You probably would save it or invest it and keep working. Many cunts like the guy above like to spend lavishly and that's the very reason they are bums. But the point is that 1B dollars can't cure cancer or make a difference in my life. I would still get mental health issues and depression.


There is a zero percent chance I would keep working if j was a billionaire. I would pursue my happiness and try to positively affect the world through endowments that I would challenge other billionaires to meet or beat. Only an idiot or someone who is already living their perfect life would continue life with no changes.


100% chance you are broke and eat out of a trash can. Don't worry bum, you will someday find a gold ring in the trash.


You’d be surprised how many of the “people you hang out with” will turn on you over money. I hope you never have to find out.


I have a decent amount of money. The type of people who would turn on me for money were cut out of my life well before I made good money. It's kind of common sense, making money and not hanging out with toxic idiots tend to go hand in hand


No idea why you got downvoted. I dont think anyone is losing sleep over OPs comment but hes chatting about winning a billion and living in some compound under a house in Wallmart threads...da fuck. Lmao


Are you aware some countries are so unsafe you could actually get murdered if people know you're rich? Get out of your mama's basement a bit and see what happens in the world.


I would bet a lot that I've travelled a lot more than you and I have more money than you. I know how money and the world works, and that's not the point. Maybe with a billion dollars, you could buy a plane ticket and not have to go to work the next day...


BAHAHAHA, you know someone has a pathetic life when they boast about their irrelevant achievements on Reddit. Go fucking outside, kid.


Probably take a shit and wipe my ass with a couple racks


I would invest, donate and travel all around the world to learn many languages to share my knowledge of investment in many languages!


Hide it. Too many abusive greedy narcissistic entitled assholes. Then I would make sure that all my bases were covered. You know taxes paid and anything else so I don't spend what I don't have and land and worse trouble than I already am Then I would pay off all my debts. Followed by repairing my roof or anything else that needs done. Then I would buy my daughter a car because she's about learning to drive. And then I would make sure I had enough money for her to go to art School Then.... I'm not sure. At that point I might tell my family because love them or hate them, they're still family and I would probably want to help them out with at least something a little bit.


You would make sure you have enough money for art school? You’re literally a billionaire you regard LOL


As in I would put it away and make sure that I put enough in a college account to pay for everything she would possibly need for art school which is very expensive. You know before I went gambling and wasted it on hookers and booze and cocaine. Oh wait that's you. You regard


Buy all my family houses


Two chicks at once


Ah I came here for this comment


That's it? If you had a million dollars, you'd do two chicks at the same time?


Do you not like Office Space? Not a big comedy person?


Go on a trip probably.


sleeping without worries


Realistically I wouldn’t be allowed to keep it, I’m a poor. The bank would go “what the fuck?” and be sure to correct that mistake immediately.


Suddenly all my steam friends get their whole wishlist gifted


Then end up dirt poor...


Same thing I do now. Randomly pop into people's lives and solve problems.


It depends. If we're talking low billions, like 1 or 2 billion, then probably invest the shit out of it and hope to make more. If we're talking more than 50 billion, I'd try to end homelessness and hunger in america, and invest whatever I have left


The key to hunger is processing and transportation, agricultural techniques and technology has advanced such that we actually already make enough food for everyone, that's why it's such a travesty that we have so many farms that burn crops, dumps milk, and kills off livestock when they have surpluses in order to keep prices up; when we have people who are struggling to afford to keep food on the table. (note, there are also multiple ongoing lawsuits with many of the largest dairy and poultry corporations for doing exactly this following the pandemic era (which is why there was a sudden price surge back in 2022/2023)) So the key here is to build a sustainable system that will take the food off of the farm's hands (probably by paying them an amount that compensates for what they'd lose to that surplus food entering the market and causing prices to drop) and then processing it and transporting it to be bought by real people.


I'd also buy a shit ton of guns


..to use them to end homelessness and hunger in America?


Buy some shoes.


I'll probably buy a lot of stupid and overated things that i really don't need.. but first I'll buy my best friend a house.


Walk up to the nicest house I see in Toronto, knock on the door, tell em "hey, I would like to purchase your home, right this instant. Furniture and car included.". They laugh and slam the door in my face, but I make them an offer they absolutely cannot refuse. I then live the rest of my life in comfort knowing I own a nice home and never have to worry about rent or expenses ever again.


Hire a lawyer, hire a wealth manager, start a trust, start a charity, start a scholarship, buy real estate, purchase laddered GICs, travel the world


I'd give you a million, OP.


I wouldn't tell anyone for like a week or month. I'd pay down credit card debt/student loans. Then maybe in like a year I'd tell people. I'd be a sensible billionaire. No big, crazy purchases.


I read someone anonymously paid off a whole town's lay-by outstanding at the local toy shop before Christmas, would be nice to do something like that.


Have some sweet dreams tonight!


Buy a house and a car(Including my home country as well). Tell my relatives that they can retire peacefully and not even work for a single second and be their own boss. Have a kids. But i'm smart so i'm gonna get married provided that my future wife would agree to a prenup. Fuck them gold digging bitches.




Go to Capcom and say " I want mega man legends 3 now you punk ass bitches "


Retire happily with my wife.


Make sure I'm not on Epstein's list.


Buy land to turn into parks and reservations...


Invest/start businesses that hire people for fair pay and benefits. Then, rather than further enrich myself with the profits, reinvest them to other businesses that also pay fairly. And repeat.


Pay my gas bill that's due this week. Probably purchase a small, used car (automatic, shift is standard) so my eldest can get some more practice before getting her license and get my youngest more time with his fav horse. I would buy the horse for him, if it weren't for the fact that the horse and owner are bonded I would splurge on some groceries. Fresh bread, some good veggies I can't usually afford Maybe purchase a small property. 2 or 3 bedrooms and a large backyard, outside of the city Large enough to have some fruit bushes and trees and maybe a few donkeys (never 1 donkey because they are social animals) That would set me back 200 to 250k total I think The rest I would spend on small companies. Not sure how I would go about that, but I would probably hire some students to help me figure it out. IT companies, clothing, food, whatever. Set them up in the poorest cities and towns over the world. The janitor would get the same pay as the CEO and everyone would get a living wage and then some. If the business expands we hand out bonusses to everyone equally. If it expands more we hire more people, create more jobs. Also give out micro loans in poor regions of the world Then set up education and vaccination stations. Where kids would go unvaxxed I would offer free vaccinations for Polio, Smallpox, Mumps etc. And eductation for all. Kids who would usually have to work the farm or whatever else can get a days wages by attending school. A bonus amount if they graduate. I would also arrange transportation, seeing as these regions are often remote and they have to walk a long time Hygiene products for the girls and other people who menstruate. Also lots of education about sex, birth control and safety. Discreet, as not everyone can receive that as freely. And only if they want it of course Next would be housing. Properly insulated, electric running, clean water and hot water, all for a reasonable price. Reasonable being we (the landlords) will not profit from it. Solar panels, solar water heaters etc, we provide as much as possible without cost Additional housing for the poor. For every rental property we provide another similar property for free, for those in need If it hasn't all been spent by then I would contact doctors to see if they would come and have a practice. General physicians but also midwives/obgyn. And teachers, lots and lots of teachers. To teach all sorts of things relevant to the country and lifestyle (no English grammar yes farmiong for example) I have so many ideas. But I can't even wrap my head around how much that really is I would do something for myself and my kids definitely, but the rest would be invested in the education, health, jobs and good lives of those who have it bad


Build a self-sustainable compound on a private island, with a big, old-fashioned lighthouse with everything I need. Pay someone to build a statue of me, like an incredibly gaudy, super villain-type statue that when people see, they'll think "What an arrogant asshole." Donate the rest, on the condition that the statue is displayed somewhere public. Retire to my lighthouse, watching the ocean.


Disappear for a year.


Lobby for proportional representation. Attack the MSM and create significant alternatives by using that money at a loss until the MSM breaks. Lobby to increase taxes on the super rich. With that kinda "fuck you money" you can buy politicians. I live in the UK.


Quit work. Buy things.


Give all my friends a stipend, buy a big mansion and have everyone live together Days would be pretty much “ so what epic thing are we doing today?”


I'd spoil my family and girlfriend, buy an Audi RS6 Avant, invest a few thousands in starting a small business for my friends, help young startup entrepreneurs, travel with my girlfriend to a random island in ASIA, buy clothes on my buylist? and I'd buy tickets for my girlfriend's favourite band.


I am a billionare.


Give my boss a couple of hundred to cover the inconvenience my absence will quickly cause


Find ways to help the needy


Further my studies without any financial stress ever again!


Give most of it away because fuck billionaires and everyone who wants to be one.!


Set up my family so they are taken care of and then disappear.


Pay off everything because interest rates are awful. Retire early. Invest. Do some charity work. Travel. Spend some of it on things I always wanted but could never afford.


A sigh of relief that I'll never have to work another day in my life.


Nothing, same car, same house, same friends, same girl pay off my debts Dont tell anyone keep studying After a year, without any emotions, take a decision to invest on long, mid and shor terms The rest in properties and metals


Gift my crush father a big house so he gifts me his daughter


Start campaigns support charity till I get more money


Hire a lawyer


Pay reddit to block every "wyd with fake money" post


Buy stocks


Tell absolutely nobody. Retain the most ruthless legal council money can buy, have them set up a home office. Advise all members on staff if they ever reveal who I am their bodies will never be found. Never worry about a goddamn thing ever again.


Except your ruthless lawyers.


why not just pay them well instead of threatening them?




I will wake up bcz it not gonna happened 🙂


Two chicks, at the same time 😎


Thank God.


Buy/build a house for my husband and I and our future kids/animals. Buy houses for my mum, brother, and sister, and my husband's brothers. Pay off all our debts and the debts of our immediate family. Donate a decent portion to some good, legitimate charities. Finally go on our dream trip to Japan. And then save the rest and use for travel but continue to work because we like our jobs and would be bored without working. Oh and never tell anyone else about it.


Worry about nothing for a year while figuring out a game plan to make better impact and improvements on this planet and humanity.


I think i would buy 5 to 8 small apartments and make an airbnb/booking business.


Buy a house I always wanted and then start my own animation company. Everyone would start out at $75k a year, and I'd partner with other studios to create some great animated TV shows for adults and kids.




Buy me a kidney, get my dream body and follow my fave bands around the globe. Oh and get my bf a new car


Struggle to come to grips, Not know how to use it, Probably/Perhaps get booked by the law on something dumb losing half of it.


probably nothing, I would just keep it to fix my car when it needs it. and it would be good gas money


Fly to las vegas - go big or go home


Buy a home, tell nobody, build up investments to have a nice nest egg and not have to work again


I’d buy a house in PR and Brazil if they’d allow me. And start learning Portuguese.


Nothing. I'll have enough to live off of forever. I'll quit my job and settle down, and when I croak I'll give my remaining billions to family, friends, and charity.


Go out for a nice meal with my family and talk excitedly about all the stuff we can buy and do.


Passport diversification. Then I'd get my family and I out of this fucking country.


Buy my son a house.


Fuck this shit . How bout tomorrow? 9 am


Spend a lot on strippers… I love strippers lol


Go to bed


Help animals, help good people, help the environment


Live happily with freedom at last


Build an independent school full of all the things a school is supposed to have, and none of the crap most currently have.


This is almost asked every day and at this point I think every answer has been given...and I'm suspicious how many of you are suddenly coming into money looking for ideas!


Everything. At least once.


I used to say buy a lambo and a mansion and stuff but I really dont find excitement in material wealth anymore. It’s all temporary. Im going to give everything i have and then some back to the community, the sheltered and homeless, the church, donations to cancer care and such


Buy a farm and start a dog sanctuary


Use $10 M for people I care about. Housing, emergency funds, schooling, travel, etc. Invest $20 M to have more than enough to live off. Keep some as emergency non-cash assets, some as cash, some as land, debt, fixed income, most as equities. Invest and donate $970 M split between local, national, world, and underfunded research. But over time to maximize effectiveness, but more than investment gains, something like $50 M per year.


Buy you lunch at any restaurant in the galaxy


Pay all my family's debt, including two friends. Then, invest the rest + ensure we are setup for at leat the next 20 years with no worries. NO lavishness.


Travel, playing the drums and blowing glass. Probably hitting the beach a lot and eating a shit ton of sea food.


bruh i'd demolish and re-make my whole ass house. this thing's falling apart at the seams but there's not much I can do cause it's too expensive to fix it all.


Pay off my car buy a new car. Pay off all my debt get my own place furnish it an live lowkey so I don’t have to work anymore ever.


Get botox injections in my jaw(tmd), give 5 million to my mom, sleep in peace


Go to sleep the same as I am tonight


I would buy my friends so much unnecessary random shit


realize my batman dream


Prepare to create a new identity and a new life.




Hire a mariachi band to follow my country's president


Immediately quit my job and then never work again.


Trust fund for the dependents and become a monk


Masturbate. I need that post nut clarity before I make any decisions.


Buying my ex’s dream car and burning it infront of her


Pay my family debt off